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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Updated by Jim Thomas of RSVP BBS FIDO #425 (415) 659-9169 Last Update March
17, 1985. Please send additional info to RSVP BBS...Jim
William Hartnell (1963-1966)
28 Stories / 133 Episodes
1st Season:
A - An Unearthly Child (Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton & Barbara
B - The Daleks Wright)
C - The Edge of Destruction
D - Marco Polo
E - The Keys of Marinus
F - The Aztecs
G - The Sensorites
H - The Reign of Terror
2nd Season
J - Planet of Giants
K - The Dalek Invasion of Earth (Susan leaves)
L - The Rescue (Vicki)
M - The Romans
N - The Web Planet
P - The Crusade
Q - The Space Museum
R - The Chase (Stephen Taylor)(Ian and Barbara leave)
S - The Time Meddler
3rd Season
T - Galaxy Four
T/A- Mission to the Unknown
U - The Myth Makers (Katrina) (Vicki leaves)
V - The Dalek Masterplan (Katrina and Sara both die)
W - The Massacre (Dodo Chaplet)
X - The Ark
Y - The Celestial Toymaker
Z - The Gunfighters
AA - The Savages (Stephen leaves)
BB - The War Machines (Polly and Ben Jackson) (Dodo leaves)
4th Season
CC - The Smugglers
DD - The Tenth Planet
Patrick Troughton (1966-1970)
21 Stories / 119 Episodes
EE - The Power of the Daleks
FF - The Highlanders (Jamie)
GG - The Underwater Menace
HH - The Moonbase
JJ - The Macra Terror
KK - The Faceless Ones (Ben and Polly leave)
LL - The Evil of the Daleks (Victoria Waterfield)
5th Season
MM - The Tomb of the Cybermen
NN - The abominable Snowmen
OO - The Ice Warriors
PP - The Enemy of the World
QQ - The Web of Fear (Brigadier as Col.)
RR - Fury From the Deep (Victoria leaves)
SS - The Wheel in Space(Zoe)
6th Season
TT - The Dominators
UU - The Mind Robber
VV - The Invasion (First Unit Story)
WW - The Krotons
XX - The Seeds ofDeath
YY - The Space Pirates
ZZ - The War Games (Jamie and Zoe leave)
Jon Pertwee(1970-1974)
24 Stories / 128 Episodes
7th Season
AAA- SpearheadFrom Space (Liz Shaw)
BBB- The Silurians
CCC- The Ambsadors of Death
DDD- Inferno (Liz Shaw leaves)
8th Season
EEE- Terror of the Autons (Jo Grant)
FFF- The Mind of Evil
GGG- The Claws of Axos
HHH- Colony in Space
JJJ- The Daemons
9th Season
KKK- Day of the Daleks
LLL- The Curse of Peladon
MMM- The Sea Devils
NNN- The Mutants
OOO- The Time Monster
10th Season
PPP- The Three Dctors (Pertwee, Troughton, & Hartnell)
QQQ- Carnival o Monsters
RRR- Fontier in Space
SSS- Planet of the Daleks
TTT- The Green Death(Jo leaves)
11th Season
UUU- The Time Warrior (Sara Jane Smith)
WWW- Invasion of the Dinosaurs
XXX- Death to the Daleks
YYY- The Monster of Peladon
ZZZ- Planet ofthe Spiders
Tom Baker (1974-1981)
41 Stories / 172 Episodes
12th Season
4A - Robot (Harry Sullivan)
4C - The Ark in Space
4B - The Sontaran experiment
4E - Genesis of the Daleks
4D - Revenge of the Cybermen
13th Season
4F - Terror of the Zygons (Harry Leaves)
4H - Planet of Evil
4G - Pyramids of Mars
4J - The Android Invasion
4K - The Brain of Morbius
4L - The Seeds of Doom
14th Season
4M - The Masque of Mandragora
4N - The Hand of Fear (Sarah leaves)
4P - The Deadly Assassin
4Q - The Face of Evil (Leela of the Sevateem)
4R - The Robot of Death
4S - The Talons of Weng-Chiang
15th Season
4V - Horror of Fang Rock
4T - The Invisible Enemy (K-9)
4X - Image of the Fendahl
4W - The Sunmakers
4Y - Underworld
4Z - The Invasion of Time (Leela & K9 leaves)(K9 Modell II)
16th Season (6 Segments of Key of Time)
5A - The Ribos Operation(Lady Romanadvoratrelundar)
5B - The Pirate Planet
5C - The Stones of Blood
5D - The Androids of Tara
5E - The Power of Kroll
5F - The Armageddon Factor
17th Season
5J - Destiny of the Daleks (Romana regenerates)
5H - City of Death
5G - The Creature From the Pit
5K - Nightmare of Eden
5L - The Horns of Nimon
5M - Shada (Unfinished)
18th Season
The Leisure Hive
5N - Meglos
5Q - Full Circle (Adric)
5R - State of Decay
5P - Warrior's Gate (Roana & K-9 leave)
5S - The Keeper of Traken
5T - Logopolis (Tegan Jovenka & Nyssa of Traken)
Peter Davison (1981-1984)
20 Stories/74 Episodes
19th Season
5V - Castrovalva
5Z - Four to Doomsday
5W - Kinda
5Y - The Visitation
5X - Black Orchid
6A - Earthshock (Adic dies)
6B - Time Flight
20th Season
6C - Arc of Infinity
6E - Snakedance
6D - Mawdryn Undead (Turlough) (Black Guardian Episodes)
6F - Terminus (Nyssa leaves)
6G - Enlightenment
6H - The King's Demons (Kamelion)
21st Season
6J - Th Five Doctors (Davison w/Doctors 1-4 + Companions)
- Warriors from the Deep
- The Awakening
- Frontios
- Ressurection of the Daleks(Tegan leaves)
- Planet of Fire (Turlough leaves)
- The Caves of Androzani (Perpugilliam Brown)
Colin Baker (1984- )
- The Twin Dilemma (Lt Hugo Land)
22nd Season
- Attack of the Cybermen
- Vengeance on Varos
- Mark of Rani
- The Two Doctors (C. Baker & Troughton)
- Time-Lash
- Revelation of the Daleks
23rd Season (delayed for 18 months)