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Excerpted from:
Rectal foreign bodies: Case reports and a comprehensive review of
the world's literature
D.B. Busch, Ph.D., M.D., and J.R. Starling, M.D.
in the journal Surgery, 1986.
The surgical management of two patients presenting with
incarcerated, apparently self-inserted foreign bodies is
reported. The large volume of prior literature on this subject is
reviewed, with a tabluation of 182 previous cases by type and
number of objects recovered and with a discussion of patients'
age distribution, history, complications, and prognosis.
Management problems addressed include history, differential
diagnosiss of reported pruitis ani, and handling of suspected
Case 1.
A 39-year-old married white male lawyer presented with a
self-inserted perfume bottle in his rectum that he was unable to
remove using various objects, including a back scratcher. He had
inserted this bottle on previous occasions. Edema of the rectum
and sigmoid colon precluded the successful manual removal of the
object in the emergency room. ... The 3 by 17 cm object, "Impulse
Body Spray," was removed manually after a spinal anesthetic.
Table I. Previously reported recovered foreign bodies
Glass or ceramic
Bottle or jar 31
Bottle with attached rope 1
Glass or cup 12
Light bulb 7
Tube 6
Total 57
Apple 1
Banana 2
Carrot 4
Cucumber 3
Onion 2
Parsnip 1
Plantain (with condom) 1
Potato 1
Salami 1
Turnip 1
Zucchini 2
Total 19
Ax handle 1
Stick or broom handle 10
Miscellaneous or unspecified 3
Total 14
Sexual device
Vibrator 23
Dildo 15
Total 38
Kitchen device
Dull knife* 1
Ice pick 1
Knife sharpener 1
Mortar pestle 2
Spatula (plastic) 1
Spoon 1
Tin cup 1
Total 8
Miscellaneous tools
Candle 1
Flashlight 2
Iron rod 1
Pen 2
Rubber tube 1
Screwdriver 1
Toothbrush 1
Wire spring 1
Total 10
Inflated device
Balloon 1
Balloon attached to cylinder 1
Condom 1
Total 3
Baseball 2
Tennis ball 1
Total 3
Miscellaneous containers
Baby powder can 1
Candle box 1
Snuff box 1
Total 3
Bottle cap** 1
Cattle horn 3
Frozen pig's tail 1
"Kangaroo tumor"*** 1
Plastic rod 1
Stone 2
Toothbrush holder 1
Toothbrush package 1
Whip handle 2
Total 13
Grand total 168 cases
Collections (one case of each)
2 Glass tubes
72 1/2 Jeweler's saw****
Oil can with potato stopper
Piece of wood, peanut**
Umbrella handle and enema tubing
2 Glasses
Phosohorous matchends (homicide)
402 Stones
2 Bars soap
Beer glass and preserving pot
Lemon and cold cream jar
2 Apples
Spectacles, suitcase key, tobacco pouch, and magazine
Total 14 collection, with approximately 500 objects
* Patient complained of "knife-like pain"
** Cannot exclude ingestion
*** Unique case of pedunculated perianal skin tumor habitually
inserted into rectum
**** Multiple episodes of perirectal self-insertion
***** Inside a convict; contained saws and other items usable in
escape attempts