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Written in
10 columns
by Cloaked
Warrior on
August 16,
=: 1986 :=
Neat isn't
it? This
text file
will be a
good one,
The Art of
Sex, what
is it?
Well it's
a file on
how to get
sex the
fun & easy
W a y ....
Ha! Tricked ya...from here on this will be written in 80 columns...
(I was getting tired of writing it in 10 columns anyway...) Well here we go.
To have sex with a girl (I assume the readers of this file are men, boys, and
lesbians) the EASIEST way is to go to a local cemetary. First, you have to
prepare yourself. Just bring along with you a pocket sized flashlight, a
shovel, and (this is optional) a friend who will help you carry the coffin.
Then you (and a friend) just dress in black and I think you should also wear a
black hood or mask (use your brother's or a friend's Ninja suit). Wait till
your parents are asleep (or out of town) and quietly leave your house at about
midnight and walk (with a friend if you want) to the cemetary and find the one
you want and dig her up and take her and her coffin home (ask a friend to help
you if it's too heavy). Then the next step is the easiest. Just have some fun
with her for a while and throw her back in the grave. Oh, and besure you give
her a bath and put her in the freezer and also (when you go diggin' for
corpses) besure that her death is recent, 'cause I don't think anyone wants
fuck a decapitated or nearly decomposed mother fucker (unless they're insane!).
What? No local cemetaries near yer home? No problem! An easy way to get sex
is to just rape the girl! If you live near a bar, you can just hang around
there till around 2:00 AM and wait for some chic to walk out alone and follow
her and grab her and tie her up and blind fold her. Then you can strip her
when you get home and fuck her (just keep her blindfolded and tied up). When
your all done just throw her near the place you kidnapped her (at night) when
there's no one around! Then, there is always a better way! Cut class and go
to some other school (to one where no one knows ya) and dress like everyone
else and secretly make your way towards the girls PE locker room and wait till
class is over (that's when they're all takin' showers). But remember to keep
yourself hidden. Go in the locker room before anyone does and hide. If the
door is locked, pick it. And if some asswipe (teacher or student) gets in your
way, use your Karate and beat the shit out of him. If you don't know any
martial arts, go and take it, it's worth it (you can get chics this way
easily). As they're all takin' a shower, sneak to the door you came from and
lock it then knock out all the teachers and girls you want. Then you can take
them one by one. You can fuck them and leave or you can fuck them and take one
of them home! Just dry her off and dress her quickly. If you want, you can
take a camera with you and start taking pictures. But do all this within 5
minutes or your in deep shit! Blind fold the chic (the one whom you are taking
home) and tie her arms together and take her to the nearest hiding place (like
a bunch of bushes or in the boys' bathroom, lock the door though). Plan
carefully before going on these trips. Make out a map and locate your hiding
places and check to see where everyone is at a certain time and also check out
the area to see when the area is clear. Another way of getting the girl to
have sex with you, is to ride around at night (on your bike) and to look
through windows and check to see if their folks are home. This technique is
like being a peeping Tom, but instead of just watchin' her, you have to make a
move! Ring the door bell and when she answers (be sure to wear make up and
color your face so that you can't be described by her to the cops) grab her and
go into her house and close and lock her door. Then you tie her up and blind
fold her. Knock her out and look for some liquor or drugs or you can bring
your own. Give her some after she recovers from the knock out. Then ya strip
her and play with her a bit and take pictures of her and if you are that horny,
you can jam a stick up her ass or cover her body with oil or soap or powder.
Then you can shave off the hair around her cunt and treat her like a slave.
After a while, you should just wash her off and dress her in sexy clothes and
tuck her in bed and leave (be sure that when handling everything, besides her
body, you must have gloves on, in case they find your fingerprints).
Another way would be to set her up. Look for a girl that you really like at
school and get a friend to take attempt to take advantage of her as you come to
the rescue, to save her and to beat the shit out of the rapist (a friend).
After saving her, she will thank you for it and then you can get to know her a
bit and finally start out easy with her and end up taking her to bed with you.
This is a rather hard way to get sex, but once you get the girl to like you,
you have it made (sex everyday!).
What you should do
Raping Technique: If you are using this technique, you can do ANYTHING to the
girl! Which means that you can have her body to yourself!
Corpse Technique: If you use this one you can do EVERYTHING. You can grind
her up (that is if you are insane). Gross but fun.
Persuasive Technique: It is seldom that one is successful when they use this
technique. You must start out by just fondling (arms
and legs only) then slowly continue, until you are able
to touch her tits without her screaming at you or until
she allows you manipulate her in any way...this one will
take alot of practice! Good luck.
+/The Art Of Sex/+
Written & typed by
Cloaked Warrior on
August 16, 1986...
3:15 PM (pacific)
"It is finally completed. You may wish to read files like 'How to be a
successful peeping Tom' or 'How to fuck the Dead'. They give much more details
on how it can be done so...chow Nymphs and wait for more sex files that will be
out this fall at an AE near you!"
-Cloaked Warrior