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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
by deirdre
You can imagine my surprise when my wife, Amy, told me after we
saw an erotic movie together, that she found the idea of swinging
"interesting"? Though I must admit that I sometimes find women
besides Amy attractive, I certainly wasn't planning anything. But I
was definitely turned on by Amy's interest in illicit sex, and was
soon contemplating the possibilities.
Things got a little more interesting when we went to a party for
Amy's coworkers. It was early summer and it was at the home of
one of her coworkers who had a pool. I certainly enjoyed the sight of
the women who work in Amy's office, but one struck me in
particular: she was tall, thin though not too skinny, dark brown
shoulder-length hair, the look of a world-class model, including an
air about her that said she was in control. She was wearing a rather
skimpy one-piece that definitely emphasized her best features. I
asked Amy who she was and Amy told me she was Charlotte who was
a secretary in one of the other offices. That placed her below Amy
in the pecking order, which was a relief because I might have
guessed that she was high up in the company. But things got more
interesting when I noticed Amy watching me, and she asked me what
I thought of Charlotte. I told her Charlotte was damned attractive
and Amy said she had to admit that Charlotte was about as sexy a
woman as she had ever seen, and pointed out that Charlotte's
husband, Jay, was a good-looking guy too. I looked over at Jay and
could see right away that Amy could find him attractive: he was big
and tall and obviously worked out--all muscle and not an ounce of
fat. They looked like a couple of the beautiful people in their prime.
Well, Amy took me over and introduced me to Charlotte and Jay and
we ended up talking and hanging out together for the rest of the
party. It would be natural to say that we immediately hit it off, but
I spent a lot of time trying to talk to Jay and we seemed to be able
to discuss sports for a short while, but really had very little in
common. But it was pleasant enough watching Charlotte and
enjoying the beautiful summer weather.
Afterwards, Amy asked me what I thought of the idea of swinging
with Jay and Charlotte. It was obvious she knew I'd go for Charlotte.
She seemed to be sounding me out on the idea of her getting it on
with Jay. It did bother me a little, but Charlotte's sex appeal, and
the fun of having a wife "into" sex-games easily overcame my
reservations. Amy said that she had had the idea all along that
Charlotte and Jay were rather "free", sexually speaking, and she
suggested inviting them over for dinner. Not aiming for anything the
same night: just to see how things go and lay the groundwork for the
future. So she invited them over. Amy and I dressed up to be our
sexiest and it was strange having Amy being insistent about what I
wear to make the best impression on Charlotte. Charlotte showed up
in a little white dress, classy and sexy, that made Amy look like a
schoolgirl. I could tell that Jay was dressed just right to pique
Amy's interest. Once again, I really didn't have that much to talk
about with Jay and we sort of manufactured conversation about
sports and cars. Charlotte's conversation really wasn't any more
interesting, but the way she talked and looked around at us all drove
me crazy! Afterwards, Amy was as ready as ever to get together
with them, but we both knew we were too chicken to bring up the
subject with them.
Well, they did invite us over their house for dinner to return the
favor, so we still maintained hope that something might develop.
Well, it developed much sooner than we anticipated: before dinner
and after a couple of pre-dinner drinks, Jay announced that they had
the idea that we were interested in swinging. Suddenly I couldn't
breath--it was too soon, too sudden. I looked at Amy and she looked
at me and we realized that this is what we had been shooting for so
we had best plunge right in when we had the chance. "Well, it sounds
interesting to us" I said, trying to remain cool. Jay said that they
would go along with it, but under two conditions: that Amy and I
strip first, and that we go along with whatever they tell us to do.
Jay was standing, leaning against the mantle, and Charlotte was
leaning against him with his arm around her. His arm was around her
back with his hand on her hip and he patted it a couple of times. I
looked at Charlotte's hip. Again Amy and I looked at each other, this
time confused. I wasn't sure if she would go along with that idea
and wasn't sure I wanted to either. We ended up trying to talk to
each other with our eyes and faces, and I suspect we were each
trying to avoid making the decision ourself, but once again, we ended
up agreeing to try it. "OK" I said.
"OK" said Jay, "Let's see you two take off your clothes". Charlotte
walked over to me and started unbuttoning my shirt. She had this
little smirk on her face that I wanted to wipe off by shoving my cock
right into her. I glanced over at Amy: she was looking at Jay as if
she were hypnotized, and with a glance at me to confirm that I was
actually getting undressed, she started taking off her clothes.
Charlotte only had to get my shirt half-way unbuttoned and I took
over the job of undressing myself, and soon there were Amy and I,
naked as the day we were born, standing there in front of Jay and
Charlotte, still dressed to kill. Charlotte finally took my hand and
led me to a small table and told me to lie down with my stomach on
it. I gave her a funny look. Then Jay remined us of our promise and
Charlotte put her hand on my ass, just holding one cheek. I layed
down as requested. It was a rather embarrassing position, with my
body on the table, my head an arms hanging off one end, and my legs
and ass hanging off the other. She massaged my rear, but Jay and
Amy just watched. I looked back at her as best I could. She finally
took a small dildo, covered it with lubricant, and started pushing it
into my ass! My cock had gotten hard, and if embarrassed, I must
admit that I was still finding some excitement in the situation!
Then Jay came over, knelt down beside my head, and quick as a flash,
I discovered Charlotte and Jay had clicked handcuffs on all four of
my limbs, tying me to the table! I was opening my mouth to protest
when Jay inserted a ball gag in my mouth and attached it with a
strap around my head! Then Jay went around behind me and began
working the dildo! Charlotte walked over by Amy and whispered
something to her. I couldn't see Jay very well, but I could see Amy
and Charlotte. Amy looked amused! I couldn't believe she would see
humor in my complete humiliation! Jay pulled the dildo out and I
realized that he was unzipping his pants! I looked over to the girls
and once again, Amy looked like it was all a good joke! Charlotte,
who was still dressed, had her arm around Amy with her had resting
on Amy's hip just like Jay's had been on her own hip before. Then I
felt Jay touching my asshole! "Should I? " I heard him say, and I
couldn't believe it as I watched Amy give her head a nervous little
shake of "yes"! She was still smiling! Jay plunged his cock right
into me and I thought I would die! I was still watching the girls and
Charlotte had lifted her hand to finger Amy's nipple, and Amy, who
was staring right at Jay looked like she was getting excited! Jay
fucked me hard, and Amy's excitement seemed to increase! Charlotte
pulled Amy's head around and kissed her on the mouth and Amy
looked like she would lose her balance from faintness. Then
Charlotte led her out of the room. Jay just finished up in my rear,
undid my arms and legs, cuffing my hands together (he was strong
and there was no overpowering him) and walked me into a bedroom.
Amy and Charlotte weren't there. He managed to tie me face down,
spread-eagled on the bed, and proceeded to finger my asshole again,
pushing his finger in with lubricant. He also slapped my ass now and
then, and he had a hard slap and it really stung. Finally, he got on top
of me and impaled me again, holding his cock in my ass for a full 15
minutes before squirting his cum into me. I could hardly believe this
was happening to me.
After a rest, he untied me and stood me up. He was as naked as I
was. I didn't run--I was exhausted and there seemed no point in it
anymore. He took me out in the hall and led me to a door to another
bedroom where I looked in and saw Amy and Charlotte. Charlotte
was still dressed and Amy was tied spread-eagled on the bed, face
down, just like I had been. Charlotte never looked at us and I'm sure
Amy didn't know we were there. Charlotte untied Amy and told her
to kneel on the bed. Amy got up, standing on her knees and put her
hands on top of her head, facing away from us the whole time. Then
Amy said, without any prompting from Charlotte at all "Please whip
me, Charlotte". Charlotte had a little leather belt, and she let Amy
have it right on the ass. Amy jerked, and made a little squeak but
didn't scream. Then she said "Please whip me again, Charlotte".
There was desperation in her voice. Charlotte did it again. And Amy
continued asking the same thing, again and again, and her voice grew
hoarser and it was easy to see she was getting really excited. I was
still standing in the doorway and Jay was standing behind me, but he
had reached around me and held my cock and was stroking it as I
watched Charlotte and Amy. I was growing hard before I even
realized this was happening. Finally, after fifteen or twenty whips,
Charlotte said "That's Enough!" Amy knelt there quietly in the same
position for a little while, then finally said "Please let me lick you,
"OK, lie on your back, you little slut" said Charlotte, and once again,
Amy managed to change positions in such a way that she never got a
chance to look my way. Once she was on her back, staring at the
ceiling, Charlotte knelt over her so Amy's face was inside the skirt
of her dress. Amy immediately put her hands on Charlotte's ass and
obviously pushed her face tightly into Charlotte's pussy. I'd never
seen Amy so driven. Charlotte was quiet for just a little while, then
was making "mm" sounds, and soon was breathing hard and moaning.
And I realized that Jay was pushing his cock into my ass again as I
stood there! I was rock hard and about to come and Jay was still
stroking me! Charlotte and Jay and I all came at the same time, then
I collapsed against the door frame, holding myself up. Finally, Jay
led me away, took my clothes and me and pushed me out the back
door. There I stood, and in a second, Amy was there with me too,
both of us locked out, getting dressed as fast as we could. We drove
home without a word, went to bed, snuggled, but were fucking our
brains out within five minutes.
The next morning, Amy said she thought maybe we could find a
couple who were more compatible with us than Charlotte and Jay. I
was amazed she wasn't turned off by the whole idea of swinging!
But I was thankful to hear that she wasn't--I was satisfied that it
would be highly unlikely that the next couple that we tried it with
had ideas like Charlotte and Jay! I was curious about how Amy and
Charlotte would treat each other at work. I asked Amy after the
work-week had started, and she told me that Charlotte had told her
in no uncertain terms that Amy and I should wait for them in our
own house the following Friday! According to Charlotte, we were to
unlock the front door, strip, and be standing at attention with our
hands on top of our heads, facing away from the front door at 10PM
exactly! And Charlotte said they were bringing friends! Both of us
could hardly believe they thought we'd still be interested. Amy and I
have deliberately planned to go to a movie on Friday that would have
us out of the house at 10PM. But somehow, I know we're going to
find an excuse to walk out of the movie, get home before 10, . . .