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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Susy Morris awoke for the second time that Saturday morning
to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom across the
hall. Her younger brother Bobby was apparently up and around.
Their bedrooms were right next to each other on the second floor
of the two-story house their parents owned. Susy and her brother
shared the same upstairs bathroom.
Susy smiled to herself, thinking that she had the whole
weekend ahead of her, and not a schoolbook or a teacher in sight.
Nothing in the world to do but enjoy herself in the delightful
new way she'd found. If she were lucky, her parents would take
her little brother off shopping or something this morning, and
Susy would be able to while away the entire day playing with her
sweet young body. If not, she'd have to slip away to the woods
behind their house, or maybe to the corn field beyond, and spend
the morning orgasming under the bright blue sky.
She stretched her lithe young body from head to toe and
yawned hugely. As she lay relaxing in her warm, cozy bed, she
noticed with surprise that she was feeling those delightful
little tingles again down there between her thighs.
Susy shook her cute blonde head and laughed. "I'm just
horny all the time these days!" And to think that up until a
very few days ago she hadn't even known what the word "horny"
It had all started at the pajama party at her friend Cathy
Jorden's house the weekend before. A very select group of
Cathy's young friends had been invited, and Susy had felt honored
to have been among them.
Cathy Jorden had a reputation of being one of the most
"grown up" girls at Susy's high school. Cathy was an independent
type of girl, and it was to her that all the other girls in
school came for advice. And it was a well-known fact that Cathy
was also the most popular with the boys. Most of the girls Susy
knew at school were even a little afraid of boys, with their
rough language and rough and tumble games . . . but not Cathy.
So when Cathy Jorden had announced her plans for a pajama
party on that Saturday night two weeks ago, each of the four
girls who had been invited had accepted eagerly.
And at this particular pajama party, Cathy promised, there
would be an extra special treat. What it was, exactly, she
wouldn't say. But she did mention, with a little smile, that
both her parents would be away for the night visiting her older
brother who was away at college, so the girls would have the
whole big house all to themselves.
The warm little tingles between Susy's legs grew stronger as
she reflected back on the night of that party and the events that
had taken place there. She sighed deeply as she once again
slipped her hand down to stroke the fine hair above her warm, wet
little pussy. She slid one finger gently between her soft
cuntlips and, in her mind, went back to that fateful night. A
night that had changed her young life forever.
Susy's mother had dropped her off at Cathy's house that
Saturday night promptly at seven. With her sleeping bag under
one arm, and her overnight bag over her shoulder, Susy approached
the front door and rang the bell.
Cathy came to the door almost immediately. She was dressed
in a soft pink bathrobe and matching fuzzy slippers.
"Hi, Suze! Come on in!" she cried. "Just drop your stuff
downstairs in the den. Lucy and Joanne are already here. The
beer's in the fridge, so help yourself!"
"Beer? Your parents let you have beer?" Susy asked in awe.
"The Parents are not here, remember? Besides," Cathy
laughed, "what parents don't know can't hurt you, right?"
Susy found her way downstairs to the Jorden's cozy den and
saw that her friends, Lucy and Joanne, had already rolled out
their sleeping bags and were sitting on them, sipping beer by the
light of the crackling fire in the large brick fireplace.
"Hi, Susy!" the two girls called to the new arrival.
"Isn't this great?" Lucy said. "My parents would absolutely
die if they knew I was drinking beer!"
"What's wrong having a few beers with a friend?" Joanne
"Who knows!" shrugged Lucy. "Ask my parents! They're so
boring! And they never let me do anything that's in the least
bit fun!"
"Well, there are no parents here to bother us tonight,"
Cathy said, coming downstairs to join them. "So it doesn't matter
what they would think."
Cathy had a cold can of beer in each hand, and she gave one
to Susy before sitting down on her own sleeping bag by the
crackling fire.
It was very warm and comfortable in the room. The thick
carpeting made a perfect bed for the girls' sleeping bags, and
the lack of windows in the basement room made the girls feel safe
and isolated from the outside world. The fire provided the only
light they needed, and they each felt the warm glow of their
close friendship.
The girls giggled together for a while about familiar things
like school and their teachers and their favorite rock stars.
Eventually, it was Joanne who asked, timidly "So what's this
mysterious surprise you've been hinting about all week, Cathy?"
"Yeah!" seconded Lucy, who'd also been wondering. "What's
the big secret?"
"You'll find out soon enough," Cathy said, smiling. "We're
not all here yet. Let's wait for Mary."
The three young guests tried again and again to wheedle the
information out of their host, but Cathy wouldn't be budged.
Finally, Mary arrived.
"Sorry, gang!" Mary exclaimed breathlessly. "My mother
couldn't get her damned old car started! It's such a pile of
shit! Did I miss anything?"
"No!" the other quests chorused. And they all looked
expectantly at their host. Now they were all present and
accounted for. So what was the big surprise they'd been
After she had quieted down the chattering girls, Cathy
leaned forward with a mischievous smile. "Okay," she said, "How
many of you have actually seen a boy . . . naked?"
There was a stunned silence in the room.
Cathy might as well have asked if any of the girls present
had ever actually been to the moon! The girls were speechless.
"Well," said Cathy, "Now's your chance!"
Cathy jumped up from her sleeping bag and crossed the room
to a big, heavy oaken chest that rested over against a far wall.
Cathy's parents used the chest mostly to store old papers and
their children's old baby clothes. Cathy knelt down beside the
chest and raised the heavy lid. She sorted through it's contents
for a moment. Then, having found what she was searching for, she
re-closed the chest and returned to her friends waiting perplexed
by the fire.
Susy and the other girls now saw that what Cathy had taken
from the chest was an armload of what looked like magazines.
"Magazines?" asked Susy.
"Very special magazines," corrected Cathy. "My big brother
brought them to me on one of his visits home from college. I
think you'll find them interesting."
With that, Cathy let the whole stack of magazines drop
suddenly onto the deep pile rug on which the girls had camped.
For a moment, no one moved. Then, at last, it was Mary who
reached forward and pulled one of the magazines toward her.
"Oh, my gosh!" she exclaimed. "Look at this!"
Mary turned the magazine around so the others could see the
cover. Susy gasped as she read the magazine's title: JUICY
All of the young girls were shocked! But what really caught
their little eyes was the picture on the magazine's cover. It
was the a full color picture of the biggest cock any of them had
ever seen! Not that they had actually seen that many, and Susy
had only seen one in her dreams. But this one was huge! And
just like the magazine's title suggested, this prick was cumming!
It was cumming, in fact, all over the place! A great big spurt
of milky white cum was shooting out of the little hole in the
prick's red, swollen tip! Even more cum was running down it's
long, hard shaft!
Young Susy swallowed hard, and with trembling hands she
reached into the remaining stack of magazines, choosing one at
random. This one had pictures of things she'd seen plenty of
times, but only in the privacy of her own bedroom, or in the
girls' shower room at school. In fact, many of the past few
nights Susy had spent time in front of her bedroom mirror,
examining her own rapidly developing young body, wondering at the
strange new changes it was going through.
The magazine Susy now held was titled: HOT CUNT! and it was
filled with pictures of girls. Particularly pictures of girls'
pussies. Susy recognized the similarities between the girls in
the pictures before her and what she had seen in her own mirror.
But there were a few differences. The pussies in the magazine
looked all hot and red. And they looked really wet! Some of
them were positively dripping!
Susy knew that sometimes lately when she was thinking about
boys in her class, or her favorite movie actors, she'd get a
little damp between her legs, but she'd never known that other
girls had the same problem. Susy now looked around at her
friends and wondered if they ever experienced that mysterious
Now each of the curious teenagers had a magazine to herself
and was flipping slowly through the pages with astonished stares.
Only Cathy, their host, sat apart and watched the proceedings.
She smiled to herself as she quietly sipped her beer.
For a while the silence remained unbroken except for an
occasional startled gasp or an embarrassed giggle, as one of the
girls turned a page and a new, more exciting picture was
Susy turned over the last page of the magazine she'd been
looking through and reached over to exchange it for another in
the stack. This new one showed a beautiful woman lying on her
back with her long legs spread wide. She had something in her
hand. It looked like a plastic version of the guy's cock she'd
seen on the cover of that first magazine. The woman in the photo
was holding the strange object down between her legs. She seemed
to be pressing against her wet, dripping pussy. It looked like
she was enjoying it, too! Susy flipped through a few more pages
showing the same woman in various poses, as she appeared to rub
herself with the plastic cock. There was even a close-up shot of
the woman's cunt with the thing right up inside of it!
"It's called a dildo, Susy," a voice said from behind her.
Startled, Susy looked around. It was Cathy. She had moved
quietly behind her friend, and had been looking over Susy's
shoulder for the past few minutes.
"A dildo." Cathy repeated. "Women use them when they don't
have any men around to have sex with. They even make some kinds
that vibrate. They can make a girl feel real dreamy!"
"How would you know?" Mary asked from across the room.
"I know . . . because I've got one," Cathy said with a
smile. "I use it all the time."
The other girls stared in disbelief.
"Prove it!" said Mary.
"Yeah, that's right, prove it!" echoed Mary.
"I intend to!" sang Cathy.
Cathy gave the girls a small curtsy, turned, and scampered
upstairs to her bedroom. In a minute she came bouncing back down
into the den and sat down again in the half-circle of friends
before the fireplace. She was holding a long, cream-colored
plastic device just like the one Susy had seen the woman in the
magazine using, except that this one seemed to be just a little
bit smaller; it wasn't as big around, but it seemed every bit as
As soon as young Susy laid her eyes on the thing, she felt
her little heart begin to flutter. Cathy caught Susy's intense
stare and said, "Here!", tossing the dildo into Susy's lap. Susy
gasped as she caught it with both hands. Cautiously, she
examined it. It was smooth, cool and hard; as hard as she'd
heard a boy's cock was supposed to be when you got him all
The object came to a rounded point at one end and was flat
on the other. Susy saw that on the flat end there was what
appeared to be a small switch, like the one on the little
night-light in her bedroom at home.
"Go ahead, turn it on!" Cathy urged. "It doesn't bite!
Unless you want it to, that is," she added, mischievously.
Cautiously, Susy slid the little switch into the "on"
position. Suddenly, the plastic cock jumped into life!
Susy let out a surprised squeal. It seemed as if the thing
were trying to get away from her, and she actually did come close
to dropping it. The plastic prick buzzed loudly as she held on
to it with both hands. Susy was at a loss as to what to do next.
"Well, pass it on around!" Cathy chided. "Let everyone else
have a look! Or would you rather keep all to yourself?" she
Susy quickly passed the vibrating dildo on to Joanne, and so
on around the wondering circle of friends.
"Where did you get it?" Mary asked.
"My brother bought it for me," Cathy replied.
"You must have the coolest brother in the world!" Mary
"He's cool, all right!" Cathy laughed. "He's always known
how to take good care of his sweet little sister."
"But, do you really use that thing?" Lucy asked.
"Sure!" said Cathy. "You girls think that just because I
have a lot of guys around all the time I don't like to have a
little fun playing with myself now and then?"
Susy and the rest of the girls laughed nervously as they
exchanges embarrassed glances.
"Now don't try and tell me you girls don't do the same
thing!" Cathy laughed. "I bet when bedtime comes every one of
you spends a little time squirmin' on your fingers . . . or
squeezing your pillow up between your legs."
Susy's pretty young face turned as red as a beet at this
last remark. Although she had heard about masturbation; "playing
with yourself", as the girls called it in school; Susy had never
actually tried it for herself. In fact, she wasn't all that sure
exactly how it was done. Besides, playing with oneself was
wrong, or so her mother had once told her when Susy was small and
had been caught exploring herself "down there."
Susy became aware that Joanne and Lucy had been whispering
together for the past few seconds. The two now began nudging
each other until finally Lucy asked shyly, "How does it feel? I
mean," she blushed, "is it better than using your finger?"
Cathy laughed. "There's no comparison, honey! Really,
there's nothing like it in the world. Except, of course, a real
live boy!"
The girls all laughed.
Cathy took another sip of her beer and gave the other girls
a long look. Then she asked quietly, "You guys wanna' see?"
Susy and the rest of the girls were shocked! It was true,
each and every one of the young girls, with the single exception
of Susy, had played with themselves quite often in one way or
another, but none of them would ever have considered doing
something so private in front of someone else! In fact, they
each spent most of their waking hours trying to find private time
alone for their secret diddling sessions.
"Well, here's nothing wrong with petting your pussy, is
there?" Cathy asked.
The other girls all slowly shook their little heads.
"Okay, then!"
With that, Cathy stood up and slipped off the long fuzzy
pink robe she'd been wearing.
Her friends gasped in surprise! Cathy was absolutely naked
Once she'd removed her robe, Cathy settled herself down once
again onto her sleeping bag. She looked around at her little
audience of four and smiled.
"Watch and learn," she said softly, and lay back, her head
nestled on a pillow, and her smooth legs spread slightly apart.
As Susy and the other girls watched, Cathy picked up the
plastic vibrator and began rubbing it between the palms of her
"It's a little cold right now," she explained, "but it won't
be for long."
Four sets of bright young eyes watched fixedly as Cathy
fondled and stroked the smooth plastic prick knowingly with both
She's done that before . . . with boys, Susy thought to
herself. It's like she's holding a real cock.
As if echoing Susy's private thoughts, Cathy suddenly
brought the plastic cock up to her lips and began to lick and
suck at it.
"This'll make any kind of cock warm," Cathy mumbled around
the hard plastic shaft. "And now that he's ready, let's get me
With that, Cathy reached one trim little hand down to the
fuzzy mound between her legs, while she continued to work the
vibrator in and out of her hot young mouth.
Susy and her friends leaned forward intently as Cathy's
fingers began to probe her curl-fringed pussy lips. Cathy was
obviously very excited already; the girls could plainly see that
her cunt lips were quite swollen, and the angry red mouth of her
little hole already glistened wetly in the firelight.
"Uhhhhhhmmmmmmm," Cathy moaned softly as her fingers lightly
stroked and massaged her little cunt mound.
Cathy let out a small gasp as her thumb accidently brushed
against her stiffening little clit. Then, separating the
delicate, wet lips of her cunt, she slowly began to slide one
middle finger into her pussy, itself.
"Mmmmmmmmmnnnnnn!" she whimpered as her finger disappeared
ever so slowly into her tight young cunt. A visible ripple of
pleasure seemed to tremble along both of Cathy's inner thighs,
and Susy caught the fresh, sweet scent of hot girl that wafted up
from between them.
Susy looked uncomfortably around at her young friends and
saw that they were all deeply entranced by the obscene
performance they were witnessing. She noticed also that Mary,
who had been sitting with a pillow bunched up in her lap, was now
unconsciously pressing it between her crossed legs with both
And Susy saw that Lucy, being a lot more obvious in her
excitement, had slipped a hand into the folds of her robe as she
sat Indian-style on her sleeping bag.Susy looked again at her
friend, Mary, and saw that beneath her robe, Mary's little hand
appeared to be moving in her lap. She saw Mary shiver slightly
as she, too, focused her gaze on Cathy's slowly disappearing
At the far end of the semi-circle, little Joanne sat chewing
her fingernails as she, too, watched Cathy's shameless display.
She gently rocked back and forth on her own sleeping bag, as if
silently urging Cathy on in her efforts. And whenever Cathy let
out a gasp or a whimper of delight, Joanne winced slightly in
Susy, herself, was not totally immune to the effects of
Cathy's erotic display. Although she refrained from actually
touching herself as some of the others were doing, she could feel
herself giving way to a strange sensation inside. Her little
nipples felt as tight and hand as small pebbles, and there was a
strange and almost intolerable itch between her legs that she
couldn't seem to quell. Susy could also feel that her thin
pajama panties were beginning to cling wetly to lips of her young
Susy watched intently as her friend, Cathy, stroked her
middle finger slowly and sensuously in and out of her sweet, wet
pussy, all the while continuing to suck and lick on her plastic
cock. Cathy moaned and gurgled around the plastic mouthful as if
it were a popsicle in her favorite flavor.
I wonder what a real boy's cock tastes like, Susy thought.
She licked her own lips at the idea, and then looked nervously
around to see if anyone had seen her do it. She needn't have
worried. The other girls were too caught up in what they were
witnessing to notice anything else going on around them.
Cathy moaned suddenly then, with suddenly increased volume.
She pulled her wet little finger out of her now dripping snatch,
and withdrew the vibrator from her hot mouth, with twin slurping
"Oh, I can't wait any longer!" Cathy cried. "I've just got
to have a good cum!"
Susy watched, along with the rest of the girls, as their
aroused young friend moved the cream colored vibrator down to her
dripping hot cunt.
She's really going to do it! Susy thought. She's actually
going to touch herself with that . . . thing!
It looked so huge to Susy! The thought of having that big
plastic prick up inside her own tiny cunt both frightened and
excited her. And how would it feel? Oh, how would it feel?
Well, if her friend Cathy's reactions were any indication,
it didn't feel bad at all!
At this point Cathy didn't waste any more time teasing
herself with her finger. Before Susy knew it, Cathy had the
smooth pointed end of the big plastic dick pressed firmly against
the ready doorway of her cunt. It seemed to Susy that the lips
of Cathy's hotly aroused young pussy were opening wide, and even
trying to grab at the rounded tip as it paused momentarily just
outside their reach.
Then, as the four watching girls held their breath, young
Cathy seemed to brace herself, as if against a coming storm, and
with what was almost a cry of anguish, plunged the huge plastic
cock deep into her young belly.
Susy shuddered as she watched the reactions of her friend
lying before her. Cathy seemed to go totally insane! What had
started out as a calmly controlled demonstration had suddenly
gotten out of hand!
Cathy appeared to have entirely forgotten that Susy and the
others were even in the room. As they all watched in shocked
silence, Cathy clutched the plastic rod with both hands and began
to savagely plunge it in and out of her ravaged young cunt. Each
thrust of the artificial cock was met with a violent up-thrust of
Cathy's hips, and a gasping, high-pitched cry from deep in her
throat. She threw her tousled head from side to side as her
movements became faster and even more violent.
Susy watched in amazement as the sleeping bag beneath
Cathy's squirming young ass became soaked with the hot sweet
juices the girl was forcing from herself. Susy was unconscious
of the fact that her own sleeping bag was becoming nearly as wet
beneath her own little cunt. For now, all that commanded her
attention was what Cathy was doing to herself in front of Susy
and everyone else.
Suddenly, Cathy stopped the plunging motion of her hands
with the vibrator and became momentarily still. She seemed to
become very rigid as she lay beneath the gaze of the four pairs
of eyes that watched her. The girls watched as Cathy stretched
out one wet, trembling finger to the little switch at the
vibrator's base, and pushed it from the "off" to the "one"
The vibrator instantly jumped to life as it had done earlier
in Susy's hand. For a moment, it seemed as if it might escape
the prison of Cathy's slippery cunt, but Cathy grabbed it just in
time, and guided it back deep into herself and held it there
tightly with both hands.
Cathy's body stiffened, her mouth opened wide, her dark eyes
rolled slowly back into her head. She seemed to hang, quivering,
on the edge of some deep chasm, struggling with all her might not
to fall, knowing that it would mean certain death. Then, with a
highly pitched wail that seemed to come from far down inside her
toes, Cathy arched her trim young back up off her now sopping wet
sleeping bag, and with one final piercing scream of joy, she
plunged the plastic dildo savagely deep into her cunt one last
Four times Cathy arched herself off the sleeping bag, and
then fell back again, each time with that same scream of utter
Finally, she lay quiet.
A small whimper caused Susy to look to her right. It was
Mary. Still gazing fixedly at Cathy's now still figure, Mary
grabbed the pillow she had been clutching between her thighs and
cast it away. Both her hands went frantically to the now exposed
front of her cute, frilly babydoll pajama panties and began to
"Oh! Cathy! She . . . Oh! I can't . . . I have to!
Ohhhhhhhhh!!!" she cried. Then Mary's entire young body began to
buck and jerk! And with every jerk of her body came a primitive
cry, something between a grunt and a growl!
"Huhn! Huhn!! HUHHNN!!!" she cried.
With the last jerk and cry, Mary rocked over and back onto
her sleeping bag, and at last lay still and quiet. Susy saw that
in her friend's desperate frenzy she had badly torn her delicate
little panties; Mary's cute, nearly hairless little pussy now lay
totally revealed.
Suddenly, Mary's stiff, sweaty young body shuddered once
more, quiet violently, and to Susy's astonishment, Mary's little
slit erupted in a thin, but powerful, little stream of girl-piss!
Mary, herself, didn't seem to notice. She had apparently
passed out from the force of her intense cum.
There was a moment of silence within the room.
Mary and Cathy both lay motionless on their soggy sleeping
Susy now looked to her other two friends and saw that they
were both still involved in petting their own pussies!
Little Joanne had her eyes tightly closed and was continuing
to rock back and forth with her fists pressed between her legs,
and Lucy sat watching Joanne, her own hand still busily moving
inside her robe.
Lucy's emerald green eyes seemed to flash suddenly, her gaze
still locked on Joanne's rhythmically rocking body.
"Oh, gosh . . . Joanne!" Lucy cried. "Cum, sweetie! Cum,
baby! Cum with meeeee!"
Joanne didn't seem to hear Lucy at first, then her eyes
flickered open, as Lucy cried out more loudly.
"Oh . . . golly . . . Cummmmmm!" Lucy squealed, as her hand
wriggled frantically in her lap, her cry turning into a series of
sharp high yelps as she shuddered and convulsed through her own
self-induced orgasm.
Suddenly, Joanne seemed to feel the eyes of the two girls
upon her, realized what she had been doing, and hurriedly pulled
her fists away from her lap.
Joanne stood up on shaky legs, and in a tremulous, choking
voice said, "I . . . ah . . . need to go to the bathroom. Excuse
Lucy laughed breathlessly as Joanne stumbled up the stairs
to the guest bathroom. "You know what she's gonna' do in there,"
she said.
"I guess some of us like our privacy," Susy replied.
"And what about you, Susy?" Lucy asked with a smile that was
almost a leer. "What do you like?"
Susy wasn't sure right then. But she knew she was beginning
to find out.
Just as Cathy and Mary finally started to come around from
their post-cum unconsciousness, the four girls heard a small cry,
like the whine of an injured cat, coming from the guest bathroom
It was little Joanne, in the throws of her own private
The girls all smiled.