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Storey Tails -- another lesbian story by Wilma
Part 1
The want ads in the Reno paper included opportunities for
young women over 21 to work as prostitutes. The idea had a
certain appeal beyond my need to supplement my meager income as a
waitress. Besides, the ad for Storey Tails included part-time
work only forty-five minutes from Reno in Storey county. I
wouldn't be a whore if I just made a couple of bills once a week,
would I? Besides, the profession had the sanction of the law.
It was a business just like the little restaurant I was slaving
in at the time. Beats screwing the landlady's face for rent, I
told myself, which is what I had been doing. The woman was over
fifty and had not a tooth in her head. Just as well she didn't
because I was only twenty-one and -- but that's another story.
"Do you have any specialties, Honey?" What a surprise was
Katherine to me. I had always pictured madams as painted-up old
sluts who had been fucked into brothel burnout and become madams
because they knew no other life and kept hanging on. Katherine
was only ten or fifteen years older than I was, had a degree in
English from UNR, and looked like a modern young executive.
"I'm not sure what you mean by specialties," I said,
thinking to myself all the while how I would love to specialize
in whorehouse managers who looked like Katherine.
She handed me a menu. I couldn't think what else to call
it. Once a waitress, always a waitress. I soon learned that's
in fact what they did call it. The entrees were a bit arcane,
and I must have frowned trying to figure out what they were.
Half-and-Half? Driving Range? Slicky Slide? Around the World?
Grand Canyon Suite for crying out loud? Copro-auction -- oh,
surely not! Whatever happened to sucking and fucking?
"I guess I don't do anything special," I said, feeling the
job slipping away. I pictured my corpulent and edentulous
landlady. "But I can do anything, I guess," I said hurriedly.
"Rule Number One, Honey: No girl at Storey Tails does
anything she doesn't want to do. You're a private contractor.
You set your rules, you set your prices, the client pays you, and
you pay us for providing a safe place and medical benefits."
I would be a business woman! Clients, yeah, that's what
they were, and I was a private contractor. The girls I saw were
all full-time and lived there. A shift was three months long.
Not for me. I wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret from
Daddy if I did that anyway, so that was out with no question.
Katherine was studying me. "I'll tell you what: we'll
start you slow since you're new to the business. Do you think
you could do a show with another girl Friday afternoon?"
heh heh heh heh heh, heh heh heh heh heh heh heh, and heh.
I could hardly contain myself. My first assignment would be a
chore I thought I just might be able to handle. The girls I had
seen there ranged from not-so-sharp to several I would have saved
up tips for. On my way back to Reno, I wondered how much that
blonde goddess I saw would charge me, and I was funky by the time
I climbed the wooden stairs to my little apartment on the alley
near the bus station. I looked around at it, knowing I wouldn't
have to live like that much longer -- that is, if I could
discipline myself not to give every dime I earned to other, uh,
contractors at Storey Tails.
The Friday afternoon show turned out to be a special
arrangement for some businessmen and their girlfriends. If they
didn't have a girlfriend or a kinky wife to come with them,
Storey Tails provided them. For a price of course.
I lay naked on a velvety mat that covered a knee-high stage
in the middle of a room full of couples. I was the first thing
they saw when they were let into the room. There was soft,
lovely music and special lighting to set the atmosphere. These
were not shouting, slobbering animals but men who liked to be
lured sensually into slow insanity before their girlfriends took
them to the orgy room.
I twisted and turned and rubbed myself, loving the moans I
heard and the occasional gasp. I figured the girls who voiced
their lust were probably my fellow contractors doing their act as
I did mine, but I let myself believe the girls were lusting on
me. I knew the men were.
Katherine had not told me the scenario. All I knew was that
I was supposed to lounge around on the stage totally nude and as
sensually as I knew how. After a while, I wasn't acting anymore.
I was turning myself on. I watched myself in the mirror on the
ceiling as though it were not me. It was some sexy lovely I
wished I could feel against me. Her legs, her body. It just
didn't seem like me. I writhed lewdly as I watched myself, and I
had the curious experience of thinking for a moment I was falling
in love with me. The entrancing movements of that lascivious
young woman beguiled me, captured me, drew me into her charms.
Realizing neither one of me would want to get on top broke
the spell I had cast on myself, and I smiled at a man to keep
from laughing. I was acting again, and reluctantly relieved.
Minutes passed and I began to wonder if I had misunderstood
what the show was all about. Maybe I was supposed to get off the
stage and do something. I was starting to get nervous. What was
I expected to do? Why the hell hadn't I asked Katherine some
questions? She knew I was a neophyte. The familiar impulse to
run was coming over me, an action that has more than once
startled my sex partners. The men were clearing their throats
and starting to make nervous movements. The perfect mood I had
created was being eroded.
At the precise moment my body would have bolted and run, the
draperies on one wall parted. All eyes, including mine, peered
into the darkness beyond the arched drapes.
Part 2
There was a flash from a spotlight. Was that a woman I saw?
There was no noise in the room now but the music. We looked and
waited. We strained our eyes. We knew we had seen something.
Suddenly, gasps went up from all around the room when the
strobe lights abruptly came on and revealed the moving figure of
a veritable goddess cat-walking through the arch and toward me.
The effect was incredible. The strobe lights gave an eerie,
demonic-dream effect as the creature moved without seeming to
walk. She moved onto my platform where I laid transfixed by this
handmaiden of Hades. I gazed at the vision hypnotically as she
came toward me and stood astride my shoulders looking down at me.
The stroboscopic effect was unreal as she lowered herself down
onto my face. Precisely at the instant her cunt touched me, the
strobes were replaced by colored illumination of our little piece
of the stage. Somebody moaned "Ohhhh, Mother of God!" and the
room was awash in sounds of lust.
The creature bent down as though kissing my ear and
whispered, "We just got one of 'em off cheap. Sorry I'm late. I
had to piss, as I'm sure you know by now. Oh, damn, I forgot to
spit out my gum." She sat up and moved slowly back and forth on
my mouth. If I hadn't known she was chewing gum, I'd have
assumed her mouth movements were just part of her sensuality. I
had seen sexy dancers do that with their mouths, pouting,
puckering, chewing the air.
I sucked on her and felt her, but it took a minute or two to
get back my sexual mood. How could she pull this off, I wondered
as I sucked her tart pissy pussy. We were two feline creatures
melding together cunt-to-mouth in a beautiful act of lesbian
love. That was my mood, anyway. Hers was manifestly different.
She was an actress doing a scene. I wondered if she was a whore
or a businesswoman like myself. I wondered if the temperature of
one was any different from the other. I wondered if urolagnia
was a perversion I had inadvertently missed.
Ahhhhh! The Bartholin's gland cannot act! It has never had
a lesson and would not take direction anyway. The goddess
creature fucking me in the mouth was juicing up!
She looked down at me with obvious surprise. It delighted
me. I was turning this inwardly cold but outwardly hot performer
into an honest woman. Her pussy was telling the undeniable truth
that she was getting turned on. Her eyes learned sincerity next,
and they crossed and glazed as they succumbed to edification.
"Oh, you cunt!" she panted. "You suck it, you cum-mouth."
Her speech center may have been affected, but the rest of her
knew very well what was going on. She bent double to whisper to
me. "Where the hell did they find you! You're gonna make me
cum, you --"
But up she went, her body's reflexes seizing control. She
lost the ability to whisper the rest of her sentence and it came
out "-- cuntsucking CUNT!"
Moans and groans all over the room. "Oh, Jesus, Jesus,
sweet Jesus," somebody prayed.
"Let her have it, Velvet," a woman's voice called out
"I cum in my goddamned pants," a man lamented pitiably.
Dignity and sophistication were being lost all over the room
as Velvet lost parts of her mind, a piece of her soul, and all of
her girlfuck goo to the ministry of my mouth. She had me by the
face now, fucking like a bronco buster but controlled just enough
to let me evangelize her femaleness and lead her on to a glorious
The pressure on my face eased, and I held her legs and
sucked harder to keep her from leaving me. Then I realized she
was not rising by her own strength, which I had sucked out of
her. She was being lifted off me.
The strange thoughts that dart through people's mind at the
oddest moments: "I swallowed my gum," Velvet murmured to no one.
"Check her mouth," said one of the two girls lifting her off
me. "I think she sucked it down through you."
Somebody started sucking my pussy. I slithered my legs
around a female face and locked my feet together. I pulled her
in rhythmically, pulsingly, sensuously, and let her suck at me.
I couldn't see her in the overhead mirror because there was now a
girl's ass in my face.
I looked up the girl's smooth, glistening, naked back and
watched her long, honey-colored hair sweeping back and forth as
she took her turn. My tongue slid easily up her asshole. I
turned my tongue upside down and then completely back around
inside her rectum. She screamed and hunch-pressed her ass into
my face. She started vibrating. Not another sound out of her,
just mindless tremors as her demons shook her senseless. She was
lifted off me very shortly and carried away like some decorticate
lab experiment gone awry.
I looked down again to see who was eating me, but I could see
nothing but her hair and her busy busy head. I took hold of her
and helped her root into my sex, tugging her with my slick legs
and holding her head as I hunched her.
But I was sidetracked before I could cum. Girl crotch was
sliding into my face. Another forward job. At least I would be
able to see the face of whoever was using me. Wrong! She
covered me in womanhood before I could look up. Whoever it was
was pretty well overheated by the time her turn came. Her hole
was already moist, and she exploded almost as soon as I worked my
tightly puckered lips inside her and stuck out my tongue. It was
a technique my landlady used. Oh well. Knowledge is knowledge.
"Holy shit, whoever's next, you're not going to believe what
this babe can do to you."
I was starting to get the idea I was doing something or
other kinda special. I thought I was just doing what every
cuntsucker did. Without knowing it, however, I was doing tricks
known only to the cognoscenti of cunnilinguists. And I didn't do
the same thing to every girl, either, because none of them lasted
long enough to get the full treatment before she was carried off.
Part 3
I lost track. After a while I was unable to know how many
women had taken a turn. I did my best for every one, but the
best of mouths and tongues must fatigue. The last two or three
must have wondered what all the fuss was about. It was all I
could do just to lie there with my mouth open and let them work
on me.
I had barely enough sense left to know the last woman
getting on my face was the first one again. Velvet had come back
for seconds. She had a clitoris like a tiny titty nipple. With
no energy left to do much else, I put a crinkle in my tongue and
massaged her cumbutton with it. She tried to put off her
eruption, but I got her with my crinkle, and my face suffered the
consequences of her ineluctable womanquake. In a moment, she had
cum and gone.
The room was empty now but for me and my pussy addict still
nuzzling and sucking between my legs. I had paid careful enough
attention down there to know it had been the same woman
throughout the several generations of women taking turns on me.
No one had unwrapped my legs even once. I had kept them against
her face nearly the entire time. Physical contact had never been
broken from the moment I felt her face sliding between my thighs
until we were the only two people left in the room.
She resisted letting me pull her face up to see her. Not
that I would have known her, since I didn't know anybody there,
but I wanted to see the face that had dedicated itself to me for
so long. I worked up the courage to assert myself. I took her
by the hair and face and forced her face up. It was gooey and
she looked drunk, but it was unmistakable who she was. I
couldn't believe it.
"I think I love you, Wilma," the manager said through
benumbed lips and thickened tongue. "Mom said you were good."
I wasn't sure I had heard her. Only a dentist could have
been sure of what she had said. "Who?"
"My mother is your landlady," her rubbery mouth mumbled.
I stared at her, incredulous, blinked away my disbelief, and
lowered her face back into my cummy twat. I laid back and
wrapped my legs around her face again.
"Suck it up, Katherine. You've earned it."
And she did. I let her wallow in the slop she had spent so
much time creating. I gave her more of it. For the first time
in a long while, I felt like my pussy was indeed a valuable prize
to give somebody. It was worth more than just something to pay
the rent with. It brought families together!
I went to sleep letting Katherine gently lick me clean and
rub her soft, pretty, previously dignified and now slippery face
tenderly on my slick legs and in the sex she had fallen in love
with. I dreamed of toothless young women real estate agents
managing whorehouses.
--end of Storey Tails--