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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Stephanie in Slave Market
By Sir Kevin
I saw her standing there.
My eyes were fixed on her as soon as I entered the slave market.
There were about twenty slavegirls on display in the market that
day, and each one of them, I had to admit, was of the best quali-
ty. All of them were pretty; some were indeed beautiful. But she
seemed to have a unique atmosphere around her that I found espe-
cially attractive.
Like all the other girls, she was completely naked. Her hands
were cuffed behind her back, and her ankles locked in a set of
heavy iron shackles --- too heavy, I said to myself, for her slim
little ankles. On her neck was a black iron collar, attached to a
chain hanging from a wooden beam above her head. She was forced
by the chain to stand rigidly straight, waiting to be examined by
potential buyers in the most humiliating way --- much in the same
manner as the other girls in the market.
Yet she appeared somewhat different from the rest of the
slavegirls. While all the other girls were tall and well-built,
she was petite, no more than 5 feet 4 inches tall, with a waist
small enough, it seemed, to be held in a man's hands. The others
were all gorgeously blond; her hair was of a silky chestnut
color. Surrounded by well-tanned breasts and thighs, her skin
looked vulnerably pale, through which her veins could be seen as
winding thin blue lines. Against the smooth whiteness of her
limbs, the rough, dark surface of the irons that imprisoned them
made a sharp contrast. While the other girls were making all
efforts to present themselves to their future masters in the most
beautiful and sexy way, she simply stood quietly and almost
motionlessly in her corner, with her eyes rooted on the cement
floor. A few bunches of long wavy hair climbed over her slim
shoulders to her front, as if in a desperate attempt to cover her
bare breasts.
Unlike the other girls, who must have been bought and sold in a
slave market as a way of life, she had the freshness to one's
eyes that belonged only to a girl who was having such a traumatic
experience for the first time in her life.
I stopped in front of her. She raised her head slightly to glance
at me, but quickly hung it again. I saw her bare feet trying to
move back away from me, but the chain on her collar held her
firmly in place.
"What's your name?" I asked, lifting her chin with a finger.
"Stephanie...sir." Her voice was trembling a little, but never-
theless extremely sweet and melodious. Meanwhile she tried hard
to keep her eyes on the ground to avoid confronting my inquiring
eyes. This made her look very lovely.
"Your last name?"
"It doesn't matter, sir," she said with a sigh. "A slavegirl
doesn't need a last name any more."
She might be new in her bondage, but she certainly understood her
situation quite well already.
I brushed aside her hair with my fingers to fully expose her
breasts, and the pair of tenderly pink nipples. Her breasts were
small and firm, and jiggled at the touch of my fingers. She
couldn't be more than twenty, I thought.
"How old are you?"
"Eighteen, sir."
I took her breasts in the palms my hands, and started caressing
them gently. This immediately send a little quake through her
body, causing the chain on her collar to jingle. A faint groan
came from her throat, and I could feel the two small patches of
soft pink skin on the tips of her breasts hardening into thrust-
ing nipples. She closed her eyes, apparently scared but nonethe-
less enjoying my touch. I was pleased with her response.
Perhaps I should have her nipples pierced if I bought her, I
"Turn around," I released her breasts and ordered her.
With the jingling of chains, she slowly turned around, revealing
about a dozen whip marks on the small of her back. The fingers of
her cuffed hands rubbed against one another nervously.
"Were you whipped recently?"
"Yes, sir. This morning."
"I don't know, sir. Honestly." She gave a sigh and added in a
soft voice: "but I guess whenever a slavegirl is whipped, it's
always her fault, one way or another."
I smiled. She is cute.
I examined her hands carefully, and lifted her feet to look at
their soles. Everything I saw bore the marks of an easy and
comfortable life before the first chain was locked around her
neck. Even after being forced to walk barefoot for days or per-
haps weeks, as all slavegirls were, her feet were amazingly
tender and clean.
"How long have you been a slave, Stephanie?" I asked, turning her
around to face me again.
"About two weeks, sir."
"What were you doing before that?"
"I was a student at St. Julia College...sir."
"What was your major?"
"I was an English major..." She raised her head and stared blank-
ly into the blue sky above the chains and the beams. I could see
tears in her eyes.
"How did you become a slavegirl?" I was genuinely curious.
"It was a long story...," she answered after hesitating for a
short while.
I walked around her nakedness and gave her a full examination
again. The youthful and natural beauty of her petite figure,
enhanced by the chains and shackles she wore, pleased me immense-
ly. There was no permanent brand anywhere on her body; she had
only a fading blue stamp on her left hip that read: "E&L Slave
Traders." But the inscriptions on her collar indicated a differ-
ent owner: "Property of Tony Francera."
"Stephanie," I informed her, "I think I'm going to buy you."
"Are you going to be kind to me, sir?" She raised her head again
and for the first time let her eyes meet mine. Brown and clear,
her eyes were very charming.
"It depends. On how you behave. But anyway, I'll keep you naked
and chained like this all the time. And I'll whip you at least
once a week. Also, how would you like a pair of little rings
pierced through your nipples?"
"...Do I have a choice?"
"Of course not, you silly little slave!" I laughed and patted her
on the back. Except for the fresh whip marks, her skin was soft
and smooth, and felt good.
"Where is your master?"
Before the slavegirl could say anything, a man's voice came from
behind me: "nice choice, fellow! She's real good stuff, isn't
I turned around and found myself facing a short, dark-skinned man
with a black mustache. With a friendly smile, he stretched out
his right hand and said: "I'm Tony. This wench is mine. Isn't she
a real sweetheart?"
"Oh yes, indeed," I agreed as we shook hands. "I haven't seen
anything like her in the market for quite a while. Where did you
get her from?"
"From the hands of the E&L guys. Those bustards! They would have
wasted her. The day I went there, they had her hanging from the
ceiling, her hands tied behind the back and drawn up and all
that. And they tied a cement block to her big toes. Man, it
looked like they were going to break her arms and ruin her for
good. When I got there they had a pair of damn big alligator
clamps on her nipples. They wired them up, and a guy was giving
her electric shocks through the tits. The poor babe was jerking
like a fish out of water. Man, you never heard a girl screaming
like that!"
"Good God! Did they really do that to you?" I turned to the
"Yes, sir," she answered briefly. Her voice was noticeably shak-
ing with terror at the memory.
"Why did they do that?" I asked Tony, truly unable to imagine the
necessity to torture this sweet and helpless girl in such a
horrifying way.
"It turned out some big brothel wanted to buy her, and they were
only softening her up for the johns. Damn fools! I told them they
were ruining genuine crystal to make a piece of glass. And I told
them the best thing they could do by beating her up was to turn
her into a bitch just like those," Tony pointed at the sexy
blondes chained next to Stephanie.
"That's true," I agreed sincerely.
"Yeah! I could see at the first sight this babe was something
special. High-class stuff; you know what I mean? She deserves
better than that. So I made them a better offer and took her
home. I trained her myself. It didn't take too much hard work.
She's a real good girl. Aren't you, sweetie?" He turned to the
slavegirl and started rubbing the back of his hand against one of
her nipples.
"May I ask why you whipped her this morning?"
"Oh that! That was nothing at all. You have to use your whip on
these girls once in a while, you know. Just to make sure they
know who they are." Tony winked at me and changed the subject:
"so you want her?"
"Well, how much?"
"She's going on auction in a moment. I'm asking only eight grand
for a start."
"Eight thousand? That's pretty high a start, don't you think?"
Tony winked at me again and said, "well, she's not just any
slavegirl, right?"
"True. Do you have her papers with you?"
"Sure thing!"
I had just started looking through her identification documents
when suddenly a loud and rough voice burst out right next to my
ears: "Well well well, little bitch! I thought we would meet
Turning around I saw a very big man with a heavy beard standing
in front of Stephanie. Twisting about fearfully in his shadow,
the naked slavegirl looked all the smaller.
"Stephanie Dartville, right?" the man continued. "Still remember
me, you little bitch?"
She obviously recognized him too. Her face turned pale, and her
body shivered visibly. She turned her face left and right, as if
searching for help, and struggled vainly against the shackles and
chains to escape from him.
"Mr. Johnson!" Tony was suddenly all smiles. "How are you doing,
Mr. Johnson? You know this wench?"
"Boy, do I know this little bitch!" the man burst out again. His
words came together with a heavy smell of beer and tobacco.
"She's one of those chicks working for the New Underground Rail-
road, and last year she helped several of my slavegirls run away.
I've been looking for her all over the place. And what do you
know! Here she is, the freedom fighter herself in the slave
market! God, I love it!"
"For your information, bitch," the man turned to Stephanie, "I
have caught all my chicks one by one, and I gave everyone of them
a lesson that she'll forever thank you for. And that friend of
yours, Jennifer Stanistow, she ended up in my stable too. I
showed her a living hell and then sold her to bunch of bikers.
Tell you the truth she didn't enjoy it at all. Next it's your
Johnson suddenly grabbed the naked girl's nipples between his
fingers and pinched them very hard. Poor Stephanie threw back her
head and screamed in formidable pain.
"Tony," he roared, "I want this bitch. What's your price on her?"
"Mr. Johnson," Tony asked hesitantly, "you are not going to buy
her just to kill her, are you?"
"Of course not!" Johnson answered. "Not this one. Death will be a
luxury for her. I'm going to teach her things could be worse than
death. I'll make a good example of her for all those chicks.
She's going to spend a long time in the pillory on Broadway, but
first I'll need to whip her hide into tiny pieces. Take a good
look at this whip, little bitch! It's going to be your life-long
The poor girl glanced at the whip in Johnson's hand, and her eyes
were filled with horror. It was not one of the conventional whips
designed for the tender skin of a girl. Made of raw cow hide, it
was quite similar to the bull-whips that cowboys used on their
cattle, only much shorter. It was an extremely brutal thing to
use on the naked body of a girl.
And the pillory on Broadway was also an extremely brutal torture
device. Besides the utmost humiliation of being displayed naked
in front of thousands of people every day, a girl locked in the
pillory by her neck, wrists and ankles could support the weight
of her body only by either standing on her toes, sitting on the
sharp edge of the foot-stock, or hurting her neck in the upper
pillory. It had not been used for over three years, but the moans
and tears that it had extracted from every girl it had ever
imprisoned still remained vivid in everyone's memory.
A bell rang at the center of the slave market, indicating the
auction was about to start, and the men began moving toward the
auction block. I took another look at the girl I had decided to
purchase, and turned to join the other men.
"Sir..." It was Stephanie's soft voice.
Turning around, I asked her: "are you talking to me?"
"Yes, sir," she looked at me earnestly. "Are you going to buy
"So you can run away?"
"No, sir, please..." her voice became eager. "I promise I'll
never run away from you. I promise! I'll be your faithful slave
throughout my life. I'll do anything you want... I can cook. I'm
a good dancer --- I have learnt the belly dance. And I can play
violin or mandolin for you. I can be very useful. And...you can
do anything you please to me. Whip me all you want. Keep me
chained. And you can pierce my nipples --- please do. Torture me
anyway you want to. But please...please buy me, sir. You can sell
me again later if you don't like me. But just...just don't let
that beast lay his fingers on me; please?"
Tears ran down on her rosy cheeks. It was a plea that I could not
say no to.
I stepped back to her, and wiped the tears off her face with my
thumbs. Holding her face in both hands, I kissed her gently on
her lips.
"Don't worry," I told her. "I'll do my best to outbid that old
Johnson guy. I like you, sweetheart."
"Thank you, sir."
The auction started. Within an hour about ten of the slavegirls
were sold, some for five or six thousand, others for ten of
eleven. A girl with beautiful long legs and full bosom brought
her master fifteen thousand and eight hundred dollars.
Then came Stephanie's turn.
She was led onto the auction block by an assistant of the auc-
tioneer. The chain on her collar had been replaced by a leather
leash held in the man's hand. The auctioneer kicked lightly on
the back of one of her knees, and Stephanie dropped on her knees.
She was told to sit on her heels, and the auctioneer's assistant
kicked her knees apart to expose her pussy.
There she knelt, naked and shackled, with her head hanging low,
her legs apart and her hands still cuffed behind her back, in a
beautiful picture of female submission. Few people could imagine
that only two weeks before this miserable slavegirl was sitting
in a comfortable dorm room in one of the most prestigious col-
leges in the region, and perhaps writing anti-slavery poems.
The response from the bidders was moderate. Most of the men
around the auction block were middle-aged businessmen, who would
much sooner prefer a mindless blonde sex pot to a girl of intel-
ligence like Stephanie, whose reserved look was to them an indi-
cation of trouble in the future. When the bidding went over ten
thousand, Johnson and I were the only competitors left. Yet the
bidding soon reached and passed twenty thousand, much to
everybody's surprise.
Johnson was clearly determined to put his chains on Stephanie's
neck, and for this he would pay any price. When he called out
twenty-eight thousand after my offer of twenty-five, there was a
brief commotion around the auction block, and then there was
complete silence. I could hear jingling chains on both sides of
the block; the girls still waiting to be auctioned were also
stretching their necks to see what would happen next. Twenty-
eight thousand was almost an insane price to pay for a slavegirl,
even for one as pretty as Stephanie.
"Do I hear twenty-eight and five hundred?" the auctioneer asked.
"Yes." I said. It was far more than I could easily afford, but I
was determined too.
"Twenty-nine thousand!" Johnson called out.
I looked at the naked girl kneeling on the auction block. All I
saw was a pair of expecting eyes.
"Twenty-nine thousand and five hundred," I told the crowd.
"Thirty thousand!"
"Thirty thousand and five hundred."
"Thirty-one and five hundred."
It was all quite for a while. Johnson did not respond immediately
to my new offer. On the auction block Stephanie closed her eyes
and bit her lower lip in great anxiety.
"Do I hear thirty-two?" the auctioneer asked.
"No," Johnson replied, "you hear forty thousand."
This caused an enormous commotion in the crowd. A man standing
next to me exclaimed: "give him that girl, young man! I could
sell you my mother for that money."
Everybody laughed.
I looked at Stephanie at a loss. Again I saw the pair of expect-
ing eyes, which were now getting rather desperate. But I quickly
calculated my financial situation and recognized that I had lost
"Sold to the gentleman for FOR-TY THOU-SAND DOLLARS!" The
auctioneer's voice expressed uncontrollable excitement.
More excited was Tony. I was sure he still could not believe what
had happened: he had just made forty thousand dollars out of a
girl he probably paid as little as four thousand for.
I saw him talking warmly with Johnson on the block, patting each
other on the shoulders. Then he helped Johnson drag the poor girl
down from the block. He removed the shackles from Stephanie's
neck and limbs, and Johnson immediately tied her hands tightly
behind her back with a long rope. Stephanie tried to put up a
fight, but was easily overcome by the two men. After they had
tied her up, Johnson kicked Stephanie down on the ground, and
lashed her several times with his whip, making her cry out in
pain and beg him for mercy on her knees. Then they took her away
into the blacksmith's workshop behind the auction block. Shortly
after, I heard her screams penetrating the wooden door of the
small workshop.
I had let her down.
Stephanie's screams lasted a few minutes. When she was dragged
out from the workshop, she was apparently in such pain that she
could hardly walk. She was told to kneel in front of the notary's
office, and Johnson and Tony went in.
I walked up to her.
Her whole body was shaking and covered with sweat. Her shoulders
jerked with her sobs. She knelt next to the wall, and leaned on
it, with her head sunk on her chest. The rope, tied around her
wrists and looped several times around her arms, was so tight
that it cut into her tender flesh. The horrible cuts that
Johnson's whip left on her back and shoulders were still bleed-
ing. I noticed her nipples were bleeding too. They had been
pierced, and a small chain was attached to the silver-colored
nipple rings.
On her right hip, I found a newly imprinted oval brand: "S. S.
Johnson." A few other words were cruelly branded on her back near
the right shoulder: "Stephanie Dartville, member of the New
Underground Railroad." I could imagine the formidable humiliation
these words would bring her when she was displayed in the nude in
"Stephanie," I did not know how to comfort her, "I'm sorry."
"No, sir," she said sobbingly, without raising her head, "you did
all you could. I know. But there was no hope from the beginning;
I should have known that. He wanted me, and he had enough money
to buy me at any price. Thank you for trying to help, sir. You
have done me a great favor, and I'll remember it forever. I'll
pray for you every day till I die."
"Stephanie," I tried to offer my advice, "the important thing now
is to take good care of yourself. Try to make the best of it. Try
to please him, and obey him. Maybe he won't be too harsh on you
after a while..."
"There's no use, sir," she interrupted, raising her tear-covered
face and shaking her head in despair. "There's no use. He's
determined to put me through hell, and he's going to do it no
matter what. I know that beast..."
Her head sank again, and she fell silent.
"Well, buddy, still interested in her?" Johnson came out from the
office. "That's all right. Just wait a few years. You can have
this little bitch when I'm done with her. That is, you can have
her bones after I've done away with her skin and flesh."
He laughed savagely, and grabbed the small chain on Stephanie's
nipple-rings to pull her up on her feet, cursing and kicking her
mercilessly in the meantime. Then he turned to me again and said,
rather friendly: "seriously, buddy, take my advice: don't waste
your emotion on a slavegirl. There are plenty of them around. Why
don't you go get yourself another one? You can get five of them
for the money you just offered. And you'll forget all about this
chick in a blink."
Maybe he was right.
I watched while Johnson led Stephanie away through the crowd,
holding the chain on her nipples, which forced her to walk with
her breats thrown out in a peculiar way. Then I wandered in the
slave market for another ten or fifteen minutes, browsing through
the girls still on display, but without seeing or hearing any-
I decided to leave.
As soon as I walked out of the slave market, my eyes fell on
Stephanie again. She was now suspended in a spread-eagle position
on the back of a van, with fresh whip marks on her breasts and
thighs. She bit her lip and suffered the agony in silence. A
small crowd had gathered around her.
The van started moving when I walked up, but Stephanie had enough
time to smile at me sadly and say: "Bye-bye, sir. God bless you."
"Bye-bye, Stephanie," I answered her in my mind. "I'll pray for
The small crowd dispersed, leaving me standing conspicuously on
the curb. A security guard looked at me curiously.
Behind me the auctioneer in the slave market declared over the
speaker: "Good news, gentlemen! In a few minutes we are getting
two more girls to be auctioned today. Both are incredibly beauti-
ful. Authentic college chicks..."
I ran across the street, and kept running.