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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
The Sea Witch : A Fantasy
Part 1 of 3
by Lace (a real Witch)
Celena loved the beach. It wasn't just the love of a day in
the sun and the sound of the pounding surf. It wasn't even
getting to show off her graceful curves to the lifeguards. She
was a mermaid of sorts, a sea priestess. And that meant her
power was its greatest when she was at the ocean. She always
wondered what it was like for all of the mundanes, going to the
beach just to have a nice time in the sun, sand and sea. Not to
feel that rush of energy and the ability to control it. To her,
the water was the blood of her goddess, the world's biggest tub
of holy water. The sun was fire incarnate, and the sand was
earth. And from the slightest breeze to the fiercest gale, the
wind carried the power of the air. And every bit of that power
but waited for her command.
She knew her sea magic. She could pull the waves higher on
the beach, or turn the winds to cool the air around her. That
was tricky stuff and not of much practical use most of the time.
But that she could do it was a measure of her abilities. Most of
the time, she did simple things, like calling driftwood or
perhaps a shell from the surf. Driftwood made good magic wands,
and shells were useful tools in their own right. A shell or a
rock, charged with her wish and thrown back into the sea most
always brought immediate results. She had only to ask, and
Goddess provided. Her loved ones were happier now that she'd had
some time at the beach to ask favors on their behalf.
Her brother was back with his lover. A friend had a new
apartment which he liked quite well. She'd managed to get a
raise herself. At times, it was almost too easy. But she knew
her gods, and made sure they knew it was all appreciated. Her
will and ability might focus to bring the end result, but it was
all dependent upon the will of the gods. Sometimes, when she was
drawing symbols in the sand, or looking for just the right piece
of shell or reed, she knew the others on the beach were wondering
at what she was doing. People who lived there had seen such
things often enough to be truly curious. She let their unasked
questions remain unanswered. Things were still too dangerous.
They didn't burn Witches any more, but in plenty of places these
days, Witch still meant Satanist to the ignorant, and having
people think you were anything like that could get rocks thrown
through your windows, or worse. Best not to take chances on
people being well-educated and open-minded. Let them wonder.
This year, the curiosity came from a troublesome source.
The lifeguards were living in one of the beachfront houses,
sharing it among the handful of them that guarded the little
strip of beach. Usually they lived nearer the surfing ground, so
that they were closer to the waves when they were off-duty.
Still, she'd been coming to this little town since she was small,
and sometimes the lifeguards had gotten houses on this part of
the beach. It was convenient. She remembered being a teenager,
still naive, but knowing enough of the world and her own senses
that she knew how lucky it was when the lifeguards did live on
the beach. They played where they lived. And when they worked
there too, it meant tan, athletic, ocean-loving men around almost
24 hours a day. A teenage girl could build wonderful fantasies
with no more fodder than that.
Ah, but this year, it could be a problem. She'd been here
since the end of last summer. Writing was her living, and that
was easier for her at the beach. It had been an easy decision to
scrape together enough for the house. And when she'd moved, it
had been the first time she'd been at the beach for any length of
time since becoming Pagan. Last summer had been the first when
any significant number of people had witnessed her curious
activities. No matter, since they'd all been tourists, visiting
for a week at most.
But with the lifeguards spending most of their time on the
beach, she was just waiting for the time when one (or all) of
them would get curious enough about her to bring it up in
conversation. Never mind that a few of them watched her
activities more for the joy of watching a beautiful body in a
small swimsuit. Never mind that one of them had beautiful
red-gold hair that looked like fire as the wind whipped through
it. Never mind that he had a face and body that would have
inspired Greek statuary two millennia before. Never mind that
there wasn't just one of him, but two... Identical twins. A
fantasy in itself.
She had a thing for men with long hair, and doubly so for
redheads. And those abs, which made her want to scrub her
clothes on them.... Ah, well.... It was a lot like it had been
when she was younger. She could watch, and hope, and even
fantasize (though THAT was a lot more interesting with some years
of experience and knowledge under her belt). But unless the
world order changed, the most she could really hope for was a
small, subtle flirtation which wouldn't last a week, or go beyond
a few significant looks. Even with two of them, the odds were
still pretty small. Thinking about it didn't do anything but get
her hot, and she had better things to do than drool over
unattainable men, even if they were that delicious.
These days, she was spending her free time collecting
cast-off gull feathers, pink pebbles and cowrie-like shells. The
shells were held to be symbols of sexuality, since they were
shaped like a woman's cunt. The pink pebbles were for love and
lust. The feathers were the freedom of flight, and the power to
control one's course on the winds, and as symbols of air, they
would help the winds carry her request to someone who could help
her. None of those things were common on the beach, and it had
taken her a few days to find enough to suit her purposes. But
finally she was ready. This was to be a spell for a lover. She
knew better than to try to spell some acquaintance or fantasy man
into a relationship. Trying to crush another's free will was as
close to a sin as a Witch could get. But you could send out a
call for the right person, and if the time was right, they would
show up.
And it would be about time, too. She'd been alone for a
long time. She was only 24, but her last lover had been over 6
years ago. She was too picky, she knew. No one had been quite
right to really get serious with. And if you weren't serious,
you certainly weren't having sex these days. But Witches were
also inherently sensual and sexual people, never likely to be
called prudes, and she was not exactly the exception to the rule.
She loved erotic writing. The hotter the better. X-rated,
XXX-rated, a little light bondage or play, it was all great to
her. Movies were also great. A lot of them still treated women
like objects, but there were enough done by or for women or
couples that she could find some that were great to watch. Sure,
a lot of it was really off the wall compared to her actual
experiences. She'd only had one lover, and he'd been downright
boring, in retrospect. Sometimes she wondered if she was really
given the chance, how far into some of her fantasy scenarios
she'd really let herself go. She wasn't sure she really wanted
to find out.
But she was getting tired of getting herself off after
watching some hot sex on video, or reading a particularly erotic
passage in one of her favorite XXX stories. People said that you
always knew how to make sex best for yourself, and it was a shame
your partner could never replicate your own knowledge of your
body's responses. But that didn't mean that masturbation was the
best sex you could have. She remembered the feeling of a quick,
hard fuck. That was the one thing Tommy had been good at.
Ramming into her like he wanted his dick to pierce her heart.
You couldn't get that with your own fingers or a dildo. And you
most certainly couldn't bite and lick your own nipples while you
were getting fucked. She needed a man. She had for years. And
it was getting to the point where her desire to have a real,
live, hard cock in her pussy was driving her to distraction.
Spontaneous combustion was becoming a real possibility. Getting
off four or five times a day wasn't helping any. She could have
all the orgasms she could possibly give herself, and it didn't do
anything to fill the void of having her cunt stuffed.
So, knowing that need was the greatest criteria to a strong
spell, she was finally ready to see if she couldn't bring herself
a lover who could satisfy years of pent-up sexual energy. The
Goddess had her consort, and it was only natural that Her
priestess should have one of her own. Of course, finding a
mortal man to measure up to the Horned God might not be possible.
But since the word "horny" was probably derived from the Stag
King's own name, you could at least hope there would be a willing
and able male ready to answer the call.
It was the night of the full moon. A time for any positive
magic. And when the moon was at its peak, the magic should be
strongest. She set out for the beach, making sure to turn out
the lights which shone on the beach in front of the house. It
would be hard enough to avoid discovery and some difficult
questions without having her own lights making her look like she
was on stage for the neighbors. Especially since this had to be
done skyclad. She usually worked robed while outside. Sometimes
she went casual and wore her bikini, as she did when she was
collecting things during the day. But any ritual involving that
much sexual energy would be more appropriate done in the nude.
She just had to hope that the fact that none of the nearby houses
were currently occupied meant that no one would happen by to
discover and disturb her.
Just thinking about her future lover had her heart racing.
And the quickness of her breathing wasn't from the exertion of
the quick run down the stairs to the beach. The cool night air
whisked over her naked body, caressing the suntanned skin,
whipping her long hair around her head. Her nipples were hard
even without the breeze, and the moisture coming from the sea was
nothing compared to the stream running from her pussy.
Single-minded to her purpose, she quickly went through the ritual
motions of creating sacred space for the ritual. It was always
easier and quicker at the beach, just because of what she was.
But her eagerness pushed her pace even faster, as her mind raced
to the images of this future lover which her imagination
She moved into the ritual itself, pouring her desires into
her tools. Shells, for sexuality, that they bring her a man who
knew how to really pleasure her, touched quickly to her cunt to
gather the juice as it continued to drip from between her pussy
lips. That would strengthen the call, and she was going to put
everything she had into this working. The small pink pebbles.
Pink for love and lust, that her lover be more to her than a body
to fuck. Small pink stones, the color of her nipples, as they
hardened to pink stones themselves, just thinking of the power of
the sex her lover would bring. Feathers, for the freedom to be
herself with him, and for the strength and power to control where
the winds of fate would bring her with this man. Soft feathers,
soft as her skin where she pulled them across her body, reveling
in the sensation on the sensitive flesh of her breasts, stomach
and thighs.
These things she wrapped in red cloth, cloth dipped again in
her body's own juices, as a regular river flowed onto her thighs.
Tied shut, the bundle was a powerful enchantment ready to be
loosed to do its intended job. To toss such a charm into the sea
was to release its power into the world, where it would bring
about what she desired, if only the time was right. She quickly
opened a door in the sacred circle of magic, passing through with
her charm, and dispersing the barrier after her. A few short
steps to the water. She could feel the sexual power pulsing from
the charm, in time with her heart beat. It beat faster now, as
she reached the point of release for her spell. Her blood
pounded in her veins, swelling her breasts and clit as the
hormones of her arousal did their work.
The surf grasped at her feet, and she took another step,
letting it climb her calves. Now, she paused, the images of
flesh-on-flesh filling her mind. Her body and soul were filled
with wanting, and it was this wanting which she poured into the
charm between her hands. It wasn't a bundle of cloth, shells,
pebbles and feathers any more... it was a living embodiment of
her desire, and she was sending it off into the world to bring
her a man. Goddess grant her that. And she hurled it into the
It sank with a quick pop, and her mind came to the state of
clarity that always came as the ritual energy was released, and
she returned to the normal world. It was almost like waking from
a dream. Sometimes it took a moment to come back to normal. It
was a good time to sit and watch the waves. So, she sat and
watched the waves. The moon's reflection rested on the ocean
swells. She lay back and looked up at the moon itself. It was
beautiful, bright and clear in the dark night sky. Her hands
rested on her stomach, but the feel of skin on skin was delicious
in the night air, and she began to run her hands across her body,
across the flat stomach, around in slow circles, just enjoying
the sensations.
From there, her hand drifted to her breasts. Her nipples
were still hard from all of the sexual desire she'd poured into
the spell. Her breasts were swollen with the increased blood
flow, and still very sensitive. The feel of her hands upon them
was wonderful. She grasped them from underneath, lifting them
upwards, squeezing them lightly. That was good. She squeezed a
little harder. It wasn't really painful, and the sensation
aroused her further. She worked them in her hands, squeezing and
massaging the flesh. She imagined a lover doing that to her;
big, rough male hands grasping and massaging her soft breasts.
His lips would trace their way from her mouth to her chest, and
his hands would leave them while his lips took their place to
caress and love her tits.
She continued to massage her breasts, thinking of the lover
who would take a nipple into his mouth, sucking on it until she
writhed beneath him. She pinched her nipples hard, knowing he
would see her enjoying the sensation of rough handling, and
realize she would really get off on having him bite her nipples
lightly. Yeah, that was it. She squeezed and pinched and
caressed, and her breasts began to respond, becoming even more
sensitive to the stimulation, the nipples hard and small like the
pebbles in her spell. Her breathing was fast now, almost
panting. The sensations were almost too delicious.
Her hands left her breasts, traveling back down the spanse
of curves and soft skin, grazing over her slender, rounded hips.
As the heel of her palm pushed against the top of her pubic
mound, her head rolled back, her mouth open in a silent cry of
ecstasy. She could feel the juices still trickling out of her
cunt and down the inside of her thighs onto the sand. She spread
her thighs wide. Her right hand reached down to dip her fingers
into the slick wetness. Just a touch. Right over the mouth of
her hole, not touching, but close enough that the anticipation
only made the stream flow faster. She rubbed fingers and thumb
together, enjoying the slippery contact. Then she reached down
again, using her left hand to hold her cunt lips apart. Starting
at the entrance, she slid index and middle finger into the slick,
not into the hole itself, but up to the edge, stopping to gather
the juices there, and then slowly moving upwards, collecting the
wetness until she reached her clit. Her fingers were drenched in
the stuff, and she began to spread it liberally around the
outside of the sensitive button.
She traced her fingers around it in ever-narrowing circles,
never touching it, but always closer. The flow from her hole
renewed the supply of the slick stuff, and she reached down again
to gather more with which to slather her love button. Finally,
she had thoroughly coated her clit in a thick mass of cunt juice.
She moved her left hand higher, holding the pussy lips apart
where they tried to cover her engorged clit. The lips themselves
were slippery from all of the juice, and as they tried to slip
free of her grasp, the sensation had her throwing her head back
again a silent cry. She gripped them again, with a little more
strength, and lowered her right hand back to her slit. The clit
was drowning in cunt juice, and she was as ready as she would
ever be to bring herself to an orgasm of historical proportions.
She worked her way around the clit again, circling ever
closer to the focus of the matter. Finally, she touched it
lightly, letting her slippery fingers graze its surface briefly.
Her knees, hips and back worked together to respond to the
sensation, bowing her whole body upwards at her pussy. The clit
was sensitive from all of the anticipation and preparation, so,
slowly and lightly at first, she began to run her fingers over
it. Her fingers were still slipping around her pussy like
wrestlers in a mudbath. It eased the sensitivity her clit might
ordinarily have had to the delicious friction of her rubbing
fingers. She felt it harden under her fingertips, swelling out
further from under its hood of skin. She began to rub harder and
faster, knowing it was the design of the thing to be stimulated
by the shaft of a man's penis rubbing up against the clit as they
were fucking. It didn't always work that way when it really did
come down to the fucking, but understanding the principle meant
she knew why the quick, glancing touches worked best to bring her
off, and why it worked even better when the hood or surrounding
skin rested between her fingers and the clit itself.
Her body started to respond to the delicious friction,
bowing upwards with the rhythm it took on when a man fucked a
woman with his penis. It assisted the screwing action when there
was a real man trying to get his dick as far inside her as he
could, but here, the reaction was purely instinctive. She could
diddle herself standing straight up, and her hips would still
jerk forward in their fucking rhythm. She rubbed harder and
faster, the rhythm of her hips speeding up with that of her hand.
The Sea Witch - Part 2 of 3
But she knew however much she'd enjoy the simplest of
orgasms, there was nothing to compare with having a man really
screwing her. And if she couldn't have that yet, then she still
wasn't going to settle for having her hole grasping at emptiness.
She released her hold on her pussy lips, still working her clit
with her right hand, hips still pumping in rhythm. Her left
hand, now free, traveled even further downward. She touched her
hole with her index finger, going just a little inside, enjoying
the sensation from the interior. Then she added her middle
finger, brushing against the tightness of the opening, and again
savouring the sensation. Her hips bobbed up and down, still
gaining momentum, as she worked her clit quickly and roughly now.
She inserted the two fingers deeper into the channel, sliding
them all the way in, pressing on sensitive spots within the
walls. Then she began to simulate the fucking motion of a hard
cock, in and out, in and out, sliding her fingers from the
entrance until she felt them hit her cervix, and back out again.
Along the way, she made sure to touch her g-spot, intensifying
the sensation ten-fold.
She was working herself hard with both hands now, rubbing
furiously on her clit as her two fingers fucked into her like a
cock. Her hips jerked wildly in response, going down on her
fingers as they would have a hard cock, rubbing up against her
other hand as she diddled on her clit. Her breasts stood up as
the blood engorged them, nipples pointing straight toward the
moon overhead. She bit her lip against the small grunting cries
that tried to issue from her throat, but still she heard them,
quiet, for her own ears alone. Her hand slid in and out of her
cunt, faster and faster, in time with the other's movement over
her clit. She could feel herself getting close now. And still
the pace sped up.
The grunting was audible now, not enough to carry down the
beach, but enough that she no longer had to strain to hear it.
Her hand pumped deep into her hole, hitting the cervix, and back
out again. In again, and out again. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Her
hand rubbed on her clit, so fast she was no longer conscious of
any rhythm or plan to the movements. Her hips jerked, slamming
her down again and again on her own fingers. Oh, here it came.
The fingers pumped roughly in and out. The fingers rubbed fast
enough to start a fire. It built and built and built. Uh. Uh.
Uh. Uh. It peaked. Her hand rubbed so fast she could no longer
distinguish one finger from another. The hand inside her
proclaimed the muscle contraction on its outer surface even as
she felt it begin from within the muscles themselves. It rolled
over the peak, and started a fast downhill tumble.
Her hand no longer worked inside her. It was still as the
muscles clasped at it again and again, strongly then more weakly.
Her other hand still rubbed at her clit, carrying the orgasm on
as long as it could, still stimulating the contractions as she
held her breath in the ecstasy of the long downhill roll.
Muscles still clenched at the fingers inside her. Then, finally,
the contractions died down to a rhythmic murmur from within her
and against the trapped hand, and she stopped rubbing her clit.
Her breathing and heartbeat were racing from the exertion. Her
hips were sore from the pounding upon the sand.
She pulled her fingers free from her hole, hearing the
slippery sound as they left the river of juice between her
thighs. Released by the removal of the pseudo-cock, it raced
down onto the sand, leaving a nice big wet spot below her
buttocks as the sand soaked up the pussy juice. She lay there in
the sand, eyes still closed, as the high of the orgasm wore off.
Her breasts were sore from their earlier punishment and from the
sensitivity their engorged state had carried. The orgasmic
rhythm still pounded within them, and from inside her pussy.
As her mind began to clear from the orgasmic ecstasy, a
half-formed thought appeared: if her spell carried to her a man
who could understand her body and his own well enough to give her
that kind of overwhelming orgasm, while pounding her body with
his hard cock, she might never get another word written. She
would end up spending every moment of the rest of her life
fucking and coming. And coming and fucking. And fucking and
coming... The thought drifted slowly away as an energy lull hit
her. Fucking and coming.
A mouth on her breast. A finger tracing its way up her
slit, through the river of woman's cum. The images floated
through her mind, projected on the screen at the back of her
closed eyelids. Fucking and coming. Her breasts swelled and her
nipples hardened again at the thought and the image. The flood
between her legs picked up again. Just fucking and coming. Her
heartbeat sped up again, taking her breathing with it. The
images were vibrant, almost real. It had to be the magic
working, drawing her lover to her.
It was magic, as she again felt the mouth on her breast, the
finger working its slow progress up her slit. She raised her
chest against the loving mouth, pressing it harder against her
breast. And the sensation was real. Her eyes popped open,
startled. She was still in the grips of the post-orgasmic fugue,
and it didn't occur to her to be frightened, only startled. As
the world outside her body and mind made itself known all at
once, she knew only that the mouth and hand touching here were
not fantasy, but that of human male, as real and physical as she
was. Her eyes finally focused and her brain made some sense of
what they saw. The mouth suckling on her naked breast was not
visible. Instead there was a veil of copper hair which hid the
mouth and face, and puddled on her chest. But she knew that
fiery hair.
Ah, that was the face of the creature, the intense
smoldering look as he peered out from his hair, upward to lock
eyes with her, her nipple still clenched firmly by his lips. He
sucked lightly upon it, holding her gaze. Then she felt his
teeth graze the hard tip, and he was lost to her sight as she
rolled her head back, enjoying the feeling.
All the while, a finger continued to stroke her slit,
spreading the moisture around her pussy. She moved to pull the
beautiful face toward her, wanting to feel his lips on her own,
to have his tongue thrusting into her mouth. It was then she
noticed that he had one hand on her other breast, resting there
without moving. As she took that in, he began to knead her tit
with his hand. His other hand took up the movement on her other
tit, its nipple still worked by his lips, teeth and tongue. She
raised up again, pressing her chest against his mouth and hands.
Her slit mourned the loss of the playing finger. Her juices
still dripped down onto the sand beneath her. She wanted him to
work all of her at once, to continue the loving ministrations on
her tits, but also to have him fill her mouth with his tongue,
and her cunt with his fingers or cock. She reached again to pull
him towards her face, but her shoulders were pressed gently back
to the sand, and her face aimed towards the sky. It wasn't the
moon that filled her vision then, but a doppleganger, a double.
The man who even now moved to suckle her other tit, who had
always had both of his hands on her tits, was also looking down
on her from above. Distracted by her own body's reacting to the
tit sucking, it took a long moment for her to remember that the
Gods had seen fit to give two men this same face and body.
By then, his lips were crushed to hers, opening her mouth
with his tongue. She responded instantaneously, caressing his
probing tongue with her own, opening to his movements. He took
her lips between his, kissing her with a wet, open-mouthed
movement, and again twirling his tongue around hers. She reached
for him, pulling his face to her own, pressing him to her. Their
lips locked together, pressing almost cruelly against one
another. As they pulled free of one another, she held his face
for a second, keeping him from pulling out of reach. She planted
a sweet kiss on each of his eyelids, and another on his lips. He
gave her a dazzling smile, and bent to her ear. "I am Julian,"
he whispered softly, pausing to kiss her ear. "My brother is
Daniel," he continued. "And we are both desperately..." He
kissed her jaw. "...hopelessly..." He mouthed her chin.
"...and enthusiastically..." He pressed his lips to hers, fixed
her with his eyes, and seductively said: "yours."
She did not know how it had happened, or what it really
meant, but it didn't matter. There was magic here, but these two
were not bespelled. It was sea magic, sex magic, and most of
all, human magic.
Julian pulled his lips from hers, moving toward her feet.
Or rather, her pussy. The extra hand had been his, and he was
returning to finish the job he'd started. Daniel worked his way
up her chest using his tongue to caress the soft skin. When he
finally reached her lips, he sank quickly into the slow, deep
kissing his twin had performed. There were definite differences,
she could already see. Daniel's hand still clasped her left tit,
massaging it lightly. Obviously tits were his favorite thing
about a woman. His kisses were softer and sweeter than his
brother's. His lips and tongue didn't demand, they coaxed. He
didn't invade, but requested an invitation. It was an easy way
to lose oneself in the sense experience. It seemed like they had
been kissing for hours, and neither of them were even beginning
to be bored with the interplay of lips and tongues. And his
hands still caressed her breasts, working the nipples with his
thumbs until they were solid little nubs under his touch.
She might have lost herself to his kisses, but Julian
obviously had other things in mind. His fingers began to caress
her slit again, roving up and down, carrying the moisture around
her whole pussy, drenching what little of her sex wasn't already
soaked. He probed lightly into the very edge of the opening with
his fingers, making her arch up to meet his hand. He withdrew
them, giving her a quick, light pinch on the ass to let her know
he wanted to have free reign with his exploration and torment of
her cunt.
He pulled her pussy lips apart with one hand, using the
other to lift her clit for his inspection. He didn't pinch her
when her hips rode up again, knowing she couldn't help it. He
poked two fingers into her cunt opening again, inserting them an
inch or more into the hole, then spreading them wide, stretching
her opening as wide as he could without hurting her, and peering
inside. Daniel continued his slow, soft kisses, and she finally
managed to split her attention between the two sets of
sensations. Julian's examination of her cunt continued, as he
replaced his fingers with his tongue. The taste-test was
obviously a success, as he eagerly began to suck and lap at her
pussy, collecting the overflowing juices with his tongue. He
covered her clit and as much of her pussy lips as he could with
his mouth, sucking softly while stroking her clit with his
tongue. Her hips were no longer fighting to stay on the sand,
but rising rhythmically as his tongue worked her clit. She
groaned into Daniel's busy mouth when the mouth left her pussy.
Daniel worked with hands, tongue and lips to divert her attention
from the loss. But it wasn't necessary.
Julian had two fingers at her opening again. This time,
they entered, but didn't stop their progress into her hole until
his fingertips hit her cervix. He probed around inside her with
his fingers, making her squirm in pleasure as he located her
g-spot and a few minor pleasure points. Daniel held her pinned
to the sand with his own weight on her chest, otherwise the
thrashing Julian was inducing might have tossed Daniel clear off
of her. He wasn't going to let that happen, and redoubled his
efforts at pleasuring her with his hands, lips and tongue.
Between the two of them, they had her moaning. Daniel
kissed and probed at her mouth, and caressed her wonderful tits.
Julian explored her hole, first with his fingers, then with his
tongue. She'd almost thrown them both off when he'd inserted his
tongue into her cunt. He worked it inside of her like a
miniature penis, thrusting in and out, in and out, trying to poke
all of the little pleasure spots in the outer part of her hole.
He held her legs down, spread wide apart on the sand, diving his
tongue into her juicy hole while she writhed under him and his
twin. She was panting now, moaning with the pleasure that he was
inducing with his tongue. Daniel had given up on continuing his
own oral interchange, and went back to work on her tits with his
mouth and hands. Her breathing worked to push her tits up toward
his hands and mouth. He knew she wanted a little rough
treatment, and he obliged. His soft caresses took on a passion
and urgency, discarding any pretense at gentleness or reserve.
He squeezed her breasts hard. She moaned. Not in pain, but
pleasure. He twisted her nipples. Her panting increased. He
bit on the rock-hard tips. Lightly at first, then harder. She
pressed her chest even harder against his mouth.
Julian worked her pussy with his mouth and hands now. Three
fingers caressed her from the inside now, while his tongue and
lips worked her clit, keeping her hips arching rhythmically in
small quick movements. The hand inside her was drenched in her
fluids. Her clit was swollen to twice the size it had been when
he'd first started playing with her. He knew she was more than
Julian pulled one of her hands free from his brother's head.
She let him have it, not knowing what he had in mind, but
trusting him and wanting whatever he wanted her to do. He came
closer to her, kneeling at her side while Daniel continued his
ministrations at her tits. He brought her hand to his lips and
kissed it. She looked at him, watching his face as he pulled her
hand down toward the sand, and then she understood.
She wrapped her hand around the base of his cock, stroking
lightly up the shaft. He was already rock-hard, and she worried
at whether he'd have her jerk him off before she could get his
big cock inside her cunt. She wished he was in there now, but if
he thought her hand on his cock was right, then she trusted him.
She loosed Daniel's head completely, reaching her other hand down
for his cock. He was as big and hard as his twin, and he moaned
against her breast when she began stroking him up and down with
the same rhythm she stroked on Julian's cock. When she ran her
finger over the slit in the cock's head, his soft nibbling on her
nipple left her sensitive flesh clenched tightly between his
teeth. She moaned in pain, but he'd already released her, and
was making amends with his lips and tongue, running circles
around the hard nipple with his tongue while sucking lightly at
it with his mouth.
She continued to stroke both cocks lightly. She wanted them
inside her when they came, not spewing cum on the sand. She
hoped they weren't planning to waste their cum on the beach.
Julian had no intention of cumming in her hand. He knew his
tolerances down to the last second, and he wanted to be inside
the beautiful witch's cunt when he came. He and Daniel were
enough alike even in this that he knew Daniel could hold out as
long as he could himself. But that wasn't going to be much
longer, at the rate she was pumping on their cocks. He moved his
hand back to her pussy, starting the teasing and stimulation
again. Her clit had shrunk only a bit since he'd left it, and
his first touch brought it back to its engorged state. Her
thighs were coated in pussy juice from all of the stimulation,
and he began to spread it around her whole pussy again.
Daniel was still doing his best on her tits. He had one
breast mostly in his mouth. He'd taken in as much of it as he
could, and now he was working on it with his tongue. Her other
nipple was poking his hand, where it continued to squeeze and
massage her tit. They were both reddened now, from all the rough
handling. Her hand on his cock was rather distracting, but he
was managing to keep his focus on sucking her hard little tits.
If she didn't stop soon, though, he'd have to really work just to
keep himself from cumming right in her hand.
She continued to stroke them, feeling the cocks harden,
lengthen and arc upwards under her attention. She wanted them in
her. Both of them. And right now, neither of them were.
Julian's renewed torment of her cunt had her so hot she was ready
to skewer herself on whichever of their cocks was closer. And
Daniel's suckling on her tits was feeding right into her pussy.
As if he was reading her mind, Julian loosed her hand from his
cock. She took that as a signal to release Daniel as well, and
did so. At that, he raised up from his loving attention to her
tits, and one look at Julian let him know what his twin had in
mind. They raised her up to a kneeling position, her thighs
spread wide apart, facing Julian, as he continued to work her
slit with his hand. She was still arching forward a little to
meet his hand. Daniel grabbed her breasts from behind, crushing
and caressing them against her while he kissed and licked at her
shoulders and neck. She was whimpering in her need. That was
what they were waiting for.
Celena leaned back into Daniel's loving arms, letting him
support her weight while he continued to work her breasts. Her
cunt she ground into Julian's hand, hoping he'd realize that she
was more than ready for him to pound her with that big cock. He
must have, because he pulled his hand from her cunt, still
covered with her juices, and used it to pull her face toward him.
She leaned forward, pulling Daniel with her, taking her weight on
her arms. Julian kissed her, the demanding kisses he had given
before returned to captivate her. Daniel continued to caress her
breasts from behind. They stayed like this for what seemed an
It was wonderful, but the dripping on her thighs reminded
Celena that what she wanted most of all was to have these two big
cocks fucking her, hard and rough. She continued to kiss Julian
passionately, their tongues a small parody of the in and out to
come. She reached behind her, grabbing Daniel's ass and pulling
him forward until his rigid cock poked her. She spread her legs
for him, and pulled him forward by his dick, pointing it at her
cunt. He was ready for her, and steadied himself, letting some
of his weight rest on her back, so that he could have his hands
free to continue to caress her tits. He pinched her nipples
lightly once, then pushed forward with his cock, inserting the
head into her pussy. She gasped with pleasure, wanting
desperately for him to thrust it into her fast and rough. Julian
continued to feed off of her mouth. She opened her eyes while
awaiting Daniel's next thrust, and found Julian looking at her,
passion seething from his eyes, as well as his kisses and tongue
Julian braced her by her shoulders, preparing her for
Daniel's next thrust. He knew from his intimate examination that
she was too small to take either of them easily. It wouldn't be
painful, but without all of that pussy juice flowing out of her,
it could well have been. Daniel leaned lightly against her back.
He took his hands from her breasts, hooking them over her
shoulders from underneath instead. She knew what was coming, and
to encourage him, pushed her ass back against his belly, telling
him with that gesture to hurry and fuck her hard. He knew what
she wanted, and he was ready to give it to her. Holding tightly
to her shoulders, he thrust deep into her, sinking his cock into
her right up to the hilt in one quick, violent movement. His
balls bumped up against her ass, and he felt her tighten with the
tension of being filled completely with his cock.
He moved his hands back to her breasts. Julian continued to
brace her, while he explored her mouth and face with his lips and
tongue. She split her focus again, mouthing at Julian as he
licked and kissed his way across her face, and back to her mouth
again. They were practically breathing for each other. Daniel's
hugely swollen cock impaled her from behind. She felt stuffed,
as the member continued to grow inside her. Her juices continued
to flow, and she could feel him pulling back to thrust again.
This time, she thought he really would pierce her heart. She was
panting from the strength of the sensations inside of her.
Julian busied himself licking around her jawline, and mouthing at
her lips. Once more, Daniel pulled back, thrusting home with a
force that knocked all three over onto the sand.
The Sea Witch: Part 3 of 3
It might have broken the mood, but as it turned out they
couldn't have planned things better if they'd tried. Celena fell
pressed against Julian's big hard cock. It wasn't inside her,
but it was so close. Daniel pulled out of her, making her cry
out at the loss. She wanted the big organ back inside her. But
Julian silenced her with a look, one that carried the message of
love and trust as clearly as if he'd spoken. He leaned back onto
the sand, stretched out full-length beneath her, his rigid cock
trapped right next to her cunt. Daniel helped her into a
position kneeling right over the pointing organ. She understood
now. She wanted that big hard cock inside her, and she was going
to be able to get it, by impaling herself onto it from above.
She knew that coming onto it from above would cause her own
weight to push it as far within her as it could get. And she
wanted that. Daniel kneeled behind her, taking her breasts into
his hands again. He sucked on the back of her neck and
shoulders, while his hands worked her tits, the nipples still
hard and responsive to his touch. He encouraged her to raise
herself up above his twin's waiting cock, while Julian's hands
joined his own to caress and squeeze her tits. Celena raised up
until Julian's big dick was aimed right at her hole. The juices
were running down her thighs in small streams now, She wanted him
in her, and she was going to get him as far in her in a single
thrust as was physically possible. She wanted him to split her
wide open and then fuck her brains out.
With a quick, deliberate movement, she impaled herself on
the rigid cock. The head passed through her opening, then kept
on going as she pressed herself down to Julian. Finally, she was
resting most of her weight on Julian's hips, her pubic hair
sealed tight against his, the liquid bathing her thighs spreading
across his hips where she straddled him. She moaned as the head
of his cock hit her cervix. Julian's eyes were shut, as he
enjoyed the sensation of this tight, wet, hot hole sliding down
to sheath his dick. He wanted to flip her over and just screw
her until she begged him to stop. But he didn't. He used his
hands to caress and squeeze her gorgeous breasts. His brother
really loved tits, but he wasn't exactly adverse to them himself.
Both pairs of hands worked her tits, while she rested impaled on
the length of Julian's cock.
After a minute, she raised herself up again, until only the
head of the big cock was still inside her. Then she lowered
herself onto it again, thrusting it into herself until there was
no space between her and Julian. Their pubic hair mashed
together, and they were frozen in pleasure, both with their eyes
tightly closed. She began to move faster, going up and down on
his cock. It rubbed against her g-spot on the inside, just like
he'd done when he was fingerfucking her. The friction inside the
hot, wet channel rubbed his dick like she'd done with her hand,
and he knew he wasn't going to be able to hold off indefinitely.
He began to thrust into her as she settled down on him, aiding
her in getting his dick into her as far as they could. He took
one hand from her breasts, and laid it against her cunt, using
his thumb to rub her clit. She moaned and began rubbing her cunt
up against his hand while they thrust at each other.
Daniel continued to work her breasts. He was a breast man,
true, but he still wanted to get his cock back inside her. It
was rigid even after he'd pulled out of her, covered in her
juices, still aimed upwards with erection. He watched his
brother sawing his cock in and out of her tight little hole,
rubbing her clit with his hand. He let his hands leave her tits,
dropping them instead to her ass cheeks. He caressed and
squeezed them for a moment or two, just like he'd been doing with
her luscious tits. Then he parted them, noting the tiny bud of
her asshole. He reached between her legs, his hand brushing his
twin's cock as he ran his fingers up the insides of her drenched
legs. He collected the juices on his finger, then opened her ass
up to his view again, and applied the slippery stuff to her
Celena was fucking herself well on Julian's big organ. He
was helping her now, working to bring them both the most pleasure
they could have, trying to get his dick so far inside her it
would pop out of her mouth. She was starting to think it might.
The rhythm quickened. They were both grunting in their pleasure.
She felt Daniel move his hands from her tits to her ass. When he
pulled the cheeks apart, she knew what he had in mind. She'd
never had it up the ass before, but she wanted both of these
magnificent cocks in her, and to get both at the same time was a
chance she wasn't going to turn down. When Daniel's hand had
bumped Julian's cock and her thigh, she's almost come right then.
She was close enough now that she was hoping Daniel would hurry
up and ram that huge thing up her ass, no matter what the cost.
But she was glad that he'd taken the time to spread her cunt
juices onto her ass. She knew she'd be even more glad when he
was actually in her ass.
Julian felt Daniel's hand bump his cock. He'd figured out
what he was doing quickly enough, even if he couldn't see it.
They'd never even done it with the same woman before, not even at
different times. Thinking about screwing Celena from both ends
with his twin was an incredible turn on. Hurry up, Daniel.
She felt the touch at her asshole again. This time it was
well greased with her own wetness, and it continued to dash back
and forth between her dripping thighs and the tight little
asshole. Daniel's fingers applied the slippery juice to the
outside of the little bud, collecting as much as he could from
her thighs, even running his fingers over her cunt lips where
Julian's cock pumped in and out of her. He had her ass well
greased now. He reached again for her juicy, dripping pussy,
running fingers around her slit, even as his twin continued to
thrust up into her hole. His fingers were as wet with her juices
as his brother's cock was, as his own still was, even though he
was no longer the one pounding into her tight cunt. He raised
his soaked fingers to her tight virgin asshole, probing lightly
with them, bringing the cunt juice with him as he began to
finally insert his middle finger into her.
Celena was waiting for the invasion into her ass. She
pushed her ass back at his hand, working hard to flex the muscles
in her hole and open herself to his fingers. A single finger
first. A tight fit, but not painful, certainly. Not even
terribly uncomfortable. He pulled it back to insert again,
bringing the juice he'd slathered on her ass inside with him to
smooth the way, and driving it up to the knuckle in her asshole.
She moaned at the deeper penetration. He heard it and kept on
working, pulling back to add more cunt juice to her asshole, and
then adding his index finger to the first.
She stiffened as the larger probe began to push into her
ass. But she relaxed into it, pushing backwards and flexing the
sphincter muscles to help him get the extra finger in. Slowly he
worked them both up into her, inch by inch until they were both
lodged in her ass all the way to the knuckles. She was panting
from the exertion of fucking Julian, and from the intense
concentration of helping Daniel pave the way for that huge cock
to get into her ass. She wasn't sure she'd manage as she felt
him begin to work a third finger into her. He wasn't sure it was
a necessary measure, but he didn't want to find out later that he
should have stretched her ass out further to keep from hurting
her with his dick. The tip of the pseudo-cock entered her
easily, well-greased by all of the juice he'd collected. As he
pushed deeper, her panting came quicker, and he felt her push
hard back against his hand, trying to force the muscles in her
ass to relax and allow him deeper. He moved slowly, inserting
his three fingers little by little, allowing her time between
advancements to get used to the new level of penetration. It
seemed to take forever, but their combined efforts finally
brought success. He slowly fucked her ass with his hand,
managing to thrust the fingers in to the knuckles each time. Her
panting had turned again to groaning, as the sensation of being
penetrated front and back carried her into ecstasy. She was
really getting off on it, he saw, but he didn't want her to come
while he fucked her tight ass with his hand. He continued to
thrust slowly in and out of the formerly-virgin asshole with his
hand, but he used the other hand to go again between her legs and
gather more of her slippery lubrication. This time he didn't
spread it on her ass, but instead added it to the cunt juice
still on his cock. It was slippery under his hand now.
He grabbed for her hand and pulled it behind and wrapped her
fingers around his organ. She was startled at how hard he still
was, even with out the stimulation. She pumped up and down
lightly on his dick, just a few times. Then he removed her hand,
taking the cock in his own free hand, and running it up and down
along her slit, drowning it in the juice that still flowed freely
there. Julian felt his brother's hand and cock rubbing along the
soaking pussy. He was just trying to keep up his own pace,
holding back to give Daniel time to get his cock up her tight
ass. He could feel the fingers thrusting in and out of her ass
through the thin membrane that separated the two canals, and the
added stimulation was starting to make him lose his control. She
was still pumping tirelessly on his cock, only a little
distracted by his brother's attention her previously virgin ass.
His hand still rubbed her cunt, carefully avoiding her clit, lest
he make her come before Daniel could get into her.
But he didn't have long to wait. Daniel's big, hard cock
was coated in her juices, slippery as if he'd just pulled out of
her hot hole. He worked it lightly with his own hand, enjoying
the sensation as his fingers slipped and slid up and down the
rigid 8 inches. But he was rock-hard for a reason, and he wasn't
going to wait any longer.
He stopped fucking her tight ass with his hand, pulling his
fingers free, and using them to hold open her ass cheeks instead.
They were still coated in her woman's juices, and he caressed
them with both hands now as he spread them to give his cock free
access to her asshole.
She felt him pull her ass cheeks apart, knowing that his
hand was gone from her asshole, and that his big cock was going
in next. She braced herself against Julian's chest as he
continued pumping beneath her. His hips were soaked by the juice
from her thighs, and he gritted his teeth, grunting in time with
each thrust into her pussy.
Daniel positioned the head of his cock at the little ass
pucker. It gaped a little from the recent invasions, waiting for
him to bury his length in her bowels. She felt him push against
her, and pushed her ass back towards him, focusing on relaxing
onto his hard cock. The head cleared the opening, and she gasped
in relief as he paused before pushing any deeper. The feeling of
his cock inside her ass was nothing she'd even dreamed of. She
steadied herself against Julian, trying to minimize the movement
of her ass and hips even though Julian continue to pump into her
with considerable force.
Daniel took up the assault again, wanting to get his cock
inside that tight, tight little hole. He pushed against her
again, glad that she seemed to be able to relax her sphincter
muscles enough that once his head was inside, it was easier for
her. Inch by inch, he pushed into her. She was panting again,
unable to contain the sensations in her ass and cunt and remain
silent. He had about five inches of himself buried within her
now. She couldn't take it any more. She wanted him to impale
her with all of him. Do it quick and rough, and then fuck her
hard. She reached behind herself and grabbed his balls,
squeezing and massaging them in her hand. He understood the
Even if he hadn't, the added stimulation would have driven
him on. He thrust himself into her ass. The three remaining
inches disappeared in an instant. She moaned, feeling him buried
up to the hilt in her bowels. His balls rested against her ass.
She froze for a moment, her eyes locked with Julian's as he too,
felt Daniel slide home in her ass. Sure that her expression was
one of supreme sexual arousal, and not discomfort, be started to
thrust into her cunt again. Daniel pulled back and started to
thrust slowly and rhythmically inside her ass. They could feel
each other's cocks through the small layer of flesh that
separated the two holes. It aroused them both further, and the
pace quickened.
She was caught up in the sensation of being trapped between
the two of them, Julian beneath her, fucking her cunt, and Daniel
behind, fucking her ass. The two cocks bumped up against each
other through her interior walls, as they each began to work in
rhythm. First Julian, then Daniel, then Julian, then Daniel. On
and on it went. She had no control over her own movements.
Julian's cock bumped again and again against her cervix. Daniel
was buried deeply in her bowels. She rode the feeling with
nothing more in mind than enjoying every moment of the
double-fucking. She got caught up in the rhythm herself, front
and back, front and back. She pressed herself down on Julian's
cock, then back against Daniel. She could feel the orgasm
building, working endlessly toward the high peak before she would
roll slowly and exquisitely downward again.
The rhythm built between the three of them. They functioned
like a single being, not separate ones. The rhythm tied them
together, and they all became supremely aware that orgasm was
imminent. Julian was thrusting quickly in and out of her cunt.
Daniel's pace was equally fast. She impaled herself on both
cocks, as their owners worked to impale her further on their own
organs. The sound of the ocean was drowned out by the blood
flowing through their ears. The only thing they could hear were
the sounds of fucking, as they grunted and moaned their pleasure
to each other. Celena felt herself approaching her peak,
building and building until she didn't think it could go higher.
Julian was no longer consciously controlling his movements,
as he worked her on his cock with a feverish pace. Daniel's
quick thrusts were equally instinctive, as all three built
further and further to their peak. Suddenly, she reached the
top, moaning loudly as it took her and her muscles began to
clench at Julian's cock. That was all it took to send him into
the final quick thrusting, his hips slamming up and down trying
to push himself through her. The grasping muscles in her cunt
impacted on Daniel's cock in her ass, and the sensation sent him
over the edge to join them. His hips thrust his cock into her
with the same uncontrollable rhythm that his brother's cock
pounded into her cunt. She felt the muscles clenching again and
again at Julian's big cock.
Both cocks continued to thrust into her, hard and fast.
Then, all at once, they pumped a final time, and exploded within
her cunt and ass. Thick rivers of cum squirted out of both
cocks. Julian's coated her cunt walls. Daniel's sprayed into
her bowels. The small pumping motions mirrored the spasms in her
cunt. Fast and violent, then slowing and softening. Then a
final pulse from each of them, and it was suddenly still.
They remained as they were for a moment, completely drained
of energy and the ability to think. Then Celena collapsed on top
of Julian, carrying Daniel down with her, until they lay in a
stack, one atop the other, like fallen dominoes. Both cocks were
still inside of her. They were soft and deflated now, but still
they did not leave her. They lay like that for minutes on end,
their hard breathing the only sound besides the pounding of the
surf in the dark of night.
Finally, energy returned in some limited amount. Daniel
climbed off of her, falling beside his twin in the sand. She
rolled off of Julian, sliding into the small channel between the
two male bodies. They all lay on their backs, staring at the
moon. Not a word said between them. Then she looked over at
Julian, and found he was looking at her as well. He grasped her
long hair in one hand, enjoying the silken feel of it. The
pulled her face to his, and gave her a soft, sensual kiss. Their
eyes spoke wordless volumes to each other, and the only sound was
Julian's murmur: "Forever." She looked over at Daniel. He was
watching them both. Then he pulled her face to his, and
delivered his own version of that soft, sensual kiss. "Forever,"
he repeated. She grasped both of their hands in hers, and
crossed them over her bared breasts. "Forever," echoed the
chorus of three. And the Moon was witness to the pact and the
promise, and so it was sealed.