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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
I guess we were both pretty crazy when Lori, my best friend, and
I were in college. We used to stay up all night, smoking pot and
calling 900 numbers with foncard codes memorized while standing
behind people at the airport.
We snuk out for concerts, kept food and once, a kitten, in our
room, and generally behaved like the innocent "bad girls" we were.
When school ended, our partying did too, or at least Lori's did,
pretty much.
Right after graduation she married Rajiv, a tall incredibly cute
(if you like the pirate type) guy from Afghanistan, I think it was
Afghanistan, but I get all those "stans" confused. It's Lori who's
the brain, not me.
Anyway, Rajiv was really sexy looking, and lots of fun.
They were really in love but it didnt make you sick to be around
them, ao it would have been the best of both worlds, except that
Rajiv had a lot of really conservative ideas about some things.
For one, Lori couldn't go out any more, not even just to dance
or come spend the night at my tiny apartment.
Occoasionally, she would come for the evening, when Rajiv was doing
some science or religion thing, and she really enjoyed the chance
to smoke a joint. She couldnt even smoke cigarettes around Rajiv.
One night, as we sat giggling over the recent poorly performed
liposuction of a certain old school chum, there was a huge creaking
noise, then a crash, and to my horror, the corner of my ceiling
caved in.
I should explain that my apartment was a sort of addition but I
dont think it was very well thought out. That's how i ended up spending the
night at Lori and Rajiv's. I was in bed in the guest room, almost asleep,
when I heard Rajiv's voice.
"What is this trash?" he shouted.
The sound came from the same direction as the light from the
heating vent, and I got out of bed and peered into the wide gap.
(We all lived in substandard housing in those days.)
Rajiv had Lori's wide-open purse, and his face was stern.
Uh-oh, I thought. In our rush to get out of the apt from hell before
it crashed on our heads, Lori had grabbed the pot and stuffed it
into her Aigner bag.
Lori looked surprised, and murmured something, I couldnt understand
what. "I dont care," said Rajiv.
He held up the bag of Colombian gold buds, the kind you can only get
nowadays from gunrunners and Jah people with few scruples.
"This garbage is pure poison. How dare you put poison into your
He shook the bag angrily in fron of Lori's bewildered face. She
knew Rajiv was generally anti-drug, but clearly had expected
nothing like this reaction.
Oh, God, please dont let him spill it or flush it or anything, I prayed, but
Rajiv put the bag carefully into a drawer.
"This will be a matter for the man to whom Sasha is promised.",
he said.
Now my name is Sasha, and since I dont have a steady boyfriend, I
found that last remark pretty interesting.
Lori laughed. "Sasha isnt promised to anybody. She hardly sees
the same guy twice."
"Yes, I know, but that will soon end. When you told me she was like a sister
to to you, I set about to do my duty to her and I have found her a husband. He
is a good man, very strict, as she needs, as you both need.
Without wasting any more time on my romantic future, Rajiv grabbed
Lori firmly and placed her ass up over the back of the overstuffed
chais lounge at the foot of the bed, reached to open another desk
drawer from which he took a wide 15 inch wooden ruler.
"I have had much patience with your wild American ways",
he said, and pulled Lori's white Lace panties down, exposing her
firm white ass cheeks.
He drew the ruler across her bottom as if he were a violinist
tuning up for a concert.
Lori was yelling at him to let her up, that he was crazy,
but that soon changed to yelps of pain as Rajiv let the ruler
fall again and again on her helpless bottom. I lost count, but
by then, Rajiv had stopped speaking English, Lori was crying as
hard as her husband was spanking her, and the whole bottom half
of her ass was bright neon pink.
I felt a mixture of horror, embarrassment, and arousal, all of which
intensified when Rajiv stopped spanking her and whipped out the
biggest, brownest cock I had ever seen. Lori had hinted that Rajiv
was well-endowed, but I had figured it was just the inexperience
of a new bride talking.
Rajiv rammed hard into Loris ass and fucked her hard and deep, and
I moved away, suddenly embarrassed at seeing my friend being forced
to come.
The next morning, I heard Rajiv' through the heating vent again.
this time, he spoke calmly.
"No. Lori, Sasha will never know of your punishment. That is private
part of a married couples' life together, like all intimate acts."
"How do I explain not being able to sit down?"
Lori was a little petulant, and I gathered that what I had witnessed
last night had been her first spanking from Rajiv, I did not think it was
likely to be her last.
Ignoring her question, Rajiv went on speaking, stroking her long blond
hair and dropping kisses now and then on her forehead.
I have already spoken with Jitra. I think it will be good for Lori
to go from our house to his.
"Nah, she'll get another apartment somewhere down there by the docks.."
Lori was trying to get Rajiv excited, stroking his crotch with pink-
tipped nails.
One who is as a sister to my wife shall not live in that way", said
Rajiv firmly.
I decided to have a talk with him about sisterhood and American
marriage customs, among other things, at the first opportunity.
Rajiv looked at the clock and reluctantly told Lori that they would
have to contain their passion for the moment because he had to pick
Jitra up at the airport.
In the meantime, she was to "fix me up". Now to me "fixed up"
by definition involves black leather, fishnets and at least half a
pound of metal hardware as jewelry. I know, stuck in the 80's.
The outfit Lori brought in for me, however, was stuck in some century
with three numbers in it.
It was beautiful material, iridiscent violet blue silk shot through
with subtle embroidery done in fine gold thread, but he damn thing
was a mini dress with these matching pants that fastened with a
"Come on, Lori, get real. PANTS and a mini dress? Just give me some fishnets"
"Fishnets? uh, i dont think-- look, Sasha they're great. Come off real
easy. "
She grinned at me, and I could not stop the image that came to mind
of Rajiv undoing the drawstring, ruler in hand.
"Look-you're beautiful"
Lori spun me around to face the mirror and I did have to admit it didnt look
bad. I have sort of generic ethnic looks from my hopelessly mixed up heritage,
and the outfit suited me much better really than Lori who looked great in
anything, just that she was so blonde that Asian dress looked a little strange
on her.
When I heard Rajiv's car, my apprehension returned. I had not had a
chance to talk to him, and I thought it was importasnt to get things
straight before I met his friend.
When I saw Jitra, I almost gasped. He was HOT. Cuter than Rajiv, and
bigger, too. Now why did that thought make me shiver?
He seemed completely delighted with me, gazing at me as if I were
a cake and he hadnt eaten in three days, and I kept feeling that same strange
half-dread, half-arousal that I knew Lori always would feel
every time she saw Rajiv getting ready to measure something.
As the days passed, I began to realize that I was more than just
attracted to Jitra. He was extremely intelligent and had a fun,
devilish streak that Rajiv lacked, and any inchoate fantasies
that I had harbored for my friend's husband since the night I
spied on them were transferred to his husky cousin.
One afternoon, the boys left us alone to go to the ball game, and
Lori and I found soon found ourselves giggling and looking for
mischief like old times. Neither of us had smoked since the "fateful night",
the pot was still in the drawer where Rajiv left it, and, I hoped, forgotten
it, and before long we were powerfried, playing video games on
Rajiv's computer, the floor around us littered with junk food
We didnt hear the car, we didnt hear anyone come in, that's
how chronic we were, and that's how they found us.
"Lori, go upstairs"
Lori jumped. The last thing she was expecting was to have
Rajiv walk in just in time to see her pink tongue wetting
down the glue strip of an expertly rolled doobie.
She stared for a minute at Rajiv, tongue frozen in mid-lick, not
sure what to do with the joint, then finally tossed it to me and
obeyed her husband.
Rajiv glared at the joint, then at me.
"That", he said "shall be a private matter for Jitra.
He bent over and picked up to the bag and gave it to Jitra,
saying I dont know what beacause he said it in their other
language, then he bowed and went upstairs.
Jitra stared at me intently. "Sasha, have you acccepted me
in your heart?"
I couldnt help but laugh at the way he put it.
"You sound like a preacher quoting Jesus"
"You know what I mean." He was very serious.
" Have you accepted that you love me, accepted me to
marry you"
I decided to tell the truth for once.
"You know, I think I have."
In an instant, he caught me to him and enveloped my mouth in a
long, passionate kiss.
Just as I was getting up enough nerve to reach for the zipper
of his pants, we heard a "SMACk SMACKSMACK SMACK SMACK" from
Jitra pulled back from the kiss and looked deeply into my eyes.
It sounded like Lori was getting it even harder than she did the
other night; it certainly was lasting longer. Jitra held my gaze
throughout the spanking and when it finally stopped he reached
inside my tunic and undid the famous drawstring. The silken
trousers dropped to the floor in a little whoosh and his fingers
probed between my legs finding the wetness that was the
indisputable evidence of how the sound of Lori's spanking had
excited me.
"Rajiv was right. You need a strict husband", he said as he
unbuckled his wide leather belt.
Before I knew how, he had me over his knee and the sting of
the belt exploded like fireworks across my bare ass.
I was determined not to cry, but I did, before the fourth smack,
he let me have it so hard, and it kept getting worse the more
I screamed and pleaded.
When it was finally over, I was hotter than i had ever been in
my life and all I wanted was for him to fuck me.
"In front, in back, make a new hole, just fuck me NOW" I muttered,
and almost, but not quite took it back when he pulled out his
monster of a cock, with its thick, bulbous head...