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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
by Peat Brett
Alicia stood in the high stone tower, looking out the single window of
the room. She shivered from a slight breeze, for the window had no glass or
shutter, it was little more than a hole in the wall. Still she was thankful
for it, as it was her only connection with the outside world. From the window
she could look down on the castle wall, almost two hundred feet below. The
land about the castle was verdant and green, with little other signs of
civilization, save for the single dirt road leading away from the keep. She
turned from the window to look at the door, which she knew was locked. Even if
it wasn't locked though, there was a guard outside.
She walked away from the window, tears welling in her beautiful green
eyes, which held just the slightest flecks of brown. She was clad in a long,
clean peasant's dress, off the shoulders, loose around the legs, laced up
tightly over her stomach & chest and up to push forth her soft breasts in the
way that was currently fashionable. Her legs brushed smoothly together as she
walked, for she wore nothing under it. She wasn't allowed anything to wear
under it.
She sat down on the bed and began to weep. She knew he would be coming
* * * * *
The man in black had heard of the beautiful maiden in the tower, and
thought little of it. An hour ago he had learned her identity. He had been
riding for forty-five minutes.
* * * * *
Lord Gwyeth burst into the room, as he did every night. Alicia jumped
up in fright, wiping her eyes, trying to hide the fact she had been weeping.
Lord Gwyeth stood before her, his eyes as dark as his pitch black hair
and beard. He wasted no time in asking.
"Will you consent to be my wife?" he asked for what seemed to the
maiden to be the hundredth time.
She knew what the price for refusal was, but did not hesitate to cry,
He seemed disapointed, but not surprised. He snapped his gloved
fingers and emotionlessly called, "Guard!"
The guard came in eagerly, a lecherous grin on his face. The maiden
tried to run from him, but he caught her easily. He brought her over to Lord
Gwyeth, who was by now sitting on the single chair in the near empty chamber,
pulling his leather gloves tighter over his hands.
Alicia was thrust belly-down over his knees, and he held her down with
his hands on her back as the guard tied her wrists together with a strip of
leather. Gwyeth whipped off his long belt, and used it to tie her kicking legs
together, just above the knees. The guard ran his hand over the helpless
maid's breasts, but was sharply struck by Gwyeth as a result.
"Touch her without permission again, and I'll cut off your hand,"
Gwyeth said evenly, and no one doubted him, "Now leave us."
The guard exited the room, closing the door behind him, but Alicia knew
he had not gone far. In fact, he probably had his ear pressed against the
Lord Gwyeth, eager to get on with the punishment for refusal, gently
lifted the maid's skirt up over her waist, revealing her long, smooth legs,
pale as they led up to the soft, sensuous curves of her bottom. He ran a hand
softly up them, squeezing as he reached her buttocks, then he swiftly brought
his hand up and brought it crashing down.
The sharp crack of leather on flesh resounded in the room, and Alicia,
the hem of her skirt covering up to the nape or her neck, bit her lip to keep
from crying out. She felt tears welling in her eyes from the sting, causing
her long, silky hair to dampen, and stick to her face. She had barely
recovered from last night, and wasn't prepared to take this again.
Gwyeth sent his gloved hand down again and again, relishing both the
sharp smacking sound, and the red which was beginning to show on the once pale
SMACK!....SMACK!....SMACK!....SMACK! The sound echoed off the stone
walls, and Alicia could almost picture the guard outside, his ear against the
door, squeezing his hardened manhood in his hands as he listened.
After a few minutes, the blows stopped, but this only filled the maid
with more dread. She knew what was next.
Gwyeth took his gloves off leisurely, allowing a few moments for the
sting to set in. He smiled as he watched the pink flesh turn fully red.
"Do you consent to marry me?" he asked again.
She had barely finished her reply of "NEVER!" before his now bare hand
came crashing down on her unprotected bottom. This time, she couldn't bite
back her yelp of pain. Her cries filled the room as the vicious lord continued
his assault, but far more embarrassing to her was the noticeable trickle of
wetness between her legs which grew larger with every blow he rained down.
After a moment he stopped, rubbed his hand briskly over her sore
buttocks, and then brought it down between her thighs and slipped a finger,
then two, into her.
"Whilst I do love chastising your bottom, my dear," Gwyeth was saying,
"I do grow tired of your nightly refusals. I promise to make spankings a part
of our nightly ritual when we are wed."
"BASTARD!!" she cried tearily, causing him to laugh as his fingers
continued to do their work, exciting her and humiliating her at the same time.
Soon, her cries and protests gradually became whimpers, and then moans
of pleasure. She was disgusted that this man whom she hated to much could
arouse her so. His fingers sped up, and Alicia tensed, feeling orgasm close at
hand. She clenched her bound hands to fists, and closed her eyes to experience
it fully, but the moment before she came, Gwyeth pulled out his fingers and
smacked her harshly on the rump. The reddened cheeks jiggled from the force of
the blow.
"NO!" she cried, feeling her orgasm float out of reach as he resumed
the spanking with a vengeance. The burning sensation in her rear subsided as
it grew numb under the attack.
After a few more minutes of this she began to become aroused again by
the stinging blows falling on her bottom.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she cried, more in pleasure than pain, raising her
bottom to meet each blow, and crying out in gratification each time.
He stopped again, and she had time for a short, choked cry of
humiliation and degradation before his fingers slipped again into her moist
As before, she grew excited again, and just before her orgasm, he
smacked her on the ass again, this time with the leather glove, causing her to
She broke down and begged him to let her come, but he answered, "Have
you reconsidered my proposal?"
He slapped the glove against her buttocks with renewed vigor for
several more minutes, then untied her, dumped her unceremoniously on the floor,
and stormed out of the room.
Alicia heard the door lock after him as she dragged herself to the bed.
Unable to lie on her back due to the fire in her bottom, she lay on her side
and slipped her hands between her legs as she did every night to complete what
the evil Lord Gwyeth started. After her much needed release, she slipped off
into sleep.
* * * * *
The man in black reigned in his horse and dismounted. He tethered the
beast, and made camp silently. As he sat by his small fire, he pulled his
thick, black wool cloak about him, its hood still hiding his face in shadow.
His eyes glinted in the firelight, and his thoughts were unreadable. He would
not reach the castle until the following night.
* * * * *
Lord Gyweth stumbled into his chambers, his hand already grasping the
bulge in his leggings. He tore off his clothing and began to masturbate
How that woman excited him! Her exquisite beauty, coupled with her
stubborn, fiery spirit drove him half-mad with lust. He came quickly, and as
he watched his semen arch high into the air, he pictured himself coming in her
mouth, her full red lips stretched to accommodate him, or in her sweet wet
notch, her gasps of pleasure music to his ears, or in the tight bud of her
anus, her gasps of pain as she accepted his girth only spurring him on all the
He would break her spirit, oh yes! He would not touch her with his
manhood until she begged for it in their wedding bed. She had begged for it
before, as she felt it jutting against her stomach, but he had refused, stating
that sex before marriage was a sin. Still, she had refused to marry him.
But he would change that.
* * * * *
The next night was much the same. Gwyeth asked her again and again she
refused. He took her over his knee, alternating between spanking, and
fingering. Again, she begged him to make her come, to relieve the tension, but
she refused to marry him.
Incredibly excited by the sound of her begging, Gwyeth was enraged when
she again refused him. He almost threw her down and raped her right then, but
he resisted, and ran out of the room instead, bowling over the masturbating
guard as he exited.
Again, Alicia heard the click of the lock as she walked across the
room, rubbing her sore, burning, red bottom with her still-bound hands, laid on
her side on the bed, and began to masturbate.
She had just orgasmed, sighing and moaning, and was about to fall
asleep when a dark shadow slipped through her window. She didn't think about
the two hundred some feet one would have to scale to reach the window. She
simply jumped to her feet and started to scream.
The man in black was next to her then, holding her tight, with his hand
over her mouth.
"Don't scream," he told the maid, her eyes wide in terror, "Do you
promise not to scream?" she nodded.
He let go.
"GUARD! HELP!!" she cried.
"Bitch!" the man in black hissed to himself, sliding easily into the
shadows off to the side of the large iron and wood door. He was dressed in
complete jet, and he stood invisible in the shadows as the guard came bursting
into the room, sword drawn.
The beautiful maiden, preferring her captivity to being murdered by an
ebony clad assassin, pointed into the shadows and said, "He's in there."
Unable to believe her stupidity, the man in black cursed again as the
guard rushed him. His feet in perfect balance, the man in black danced in and
out of the shadows, the guard's weapon never touching him. There was a flash
of steel from somewhere beneath his cloak, and he brought a short sword
crashing into the guard's once, twice, bringing his opponent's weapon up high,
then he arced his slender shortsword back low, opening the guard's stomach
wide. The man fell gasping to the floor, trying to hold his belly in. Alicia
was screaming the whole time.
The man in black turned to face her, and she quieted in her fright.
"Look what you made me do," he accused her, pointing to the bleeding
man, "Why couldn't you have just stayed quiet?"
"Who are you?" the maid asked, afraid and confused.
"You don't recognize me..." he pulled back his hood, "..Slowsong?"
"JAIR!!" she cried, rushing to him and crushing him in a tearful
embrace, sobbing against his chest in joy. He hugged her back with one arm,
the arm which wasn't holding the bloodied sword. He kissed her hard on the
lips, and she returned the kiss with all the love she had.
"Will you marry me?" he asked.
"Yes, oh, yes!" she answered between tears.
"Well, isn't that touching," came a voice from the doorway. There
stood Lord Gwyeth, a broadsword in his hand. "Its a shame, Alicia, that I'll
have to kill your newfound love."
Alicia looked at him with undisguised venom, and turned to Jair, her
eyes large, tears running down her cheeks.
"Kill him," she begged, "Please, Jair, kill him."
The man in black, taken aback by the hate in her voice, and imagining
the tortures she must have gone through at his hands, moved between her and
Gwyeth, his shortsword in one hand, a long dirk in the other.
Lord Gwyeth rushed at him with a powerful overhand chop of his
broadsword. Somehow though, the man in black caught the blow in a cross of his
two blades. There was a ring of metal, then a thud as the man in black's boot
came up under the blades which were still locked together, and pounded into
Lord Gwyeth's unprotected stomach, knocking him down.
Gwyeth rolled to his knees and brought his sword up, but Jair blocked
it with one blade as his other knifed around, slicing into the lord's arm,
causing him to drop his blade.
Gwyeth ran out of the room, screaming, "Guards! Guards!!"
Jair rushed to the door, jamming it shut with the discarded broadsword.
"That won't hold them long," he said turning, "We have to go."
He rushed to the window, grabbing the grappling hook fastened there and
throwing it to the ground.
"We'll need that to get over the wall," he said to her shocked look.
There was a pounding at the door.
"How will we get down?" Alicia asked, terrified.
"You'll have to trust me," Jair said, bringing her to the window and
wrapping his arms tightly about her, "Now hold on tight."
They leaped from the window as the guards burst into the room. The
maiden screamed.
She heard the whistle of crossbow bolts flying by her, and opened her
eyes to see they were falling slowly, like leaves!
Still, they were falling fast enough to keep the bowmen from being able
to aim correctly on the dark moonless night.
They hit the ground at a run, Jair snatching up the rope as the ran by. He
threw it over the wall in one toss, and boosted up his love as she struggled to
climb in her dress. He nimbly scrambled up after her, and again they leaped,
falling slowly to the ground.
His horse was tethered right next to the wall, and moments later, they
were riding off into the night.
* * * * *
They had put the castle several miles behind them before they chose a
secluded area and made camp, building no fire, for fear of being spotted.
"The cloak is magical," Jair said wrapping it about his love as they
snuggled together for warmth, "It allows me and anyone in contact with me to
fall like a feather."
Alicia pulled him closer.
"Alicia..." he said after a moment, "I have to know. Did he..."
"No," she answered, "He didn't rape me." She proceeded to tell him
exactly what he had done, and even admitted to her moments of weakness, when
she begged him to enter her.
Jair silently swore to kill Lord Gwyeth, but thought no less of his
love. He kissed her hard on the lips, his tongue probing. She returned the
kiss with equal passion, but he slipped away, kissing behind her ear, nibbling
on the lobe, biting his way down her neck and shoulders, kissing her cleavage
as he slipped down, and came up beneath her skirt, sucking her as she unlaced
her dress, and caressed her breasts in ecstasy.
She stopped him after a moment, kissing him, tasting herself, and moved
down, unbuckling his breeches, and taking him into her mouth.
"I love you," he whispered, but her mouth was too full of cock for her
to respond. She continued sucking as he laid back, pulling her legs to him,
spreading them, and again burying his face in her soft, warm, moist, inviting
pussy. He sucked and licked with a vengeance, wiggling a finger up her ass the
way she liked so much. Her bottom was still sore and red, but it excited her
incredibly when he smacked it.
Not being able to take anymore, she moved out of the 69 position,
gasping as his finger slid out of her ass, and turned about. He cupped her
breasts as she faced him, pinching the nipples as she slowly lowered herself
onto his engorged penis.
"Oooooh! Oh! Oh!" she cried, riding him slowly at first, then faster,
He refused to let her dominate him though, thrusting up to meet her,
smacking, scratching, pinching, squeezing her ass as she moved up and down,
biting her shoulders and neck, kissing her hard.
"OH, MY GOD!! YESS!!" she cried, her orgasm curling her toes and
causing her whole body to shake and spasm.
Her lover's orgasm was not far away, she knew, and she slipped off of
him just in time to catch his first load of cum in her mouth, swallowing
without a second thought. She licked the shaft clean, and felt it stiffen
again. She reinserted it in her, and began to kiss him again.
He tasted himself on her tongue and mumbled, "I love you," again.
"I love you too," she replied, rocking back and forth on his cock,
"With all my heart."
They made love many more times that night.