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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Archive-name: 3plus/mydayoff.txt
Archive-title: My Day Off
It was one of those days that San Diego is justifiably famous for.
January with a high in the upper 80's. A 'Santa Ana' is what they call it.
The winds blow down from the mountains, warming as the air compresses on
its' way towards the ocean. The smog is banished out to sea and the sun
beats down as if it were mid summer. Not hard to take having grown up in
the Midwest. Not hard to convince myself to call in sick and head towards
the beach. A 'mental health day' as they say.
I knew without a doubt where I was going to head that day - Black's
Beach. Fabulous Black's Beach, where clothing is optional but excellent
eyesight is mandatory. I figure, if you're going to go sightseeing, you
might as well get the best view in Southern California. Although officially
nudity is prohibited at Black's, this ordinance is widely ignored, and I've
never heard of anyone actually being arrested for 'skinny-dipping' (or
sunbathing, or volleyball, or anything else ...). The beach is fairly isolated
considering its' proximity to a metropolitan area. To get to the beach you
have two choices; either walk over a mile along the shore from one of the
regular beach drive-in accesses or climb down the 300 foot cliff at Torrey
Pines. I always chose the latter.
I got my knapsack together with the usual stuff - some water and granola
for sustanence, sunscreen (us deskbound types do need to be careful about such
things - especially 'things' which are not at all used to solar exposure ...),
an Olympus XA camera (just in case ...), a frisbee ( just in case ...), and
some 7x35 binoculars (DEFINITELY just in case ...). And, oh yes, just a pinch
of California's finest agricultural product to enhance my faculties in
preparation for the upcoming aesthetic event (for SURE, no 'just in case'
about it!) I wore a t-shirt, my Speedo briefs, and some sweatpants which
helped to blunt the early morning chill, since I would be riding the
The BMW fired right up and settled into a comfortable, chugging idle
while I strapped on my gear and put on my helmet (hey, maybe its' not sexy,
but neither is being DEAD ...). What a fabulous day! As I mounted the bike,
I got a rush of anticipation thinking about the ride, the climb down to the
beach, and then ... the WOMEN! I forced myself to calm down as I eased into
traffic and onto the freeway.(see previous comment about being DEAD...)
The parking area by the hang-glider airport atop Torrey Pines Cliffs was
almost empty. I had gotten an early start and arrived about 8:30 am. Perfect!
I would have plenty of time to go for a quick jog and then select a good
vantage point, one which I knew from experience would later be covered with
beach blankets and golden-brown naked bodies, baking gently in the sun. As I
clambered down the treacherous, steep trail towards the beach, I paused
occasionally to take in the view up and down the coast, as well as to scan
the beach below. When I was still about a hundred feet up, I sighted my first
She looked tall, had long golden-brown hair, and was heading out towards
the water for the first time (her hair was still dry). I wasn't quite close
enough to recognize her had I known her but one thing I could tell
unmistakeably was that she had not a stitch on! I could also tell even from
as far away as I was, that I definitely wanted to see more. Her legs were
slender and graceful, athletic but not overly muscular. Her ass was perfectly
rounded and curved seamlessly up to meet her long straight back. Fantastic!
I know it sounds like an exaggeration, but Southern California really does
have an inordinate proportion of exeedingly beautiful women. If you've never
lived there, you'll just have to take my word for it.
My heart started to pound nervously and I started down again, almost
recklessly, and after nearly slipping twice, stopped again, this time about
fifty feet from the beach. She had gone into the water up to her waist and
then hastily retreated, the cold winter Pacific too much to take all at once.
She stood looking out to sea, gathering her courage for a few moments, and
then galloped into the waves, finally diving headlong into a big one. She came
up immediately and let out a high-pitched yelp and then turned around to face
the shore.
For the first time I could see her from the front and it almost took my
breath away! God what a body! I mean, I'd grown pretty used to seeing out-
rageous women in San Diego, but this was truly exceptional. I had a perfect
view since in the morning the sun is behind you as you look out to sea and
I was also fairly confident that she didn't see me yet, since the sun would
be in her eyes as she looked back towards the shore. As she stretched her arms
up behind her head to wring the water out of her hair, her breasts were
nicely displayed in the bright, hard, Santa Ana sunlight. Her nipples were
fully erect due to the frigid waves and the little droplets of sea water which
beaded up on her skin sparkled as she shook her head to and fro. She turned
around again facing the ocean and bent over to splash her forearms. As she
did her labia came into full view and even opened up slightly, displaying
a thin stripe of gorgeous pink, iridescent in the morning light. My heart
skipped a beat or two and then I came back to my senses long enough to move
further down the slope.
As soon as I got to the beach I stopped, looked around, and spied a
good-sized rock about twenty feet away and made for it. Once there, I was
hidden from her view, and I reached into my knapsack for my binoculars.
She had dived in again and once again turned to face the morning sun. I was
a couple hundred feet away, perfect binocular range, and the view was amazing.
I could see the tiny wrinkles around her nipples, even the fine downy hairs
on her arms and legs. There were water droplets glinting in her pubic hairs,
which were obviously and neatly trimmed, but not so short as to looked
'shaved'. Her breasts were perfectly proportioned, just large enough to
'hang down' slightly, but not nearly large enough to be pendulous. She was
slender but not skinny, with just a hint of ribs visible as she stretched from
side-to-side, loosening up. Her thighs bulged slightly near their middles,
but narrowed near the hips again, giving her an incredibly sexy walk.
Then she turned around again and headed towards the waves once more.
I could catch glimpses of her pubic hair, this time from behind, as the inside
of her thighs didn't quite meet at her crotch. Her buttocks were perfectly
smooth and bounced lightly as she made her way back into the water. This time
she looked more at ease, evidently having adjusted to the cold water. Since
it looked as though she might stay in for a while, and since there were still
almost no other people on the beach, I decided this would be a good time to
light up some Sensimilla and contemplate fully the wonders of nature.
After a few good hits, I picked up my binoculars again to take another
look. I watched her playing in the waves for a while, each one slapping her
breasts and dripping off her sharp little nipples. Of course I had had a
hard-on before I smoked, but now I was so rigid it was almost painful!
I decided that my skin-tight Speedo suit was part of the problem and set
the binoculars down while I peeled first my sweats and then my trunks off.
What a relief! (After all, when in Rome ...) I took my t-shirt and Nikes
off and then stuffed all my clothing in the knapsack. It felt great to be
naked finally and so I relaxed a bit and picked up the binocs again to see
what she was up to now.
Jesus Christ! She was out of the water and walking right towards me!
My mind froze in blind panic for just a second but that was long enough to
notice that her eyes, which I could see quite clearly now, did not seem to
be looking directly at me. Great! I ducked behind the rock and began thinking
rapidly. She hasn't seen me yet. Good. So I'll stuff the binoculars and the
dope in the knapsack, get out my towel, and make like I've been here all
along. It took just a few harried seconds to accomplish this and then I
figured it was safe to take a nonchalant peek over the rock again.
Right back to cardiac-land! She was only about twenty feet away and this
time she definitely saw me. No way to duck out of this one! Without thinking
I reacted to the moment by raising my eyebrows as if I was as surprised as she
was. God help me but it worked! She did the same and then smiled and said
"well then, where did you come from?". I recognized her accent immediately
as Australian and somehow came up with a coherent response.
"Up there." I said, pointing to the cliff above.
She laughed, a bright, sparkling chortle and quipped "Well at least
you didn't crawl out of the ocean".
"Not hardly" I smiled back. It was then I noticed that her blanket was
laid out not ten feet from mine, on the other side of the rock. How could I
have missed it before? I also noticed that there were actually two blankets,
not one. Great. A boyfriend I suppose. Probably out wrestling sharks at the
moment. Probably a Neo-Nazi geeknoid weight-lifter. Great. We'll have to
be cautious about this for the moment. "You're Australian, right?" I asked.
"Yeah, right. I guess I haven't lost the accent yet, eh?" she said.
"Well no but ... don't! I love the sound of an Aussie twang. You
shouldn't lose it. How long have you been in the States anyway?"
"Just a few weeks. I started at UCSD winter quarter." She paused and
looked down as if suddenly unsure of herself. Then she looked up with her
head tilted to one side and asked "So you really don't think my accent
sounds a little ... dumb?"
I was genuinely surprised. I really DO like the sound of an Australian
woman and I couldn't believe she was self-concious about it. "Not at all,
in fact, if you don't mind my saying so I think it's kind of ... sexy."
"Sure, you say that to all the foreign girls, don't you?" she smiled.
The ice was melting for sure, but I was still plagued by the second
towel. I had to find out somehow if the there was a boyfriend lurking about.
I decided to try the direct approach.
"So you and your boy friend come here a lot?" I had noticed she didn't
have much in the way of tan lines, her body was almost uniformly brown.
"Roommate" she said. "Not too often - actually it's my first time at this
beach. Been studying too much lately. UCSD is a tough school - but today I
just had to skip out. The weather reminds me so much of home. And my roommate
told me that this place is clothing-optional. Most beaches in Australia the
girls go topless and a lot of them allow complete nudity."
"So that's why you don't have any tan lines, eh?"
She sighed and said "oh right, look at this" pointing to a faint line
just above her pubic area.
"Well, if you hadn't pointed it out to me I never would have noticed.
Besides, you don't have to worry about ..." I fumbled for something brilliant
and endearing to say; " ... I mean, if very many of the girls in Australia are
even half as good-looking as you, I'd better go there some day."
She actually blushed slightly and turned her eyes away from me and said
faintly "Thanks. Thanks a lot.". I was puzzled by her reaction since I figured
that surely a girl this beatiful must have had plenty of positive feedback by
now so that even if she wasn't stuck up about it, she would at least realize
that guys suffered no eyestrain whatsoever when looking at her. Then I
recalled what a friend of mine who had studied in Australia for a year told
me once about that culture. Apparantly the Aussie male psyche is heavily
slanted towards macho and male dominance and showing too much respect too
soon towards a "Sheila" would look sissy or something. I resolved to show this
young lass that American men could be much more considerate.
"Where is home - in Australia I mean?"
"Ah, the Gold Coast, right?"
"Not too far away. Plenty of great beaches around there."
"You surf then?" I asked.
"A little. Mostly I go to watch the guys!" she said. Then she glanced
down towards my knapsack. "You know how to throw that?" she queried.
My frisbee was just showing out the top. "Sure, you?" Great! What
a break!
"All the time" she grinned. "Its a great way to get some excersize while
hanging out on the beach and ..."
"... watching the guys, right?" I finished her sentence for her.
"Right! Lets go!" she laughed.
This was un-fucking-believable! First of all I really don't consider
myself to be a Robert Redford or a Tom Sellack so I'm always a little bit
blown away when a girl shows some interest in me. Especially girls as
stunning as this one. Especially when they're standing buck-naked right in
front of me! Oh well, statistically I guess you're bound to get lucky
sometimes, right?
We threw for a few minutes and it was immediately apparent that she
was quite proficient. I started with the normal backhand, and mixed in a
couple of forehands which she countered with her own. We weren't too far
apart, throwing parallel to the beach, with the sunlight coming from the
side, and it was great to watch her breasts bounce everytime she threw.
Then I did a throw I had learned playing Ultimate Frisbee, one which comes
from behind the back and is very difficult to block.
"What was that throw?" she asked, obviously exicted by a throw she'd
never seen before.
"Okay, put your index finger on the leading edge ... now cock your arm
behind your back ... no, no, like this" I motioned. She wasn't quite getting
it and her first attempt nose-dived in the sand. We both ran towards the
disk and got there simultaneously. I picked it up and said "here, I'll help
you". I stood on her right side and slightly behind her so I could position
her arm properly. The breeze wafted over her and I caught a faint scent which
was incredibly stimulating. My erection which had faded somewhat, now sprang
back to life, and it accidentally brushed against her right buttock. She
started slightly and then looked down, straight at my penis.
She giggled shyly and said "well, I guess I should take that as
a compliment.".
Now it was my turn to be embarassed. "Well, ... yeah I guess so" was
all I could manage. There was an instant of silence and then we both burst
out laughing and couldn't stop for at least a minute. After I regained a
little composure I put my hands gently on her shoulders and looked her in the
eyes and said quietly "Yes; You may consider that a compliment". She didn't
back away but she didn't seem like see was ready for anything more either,
and suddenly I remembered we were after all on a public beach and maybe
this wasn't the place for a first kiss. I handed her the frisbee again and
this time she did much better.
We threw some more, and we were both really getting in to it. There
were more people showing up all the time and from time to time my attention
would stray as I caught sight of some nubile lovely disrobing as she found
her spot on the sand. Then I noticed a figure jogging up the beach, a couple
hundred yards away, behind this girl (whose name I realized I did not
yet know!), coming towards us. As she came closer I looked at her more
often and each time she looked better and better. Eventually I could tell
that she was totally nude and I could see that she was very well built and
somewhat darker skinned that my new friend. She appeared to be either
Oriental or maybe Hawaiian. She had long black hair that trailed behind her
as she ran and small firm breasts which bounced only a little. She was slim
and fine featured and very hard to take my eyes off of. As she got within a
hundred feet or so I could tell she had been running a while since there was
considerable sweat on her forehead, arms, and chest. Little beads of it stood
out clearly next to her hard nipples and the hair in her crotch was slightly
matted with moisture.
I tried to pay enough attention to my friends' throws to catch them
but it was hard. The newcomer was getting closer and closer and it looked
as though she was going to run in to my frisbee-mate. At the last second
my expression must have given something away because my partner got a
puzzled look on her face for just an instant before the dark skinned
girls' open hand landed with a resounding 'thwack' on her rump. She let
out a shreik and then instantly recognized the newcomer.
"Nice butt!" said the new girl.
"Really. Hope it still works!" said the fair-skinned one as she
caressed her left buttock. There was a faint hand-print beginning to
After a moment my freind realized that I had no idea who had just
whacked her fanny and she turned to me and said "this is my roommate,
"Hi" Leah panted, still winded.
"Pleased to meet you" I said. Then I turned to the blond and said
"But now I must admit my negligence at not introducing myself earlier.
I'm Randy."
"Jill" she smiled.
Un-fucking-believable. Her roommate. How nice. Suddenly I wasn't
worried about the other towel any more. I stood there watching Leah
stretch. She was very limber and very in-shape. She was just a little
slimmer that Jill, but about the same height. Her nipples were darker
and larger and her ass was every bit as nice as Jill's.
"So you're Jill's roomate. You look Hawaiian, yes?" I asked.
"Half-Hawaiian, half-Japanese. My parents were both born in the U.S.,
so I guess you'd say I'm a native." Leah stretched backwards, hands on hips,
and I could see her genitals spreading slowly as she arched her back
farther and farther almost like a limbo dancer. I could feel my self rising
to the occasion again.
"So I see you've already met someone who shares your interest in that"
Leah said to Jill, pointing to the frisbee.
"Yeah, I guess so. He's quite good actually." Jill smiled.
Leah looked me over and her eyes slid down to my rod and she quipped
"I'll bet he is; I think he's interested in more than just frisbee though!".
My turn to blush again, as the girls had a good giggle over my not-too-subtle
body language.
"Sorry, didn't mean to make fun of you" said Jill
"No problem. Hey, I'm kinda thirsty - anybody want a drink?"
"Sure" they chorused. Off we went to the blankets.
I got out my water bottle and in so doing - wouldn't you know it -
my pipe fell out. I tried to be cool and stick it back in but Leah had
seen it and said "Hey, you get high?".
"Only when I smoke this stuff" I quipped. "How about you, I'd be
glad to pass it around".
"Sure, sounds great" Leah purred. "How about you Jill?"
"Pot? I don't know, I've never really ... well I`ve tried it a couple
times but it never really did anything. I guess I just don't know how to
do it right."
"Nonsense. We'll get you off." I stuffed the bowl full and lit it up.
I passed it to Leah who took a very expertly controlled hit and gave it
to Jill. Jill took way too much at once and erupted into the inevtiable
coughing fit. I patted her on the back gently and assured her it would be
allright, gave her a drink, and took another hit.
"You always get off more after a coughing fit" I said.
The pipe went around a couple of more times and then was exhausted.
"Any more?" I asked.
"Sure, why not." said Leah.
"Sure" said Jill, in a slightly spaced out voice. I could tell she
was not going to miss getting off today.
We smoked another bowl and then passed the water jug around. The girls
were both obviously off, as their glazed eyes attested to. However Jill
maintained that she wasn't aware of anything out of the ordinary. I assured
her that any minute now something was bound to hit her. I was cruising
pretty well myself, and suddenly felt like taking a walk.
"Lets go for a walk" I said and we started down the beach.
We walked down the beach, away from where the trail emptied on to the
sand, away from the greatest concentration of people. I wanted to show Jill
and Leah a really neat rock formation I had found once, sort of a cave in
the base of the cliff. They were both acting pretty stoned but Jill still
claimed not to notice anything unusual. I remarked on how clear the air was
today, since we could see four or five miles up the slowly curving shoreline,
much farther than usual due to the low humidity.
Suddenly, Jill stopped dead in her tracks. She was staring down the
beach, which stretched for miles, out of sight.
"Wow, I just realized that the whole beach is like one long carpet
of sand" she said.
Leah and I looked at each other and laughed. Jill was going to have
a lot of fun today.
We walked on down the beach, making all kinds of profound, stoned
observations about the world, life, and everything. Eventually I pointed
out the cave as we came upon it. It wasn't really a cave exactly, more like
a vertical shaft hollowed out in the cliff face, with walls which wrapped
most of the way around to form an enclosure. It was big enough to walk
inside but sort of a tight fit for all three of us. We were laughing about
how many college students we could fit inside of this thing. It was one of
those laughing fits that you can't stop until it has run it's course and
part way through it I became aware that my penis was brushing against Jill
but she didn't seem to notice. Leah's tits were poking into my back and I
could feel her hard nipples against my skin.
Suddenly a hand grabbed my left bun. "Nice butt" giggled Leah and it
started us laughing all over again. Playfully, I turned around and looked at
her, wondering what I could do in retaliation. She was looking at me with
an incredibly inviting smile which seemed to say "come on, try me". I normally
am not very quick to get physical with a girl but something about the company
and the circumstances conspired to make me less inhibited. I reached out and
gently but firmly grabbed Leah's left tit with my right hand and pulled it off
slowly, closing my fingertips on the nipple and pulling on it ever so slightly
then letting it snap back.
"Nice tit" I said.
Her eyelids fluttered and then she looked at me with a different look,
a little more seriously this time. Suddenly, I felt her hand on my cock,
grabbing it at the base then slowly sliding off the tip.
"Nice cock" said Leah.
My heart leapt into my throat! I was going to get to fuck this incredible
girl right here, right now! Then I remembered that Jill was behind me, unable
to move because I was blocking the entrance to the enclosure. I suddenly
realized that I very badly wanted to fuck her too and if I didn't want to lose
my chance, I had better do something fast. I put my left arm around Leah and
turned to my right to face Jill.
She looked kindof scared."Hey" I said," you have really nice tits too,
and really nice legs, and really nice eyes, and a really great smile ...",
boy was I ever babbling; "... and I really want to be with you too.". I
pulled Leah around so that the three of us were standing facing eachother
in a triangle, hips touching. My arms were around both girls waists, my hands
resting on their soft, round asses. I looked from Jill to Leah and back and
said to both of them "Look, I think we all really want to do this don't we?"
Leah said nothing but leaned her head down and began kissing and licking
my shoulder, her left hand still wrapped around my penis. Jill looked at me
and very slowly began to smile, shyly at first then more openly.
"Yeah. Yeah I'd like to" said Jill.
I pulled Jill towards me gently with my right arm and kissed her on the
lips. Very lightly at first and then a little harder and suddenly her lips
opened up and her tongue darted out and began flicking around my lips. I
slid my right hand up under her right breast and lifted it up gently at first
and then let it drop slowly. As the nipple passed across my fingers,
she made a little sound like a coo or a moan. I kept stroking her tit and
kissing her deeply, and smelling her, just the natural scent of a young
woman, mixed with a hint of salt air. Jill finally brought her right hand up
to my crotch, and began stroking my balls.
I turned back to Leah and she immediately brought her lips up to mine
and thrust her tongue out almost greedily. She was obviously experienced with
men since she was giving me an expert stroking with her hand on my cock.
I began moaning softly, afraid to make too much noise lest someone out on
the beach hear us. I began kissing Leah's neck and I could taste the salt and
sweat from her run. I managed to get my lips down to her breast and finally
the nipple, which I circled with my pointed tongue. She gasped and cooed
softly, also trying not make too much noise.
I stood back upright and re-positioned the girls so they were both
facing me and then I took my hands and started at their necks and very
slowly slid them down on their chests, across the breastbones, over their
breasts, paused on the nipples, then proceeded down across the centers
of their tummys, slowing as I approached the forbidden zones. I very carefully
explored with my fingertips until I just felt the first wiry pubic hairs on
each girl. Then I looked at them both and said
"Now I'm going to fuck both of you. First with just my fingers"
I slid both hands simultaneously down into their nether regions, into
the full rich pubic hair that guarded the entrance to their vaginas. I now
had my hands fully into their crotches and began rubbing the surface of
their pubic areas with a gentle massaging motion. Both girls began cooing and
stroking my cock and balls and my butt as well and I got so hard I thought
I might burst something.
After a few minutes of caressing like this I began to feel wetness in
both of their crotches, the slick, warm wetness that only comes from a
woman ready to be penetrated. I carefully slid my middle fingers into the
little crack at the entrance to their vaginas and began to gently pry their
lips apart.
"Ooooh, you're sooo nice, you're soooo good" Leah whimpered. "Fuck me
with your finger, fuck me" she panted.
"Aaaaah, yeah, right, right there", moaned Jill.
Soon, I had my fingers deeply inside both girls and they were breathing
very heavily, almost gasping at times. Leah's pelvis started to buck forward
involuntarily and I could feel the little button of her clitoris swelling
noticeably. Jill suddenly clamped her thighs together and as she did a shudder
ran through her body and a little bit of her love fluids dribbled out onto
my hand.
I dropped to my knees and, while keeping my left hand inside Jill, raised
Leah's right leg up to expose her vulva. Her labia spread and her sweet, musky
scent filled my nostrils. The combination of her smell and the salt air nearly
made me come, but I regained control, arched my neck, and slid my tongue in
between her satin lips. I slowly worked the tip of my tongue up one lip and
down the other, up and down, going a little deeper each time.
"Ooooohhhaaaaa! Oh yeah! Lick me! Lick me! oooo ..."
I looked up at Leah's face as I dug deeper inside her, searching for
her magic button. She looked down at the same moment and our eyes met.
"Ohhhh I Love it! Most guys I've been with won't give me head but ...
they don't know what it does for a girl, oooohh baby ..."
I felt her clitoris swelling under my probing and her breath was coming
in short gasps. I had to concentrate to keep up a rhythm on Jill with my
left hand, but for the moment I felt like Leah had to be first priority.
She was getting close and I wanted to get her over the top. I formed my tongue
into sort of a spike and rubbed as hard as I dared over her clit. After about
thirty seconds she gasped, inhaled deeply, held it for a moment, and then
as her abdominal muscles shuddered deeply, let out the most amazing squeal I
have ever heard! I could feel her vagina contract and it caused a little fluid
to drip onto my chin. I was afraid somebody outside might have heard her
cry, but I was afraid to stop too suddenly either. I began stroking her more
broadly and kissing her, in an effort to let her down easily. Her breath
slowed down a bit and she seemed to regain control.
Time for Jill. She was standing with her legs slightly spread, and
I was using my thumb to penetrate her, pressing the knuckle against her
clit. I let Leah's leg down, stood up and said "pardon me love, but I've
got to make sure our foreign guest feels completely welcome."
"Oh yeah, give it to her like you did me!"
I moved over in front of Jill and my cock nestled in her downy crotch.
I left Leah standing for a moment while I let my hands roam freely over the
magnificent body in front of me. Her breasts were absolute perfection, her
satin skin warm to the touch. I slid my hands down her sides while kissing her
and moved them around to her ass. I pulled her towards me and let my rock
hard cock press firmly against her pubic mound. I didn't want to penetrate
yet, just stimulate, and it seemed to be working. She arched her back and
rotated her pelvis to meet mine and her breasts flattened against my
pectorals. I soon disengaged from her mouth and went exploring, first her
shoulders, then her chest, and finally the nipples, darting back and forth
between them. I played with her tits for a while, they were so beautiful, I
found myself wondering when I might ever have a chance like this again.
As I was kissing Jill's nipples, Leah got down on the ground, slid
between my legs, and came up between Jill and I, with her head at waist
height. Like an idiot I started to ask what she was doing but before I
could finish she had grabbed my penis with both hands and was licking
the shaft and kissing the head. Not much doubt about what she was up
to now!
This lasted a few minutes and then I gently pried Leah off my dick
and dropped to my knees in front of Jill. I wanted to make her come like
I had Leah but when Jill saw what I was getting ready to do, she hesitated.
"You don't have to" she said softly, shaking her head.
"Well ... I mean don't you want me to?" I asked.
"Well it's ... *dirty* isn't it? I mean isn't it gross?"
"Not at all, not if a girl takes care of herself, and you certainly
do". Jill smelled every bit as good and fresh as Leah had.
Leah put a hand on Jill's shoulder and said gently "You've never
had a guy use his tongue on you before?" Jill shook her head. Leah
said "Don't worry, he's telling the truth. My first boyfriend had to
convince me too. He made me taste myself and it wasn't bad. You really
should let him do you. He's wonderful!" Leah looked at me with the biggest
bedroom eyes I've ever seen.
Jill looked concerned for a moment and then reluctantly said "Okay".
She leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. She let me lift her
leg as I had Leah's and her beautiful pink lips flowered open just inches
from my face. I used my left hand to spread her a little wider and then
kissed her labia each in turn. I began my oral routine on her as I had Leah
and soon she began to loosen up and despite herself began to respond quite
nicely. As I increased my pressure and found her clitoris, I was aware that
Leah had moved to Jill's side and was whispering something in Jill's ear.
I looked up, past her furry mound, past the most gorgeous tits in the world,
to see Jill panting and cooing and Leah still breathing some secret message
in her ear. As I worked Jill became more and more agitated, her breath
coming in short gasps, punctuated by an occasional "Oh God! Help me!".
Suddenly she jerked so violently that I almost thought I had hurt her but
she simply was unable to control the force of her orgasm. I had to withdraw
for fear of a broken nose but quickly put my index finger where my tongue had
been to continue my work. She came several times standing up and finally I
let her ease back down. When she opened her eyes she pulled my up by the
armpits, hugged me tighly and whispered in my ear "Thanks, I've never come
like that before. You're so nice ..."
After a long hug, we parted and I turned to Leah again. She gazed at
me with shining eyes and I said "And now, I would like very much to enter
you with my cock".
"And I would very much like you to fuck the hell out of me with that
rod of yours". With that she turned away from me and spread her arms out
and up against the cave wall. She arched her back and presented her ass for
my inspection. I placed my hand between her long luscious legs and slid it
up into her waiting slit. I moved it back and forth, front to back, using
the edge of my hand to spread her apart. She sighed and wriggled her ass as
I explored her completely. When I had her ready for penetration I looked over
at Jill, who was watching us shyly, and said "You don't mind watching for a
bit do you?". Her reply was a silent smirk and shake of her head. I grabbed
my cock and wiggled it into the threshold of Leah's womanhood. Then I began
making thrusting motions, small at first, then larger, so as not to hurt her
by entering too fast. A girl has to be ready for it. Finally enough
lubrication had coated her vagina to allow me to fully enter her, up to the
What a fuck! From behind Leah was just as erotically beautiful as from
the front. First I held her hips as I slowly slid in and out of her. I pulled
it all the way out and then slid it back in several times. She turned her head
to the side and thrust her cunt towards me in an attempt to keep me inside.
I pulled back just enough to tease her and when she let out a little whine
I shoved my cock back in quickly, all the way.
"Aaaaahhh! Oooooh baby, baby, fuck me FUCK ME!" she cried.
This was incredible! This was far and away the most erotic experience of
my life! This incredible girl with her foldout body was riding my cock like a
bucking bronco and begging for more. I looked at Jill and she was looking at
us with a wide-eyed expression on her face. I gave me an incredible thrill to
know that soon I would be inside her too.
I leaned up closer to Leah, reached around with both arms and grabbed
her breasts and squeezed them tightly. Leah took her hands off the wall and
clasped them on top mine. We rode each other like this for what seemed like
half an hour. Then I reached down with my right hand and found her clit and
began applying circular motions in rhythm with my thrusts. She began to coo
and mumble something I couldn't understand and I could feel the inside of her
vagina squeeze my cock as her love muscles began to twitch. She came with a
shudder and it was all I could do to keep from coming with her. I withdrew and
turned her around and quickly entered her from the front, standing up. She
threw her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist and rode
me frontways for a while. Then we both started to get tired so she dropped
to the ground again and I withdrew.
Jill was still watching us, still wide-eyed, but now I noticed that she
had clasped her hands in front of her crotch and was pressing her fists into
her pubic mound.
"Here, let me help you ..." I said and turned to face Jill.
Without a word we attacked each other. Any hint of shyness Jill may once
have had now vanished, drowned by the passion which welled within her.
I entered her standing up, from the front, and fucked her against the wall
of the cave. I turned her around and took her from the rear, grabbing her
tits from behind, watching my cock slide in and out of her cleavage. Leah
watched us, stroked my ass with one hand, while unabashedly masturbating with
the other.
I turned her around once more and entered her and whispered in her ear
"Are you on the pill?". She nodded her head and mumbled "Uh huh" without
opening her eyes. "I want to come inside you, okay?" I asked. "Yeah, come
in me, come in me, I want to feel you come ..." she moaned. I looked at Leah
as if to solicit her approval. She grinned a wicked grin and winked knowingly.
I came like a twelve gauge and my spurts triggered an intense simultaneous
orgasm in Jill. We both yelled and I was afraid again that someone outside
might hear us. Then all three of us embraced and stood there for long minutes
savoring the feel of each others skin.
When we left the cave we were shocked to see how many people had settled
down nearby and I couldn't believe that no one had heard all of that racket we
made. Several people looked rather accusingly at us but nobody said anything
and we hurried back towards our towels and gear.
We spent the rest of the day together, lying in the sun, spreading suntan
oil on each other, occasionally letting our hands stray into taboo regions when
we were reasonably sure no one was looking. Leah even sucked my cock once or
twice and I gave Jill another orgasm with my hand behind a rock.
For more reasons than one it was hard to climb back up that 300 foot
cliff and go home as the sun was setting over the Pacific. I still see Jill
and Leah occasionally, even though I don't really date either one of them.
Its just that ever since that incredible day, none of us has really been able
to get off with anybody else like we get off as a threesome. I suppose someday
it will have to end but til then we'll just try to make the most of the special
bond we formed on My Day Off.