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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Archive-name: Amazon/mismatch.txt
Archive-title: Fight 03 - Mis-Match
It looked like a mis-match. Two women faced each other in the 15x15
padded cell. No one else was there. They had come to wrestle each other
and they were bare except for tight fitting trunks which highlighted the
shapeliness of their legs and buttocks. These two females didn't like
each other and there was no referee so it was sure to be a tough no holds
barred match. In fact they had come to settle a rivalry and powerful
passions drove them together for this encounter
It looked like a mis-match because the brunette was about 5'6" and
130 lbs while her blonde opponent was 5'2" and 110 lbs. They both looked
athletic and strong.
They glared at each other as they prepared themselves to fight. They
had shut the doors to the cubicle behind them as they came in. Once in
they wasted no time. With no hesitation they came together in the opening
wrestling hold. Pulling on each other's neck and arm, they lurched around
for a few moments but quickly the brunette twisted her rival into a headlock.
Unfazed, the blonde rammed her fist into her attacker's back hurting her
kidney and the brunette let go with a gasp. Immediately the two slapped
together, grappling furiously on their feet. The smaller blonde couldn't
compete in this style of fighting and the brunette used her size advantage
to throw her rival down to the mat. She dove on her downed adversary but
the blonde brought up her knee and caught the flying brunette in the stomach.
The brunette crashed to the side and both women were hurt. Ignoring her
pain, the blonde flopped quickly over on the brunette, going for a pin. The
brunette tried to dislodge her and the two rolled over and over on the mat,
neither managing to stay on top.
The blonde was showing a remarkable ability to hold her own against her
larger rival and it looked like it might be a long fight. What she gave away
in size and weight she made up in feistiness. Even now as they rolled about
in each other's arms, the brunette couldn't keep her enemy pinned. When the
brunette came out on top and was close to getting a pin, the blonde would pull
violently on her hair or punch her in the face or chest and manage to dislodge
her. The brunette was determined to bring a quick end to this battle so she
was going all out also. Thus the two sexy women bounced and spun wildly on
the mat in their furious wrestling. Their shapely legs alternatively flailed
widely and then were wrapped tightly together. They used their legs for
leverage, to entrap each other and to damage each other. The blonde was
especially good at using her knees to hurt her opponent's thighs and, when
she could, her belly.
Now they had grasped each other tightly around the neck and were up on
their knees, tightly locked. Two of their breasts were tightly squeezed but
the others were inches apart. The blonde released one of her hands and
grabbed her opponent's free breast, digging her nails in hard. The brunette
screamed and tried to push the blonde away but she maintained her grasp of
the brunette's neck while she attacked her breast. The brunette then began
to punch furiously at her sexy opponent's wonderfully flat belly. That's
what was so vicious about this fight -- each female was completely exposed
to attack by her opponent.
The blonde rolled backwards and smoothly got to her feet. She gingerly
felt her bruised stomach as her enemy got slowly to her feet rubbing her
breast and coughing some from the strangle-hold her blonde enemy had on her.
The two women were enraged at each other and though they were both
suffering in this fight, they were more determined than ever to continue.
Thus after a moment, they waded into each other punching and grabbing
anything they could. They fought toe to toe for almost a minute before
the blonde got a terrific shot into the brunette's left breast. The
beautiful woman gasped and staggered backwards. The blonde rushed her
and tackled her around the waist and they both fell to the mat. The
blonde scrambled on top of the brunette and began biting her. The two
sexy women's bodies were in close intimate contact as they continued
their vicious fight. The brunette pulled on the blonde's hair. She
also tried to savage her breast but their breasts were too tightly
pressed together for her to get a hold. The two were in an excruciating
phase of the fight as they were still fresh and were in tight contact.
They undulated, writhed and fought viciously, the blonde remaining on
top. Neither fighter cared who was on top -- they only cared about
fighting each other and doing as much damage as they could.
In a strange way, all was right with the world for them. They were
alone, undisturbed, entwined with each other and free to fight with total
abandon. Each was satisfied to feel her opponent's smooth, firm, warm
body tight against her own and all they wanted was to fight to a conclusion.
This close in fighting was taking a terrible toll on both females. The
brunette suddenly flung the blonde to the side and then in turn mounted her.
The blonde was undaunted by being underneath and continued to try to bite
her adversary. The brunette's lovely skin was showing the effects of these
bites. The blonde's skin was showing, in turn, the effects of the brunette's
strong hands and sharp nails. Each woman's sexy body was totally exposed to
the onslaught of her opponent -- it was not a defensive fight at all -- it
was hard to imagine it continuing for long without one woman getting seriously
Like lovers wanting to get ever closer, to fuse their two bodies
together these two fighting women wrapped their bodies tighter and tighter
together. Lying on their sides, front to front, they gasped and undulated
and fought, clawing each other savagely. Both women were exhausted but they
wouldn't separate. Hardly knowing what they were doing they fought on.
The blonde, reaching down into a reservoir of determination, almost
willed herself on top of her brunette opponent. Teeth barred, she bore
down on her enemy's neck. The brunette tried to pull her head away by
her blonde hair and for a while they were stalemated. But the blonde,
ignoring the pain in her head, bit into her rival's neck and the brunette
surrendered. The blonde relaxed her bite but didn't move.
The two exhausted women lay together for several minutes too dazed to
move. Finally the blonde dismounted her defeated foe and rose to her feet.
The two women looked at each other in silence for a few moments. Then the
blonde turned and climbed out of the ring. Her opponent fell back and rested,
too tired to move.