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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
For the first time since her arrival at Castle Thorne, Sue was
frightened. Maybe it was the blindfold--she was not sure. Possibly she was
disconcerted at having been separated from Terry. These thoughts raced
through her mind as she waited for the Mistress to say good-bye to the party
guests. Her torso was bound up and her wrists were lashed to what appeared to
be a ballet bar standing at the side of the grand ballroom. Such had been her
station for the final hour of the party, and she was keenly aware that she was
being punished. Yes, that was the thing that frightened her. She had fallen
into disfavor.
One of the men at the party had made it known that he fully expected her
to share his bed sometime soon and she had replied by pouring her drink into
his pocket. Helga immediately bound her to the ballet bar in full view of all
the guests and gagged her with a ball gag. Sue was accustomed to such
treatment by then and she was even fully clothed. Yet this was different.
People were milling around her and making comments about the more interesting
parts of her body. Every so often she felt a tentative hand slip through the
slit of her dress and slide along the thigh. The worst thing, though, had
been the look in Lady Miranda's eyes before the blindfold was pulled tightly
around her head. This had little to do with fantasy slavery or even erotic
bondage. This was anger. It would mean punishment.
Sue heard a snap of Lady Miranda's fingers and then felt a thin, childish
pair of hands lift her dress up over her waist and pull down her panties and
hose. Terror struck her heart as her bare buttocks were exposed and thrust
out behind her due to her bent-over position. Her legs were forced apart so
her ankles could be tied to the posts of the ballet bar and she imagined how
obscene she must look from behind. The Mistress whispered in her ear that
since it was her first mistake she would only give her five strokes. Then she
kissed her on the cheek. And though the spanking was painful, the worst part
was her inability to move. Or even to scream. Or for that matter to see.
When the ordeal was over, Yvette was told to take the slave down into one of
the less scenic dungeons and make her comfortable for the night.
Terry fared little better after the party. Helga took her into the
dining hall, stripped her down to her stockings and garterbelt and made her
lie face-down on one of the tables. She bound the slave's ankles and knees
and then her wrists and elbows behind her. A big rubber ball was stuffed into
her mouth and secured with a wide piece of tape before the cook left to clean
up after the party guests.
The dining hall being next to the grand ballroom. Terry though she might
be able to hear what was going on there, but Lady Miranda's heather soft voice
would not carry that far. But soon, she did hear an unmistakable whistle,
followed be a sharp crack of rawhide against bare skin. Her heart went out to
her friend in the next room and with each successive blow, she grimaced as if
she herself was being struck with the whip. Soon the Mistress was standing in
the doorway, having finished with the disobedient slave, and Terry knew that
it must be her turn.
Lady Miranda had changed out of her formal clothes into an erotically
tight bodysuit made of shiny black lycra. It was cut very low at the bosom
and it outlined every muscle, tendon, curve & crevice of her lovely figure.
Terry was glad to be lying on her belly so that the Mistress would not see her
nipples growing harder as she approached. A long, flexible rod slid out of
the folds of her cape as she slinked over to the table where Terry lay
quivering. She ran a fingertip deftly over the bound schoolgirl's bare
buttock and sighed. "You have the cutest little buns in the world, Theresa,"
she said. "I pray I'll never have to put a mark on them. In the future, I
will punish both for the transgression of either. Is that clear?" Terry
nodded as a tear rolled down her cheek for Sue. Then, as an afterthought,
Lady Miranda bent Terry's legs at the knees and brought her ankles up behind
her thighs. Next she tied the poor girl's ankles to her elbows causing a
painful arching of her back.
"MMMFFF!" came a groan from the slave as the pain in her back
overshadowed the one in her mouth. Lady Miranda made a remark about how Terry
looked good enough to eat and then left. An hour later, Helga came to release
her, but she did not take her to bed. Instead, she dressed her in a white bra
and panty set and led her downstairs to the dungeons. She hoped she would see
Sue, but instead, she was placed in a large ornate throne sitting in the
middle of the corridor. Helga bound her tightly to the chair and then removed
the huge ball from her mouth. Terry spoke quickly as the cook readied a new
"Sue and I don't want to sleep with the customers." There. She said
it. Helga smiled at the beautiful blonde and brushed away the bangs at her
"Dear, sweet child," she cooed, "you won't have to. Sue was punished
for insulting a guest, not for refusing his advances." Helga then gagged her
with a handkerchief and then, placing her palms on Terry's naked thighs,
looked deeply into her eyes. "Do you remember the story of Sir Jeffrey and
the captive princesses?" she asked. Terry nodded meekly. "It is said that he
used to sit in this very throne and dream about his maidens for entire
evenings." Helga was, for the first time, without a smile. "I want you to
think about him. Think about the legend. Feel him with you. Experience his
sorrow." Her smile returned and she kissed the wide-eyed blonde on the
forehead. "You will do that for me, won't you?" Terry nodded and the buxom
blonde cook kissed her daintily on each nipple, sending shivers all over her
"That sure is silly!" Terry thought when Helga was gone. Still, Helga
had accomplished her mission. The poor girl could not help but think about
Sir Jeffrey and the legend........time dragged on and she noticed an energy in
the air which seemed to hum like a swarm of bees, though she could not hear
anything. An uneasiness took hold of her heart as she felt stared at. She
smelled a sudden whiff of mustiness, like an attic filled with antiques, and
the frenzied waves of energy grew more intense with every beat of her heart.
Something was going to happen. It was like waiting for a clap of thunder
after seeing the lightning flash.
Suddenly, it became comfortably, lovingly warm. The goose-bumps left
her skin and a gentle, tepid tingle ran in little drops all over her body.
Terry looked down and saw an odd mist beginning to envelop her body from the
ankles to her knees. It was odd because it was solid and because it centered
around her and was nowhere else in the room. It further congealed into creamy
white snakes of vapor and slithered all over her naked torso. The terrified
girl knew that she MUST be hallucinating!
She watched in utter fascination as the fingers of smoke streamed back
and forth across her breasts and delved in and out of her lingerie. Then all
of the mist stopped, changed direction and dipped down between her thighs.
Terry closed her eyes in erotic rapture and she envisioned a hand grabbing at
her pussy and caressing it. As suddenly as it came, it left her and streamed
off down the hall. Terry trembled all over and tried to shake away the fear
that was little abated by her auto-erotic imagination. Gathering all her
courage, she twisted around in the throne and looked down the corridor.
She expected, hoped, that she would not see the mist, yet there it was,
gathering into an eerie, blue-grey glow. The glow evolved into a tall, brawny
figure of a man. His face was white with coal-black eyes, and his garb was
that of an eleventh century knight, or so she assumed. She knew down deep
inside she was in the presence of Sir Jeffrey Thorne. She whipped her body
back into the throne and screamed into her gag for all she was worth.
The sound of Sir Jeffrey's boots came down the corridor and Terry
screamed again, shaking her head back and forth in wild, desperate abandon.
She clenched her eyes tight when the apparition stopped behind the throne and
her blood turned to ice. She gave way to blessed madness as her thoughts lost
some of their lucidity. An unexpectedly warm hand caressed her cheek. Just
before she lost consciousness, she could barely make out five heavily accented
words spoken directly into her ear. "My princess! You have returned!"
Sue's part of the dungeon was just down the hall from the hallway where
Terry sat ensconced on the throne, but neither had any idea where the other
might be. It appeared as though they were about to spend their first night
apart, but Sue was understandably oblivious to the fortunes of her girlfriend
at the moment. For the first time, she was unsure of her ability to cope with
the situation.
"Oh god!" she thought, "I can't spend the whole night like this!"
Indeed the bondage was intricate and painful with a little genuine torture
thrown in for good measure. She had her ankles cuffed to a steel
poleeminating up out of the floor and sporting a cruel-looking device at the
top. The device was an array of jagged teeth which protruded into the girls
pussy and the crack between her buttocks. The back of the thing was also made
of sharp steel points which dug into her soft ass. Her wrists & knees were
bound with rope and she was collared to the wall behind her with a short chain
causing her to back up against the "punishment chair". Her gag was the ever-
present, ever-popular ballgag, which tortured the mouth whilst silencing it.
Sue tried to keep her skin away from the teeth by standing on her
tiptoes and arching her back, but she knew it was only a matter of time before
she would give out and the blood would begin to flow down her legs. Time
dragged on and every second seemed like an eternity her head swam with
exhaustion and terror. Then her attention was distracted by a flash of
blinding light and a low-pitched, eerie sound of laughter.
The schoolgirl opened her eyes to catch a quick, furtive glimpse of
Sir Jeffrey sitting at a nearby table. He was laughing and leering at her
through black, fathomless eyes. Sue was only minimally fearful since she was
convinced that Sir Jeffrey was only a hallucination born of suffering. Still,
he seemed so real that she began to wonder. Then he rose to come toward her
and she cringed against the realizationthat he might really be there!
Sue screamed through her ballgag just as the apparition vanished and the
dungeon grew dark again. She allowed her heart to palpitate for a moment and
then perked her ears up as she sensed someone coming down the hall. It was
Lady Miranda and she was screaming furiously about something. The Mistress
was the last person the slave wanted to see. but she would do just about
anything to relieve her present situation.
The Mistress' voice was not loud, but vehement--like that of a hundred
snakes hissing at a common enemy. The sound came closer and closer until Lady
Miranda finally entered Sue's part of the dungeon dragging poor Terry by the
"Release her!" she hissed at Yvette as she pointed toward Sue. A minute
later, Sue and Terry were lying on the cold stone floor and looking up timidly
at their tormentor.
"I came to see about your friend here, Susan, and she cringed away from
my touch. Lady Miranda was livid. "I ungagged her and she dribbled out some
childish tale of ghosts and spirits. She actually says she saw my ancestor,
Sir Jeffrey Thorne. "What do you think of that, my dear?" Sue raised her
eyebrows and glanced over at Terry. This, unfortunately, made the Mistress
more angry than before. "Well girls," she continued through her teeth, "since
you two know him so well, perhaps you'll be kind enough to introduce me to