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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Copyright <20> 1997, (Double Secret Author), ALL Rights Reserved
This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without
the written permission of the author. This story may be freely
distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted
through mrdouble@ix.netcom.com.
"Melanie Learns"
Written by: (Double Secret Author)
Melanie Thompson was walking near her new house when
she heard a lot of noise and splashing from behind a nearby house.
Suddenly a beach ball came sailing over the high board fence that
surrounded the back yard, and Melanie ran and picked it up before it
bounced onto the road. A door in the fence opened and a man of
about thirty wearing a bathing suit looked out and saw Melanie with
the beach ball. When she handed it to him he looked at her and
suggested she come and join them. Melanie could see three men
around a swimming pool and a girl about her age playing in the
water. She told them she didn't have a bathing suit but they said she
could wear her T shirt and underpants. Melanie was doubtful. The
little girl didn't know if it would be all right to let anyone see her in just
her underpants, which were very thin and really a little too small for
her. The man waved at the girl in the pool and when she waded over
Melanie saw that she was about her own age and that she wasn't
wearing a T shirt.
Melanie looked at how the little girl's tittie bumps were little hills
on her chest, just like her own. The little girl looked friendly, and when
Melanie explained she didn't have a bathing suit, she said, "Neither
do I - come on in." So Melanie took off her skirt. One of the men asked
her how old she was and when she said Eleven he said That's just
how old my little girl Gloria is and pointed to the girl in the pool. She's
just wearing her underpants too, he said. He told Melanie she was
very pretty and introduced Melanie to the other men who were his
brothers. Melanie jumped into the water with Gloria and they
splashed around and when they stood up in the shallow end Melanie
looked at the other girl's titties. The young girl had never really
noticed another girl's growing breasts before, and she stared at the
small hills and thought about her own.
Gloria saw her looking, and giggled and said, "Your T shirt is
stuck right to your titties! You might as well take it off and be like me."
So Melanie took off her wet T shirt and gave it to Gloria's father who
was sitting with the other two men at the edge of the pool by the steps
watching them having fun. "Hey Daddy," Gloria said, "Which of us has
the biggest titties?" Melanie was embarrassed at Gloria asking such a
question, and turned her back. "I can't really tell," replied Gloria's
father, "Because you're too far away, and anyway, Melanie is hiding
hers." "Let's go show them," said Gloria to Melanie. Melanie was
strangely excited at the idea of grown up men looking at her titties.
She turned around and hung her head, not looking at them. "You're
still too far away," said Gloria's father, "How about if you get out of the
pool and come over here, then we can tell better."
Melanie still thought it was a little bit naughty to let a man look
at her naked titties up close and she whispered to Gloria "Do you
think we really should?" Gloria looked at her and giggled, "Sure, it's
only Daddy and Uncle John and Uncle Larry." So the girls climbed
out of the pool and went up to the three men who looked up at the
two girls standing in their wet underwear. "You're both very pretty little
girls," said Gloria's Uncle Larry, "I think your titties are about the same
size. Let's see how they jiggle when you jump up and down." So
Gloria and Melanie giggled and jumped up and down so their titties
would jiggle and bounce. Melanie could see the men had big bulges
in their bathing suits and wondered what they were. She looked down
at herself and saw that her thin underwear was plastered to her body
and the white material had turned transparent so that the men could
see her cunny mound and her trickle crack. She looked at Gloria and
saw that her underpants were the same, exclaimed and moved her
hands down over her trickle to hide herself. "What's the matter?"
asked Gloria.
"You can see right through our underpants," whispered
Melanie, "They can see our trickles!" "Oh, that's OK," laughed Gloria,
"My Daddy likes to look at little girls' trickles, doesn't yours?" "I don't
know," replied Melanie, "Are you sure it's all right?" Gloria asked her
father, "It's OK to let people look at my trickle, isn't it Daddy." and
when he agreed Melanie hesitated, then slowly took her hands away
and revealed herself again.
"You know," said Gloria's Uncle John, "I bet those underpants
of yours are all clammy and cold now they're wet, aren't they." Gloria
and Melanie both nodded. "Well," he continued, "Since we can see
your trickles right through them anyway, you might as well take them
off and be comfortable." "That's a good idea," said Gloria to Melanie,
"Let's!" Melanie was doubtful, but she felt a tingling in between her
legs, the way she felt when she lay in bed at night and touched
herself there. Suddenly the thought of these strange men looking at
her naked body made the tingle in her cunny grow. "OK," she said.
Melanie and Gloria pulled down their underpants and let Gloria's
Daddy and her uncles look at their bare naked trickles as well as their
titties. Gloria's Daddy told the girls that they had pretty trickles and
lovely little titties. "I like a little girl's trickle before she gets hair on it,"
said Gloria's Uncle Larry, "Because then I can see her trickle crack
better." Gloria and Melanie both giggled and looked down at their
own and each other's hairless cunny mounds. "You've got nice
trickles, both of you," he continued, "They're nice when they bulge out
from your tummy like yours do, and when they have a nice big wide
crack in them so you can see all the pinky inside parts."
Just then a boy about twelve came out of the house and Gloria
told him that he was her brother Billy. Billy came and stood beside his
father and looked at the two girls. Melanie saw him looking at their
titties and their cunnies. When she looked at his bathing suit there
was a lump growing inside it. "Hey Billy," said Gloria, "What's that
growing inside your bathing suit? Is it a snake?" The boy looked at
her and said, "If you want to find out what it is you can come and find
it." The two girls watched the bulge getting bigger and straighten out
inside his bathing suit until it poked straight up and the tip made a tent
at the top. Gloria giggled and knelt beside her brother and asked
Melanie if she should let the snake out. Melanie didn't know what
she meant but she shrugged and said, "Sure, I guess so." Gloria
pulled down her brother's bathing suit and his cock bobbed out and
poked up in the air.
The girls giggled and Melanie stared at the boy's cock. The
little girl knew that boys had a thing there but the few she had seen
had been different. "It's not all soft and little," she exclaimed, "It's big
and straight and sticking out! Why is it like that?" The men chuckled
and Gloria giggled. "That's so we can play with it," she said, "Snakes
are best when they're all hard and straight! Then they're like big
sticks!" The men laughed and Gloria's Daddy asked Melanie if she
liked to play with big hard sticks. "I don't know," said Melanie, "I've
never done it. How do you play with them?" asked the little girl. "You
should ask your Daddy," replied Gloria. "My Daddy taught me all
about how to play with them and make them spit up and lie down."
Just then Melanie heard her father, two doors away, calling her for
supper. "Coming!" she called, and quickly put her skirt on. Her T shirt
was mostly dry, so she put that on too, but she forgot her underpants,
lying in a wet ball by the pool. She ran down the street and in the
kitchen door to greet her father.
Stan Thompson smiled at his young daughter. "Supper's
almost ready," he said. He had been keeping house for the two of
them since his wife had left him for the Catholic priest last summer.
Melanie forgot what she was going to tell him about meeting Gloria
and her family, because she was suddenly hungry. After supper they
went into the family room and Melanie flopped into a big chair while
her father sat on the couch. They watched TV for awhile, and Melanie
remembered. "Oh, Daddy," she said, "I met the people two doors
down this afternoon. They have a little girl. Her name is Gloria." "How
old is Gloria?" asked Stan, pleased that his daughter had met a new
friend already. "I guess she's about my age, Daddy, that's what her
Daddy said, anyway. I went for a swim in their pool!" "But you didn't
have a bathing suit with you, did you honey?" asked her father.
Melanie shook her head. "Did you borrow one of Gloria's?" "I
don't think she has one, Daddy," replied his daughter. "She was in
swimming in her underpants, and they said it was OK for me to go in
in my underpants and T shirt, so I did. Was that all right Daddy? All
there was there was Gloria and her Daddy and her two uncles," she
continued. "I guess it was OK then," said her father, "So you had your
T shirt on as well as your underpants, did you? And Gloria just had
her underpants on?" Melanie nodded. "Then we saw that my T shirt
was sticking right to me and you could see right through it anyway so
Gloria said it was OK to take it off and be like her, so I did." Stan
thought about the two young girls, naked above the waist. "So you
were "topless"," he chuckled. Melanie giggled. "Yes Daddy! Gloria
said our titties were about the same size and she asked her Daddy
and her uncles whose were bigger." Stan's cock lurched and began
to thicken at the thought of the men looking at the young girls"
developing breasts. "And what did you do?" he asked his daughter.
Melanie looked at her father soberly. "I felt funny thinking about them
looking at my titties, Daddy, but I sort of tingled too and I sort of
wanted to let them look at me, so we did. Was that OK?"
Stan looked at his eleven year old daughter's tight T shirt, and
the way it poked out over her small tit mounds. He hadn't thought of
her developing body before, and was confused by how it suddenly
affected him. Melanie continued, "We went over and showed them our
titties, Daddy, and they said they were very pretty. Gloria said it was
OK, so we got out of the pool and stood right in front of them so they
could see them better and decide whose were bigger, and they said
they were both about the same. Gloria's Daddy said to jump up and
down and make them jiggle so we did, like this." Melanie got up and
stood in front of her father and jumped up and down, and looked
down to watch her small tit mounds bounce and jiggle. She and Stan
both laughed, "That looks funny," he said. "You can't see it very well
because I have my T shirt on," replied Melanie. "Can I take it off and
show you, Daddy?" Stan's cock jerked and lengthened as he nodded
and Melanie pulled her T shirt off over her head. She bounced gently
and made her small titties joggle. "That's better," she said, and looked
up at her father. "Do you like looking at my titties, Daddy?" she asked.
Her father nodded. "You have lovely little titties," he said, "And I like
looking at them very much." Melanie was relieved. "Gloria says she
lets her Daddy look at hers all the time," she said, "And her Daddy
said he liked to look at young girls' titties. Do you like to look at young
girls' titties, Daddy?" Stan nodded as he stared at his daughter's low
mounds of flesh. "Um, yeah, yes, I do, honey!" he replied. "Oh goodie,"
clapped Melanie, bouncing a little in delight and making her tit
mounds jiggle again. "You can look at mine all you want, Daddy!"
"What else did you and Gloria do?" asked Stan. Melanie
suddenly remembered she had no underpants on, and giggled. "Our
underpants were all wet, Daddy, and they were all stuck to us. When I
looked down I saw I could see my trickle right through them." "Really?"
exclaimed Stan, his cock now fully erect. "Yes, Daddy, and my crack
and everything! I put my hands down and covered up my trickle, but
Gloria said her Daddy saw her with no clothes on all the time, and that
he liked to look at little girls' trickles, so it was OK. So I took my hands
away." "So Gloria's Daddy and her uncles could see your trickle and
your trickle crack through your wet underpants," said her father. "Yes
Daddy, and it was funny because I felt sort of funny in between my
legs and I wanted them to look at me there, just like I liked them
looking at my titties. Gloria's uncle said that since our underpants
were all wet and cold we could take them off if we wanted to. I knew
they could see my trickle anyway so it didn't matter. Besides, I liked it
that they wanted to look at me all bare naked. It made me feel funny,
all tingly."
"Where did you feel tingly?" asked Stan. "In my trickle," replied
the child. "Do you feel tingly in your trickle now?" asked her father.
Melanie looked at him soberly and nodded. "Yes, Daddy," she said
softly. "What would you like to do?" he asked. "Show you my trickle,"
she replied in a low voice, "My trickle tingles when I think about you
looking at me there. Would you like me to show it to you?" Stan's rigid
erection was pressing against his pants. "Yes," he gulped, "Yes, I'd
like you to show me your trickle." Melanie sighed with relief. "Oh good,
Daddy!" she cried, "I want you to see it." She began lifting the hem of
her skirt and then paused. "My trickle's all bare naked," she said, "I
don't have any underpants on." "That's OK," said her father, "I couldn't
see it very well through your underpants if they were all dry could I?"
Melanie giggled and lifted the hem of her skirt to her waist.
"There, Daddy," she said, looking down at herself, "There's my bare
naked trickle." Stan stared at his eleven year old daughter's naked
cunny mound, the fat hairless lips bulging out from the flatness of her
slender belly. "Ooo, Daddy, I like it when you look at me like that!" said
Melanie, "You like looking at my trickle, don't you!" "Yes, honey, I do,"
said Stan, "Does your trickle feel funny now?" "Mmmm, yes, Daddy,"
replied the child, "It feels all tingly inside it." "Can you show me
where?" asked her father. Melanie slipped a finger in the top of her
slit. "In here, Daddy," she said, touching a fingertip to her clitoris,
"Ooo, that feels nice when I touch it."
"Has it ever felt that way before, honey?" asked Stan, leaning
forward closer to her, partly to get a closer look at his daughter's
cunny, and partly to hide his erection as he adjusted it. Melanie
nodded. "Yes, Daddy," she replied, "Sometimes it feels that way when
I'm in bed at night." "And what do you do then?" asked her father. "I
touch myself," said the little girl in a soft voice. "Where do you touch
yourself, honey?" asked Stan. "In between my legs, in my trickle," she
replied, a little nervous. "Is that all right, Daddy?" Stan was excited at
the thought of his eleven year old daughter masturbating. "I don't
know, honey, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. Maybe you'd better
show me how you do it. You can lie on the couch beside me and
show me what you do." "OK, Daddy," Melanie said, letting her skirt fall.
"Oh, Daddy, this skirt is in the way. Can I take it off?" "Sure," replied
Stan, and Melanie undid her skirt and stood naked in front of her
Melanie lay along the couch, placing her legs over her father's
lap. She wiggled to get comfortable, and her father looked down at
his daughter's cunny slit, closed because her legs were together. She
slipped a finger into the top of her slit , touched her fingertip to the tip
of her clitoris and wiggled it a little. "I can't do it properly like this," she
complained, "I can't put my fingers into my crack like when I'm in bed."
"How do you do it when you're in bed?" asked Stan. "I put my legs all
nice and wide apart so I can play with my trickle with both hands,"
replied his daughter. "Well, go ahead," said Stan, "Just put one leg up
behind me." "Okay," chirped Melanie, raising her leg and letting it lie
along the back of the couch, which opened her cunny slit as her
father watched. "That's better," she sighed as she dug in between her
spread-open cunny slit with both hands, feeling all up and down the
deep pink parts inside it.
She looked up at her father. "See, Daddy? Now you can see
everything inside my crack! Look, here's the place I like to rub, see
this bump? And here's the hole my pee comes out of, here. See it
twitch when I touch it? And look, here's a funny hole that goes up
inside me. I like to put my fingers inside it, it feels so nice when I do,
look!" Melanie showed her father how she masturbated. The young
girl felt strange displaying her private parts to her father, but the fact
that he was watching her so closely made her small cunny feel even
better than usual. She rubbed her clitoris with two fingers of one hand
while she slipped the middle finger of the other hand up her vagina
and fingered herself, and soon she was breathing hard and her hips
were jerking and thrusting in spasms as she reached her orgasm.
"Unh, unh, unh!" she grunted as her pelvis jerked up, and then she
sighed and lay back. "Did that feel nice, honey?" asked Stan. "Oh,
yes, Daddy," sighed Melanie, "It was lovely! I liked you watching me -
it made it feel even better than it usually does." Her father smiled
fondly down at his daughter. "That's good, dear," he said, "Any time
you want me to watch you playing with your little trickle, you just come
along and start doing it. I like to watch you doing it, too."
Just then there was a knock at the door. "Oh gosh, who can that
be?" wondered Melanie. "I'm going to have a bath, Daddy. I feel all
nice and warm and lazy!" She went into the bathroom while Stan
went to answer the door. A pretty young girl with short dark hair was
standing there, wearing a thin T shirt and light patterned summer
skirt.. "Hi, I'm Gloria," she said, looking up at him. "Melanie left
something over at our place." She held out Melanie's underpants and
smiled up at him.
Stan had been holding the door in front of him to hide his
erection. Melanie hadn't noticed her the bulge in her father's pants,
and Stan wondered if Gloria would. He opened the door wider and
said, "Come in if you like, Gloria. Melanie is having a bath right now.
She was telling me about her swim." Gloria giggled as she entered
and saw the swelling at his crotch. "Was it all right that we took our
underpants off?" she asked. "You mean when you both let your
Daddy and your uncles look at you with no clothes on?" Stan smiled
back, "Sure, that's okay, I don't mind. I hear you do it all the time."
Gloria looked at him as he sat down on the couch in front of
her. "That's right, Mister," she said, "My Daddy likes to look at little
girls in between their legs. Do you?" "Sure," said Stan, and Gloria
said, "I'm not wearing any underpants." Stan's cock lurched at the
thought of the child naked under her skirt. "Aren't you?" he asked.
"No," replied the girl, "I bet you'd like me to show it to you, wouldn't
you? In between my legs, all bare naked I mean. See?" and she lifted
the hem of her skirt up around her waist and exposed her private
parts to the man. She watched him as he stared at her hairless cunny.
"I bet it's all big and hard, isn't it," she said. "What is?" said Stan, still
staring at the child's naked cunny. "That thing in between your legs,"
replied the child. "I bet it's all big and sticking out, like a big stick. My
Daddy's gets all big when he looks at me all bare naked. Why don't
you take it out and show it to me?" "Do you want me to?" asked Stan.
"Sure," replied Gloria, "I like looking at them." "What if Melanie comes
in?" Gloria giggled. "I guess she can look at it too," she replied. Stan's
cock lurched again at the thought of exposing himself to his eleven
year old daughter.
"Okay then," said Stan, and he stood up and undid his pants,
letting them fall. Gloria looked at the huge bulge in the man's
underwear. "Want me to pull down your underpants?" asked Gloria.
"Sure," replied Stan, and the girl knelt in front of him and worked them
down, exposing his erection, which popped free and waved in the air
above the man's crotch and the child kneeling in front of him. "Ooo, it
is nice and big!" she exclaimed. "I bet you'd like to do it to yourself,
wouldn't you." "Do what?" asked Stan. "Rub it up and down," replied
the girl. "I like watching Daddy do it. He says he likes me watching
him, too. Can I watch you do it?" Stan had had an erection ever since
his daughter had come home and told him what she had been doing
next door, and his balls felt like they would burst. "Okay," he said, and
sat down on the couch, leaned back against the cushions and
grasped his erection. "Does Melanie ever watch you do it to yourself?"
asked Gloria. Stan shook his head. "I bet she'd like to," said Gloria.
Stan began gently stroking his cock as he thought how he would like
his young daughter to watch him masturbate.
Gloria came closer. "Would you like to look at me in between
my legs while you do it?" she asked. "Daddy does. He says it makes it
feel better." Stan nodded. "I'll take my clothes off then. It's easier," said
Gloria matter-of-factly and undid her skirt and let it fall. She pulled her
T shirt off over her head and stood in front of the man naked. She
looked down at herself. "See, I got nice titties growing, don't I," she
said, running her hands over the low cones of her tit mounds.
"Melanie's got nice ones too, hers are about the same size as mine,"
she added. Stan stroked his hand slowly up and down his erection as
he looked at the child fondling herself. "Shall I sit on your legs?"
asked Gloria. "That way I'll be nice and close and I can watch you up
close while you do it to yourself." Stan nodded and put his legs
Gloria straddled him and sat halfway along his thighs. "This is
nice, isn't it?" she said. "I can watch you doing it to yourself and you
can look at me in between my legs. Daddy likes when I sit like this
because he can see all in between my legs better than if I'm standing
up, see?" She looked down at her crotch. Stan stared at the child's
hairless pink vulva, spread open just four or five inches from his cock
as he masturbated. "What do you call it, in between your legs?" asked
Stan as he looked at his eleven year old neighbour's sex organ. "My
cunny," giggled Gloria. "I used to call it my pee pee when I was a little
girl but then I just thought it was to pee out of. Melanie calls it her
trickle, doesn't she?" Stan nodded. "I think you know more about it
than she does," he said. "Well, we can teach her," said Gloria, "That'll
be fun, won't it!" Stan thought about his young daughter learning all
about sex from him and this little girl.
"Feels good when you rub it, doesn't it," observed Gloria. "I bet
you got lots of that creamy stuff to shoot out. You got nice big balls.
The creamy stuff comes from your balls, doesn't it." Stan nodded and
the child looked down at his huge testicles and continued. "Want me
to hold your balls, Mister? I hold Daddy's and he says they shoot
more stuff when I help him by playing with his balls." Stan nodded.
"Okay," he said. "Oh goody!" cried Gloria and reached out and lifted
his big testicles one in each small hand. "They're all heavy, I bet
they've got lots of stuff in them." "I bet they have too," said Stan. "It
feels nice when you play with my balls like that. I'm going to stop
playing with it and just let you move my balls all around, okay?" Gloria
nodded. "You can play with my titties if you want," she said, "Daddy
likes playing with them while I do this for him. You can feel my cunny
too if you want."
Stan reached around his cock and cupped the young girl's
hairless vulva, fingering along her clitoris and past the hole of her
urethra. "That's nice," purred Gloria, rubbing her crotch up and down
against his hand, "I like it when men feel my cunny. You can feel it all
you like. Can I play with your thing? It's a nice big one, like my
Daddy's. My brother Billy's isn't as big yet but he's only a year older
than me and Daddy says it'll get bigger if he plays with it so he plays
with it a lot. He likes doing it to himself. He likes it when I do it to him,
too. Would you like me to do it to you, Mister? I'm really good at it!" "In
a few minutes," replied Stan in a strained voice. "Right now you're
playing with my balls so well I think they're going to overflow!"
"Ooo!" replied Gloria, "Daddy's do that too! I'll keep playing with
your balls with one hand and catch that creamy stuff in the other,
okay?" Just as the child placed her cupped hand beneath the
throbbing end of Stan's cock the semen began to flow out, drooling
down over the tip and into her hand. "Ooo, lovely!" cried the child, "It's
all lovely and thick, and all hot too!" They watched as her small hand
filled up with his creamy fluid. "You got a lotta stuff, Mister!" exclaimed
Gloria, "I knew those big balls had a lot in them! Look, my hand's full!"
"I'll play with my balls while you switch hands if you like," offered Stan
and Gloria put her empty hand down by his flowing cock in time not to
miss any of the cum that streamed out of it. "I love to watch my Daddy
shoot his stuff out," said Gloria as her second hand filled up with
Stan's warm cum, "But it's even nicer when he does this first because
then there's more of it." Her other hand was now full, and the flow had
stopped, at least for the moment.
"What are you going to do with it?" asked Stan. "Eat it, of
course!" exclaimed the child as she tipped one hand up to her mouth
and let the man's semen slide into her mouth in one big slippery
glob. In one gulp it was gone. "Mmmm, yummy!" she exclaimed before
doing the same with the other handful of cum. She smacked her lips
and licked her hands clean. "That was a nice snack, Mister! You got
nice cream! Now, can I do it to you so we can get the rest to come
out? I like to watch it squirt up in the air like a big fountain." "Okay
then," said Stan, leaning back against the couch as the young girl
grasped his erection with both hands and began to masturbate him.
Her titties jiggled as her hand movements made her bounce up and
down on the man's lap.
"What are you doing to my Daddy?" asked Melanie, who had
finished her bath and put on a shorty nightgown. The little girl had
come into the room without the others hearing her, and could see
Gloria stroking both hands up and down a straight thing that
protruded from her father<65>s middle. "Oh, it's Daddy's stick! Wow,
Daddy, you have a really big one! It's bigger than your brother Billy's,
Gloria! But what are you doing to it?" she exclaimed. "I'm playing with
your Daddy's stick so it'll do magic tricks," explained Gloria as she
continued to masturbate the man. "I rub it up and down and it makes
your Daddy feel good, and after awhile he makes the stick spit up.
Some creamy stuff comes squirting out this hole in this big knobby
end here. Then the stick lies down and gets all small for awhile until it
wants to play again. Isn't that right, Mister?" Stan nodded.
"Show us how you do it, Daddy!" exclaimed Melanie. "I wanna
see it spit up!" "I have to rub it for a little while first," explained Gloria.
"The more you rub it, the better it makes your Daddy feel, and the
more it'll spit up." "Can I rub it too?" asked Melanie. "Sure," said
Gloria, "Take your nightgown off and let your Daddy look at your titties
and down in between your legs while you do it to him." "Do you want
to look at me all bare naked, Daddy?" asked Melanie. "Do you want to
see in between my legs like when I was showing you how I like to
touch myself there and make myself feel good?" "Yes, honey, that
would be lovely," replied her father and the eleven year old said,
"Ooo, goody!" as she pulled her nightgown off over her head and
stood naked in front of her father. "If you kneel on the couch beside
him with your legs apart he can see all in between your legs,"
suggested Gloria, and Melanie knelt on the couch.
"Would you like your Daddy to touch you in between your
legs, like he was touching me before?" Gloria asked. "Ooo, yeah!"
said Melanie. Stan felt all over his daughter's hairless vulva while her
friend showed the child how to put both hands around her father's
penis and slide them up and down to masturbate him. "Does this feel
good, Daddy?" asked Melanie as she fondled his erection. "Oh yeah,
honey!" grunted her father, his hips starting to thrust as he neared his
orgasm. Suddenly Melanie exclaimed as a huge spurt of white shot
out the hole in the end of her father's penis and splashed down onto
her hands. "Ooo, wow!" she exclaimed, and paused momentarily.
"Don't stop!" said her father, "Keep doing it," and Gloria, who was
fondling the man's testicles, added, "You have to keep pumping to get
all the cream out." Melanie kept masturbating her father as his semen
spurted into the air and fell in thick white globs . "The stuff makes my
hands all slippy," she reported. "They slip up and down his thing
much easier now." The jets of sperm squirted everwhere, landing on
Stan<EFBFBD>s stomach and the two girls as well as on his genital area. When
it was over Gloria showed Melanie how to scoop up the piles of his
cum from where they had landed, and sucked the globs of semen
from her fingers. Melanie copied her friend and slipped some into her
mouth. She smacked her lips at the taste and said, "It's yummy,
The two girls went off down the hall to Melanie's room, leaving
Stan in the living room. He put on his underpants and turned on the
TV. "So what happened when you came home?" asked Gloria with a
grin as the two girls entered Melanie's room. Melanie blushed. "I don't
know, I - I was telling Daddy about going swimming and stuff, and..."
"And you told your Daddy about us showing my Daddy our bare
naked trickles, didn't you?" Melanie nodded. "What did he say?"
asked Gloria. "He said it was okay, and I told him it made my trickle
feel all funny when your Daddy and your uncles looked at it." "Did it?"
asked Gloria, "Mine does too, when I do it, that's why I like doing it."
Melanie was glad to hear the other girl felt the same, and went on, "I
told Daddy I felt funny like that at night in bed, and I showed him how I
like to rub myself in between my legs and make my trickle feel all
good. It felt really good to have him watching me do it." "Wow," said
Gloria, "Did he like that? What did he say?" Melanie giggled. "He said
I could let him watch me doing it any time I wanted to. He said he liked
watching me."
"My Daddy likes watching me play with my trickle too," said
Gloria, "And so do my uncles. Did your Daddy show you his big
stick?" "No, he didn't," replied Melanie. "Right after I finished showing
him how I rub my trickle you came to the door and I didn't know who it
was so I went and had my bath. And when I came in you were doing it
to him." Melanie showed Gloria over their new house. "Oh, wow, you
have a hot tub, I've never been in one," exclaimed Gloria. "Let's go in
with your Daddy, then we can play with his big stick again!" Stan
heard the girls in the hot tub room, and joined them there.
"See, Daddy, Gloria's titties are growing just like mine,"
observed Melanie as she stood naked beside the other eleven year
old. Stan looked at both young girls. "You're both very pretty," he said.
"Specially when we have no clothes on and you can see our titties
and our bare naked trickles!" giggled Gloria, "I bet you like looking at
girls all bare naked, like my Daddy and my uncles do, don't you." Stan
laughed. "Sure I do," he said, "Do you like it when they look at you?"
Gloria and Melanie both nodded. "Yeah!" said Gloria, "And I like
looking at them all bare naked and seeing their big straight sticks!"
Stan laughed. "Shall I show you mine again then?" "Yeah, Daddy!"
exclaimed his daughter. Stan pulled his underpants down to expose
his erection to his daughter and her friend.
They climbed into the hot tub and sat up to their chests in the
warm water. "The way the water moves makes my titties feel all
funny," giggled Gloria, touching her nipples with her fingertips. "Ooo,
that's nice!" Melanie began fondling hers as well while her father
watched the two little girls. "You two are so much alike," he said,
"Even your titties are about the same size." Gloria had an idea. "I bet if
you closed your eyes and touched us you couldn't tell which was
which," she giggled. Stan laughed. "You mean I couldn't tell my own
daughter?" he laughed. "Sure I could!" "Let's see, then," said
Melanie, getting to her feet in front of her father. The water came to
just below the young girl's naked vulva. Gloria stood beside her friend
and he had to admit they were very similar. "How do we do this now?"
he asked, "You make the rules." "You have to keep your eyes closed
and we'll move around so you can't tell which is where, and then you
tell which is which just by touching us." "Can Daddy touch us
anywhere he wants?" asked Melanie with a giggle. Gloria giggled too.
"Sure," she said. "Oh goody," said Melanie, "Come on, Daddy, close
your eyes. No fair peeking!"
Stan closed his eyes and the two little girls waded around in a
circle and then stood still close in front of him. He felt out and found
their ankles, then let his hands slip up their slender legs, knowing
from the feeling that one hand was going up each girl's body. He
heard muffled giggles as his hands passed their knees, and then he
raised them and felt the girls' bellies and up to their young chests. He
touched them on their immature breast mounds and cupped their little
tits and fondled their nipples. Stan genuinely couldn't tell which was
his daughter, and he said "Turn around now," and when they had
their backs to him, felt them all over their firm round bums. "Turn
around again and face me," he said, and when they turned to face
him he felt their flat bellies, then let his hands circle lower and lower
toward their vulvas.
He felt the rise of the children's cunny mounds and then the top
of their slits, and let his fingers slip down over the bulge of their
hairless cunnies to where their slits disappeared in between their
legs. "Open your legs a little," he said, and felt the girls squatting and
spreading their legs as much as they could while he felt in between
their firm outer cunny lips all over the interior of their private parts. The
horny father loved the opportunity to feel all over in between the legs
of his daughter and the other little girl. Their hairless cunnies were so
smooth, and the more he rubbed his finger inside their fat slits the
more they pushed their bellies towards him and helped him feel them.
"I think you're Melanie, on the right," he said finally, after he
had fondled them some more. "Wrong, Daddy," giggled his daughter,
and as he opened his eyes he saw her on the left laughing down at
him. "See, I told you!" said Gloria, slipping a finger into her cunny slit
and touching herself. "Gosh that felt good when you were feeling us! I
feel all tingly down there. I feel like doing it right here!" "You mean rub
your trickle and make it feel nice?" asked Melanie. Gloria nodded. "I
want to too," said Melanie. "Let's lie down and do it." "That's a good
idea," said Gloria, "We can do it at the same time, and your Daddy can
watch us. I always like it when my Daddy watches me. We can look at
his big stick while we do it." "Why don't we go in on my big bed,"
suggested Stan. "Then there'll be more room for both of you."
They went into his bedroom and the two girls lay side by side,
their legs thrown wide apart and their cunnies spread wide open.
Stan got on the bed between them, kneeling up so both little girls
could see his erection up close, and so he could watch them while
they masturbated. The two eleven year olds both stared at his erect
penis while they felt in between their slim legs with both hands,
touching their peeholes and rubbing their clitties till their hips jerked
and their faces got red as they came. "Wow, that was a good one!"
exclaimed Melanie. "I liked watching Daddy's stick while I did it!"
"I bet your Daddy would like to play with his big stick again like
before, wouldn't you Mister," said Gloria. Stan nodded and Gloria got
a glass from the night table. "I'll catch the cream in here this time," she
said, "Then you can get a good look at it. I love it 'cause it's all creamy
and slippy."
"Come on, Mister, now you do it to yourself," urged Gloria. "We
did it before, but now we wanna see you do it to yourself. I always like
watching my Daddy do it." "Yeah, Daddy!" said Melanie, "Come on,
I've never seen anyone do it before." They knelt beside him and
showed him their cunnies while he masturbated. When he was about
to come, Gloria held the glass next to his cockhead and they all
watched as the thick spurts of creamy semen squirted out and
splashed into the glass. "Wow, is that ever neat!" exclaimed Melanie
as she watched her father's thick penis ejaculate his sperm. The girls
looked at the half-full glass and then shared it, slurping down the
globs of creamy semen and smacking their lips at the tangy taste.
"Sometimes I get Daddy and my uncles and Billy all to put their stuff in
the same glass and drink it all down at once. I call it my special
milkshake," said Gloria.
Melanie asked her father if Gloria could stay overnight.
"Please, Daddy, I like Gloria, she's fun." "I like her too, honey, but
maybe she has to go home. If her Daddy says it's okay, then she can
stay." "Ooo goody," cried Gloria, and reached over to the bedside
phone, then dialled it and lay back while she waited for her father to
answer and the others relaxed and listened. "Daddy? I'm at
Melanie's. Can I stay over? We're having fun! They have a hot tub,
Daddy, and we went in it. Yes, her Daddy too. No, our underpants
were still all wet, so we didn't wear them. We played a game with
Melanie's Daddy in the hot tub, Daddy. We bet him he couldn't tell
who was who with his eyes closed, and he couldn't. Well, he touched
us, that's how. We said he could touch us anywhere he wanted to see
if he could tell. Remember this afternoon you said our titties were the
same size, well even after Melanie's Daddy had touched them a lot
he still couldn't tell. It felt nice, too, Daddy, when he did it. You know I
like you to feel them. Yes, I know you like to do it. If I was there you
could feel them now. No, Daddy, I don't have any clothes on. I'm lying
on the bed, all naked."
The little girl looked down at her titty mounds. "Yes, Daddy, my
nipples are all big and puffy. I'll put the phone so I don't have to hold
it, and then I can touch them with both hands like you do, okay?" She
cradled the phone on the pillow by her head and fiddled with her
nipples with her fingertips. "Ooo, that feels nice, Daddy. It's making
me feel all funny in between my legs. I wish you were here so you
could look at me in between my legs. I like it when you do that." She
lifted her legs and let them flop off to the sides, opening her cunny slit.
"Yes, when we were in the hot tub Melanie's Daddy touched us in
between our legs, too. All up and down our cracks, and on our clitty
bumps and our peeholes, too! Sure it felt nice, it always feels nice
when someone touches you there! Shall I touch myself there,
Melanie and Stan watched the little girl as she began fondling
herself while she talked to her father on the phone. "Yes, I'm feeling
my cunny, Daddy. I'm rubbing my clitty with one hand and touching
my peehole with the other. It feels good, I wish you were doing it
because you do it so well. Now I'm putting my finger in my cunny hole.
It's all wet, Daddy, my cunny's all wet! I like doing it to myself while I
talk to you like this, Daddy. Why don't you take your pants off and see
how big your stick is? You did? And it's all hard? Are you going to do
it to yourself? Oh good! We can both do it at the same time. I bet it
feels good when you rub your hand up and down it, eh Daddy. I'm
doing it faster now, Daddy, it feels sooo good! I'm going to, going to,
going to, unh, unh, unh, UNH!" The little girl's slender body twisted as
she reached her orgasm, then relaxed. "Ooo, Daddy, that was a good
one! Are you going to do it soon? Make all that stuff come out the end
and squirt all over, I mean. Oh good, I can tell from your voice it's a
good one. It made lots of that lovely thick white cream squirt onto your
tummy, didn't it. Now I'll see you in the morning, Bye!"
Stan looked at Gloria and the young girl smiled up at him as
she put the phone back on the cradle. "I wish I'd been there to see my
Daddy's thing squirt," she said. "And to eat all that stuff, too.
Sometimes he squirts it right into my mouth so I don't miss any." "How
do you do that?" asked Stan. "Well, one good way is for me to lie
down like I am right now and he sort of sits with one leg on either side
of me." She looked down at Stan's cock, which had hardened again
as he watched the child masturbating while she talked to her father on
the phone. "Do you wanna do it?" Stan looked over at Melanie, who
was lying watching them while she fiddled quietly with her clitty.
"Shall I, honey?" "Sure," replied his daughter. "I'll watch and see how
you do it, then we can try it another time. I'm gonna do it to myself
while I watch you, okay?"
"Sure," Gloria nodded as Stan straddled her chest and began
fondling her puffy nipples. "After you've finished if you want you can
do it to me while I do it to your Daddy and make him squirt his stuff in
my mouth." She placed both hands on the cock that was looming over
her chest and began moving them up and down on it. Melanie liked
watching her father being fondled by the other eleven year old, while
she dug in between her legs and touched all the parts that made her
feel so good. Stan let the child masturbate him while he played with
her puffy nipples, then reached behind him with one hand and found
her hairless vulva. "Ooo, good," said Gloria, speading her legs and
letting the man fondle her private parts, "You feel my cunny while I rub
this big magic stick of yours and see what I can find inside it."
Melanie giggled. By now the child knew what Gloria would find
inside her father's cock. "I bet it's got that creamy stuff in there," she
said. "Come on, Gloria, make it come out! Do it to my Daddy so his big
stick does magic tricks!" "Maybe your Daddy should do some of the
work," said Gloria, looking over at Melanie and then up at the man. "I
wanna watch you do it to yourself," she said. "Do it so it shoots out
and goes right into my mouth. Then it'll be nice and warm." "Okay,"
said Stan,"but if I'm going to do that I won't be able to play in between
your legs and feel your titties too." "I'll do it to you in between your
legs with one hand and in between mine with the other," volunteered
Melanie, "I bet that'll be fun!" She sat beside the others with her legs
crossed, tailor fashion, and fondled her friend's cunny while she felt
her own at the same time. "This is nice, Gloria," said Melanie, "I can
watch my Daddy rubbing his magic stick and I'll be able to see the
cream come out and go into your mouth."
Stan masturbated with the head of his cock just in front of the
child's mouth until he was about to come, and she leaned closer and
tilted her head back in front of and underneath his cock, sticking out
her tongue like a carpet. Melanie watched her father make his cock
ejaculate his semen into the child's mouth. Spurt after spurt of thick
cum hit her teeth and the roof of her mouth, dripping down off them.
Some flew right into the depths of her throat. She caught the last
shots, and the dribbles that followed, on her outstretched tongue and
lifted it up so they slid back into her mouth, then swallowed the
creamy load down and grinned up at him. She smacked her lips as
he milked the last drops of cum out of his cock and onto her tongue,
licking her lips at the taste.
They slept together in the big bed. Stan heard the little girls
giggling as he woke up the next morning and knew they were
fondling each other's sex parts. When he looked over he saw Gloria
lying on her back, showing Melanie how she liked to put her finger
into her cunny hole. They spread their legs and showed him their
cunnies and watched his cock get hard. It was the first time Melanie
had seen a man's penis as it got an erection, and the little girl was
fascinated. She and Gloria were both exploring the man's stiff cock
when the phone rang. Melanie reached for it since she was closest.
She put her hand over the receiver. "It's your Daddy, Gloria." "You talk
to him," replied Gloria, "I'm busy with your Daddy."
Melanie spoke into the phone. "She says to tell you she's busy
right now. Well, she's playing with my Daddy's stick. Yeah, it's all big
and hard - we watched it get hard and stand up. It got hard while we
were showing him in between our legs. Yes, like we let you look at us
yesterday by the pool. I liked it too, it made me feel all funny down
there. I know you have a big one, Gloria told me you do. I wish I could
see it, too. I wish you could see my trickle again." The little girl
lowered her voice a little as she began touching her cunny. "Yes, this
time I'd let you look at me all over in between my legs. I like it when
Daddy looks at me there. Maybe he can pretend to be you, looking at
me in between my legs." Stan had been listening to what his little girl
was saying to their next door neighbour, and at this he moved over
and knelt up in front of her.
"Oh goody," said Melanie, "My Daddy's looking at my trickle
now. Gloria's rubbing his stick." She spread her legs to either side.
"There, now you can get nice and close to my trickle," she spoke into
the phone again as her father moved right up to her splayed open
crotch, "I'll hold it open so you can see all the parts I like to play with.
Here's a nice bumpy place to touch, and look at the way I can make
my pee hole open when I touch it, and here's the hole that I like to put
my finger in. Gloria's still rubbing his stick, are you rubbing yours? Are
you going to make the cream come out? I like to watch my Daddy's
stick spit up. Last night Gloria made it spit up so it squirted right into
her mouth, do you do that? And on her trickle too! Wow, I bet that feels
nice!" She spoke to her father and Gloria. "Gloria's Daddy says you
like it when he make his cream go on your trickle, is that right?"
Gloria nodded and kept masturbating the child's father, his
cock jutting out over the eleven year old's hairless cunny. "Will you
make it go on my trickle, Daddy?" asked Melanie, "Please?" "Okay,"
nodded Stan, who was reaching his orgasm, "You hold your trickle
nice and open and your Daddy will make all his cream go all over it."
Melanie propped the phone up so she could use both hands to hold
her cunny open as wide as she could. Stan looked down at his young
daughter's naked cunt as Gloria said, "You do it to yourself, Mister,
and I'll play with your balls and get all that cream out of them."
Stan began masturbating over his daughter's spread-open
cunny, and Melanie squealed with delight as a thick glob of hot cum
squirted out of his cock and splashed down on the middle of her sex
parts. "Ooo, Daddy, that feels nice and warm, keep doing it!" she
cried, "Make it go all over my trickle!" Stan kept masturbating, holding
his cock so the spurts of cum jetted out and hit his daughter's clitty
and her pee hole, then leaned forward and aimed specially for the
young girl's cunny hole that she was holding open. He watched the
spurts of thick semen squirted straight into his child's vagina, hitting
the inner walls and drooling down into her insides.
He continued to masturbate while his little girl squealed with
delight at the feeling of her father's hot sperm hitting her naked private
parts. He milked the last drools and dribbles out, and Melanie looked
down at herself, her cunny covered completely in a film of silvery-
white. "Ooo, Gloria's Daddy," she said, "My Daddy did it! He made his
stuff go all over my trickle! It's all creamy white now, not pinky any
more. Oh, all over it. Yes, he squirted it right into my hole! It felt funny
when it hit me inside my hole and I could feel it sliding into my insides.
Oh, yes, you can do it like that too! Maybe this afternoon, eh?" Stan
moved out from between his daughter's legs and Gloria knelt in front
of her friend. "Oh, Gloria's asking if she can clean up Daddy's cream.
Sure, go ahead. How are you going to get it all up?"
Gloria looked up at her friend. "I'm going to slurp it up," she
replied, "That way I won't miss any." She used her mouth like a
vacuum cleaner, placing it over the piles and puddles of the man's
semen and sucking them into her mouth. Melanie giggled. "That feels
funny," she said, "Do it some more. I like it when you do that. Gloria's
slurping up my Daddy's stuff," she reported to Gloria's father. "Open
your cunny hole," said Gloria, "I know some stuff went in there."
Melanie held her cunny hole open and Gloria looked inside the
friend's vagina. "I guess it's all way up inside you," she said, "I'll have
to see if I can get it with my tongue." Melanie giggled, and then twisted
her hips with pleasure as he friend stuck her tongue into her vagina
as far as it would go and wiggled it around.
"Ooo, that feels really nice!" she said, "Put your tongue in my
hole some more. Gloria's putting her tongue in my hole," she reported
to Gloria's father at the other end of the telephone, "She's trying to
get the creamy stuff out." She listened for a minute and then said,
"Hey Gloria, your Daddy says for you to lie down and I'll squat over
you and then the stuff will come back out of my hole." The girls shifted
position, and Gloria lay on her back while Melanie straddled her head
and held her private parts open so her father's semen could drool out
of her vagina and into the other girl's mouth. "Darn it," said Melanie,
picking up the telephone after it had fallen for the third time. "I gotta go
now, Gloria's Daddy, I can't hold my trickle open and hold the
telephone at the same time. I'll talk to you later, bye!" Stan watched
his daughter's cunny as his cum drooled out of it and dripped into
Gloria's mouth. Gloria licked and sucked on her friend's cunny to get
the last of his semen. Melanie lay down beside her friend and lazily
played with her cunny, still wet from Gloria licking it. "That was really
nice," she said, "that all felt so nice, all what we did just then. I liked
watching you rub my Daddy's stick, and him making his cream go on
my trickle. And when you did that to my trickle it was lovely!"
"My Daddy likes it when I do it to him," said Gloria. "He feels my
trickle while I rub his big stick. Sometimes I rub the end of his stick on
my trickle and make my trickle feel all nice, and then when the stick
spits up the cream goes right onto my trickle and makes it all slippy.
Then Daddy licks my trickle and cleans off the cream." She looked
over at Stan, who was lying back with his softened penis flopped over
to one side. "Hey, your Daddy's still got some stuff on his stick."
Melanie giggled. "It's not a stick," she laughed, "It's all soft and little."
"Sure, it is right now," agreed Gloria, "But I bet we can get it big and
hard again." "Oh, yeah," said Melanie, "Let's show him our trickles
again. I like doing that and watching it get hard."
"I'll show you another way," said Gloria, lying down beside
Stan's midsection, "Come and watch." She waited while Melanie lay
down on the other side of the adult, then picked up the small, softened
cock. "See what happens when I do this." She leaned forward and
licked the streams of cum off the head of his cock. Melanie giggled.
"What does my Daddy's thing taste like?" she asked. "It tastes nice,"
replied Gloria, "Like the stuff that shoots out of it." "Not like pee?"
asked Melanie. "Naw," replied Gloria, "Pee tastes different. It's good
too," added the eleven year old. Melanie giggled again as Gloria kept
licking her father's cock,and sucked on the head to get the last traces.
Stan had never had a child suck on his cock before, and his
cock thickened and lengthened while she sucked on it, returning to a
full erection. "Wow," said Melanie, "It got all big while you had it in
your mouth!" Gloria looked up at the man. "Looks like you like me
sucking on your candy stick, eh Mister?" she said with a wicked grin.
"Want me to suck it some more?" Stan grinned back at her. "Sure,
little girl," he said. "You can suck on my big candy stick all you want -
I've got some special candy cream in there for you, but you<6F>ll have to
suck hard to get it out!" he said. "Let's see how much you can put in
your mouth - can you get it all in?" "I dunno," said Gloria, "My Daddy's
is so big the end part goes right down my throat when I have it all in
my mouth. I'll do that with you if you like. I'll make the candy cream
squirt into my mouth, though. There's more taste buds there." "Let me
look at your cunny while you suck me," suggested Stan, "Then I can
feel it at the same time." "Ooo, me too, Daddy, me too," said Melanie,
shifting position so her legs were up near her father's head. "Look at
my trickle, Daddy."
The next morning was Sunday. About nine thirty Stan had
dressed and gone out into the kitchen leaving the two girls asleep in
the big bed. After a few minutes Gloria followed him. "Did you like
what we did last night?" she asked. "Sure," said Stan. "Melanie's still
asleep," he added. "That's okay," said Gloria, "I just wanted a drink of
your cream for breakfast." The young girl grinned at him. Stan felt his
cock hardening. "How do you want to do it?" he asked the child as
she undid his fly and pulled his cock out. "You gonna suck it?" She
knelt down and looked up at his cock as it thickened and rose to full
erection as she opened her mouth. "I'll suck it later," she said. "I
wanna watch you do it to yourself. Just do it so it goes in my mouth,"
she said. Stan did as she asked, letting the child watch him
masturbate in front of her until he was ready to come. "Right in here,"
she said, pointing to her open mouth. Stan stepped closer and laid
the end of his cock on the child's outstretched pink tongue. She
tipped her head back and held it while he milked the semen out of his
cock straight into her mouth, coating her tongue with the blobs of thick
white cream and watching it run slowly down into her waiting mouth.
Gloria looked up at the man as he masturbated his semen into her
mouth and cuddled his huge testicles to urge more cum out of them.
Stan's hand jerked back and forth, forcing his cum out into the child's
mouth and filling it with his hot thick semen.
Just as Gloria was licking the last drops off his cock Melanie
came into the room and saw what they were doing. "Oh pooh," she
said, "I wanted to get Daddy to do that to me." Gloria licked the man's
cum off her lips and said, "Never mind, we'll get it all big again and
you can have the next bunch. Can we go in the hot tub?" "Ooo, yeah,
Daddy, let's go in the hot tub," cried Melanie, and they all went into
the hot tub room, took off their clothes and got in. After they had
enjoyed the warm water for awhile Gloria said, "Ooo, I have to pee! I
should have gone before we got in." Stan thought about the young
girl holding her cunny open and pissing, and his cock jerked and
started to get hard again. "You can pee right here if you want to," he
said. "Okay," replied Gloria, "Do you wanna watch me do it? My
Daddy likes to watch me pee. His thing gets all hard while he watches
"Sure," said Stan, and Gloria said, "Oh goody! I'll make a
fountain," and the child held onto the edge of the hot tub and lifted her
body. "You have to hold me up," she said, and Stan got between her
outspread legs and held the child's bum so her hairless cunny was at
the surface of the water and her head rested on a towel at the edge of
the tub. Gloria reached down to her crotch and pulled the big lips of
her cunny apart. Stan looked at the child's urethra, about a foot in
front of his face as Gloria grunted and then sighed "Now, here comes
the fountain." A stream of pale liquid spouted up from the child's
hairless private parts and splashed down into the tub just in front of
the man's face. Stan's cock was jerking and poking out in full erection
as he watched the child pissing just in front of him, and he suddenly
leaned forward and let her piss stream wash right over his face.
The two little girls giggled and Melanie said, "Daddy's washing
his face in your pee, Gloria!" "I know!" replied Gloria, "My Daddy likes
doing it too. Would you like a drink of lemonade, Mister?" she offered
and Melanie giggled as her father opened his mouth and let the spout
of piss from the eleven year old girl splash down inside his mouth. He
tipped his head back a little and let his mouth fill up with the child's
piss, savouring the taste of the tangy fluid, then gulping it down and
letting it fill up again. When the fountain stopped, he leaned forward
and licked the little girl's hairless cunny clean of all her piss.
"Did you like that Daddy?" asked Melanie, who had been
standing fingering her cunny while she watched her father drink the
girl's piss. "Sure did, honey," replied her father, and Melanie said,
"Ooo great! We can play games with our pee!" "Hey Mister, would you
like to make a fountain?" asked Gloria. "Sure," said Stan, "but it's all
hard right now, and I pee better when it's soft." "Oh goody!" said
Melanie, "I know how to make your thing all soft again, Daddy! I'll suck
it like it was a big lollipop and you can make the cream go in my
They got out of the hot tub and Stan lay down beside it.
Melanie knelt beside her father and held his stiff cock vertical, turning
to her father to ask him, "Will you touch me in between my legs while I
suck on your thing, Daddy? I like it when you touch me there." "I've got
a better idea," said Stan, "You sit over my face and while you're
sucking my thing I can kiss and lick your little trickle all over, how
about that?" "Ooo lovely," cried Melanie, swinging a leg over her
father and edging back so her cunny was pooched out right by his
face. Stan held onto his daughter's hips and guided her back so her
smooth hairless cunny lips were just above his mouth, then began
licking them all over, slipping his tongue up between them and
lapping at her clitoris. He made it into a point and poked it up the
child's vagina, tasting the warm slickness of her inner passage as she
sighed with pleasure and spread her legs wider apart so he could lick
her private parts better. Gloria squatted with her legs wide apart,
feeling in between her legs with both her small hands while she
watched the man licking his daughter's cunny.
"Ooo, that feels so good, Daddy, I'm going to give your thing a
nice sucking," squealed Melanie, and she bent forward and licked all
over the sensitive head of her father's erection. She tickled his
pisshole with her tongue and then opened her mouth as wide as it
would go as she slid the huge penis inside her young lips. Stan loved
the warmth of his daughter's mouth around his cock and lay still for a
moment as she experimented with how much she could put inside it,
moving her mouth up and down his cock as she had seen Gloria do
earlier. "Am I doing it right, Daddy?" she asked him, "Does it feel good
when I suck on your big hard thing like this?" "Sure does," grunted
Stan as his hips started to jerk up and down, "Just keep doing it and
I'll make the cream go in your mouth real soon." "Ooo goody, I love
the taste of your cream, and this time I get to drink it all nice and hot,"
cried the little girl as she slipped her father's penis back into her
mouth and began moving her head up and down on it again. Her
stretched lips rubbed up and down past the sensitive head, and Stan
felt himself start to come.
"Here's your cream, honey!" he grunted as the first thick spurt of
his gooey cum gushed into his daughter's mouth. "Mmmf!" muttered
Melanie as the slippery gouts of her father's hot semen filled her
mouth. "Mmmf, glmmph, gllmmph, mmff," she murmured as each spurt
of her father's semen splatted against the roof of the child's mouth.
Her cheeks bulged and a little creamy dribble ran out the side of her
mouth and down the shaft of her father's cock, and Gloria, who was
watching while she played with her own cunny, said, "Don't try and
hold it all in your mouth, Melanie, just swallow it down and your
Daddy will give you some more." Melanie pulled her head up a little
and gulped, feeling the warmth of her father's cum as the thick mass
slid down into her stomach. Just as Gloria had predicted, Stan's huge
lemon-sized balls pumped more cum into his daughter's mouth and
the child gulped the gloopy stuff down.
When the squirts had slowed to dribbles the young girl let them
flow into her mouth, sucking gently on her father's cock to encourage
all his cum to flow into her mouth while she savoured the taste, then
let his cock slip out and licked it all off as it fradually softened. "Mmm,
that was great, Daddy!" she said, looking down between her legs as
he began licking her spread-open cunny again. "Your stuff is so nice
and hot when it squirts right into my mouth. Ooo, that feels sooo
good!" she added as her father licked her clitoris gently. He tickled her
small pisshole with the tip of his tongue and she giggled. "Hey, you're
supposed to be going to make a fountain of pee, but you're tickling my
peehole! It makes me want to pee!" "Go ahead and pee, honey,"
replied her father as he continued to touch his tongue tip to the child's
urethra. "Ooo Daddy!" giggled the child, "Right in your mouth?" "Sure,"
said Stan, "Let's see how many times you can fill my mouth up with
your pee. Come on, give your Daddy a nice drink."
Gloria knelt by the man's head so she could watch the little girl
pissing into her father's mouth, and slipped a finger up her cunny
while she watched. Melanie sighed as the tickling tongue of her father
made her urethra relax. "Here's your drink, Daddy," she said, and
looked down at herself as the thin stream of pale liquid squirted from
her body into her father's open mouth. She giggled as the frothy lake
of urine rose higher, and said, "I'll stop for a minute so you can
swallow it, Daddy," and held the stream of pee while her father gulped
and swallowed. "Is that nice, Daddy?" she asked. "Does it taste nice?"
Her father looked up at her and nodded. "Sure does, honey, how
about some more now," and opened his mouth again, smiling up at
her with his eyes as she behgan pissing into his mouth once more,
savouring the tangy flavour of his daughter's hot piss. "Wow," said
Gloria, leaning forward so she could see better, "Your Daddy likes
your pee just as much as mine does. My Daddy loves it when I pee
right into his mouth."
When Melanie had finished peeing, her father licked the last
drops from her piss hole, swallowed one last time and smacked his
lips. "Now you can make a fountain, Daddy," she said. "Can you make
the fountain go on my cunny?" asked Gloria. "I like it when my Daddy
does a fountain onto my cunny." "I guess so," said Stan, "You can
show me how to do it." Gloria giggled. "Just stay lying down and pee
up in the air," she replied, "I'll squat over the fountain and it'll hit my
cunny." "Can I do it too?" asked Melanie. "Sure," said Gloria, "We can
take turns," and she squatted over the man's penis so it almost
touched her hairless cunny slit. "Do it now, Mister," she said.
Stan grunted as he began to piss, the stream shooting up the
short distance to the eleven year old's hairless cunny. "Aaah!" she
sighed as the stream of hot piss hit her clitoris and dribbled down.
"Piss in my hole!" she cried, squatting a little more and using both
hands to hold her cunny hole open wide just aove the man's cock.
"Ooo, that's so nice!" she sighed as the hot piss stream shot into her
hole. Stan loved pissing up the child's vagina and the feel of his hot
piss as it splashed back on his cock and balls. "Do it to me, Daddy! It's
my turn now!" cried Melanie, dancing around with her finger rubbing
inside her small slit.
Stan stopped while Gloria made way for Melanie, and as soon
as she was in position he began pissing again, squirting the hairless
vulva his daughter displayed for him. "Ooo Daddy, it feels so nice!"
squealed the youngster, moving her crotch and holding her cunny
wide open so the stream of her father's hot urine washed all over her
senstive inner parts. "Oh, oh, oh, oh, OH!" she cried, and the child<6C>s
hips jerked and thrust as the tingly feeling of her father's hot piss on
her clitty made her come. Gloria had been rubbing her cunny while
she watched, and after Stan had finished pissing on Melanie's cunny
they watched while Gloria masturbated, her face reddening and her
slim hips thrusting up as she came, then sighed and relaxed.
After breakfast Stan let both children sit on his lap while he
fingered them in between their legs and they took turns fondling his
cock and balls. Soon his cock was fully erect again. "Hey Mister, I bet I
know something we can do with this," said Gloria with a grin. "Are we
going to suck my Daddy's thing again?" asked Melanie, fiddling in
between her legs while she watched Gloria slowly masturbating the
man. Gloria shook her head. "I bet we can find another hole to put it
and keep it nice and warm," she said with a grin. "What do you
mean?" asked Melanie. Gloria spread her legs a little more and
slipped her finger up her vagina. "My Daddy likes to hide his thing
inside my cunny hole. He says it keeps it nice and warm. It makes me
feel all full up inside, and he makes it go in and out of my hole and
that feels good too. Then he makes the cream come out while it's up
inside me, and that feels even better." "Wow, Daddy, that sounds like
fun!" giggled Melanie. "What a funny place to hide your thing!"
"I got an even better idea," said Gloria. "When it's all hard you
can put it inside my cunny and make the white stuff go into it, and then
leave it there and pee inside my cunny afterwards. I love the way it
feels when my Daddy does that."
Stan lay down on a towel. Gloria straddled the man and pulled
her cunny lips apart as she fingered her clitty. "Shall I lick it a little so
it'll go in better?" asked Melanie hopefully, and Gloria squatted with
her legs apart and held her cunny lips apart while her friend licked all
over her private parts and slipped her tongue up inside her. Stan
watched his daughter lick the other child between her legs and turn to
him. "Now Daddy," she said, "I'll lick your thing and get it all nice and
wet so it'll go into Gloria's trickle better, and she held onto her father's
erection and lapped and licked it up and down, slipping the thick
head into her mouth and sucking on it gently. "I guess it's ready now,"
she said, holding it vertically just beneath the spread open cunny hole
of her friend as she lowered herself onto it. Melanie watched as her
father's penis slid slowly into the hairless cunny of their neighbour.
"Wow, it's all going in," she said. "Ooo, I know!" sighed Gloria with a
wiggle of her hips. "Mmmm, nice!" she murmured as she lifted up and
let the adult's cock slide partway out. "Are you finished already?"
asked Melanie, who was fingering her little slit while she watched.
"Oh, noooo!" replied Gloria, sinking back down on Stan's erection
again. "It feels sooo goood when it goes in and out. Doesn't it,
Mister?" she asked Stan. He could only nod. The man knew it
wouldn't be long before he came. The child's cunny was so warm and
tight, and her movements rippled her cunny muscles as if she were
milking his cock. Besides, he loved the look of the little girl's hairless
cunny stretched around his erection. He reached in between her legs
and fiddled with her little clitty, rubbing the small bud with the tip of his
middle finger. "Ooo!" sighed Gloria, wiggling her body at the feeling,
"That's lovely! Do it some more!" She thrust faster and faster as he
fondled her and shivered with delight as she reached her orgasm.
The twitches of her little girl's cunny around his overheated cock were
all Stan needed to cum, and he thrust farther into the child as his cock
spat thick gouts of hot semen into the fifth-grader's tight vagina.
After Stan had squirted his load into the child she said with a
giggle, "Now you gotta pee inside me and make my cunny tingle.
Come on Mister, piss in my cunny!" "Okay, Stan grunted, and felt the
piss surging along his cock and out the end. "Aaah!" sighed Gloria,
looking down at herself and rubbing her clitty, "That's sooo nice! It's
all hot and tingly!" "Look, it's coming out!" cried Melanie, putting her
head down so she could see better. A mixture of cum and piss
dribbled out of the child's cunny hole and onto Stan's legs. "I wish I
could see the fountain," said Melanie, "I bet Daddy makes a neat
fountain." "Okay," said Gloria, "Watch then," and she lifted up just
enough to free the man's penis from her cunny, but held onto it so the
stream of piss flowed over all the parts of her hairless child's vulva.
"I like it when my Daddy pisses all over my cunny, too," she
explained, "It makes this little bump feel really good," and she directed
the stream of urine against her clitty and shivered with delight at the
feeling. "Can I try?" asked Melanie, and the girls changed positions so
she could hold her father's penis and make his piss go all over her
cunny. There wasn't much left, and the stream soon stopped. "I'm so
glad we can have so much fun with our pees and your big stick and
my trickle - my cunny," said Melanie, correcting herself to use the
word Gloria used.
Gloria nodded and spoke up. "Maybe after lunch we can go
over to our place and you can meet my Daddy and Uncle John and
Uncle Larry," she said. "We can play all sorts of games. I like to play
"Guess who's licking my cunny', and I hold two of them, one in each
hand and we play "See who can squirt first". "Hey, we can do it with
your Daddy and mine and your uncles at the same time," squealed
Melanie with delight, and the girls laughed and clapped to think of the
fun they could have with their Daddies and Gloria's uncles.
To be continued?
Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!!
Be There.....