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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
You are sitting at your desk on a Friday morning when the
phone rings. I say "Time for another adventure." Immediately
you feel a warmth between your legs beginning to grow as out past
excursions are brought to mind. "Did you ever had sex education
back when you were in school?" A lump forms in your throat as
you say the word "No." Meet me out front at noon, and report off
this afternoon, I tell you. Will you be the instructor or the
student? you think to yourself as you get ready to leave. You
stuff your bra and panties in your purse while in the ladies
room. You look down and see your nipples hardening as the thin
fabric of your blouse affords any who wish to look a translucent
view of your breast and their darkening end plates. As you leave
the building and wait out front for me to arrive, you feel the
stairs from nearly all that walk by. Then the all to familiar
liquid flowing from your cunt, down your thigh.
I then pull up and reach across the seat and pop open your
door. You instinctively raise your skirt to the level of your
waste before fastening your seat belt. The seat belt keeps it
from falling back down, and thus exposing your shaven pussy for
any that look into the car. You then unbutton all but the bottom
two buttons of your blouse, making them dangerously close to
falling free. I then say "All the buttons this time," as your
fingers nervously undo them also. Now, any movement on your
part, other than sitting up straight will cause them to be
We drive up to the high school on the north end of town. It
is a small school with about 150 total students in all four
grades. You button your blouse and lower your skirt as you exit
the car and enter one of the empty class rooms by way of a fire
escape door, so we are not seen by anyone. The room looks like a
biology class room except for the special exam table. It looks
similar to some of the ones you've been strapped to before,
except this one has wheels and some type of hinged box like
attachment on the end just above the headrest. The headrest is
more of the type used in a dentist chair rather than the standard
pillow of an examination table. I tell you to strip off your
cloths and get on the table, as the bell rings signalling the
end of the class period. You look at me in utter amazement,
because you know that the students will be walking in at any
moment. "Now," I say, pulling out a ball gag from my pocket.
You a matter of seconds you are naked and being strapped onto the
all too familiar table. I place the ball in your mouth secure it
with the strap. I then swing the box down over your head and
snapping it into place. It has three sides and a small velvet
like curtain like end that covers your neck. The inside is lined
with red velvet to help absorb sound. Since there is no bottom
you have plenty of air and some light. "This will provide you
anonymity for you," I say, pinching your tits and then saying
"Good bye." You hear the fire escape door open and close just
seconds before the class room door opens and the voices of many
students enter, then, all of a sudden, the voices stop.
A thousand erotic scenarios rush through your mind as remain
motionless, bound by your straps. You can see the light in the
box changing as the shadows pass close by. You hear some low
mumbling and then you start to feel some fingers on your arm.
Then you feel more people touching your stomach, then your
breast, and finally over your shaven pussy. You moan into the
ball but know no one will hear. There must be at least a dozen
hands on you, groping, feeling, tweaking, and pinching, as soft
or as hard as they wish, for, since you are bound you are power-
less to do anything to stop them. You feel an orgasm fast
approaching with all the stimulation you are receiving. Then,
without any kind of warning, someone says "Teacher," and they all
scurry to their seats, leaving you at the brink of a tremendous
orgasm. You strain at your bonds, trying to get a release from
your present plateau. You hear the teacher close the door and
walk over to your table, and say "Good we have one that's been
shaved already." He then goes on to his desk and starts talking
to the class about the current home work assignment or something.
It's about fifteen minutes later when you hear him returning
to your side and talking about the female reproductive system.
You then hear a snap as the whole bottom part of the table falls
away leaving no support from your waste down, except for the
stirrups. Next you hear the click of a switch and feel your arms
being drawn outward by a small electric motor. Once they are
perpendicular to your body, they stop and another motor starts
up, this one pulling the stirrups up and out. You are now more
exposed than you have ever been before, on display for all in the
class to see. You are now very thankful for the box that covers
your face, as you feel your face turning red. Another switch is
clicked and still another motor starts, but this time you feel
the table standing you up as it runs. When you are almost fully
upright, he then stops and asks for some volunteers to help. The
first student is asked to use a marker and draw the female
reproductive organs on your shin in their approximate location.
He takes the markers and uses them very skillfully on you, and
what you originally thought would have been boring is now star
ting to turn you on. By the time they have all drawn on you, you
are again dripping with anticipation. You hear the instructor
say something about foreplay and what is the best method to use
on the breast. Some of the students are saying kissing, others
pinching, and still others say biting. "We will just have to try
ALL of those methods, and see which has the greatest effect on
our subject," the instructor says. You then feel him attaching a
series of electrodes and sensors on your body to measure heart
rate, breathing, and beta brain waves. He now calls for two of
the students up and trying the method they suggested. He gives
them each a breast and tells them to start. You feel the one on
your left give it a hard slap, then another and another. They
then start running something like a feather over it. It has
become so very sensitive you can hardly stand it. You bite hard
into the ball trying to dull the sensations, but it doesn't help.
The person on the right tit is gently kissing and applying little
butterfly licks with sucking and blowing. After five minutes the
instructor calls time and invites them to switch breast. The
room starts to spin, as you vaguely hear him say "Next two," and
they are replaced with a couple of super suckers. You feel your
nipples swell to their very limit, then they draw back their
heads causing your tits to be stretched outward almost to the
point of pain, before the suction of their mouths lets go. The
one on the left starts to bite your nipple, causing you to wince
a little, while the right is getting pinched between sucks. The
fact that you are a total captive in the situation, and are a
sexual slave to any whim they might have, causes you to be
incredibly turned on. Your mind is in a quandary, wondering
which stimulation to focus on, as pair after pair of students has
a turn at your tits. You drift off into an erotic dream like
state, vaguely aware of anything until you heat the instructor
talking again, and realize they have stopped, leaving you in
little more than a jello like state, needing an orgasm more than
you ever have before in your life.
You feel the instructor striking your stomach with a pointer
and talking about intercourse. You then hear the familiar sound
of the motor and feel your thighs being spread even more than
they were before. You feel him opening your outer lips and
exposing your clit for everyone to look at. You feel your face
turning a bright red, but the box is hiding it all. He starts to
tell the students about the different methods of stimulating it,
when you feel him take it between his fingers and start flicking
it with his thumb. He brings you to the very edge of the orgasm
you have been awaiting, then suddenly stops. You then realize he
is doing it on purpose, torturing you with pleasure. It is to
the point where your pussy is wanting relief so bad it almost
hurts. He then says he will demonstrate using an artificial organ
to simulate actual intercourse. Yes! your mind says, yes, fuck
me with a dildo, fuck me with anything, just fuck me! Please!
It is almost electric when you feel the head finally touch
your lips and easily open them. Your hips involuntarily jump
forward, trying to engulf the massive organ in one giant swallow.
As the instructor continues pressing it deeper and deeper into
you, the orgasm slowly starts to explode. First you feel it
throughout you cunt, like someone just poured fire and ice with a
little electricity mixed in, on it. Your toes start curling so
strong your foot and leg muscles start cramping, and there is
nothing you can do. Your nipples feel as if someone is giving
them continuous shocks of electricity, while all your limbs
suddenly go rigid, and your mind feels as if it has left your body
and is hovering over the table. Everything suddenly goes black as
you proceed to pass out.
As you awaken, you feel yourself, still attached to the cart,
being wheeled down the hall by someone from the class. You feel
a sheet covering your body as you try and move. The students
pushing you sees you moving, or trying to and says that the class
instructor was a little concerned when you had such a violent
reaction when he shoved that rubber cock up your cunt he thought
it might be a good idea if Janet and I took you to the school
nurse. She says that she was really envious of you and you must
have felt tremendously sexy during the whole ordeal. Maybe
someday we can trade places she says. Instantly your mind starts
to conjure up on ideas on just how this could be done.
They wheel you to the school nurse's office and find that the
door is locked. You hear the two girls discussing wether to
leave you there or take you some other place. You hear them
decide to leave a note for the nurse wedged in the door, and take
you down to the girls locker room, and leave you there. You feel
the cart being wheeled down halls and through doors, until you
nose picks up the sent of a locker room. You hear the girls
talking with some guys, then feel the sheet being lifted, putting
you, once again on display for all to see. The girls giggle as
you listen to the boys trying to pursued them to put you in their
locker room, rather than the girls. They instead invite the boys
to help them wheel you into the girls locker, to which they
quickly accept. Once inside you feel hands caressing you, get
ting you hot all over again. The hands start pinching your
breasts and pulling your lips, then you feel the same rubber cock
that set you off just minuets before. They twist and turn it as
they insert and withdraw it in and out of your cunt. Your brea
thing has increased to a fever pace, until in one quick motion it
leaves your pussy and is shoved deep within your hot and tight
ass hole. Again you scream and bite into the ball gag, but find
that you are totally helpless to do anything about anything.
They bring you almost to an orgasm, then stop, not to torment
you, but to fuck each other, as you hear the all to familiar
sounds of fucking and sucking around you.
As both couples cum, you feel them cover you back up and
leave you for the school nurse to find. What will she think when
she finds you. Well wonder is about all you can do in your pre-
sent state, still bound to the table, spread eagle, and a rubber
cock in your ass.
Well you find yourself there for several hours, listening to
class after class until a strange silence comes in and you figure
they have all gone home for the weekend, with no one other than
myself knowing where you are. Several hours pass and you hear
some people enter the outer part of the girls locker room, and
you then feel a sense of relief, knowing that you will be found.
You listen to what is being said in the outer room, and figure
out that they are a visiting boys basketball team, and have come
for a game. You again struggle violently to free yourself, but
again the bonds are too strong and tight for any type of escape.
You hear one of the boys enter the room your in and say, "Hey
guys, look and see the present they left us." You then heat the
whole team come in and can see the reflection of a dozen or so
shadows in the box over your face. You then feel hands pulling
and tweaking your tits, and the dildo jerked from your ass, but
quickly replaced with a hard cock in your pussy. You quickly cum
again and again, as the first cock sprays hot cum in you, then is
replaced with another, and another. You feel everyone on the
team fuck you sweet pussy and ass time after time until they and
you are totally spent. You then drift off into a blissful sleep
until you feel a shower being sprayed in your face.
You open your eyes to see me standing there, holding the cart
under the shower, realizing that I had removed the box from your
face, and the warm mist both reviving you and washing off the cum
from the basketball team. I then proceed to explain that it
wasn't all that hard to find you, after seeing the conference
basketball champions scoring only 16 points the whole game,
against a team that hadn't won a game in three years, I knew there
had to be something strange going on. You start to squirm a bit
as I use the shower nozzle to wash the remaining cum from your
cunt. I deliberate select the head to "Pulse" as I move it to
your love button, watching you moan in delight. "Remove the
bonds, I want to make love," you say to me with dreamy eyes.
"Later," I reply, "We will fuck first!" as you watch me pull off
my cloths and reveal one of the hardest boners I have ever had.
You lightly bite your lower lip as you feel it start to separate
your pussy lips, for you know this will be a fuck of passion and
release. We then proceed to make hot passionate love till the
small hours of the morning.
Upon the completion of the last fuck, you realize that your
cloths are in the locked biology class room, and you have nothing
to wear except a smile till we get to the car. It is already
late, so we make a dash through the school to get to the door.
The janitor sees us, but since your pussy is hairless, he just
thinks we are a couple of kids, releasing some normal hormonal
energy, and doesn't bother to even look a second time, trying to
avoid any involvement that could complicate his job.
Once in the car, I cuff your arms to the head rest and pro-
ceed to drive you around town for display for a while. By the
time we reach your apartment, you are wet again. I then reach
over and remove the cuffs and give you a hot wet passionate kiss
and open the door. Since it is just getting dawn, there is more
than enough light to see you especially with both the apartment
lights and sun light, so you ask me to borrow a shirt or some-
thing to cover you till you get inside your apartment. I just
give you a little smile and say, "No, of course not, you must do
it on your own." You look a bit disappointed, but decide to just
make a quick run for it, till you see I've parked two blocks from
your particular apartment. You give me a knowing smile and turn
and walk at a normal, pace down the side walk, just as if there
is nothing wrong. I sit in my car with my cock straining at my
zipper, enjoying the people stair at you. I know that you too
are enjoying it and will have a very intense masturbation session
when you get home. I wait till you safely enter your apartment
before driving away.