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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Archive-name: Bestial/mark.txt
Archive-author: Nevyn
Archive-title: Mark
The following story is fiction, contains too may adjectives
(more than the one I posted last night) and may cause blindness
if exposure is prolonged.
Anyone here think computers are bad for your sex life? I
have found mine enhanced since I began corresponding on
Bulletin Boards. Here is something that would never have
happened if not for the BBSs.
On the BBS, I am in regular correspondence via private
mail with several users. The most commonly asked question is:
"How much in the stories you write is really true?" The
answer is: Everything except the names of the people involved.
One lad wasn't convinced. I'll call him Mark, to protect
his identity (as long as he keeps playing the game, of course.
Right Mark?). We corresponded back and forth a bit, but I
couldn't convince him of the authenticity of my stories. (I
mean, doesn't EVERYONE know what it's like to have their dick
inside a dogs cunt?).
Eventually I suggested he visit my farm, and meet the
animals for himself. A few weeks of exchanges followed whereby
he managed to convince me he was trustworthy, and not a member
of our beloved law enforcement establishment. Mark was quite
keen to be the only BBSer to actually meet me and Heather, so
we arranged a weekend for him to visit. Armed with a map (my
farm is quite difficult to find. There are about a thousand
side roads to take after you leave the Southern Motorway), and
my phone number in case he got hopelessly lost, Mark made his
way to my farm.
My first surprise was that he was riding a 50cc mo-ped.
Christ, it must have taken him hours to get way the hell out
here. My second surprise, when he removed his helmet; he was
only 16 years old. Less than half my age! I guess I had been
expecting someone about 19-20ish.
After introductions all round, we went inside and sat in
the lounge. We were all a little nervous, no-one really knew
what to say so the conversation was a little stilted. We made
a bit of small-talk, and Heather produced some ice-cold cans of
Coke. Finally I offered to show Mark around the farm;
introduce him to some of the animals. It was quite fun. I am
as proud as hell of my wee hobby farm, and Mark was genuinely
interested in the layout; all the work I had put into it.
At the end of the tour I asked Mark if he still doubted
the authenticity of my stories.
"Well, your farm is described fairly accurately, but that
still doesn't mean you get it off with the animals. I mean,
you might just be using the layout of your farm, and making the
rest up."
He had me there. "Would it convince you if I jerked
Hamlet off and let you watch?"
"You'd do that?" he asked, almost wide-eyed.
"Sure." I tightened my lips and whistled piercingly.
Hamlet came bounding down from the house to the orchard where
Mark and I were waiting. He snuffled at Mark, becoming
acquainted with his smell, and I could see Mark was awed at his
shear size.
"My God! He's HUGE!"
"You ain't seen nothin' yet. Incidentally, you aren't
afraid of dogs are you?" I thought to ask a little belatedly
"No, I love dogs. I always wanted a Rottwieler, but my
parents don't like animals. I'll have to get one when I leave
home. He's beautiful, but I just wasn't expecting the sheer
size of him." Mark put his arms around Hamlets neck and hugged
him. When standing straight, Hamlets shoulders are about equal
with my hips, and his nose would poke me in the chest. Many
are the times he's put his paws on the top of the six foot high
fence to look over at visitors.
"Yes, he is beautiful. O.K., now watch closely," I
switched to an outrageous Fronch accent, "I shall do zis only
Mark stepped back a little, and I began to caress my dog,
over his muscular chest, down his back, and his legs. Hamlet
wagged his tail in anticipation of the coming pleasure. I
crouched next to him and ran one of my hands down his belly to
his sheath. The other down his back, over his rump, to fondle
his nuts between his thighs. Almost at the first touch of my
hand to his sheathed dick, he began getting hard. Normally I
would leave his sheath covering the huge swelling that is the
base of his dick, while I jerked him off. But for Mark I
pulled his sheath right back till his full length was exposed.
Hamlet humped his hips forward, driving his bright red
meat into my hand. His dick was fully engorged, a full seven
inches of pulsing flesh, with a lump nearly the size of a
closed fist at it's base. I heard Marks low whistle of
"Holy shit. He IS that big! I thought you were
exaggerating in your stories. But man oh man, that's the
longest prick I've ever seen."
I glanced at Mark, and saw his jeans stretched at the
crotch with the strain of his own growing hardon. So, this was
getting him horny huh? Perhaps a fellow animal lover in the
making? I rubbed Hamlets dick at the base still covered by the
sheath, and tweaked the pointed end. Abruptly Hamlets dick
pulsed, and a jet of clear fluid squirted to splash onto my
thighs. Another spurt, and another as Hamlet climaxed. Mark
was unconsciously rubbing the front of his jeans as he watched
in fascination at Hamlets release.
Head hanging low, and eyes half closed from the pleasure,
Hamlet stood, not humping now, but still the odd spurt of semen
squirting onto the ground. I spat onto my hand and gently
applied the moisture to his shaft.
When Mark look at me quizzically, I explained: "Normally I
leave his sheath covering his dick when I jerk him off. But
when it's exposed, I have to keep it moist or else it dries out
and causes him pain when he tries to retract it."
Mark nodded his understanding and spat into his own hand
to help. As he touched the sensitive tip of Hamlets dick, he
was rewarded with a fresh volley of squirts of dog-cum that
splashed into his hand. His attention was totally absorbed by
his own actions of caressing Hamlets dick. He almost seemed
disappointed when Hamlets hardon finally began to subside back
into it's sheath and Hamlet lay down to lick at his genitals.
Now, I expected Mark to say something along the lines of:
'Oh, err, I gotta go now. Bye.' and rush off. I mean, I
guess he had the proof he wanted, and was going to suffer a
major guilt trip for touching a dogs dick (naughty, naughty,
musn't ever do that you horrid little boy, etc.). But I was in
for my third surprise.
"That was incredible. I couldn't believe I was actually
stroking his dick. Thank you for showing me that." he paused
and looked slightly sheepish, "Umm, would it be possible for me
to, you know, be alone with your other dog? Xanth?" he was
unconsciously rubbing his crotch again, "I mean, if that's cool
with you. If it isn't, I'll just go now, 'kay?"
Well! How about that! "Xanth means a lot to me. We
are, in the most sincere sense, lovers," a sudden thought
struck me, "You're a virgin, aren't you?"
Mark dropped his eyes. "Yes"
"You realise you would be losing your virginity to an
animal. A dog."
"Yes" He looked back up at me, defiantly. "Didn't you
say in one of your stories that you lost your virginity to a
Had me again. "Are you really sure you would like to?"
"Yes please. But on my own. Without you or Heather
watching? You'd let me?"
"O.K. Why not. Xanth is clean, and I guess she's not
going to catch anything from you. If you want you can use a
condom. Let's get back to the house then. Lead Hamlet back
for me." Marks eyes fairly lit up when I agreed.
We met Heather back at the house, and she raised an
eyebrow at me questioning. I winked back at her and smiled.
She would find out all. Mark I led upstairs to the games room,
and returned to fetch Xanth.
Heather stopped me in the lounge, "You aren't making him
do anything against his will are you?"
"No!", I must have looked shocked, "He ASKED me to let
him screw Xanth!"
"Seriously? Well. Is he in the games room? Are you
going to video him?"
Ah. Now there is something I forgot to mention. I have
a wonderful mirror along one whole wall of the games room.
>From the room side, it does wonders for the sex-drive. I mean,
it is kind of erotic to watch yourself screwing in front of a
mirror. But it also has another side. Actually the mirror is
part of a partition that divides the room into the main games
room, and a smaller observation room, darkened to see through
the one-way glass. Setup behind the mirror is a Video8 camera
on a tripod, and a chair for the camera operator to sit in.
The games room itself is furnished quite well. With
various platforms, harnesses, shackles, rigs, and even a set of
old-style, wooden stocks I built one raining weekend. Around
the walls was assorted paraphernalia - oils, toys - I guess
over the course of my stories I will describe most of it.
Mark was examining the furnishings with keen interest
when I returned with Xanth. She wagged her tail
enthusiastically when she saw Mark. She loves everyone and
everything, and they quickly became acquainted. I pointed out
to Mark some of the practical features of the room.
"Xanth was designed at the wrong height. When you go to
screw her, she is too high to kneel behind, and too low to
stand up straight behind. You can bend your knees and half
crouch behind her - I do that outdoors when I screw her - but
that is very hard on your leg muscles. So I built this
platform for her to stand on while you screw her. I've found
it best if you put one of your feet up on the platform next to
her, and hook her tail over the top of your leg. I'll leave
the rest up to you. Take your time, and have fun, and when
you're through, bring her down into the lounge. Got all that?"
"I think so. Hey, thanks very much."
"My pleasure. One last thing," I looked down at Xanth,
and smiled fondly, "be nice to her. I love her and don't want
her hurt." I scratched the top of her head.
From my vantage point behind the mirror I watched Mark
and Xanth, with the camera running almost silently. Heather
was downstairs in the kitchen making work sounds; she would get
to see the video later. I could see Mark talking to Xanth, but
I couldn't make out what he was saying. (Remind me to wire in a
microphone somewhere in there, one day) He stroked her head
and ran his hands over her sleek coat. I could see by the love
in his eyes that he was a true animal lover too. And, by the
way Xanth was snuffling at him and wagging her tail, she could
see it too.
Mark quickly shed his clothes and draped them over the
stocks. It's funny what effect a full sized mirror will have
for some people; he posed in front of the mirror (and therefore
straight in front of my camera) and flexed his underdeveloped
muscles. Then he ran his hands down his body and rubbed them
over his genitals. His prick was standing straight out - I
suspect it had been hard since he first walked onto my farm.
He was admiring his developing body in the mirror, uncannily
looking straight at me, although I know that it is near
impossible to see anything through the mirror from his side.
Xanth wandered up to him and snuffled at his prick, which
bobbed in response. Mark scratched her head, and was quite
surprised when she abruptly walked off and mounted the platform
herself, tail toward him, looking back with her soft eyes. She
has been well trained in that particular exercise!
Tenderly Mark knelt beside her and ran one of his hands
down her belly, stimulating her nipples. He had his back to me
at this point, but I think he was rubbing his own nipples in
unison. He hugged her, wrapping both arms around her chest and
pressing his hardon against her silky fur, then walked back
around behind her. This put him side-on to the camera, giving
me an excellent view. I hoped he would put his left leg up
onto the platform, not his right, so I would actually be able
to use the cameras zoom to see his prick entering Xanth.
He tentatively lifted her tail with one hand and stooped
to look at his target. You have to understand that he had
never seen a vagina of any sort before, and had to become
familiar with the territory. His other hand carefully stroked
up her legs toward her entrance, feeling the area. I zoomed in
slightly and saw one of his fingers slip slightly in Xanths
lubrication, entering her a little. He pulled his hand back
and looked at the glistening wetness of the clear fluid on his
fingertip. With a quick glance around to make sure no-one was
looking, he brought his finger up to his nose and sniffed, then
hesitantly tasted it with his tongue. I don't know what he was
expecting, but he shrugged his shoulders non-committally and
returned his hand to Xanths pussy. His cock was visibly
pulsing with desire to fuck. I bet his balls were aching
something terrible.
Again he fingered her pussy. He was exploring with his
fingers around the lips covered in velvet fur, determining the
feel of her cunt, probably re-playing some of my stories in his
mind, his only map of where to go from here.
Suddenly Xanth bucked her hips down as his exploring
fingers pressed on her clitoris, and Mark jumped back with
surprise, letting her tail drop. He giggled nervously and
approached her again, lifting her tail and re-inserting his
fingers. She bucked her hips again, but Mark kept his fingers
steady and she humped several times before he withdrew them.
The wetness extended right up two of his fingers this time.
With care, he smeared her juices over his own dick, and
it mingled with his own juice oozing out the end, so his cock
was well lubed. Then he tried to enter her. It was clumsy at
first; her tail kept getting in the way, and he began to look
frustrated. But he remembered my advice and put his foot (his
left foot, wahoo!) up on the platform next to her back feet,
and draped her tail over his leg. This left both his hands
free to help with the initial insertion. It was all I could do
to keep the camera steady, randy as I was, as I watched him
hold his prick with his right hand and her hip with his left
hand, and gradually push his dick into Xanth. I could clearly
see her cuntlips part as his meat pushed into her, closing
around the head and slipping right down his shaft.
Ahhh, the sweet look of ecstasy on his face as he pushed
into her with his head back, and a fierce grin on his face.
Roughly, almost, he pulled back and pumped into her, driving
his dick hard into her warm body again and again. Each time he
pulled back I could clearly see the glint of lubrication along
his shaft, and as he pushed forward, Xanth would hump her hips
down as the driving meat stimulated her. His fingers were
digging into her hips as the tempo of their fucking increased.
The passion of this young laddie was so intense! He was
pummelling into Xanth for all he was worth. I pulled the zoom
back slightly to take in the whole scene.
With a cry that I could hear through the glass Mark
started to pump cum into her as he orgasmed. His face twisted
almost into a rictus of agony, and he hauled back on her hips,
forcing his dick as deep into her as he could. Then he held
her there, him leaning slightly back, head back, eyes closed,
mouth open, dick as far into that warm hole as possible,
spurting gouts of cum as he lost his virginity.
The moment seemed to stretch for minutes. Then he fell
forward and hugged Xanth fiercely over her back, dick still
inside her. With his cheek pressed against her back, I could
see there were tears in his eyes. Until finally he pulled
back, dick now limp, with a small drool of semen dripping from
the end. Xanth, I knew, had not been satisfied (guess I'll
just have to see to that myself a little later) but Mark had
been deeply fulfilled. He sat next to her and hugged her neck
for long minutes. She stood there wagging her tail slightly
and nuzzling his ear. It was a very emotional moment for them
Then Mark began re-dressing, so I quickly exited and went
to meet Heather in the lounge. After a few minutes, Mark came
down the stairs leading Xanth.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked innocently
"Oh man. Oh man, that was unbelievable. I didn't even
imagine it would be that good." he looked down at Xanth, and I
could see such love in his eyes. It was so beautiful.
"Would you like a momento of the occasion?" I tossed the
video cassette to him.
"You videoed me? Is this the only copy?" I nodded yes to
both questions. Mark looked thoughtful for a bit. "Nah. You
keep it. I don't like the way I look on video anyway. Keep it
as payment." He tossed it back.
"Mark. I have a favour to ask."
He looked a little puzzled. "Sure, anything you want."
"I would like to write about you in the Auckland Smut
Digest. I would keep your identity secret; change a couple of
minor details. In return, you have to promise not to let
anyone know where my farm is, or any other details about this
place. O.K.?"
"Sure. Why not. I'd be sort of famous, I guess."
In the flesh.