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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
I could see it in her eyes. Those eyes that were brazenly staring at
me without a flicker of concern or submission. She would have much to learn
in a short period of time...and she would learn if I decided she was worthy
of my effort.
She called me one day on the recommendation of a very thoroughly
contented slave that I had trained in the past. Her purpose for the call was
simple and straightforward. She told me that she has had submissive
tendencies and desires for many years but had never met the man or woman who
could bring those desires to fruition. I politely thanked her for the call
but told her that I wasn't interested in playing games and I don't take on
wannabe slaves who are looking for cheap thrills or one-upmanship.
Two days later, she called me again. She said that she had thought very
deeply about my comments and was more convinced that I was indeed the person
to unleash her submission. Again, I was polite but told her that submission
doesn't need to be unleashed. If she were truly submissive, there was no
magical spell or incantation required for her to submit. She simply needed
to accept her natural tendencies.(Frankly, this poppycock but in the past
that has always weeded out the thrill seekers and dreaded wannabees).
Three days after that phone call, I received a package in the mail at
my post office box. In the package was a photograph, a pair of panties, and
a book of poetry. The enclosed note read, "Sir, the photograph is one of me
before my submission to you, the panties represent an intimacy that only
someone worthy of my intimacy shall see, and the poetry is my most personal
material object. These items I give to you in submission and beg that you
make me your slave." I do have to admit that this was starting to look
promising but long ago I promised myself that I would never take on another
slave sight unseen. One has to be careful due to the emotional price that
both slave and Master invest. After being severely burned one time before, I
had vowed that experience would never be duplicated.
Immediately, I called the slave who had referred the young lady to me.
I questioned my former slave in detail about my potential new slave. I
wanted to know why he had referred her to me, what kind of service that he
believed that my new slave would require, and also asked or any other
information that he believed was pertinent. After satisfying myself to the
veracity of his answers, I decided to call my potential new slave.
Later that week, I did call my newest recruit. "I understand that you
seriously believe that you desire to be submissive and wish to submit
yourself fully to me, is that a correct assumption?" She replied over the
phone, "I am convinced that I can only be happy in submission and that you
are one who is worthy of my offer of submission." I smiled into the phone,
"OK, be at my private office tomorrow at 8:00 A.M. and we shall discuss the
possibility." With that and brief directions to my office, I hung up the
The next day, precisely at 8:01 A.M., my office bell chimed. I opened
the door and beheld in person the visage of my potential new slave. She was
a lovely in person as she was in her photograph, Long black hair, jade green
eyes, alabaster complexion, legs that stretched all the way down to the
ground which only accentuated her slim hips that flared up to a
magnificently full bosom. I stepped back and welcomed her to my office.
"Is it still your belief that you wish to submit your body, mind, and
spirit to me?" I asked her gently. "Yes", she replied, "I am more convinced
that I can only be happy in submission and truly believe that you have the
ability to accept my gift of submission in the spirit in which it is
tendered." "Fine, I then have three tasks which you must complete before I
will accept you as my newest slave. If you perform these tasks willingly,
quickly, and correctly, I will allow you the opportunity to serve me.
However, one slip, one mistake, and I will never talk, write, or accept any
communication from you again. Do you understand worthless slave?" I looked
intently at her after this pronouncement and yes, there it was, that spark
of indignation I had hoped to see in those beautiful jade green eyes. She
replied evenly though, " I will do as you say these matters as well as all
others because I have chosen you as my Master." Interesting choice of words
and I have to admit that I was momentarily nonplused. I have never heard a
slave admit to "choosing" a Master, most slaves assume that they are the
ones chosen. Which, in actuality, both cases may be correct.
"OK, then here are your duties. One, you are to finger fuck yourself to
orgasm three times daily...wearing the same pair of blue lace panties that
you so gracefully gave to me. I want those panties sopping wet with your
pussy juices, do you understand?" She smiled, (was I glad to see that smile)
"Easily accomplished Master, are you sure that three times daily is
sufficient?" I let the snide comment pass because I knew there would soon be
a time in which I will address comments of that nature. I smiled, "oh, yes,
I am sure that will be adequate..also...you will need to videotape your
masturbation with the time and date prominently displayed, you know, kind of
a visual reminder." Her smile rapidly vanished.
"Duty number two. You are to post an advertisement in the daily
newspaper. In this advertisement, you are to prominently mention your name
and your intention to become a willing slave to me. This advertisement must
appear no later than 2 days from now." The smirky smile was completely gone
and the first expression of reality appeared on her pretty face. Maybe she
was starting to understand that this was no game now and that we were
embarking on a serious journey toward a reality of her choosing, that
journey culminating in her submission willingly granted to me.
"Task number three. After completion of these tasks, you will come to
the address I will give you with the following items: a notarized agreement
stating that you are indeed a legal adult above the age of 21, a notarized
signed statement stating that you do wish to become my slave and will accede
to my training so that you can accomplish your stated goal, that goal being
the ultimate submission to my will and dominance. You will bring the
videotape, the blue panties, the newspaper advertisement, and the signed
statements to my house, four days from today. You will also wear your most
professional business suit. Do you have any questions?" "Yes Sir, she
replied, "what time shall I arrive?" I smiled, "I am a late sleeper so be at
the address exactly at 1:00 P.M.
I figured that there was a 50/50 chance of her showing up at my house.
The day of the appointment arrived and I decided to prepare for the
potential visit. I still wasn't convinced that the woman would show, but
with this lady it would be much better to be prepared if she did appear.
Many of the objects I placed in plain sight were for effect, not for
usage. The massive engraved oak paddle, the wicked looking leather Cat O'
Nine tails, the enormous double headed dildo, the black leather executioner
hood, the polished silver restraints, and the black studded boots all add to
the expectations of the slave. In reality, my methods mainly employ standard
household items. Of course, I use some of the "toys", but mainly rely on the
actions, reactions, and mindset of the slave to choose which training is
most suitable.
I dimmed the lights, put on some ominous music, and settled back for
the wait. I was gambling on the fact that this lady had some pre-conceived
notions about Masters and slaves and I was setting the scene to play up to
those expectations. I knew that my previous slave would never tell of my
methodology to anyone. All of my slaves learn quickly that my secrets are
mine and punishment is severe for those who dare to breach that confidence.
Precisely at 1:02 P.M., the doorbell chimed. I opened the door with a
notebook in hand. "You are two minutes late, write that fact down in this
notebook." She broke in , "The traffic was murder and I missed a turn.." I
interrupted as well, "Also write down your infraction of interrupting me
with trivial excuses for personal stupidity." She took the proffered
notebook and wrote in a fluid, cursive style the offenses, numbered
While she was writing, I took the opportunity to observe her. She was
confidently standing just inside my doorway, perfect posture, writing with
quick efficient slashes of the pen. Her hair was upswept in a nondescript
style. Her gray business jacket was covering an ordinary white blouse which
was tucked into a demure, knee length gray skirt. Two gold earrings, one
gold watch, and one horrible broach enclosure on the collar of her blouse
was all the jewelry affected by my potential slave. She didn't need much.
All in all, the impression was one of a successful business woman who
happened to be very attractive.
She finished writing and started to hand me back the notebook. "No, my
slave, you will keep this book and never be far from it. Whenever you
transgress your boundaries, you will write down in this notebook your
failings. You will also write down your punishments for those
transgressions. Do you understand?" She spoke up, "Yes, I do understand,
Sir." She looked pretty pleased with herself as she must have believed that
she had passed some sort of test correctly. I then asked her for the items
that I had requested from her. She smilingly brought out the videotape, the
newspaper advertisement, the notarized agreements, and lastly, the crusty,
odorous blue panties. I noticed that her eyes were surreptitiously surveying
the room, getting an extended look at the toys placed just within her view.
"Then step inside and let us get started. Close the door and prepare
yourself for submission." At this, she looked slightly baffled, which was
the response I was hoping to receive. "What is the matter, slave, do you not
understand simple English?" "uh, Master, she tried, "what is it that you
require of me?" Not bad, I thought, but she is still operating under
pre-conceived notions. Her eyes were luminous, the deep breathing, the
fidget of her hands, the shifting of her hips all spoke that she was
expecting some sort of sexual domination. of course, she will get that
eventually but for now, I needed to keep her off-balance.
"Since you have asked, lowly one, my kitchen and bathroom are a total
wreck. Clean both spotless and then return immediately to this room. Oh,
yes, you have no need of such fancy business attire here." I watched her as
the words sank in and she began to remove her clothes. She smiled slightly
because this did fit into her scenario of slavehood. I knew that she thought
that I was not serious about the cleaning, that this was just a ploy to get
her clothes off and begin her initiation to sexual submission.
She slowly peeled off the jacket, exaggerating the movements in a
semi-sensuous strip tease. After the jacket was removed and thrown over a
chair, she began the slow process of unbuttoning the ugly broach. At this
point I interceded, "is this truly your favorite business suit?" I asked.
"Yes, it most certainly is." she smiled as she replied. At that smile, I
roughly grabbed the jacket from the chair and began to rip and shred the
fabric, throwing the jacket down on the floor, I dug my heels savagely into
the material, listening for the tear of seams, the destruction of the
material. I ripped the blouse from her surprised hands, twisting and pulling
the material until fabric gave way and seams popped and buttons flew.
roughly, I swept her feet out from under her and guided her down to the
floor. I turned my attention to her lingerie. "You will never,
never, NEVER wear pantyhose in my presence. Is that understood?" I barked at
her, "there is nothing more UGLY, demeaning, and disgusting that pantyhose."
I grabbed a double handful of tan hose and dragged them down over her
surprisingly white bottom and dark, curly hair bush and threw the hose in
the corner.
The peach colored bra was no match for my questing fingers and soon it
too joined the ruined mess of clothing on the floor. "You will only wear a
bra if I tell you do so. Otherwise, your breasts will be free of any
confinement. Do you understand?" A quivering "yes" was barely heard over her
harsh breathing. "Now slave, this room is also in need of cleaning so get
to it. After you are finished, come kneel in front of me while I am watching
this tape in the den. If you have done an adequate job of cleaning, you will
then be rewarded with one piece of clothing....which I will choose for you
to wear. If you have not cleaned to my satisfaction, you will then have the
opportunity to record your failing in your notebook as well as you
subsequent punishment. Do you understand?" Again, a muffled, subdued "yes"
was uttered. "Then get to work, naked slave of mine."
As my newest slave went to start her new duties, I retired to the den
to watch my newest video and to plan my next move. I popped the video into
the Super VHS VCR and settled into my favorite recliner. I grabbed the
remote and turned on my 52" big screen Mitsubishi television. The screen
cleared and shortly, the production commenced.
The woman appeared in extra large detail. She was wearing a costume that
surprised me. She had on the lace blue panties, which I expected, but the
matching blue corset and the knee high blue leather laced up boots caught me
off guard. She must have had a stereo playing because there was a Moody
Blues song playing. Her face was flushed red and her breasts heaved with the
exertion she was using in pistoning her fingers of her right hand in and out
of her panty covered sex. Little tendrils of curly black pubic hair peeked
out from the leggings of her blue lacy panties. Surprisingly, the camera
zoomed in for a close-up. the back of her hand was clearly visible
underneath the lace covered panties as her fingers slid deeper and deeper
inside her wet, juicy sex.
She must have been at this for awhile or the sensations were overtaking
her because a smooth sheen of sweat glistened on her exposed skin. Slowly,
her left hand moved up to the rather large nipples and began to twist and
pull them as her right hand kept up its furious pace of finger fucking. Her
lace covered mound began to darken with a combination of sweat and juices
as a barely perceptible moan began to become audible over the music.
Her legs began to tremble with the feelings that her piston like
fingers were generating in her hot, damp pussy. Her head arched back and
then the rest of her followed as she pumped her dripping pussy faster and
faster with her right hand. Her left hand had traced a course down her
sweating body and joined its hard working partner and was frantically
rubbing around her hot to trot itching sex.
A tremendous shudder shook the sweating woman's frame and the camera
zoomed in for a closeup of her contorted facial features. A loud moan
followed quickly with another moan along with one more massive thrusting of
her hips announced the arrival of her self-induced orgasm. her breathing
began to slow as her right arm slowed it's frantic movements. Her left hand
reached up and brushed the sweaty tendrils of hair out of her jade green
eyes. She stretched sinuously, like a cat, and looked directly into the
camera. She said, "I was thinking of you, Master, as I filled my panties
with my cum." I smiled at this impertinence because if she had realized how
much trouble that statement was going to cost her, I am sure she would not
have uttered that phrase. The rest of the tape provided more of the same
entertainment. The only difference between one scene and the next was the
choice of music or the difference in clothing. The one constant was the
woman's thunderous orgasms....I believe that I am going to truly enjoy
training this woman.
I rewound the tape to the my slaves announcement that she was thinking
of me while orgasming and stopped the tape. This would come in handy at some
point in time, of that I was sure. I looked out into the living room. The
clothes were picked up and there was a nice, lemony scent in the air. My
slave had appeared to be taking this cleaning assignment seriously. I
purposefully left the kitchen and bathroom a terrible mess. She would have
to work hard to clean both of those rooms.
Eventually, the slave entered the room and kneeled, sort of, and said,
"the rooms are ready for your inspection, Master." I leaned forward and
adjusted her position so that her chin was touching the carpet and her
bottom was lifted proudly above the level of her head. "When you kneel
before me, you will not look me in the eyes unless I grant you permission to
do so. You are not worthy of that and if you do so again, I will whip your
bottom with my Cat O' Nine tails until you scream for forgiveness, and then
I will whip you some more. Do you understand?" "Yes, Master," came from the
kneeling figure.
"Now, I asked, "did you clean the rooms according to my instructions,
and before you answer, little slave, think very carefully because if you
claim that you did and I decide otherwise, you will feel the wrath of that
oversized oak paddle." She thought very carefully and said, "If you are
pleased, then I did my duties successfully. If you are not pleased, then I
deserve your punishment." Again, she had that slightly hidden smirk which
indicated that she believed she had successfully passed some hidden test.
"So", I sighed, "Did you perform the jobs as I had requested?" Her brows
furrowed, maybe from vexation, maybe from careful consideration, "Yes,
Master, I did my best to please you." Again, that gleam of self satisfaction
of successfully circumventing a hidden trap. "all right, my slave, let's go
inspect your work."
I started toward the main living room. My slave started to rise as I
began to walk...I quickly said, "You were not told to walk. You will follow
me like the dog that you are on all fours as we tour the rooms." With that,
I continued toward the kitchen.
The kitchen shone with luster and smelled with lemon scented freshness.
The oven was sparkling, the dishes placed and stacked properly. The filth
encrusted pots and pans that I had left for her were shining in their
stainless steel glory. The floor was freshly waxed and even the pantry had
been reorganized. I patted my slave gently on the head and said, "So far so
good, my little pet, onward to the bathroom."
The bathroom was a mirror of the kitchen. Every faucet glistened in
the bright bathroom light. The toilet was clean enough to drink from, which
my slave may very well do someday, and the shower was immaculate. The
medicine cabinet had been straightened and the full length mirror on the
door was freshly cleaned. "Slave, congratulations. You will see a slave who
has done well...on a trivial and simple task. Enjoy the sight, my slave, this
may be the last time you see such a sight."
As we left the bathroom, me walking and my slave crawling, I told her
that I would get her reward, the one piece of clothing. I went into the
special slave closet that I keep. I reached in and got out my favorite
blindfold, this blindfold covers the eyes very thoroughly using a wraparound
action which reminds me of a python, a python that totally enfold it victim.
"Here you go, my proud slave, look up to receive your first article of
clothing." When her head raised, I quickly smoothed the blindfold over her
surprised eyes.
I wonder if she has started to realize that things aren't always as
they appear?
"Master," she said, "you said that if I cleaned to your satisfaction
that I would be granted an article of clothing to wear." "Slave," I
whispered, "you are wearing an article of clothing, if you keep talking and
questioning my choices, you will soon be wearing another article, one that
is infinitely more painful, is that what you wish?" "No, Master, I will
gladly wear only what you desire for me to wear.", my rebellious slave
added...with a glint of sarcasm in her voice.
"Great, my willing slave, then stand up and be prepared." I know that
she was thinking of the instruments that I had left in view for her, but I
don't believe that she was prepared for this. I reached into the drawer that
I keep my little surprises and took out a large assortment of wooden
clothespins. Nothing fancy, just the clothespins you find at Wal-Mart,
KMart, or any other regular discount store. I make an effort to find ones
that will not slip and pinch...but my slave didn't need to know that.
I grasped my slave's left nipple and pinched and kneaded it until the
little bud rose up, shiny and pink. I then opened the clothespin and snapped
it shut on the nipple. The deep whoosh of breath followed by a low moan told
me that I now had my slave's attention.
I noticed that the right nipple was already standing at attention and
not wanting to be selfish, I quickly placed another clothespin on the right
nipple. My slave's knees shook and her gasps and moans announced that she
was feeling the pain.
Quickly, I checked her bushy, black pussy and discovered that though
she may be feeling the pain, she also was feeling something else as a slight
bit of moisture began to gather on her coral colored inner lips.
To help my slave get through the pain, I began to lightly rub her pussy,
teasing the slightly flushed lips and playfully running a finger up an down
the now wet lips, just barely pushing a finger inside her thrusting sex. The
moans of pain now sounded like moans of pleasure. Her hips thrust forward
as she tried to get more contact on her now awakened clit.
Now I know what my slave needed...even if she didn't . I quickly
fastened one of the clothespins on the ruby red labia! She about went
through the roof. A loud moan announced that the sensations she felt were
more than she had expected. There were still sounds of pleasure mixed in
with the sounds of pain...but I continued to rub and tickle her clit to help
her work through the pain.
"Slave, this is an indication, a small indication, of what happens when
you question my choices. You will write this down in your notebook so you
will always remember that punishment is quick and scaled to the degree of
the wrongdoing. If you had really transgressed the rules, which I strongly
advise you not to attempt, you may have to recover for awhile before you
could write your punishment in your notebook. This is mild, because the real
punishment is the fact that you will not be allowed to orgasm or be allowed
to bring me to orgasm. I am going to watch you work your way through the
pain of the clothespins. Just when you seem to have the pain managed, I am
going to add some more pain. Do you understand?" "Uh--uh--Yesss Master", my
slave managed to gasp.
I was surprised that she hadn't tried to remove the pins since I had
left her hands free. I had done this on purpose, as a test to see what kind
of discipline she had and how much she was willing to submit. I only planned
on leaving the pins on for a short while. I didn't know the tolerance of
this slave and did not want to damage any nerves or tissue...but again, she
didn't need to know that.
Time for another test. "Slave, I am going to go make a phone call, do
not move, do not sit down, do not do anything, and by no means, do not touch
yourself." With that, I went up the stairs, I could stand up there and
observe her without her knowing that I was watching...even if she was
somehow able to sense my presence with the blindfold in place.
She stood motionless...at least as much as she was able to stand still.
Her knees quivered, her hands repeatedly closed and opened, periodically,
she would grasp her wrists. However, she made no move to touch herself or
relieve the pressure on her nipples or labia. I also noticed that she was
not moaning and seemed to have worked her way past the pain of the
clothespins. In that case, time for something else. I watched for about 5
more minutes and then moved down the stairs.
"Slave, did you obey me?", I asked. "Ungh..uhngh..Yes Master, I...I...I
didn't touch muh...myself.", she gasped. "Very good, little one, then I will
remove the clothespins." "Uh...Uh.. Thank you, Master." said the unknowing
slave. I grasped the pin attached to her labia and slowly released the
pressure. I watched her closely, waiting for the reaction of sensation
rushing back to her labia. Her nostrils flared, her neck tightened as she
arched backward. She began a fresh, louder moan and the tendons in her
calves tightened.
"OH MY GAWDDD!!!" exploded out of her as she was swept along with
feelings of pain and pleasure as the sensations rushed back into her pussy.
I immediately dropped to my knees and began to tongue her drooling, soaked
sex, nibbling on the elongated and hardened clit. I could feel her orgasm
approaching rapidly. I stopped nibbling and teasing and reached up and
pulled on the clothespins attached to her nipples. I said, "Slave, remember,
no orgasm for you!" I thought that I may have been too late, that she was
going to orgasm anyway, brought on by the feelings of my lips and tongue as
fresh sensations bombarded her sex.
It appears that I did stop just in the nick of time. She was shaking with
her need to orgasm, her mouth was open and panting for breath, and she had a
sheen of sweat......but she had no orgasm. "MASTER!!!!, uhng..Uhh...I need
to come....PUHLEEEZE!!!".
I quickly released both clothespins on her pinched nipples. This time
the sensation rushed to her engorged nipples. "OHHHH SHHHITTTT!!!!!", she
screamed as the pain came roaring back into her nipples. I again began to
nibble, lick and tease her hardened clit...slowly swirling my tongue around
and around her wet pussy. Her hips churned and pleasure took over the pace
of pain. The feelings overtook my slave and she slumped against the wall,
trying hard to orgasm. She gripped her hands so tight that the white showed
around her knuckles. I quickly stopped my oral loving and squeezed her
nipples. Her moans of pleasure turned to moans of pain and frustration as
orgasm was again denied to her.
"Slave?" I asked, "are you thinking of your duties or of your need to
cum?" Hey, I never claimed to be fair. "Muh...Master, I...I....I am yours to
do as I..you....puhleeze...I..uh...uhmm...want to only please you....so..I
am..uhmm..satisfied..now...." moaned my pretty slave.
"So YOU say, pretty slave. Kneel down and I will you the opportunity to
please yourself by pleasing me." She quickly kneeled down, this time chin on
the ground and her beautiful sculptured ass high in the air. I reached into
my handy toy drawer and got some new toys.
I pulled out the anal lube and a short, but stubby butt plug with
straps conveniently attached to the handle. I spread lube all over the plug
and also lubed my hands extensively. I began to rub the lube along my slaves
bottom, paying particular attention to the closed, tight, nether opening. I
listened for the moans which told me that the slave knew what was going to
happen next.
I slowly inserted my greased up finger inside her clenched sphincter.
"Relax", I said, "you are only making this more painful than it needs to
be." Her muscles relaxed and my finger slid slowly into her bowels. I wormed
it around..man, she must have really protected that opening because it was
so tight. Good thing I use plenty of lube and am using the short butt plug.
My long butt plug would not have worked here at all...at least, not right
She must have started feeling some pleasure because her butt bucked
back against my hand. I slid my finger slowly out and began to push my fat
thumb into the relaxed opening. I said that I had a stubby butt plug and
wanted to widen her opening so that she wouldn't tear any tissue around her
sphincter. No problem with that as her muscles gripped my thumb and her
moans were of pleasure, not pain.
I figured she was as ready as she was going to be and reached again
for the butt plug. I removed my thumb from her ass and lubed up the plug. I
gripped her by the waist and slowly, slowly inserted the stubby plug into
her ass. "OHHHHHMYYYYYGAWDDDDD!!", gasped my slave. "Just relax, impudent
slave,because if you don't, you are going to make this much more difficult
and painful. Rather than pleasure coursing through you, you will have pain.
Which would you prefer, sexy slut?" "Pleasure, Pleasure, Pleasure, Master,
if that is your choice", babbled the butt fucked slave. I wiggled the plug
around and moved it back and forth, mainly to sure it was good and seated in
her clenching, spasming, butt. I then tied the straps around her thighs to
hold the plug in place.
"Slave, tell me what you are thinking", I demanded. "Oh--Oh, Master,
I am wishing that YOU were inside me, if that is your pleasure." She gasped.
"I told you, foolish slave, that you would not be allowed to orgasm nor
would I give you the pleasure of feeling me come inside of you. However,
that doesn't mean that I will not have my pleasure. Be prepared to feel my
With that, I began to stroke my hardened cock. I watched my slave
need as I alternated between stroking myself and fingering my slave's wet
pussy. I pulled the blindfold off of the trembling slave so she could see
what she could not have. Not holding back, I was going to shoot my sperm
and she was going to watch. As my need grew more urgent, I said, "Slave,
remember that you are not worthy of my pleasure. Until you learn to behave
submit, and appreciate that which is done for and to you, you will not feel
an orgasm of your own or my climax inside of you. You have much to learn
and until you do so, you will be very frustrated. I have no plans to suffer
like you will suffer. I will masturbate, and make you watch. I may bring
another of my slaves here to take care of my pleasure, always while you
are watching. If I am too frustrated, I may take that frustation out on you
by whipping or paddling you. But know this, you must prove yourself worthy
before I give you the pleasure of feeling me inside you. Do you understand?"
Her voluptuous ass quivered with sobs. "Muh--Muh--Master, I promise
you that I will do better.." she sobbed. "Fine, I said, but until you do,
this is what you can expect." With that, I arched a long line of sperm
onto her back. The next glob struck her on her perfect ass. I shook my
dripping cock on her quivering buns and used her hair to clean my sticky
wet cock and hands.
"Slave", I said gently, "thank me for my patience and then go clean
yourself up. Your duties for today are completed and you can go take a
shower and get some sleep. You will sleep at the foot of my bed."
"Thank you, Master for showing my the error of impertinence and I will
do better in the future." With that, she wearily trudged toward the
So far so good, I thought as I went into the den to contemplate the
days events. Much progress was made this day and the results were better
than I expected. I had not expected such acceptance so quickly. Perhaps
there was more to this mystery slave that I had anticipated. then again,
many a slave has performed remarkably the first day only to falter in the
succeeding days.
The week fairly flew by in the training of my new slave. She was
amazingly receptive to my methods and continued to impress me with her
submission and her ability to accept my dominance. Unlike other slaves I had
trained, there was no period of rebellion. My slave never once hesitated in
submitting to my wishes. In fact, I merely had to begin to request something
and my slave would begin to carry out the task.
It wasn't long before my slave moved from her uptown apartment and
moved permanently into my house. After moving in with me, she resigned her
position as a banking officer for a large, national bank. I find myself in a
very curious position. A position that I haven't found myself in before. I
desire something that I have never desired before.
"Slave!!!" I called, "come into the den immediately, there is something
I require of you." "Yes, Master", came drifting from the upstairs. I heard
running steps and my slave came rushing into the den. She dropped
immediately, her forehead to the ground and her curvaceous rump high in the
air. "How can I serve?" asked my slave.
I replied,"Slave, I give you permission to rise." My slave rose up,
her beautiful jade green eyes downcast, the long black hair sweeping down
her back. The luminous glow which always seems to follow my beautiful slave
was readily apparent. She was strikingly attractive and with the acceptance
of her submission, even more luminous than before.
"Now slave, I have much to say and I forbid you to interrupt. I know
that you will not, but this is very serious and your training may
slip...that would truly be very unfortunate for you if you did slip.
"Master," she spoke, you are scaring me with this somber tone and
serious nature." "Slave, I said sternly, "I told you not to interrupt and
here you have already started. Do not make that mistake again." My slaves
slave's eyes began to tear and small sobs shook her slender frame.
"The time has come for you to move on with your life, my slave. You
have truly reached your submissive self and should be extremely proud of
yourself. You have been the best slave I have ever trained and want you to
know that you have indeed given my much pleasure. However, the time has come
for you to move on."
"MASTER!!!!!", Don't make me go...please don't make me leave you,
Master. I only wish to serve you and will continue to serve you my entire
life. Even if you make me leave, you will always be my Master." My slave was
now openly weeping. Large teardrops dripped down her chin as sob after
heartfelt sob shook her body.
"As I said, slave, the time has come for you to move on from being
my slave. However, there is one more step for you to take, my slave. Are you
prepared to take that step?" "Yes, Master", she gallantly replied as tears
streamed down her face and sobs shook her body. "Anything you say I will do,
you know that." "So be it," I said. "I now officially release you from
being my slave."
"Now," I quickly added, "you are under no contract, obligation, or
pressure from me. I have something to ask of you.
Slave, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife....and permanent slave?"