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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Laying Down The Law
When my best friend Jim called to tell me he had a week off and was
coming for a visit I greeted the news with mixed emotions. I hadn't seen
him since my wedding to Kathy the year before and I missed the guy. But, I
wasn't looking forward to telling Kathy we were having a house guest. An
absolutely beautiful girl, Kathy had the face of a cosmetic model and the
body of a centerfold. As beautiful as she was, Kathy had an even nicer
personality. Or, at least she had when we were dating. In the last year she
had become increasingly demanding and disagreeable. However, Jim, a 6'4",
210 lb. Chicago cop, wasn't the type to take no for an answer. Besides,
I really wanted to see him, so I invited him out despite my reservations
about Kathy's reaction.
Well, I hadn't been wrong about Kathy's reaction. She was furious that
I had invited Jim without consulting her first. She called me inconsiderate
and selfish. And she continued to remind me of her displeasure throughout
the week leading up to Jim's visit. However, though cool at first, Kathy
soon settled into the role of hostess when Jim arrived that Friday.
Friday night and Saturday afternoon Jim and I just sat around drinking
and bull-shitting, reliving our "glory days". To my surprise, Kathy was
pleasant, even friendly. She prepared us a nice lunch and kept our drinks
full. When she asked what we would like for dinner, I nearly fell out of my
chair. For the last six months or so she'd answered, "Cook it yourself"
whenever I'd made any special requests. I'd come to expect whatever she'd
felt like, more often than not takeout.
After a wonderful steak dinner, Jim decided that he and I should go
out on the town. When I looked to Kathy for permission I could see she
wasn't too happy with this idea. I excused myself to the bathroom to give
myself time to think about how to handle this situation. Deciding that
Kathy deserved to have her way after being such a good hostess all day, I
returned to the dining room to inform Jim of my decision. Here I found
Kathy returning from the kitchen with another beer for Jim. She turned to
me with a smile and said, "Have a good time".
Jim and I went to a few of the local watering-holes, then he asked
about the nearest topless place. I'd never been there but knew the way.
After an hour or so I became bored. Jim, like many of the other guys there,
was hitting on the dancers. Unlike the others though, he seemed to be doing
well, especially with a big titted blonde who couldn't seem to look away
from Jim when dancing. As soon as she finished each set she'd come over and
sit with Jim. I told Jim I was ready to leave. He said, "Fine, just leave
me a key and I'll get a ride". I figured he was more than able to take
care of himself so I went home.
I came home to find Kathy in bed but still awake. I thanked her for
dinner and her courtesy towards Jim. She replied, "just because some people
don't have the common decency to consult with their wife about a house
guest doesn't mean that I'm going to be rude to that guest". Then she asked
if I had gotten Jim settled into the guest room. When I told her that Jim
hadn't come home yet and why I knew Kathy was scandalized. She muttered
something to the effect of "animals" under her breath and then turned away
from me and went to sleep.
I had taken the week off to be with Jim. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
went much the same way Saturday had. Each night Jim somehow talked Kathy
into letting me go out. And each night Jim would pick up another bimbo,
returning to the house in the wee hours of the morning.
Wednesday night a big ballgame was on TV and Kathy was going out to
see her mother, so Jim and I decided to stay in. We were drinking brews and
watching the game. We started talking about our sex lives and I finally
asked him to what he attributed his great success. He said that certain
girls were not the type to say no if you told them what to do and that he
knew how to pick these girls out. Then he asked why I cared, since Kathy
was so much better looking than any of the girls he'd been with that week.
I guess the beers had loosened my tongue. I started telling Jim about
the trouble I was having with Kathy. I blamed myself, explaining that Kathy
was a virgin when we married. Sex had been great at first. On our wedding
night, she was more gorgeous than I'd ever imagined. Her breasts were firm
and full with big pink areolas and nipples that she just loved having
sucked. But, though the sex had been great that night and for many nights
thereafter, it was always the same. We always did it in bed and always in
the missionary position. After several months, I started asking Kathy
if we could do it differently. She had been shocked and refused. Since
then, we'd had nothing but trouble, with Kathy refusing my requests both in
bed and out.
When I'd finished speaking I looked over at Jim to see him smiling.
When I asked what the fuck he was so happy about he said he had the
solution to my problem, if I was willing to listen. I said of course I'd
listen. Then Jim told me that the reason I'd been striking out with Kathy
was that I'd been going about it the wrong way. With her Puritanical
background, of course Kathy was going to say no. I interrupted, asking how
that bit of information was going to help. "Well John", Jim said, "I was
going to have to tell you this anyway so you could protect your wife from
other guys like me. Kathy can say no to you because you ask, but she's one
of those girls who could never say no to a direct command. She needs to be
dominated. That's why she's angry so often, because though even she doesn't
know it, you're not giving her the discipline she needs".
I told Jim I thought his theory was a load of horse-shit. He answered
that he figured I'd say that. Then he asked me how come I thought Kathy was
being such a good hostess when she'd been so angry about his visit. And,
why was she so amenable to allowing me to go out every night. I answered
that she was just being polite and courteous. He answered that I was now
the one spouting horse- shit. If I'd been paying any attention I would have
seen that Kathy was serving him because he demanded it, not out of any
sense of duty on her part. Then he said I should pay more attention over
the next few days.
Saturday came and Jim was leaving the next day. Early that afternoon
while we were watching a game on the tube he asked me if I'd been paying
attention the last few days and if I believed him now. I told him that
indeed I had paid attention. I noticed that Kathy never asked him if he
needed anything, but instead that whenever he needed something he'd demand
it of her. But I said that proved nothing. Kathy didn't ask because she
knew that he'd ask if he needed anything. And she didn't object because he
was a house guest and she was being polite.
Well, Jim didn't take that well. He got all red in the face and said I
was being an asshole. Then, he bellowed for Kathy and informed her that we
were all going to stay in that evening and watch a movie. He then gave her
a movie title and said she should pick it up when she went out for the
steak and beer we would be having for dinner. I could see the anger flash
in Kathy's eyes as Jim made these demands, but rather than objecting she
simply nodded her head at Jim and asked me for the car keys. When she left
Jim asked if I believed him now. When I replied that this situation was
no different, that Kathy was still being the good hostess, Jim informed me
that the movie he'd requested was x-rated and asked if that changed my
opinion. I told him that Kathy was as unaware of the nature of the film as
I was and that she probably wouldn't get it when she found out. Certainly,
she wouldn't watch it.
Furthermore, I told him that Kathy was really starting to get angry and
that he should back off. He replied that the fire I'd seen in her eyes
wasn't anger but passion and that the only way he was going to back off was
if I admitted he was right. By now this had become an ego thing and there
was no way I was going to admit he knew more about my wife than I did.
Kathy returned shortly thereafter, slamming the front door and
storming into the den. Her face was crimson with rage as she thrust the
tape into Jim's hands and said she needed to talk to me alone right now. I
went into the kitchen with her where she read me the riot act. Did I know
what kind of tape that was, she was never so embarrassed in her life, he
was nuts if she thought she was going to watch such smut, thank god he was
leaving tomorrow or she might kill him, etc. As I listened to her tirade
and tried to calm her I was surprised at my internal reaction. While I was
initially happy to find my opinion confirmed, as Kathy's tirade continued I
found myself wishing Jim had been right. As the tirade became a personal
attack I found myself yearning to see Kathy humbled.
Returning to the den I told Jim of Kathy's tirade, and mocked his
assertion of her submissiveness. By the look on his face, I could tell he
was determined to prove me wrong. But his only reply was "we'll see".
Kathy called us in for dinner about a half hour later. Jim suggested
that Kathy have a beer with us. She responded that she didn't like to
drink. I responded by giving Jim a goading "I told you so" grin. His face
hardened and he growled "we'll see" again. After dinner he left the table
to go back into the den, telling Kathy to bring him a beer there. I stayed
behind to help Kathy with the dishes mentioning that Jim was convinced
she'd watch the movie with us. I followed as she stormed into the den to
give him a piece of her mind. I watched as Kathy harangued Jim about his
behavior all week. He simply smiled as she finished, and said, "get me a
beer Kathy". She snarled in exasperation and stamped out of the room, but
returned with the beer for him. Jim smiled and asked if I was ready to
concede he was right. I answered that it simply proved that she was willing
to play the hostess, but wouldn't do anything beyond that, such as watch
the movie with us. Growing angry, Jim said that she'd do whatever she was
told and only I, as her husband to whom her first loyalty would lie, could
stop him from having her do anything he wanted. I was still doubtful, but
thinking about the way she'd been treating me lately, my longing to see her
humiliated only grew. Throwing fuel on the fire of Jim's anger I told him
to put up or shut up.
Calling Kathy into the room, Jim said it was time to start the movie.
She said she wasn't watching that smut. His voice hardened and he said,
"put the movie in the VCR, sit down and watch". Kathy's face dropped in
surprise at his tone of voice and she started to answer back. But Jim cut
her off saying simply, "Now". She responded by looking to me and, when I
failed to respond to her look, shuffling up to the VCR, putting the tape in
and sitting on the floor. Jim quickly corrected her, indicating that she
should sit next to him on the couch, which she did, though sitting as far
from him as possible.
The movie was one which started slowly and stressed plot. Fifteen
minutes into it there had still been no sex, though quite a bit of nudity.
Jim said to Kathy that this wasn't so bad was it, and she only responded
with by glaring at him. He then said that she'd enjoy the movie more if she
got more into the spirit of it. Then his voice hardened once again and he
told her to strip down to her bra and panties. Again, the anger on her face
was replaced by confusion as she looked to me, but again I kept my face
blank. Jim only smiled wickedly as she looked to him with a plea on her
face. As she bent to undo the laces of her sneakers I knew Jim had been
right, but I wasn't going to let that interfere with the tableau that was
being played out. Kathy finished complying to Jim's order, stepping out of
her jeans. Her face was red with embarrassment but her nipples were
straining against her bra.
Jim sent Kathy for another beer and again asked me if I was willing to
admit he was right. I hesitated, saying that it appeared so but I couldn't
be sure. Jim started to get angry and then noticed the lump in my jeans.
Smiling broadly, he said he'd just have to prove Kathy's submissiveness
once and for all. Kathy then returned, and though the angry facade had
reappeared, I noticed her panties had started to dampen and she was covered
with a thin film of nervous perspiration.
Jim noticed the sweat also and asked Kathy if the movie was starting
to excite her. Seeking to deny her excitement, Kathy started to say that it
was always too warm in the den, then stopped realizing the possible
consequences of her statement. Jim didn't miss the implication though and
immediately ordered Kathy to cool off by removing the rest of her clothing.
I had been fairly sure that Jim was only the second man to have ever seen
Kathy in bra and panties; I was positive he was only man besides myself to
see her magnificent body naked. She now knew that Jim would not be denied
and so stripped quickly and curled up into a ball in the corner of the
couch. But Jim simply stated that that position must be awfully warm and
had her put both arms along the top of the couch while stretching her legs
out and apart in front of her, thus revealing all her charms to each of us.
We then quietly watched the movie for awhile. After about ten minutes
Jim again asked Kathy what she thought of the movie. She snarled that it
was disgusting and ridiculous and that she hated him. He responded that the
movie was not disgusting and that she in fact would love him by evenings
end for setting her free to be herself. Then he asked her why she thought
the movie was ridiculous. She said that no one was built like the people in
these movies. He countered that she was more beautiful and as well built
as anyone in the movie. At 36D-23-34, Kathy was all of that, and she only
blushed as Jim stated this fact. Resuming her argument, Kathy pointed to
the screen and said that no "real" guy was built like that and no "real"
girl could or would even want to do what she was doing. On screen, a blond
bimbo was, with only a little trouble, swallowing a good nine inches of
Jim simply laughed and started to undress. when he got down to his
underpants, he ordered Kathy off the couch and had her kneel in front of
him. The look of resignation was again there as she did so, quickly to be
replaced by a look of shock, fear and the first hint of lust Kathy had
allowed to cross her face. Jim chuckled as Kathy struggled to comprehend a
cock more than twice as big as the only other cock she had ever seen, my
own 4 1/2 inches. Then, Jim asked Kathy if it was true that she had never
before given a blow job. She slowly shook her head no, then realizing where
this was heading, fear again came into her eyes. Jim reassured her, saying
they'd take their time and she'd be as good as anyone in the movie. Then he
told her to take it in her hands and get used to it. She touched it
hesitantly, then wrapped one hand around the base, once again becoming
amazed as she found that her hand wouldn't wrap fully around the base and
only covered 30% or so of the length. The second hand quickly followed the
first and without being told to, Kathy slowly began pumping Jim's massive
shaft. After several minutes of this Jim commented that this was going to
take awhile and sat back down. Then with about as much cock emerging from
between Kathy's hands as I had altogether, Jim instructed Kathy to start
licking his cockhead and then had her move on to his shaft. Kathy didn't
hesitate, and I noticed that pussy juice was leaking down her legs. Then
Jim had her take the head of his cock in her mouth. At 2 1/2 inches wide
and about as long Kathy had no easy time stretching her mouth over Jim's
cockhead but finally did so with a murmur of accomplishment and lust. Then
she started bobbing on it as she was told, slowly taking more into her
mouth. But, try as she might, Kathy couldn't suck more than the first 4
inches or so. Jim had her stop and asked her how she was feeling. She
didn't hesitate to answer that she was horny but also frustrated by her
inability to get more cock into her mouth. My wife had become a total slut.
Jim replied that her mouth was full and she'd have to take him into her
throat. This would lead to a choking sensation unless she was distracted.
Jim then laid back on the couch and had Kathy get into the sixty-nine
position. Then he told her to start sucking again. Again she failed to get
more than 4 inches of his massive cock in her mouth and I could see her
choking. As she started to back off Jim's tongue snaked over Kathy's clit
and she shuddered and came. Jim didn't let up, and as he continued to lick
she again started to bob on his cock, this time swallowing 5 inches, then
six, and after perhaps 20 minutes her nose was nuzzling against his balls.
At this point she started sucking and bobbing like a mad-women, even as she
came again. Jim had her shift back to the floor where she continued to
suck. I saw his face tighten and she pulled her head away as he started to
spurt. He spurted 4 or 5 times onto her face and tits before he pulled her
face back onto his cock. Her eyes went wide with surprise as he unloaded
the rest of his come down her throat. But even as he started to go soft he
wouldn't allow her to stop sucking and soon Jim was hard again. Then he
pulled Kathy from her knees and told her it was time to fuck. He had her
again wrap her hands around his huge cock and while he sat on the edge of
the couch she slowly eased herself down on his cock. This time Kathy took
no time at all in accommodating herself to that monster dick. She bounced
up and down moaning with repeated orgasms and telling Jim how much she
loved his humongous prick. Jim looked to me, winked, and then told Kathy
that it had been my idea to make a sex slave of her. I was afraid of her
reaction, but she smiled at me with love and lust in her eyes and said
she'd be my slave forever. Then Jim said that while a slave should fuck
anyone her master allowed and that she should be a great cocksucker before
she should be allowed a taste of her master's cock, there was one thing she
should do only for her master. Then as she continued to sit on his cock,
Jim had Kathy lean forward as he nodded to me. Kathy looked confused, but I
understood completely. Using the come I had shot while watching, I quickly
lubed up my cock and strode up behind Kathy. As I spread her cheeks Kathy
started to tighten up in apprehension but two quick strokes by Jim and a
smile of pleasure and submission came to Kathy's face. As Jim started to
pump again, I started to fuck Kathy's virgin ass. She started to yelp and
growl in pleasure, no longer able to form words. After only a dozen or so
strokes the feel of my cock in Kathy's ass and of Jim's huge cock pistoning
in and out of her cunt sent us all over the edge in one huge orgasm.
Kathy and I are once again deeply in love. She no longer feels guilty
about sex since she is no longer in charge. Occasionally, I slip a little
and start being to easy on her. When she starts denying my requests, I
quickly remedy the situation by humiliating her as Jim did by having sex
with her in front of her husband. Last week I took her to the gym and
watched as a dozen guys fucked her two at a time in the mouth and cunt. And
once a week I fuck her ass to remind her who's the boss. Of course, when
Jim comes to town I always allow her to be laid down by the law.