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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Copyright <20> 1997, Chris Rose, ALL Rights Reserved
This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without
the written permission of the author. This story may be freely
distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted
through mrdouble@airmail.net.
Kim and Davey
by: Chris Rose
Kim was scared when she and her mother moved to a new town. Her mother, Dianne,
and father had divorced a year earlier and they had a rough time of making ends meet. Kim's
mother had found a good job in a small town far away from the home she had known all her 11
years of life, so they had to leave.
The new town was your typical small town. Nothing much in it for fun and most of the
people lived out in the countryside around the county rather than inside the city limits. Kim's
mother had bought a small farm house near town with the money she got for selling the old split
level home they had lived in. The new place seemed like it was at the end of the earth to Kim. It
was an old home with a huge front porch and deep woods and fields all around the property. It
was late summer when they moved in, and Dianne would begin work at her new job after she
had gotten settled in and Kim had started her classes at the local school in a couple of weeks.
The second day that they were in the house, one of their neighbors dropped by to say
hello to them. These neighbors lived about a quarter mile up the road. It was Jane and her son
Davey. Jane was the same age as Dianne, their children were the same age, and both were
divorced mothers raising their children alone. As Dianne and Jane unpacked more belongings
and talked, Kim and Davey played outside the house.
Kim was a very plain young girl. She had a little bit of baby fat on her, but wasn't
overweight, and was very short for her age. Her hands and feet were very tiny too. She had
lovely long hair that was the same color of the golden straw in the fields around the county. Her
face was round and her eyes were green. She looked younger than her age and was somewhat
shy. But as she began talking to Davey, her shyness left her.
Davey was a good looking young boy. He was tall and slim just like his father had been.
Standing next to Kim in the back yard , it was very noticeable that he was a good bit taller than
Kim. In fact the top of her head reached only to his chest. Both kids joked and laughed about
their differences in size. He too had hair the color of Kim's, as well as his eye color.
They had ran and played and talked all afternoon that first day. They were very fast
friends, and Kim's fears of not being able to make any new friends in this new town were ended
that day. She and Davey would now be the absolute best of friends. Their mom's were also fast
on their way to being the best of friends. They shared many things in common and it was a deep
comfort for them each to have someone to talk to about the difficulties of life as a divorced
The summer turned to fall, and then into winter. When Christmas came, the two families
shared gifts with one another and took videos of their fun. They were becoming very happy over
the friendship they shared. Both children attended each others birthday parties that winter. As
winters hard freeze thawed and spring erupted all around, Dianne and Jane talked about plans
for the summer with each other for trips and things for their families. Dianne asked Jane what
she was going to do when the children let out for summer vacation. Did she send Davey to a
friends home or what.
Both women decided that it would be okay this year to let the two 12 year olds stay at
home for the summer months.They were both very good children and dependable so they weren't
worried about the two getting into trouble because of no supervision. They were the best of
friends so they could be trusted to watch out for one another. Jane's father lived only a mile away
on his working farm, so if they needed, he could watch them some and help them if there was
any problems. Crime was almost absent in this community, so they could be relaxed about any
molesters or kidnappers. When they asked the two children if they would like to spend all
summer alone together during the day, they were ecstatic about the idea.
They could spend the entire summer together with no one around. If there was a problem
at home, both were instructed exactly what to do. And both mothers felt that it was a good idea
for them to watch out for one another and they had no fears for the safety of the two. Kim and
Davey felt almost like grown ups from this turn of events. Both had talked feverosly about how
much they couldn't wait to turn 13 and become teenagers next year.
The first week of vacation was absolute heaven for the two. They would get up in the
mornings with their mothers and eat breakfast. After their moms went to work, they would rush
out in a hurry to be with one another. Some days they would lay around one of the houses and
watch TV or play board games like Monopoly. There were huge fields to run and play in. The
crops would always make excellent places to play hide and seek in. The woods were deep and
dense. And this was their favorite place to go.
There were paths and trails to follow in the woods. Many times during warmer days in
the winter, they would see deer feeding in the woods, and they loved the quiet isolation that the
woods provided. On more than one occasion they sat and talked about their young lives. They
talked about the fights their parents used to get into and how it hurt them so badly. It was a place
to walk and tell about your dreams and hopes for the future as well as to talk about the hurt they
had encountered in their short lives.
Both wanted nothing more than to stay friends forever and ever. But both wanted to do
things for themselves as they grew up. Their dreams would change from month to month, but
they had the usual hopes and aspirations for children their age.
Davey wanted to be a football player for a while, and a fireman, millionaire, jet pilot, and
baseball player. Kim wanted to be a model then an accountant like her mom, a singer, actress,
and sometimes she wanted to just be a mother and have lots and lots of children. Once she
wanted to have twelve kids. When Davey heard that he laughed and asked her how she would
feed that many children. Kim said she hadn't thought of that and changed her number to four.
"How hard can it be to feed four babies? We get together and our moms can feed four of us
pretty good. So.... I'll have four babies when I grow up."
They had a favorite place in these woods. It was far, far back near a creek. To walk there
would take half an hour to get to, so they would ride their bikes as far as they could into the
woods. The woods were very dense here. And they were sure that they were the only ones who
had ever been there. The creek made a bend and where this bend was, there was a high bank
covered with soft moss. Many days they would lay back on this moss and look up at the tops of
the trees and watch the clouds roll by through the leaves A tree crooked out over the water here
and they could sit at it and dangle their feet in the cold water. It was cool here because of the
tree cover and on hot days, it would leave them with goose bumps as the sweat on their bodies
cooled. On one especially hot day they were still sweating even though this was the coolest place
they knew of outside.
"Gosh! I thought we could get cooled off here. It's almost as hot here as it is in the field."
said Kim.
"Yeah. Well I'm going to take off my shoes and stand in the creek to let the water cool
me down." Davey said as he bent over to undo the laces. "Why dont you join me Kimie."
"I'll let you go first. That water is almost too cold for me to put my toes in. Let me know
how it feels." Kim sat on the crooked tree and watched Davey.
In the year they had been friends, Kim had noticed all the physical features of Davey that
she thought could be seen. He was so tall and handsome to her. His chest and belly was lean and
hard, she had noticed from the many wrestling matches they had. His legs were slim but slightly
muscled and he has such long feet she thought. When she would place her foot next to his, it
would take both of hers end to end to equal the length of his one. But as Davey was going in the
creek, she noticed things about him that she had never seen before.
He, as she, was wearing shorts, a big t-shirt, and socks and shoes. He took off both socks
and shoes, then pulled his shirt up and over his head and placed them all on the mossy creek
bank. Then slowly stepped into the cold water of the creek, pausing many times to whistle and
suck in his breath as he became accustomed to the temperature.
It was the first time Kim had seen her best friend topless. His skin was a little pale, but it
definitely had some color to it. His shoulders looked broader than she had ever seen them and
his chest muscles were beginning to develop. His flat belly was so rippled and muscled. And his
belly button sat just above the top of his shorts, where her eyes stayed for quite some time until
Davey spoke up.
"Wow! It is really cold at first but once you get in it gets pretty comfortable." then he
leaned over and splashed a few handfuls of water across his chest and back. Shivering and
whooping after the water hit him. Then he leaned all the way over and dunked his entire head
into the water and let it stay completely submerged for several seconds. Kim noticed that she
could see the individual bones in his spine when he did this. Davey brought his head back up and
let out a satisfied yelp as he began to slick his soaked hair back with his big hands. A broad and
beautiful grin crept across his face as he began to wade toward Kim on the tree.
As he neared, Kim could begin to see his nipples. They were smaller than hers, but the
cold water had made them hard and they stood out from his chest. This amazed and transfixed
her as she had never seen a boy, or man for that matter, with hard nipples. She had never even
seen her own fathers nipples get hard when she saw him with his shirt off. The only times she
had ever seen this, was on her mother.
When she was younger, her mother had let her bathe and shower with her many times. It
amazed her that her mothers breasts were so big, soft, and colored so nicely. Her mothers
aeorelas were very pale, but as her nipples hardened, they became blood red and the nipple stood
out very largely. Even when they were pale colored, they stood out, but as the color came into
them, they swelled very noticeably. She remembers very distinctly that on several occasions as
she was sitting in her mothers lap in the tub, that she would reach up and grasp at one of the
huge breasts and bring the nipple up to her mouth to suckle it.
Some times her mother would pull away and say no, but on many occasions, she would
just let her suckle as her mother bathed her slow and gently. Many times she could tell that her
mother derived great and wonderful pleasure from this. The last time she did this Dianne
became very stern with her and slightly slapped her hand and once again told her no. It made
Kim cry a little, she had only wanted to taste her mothers nipple and the sweet milk that
sometimes dribbled out. But her mother consoled her and said that she was just getting too old
for this kind of behavior and it was time for her to not do it anymore. She was sorry, but one day
she would understand.
"Come on in Kimmie. The water is just right. You wont even feel cold once your legs are
in it." Davey had brought her around from the images of her mothers nipples and he was
standing inches in front of her as she sat on the tree. "Well let me stand up and take my...." Davy
grabbed her right leg and lifted it up.
"Here. I can take your shoes off and put them here on the tree." Davey said as he began
untying the shoe.
Davey gently took the shoe and sock off. As he let her leg back down to get the other
shoe off, he guided it back down by holding her delicate and tiny white foot. His hand was so
much bigger than her little foot, that it captured Kim's attention. Davey was talking to her, but
she wasn't paying attention to his words. His touch was beginning to do things to her, inside, that
she had never felt before. And it made her feel somewhat nervous because it was so new and
different to her. Davey stopped talking and was looking at her other foot now with a strange look
on his face. He was slowly stroking her bare foot and ankle with both hands.
"Wow Kim," Davey said softly and quietly "I didn't know that your feet and legs were
this soft and tiny. I think your legs are prettier than Angie Crow's legs. And hers are the prettiest
in school."
Kim yanked her leg back a little and out of Davey's grasp. Her heart was pounding and
her face felt warm. "What do you mean prettier than Angie Crow's legs? You know I hate her."
Davey was stammering a little bit. "Well a few of the other boys have said they think she
has pretty legs, and about what they would like to do with her. But I think your legs look a
million times better than hers. And your chest is starting to grow some too. THAT hasn't
happened to Angie, so you've got her beat hands down."
Kim was very embarrassed by these words, and she didn't know why. She pulled her legs
up and stood to walk off the tree and onto the bank of the creek. All the time she kept her arms
folded across her slightly budding chest and looked down at the ground.
"Whats wrong Kimmie? I didn't mean anything bad by it. I was only saying what the
fellas said. Whats wrong?" Kim didn't know what was wrong, but she didn't want to talk about
this anymore. And she wanted to leave this spot in the woods instantly.
"Let's go Davey. I want to go get something cold to drink and watch some TV in the air
conditioning. It's too hot to play anymore. Lets go home now."
Davey was confused and was afraid he had hurt Kim's feelings. He said ok and put his
things back on. They rode their bikes back to Kim's house and drank lemonade and watched TV.
He made a few jokes with her on the way back and things felt like they were back to normal with
them. Kim thought that Davey had forgotten all about the creek by the end of the day when he
went home. He hadn't, but he thought the same thing about Kim. They both thought the episode
was a distant memory to the other one while they both held the vivid memory of the feelings
they felt at the creek.
The feelings and words of the afternoon stayed with both of them all evening, even
though neither of their mothers could tell anything was different about them. They both went to
sleep wondering about what the afternoons trip to the creek had really meant. Their lives were
about to change drastically the next few weeks.
Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!!
Be There.....