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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Copyright <20> 1997, Mr Double. ALL Rights Reserved
This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without
the written permission of the author. This story may be freely
distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted
by writing mrdouble@airmail.net.
Archive-name: Family/
Archive-author: que? aka Mr Double
Archive-title: Katrina.txt
Katrina and Her Daddy
by que? (aka Mr Double)
It all began the night we left the city to move to Arizona. It was a dark,
& rainy night as we headed down the highway to Pheonix at 3 o'clock in
the morning.
My daughter, Katrina, and I had been traveling for 16 hours now, and it had been
a long day. We left 3 weeks after my wife's funeral and planned to drive
straight through to Arizona, where we were to live. We had always talked
about living in Arizona.
With the settlement we received from the insurance company, Katrina and I were
able to buy a nice ranch house out in the desert, miles from nowhere. My
wife, Kathy, would have loved the place.
We were planning on moving away from the big city before her car accident.
If still alive, she would be pleased to see our dream coming true. Now it was
just the one child and myself. My daughter just turned 12 and was still getting
over the shock of her mother's death.
I was beginning to get very sleepy, and began looking for a hotel to stop for the night.
Katrina was snuggled up around my right shoulder with her arm wrapped around
mine. My precious little girl had been sleeping like this for about an hour when
she looked up at me and said, "Daddy, are we going to stop for the night?"
<Yes Honey.> I thought. I was too tired to answer, so I bent down and kissed her
forehead and smiled.
The rain was really pouring down, and Katrina would squeeze me tight
with each clap of thunder. Finally, a Holiday Inn came into view.
I checked in, got the room keys, parked the car, and carried little Katrina up to the room.
"I'll be right back Honey, I have to get the luggage".
When I returned, Katrina had already crawled in bed. After getting undressed,
I stretched out into bed and thought about our future- Katrina and I. A loud thunderclap
rocked the room and little Katrina quickly moved herself against me, hugging me
"Daddy, I'm scared!"
<I know Darling...> I hugged her little body close to mine.
Katrina had always been scared of thunder, and would routinely crawl into bed
with Cathy & I during stormy nights. For some reason tonight felt different.
For the first time I noticed Katrina's young, firm body and felt her smooth
tight flesh. I started rubbing my hand up and down her back, pressing her into
me as she lay on her stomach, laying halfway on top of me.
I felt her smooth skin as I reassured her, thinking for the first time how
lovely this young girl was. For a 12 year old, little Katrina had developed
quite nicely, and I could feel her 34C breasts smashed against my chest.
My maturing daughter was a perfect image of her mother, just tiny. Perfectly
rounded curves, and a nice ass which slightly quivered as I slipped my hand
down past her waist.
Without thinking I let my hand continue over her little butt and started carressing
it. I suddenly realized I was laying in bed with my daughter, who was practically
laying on top of me, while I was carressing her ass.
My own daughter, and I was starting to get a hard on! I wondered if I
should continue as my hand froze on her little ass. Katrina was sound asleep,
and had slipped her leg over mine. Now, I could feel her mound on my thigh.
Katrina was wearing a night shirt without panties, as usual. Katrina hated
panties, and Kathy always nagged at her about that. Her ass felt good
through the cotton shirt and I pushed her crotch up tighter against my thigh.
By now I had a raging hard on. It felt too good. Katrina was my daughter
and besides she was only 12. But my dick kept telling me how fine she was.
And she was fine. Too fine. And a fine mess it would be if I got caught
acting on my fantasies. I dismissed the thought and I just held Katrina
close to me and fell asleep.
The next morning we continued on and arrived at our house late that evening.
Being tired from the trip we immediately took our baths and then headed straight to
bed. The young girl came out of the bathroom with her thin-laced nighty and I could tell
she had on no underwear.
One could see right through lacy-holes in the nighty, her delicious nipples were poking
through the thin fabric.
She came up to me and said, "Daddy, can I sleep with you again tonight, please?"
"Sure Honey, crawl into bed with me." I said back to her, smiling even wider inside.
At that, my young child slid into bed, snuggled up to me while mashing her young
firm tits into my chest. She felt so good as I wrapped my arm around her
back and pulled her young body close against mine. Katrina moved her
leg over mine and without realizing pushed her knee up into my hardening
She then looked up at me and said, "I love you Daddy, please don't ever
leave me."
She squeezed me real tight, pressing her chest and crotch against
me and started squirming her little ass back and forth against my
leg. She looked up at me and kissed me full on the lips.
By now my hand had pulled her little nighty up above her waist exposing her
tight little ass to my wandering hand. She didn't seem to notice, so I
squeezed her little butt cheek and pulled it apart from the other letting
my little finger fall into her butt crack.
Katrina said nothing.
At that point I got scared again and I removed my hand from her butt. I
gently smoothed out her nighty and hugged her close to me.
<Goodnight, Honey> I smiled at her.
The next two weeks we settled into our new house, and got used to our
new life. Katrina would spend the day with her household chores while I
worked around the house fixing, repairing, and improving.
My young housemate and I decided that it would be best not to enroll her
in a public school because, (1): the closest school was 125 miles away,
and (2): Katrina wanted me to teach her about computers and programming.
Since I worked out of my office at home, I agreed that it would be best to
stay at home.
And the best it was. Katrina worked around the house wearing the skimpiest
of clothing. Sometimes short shorts, a size too small, with a loose half
cut halter top which would always reveal her succulent breasts whenever
she bent over.
Other times Katrina wore a micro mini skirt with a skin tight top that
accentuated her full firm breasts and tight nipples. And since she never
wore panties, I could see her gorgeous ass whenever she bent over.
One of her mini skirts was made of a cotton stretch material and was
constantly riding up her legs which covered only half her ass and almost
fully exposed her little pussy. It was literally driving me crazy.
Katrina never seemed to mind or notice these displays of hers and would
crave attention from me all day, periodically jumping up on me wrapping
her legs around my waist.
I could feel her bare pussy mashed against my thigh while she squeezed
her chest against mine and say, "I love you Daddy, we're going to be so
happy together!".
<Yes darling, I certainly agree.>
That night, and like most every every other night since my wife's death,
Katrina crawled into bed with me after I was almost asleep.
Usually, if there wasn't a thunderstorm or something, she would just show
up at bedtime and kind of hang around until I got into bed. Then she would
start pining about how she missed her mommy and wanted to snuggle
with me for a while.
I would usually give in and let her in my bed. If I sent her back to bed
she would just return later after I fell asleep.
And that was the scary part. It wasn't enough to know she was in bed with
me, that was torture. Sometimes I would dream of her sucking on my
cock and would wake up with my arms and body all over my daughter while
she slept.
This night was somewhat different in the fact I was completely naked, not
expecting her to show up (or was I?!). Additionally, when Katrina slid up
next to me I noticed that she, too, also was nude.
"What's wrong Honey, couldn't you sleep?" I said to her softly, "and why
aren't you wearing a nightshirt?"
Katrina said nothing, and in the darkness I couldn't see her face.
I believed she was asleep, and maybe had sleep-walked into my bedroom.
So anyway, there she was, laying up against me in all her naked glory. I felt
tingles shooting up and down my body as every inch of her body contacted mine.
I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her body into me. She moved her leg
over mine, pushing her knee up into my slowly, but surely, hardening cock.
As my dick grew larger and larger, I was again faced with the torture of my
fantasies. My hand glided up and down her back and ass, feeling her soft tight
skin. I felt like just ravishing her once and for all, plowing my raging hardon deep
into her little body.
But I couldn't because she was only 12...and my daughter...and she was asleep...
and she was so fine...I continued to caress her body with my left hand
while my other hand reached over and began to stroke my twitching cock.
I pulled her higher against my body and slid my prick up between her thighs
with my left hand, pushing it tight against her butt crack. I kept my cock
in that position and slowy humped her back and forth.
Katrina continued to breathe slow and deep so I got just a little bolder and with
my right hand I gently cupped her left breast and ever so lightly pinched her nipple.
Her breast was so perfect, so full and firm...I wanted to bend down and
kiss the nipple but I was afraid of waking her. I squeezed her breast and
played with the nipple some more, while with my other hand, I held my dick
tight against her slit and butt crack while I continued to hump her.
I discovered to my surprise that her pussy was slightly wet, so I placed
the head of my dick in front of her moist entrance. I slowly moved my cock
up and down her now slippery cunt rubbing it back and forth across her clit,
and then tested the entrance to her little cunt hole.
Tight, real tight. I didn't think it would go in, but my orgasm was building
inside me as I continued to stroke her wet little pussy with my hard cock.
I slid my right hand under Katrina's stomach and reached for my dick. I began to
stroke it harder and harder until my orgasm could hold back no more. My left
hand grabbed her ass firmly. My hips bucked as I shot a wad that must have hit the
ceiling, shot after shot of cum was erupting from my cock in what was surely the
biggest orgasm of my life. I placed the head of my dick at the entrance to her
tight little butt-hole and deposited the last couple shots into her little sweet, sweet
I continued rubbing her with my finger, moving down to her slit. I felt moisture
and the tiny girl moaned softly. I wiggled my finger into the source of wetness
and my Darling squirmed her little ass some more. I moved my wet finger up
to her clitoris and lightly rubbed the moisture into it.
Katrina moaned some more and began kissing my chest. Her hand moved
down to my rock hard cock, grasping it and pulling on it. My right hand
moved up and encased one of her fine titties.
For a 12 year old, Katrina had well developed breasts, about the size of
half-oranges with little brown nipples that pointed up slightly. Through the
fabric of her nighty, I squeezed and lightly pinched her nipple, flicking it
between my fingers, feeling it swell and harden.
"Oh Daddy, that feels so good. Don't stop!!!"
<You are so fine Katrina, Honey>.... "Goodnight, my Darling...."
--to be continued....?
Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!!
Be There.....