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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
by parker
To say that I was surprised to see Carol at Anne's costume party
would be an understatement. I was immediately sorry that I had
let Anne talk me into wearing this particular costume. With Jim
and the kids out of town for the week, she had convinced me to be
a little daring. Well, the costume was more than a little daring.
But that was Anne for you. In the few months I'd known her, she
was always encouraging me to let go, to enjoy myself. Perhaps
that's why I was drawn to her. Maybe I needed someone like that
in my life.
To tell the truth, even with Anne's urging, I would never have
worn it if it hadn't been so... well, flattering. After eight
years of solid, steady marriage to Jim, I had been feeling a bit
dumpy; a bit like my life was pretty much set, despite the fact
that I was only twenty-six. The tight tube dress that ended a
good foot above my knees; the black stockings and garter; the
bright red pumps with the four inch heels... they all emphasised
my slender body and large, firm breasts. They reminded me that I
was still young, and still beautiful.
And so, I had come to the costume party dressed as a hooker. With
Anne's help and encouragement, I had gone all out with the
costume: heavy makeup, wild, teased up hair... Jim would have
just died if he'd seen me dressed up like that. But he wasn't
here. And I was having a great time. It was wonderful to receive
all that male attention; I wasn't used to it after so many years
of marriage.
Then Carol showed up. She had been Jim's secretary at work up
until about six months ago. I'd found out from a friend of mine
at Jim's office that she had been coming on to him in a big way.
I didn't believe it until I saw it happening at the company
picnic. I'd confronted her with it. She had told me to 'fuck off'
and I'd responded by calling her a 'whore'. Jim had broken it up
before it went any further, and Carol had been quietly
transferred to a new office a few days later.
So, I wasn't exactly pleased to see her at the party. Inevitably,
we ran into each other. She smirked when she saw me.
"Who's the whore now?" she asked. She was dressed as a fairy tale
"Only on the outside," I answered sweetly, "Not like some." She
frowned and walked away. I was rather pleased with myself for
being so strong, so quick with the comeback, but my hands shook.
I'm not good at confrontations. I downed the rest of my drink to
steady myself and then got a refill.
By midnight, the party was really buzzing. So was I; I'd had a
little too much to drink, but it didn't matter. I was having such
a good time, chatting with people, being eyed by all the men.
Except for Anne, no one here really knew me, so I could just
relax and play the flirt if I wished. And, best of all, Carol
seemed to have left the party.
"Here you are." It was Anne, bringing me another drink. I
finished the one I had and took it. Then she gestured to a man
standing beside her. "This is Paul, my cousin."
"Hello Paul." He was a tall man, with short dark hair and the
most amazing eyes. I felt myself shiver when he looked at me.
Anne disappeared into the crowd, leaving Paul and me to get
acquainted. We talked for a bit while I finished my drink and
then he pulled me out onto the dance floor. He was a wonderful
dancer. The song ended, and a slow one began. I started to pull
away - I was still, after all, a married woman - but he wouldn't
let go. He just hugged me to his chest and moved with the music.
By this time, I was beginning to get a bit dizzy - the alcohol -
so I just held on and let him lead. Slowly, almost hypnotically,
he let me around the dance floor. My heels suddenly seemed
precarious, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on.
We danced. All the while, he kept whispering to me, over and over
again, how beautiful I was. How desirable. I wanted to tell him
to stop, but my mouth seemed full of cotton. Unresponsive. After
a while, the pressure of his chest against mine, the touch of his
hand sliding down my back to cup my rear, began to have an
effect, and I felt a delicious warmth spread outward from my
tummy. I began to tremble; I hadn't felt like that since the days
before my marriage to Jim.
We danced. And I felt myself melting into his arms...
We danced. He bent down and brought his lips to mine. I moaned,
not resisting, and opened my mouth, accepting his tongue as it
entered and touched mine. I let out another moan as I felt his
hand slip under the top of my strapless dress and cup my breast.
I knew that I should be resisting, especially here, in front of
everyone, but the room was spinning... and it felt so *good*.
The next thing I knew, he was leading me up the stairs. I
stumbled, dizzy, but he caught me and pulled me across the
landing and into a bedroom. Once inside, he brought his lips to
mine again. I was unable to resist. I wrapped my arms around his
neck and drew him to me.
Then I was on my back. My dress was bunched up at my waist,
leaving both my breasts and crotch exposed. Paul was on top of
me, moving his hips up and down. I felt the fire in my tummy
expand through my body. I felt like I was burning... burning...
I blinked. There was still a weight on me, but it felt different.
I peered upwards, still dizzy. There was a man, but it wasn't
Paul. I didn't recognize him. I opened my mouth to say something,
but he just brought his lips down to mine, smothering my
protests. I closed my eyes...
When I opened them again, there was another man. I tried to will
myself to resist, but my body was unresponsive. I felt hands
grabbing my legs and wrapping them around the man's body. I
closed my eyes, hoping it would all go away.
Eventually it did.
I woke up the next morning with a terrible headache. The dress
was still bunched up around my waists. My breasts were red and
splotchy, and they ached from the terrible mauling they had
received the night before. Worst of all, my pussy was sore, and
the inside of my thighs was sticky with dried sperm. I groaned
and rolled over, trying not to vomit.
The door opened and Carol walked in. I gave a little cry and
tried to pull the tangled dress up to cover my breasts. Carol
just smiled and threw an envelope onto the bed beside me.
"Take a look," she ordered.
Trembling, I picked up the envelope and pulled out a bunch of
pictures. My head was still fuzzy, but I had a pretty good idea
of what they would show. And they did: me, dancing on the floor
with Paul, my lips pressed to his and his hand on my breasts; me,
standing beside Paul in the bedroom, my arms wrapped around his
neck in a passionate embrace; me, on the bed with Paul, my head
thrown back in obvious ecstasy; me, on the bed, smiling at Paul
as he put some bills on the nightstand; me, with another man on
the bed, my legs wrapped around behind ass, lips against his...
It went on and on.
I looked over at the nightstand. There must have been five
hundred dollars sitting there. Carol laughed. She walked over and
picked it up. She counted out five twenties and threw them on the
bed beside me. The rest went into her purse.
"Not bad," she sneered, "for a start."
"What?" I struggled to sit up on the bed. I knew she had somehow
arranged this, but...
She gestured at the envelope. "What do you think Jim would do if
he saw those pictures?" she asked. "What do you think would
happen to the children?"
I fell back down onto the bed, almost in tears. I knew what would
happen. I knew very well. Carol sneered. She handed me a piece of
paper with an address on it.
"This is the address of the Lovely Ladies Escort Agency." The
tone of her voice left little doubt as to what this 'escort
agency' really was. "You're to report to this address at eight
every friday night. You work for me now."
"But..." My mind struggled to comprehend what was happening.
"Jim... "
"Don't worry about Jim. He's about to receive a promotion and a
transfer. He'll be working late on fridays from now on." She
smiled again. "*Very* late."
Anne walked into the room and smirked at me. "C'mon Carol," she
said. "Paul's waiting in the car." She looked over at me. "Bye
Sandra," she said. "Hope you enjoy your new career." Then she
walked out of the room.
Carol turned to follow, but stopped at the doorway. "Who's the
whore now?" she laughed. The door clicked shut behind her.
I sat on the bed, looking at the pictures scattered about the
bed. I reached over and picked up the paper with the address of
the escort agency. I thought about the children.
I sighed and began gathering up the photographs.
"I am."