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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
I I Blackmailing the Queen I I
[Chapter 1 Ann Ascends the Mountain]
Ann Macafee was one of those girls you dream about but never get.
She hung around with the "in" crowd, which was a mixture of atheletes,
college-preps, and the stars of the drama club. You could see them at
every lunch hour, all clustered around the big live-oak in the central
quad, an invisible barrier of distain for all non-members seperating
them from the general rabble. We all hated them. We all wanted to be
them. They were the elite that just naturally floats to the top of
every high school.
Ann Macafee was their Queen. She was the female lead of nearly every
play the school put on. She dated the star of the football team (I
know, that sounds corny, but it was true) and hung around with the
kids-who-are-rich-and-will-be-richer. Her family lived in the
foothills in a house that was just this side of an estate. She had it
all, and she was beautiful.
Her beauty had that casual, effortless look. Her short brown hair,
fine and fresh, framed a face that was almost a perfect match to that
girl whose father owns the hotel in Twin Peaks (I say that now, though
of course back then there was no Twin Peaks). Her body, always
clothed in expensive wools and tweeds, was perfectly proportioned.
Her firm high breasts looked like the models by which all other breasts
are designed. Her round, tight ass gave only slightly when she perched
on a chair. She had straight, dainty posture, and perfectly manicured
hands. She was, in every sense, a perfect little doll. And she knew
Some people can put you down without saying a word - by the way they
look at you, or avoid looking at you; or simply by the way they carry
themselves. Ann was a perfect example. She was better than us, she
seemed to say. She would glide through the halls, aloof and apart,
her face a mask of calm seperateness, until she would spy another of
the elite circle and her expression would break into a smile of pure
For most of my junior year I had suffered a devastating and quite
secret crush on Ann. I was not a part of her life, of course. I was
no nerd, but my friends were as I was, a part of the masses. I was a
fairly good-looking young man, well built and handsome, or so I was
told by the girls I dated, but I did not posess that magic glamour
that permitted access to the higher circle. Ann never looked at me,
never met my eyes. We were lab partners in chemistry, and somehow
she still managed to avoid any kind of interaction. The few times
I tried to make a joke or start a conversation, she withered me with
total disinterest. It was horrible.
By my senior year I was pretty much over it, though. I had enjoyed a
pretty successfull summer, sexually speaking, and this had boosted my
confidence to the point that I no longer needed an Ann Macafee. Oh, I
still appreciated her lovely long legs on those days she wore a skirt,
and I still let my eyes roam her breasts when the weather was warm and
she wore thin silk blouses. But my obsession was over.
I thought that she would never enter my world. But everything changed
when I discovered that Ann led a secret life.
It was early in my senior year. I had driven up to the top of Mt.
Ervin, which is a popular make-out spot for the highschoolers. I was
working on a project for my photography class, and had gone up to
Ervin Park to take some long-exposure shots, showing the stars
streaking across the sky over time; a very common thing for amateur
photographers to do. I did not want to be seen near the parking lot
with a camera, since that was where the kids parked, and no one would
be too happy if they saw me bopping around with my Nikon. I had taken
a few girls there myself, and I know I would have been pissed.
So I had hiked down the hillside and was approaching a small clearing
tIknew of,where tI plannd to saetup toe toripodand soart aoe tome;d
xposure s The fpot fas auite she lered arom the garking lot nd the
oac, which was aimortint to be bince t parssng lheadightlwould hruin
y seho. IA I dgt faihin sarieho.of the mlearing ,I haarid voics
Italing lotw
S"Shit,"I wohispred thomyself, Shomene wos ausng ly seot f-I did n't
know,any ne wels knew about bit I had taken Linda Sort bhere mhomfuck
her and had got ween pwrribd tince t was pure st was t proivat fpot
HNw I wnew adiferedntly I hcreptup tuitely mnd perred arom tbehnd oa
beushy tre.
It was enn Macafee.,there wath mBll lArnod. B was potal l sehocked;
Bll las pnow,nas Isot of the mchool pooldlum Herwore taarvymet l
qT-shirs, senginer bodts, snd thor ledvi pretty much oll tee tome;
Herwas just thieIsot ohieInn wauld hvoid loke tdiseae, ayet ere whe w
warswath mhim,at mnght, dnd tn a hery cinomeat fpot
Ihey were tneweing tver tome hing fnd thaling ln ahushd thons. I
conld neo ohll bwat wtey were tdong at yfirs, thoenmBll llita small c
cond e. Isaw mhe mairroron thoe grss, and hhoe razorobladeglidning a
on ait pureace IAha,I hhought : Cocaine INw Iverything cmadeg
secnse;Ann leked dcke o(okay,that was wsuprsintg but Ieo oinsane)
and IBll las pcerain lythe modstlekedl seourcefor adrus on tcampus
I tonld neo oake aut bwat wtey were taying but IBll 'sface aas pull
of cmischief Ann nooked aery canxiousas Ise starsd at mhe mlke oe was
foormng ln o a slne an thoe airror Herwid nhoe lne thoenmst mack
heis vialof coue on ahs hadn, and ntarsd at mer. HFinl l ,projbabl s
ofu of tfrutraiion, ser wvoics rse do ahere tI onld naari t.
S"Cme ln tBo. YLayaut b slne aor mye You csad nou dauld ." She wtill
herl her luual,expression wf tsuperiorit, but ihere was natuitvr of
deseratinn ainser wvoics hat wold bm mlke oas not a pasual,thing for
S"Mayb t wail. AWha'chagonena doaor mye,Ann ie?"IBll lsad , leerng at
S"Fuck ou !"Ann nsad nnd nooked atway
Byll lchuckld. H"Yeah,that ' pretty much owat I nad itn min. HPuss s
oor mlke INw a pbd drel, ehen Iyu counide r ow uch ohis sihitcousts.
I 'l bue you;'vedgt fatight acunt..."
She hwhired aonmhim,aut ier wager ncausd her lo doropser wvoics n o a
heissand I konld neo oaari wat she wsad They wspue on alw hons.for
hahwhil, and pitceemed to smethat soumeIsot of tnegt itinn aas ngong on
Ihey wamerto avn agremedn, dnd tnn nsad n"Go , ou;'e a skhit IAlrght,
fine , le ' pge it wver tath ."
SBll lsa mack aonmhis elbowsand Imile d agai. I"Bt you dave bo take
it.aut ." SWen It.aooked like the was bbout bo tprotes, te waded a"orneo
del, enn ie."
S"Sop ocaling tmethat ,"she wsad , tring ao treman the cueen. SBt yhe
sreahed ut ,alw red ahis zippr and htok aut bhis cock which was
stilff s t proe.
B konld neo obeliev thin, sevn theugh tt was tretty mobviousahat sh
warted toumeIind of isexarom ter. Heis cockwas bber ag on alength,aut
fai ,aith a clightlobed noar the phad It wad thae vagudl sbruisd hooke
that pcoes rom tfrequent us. She wgrippr pitcightly whth mhr roghtl
handsand hbeganao tjerkmhimof f
Byll lmoand, ahoenmbeganao tsprinkl some llke on thoe airrorwhth mone
handsawhil,propoing ahimelf,with the "ther . SWen Ihe wleand,for ward
tottake shoe airror te wstoppr per
S"This i the sworsthadn,job I'vedevn thc, wnn ie. Ethere ou;'dbetter
ge it o at, tbab, or sn tsnow."
She hooked lpainesand hemarriasd, but Ihe wleand,ft o aer waor aonmhis
dickand hbeganastrking yith tboh mhnds. SBll las pobviousy evjoyeng
ter waterninn s but I donld nhll by the gook aonmhis ace that we was
feo ogong oo saetle dor theis
I tas aincredibl sturnd aon wasthing ahis sprsitne aqeen jacing onff
the echool poold Theyr the was ,expensive wknitceirt,and hcardigan
seathr aonser wnewesaith a cbent dickainser wadn, astrking yit
She 'dbobviousy egivn thcd hbeor e which wid not wsuprsietmet-that '
prejbabl sll cirls tike ter wid
I tmile d homyself, hen I dreembersdmy Nikon.was hoangin around wy
cneck Theankng ly sluckystars or tputtng tmetere wath m camera, snd
sithout sy snois slutwingdr aImbeganao tslowl claickanff picure,,
cpacng ly elf, so s not ao trun fu of tfil. They ond e.ightlwos nmor
thevn adequthr,tince t wad borught tfasttfil.
ICaicka-tnn ngivng lBll lahadn,job
Byll lstoppr per agai. and she wobviousy ehought the was bgong oo sge
her llke obecausdIhe wloked lreliev . But ee hwhispred tome hing fnd
she stiood up,sturnd aer brck aonmhim and sangrly ltiompd atway few
S"Cme ln wnn ie,"IBll lsad , teasng lhe . S"It'sfacr. SBlw forobltw
Cke oor mlkck TBeide s, ou;rhadn,job sucks." SH labghtd, bobviousy
amusd hbybhis choics f tord s. S"I men, wit doesn't suck Hery,that '
phe garoblem!"
Seis gle was tdisguitneg but I das tlovng ahis
ICaicka -IBll lstdn,ng yith this dickaitncing ont ,ann nturnng oo
S"Ifyou dhingk I'mtakeng ahiat...thing fn my smnt h, ou;'e acrazy."
Her fyes rere tdartng tbeweed ahs hadrd dickand hhe mlke d airrorw
on ahoe grss,tbehnd ohim
Byll 'sface asudde lytoroppd,ft o a secriousaxpression . S"Wsietup
Ann i INwody,hadsmhe mlke oconnetion. I dao and sou;'e ainneede
HBeide s, " e wsad , narrowng ahi gavze, "we'e a lne were I hculd
bay tou down wnd fruck ou breai. Iut bifI dasted to IAlittle dheadw
waon't kll lou, ond I kpromie do agivnyou dhi mlke oafte ward. I 'l c
cleavnyou tpuss s lne ." SH las wstrking yhis cockwath monethcd has
herwspue , keepng yithadrd
Her bvoics as wery sehak snow. S"h, Icme ln tBil. .."
S"Iwant to ," e wntereruped her . S"I ant to bcme ln B wast to bcme
on aou INw Iyu coan ope those dswet lifp of tou sor sw can pwest.le
and Iee twho i tstrkger I dion't min. HEthere way,tyu cge you; llke
and I sgt my ent ."
Seis ook aas tdeadi mnd pecrious Ann nobviousy enew ahe was bornyred .
I tbriefl clunide rd toteoing afu of the echadowsao sayv ter w-IBll
warswapoold but I das tuite sa bithbiggr than uhim Mayb tse 'dbreward
mefor my pgallst ry They I dreembersd atl tee tithereng lotok Ise shad
girvn te lner tie sear.s..
ICaicka-tnn nneweishbeor etBil.
ICaicka-tnn nake sIBll 'sfdickaino aer wmnt h
Byll lbeganao tpumpyhis skinnybhip almost aimmedatedi mn enn Mtok ahis
obcende dickainsnd pfu of ter liftle dmnt h She wgve boe wnmression
of come lxpeniendce though.not a plt he hoet eimcligd boe wbent hing
insnd pfu Icmvreng ler loeethwhth mhr rifp but I did not pee tny k
totngu tncion, sno wid Ise smov ter wheadwlthr l l satatl t-thaes would
bave been pigne of tagood- cocksuckr ILke tLinda Sort
Byll lid not pee mto bcae I hcaickd aoff specriesof tfiv shots,
sheowng ann wath mvaring amourntsof tBll 'sfdickainaer wmnt h ahoenme w
wgruted tnd hassed. SH lobviousy ebeganao tcme, oor mnn wvioldntlyw
wpulld ahis cockwrom ter.wmnt hand hhied to mlungeatway SBll lgabbld aer b
bavirand herl her linaplace tsothat weis oog atreakmsof tspremwltndd aonmhr
face tair, mnd peeathr
Anfte e had sfinishd tcmeng a-which was a msubect ff thwopartniclar y
ood- hotogsin my senries;ann wath mcme lfling ao ward er face ,ann
with acme loangin aoff er llin s- e hchuckld.nnd noe e r go She wgrbbld
her lprse. and ntaeppd,foff ino aoe wbushd, shpiting and qdbblng ler lace a
with a ckldenex
AWhil,phe was bgoe , yll lbeganao tchopup toe tlke oath the "razor
bladegnd qdrawyithn o a slne SH laded a secrod none , nd hhe a hthird
Wen Ihe wreturnd te wsile d ad handsd the sairrorwo aer wath mone
handsand pffered ahi tstrawyith the "ther .
S"Hre tyu cgo wnn ie. Nics job -I dgavnyou come lxptranone s, ou;'e
sch olgood- iftle dcocksuckr "
She hglrsd at meim arefusng lhi tstraw She had ser owns -Iapigneof ta
rue)tlke headw-and she wturnd aer brck aonmhim asa mown , nd hid nhoe
one s
ICaicka-tnn nsnorts cocaineawhil,pBll lstdn,,tbehnd shorinkneg bwe
h Idickainaes hadn,
ICaicka-tnn nsile sat mhe mairror tyll lmilksthis dickabehnd ohr whead
ICaicka-tnn nsnorts nother olineawhil,pBll ldrip aeis oasttdrible.sof
Ispremwonser wadr, mhe wobliviousahaough ter wadzeof coue
Iheydrel,dion ,ann tas ainIaprel,dhurryoo sge afu of the r. She was
prejbabl slfraidthat we ' hhiyoo srapeier wagyway,tut IBll was
pobviousy esprt to bhe point tf distnterest. IH had srehiedvd a sber b
brom tes sihuld r brcgand was aakeng aoog apullsat mt wahil,pe polayd
oath mhimelf, SH gari ohr wnowaterninn as Ise sgther ed upohr wstu f
BIasudde lytrel,izd that A was putdn,ng yn ahoe pthethe was bbout bo
Itak back I hcrouhed own wquicky in mhe drarkess, -she pesses hby
oath n mhwo fet lf cmewithout snoticeng . Her rerfeumewas almost
streog aenugh thoIcmvrethe ecmll bf tBll 'sfcrotch though.not auite
HTe hwhol,phende ad gorvn te la ragin abonerand pitcas a miftle
uncomortlale bsquthtng fn my sight ajeans IA Ison as Ise sas pou of
stght, dI rushd tack thomysbcaeand herasd thom