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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Archive-name: Bestial/blackie.txt
Archive-title: Blackie
Part 1
Three o'clock Thursday, and the phone rings.
Rachelle's voice plays across the line,
"Come on over, won't you?"
Rachelle, a 19 year old sophomore at the local community college,
has a way of obtaining her desires...
"Sure, I'll be by in about a half and hour..."
"And bring some smoke?"
"Ok, See ya"
We both came from the same small town, though I had not lived there long,
to a city of 200,000, supposedly to get a college degree. Albeit that
alone could have formed the basis of an alliance, Rachelle had caught my
eye well before I learned our future plans held common elements.
I had made her friendship a primary goal, though I certainly wouldn't
have objected to intimate companionship. After we each had a chance to
get settled into our new surroundings, I called to ask her over;
to party, see my space and whatever came up.
Being new to the area, I had chosen to spend the first semester in
the Dorms. Much to my suprise, by the 4th week of classes, the whole
first floor began a regular routine of partying togethar on the weekends.
Nizar, a Syrian, helped to make this possible, as he was the only
freshman who looked old enough to buy without id. Albert, his roomate
from Alaska, helped to finance most of those purchases, although we
all chipped in.
When Rachelle showed up, I promplty helped her out of her coat
and took her down to show her off. She made quite a splash with
the guys, and seemed able to handle it well. Albert immediatly
challenged me to a game of "Shot Gammon", backgammon where the loser
has to take a shot of the alcohol of the day. Rachelle whatched as
I lost several games in a row, finally taking the penalty of two
shots to get out of the game. By now, the main focus of the party
had moved to the common lounge area, where someone had yelled pizza!
Albert left, leaving the two of us alone in his room, which in my
state was not such a good idea. When he returned, he walked in to
see us making out on Nizar's bed, and promptly apoligized before
leaving again. We could here him explaining to Nizar, who had some
trouble believing we could be doing such a thing on his bed.
I had to chuckle. I suggested to Rachelle that we return the
room to them, after all it was their's. Apoligizing to Nizar on
the way out, he slapped me on the back, and warned me that Chuck
was in my room. Which posed two problems, one of which I had to
solve in order to get Rachelle home. After knocking on the door
several times, Chuck rumaged through my closet and gave me her
coat and mine. And I set out to escort her home, having started
to sober up.
As we were walking, we talked. She had just met "the crew" and
was full of questions. Seeking short cuts, I led her along the
mill creek, at one point reaching out to take her hand. Areas
of darkness alternated with places where the moonlight dappled
the ground.
At one such place, I stopped, and when she turned, looking up into
my eyes, my arm went around her shoulder pulling her close as we kissed.
Just a moment, yet something we'd both remember in the days to come.
The dead phone line buzzing in my ear intruded my revery.
I wonder what might be possible for tonight. Perhaps we could
cuddle up in front of the television together.
After tossing my books on the bed, I grabbed up some stuff to
take with me, and splashed on some cologne. Five minutes later
I walked out the door of the duplex I shared with my roommate, and
Rachelle lived in a small house alone, about 2 miles away. Since
it was still early fall, I walked. Along the way, I drifted off
into memories of our mutual past, oblivious to my surroundings.
Like the time I helped her assemble her new waterbed, and she'd
made me "Eggplant Parmesan" in reward. When she called and asked me
over for my help, I gave her a hard time about "testing it out".
Little did she know, that she'd won my heart. Little did I know, that
such a self sufficient girl wanted nothing more than to have a friend
she could count on.
Turning the last corner, her modest three rented house sat there.
Before making it to the first step, the door swung open, and Rachelle
stood there, dressed casually, 5'6", in all her beauty.
"Well are you going to come in?"
"Sure, ah, just admiring the picture you make."
She closed the door behind me, grabbing my hand and leading me
to her bedroom. Plopping down on her bed, I pulled out the object
of her immediate desire.
My brother and I started growing pot about when we started college,
a dual major of sorts. Though never actually sold any, we did
learn agriculture and hydroponics.
Rachelle, being close to both of us, knew of this particular extra
curicular activity. And often stopped by to admire the flowering
plants beauty.
Soon we were settling back, mellow, discussing school, events etc.
When the subject of her electronics class came up, she went into
the living room to gather her most recent lab report. Her pup,
a German shepard, came bounding in to say hello. And was on the
bed in my lap before I knew it.
After a playful tussle of the pups head, I pushed him off my lap
and took the lab paper from Rachelle. As she settled back, the
pup said hello to her to. Evidently being alone in the living
room was not his idea of a good time.
Though I couldn't make out the meaning of her lab paper, I went
through it page by page, until I noticed what was up a few feet
away from me. It seems that a simple hello from pup to master
was less than adequate after banishment. He worked his way down
her neck, licking her upper chest.
She pushed at him, telling him to go away. As his back legs shifted
his excitement became apparent. Slightly embarrassed, and slightly
excited myself, I was unsure of what to do.
"Let him be" I heard myself saying... " I want to see what his after"
When she dropped her defense, he redoubled his efforts, one could almost
sense the tension. Of course with her blouse on, he couldn't go far.
Yet he put one paw on her shoulder and moved in, as if to mount her.
Seeing that she was in a spot, and not comfortable with all the
attentiveness I exhibited to his actions. I moved in, pulled him back
and covered her with my body as I gave her a kiss. I think I'd hoped to
reassure her, that it was OK, but she pushed away at me too. As I
pulled back, she avoided eye contact.
Now I really didn't know what to do, so I said that I'd better be going
and got up to leave. She got up grabbing my hand and pulling me so that
we were standing close, still looking at the floor. I gave her a hug,
but not wanting to force anything, invited her to come over to my place.
"No, I got some homework to do for tomorrow. Maybe we can go out
Saturday?" she asked.
"Sure- I replied, how bout a trip up Fall creek?"
"Ok, call me"
"I will, later" I said, walking out to the front door, and
closing it behind me.
The whole way back, I walked again, thinking, trying to understand
how I could establish the trust needed for us to be honest with each
Saturday Morning, the Weatherman reported an expected high
of 80. The bright sun contrasted warmly with the crisp fall
air. Deciding not to wait, I began the trek to Rachelle's.
Having arrived, I knocked on the door. There was no answer,
though I could hear Shep walking around the living room,
pausing at the door. It did not occur to me at the time
to wonder about the lack of barking.
Thinking she must have stepped out, I went around to the
side and let myself in through the patio door. Inside,
Shep confronted me, tail wagging vigorously. But there
were two, a Black Lab I did not know.
I went on to the bedroom, pausing to turn the stereo on
low. Both Shep and the Lab followed having made their
intitial inspection of me.
Settling back on the bed, Shep wasted no time climbing
aboard and laying next to me, anxious to be the focus for
whatever companionship he could get. The Lab paced around the bed,
unwilling to violate a rule never taught Shep. Eventually
he settled down on the floor.
After tussling with Shep's head and ears, I reclined back
onto the bed. Begging for attention, Shep began to lick
my hand. Giving in, I stroked his back as I let my mind
wander over the recent past.
The memory of the previous week crept into awareness, as
Shep rolled onto his side and stretched. Gradually I moved
so that I was on my side facing him; changing the pattern
of my strokes so that my hand glided ever closer to his
His penis extended an inch, merely an 1/2 " in diameter.
Curious, I reached down and fondled the sheath, stroking
it gentle back and forth. He raised up his head, looking
at me, but remaining motionless otherwise. Within minutes,
he had extended to where the bulge of his ball visible on
his shaft, having swelled in diameter to 3/4 of an inch.
Suddenly he rolled over to his feet; standing, he began to
hump my hand. I watched in fascination as his ball moved in
and out of his sheath, holding gentle pressure against the motion
of his cock moving within the casing. Spitting in my other
hand, I used it to surround the extended portion.
He moved energetically, as he expanded in size. I could
feel the back end of the knot formed by his ball, no longer
retreating within it's home. And another 2" behind it moving
within the sheath.
Letting go with both ends, I watched as he humped the air
futility, lost in the abandonment of lust. Nearly full
grown, he stood about 14" off the floor, yet his cock nearly
touched the bedding, hanging down at an awkward 45 degree
I realized the Lab no longer lay quietly, but was pacing
around the bed, almost as if Shep's frenzy was contagious.
I patted on the bed, inviting him to join us. Yet he would
not climb aboard.
I moved down onto the floor, and stroked his head, working
my way down his back. In spite of his visible tension, it
did not manifest in signs of lust.
While stoking his back, I reached under him with my other
hand, moving his sheath back and forth. I could feel he
was much thicker inside, though not even to the point of
revealing his penis.
Shortly, he was moving with my tempo. I ceased stroking
his back and cupped my other hand to receive him as he
extended. Within minutes, 8 inches moved within my hand,
as the knot repeatedly slapped against it. His strokes
were short, and tempo picked up. As he came, he froze,
throbbing in my hand. After a minute or so, he pulled away
from me, and lay down in the corner, as he cleaned himself.
Looking up, I saw Shep standing on the bed, looking down
on me. He had shrunk down to his normal size, though still
partially visable. Catching my eye, he was on the floor in
a in a single bound.
I heard the sound of car wheels on gravel. Peeking
from behind the living room curtains, I saw Rachelle's
car pulling in.
Rachelle had a tendency to pick up old cars cheap, and drive
them till the dropped. Typically, the cars she found were
"boats", terrible gas mileage and difficult to maneuver in
city traffic. This one made for a refreshing change, a small
4 cylinder with a hatch back.
Perfect for those 200 mile trips we'd gotten in the habit
of taking together.
Opening the front door, I smiled and waved at her. She
had on her cutoffs and a t-shirt, dressed to take advantage
of the Indian Summer while it lasted.
Shep jumped by me, nearly knocking me over on the way to
greet her.
"Ready to go?" she enquired, as she returned Shep's greeting.
"Sure, just let me grab my pack". I returned to the bedroom
to retrieve my backpack, seeing the Lab laying curled up in
the corner. As I returned to the living room, I bumped into
Chelle come out of the bathroom, tanning lotion in hand.
"Been waiting long?" she asked, standing within a few inches
of me.
"Nah, just got here awhile ago. By the way, whose the Lab?"
"Blackie? I'm just sitting him for a friend who went out
of town for the weekend."
"Oh- we going to take them with us?"
"No, I don't want to chance loosing them in the woods"
"Guess we're ready then"
Fall Creek drained from the Cascade Range into the Willamette
Valley. Less than 45 miles from town, it served as the local
fishing-swimming-boating retreat for the community.
Chelle made the trip, stereo up high, windows down, in just
under 1/2 an hour.
The stream portion drained into a reservoir, above which
native forest surrounded a stream which alternated small
waterfalls and deep pools with short sets of rapids.
Once above the reservoir, she slowed down, suggesting I pick
a spot. We chose an area where the stream curved, forming
a bench with a large flat rock to sun on, yet separated
from the road by aspen trees in the midst of their fall
Stretching out on the sun warmed rock, cares of the real
world faded away, lulled into semi-consciousness by the
sounds, smells and casually pace of the life surrounding us.
"Put some tanning oil on my back?"
"Sure." I reached into my pack, and retrieved the oil.
The smell of coconut permeated as I warmed the oil in my
hand. Starting with her shoulders, I massaged the oil in
using circle motions alternated with gentle kneading of her
shoulder muscles, encouraging her to relax. Resting lightly
on her rear, I worked my way down to her strap, hesitating
in my movements as I neared it.
She reached around, and removed it, letting it fall to each
side. I continued down along her spine to the small of her
back, and then worked my way back up along her sides, the
tips of my fingers making small circular motions, lingering
longer as I approached the sides of her breasts.
As I finished up, she raised her head and glanced at me.
"Would you mind doing my legs too?"
"Luv to.."
Kneeling with one leg between her legs, I worked each leg
from the foot up to the knee, and then each knee to the
upper thigh. Each time I switched legs, I worked a little
closer to swimming suit. I found myself taking extra time
with her thighs, not wanting to give up the chance to caress
her. Finally, with no skin left unburnished, I rolled away
to resume my position holding my towel to the rock.
"Thanks, that was delicious" she murmured.
After roasting all sides evenly for an hour, she went for
a swim, while I pulled out my stash and loaded the pipe.
The fading afternoon would turn into twilight quickly
in the mountains. When she returned, her nipples stood
out visibly as she grabbed up her towel and worked her
brown mane dry.
"Saving some of that for me?"
As I handed her the pipe, "Think we should be headed back?"
I moved over next to her, facing the stream, so that we
were sitting shoulder to shoulder. The breeze had picked
up slightly, and created a contrast of warmth were our bodies
Snuggling closer, she passed me back the pipe.
The trip back had been uneventfull, both of us were quiet, as
though lost in our private thoughts.
After turning on MTV, we put the couch to good use. Something
about her cut-off's had always been a turn on for me. When she
put her legs up on my lap, it seemed only natural that I massage
them, much as I had earlier that day. This time, as her legs
parted, I could see the inner folds of her womanhood peeking out
at me.
Leaning over her, I place gentle kisses on her neck, letting my left
hand explore her breast with more urgency. Taking control of my roaming
and, she moved it downward, where the cutoff's she wore met the tanned
skin of her thighs.
Pulling her half shirt up my other hand, I swallowed her left
nipple, rubbing her mons through the gap left where the top
of her shorts met that beautifully exposed tummy. She pulled her
legs up, allowing me to swing one leg off the couch.
I knelt on the floor next to her while one hand worked at the
buttons of her shorts, the other moving her bangs off her forehead
and tracing lines along her face.
Breaking contact, I looked up and saw her eyes looking into
mine, half a question there waiting to be answered. Less
than four strides separated me from the kitchen.
Within a minute I was back, honey in hand, to find she'd
dealt with the barrier between my desire to taste her again.
Setting the honey on the back of the couch, I crawled down
between her legs, nuzzling her hand with my nose as I inhaled
the scent of her desire. Yielding to my unspoken request,
she pulled back, grasping my head with the hand so soon
before denying the pleasure she knew I'd seek.
Placing a kiss on each thigh near the limits I'd been able
to reach with suntan oil earlier that day, I moved forward
to kiss her tummy as I drew one finger slowly up between the
folds of her lips, drawing the moisture up to her clitorous.
Rubbing just above, and working around and down each side of
the hood protecting her sensitive button, I moved to kneel
once again on the floor beside her.
I retrieved the honey, pulling the lid off the jar and dipped
a finger into the golden liquid. Kissing the side of her
breast and teasing the nipple closest with gentle nips, while
with my other hand spreading the honey on her other breast,
working with ever smaller circles until her entire aerobe and
nipple glistened in the evening light.
Once again I moved down to kiss her inner thighs, though this
time I drew her lips into my mouth, a little at a time, my
tongue playing gently with them as my hand placed honey on
her other breast, working ever closer to her clit.
Having finished with the honey, and exploring both of her
lips, I delved her inner depths with my tongue, seeking more
of her. Drawing my tongue out and up, I worked my tongue
toward it toward her clit, now bravely standing out at the
entrance to it's home. Bringing my honey coated finger down,
I dipped it in, reaching toward my tongue from the inside as
I massaged around her clit with the tip of my tongue and
Pulling my head tighter to her with both hands, she
arched her back. I began a methodical movement within,
small circles pressing towards my tongue, alternated with
back and forth motions.
I drew her clitorous between my lips, circling it with my
tongue, and flicking it as she pulled me tighter.
Withdrawing my finger, I looked up as I moved forward, the
tip of my cock brushing her thigh as I licked my fingers
clean. Then I worked both nipples, cleaning every trace of
the honey off them as I worked my fingers in and around her
pussy, my palm moving against her mound.
Unable to hold back any longer, I dropped down and used one
hand to smear the head of my cock against her lips, spreading
moisture as I teased her with entrance we both anticipated.
Dropping in, just the head penetrated as I arched my back,
groaning while savoring the sensations of two us of merging.
Working back and forth, I savored my role as the tease for
once, noting with satisfaction as she tried pulling me
deeper. Giving into to what we both wanted, I sunk into her
depths until our bellies and thighs prohibited us from
becoming any closer than we were. Using my elbows against
the couch I could rest my chest lightly against hers, yet
have my hand free to caress the side of her face, teasing her
earlobe again. Looking into her eyes, I moved to kiss her,
first on the forehead and then on the lips.
I began to move my hips, with small motions as I nibbled on
her now exposed ear lobe while she whispered encouragement.
We both froze as someone knocked loudly on the door. That
someone could walk in, with a mere twist on the door knob a
few feet away threw panic into me. I withdrew from her
embrace, and pulled own my own pants as she reached for her
The knocking returned but with more force this time.
Seeing that we were both dressed, but flushed and out of
breath, I paused before opening the door a crack to see who
could be so impatient. I saw Phill retreating down the
walkway, seeming to haven given up on anyone answering.
Closing it quietly, I clicked the lock in place and dropped
to my knees before Chelle, who was now sitting on the couch.
I could see the edge of her lips peeking out through the leg
holed, and beyond my ability to tease, I struggled to get her
cut offs unbuttoned and back off that beautiful bod of hers.
She pushed against the back of the couch, raising her rear
end up so I could work them off. Wasting no time, I made my
apology for letting such a thing come before her, us, our
mutual need. By sitting on the edge of the couch, she eased
my access to her love box, and I savored every inch of it.
Way to soon she pushed me away, dropping to bend over and
rested against the couch doggie style. Grabbing my cock,
she pulled me forward and positioned it's tip in the
entrance, pushing back as it's head slipped in again.
There was no teasing this time, both of us working in tandem
with an urgency the demanded our full concentration. After I
came, I pulled her off the couch turning her to face me, and
onto me as I fell back onto the floor, massaging her back
while kissing and enjoying her weight against me.
After lazing in the afterglow, I led her upstairs, to run a
bath. That night we returned to her place, where we cuddled
in front of the TV set until time to crawl into bed.
When Chelle rose to get coffee for us, Shep was in through the
door like a flash. Both of us laughing, I played with his head
and ears.
"Whats the matter boy, feeling left out?" I asked him.
Later, Chelle reported she needed to make a trip out to the store.
Seeing as it was Sunday, and we both needed to prepare for school,
we tacitly agreed that I'd be gone when she got back.
Lying there, rubbing Sheps hair, I watched as he rolled over,
showing his vulnerable side, and giving me free access to his
belly. Though I didn't touch him directly, it wasn't long before
he began exposing himself.
Kneeling on the floor, naked, I looked back and urged Shep to
climb up. He seemed unsure of what I asked, til I put
his paws on my shoulders. He started thrusting his hips,
fully extended to about 6".
I reached down between my own legs, and got a hold of him,
hoping to help guide him. I put the tip next to my rosebud.
About the size of a finger, he slipped in easily in spite
of my virginity. Needing no additional coaxing, he went to town.
I relaxed, and absorbed the physical sensations of him moving
within me. He must have grown, but it was gradually enough that
I did not notice. When I did notice, it was his knot slapping
against me, which had grown to a size which prevented it from
slipping inside.
Curious, I pulled forward to look at him. He dropped his
forelegs to the floor, as though somehow he sensed I wanted
him to dismount.
All the while, Blackie watched, and his prancing had become
frantic. He did not leave despite the open bedroom door.
Shep had grown to where once again, he almost touched the
floor. Standing there, he looked at me, and then started
to clean himself.
I reached over, and pulled Blackie to me. Apparently less
familiar with the idea, he kept jumping off each time I put
his paws up as I had done with Shep.
I reached underneath, and massaged him as my other hand rubbed
his neck, calming him. Feeling his shaft grow in my fingers, I
knew it would not be long. When he started moving in rhythm,
I stopped, resumed my position on all fours and pulled him onto
me again. He moved without reservation, pushing into me with a
single thrust. I felt his claws scratch my back as he pulled
himself forward, desperatly seeking to bury himself, as if his
life depending on it.
I still needed to guide him in initially, but once there he never
completly withdrew again. I could feel his knot slipping through
as he drove home. After what seemed a few minutes of this, he must
have had second thoughts, and withdrew completly. I looked around
to see what was up, and saw him, 8" hanging down, swollen to nearly
2" in diameter at the knot. Yet he hadn't come.
I found myself thinking about his size, and though I'd never had
anyone put more than a finger inside me, he had been moving without
some much as a hint of pain. My own cock was hard, and I reached
for it, dropping one shoulder to the floor. As I stroked myself,
with my ass up in the air, Shep tried mounting me again.
But Blackie let out a viscous growl. And moved towards Shep. I
was up, and moving before this degenerated further. I grabbed Blackie
and put him in the living room, closing the door.
Crawling back down to the floor, I resumed my position stroking myself
as I waited. When shep mounted me the third time, there was no stopping
him. I began to seriously moan, (learning later that he had been stimulating
me from the inside, via the prostate) stroking myself until I came.
As I pulled Shep over, rubbing his neck, I knew why Rachelle would be
reluctant to share such a relationship with others. Now it was my secret
Getting dressed, I left, with the house in order for the most part.
Following Friday Afternoon:
"I'm going out of town to visit, can you watch Blackie?"
"Sure, we could use a good guard dog here"
"Ok, I'll just be gone for a day."
She turned Blackie loose, and he began a survey of his new
"See ya later" I called as she walked back to her car.
It had been awhile since I'd seen him, but he remembered me
well. Within five minutes I was searching the cupboard, seeking
the stash of honey I'd teased Chelle about.
Sitting back on the couch, I put a small amount on myself,
and called Blackie over. He sniffed it tentatively, and then
tasted it. Soon, that long tongue was working me over good.
This time, I noted Blackie didn't need any outside encouragement.
Dropping to the floor, he mounted me like a pro. This time I left
my shirt on, remember the scratches not yet healed. With a little
guidance, he sunk home. Once again, I found myself "spaced",
totally lost in the sensations I experienced. I don't know how
much time went by.
His thrusts had grown shorter, quicker, and he came. I could feel
him twitching inside me, panting as he relaxed. Then there was a
knock on the door- less than 10' away. For the second time, panic
gripped me, though this time I'd locked the door. I pulled forward.
When Blackie moved with me, I realized he was stuck inside, his knot
fully inside me. And I had completely tensed all of my muscles.
I reached back around and grabbed a hold of him, and pulled. With a
pop, he came free, as a wave of shock overcame me. Then a wave of
heat as my body temperature seemed to climb 10 degrees in a wave.
Then I felt then pain. He walked away a few steps and lay down,
prepared for his ritual cleaning.
Concerned, but not bleeding, I went upstairs and ran a warm bath.
Whoever had knocked had left. After soaking 20 minutes I felt pretty
good again. I kept seeing his size in my mind. I found it difficult
to believe that had been inside me, causing nothing but pleasure,
until I'd tensed up and forced things.
When Chelle returned to pick him up, he did not want to leave.
She gave me a funny glance, and looked at him again.
Throwing my arm's up, "What can I say, he seems to really like it here"
I reached down, clipping a leash to him and handed her the reins.
Smiling, I told her "You all could stay awhile, I'm sure we could
think up something to do"
She declined politly, "not today, midterms ya know." Didn't I ever.
We did set up a date though, for the following weekend.
Friday night, my special plans were made. The now infamous jar of
honey, along with some cording suitable for mild restraints, and
other goodies were carefully packed into my ever present backpack.
I grabbed the 4:15 bus to the east side, hopping off less than a
block away from her humble abode.
Since we were both hungry, we started out with dinner out... a
treat for both of us, being as we were 'poor' students, practically
living on buttons.
I suggested we go out dancing, thinking a few drinks while there
may get the ball rolling the right direction. Chelle agreed.
She really looked hot, dressed in a deep v-neck blouse and short
skirt, I think she got more stares at the club than I was comfortable
After an hour there, we called it quits- ready to find a quiter
Chelle gave Shep his Hello I'm home embrace. After being gone
only a few hours, you wouldn't expect it to be such a big deal,
but to Shep it was.
I popped on the stereo low enough so we could talk. Dropping onto
the couch, I tucked one leg and sat half Indian style. Chelle went
to the kitchen, to get some wine for us. Shep curled up by my feet
rather quiet for once.
When Chelle returned with two glasses, she sat right next to me
leaning into my shoulder and chest. I dropped my arm down off
the back of the couch, allowing it to rest on her tummy, gently
holding her close to me.
"Reminds me of another time, another place" I reminisced.
"Uh huhh... To bad." she replied.
"To bad what?" I enquired.
"To bad you got up to answer the door"
"Well I'm wiser now- you can bet I got my priorities straight
after that..." as rubbed her tummy in small circles, my upper
arm moving back and forth across the side of her breast,
just touching the nipple through the soft material of her sweater.
"Ummm " she uttered encouragement as she pulled her legs up onto
the couch, now laying with her back against me.
"I'm really glad you're still willing to see me, after what happened"
I whispered, setting my wine down on the table. "After all, you're
of a rare breed"
"You just want to take advantage of me" she stated, with a bit of a
pout in her voice.
Bringing my other arm around to give her a little hug, I brushed lightly
against her nipple, standing out far enough to be noticed. "You bet I do"
I reached around brushing her hair away from her ear and neck, bending
down for little kisses on her neck, nibbling lightly on her earlobe.
"What do you say we try it on a bed this time?" she whispered.
Setting her almost finished wine on the table, she leaned
forward enough for me to slide out from underneath her, and
with an arm behind her back and another her legs, I slowly
stretched to a standing position. I bent down, ready to kiss
her on the cheek, but she turned, meeting my lips. Her tongue
darted into my mouth, catching me just the slightest off balance.
This time, I moaned, as she made her desires most clear to me.
Moving while I still could, I eased the two of us through the
narrow doorway, and placed her on the waterbed. Before I could
disentangle myself, she grabbed me by the front of my shirt,
pulling me off balance enough to tumble into the bed with her.
Rolling off to the middle of the bed, I dropped one leg between
hers, laying my arm between her breasts, and lightly touched
her ear. Looking into her brown eyes, with the little light
available from the shaded window, I didn't see lust, but desire.
"You know, I think this is a place I'd like to spend a lot of
time" I informed her, "As a matter of fact, I wouldn't want to
be anywhere else". ( a major mistake, that was)
"Are you suggesting moving in?" she startled me with the intensity
of her feelings "because if you are, just remember I like my freedom,
and I like living alone"
"I know our arrangement has it's advantages, I just have a hard
time sleeping at my place, after being here with you like this."
Reaching down to kiss her, she shocked me again, by pushing me away.
"I think I lost the mood" she said, the warmth having left her voice.
"Do you want me to go?" I asked, the hurt showing just a little
more than I wanted.
"No, its late."
"You know there could be advantages" not quite ready to give up.
"Like, backrubs, having someone there when you wake up you could
count on..." I started in again.
"Someone who could walk out on me when he got bored, who expects
me to take care of things for him, like a good wife, who gets
jealous every time I smile at a band member who might be good
looking" she interrupted.
"Now that's not fair!" I was quickly losing my temper. "You know
I haven't said word one about your other relationships." Practically
on a tirade, I continued "I know we agreed not to limit ourselves to
seeing just each other, and I think I could handle you going out
with your friends, knowing you would be coming home... to me."
"And what makes you think I'd come home? What would you do when I
didn't? " a tint of anger in her voice too.
Sighing, with resignation in my voice I gave in "Your right, it would
be hard on me, hard on us- to see to much of each other. I wouldn't'
trade what we have for the world." I reached over to brush the
hair off her forward, smiling in the half dark room. "I sure have
great timing, don't I?" and added "you know I love you."
The stiffness drained out of her, and she cuddled back up to me,
"That's why your important to me, I wouldn't trade what you give
me for the world."
Giving her a hug, I drifted off thinking about the hard won
relationship we'd built.
An hour or two later, I woke up struggled out of my clothes.
Crawling under the covers, Chelle's warmth next to me confirmed
my suspicions as I drifted off once again. Both of us nude,
together and in to much in love to risk the heartbreak sure to
ruin us.