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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Copyright <20> 1997 No Spam Dave. ALL Rights Reserved
This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without
the written permission of the author. This story may be freely
distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted
through mrdouble@airmail.net.
Bethany and Amanda
By No Spam Dave
I live for summers. I love the warmth, the smells, riding my bike in the country, swimming,
and especially the girls that come out to play when there is no school to keep them busy.
I try to get out as much as possible during this month, to enjoy as much as summer has to offer.
Namely, little girls. I live in a mobile home park, not my idea of fancy living, but it is full of kids.
My favorite place to hang out is the swimming pool. I always make sure to bring along goggles,
floats, extra soda, etc., to share with my little friends. I have even learned to make small talk in
Spanish with the cute little mexicana children that make up most of the population in the pool.
Typically, the parents let the kids fend for themselves and spend very little, if any, with their kids.
This means that they are in constant need of attention. Of course, I am always willing to oblige.
Being in a pool is a great place to get a way with physical contact that would usually be suspect.
Where else could you get kids to sit on your shoulders, sit on floats with you, get to grab crotches as
you toss kids in the pool, get to grab crotches when you play tag, get to grab crotches when you help
"support" them when they try to swim- well, you get the picture.
I had only lived in this park for a month, so I was still checking out the resources. I was
swimming in the pool, playing around with some of the kids I had just met. An overweight man
came in with about 5 kids. Hmm.. I thought, some possibilities there. I went about my play, the
newcomers forgotten for the time being. It wasn't five minutes later when two of the girls became
involved in our play. Pretty soon the became the center of my attention as they practically demanded
it. They were both quite cute, with shoulder length hair, the younger one with brown hair, the other
with blonde. They both had brown eyes, which constantly stayed on me.
Our play soon turned to tossing the kids in the pool, which consisted of me going under water,
grabbing a butt and heaving them as high as I could into the pool. The kids always lasted longer
than me. Well, these two new girls couldn't get enough of course, and continued to cling to me.
They told me they were sisters, the youngest one is named Amanda, who is 5 and the older one is
Bethany, who is 7. Their older sister, Kathy, was 10 and was also in the pool, but was not too
interested in our play. Bethany talked with a slight speech impairment, which she attributed not to
shyly to thumb sucking. My, are these two talkers. Amanda was immediately in my arms and clung
to me as if we had always know each other. Once I heard Kathy tell her that she shouldn't talk to
strangers, but Amanda just ignored her. Well, time is always too short, and they soon had to go.
I discovered they lived on the next street from me, so I always made a habit of passing their house
on the way to the mailbox or to the pool. I would occasionally see them at the pool, but only if they
went with the same friend who was with them the first time I met them. More and more, I would see
them on the street in front of their house, and would often talk with them, or give them shoulder
On one particularly bad day I was having, concerning a woman (yes, I do like women too,
especially if they had kids like this one did) I was out for a stroll, practically in tears, when I came
across Bethany. She was a very affectionate girl, and ran to me all hugs. She did her best to cheer me
up, and went for a walk with me. She told me she wanted to see where I lived, so I took her. I fixed
her a Coke and we sat in the living room, with her on my lap and talked for a bit. She told me some
more about her family, about how her mother doesn't work, how she is getting married soon, and
how she will be getting those spiked braces that are supposed to prevent thumb sucking.
Unashamed, she also stated that she wet the bed, which got me a little exited. I just held her, and told
her that it was all right, that lots of kids did that her age. I felt suddenly bonded to her, as if she just
told me her darkest secret. She wanted to see my computer, so our short intimacy ended as I showed
her how to play some various games on the PC and how to paint using a mouse. After 10 minutes or
so, she said she needed to go home, so we kissed and said our goodbyes.
Another week went by. We would often see each other on the street corner, but our encounters were
always too short. I was sleeping soundly, as I worked the swing shift and never woke up before 11
or so. A pounding at my door practically made my jump out of bed. I looked at the clock, it was 8
a.m. Damn, I thought, who in the hell could that be? I grabbed the closest pair of shorts and quickly
pulling them on (you get quick at this when you always sleep in the nude) and rushed to the door.
What a surprise I had when I opened the door, and looked down, to see Bethany.
" Well hello," I said, "come on in." We embraced, and I led her in, and sat her down on my lap on
the lounge chair. I turned on some cartoons for her, and we sat and talked a while. Out of curiosity,
and because I smelled just a hint of pee, I asked her if she had wet the bed that night. She said she
did. Apparently her bed consisted of a mattress that was laid out in the living room when it was time
to sleep. I wondered what she slept in, if she slept in anything.
She was wearing a knee length denim dress, which seemed a little strange to be wearing in
summer, like it was the only clean thing she had left. At least her legs were bare, as I rubbed them
gently as we sat. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door, and my heart suddenly pumped
Another surprise, as I opened the door. It was Amanda. This is getting interesting, I thought. She
was wearing a one piece bathing suit with a denim mini-skirt. She brought over a crossword puzzle
book, some candy, and a picture of her and Amanda, which I still treasure 2 years later. In this
picture, Amanda had on an eye patch, a treatment of lazy eye, which she never let anyone else see.
Like Bethany's admission, this too touched me.
They were both hungry, so I fixed them some waffles. We just sat at the table and ate just like a
family. I finished first and went in the living room to lay on the couch- I was still not quite awake.
Amanda finished up and interrupted my solitude. We rough housed around a bit, and she plopped
herself down on my stomach. I began to tickle her, with her still on top of me. She moved forward,
toward my face. Giggling, she stated that she was going to fart in my face. And that she did, as she
sat herself down right on top of my face. I tried to tickle her with my nose rubbing right into her
crack, and she responded with pressing her butt into me even harder, and letting loose a very loud
fart. I ticked some more, and she got off, satisfied. Our eyes locked for a minute, and something
unspoken passed between us.
By this time Bethany had finished too, and we all moved to the lounge chair. Just before, Amanda
had shed her mini-skirt, saying she was hot. There we sat, with Amanda sitting on my lap on the left
and Bethany on the right. I had both hands busy caressing them on the legs and on the stomach,
giving an occasional peck on the cheek. We just sat there for a while, not saying much, nor needing
I felt a small hand on mine, it was Amanda's. She guided my hand over to her crotch. I hesitated
for a minute, feeling a rush of adrenaline and feeling a stir in my own crotch. We locked eyes for
just a second, but it was enough. I casually caressed her perfectly rounded mons, just as I was her
leg before. She giggled a little and I could of sword I heard a little moan as she once again took my
hand, this time pressing it down, forcing my hand deeper in her mound. My cock was growing
slowly- I was still holding back. Her attentions shifted to my emerging dilemma. She seemed
curious as she reached down to feel, caressing it as I was caressing her. My initial reluctance was
starting to subside as I was relaxing and letting myself be at the mercy of the situation. The girls
were laughing to each other about the curious site of the tent forming in my pants. They asked how
come it was getting bigger, and I told them it was because I was feeling so good right now, that they
were making me feel wonderful. My rubbing increased, and I started to slip my finger in under
Amanda's bathing suit. I was trying to make it like it was an accident, like my fingers were slipping.
I got no resistance, so I slipped farther. I guess Bethany was starting to feel neglected, because she
pulled my right hand into her own crotch. Her's was protected only by thin cotton panties, so it was
even easier for my fingers to do their work. I felt moisture starting to seep out of their most sacred
parts, as I slid my fingers up and down their slits and in circles around their little clits. They told me
how good it felt and occasionally exchanged glances and giggles.
Bethany was the first to ask: "What does your thing look like?" Bethany chimed in with, "Yeah,
we want to see it" I didn't want to interrupt my massage treatment so I simply suggested that they
take it out themselves. Amanda was first again and pulled my pants aside and took out my now
rock hard hard-on. She giggled and pointed out that I wasn't wearing any underwear. I told her how
I always sleep naked and had to throw these on when Bethany came knocking. Both girls just
gawked at my dick, not knowing quite what to do with it.
"Here, let me show you how to make me feel real good." I took Amanda's hand and guided it up
and down my cock slowly. She giggled and said that it felt funny, that it was hard, but kind of
spongy. Bethany joined in, giving me a dual jack-off, while I continued my own probing.
"Let's go in the bedroom and lie on the bed- it has a lot more room." I suggested. They agreed, so
I picked both of them up, one on each side and carried them off to my bedroom. Once their, I let
myself fall onto the bed with them landing with me. This prompted some roughhousing by all with
plenty of tickling. I focused my attention on one, tickling her all over- my mistake. Amanda had
come up behind me and grabbed my shorts and gave a quick pull. With my attention diverted,
Bethany helped her sister and finished the job, leaving me hanging-so to speak. This met with
hysterical laughter from both. I set upon getting even. "All right you two, now you are in trouble."
They shouted phony sounding cries of fear and poorly attempted escape. Bethany was the first one I
caught. She squealed like a pig and laughed unendingly as I lifted her dress off her. "Take that!" I
said, and Amanda laughed as well. While Amanda was paying attention to her sister, I came up
behind her and grabbed the top of her bathing suit on both sides, and peeled it right off, like a
banana. It was Amanda's turn to squeal this time, and Bethany's turn to laugh.
"Hey no fair, Bethany still has her panties on!" Amanda pouted. Wanting to be fair, and part of
the crowd, Bethany lost them as well, saying "There, are you happy now!" They both giggled, and
we got into another wrestling match on the bed. I pretended to be tired, and collapsed on the bed.
They wouldn't hear of it. Both jumped on me and sat themselves down on my stomach. Amanda was
on the front, and I began to caress her soft legs. I felt a tug on my cock as Bethany found a new play
toy, practicing what I taught her. "Rub my pee-pee again, Dave" Amanda pleaded. From the
position she was in, it was awkward, but I tried to please. I could pretty much only use my thumb to
caress her clit. As my thumb was kind of clumsy, I mainly tickled her, causing her to spasm with
every little touch. "You're going to make me pee" she warned as she giggled. If my cock could of
gotten any harder, it would of. This was an interesting prospect. I spread my tickling to her legs, feet
and thighs making her erupt in uncontrolled laughter. My hopes were soon fulfilled when a warm
stream of golden fluid rolled down my chest. I stopped tickling, not wanting a complete flood. Her
lip jutted out and she said "you made me pee" and pouted. Bethany was curios and looked over to
see what all the fuss was about, and laughed at her sister. I hugged Amanda and told Bethany that
she should never laugh at her sister for peeing since she does it too. I told Amanda that it was alright,
that it felt good when she peed on me. She looked at me curiously as my hugs turned back into
caressing. Suddenly mischievous, I asked them if they dared me to drink her pee. They giggled and
said "yuck, that's disgusting!" Then, they glanced at each other and came to an agreement-"We dare
you!" I slid both my hands under Amanda's bottom and gently lifted her toward my face. She
moved around a bit since she was giggling with excitement, so it was hard to keep her still. I
lowered her onto my mouth and spread her legs farther apart so I would have better access. I was
barely able to keep from cumming, I finally had her plump, sweet cunnie right on top of my mouth. I
began to lick all around her mound, relishing the sweet taste of youth. I licked up and down her slit,
then twirling her clit with my tongue. I could barely keep a hold on her, she was wiggling
frantically, mixing laughter with moans. I began to suck, like a baby wanting his milk. It wasn't
long before I was able to quench my thirst. I began to taste the salty-sweet hot liquid trickling from
her slowly at first, but soon pouring out of her. I managed to keep all of it from escaping, savoring
every last drop, still sucking long after she stopped.
No longer concentrating on peeing, Amanda began to press herself harder onto my mouth, and
rock back and forth. I vaguely heard Bethany ask questions from both of us such as "How did it
taste?", "What does it feel like?" and "Let me do it!" Amanda suddenly became tense and let out a
groan and I could barely hold her up. I felt a sudden rush of excitement as I realized that she had her
first orgasm. I gently lifted her off my face and laid her down on the bed nest to me. She just closed
her eyes and relaxed, her energy spent.
Bethany could take no more, she seized the opportunity and jumped up on my face. "Drink
mine!" I didn't need to hold her up, she took complete control. I used my hands instead to caress her
thin but soft body. Her mound wasn't as plump as her sisters, but was just as tasty. I attended to her
just as I did a few minutes before. After drinking my fill, I felt her tense up too, and erupt into a
violent orgasm.
We just laid there for a few minutes, with me gently caressing these two beautiful nymphs. The
girls had lots of questions about what just happened, so I had to do a little sex-ed. They asked if I
had orgasms too, and I told them that I came close several times that day. They wanted to know
why I didn't, and I said I was trying to hold on till later, and I didn't want to come all over the place.
This brought on another round of questions, which I patiently answered. The girls were getting
increasingly interested in my body, having just experienced the pleasures of their own, they wanted
to see how I reacted. They began to caress me, rubbing their hands all over my body. I guided their
hands to my cock and showed them how to fondle it.
Knowing Bethany's love of thumb sucking I suggested "How would you like to suck on that
instead of your thumb? It would really make me feel good." All her inhibitions aside, she
immediately assumed her position over my cock and started sucking. She remained laying down
beside me and used my leg like a pillow and did what came natural to her. Holy shit! She needed no
instruction. I wouldn't last too much longer now.
Amanda was feeling left out and cried "Hey, no fair, I don't get to suck on it!" Sympathetically, I
guided her on top of me with her butt facing me and rubbed her cunt, sliding my fingers up and
down her slit and in and out her hole. She automatically started to rock back and forth and tilted her
butt up even more. She told me how wonderful that felt, and not to stop.
Their I laid, with Bethany at my cock and me at Amanda's cunt. I felt a rush of adrenaline and
the waves of a huge eruption. I felt like my heart would burst under the strain. All the blood was
rushing to my face. My muscles lost control and I started to arch upward and move my legs about. I
felt wave after wave of the best orgasm I ever had. Sometime in that frenzy, Amanda fell of.
Bethany never lost a minute and kept right on sucking. I laid back, exhausted, and told them how
fantastic they made me feel. "Did you come?" they asked. Definitely, I replied. Bethany took a
break from her activities and said proudly, "Yeah, and I sucked it all out, I didn't let any get on the
bed!" We giggled at that, and we had a group hug. I told them how much I loved them, and how
good they made me feel. The told me that they wished they didn't have to leave, that I made them
feel better than they had ever felt. We traded kisses, and I teased them with some tickling.
I came up with a new "game." I asked them if they wanted to do something that would make all
three of us feel good at the same time. This intrigued them both, since they hated to be left out, or to
take turns. I got Amanda and laid her down, spreading her legs. Then I positioned Bethany on top
of her, since she was lighter, with her cunt right on top of her sister's and her legs facing Amanda's
face. I sat over Amanda's legs and then slid my cock in between the sisters' cunts. I caressed
Bethany as I slid my cock in and out the joined crevice, feeling the increasing heat of two girls, now
beginning to moan. The girls helped by rocking in opposing motions. A few times I could feel my
cock going partly in their hole, but it met with too much resistance and stayed in the groove. A few
minutes later, I was once again in the throws of a powerful orgasm, enhanced by two others.
I laid back, separating myself from the tangle. Bethany followed and got off Amanda. Seeing the
cum all over my cock, and on herself, and Bethany, she cried out "I wanted to taste it next!" To this
I said, "well, just lick it off if you want" That she did, and tried to mimic her sister at sucking my
cock, not coming nearly as close. I brushed her hair out of her face and thanked her, and suggested
we all get cleaned up.
We all went into the bathroom to take a shower. Each took turns rubbing soap on another. We
took a long shower, more interested in caressing each other than getting clean.
Being nearly noon by this point, and already having a full day, I pointed out to my guests that they
should get home before their mother worried. I did not want them to get in trouble, especially if they
get grounded. Reluctantly the girls got dressed and left.
I saw them briefly a few times the next week. We never had a day like that, only some fairly
innocent fondling. Their mother must of suspected something, so she had a tighter leash on them.
At the end of the week the inevitable happed, they moved out. Their mother and her fianc<6E> bought a
double wide mobile home in another trailer park to accommodate the larger family. Every time I
walk past their old house I remember that week of that summer and my shorts become much tighter.
Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!!
Be There.....