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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Archive-name: Violent/bedtimmy.txt
Archive-title: Bedtime Story For Timmy, A
When I was 15 I used to have sleep over parties.
I would invite my two best friends Mindy and Lisa and we'd stay up all
night telling ghost stories, doing each other's hair, listening to the
radio and reading Cosmopolitan for juicy sex stories. Most of them we
didn't understand but the ones we did made us very curious. Mindy told
us about the experiences she'd had with boys in our grade but Lisa and I
didn't believe her. Sure she'd been out on dates but we knew her mother
had to drive so what really could have happened?
One night we decided (by group consensus) it was time to put away childish
things and "become women." We waited until Mindy's parents went to sleep
and then got dressed up in some of her older sister's clothes. I put on
lots of makeup, a tight miniskirt with black stockings, her mother's pearls
and a jean jacket. Mindy found a black sundress that required about a
pound of Kleenex be stuffed into her bra. Lisa actually put on her new
cheerleader outfit and after being dared by me, took off her underwear.
So now we were ready. Our destination was clear. We were going to the
McDonalds where (we assumed) all the older kids hung out. Before we
went Mindy made us promise that no matter what happened that night we
would never tell anyone. Lisa and I agreed but Mindy wanted assurance.
She said she wanted to swear some sort of oath so that we would know the
importance of secrecy. She must have had a clear idea of what she wanted
to do that night because she came back from the kitchen with the pot
my mom used for soup. She squatted on top of it and proceeded to defecate
into it RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. I was frozen with the weirdest combination
of horror and fascination I've ever felt. Lisa couldn't stop laughing.
When Mindy finished she pulled down her sundress and DEMANDED that each
of us "add to the pot," which we reluctantly did. After it was over Mindy
pulled out a big wooden spoon and stirred the contents of the pot as if it
were my mom's mushroom barley soup. Then she reached in, scooped some out
with her finger and wiped it on her gums. I took a step back because I
knew what would happen next but Lisa apparently did not. Mindy ran forward,
tackled Lisa and shoved her hand into the pot forcing her to wipe the feces
into her own mouth. Lisa gagged a lot and eventually puked but she did it,
it was over. Mindy got up, brushed herself off and looked straight into my
eyes. Would it be a struggle or would I simply go along with the idea?
It's not worth going into the complexities of my relationship with Mindy
or the years I've spent in therapy becuse of them, so let it suffice to
say that going through with it was the lesser of two evils. I walked toward
the pot, bent over and scooped out a huge chunk, never for a second taking
my eyes off Mindy's. I opened my mouth and shoved the huge load in gagging
immediately and spitting it out, tears streaming from my eyes. Mindy was
visibly impressed so I picked up what I'd dropped, still never unlocking
our gaze, and wiped a lesser amount on the inside of my lips.
It was done.
The almost mystical mood set by Mindy was broken as we thouroughly rinsed
with mouthwash after mouthwash: Listerine to kill the bacteria and worms
that we were sure took up residence in gums and Scope for that "fresh
minty taste." Looking back I realize that getting the taste out of our
mouths was the easy part. Getting it out of our brains would take quite
a bit longer...
At the McDonalds there was the usual assortment of high school guys: smoking,
talking, laughing and acting real cool. We bought Cokes and sat at a table
by a window pretending not to notice the ones who were definitely staring.
A couple of guys sat at our table for awhile and even invited us to a college
party. Lisa and I said yes but Mindy vetoed the idea with the slightest turn
of her head. She said something to the effect that "it wasn't what she had
in mind." We stayed in the booth for a couple more hours 'til it seemed the
night would be a total waste. A few times guys tried to pick us up but each
time Mindy shot them down quicker than the last. I got up and started talking
to one of the guys that invited us to the party. I promised him that if
my friend didn't make up her mind soon about what she wanted to do I would
definitely go with him.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mindy slide out of the booth and strut over
to where two guys were sitting. They looked more like truck drivers in their
thirties than college guys but they were polite and invited Mindy to sit
with them. There was no way from this distance I could hear what they were
saying, especially with this guy talking in my face, but I could see them
laughing and becoming REAL touchy, as in touchy-feely. Mindy was running
some game on them and they were eating it up. I excused myself to rejoin
Lisa at the booth so we could discuss what we thought Mindy was up to but no
sooner had I gotten there than Mindy AND the two guys joined us. Their
names were Dave and Steve and they were very polite. Steve was much sexier
in both appearance and attitude but Dave had the better body--- not that I
think about those things... After about another hour and another round
of Cokes we decided to go back to Steve's place. It wasn't even a decision
we made so much as what seemed to be "the natural order of things."
It was about midnight when we got to Steve's apartment. There was a party
going on a few floors above him and we all thought it would be fun to crash
it after awhile. He opened the door for Lisa and we all went in single file.
No sooner had the door shut than Dave wheeled around and kicked Lisa in the
stomach sending her reeling to the floor. I froze until I felt two powerful
arms from behind pick me up and throw me onto the couch. My face hit the
wooden arm of the couch causing me to bite my tongue which bled profusely.
Mindy, meanwhile, had run to the door not to escape, but to lock it and
stay in! That's when I knew...
Dave jumped into the corner where Lisa had fallen, grabbed a handful
of her hair and used it to bash her head into the wall. Instead of
screaming for help Lisa kept screaming "HARDER!, HARDER!" Dave stopped
long enough to pull out a small razor and cut Lisa lengthwise down the arm
about three inches from the shoulder. Then he stuck out his tongue
and licked the blood away in long vertical swipes. That was all I could see
of Lisa because Steve had climbed on top of me and unzipped his fly forcing
himself into my mouth. The thrusting motions pushed the blood farther into
my throat until I could no longer breathe, but every time I thought I'd pass
out he'd pull back and allow me a gulp of air; not enough to feel comfortable,
but enough to restore consciousness. This went on and on for what seemed
like an eternity until I managed enough strength to push him onto the floor.
I stood up, pulled up my skirt slowly, peeled down my undies and got on top
of him. All he kept saying was "lovely, lovely..." which freaked me out 5
years later when I finally rented "Frenzy."
On the other side of the room Mindy and Dave were taking turns cutting
Lisa with the razor and wiping the blood on their faces while kissing. Lisa
was too out of it to notice but Dave had his fist and most of his arm
up inside her. When Mindy tried to pull his arm out Dave punched her in
the face throwing her backward about ten feet. Still, Mindy hobbled
back toward him pleading with him to do it again which he promptly did. Her
face was all smeared with blood, both her own and Lisa's and her features
were severely distorted yet she kept begging him to hit her over and over
again. When she finally couldn't muster the strength to crawl toward him,
he crawled toward her, got on top of her, lifted her sundress and pounded
himself into her so hard that I could see blood ooze from where their
wastes were locked. Mindy was half conscious but she was definitely loving
Lisa meanwhile had vomited while lying on her back and was choking up
little bubbles. I got off Steve long enough to turn Lisa over so she
could breathe but ran back to him fast enough to resume our activity.
Apparently he was upset at the interruption and pulled on the back of
my hair snapping my head back forcefully. He took out a razor of his own
and made a small nick VERY close to my jugular vein. Not close enough
to do damage but close enough to excite me like nothing ever has since.
After that I did anything he wanted and even suggested a few things he'd
never thought of. I didn't speak (not words anyway) but simply motioned
what I'd like him to do to me. If he disagreed he'd simply slap me
across the face or punch me hard in the kidneys. If he liked my suggestion
(like the one with the soldering iron) he'd do it instantly, wordlessly.
There was blood everywhere: running down my neck, out my legs, from my behind,
my mouth, everywhere. Lisa was still trying to turn over in her own pile
of vomit and blood and Mindy was as beaten and bruised as a person could
possibly be without dying, yet was moaning in ecstasy.
The last thing I remember was Steve's fist coming straight at my face
with a fierce velocity. After that it was blackness.
More blackness followed by a smattering of light as my swollen eyes tried
to open. I was in some very small room with wet things all around me. I
crawled out to discover that the three of us had ben placed in a dumpster
behind the Drive-in theater. My skirt was missing and I only had ripped
underwear and a t-shirt on. Lisa had only the top of her cheerleader
outfit and Mindy was completely nude. I gathered the three of us together (it
must have been about 4 in the morning) and we hobbled home confident that we'd
had the greatest night of our lives.