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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Uploaded by Raphael - The Tremendous Trio
Written by 808 STATE
Uploaded - Raphael
Edited - Raphael & 808 State
Once upon a time boys and girls, in a far away land, there lived a little
boy by the name of Dion. He was a nasty little boy, having been sexually
abused as a child, it had left an indelible mark on his fragile young mind.
After being raped persistantly by his father, and his mates at the lodge,
he withdrew from society, not wanting to mix with other people because he
felt as if it was his fault, that he was so brutally and constantly abused.
It was this that drew him to computers. They enabled him to talk to
others without showing his face. He was scared of everyone, and had a huge
inferiority complex that he was subhuman and dirty. This was what
influenced him to develop a character called Future Man, a role he played
in the computer world. He was a loser in real life, but he found that if
he acted "c00l" in the computer world, he could be a winner, and people
would respect him.
He didn't have much of an education, having left school in year nine after
his father raped him so badly that it left Dion mentally and emotionally
paralysed. But, he found that in the computer world, the bbs world, he
could pretend to be cool and intelligent.
After a while, he formed a group. He needed to have people around him that
he could turn to, when he felt like scum. He needed to feel as if he was
important. That is why he founded a group called X-NET, a group that Dion
secretly used to make himself look powerful and dangerous, whilst in fact
he was just a stupid, acne faced, brat who's only claim to fame was that he
had had an incestuous relationship with his father.
Anyway, as time went on, people started to get scared of Dion in the
computer world, because he talked big, and would threaten everyone. The
reason why he felt he had to use and abuse people, was that he knew that he
was vermin. He knew that the cycle of abuse would continue, and when he
got older he too would abuse his children, this scared him. He was angry,
and used others to vent it on.
After a while, things started to change. Dion threatened too many people
and people started to hate him, some even wanted to kill him. Dion got
scared, very scared. He never thought that he would get in so much
trouble, because to him it was just a game, a ploy to trick himself into
believing his own worth in the world. He had no-one to turn to, his mom
worked nights as a prositute and slept during the day, and his father was
kept away as a result of a court order. He could only turn to his
grandmother, a slimy hag who spent her time collecting cans from garbage
bins in the city. He turned to her, but she just laughed at him, telling
him that he was nothing but scum. Dion cried, and cried. He was only a
little boy in a big man's world, and this was too much.
He finally turned to the federal police. They offered him their sticky
hand and brought Dion into their family. At last he felt like he had a
real mother and father. The federal police told Dion that if he busted
local phreaks and hacks, they would keep looking after him. Dion was
scared, and at first didn't know what to do. But when they told him that
for every phreak he busted they would give him a marsbar, he agreed.
Dion went around busting people, laughing in their face. This went on for
some time, till one day, whilst Dion lay awake at night, thinking about the
IBM wares he would soon import from the states, there was a knock on the
door. He got out of bed, pushing Fido aside. Opening the door, before he
had a chance to see who it was, a knife entered his slimy scabous stomach,
ripping it open like a sack of blood. Dion screamed aloud, his eyes
rolling back into his head. The masked assassin, stepped out of the
darkness into the light. He was wearing a black balaclava with a teenage
mutant ninja t-shirt. He was holding a huge knife, dripping with Dion's
Dion lay motionless on the floor, not moving. Blood dripped from his
wound, spilling out onto the floor. The assassin stepped forward, lifting
the knife above his head. He drove it down, laughing hysterically, as the
knife drove into Dions thin, pale neck. It entered his neck, ripping his
oesophagus apart and shattering his spine, spilling spinal fluid across the
floor. Dion clutched his throut, trying to stop the spillage, but it was
to no avail, the flow of blood and bilous gray matter was too much. He
began vomiting, but the vomit failed to reach his mouth, simply dripping
from the gaping wound.
The assailent was merciless in his violence, swinging the knife against
Dion's face. Slicing into his cheek, cracking the bone of his cheek. Dion
slumped down further towards the ground. He tried to get to his feet, but
couldn't, the masked killer was a proffessional and did his job with deadly
accuracy. The knife flew with almost sickening brutality into Dion's flesh,
ripping his heart out. It pulsated on the floor, veins and capillaries
hanging off it, all jumping, spraying blood across Dion's cum stained
Dion was dead. His heart was on the ground. His head was split open, and
brain fluid dripped down his ugly, disgusting, face. The assassin laughed
to himself as he kicked Dion over. Taking out a sack, he filled it with
his body parts to take home and feed to his dog.
As he left the house, he removed his programmable calculator from his
pocket. Flicked it open, and said softly to himself..."Hmmm, next stop,
If you would like to make the above fantasy fact, then here's Dion's
address and phone number:
560 Mountain Leech
PH: 381-4027