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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Courtesy of Bob Paddock...
Fri Sep 06 06:26:07 1991:
Will food become illegal?
On September 10th, 1991 a vote on H.R. 2597 is to be taken if this
becomes law the FDA will be able to tell you what is good for you to
eat, or what kind of substances (like Vitamins) that you will be
allowed to put INTO YOUR OWN BODY! If you don't do it their way FDA
could impose penalties of up to $1,000,000 for each act that an
individual does, fails to do, or should have known to do that act
violates a provision of the Food, Drug, And Cosmetic Act.
Please call your Congressional Representatives immediately and tell
them that you do NOT support the loss of freedom that H.R. 2597
purports. Our ancestors died to make this "The Land of the Free" now
our own Congressional Representatives are trying to take that freedom
From "BASIC CARE CENTRE" newsletter:
H.R. 2597 was introduced on June 7,1991 by Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-24-
CA), Chair of Health and The Environment Subcommittee of the House, and
by Rep. John D. Dingell (D-16-MI), Chair of the House Energy and
Commerce Committee.
This bill would empower the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with
enforcement actions that would deny individuals and companies any
rights before the courts, and would empower FDA to harass, bankrupt,
and file criminal charges against almost any U.S. citizen for almost
any reason!
FDA could impose penalties of up to One Million Dollars for each act
that an individual does, fails to do, or should have known to do that
[act] violates an provision of the Food, Drug, And Cosmetic Act.
FDA would have the power to institute 24-hour electronic surveillance
of any healthcare businesses and demand that certain records be
FDA would have the power to issue subpoenas to force testimony and the
production of records from any person in the health care industry at
any time, for any reason at all.
FDA would have the power to destroy an product imported from any other
country that it deems is "dangerous".
FDA could stop citizens from bringing into this country any
medications, products, or therapies they receive as part of health care
in Mexico, Europe, or any other part of the world.
In effect H.R. 2597 is the MOST repressive piece of legislation EVER
proposed in the history of the U.S. Congress, in our opinion. The
infamous Claud Pepper Bills of 1984 (H.R. 6049,6051,6060) that everyone
fought so valiantly to defeat, pale in comparison to this outrageous
attack on freedom of choice in health care.
H.R. 2597 is so outrageous that the following associations in
mainstream business have sent a letter of protest to Representative
Waxman about the bill's sweeping and unjustified scope: American
Bankers Association, Animal Health Institute, Association for Dressings
and Sauces, Association of Food Industries, Calorie Control Council,
Concord Grape Association, Cosmetic, Toiletry & Fragrance Association,
Grocery Manufactures of America, Health Industry Manufactures
Association, Preserve Association, National Assn. of Margarine
Manufacturers, National Electrical Manufactures Association, National
Food Processors Association, National Pasta Association, National Pecan
Shellers Association, American Frozen Food Institute, National Single
Service Food Association, Non prescription Drug Manufactures Assn.,
Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association, and The Vinegar Institute.
H.R. 2597 presents an opportunity, probably for the first time in
history, for everyone in business and industry who appreciates and
understands the issue of free choice and competition to join forces an
align themselves against oppression. As a consumer of health care
products and therapies, you must join with us in opposing H.R. 2597.
Please contact your Congressional Representatives immediately!
The following is the kind of information that will be stopped if H.R.
2597 becomes law:
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin tell us: They completed
studies which indicate that D-limonene, a component of the essential
oil found in all peels of the citrus family is useful in lowering the
incidence of chemically induced mammary tumors [breast cancer], it is
also effective in rate of regression of tumors. Other benefits are
potential cholesterol lowering effect.
Ganoderma (Reishi) Mushroom: Under Ref: 1 listed below studies with
mice show immune system enhancement, other studies demonstrated
significant anti-tumor activity of polysaccharides which had been
isolated from Ganoderma. Extract of Ganoderma lucidum had the ability
to stimulate a defense mechanism within the central nervous system,
correcting parasympathetic nerve function, while at the same time
improving heart function. There are many more documented studies
available if your are interested.
A team of British & Egyptian scientists find soybeans can block the
formation of nitrosamines, (cancer causing agent) more effectively than
Vitamin C, which is added to cured meats to prevent nitrosamines from
Shitake Mushroom: In a letter to the medical journal Lancet, Oct. 20,
1984 Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of the HIV virus, and the 2 French
researchers form the Pasteur Institutes stated that Lentinan, and
extract of the Shitake mushroom may prove to be effective in AIDS or
HIV carriers. In addition to its anti-tumor activity Lentinan has
demonstrated anti-viral properties, interferon inducing, natural killer
cell enhancer as well as enhancing the rate of phagocytosis.
Cassia Tora: Duke, J.A. & Ayensu, E.S. (1985) Medical Plants of China,
Vol. 1, p. 223: extracts of the seeds of Cassia Tora have been
discovered to possess specific anti-tumor properties, as well as a
natural blood pressure regulating property.
Pearl: Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine scientists
list a long list of effects they find to be associated with pearl:
anti-inflammatory properties, improvement in vision, removal of toxic
substances from body tissue, skin texture improvement and strengthening
of the bones.
The Shanghai College also reports on the benefits of Mulberry leaves,
they are high in protein, 15 essential amino acids, high in vitamin C,
A, D, & E. It was observed to decrease blood sugar levels as well as
blood pressure.
Medical plants of China book lists Lotus for anti-tumor activity, as
well as an aid to circulation.
Ref 1: Shin H.W.; Kim H.W.; Choi, Toh S.H. & Kim K.B. Studies on
inorganic composition and immunopotentiation activity of ganoderma
lucidum in Korea. (1985) Korean Pharmacog 16 (4) 181-190.
From "BASIC CARE CENTRE" newsletter:
It is Labor Day weekend and I am writing perhaps my last newsletter on
scientific research on foods and how they affect our body.
I am appealing to everyone to please read [the above] and learn what
two pathetically misguided men (Waxman & Dingell) in our government are
trying to rob us of. This bill [HR2597] is to be voted on September
10th, 1991. Your help is desperately needed. After reading the
[above], please write or call your congressman & ask he vote against
this outrageous bill, then please call 5 others & ask they do the same,
then ask that they keep the chain going by 5 people calling 5 others
and in a very short time you will have been responsible for advising
thousands of people to let them know the 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, & 14th
amendments will be violated.
Please take the time to ensure our rights, we pay these people and
surely they can find better ways to spend their time than persecute
some of the finest elements of society today. I have never heard of a
plane, train, bus or car accident cased by overdose of vitamins,
minerals or herbal formulas.
All of the above is from the "Basic Car Centre" newsletter by D.
Little. Contact Basic Care Centre at 72 Lamont Drive, No. Huntingdon,
PA. 15642 (412) 824-1868.
My questions is this: If the government allows things that are bad
for your health, like alcohol and tobacco, to be sold, then why are
they trying to stop us from getting the things that are good for us?
Are they trying to kill us all off??????