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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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Survival Check system
Here follows a new system for calculating what negative HP total a character
can go to before death. There is no exact cutoff point, where you live at one
HP total, and die one point less.
Once a character's HP have been stabilized, the negative HP total and the
character's CON are summed up (for example, a character with -8 HP and a 13 CON
would end up with "5") This number is the bonus (or penalty) to a save vs death
which the character must succeed. (Save vs death at +5 or you're toast)
If you like, you can have a character who fails this check die, but it's a bit
harsh for characters who go to -1 HP and roll a one on their survival check.
Here's how I work it:
When characters go to a negative HP total up to half their CON...
-A successful survival check indicates unconsciousness
-A failed survival check indicates a coma
When characters go to a negative HP total up to their CON...
-A successful survival check indicates coma
-A failed survival check indicates critical condition
When characters go to a negative HP total beyond their CON...
-A successful survival check indicates critical condition
-A failed survival check indicates death
Definitions of above terms:
-UNCONSCIOUSNESS: The character remains stabilized at the negative HP total he
was at, regaining 1HP/day through natural healing, although magical healing can
speed the process.
-COMA: The character remains stabilized at the negative HP total he was at,
regaining 1HP/week (1/7hp per day). Magical healing heals at 1/7 normal rate,
round fractions DOWN.
-CRITICAL CONDITION: The character remains temporarily stabilized at the
negative HP total he was at. Each day, he must make a system shock check or lose
1HP. If the check succeeds by 50% or more (a 90% system shock check rolling 45%
or under), the character regains 1/4 HP. This could leave a character
unconscious for months, and it would STILL be uncertain if he/she would survive.
Magical healing has NO effect, except for a _heal_ spell, which brings a
character to the coma condition.
Greg Howley |
Central CT State U | NEVER accept a teleport spell
Howley_Greg@CCSUa.CTStateU.Edu | from a mage with no legs.