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Amigatized by Orage Rouge
Thanks to Lazarus Long, Black Plague, and Milton Bostoc for
the original, and their efforts getting this to you:
"...The Adventurer's Journal is 60 pages long and is written in a wierd type of
Font. We couldn't get the handscanner to scan it into text form. So instead
we had to go about the long process of typing out the docs by hand. You may
find a spelling mistake or two but the information in the Journal Entries are
crucial in playing the game fully."
Note: There are NO maps available with this release! This work origninated
on an MS-DOS machine and the maps provided were done with an runtime
character-based graphics routine - USELESS on the Amiga! Scanned IFF
maps should be available soon, how 'bout it MICTANECHTULI? :-)
Page 1 of The Adventurer's Journal
How the Heroes Arrive...
The Miners haul the chest of gems to the edge of the well. The iron-banded
boxes teeter a moment on the brink then tumble over and break the glassy
surface with a splash. The mayor steps forward, clad in worn armor, and
raises his hands skyward, beseeching "Great Well of Knowledge, I call upon
you to bring us champions to defeat the evil that infests our mine."
The Sky grows dark and the ground rumbles. The air is electric with eldrich
power. With a crackle of light appear several figures, laying dazed and
naked upon the ground. One of the miners moves cautiously to the nearest,
and shakes him, eliciting only an incoherent groan. He looks up at the mayor
and asks, "You sure these folks are worth the entire treasury? They don't
seem too impressive to me. Maybe you should have asked for armor and swords
and stuff too?"
The mayor frowns in concentration. "The ways of the well are mysterious ...
it has always been reliable, but not predictable. Our wish has summoned these
heroes bereft of equipment or sence. We must take them back to town and give
them whatever help we can. Only then can we hope for their aid."
Page 2 of the Adventurer's Journal
The Dazed bodies are loaded into cards and they begin weaving their way
through a maze of collapsed buildings. Suddenly streaks of fire light
the overcast sky and shoot toward the well. Straggling miners rush up to
the carts yelling incoherently. "Flames from the sky ... creatures attacked
and encircled the well ... teleporters shut down ... Fritz is dead!"
The carts bounce on more quickly util they pass through a gateway and pull
up at a large house. The miners lift the still limp adventurers and take
them inside. The mayor steps forward and states, "Now we wait. They
must recover from the shock. We must trust that the well has provided
what we need."
Page 3 of the Adventurer's Journal
To Play secret of the Silver blades you must have a party of adventurer
characters. To build a party you must make characters of varying race
and class. The characters have different attributes that will be indicated
by their ability scores. The following sections will explain what you need
to know to create successful adventuring parties.
The Player Races --
There are six races from which you may construct your player characters (PCs).
Each race has different talents and limitations. Charts and tables in the
appendix at the back of the Journal summarize the abilites and class
limitations for the different races. Non-human characters can also combine
character classes and may also have additional special abilities.
DWARVES are a cunning race of sturdy workers and craftsmen. They are
expecially resistant to magic and poison. During combad, Dwarves receive
bonuses when attacking man-sized giant class creatures and are adept at
dodging the attacks of larger giant-class creatures. Dwarves can be
fighters, thieves, and fighter-thieves.
ELVES are a tall, long-lived race. They are nearly immune to sleep and
charm spells and are adept at finding hidden objects. During combat, Elves
receive bonuses when attacking with swords and bows. They cannot be raised
from the dead. Elves can be fighters, magic-users, thieves, fighter/magic -
users, fighter/thieves, magic-user/thieves, and fighter/magic-user/thieves.
HALF-ELVES are hybrids with many of the virtues of both human and elves.
They are resistant to sleep and charm spells and are adept at finding
hidden objects. Half Elves can be fighters, magic-users, clerics, thieves,
rangers, cleric/fighters, cleric/rangers, cleric/magic-users, fighter/magic-
users, fighter/thieves, magic-user/thieves, cleric/fighter/magic-users,
or fighter/magic-user/thives.
GNOMES are shorter and slimmer than their dwarf cousins. They are especially
resistant to magic. During combat, Gnomes receive bonuses when attacking
man-sized giant-class creatures and are adept at dodging the attacks of
larger giant-class creatures. Gnomes can be fighters, thievs, and fighter/
HALFLINGS are about half the size of a human, hence their name. They are
especially resistant to magic and poison. They can be fighters, thieves,
and fighter/thieves.
HUMANS are the most common player-race in the Forgotten Realms. They suffer
no level racial limitations or ability modifiers. Humans do have the
disability of shorter lifespans than the other races. This may be a
problem, especially if human characters have come from Curse of the Azure
Bonds or they have been subjected to many Haste Spells. They can be
fighters, magic-users, clerics, thieves, rangers, palidins, and
Dual-Class Characters.
Ability Scores --
Every character has six randomly generated ability scores. These scores fall
within the range determined by the race and class of the character (see the
range of ability scores by race table on page 47) for humans, that range
is from 3(low) to 18(high).
Page 4 of the Adventurer's Journal
Depending on the character class, one ormore of these abilities will be
a prime requisite. A prime requisite is an ability especially valuable to
a given class (strength for a figher, wistem for a cleric, Intelligence for
a Magic-User, Dexterity for a Thief, etc.). Characters receive bonus
experience points when their prime requisite scores are at or above a
certain number ( 16 in most instances ).
Non-human characters may receive modifiers to the basic ability scores to
reflect differences between the races. Dwarves, for instance, get a +1
constitution bonus and may have a maximum constitution of 19 instead of 18.
When a character is generated with the CREATE NEW CHARACTER command, all
racial modifiers are calculated automatically.
( Writer's Note -- Skipped the rest of page 4, wasn't important )
Page 5 of the Adventurer's Journal
Experience Points (XP) ---
Are a measure of what the character has learned on his adventurers.
Characters receive XP for actions such as fighting monsters, finding treasures
and successfully completing quests. See the Advancement Tables for each
class XP requirments.
Level ---
Is a measure of a character's ability in his class. As characters gain XP,
they may go up in levels. Most new characters will begin the game at 8th
level except for magic-users which start at 9th level, and thieves which start
at 10th level. Characters with racial level limits may start the game at
their maximum level if it less than the normal starting level. When
charactters have enough XP they can go to the hall and receive the
training required to increase in level. Characters may only advance one
level at a time. If a character has gained enough XP to go up two or more
levels since the last time he has trained, he will go up one level and lose
all XP in excess of one point below the next level. Once Characters have
reached their maximum levels for this game, they should not train.
Hit Points (HP) ---
Represent the amount of damage a character can take before he goes unconscious
or dies. Characters gain HP every time they increase in level. Bonuses
for high constitutions are calculated automatically. When a character takes
enough damage that his HP reach 0, he is unconscious. If the character's
HP drop to anything from -1 to -9, he will lose 1 HP per turn from
bleeding until he is bandaged or dies. A character is dead if HP drops
to -10 HP or less. When you view a character, his HP on the screen will be
displayed as less than 0.
Page 6 of the Adventurer's Journal.
Character Classes ---
A character must belong to at least one character class. Non-human
characters can have more than once class at the same time. Non-human
characters with multiple classes have more playing options, but increase
in level slower because XP is divided evenly among all classes.
CLERICS have spells bestowed on them by their deity and can fight
wearing armor and using crushing (no edged or pointed) weapons. Clerics
must memorize their spells just as magic-users, but they do not use
grimoires (Spell Books). When clerics gain a new spell level, they will
automatically be able to use any of the available spells for the new level.
The prime requisite for clerics is Wisdom.
FIGHTERS can fight with an armor or weapons, but they cannot cast magic-user
spells. Fighters can have exceptional strength and gain additional HP
bonuses if they have a Constitution of 17+. The prime requisite for fighters
is Strength.
RANGERS can fight with any armor or weapons. Rangers can have exceptional
strength and gain additional HP bonuses if they have a constitution of
17+. They do additional damage in combat when fighting giant-class
creatures. At 8th level rangers may begin to cast druid spells, at
9th level they gain magic-user spells. Rangers must be of good alignment
and have ability scores of at least 13 in strength and intelligecne and at
least 14 in wisdom and constitution. The prime requisites for rangers are
Strength, Intelligence, and Wisdom.
PALIDINS can fight with any armor or weapons and cast a few clerical
spells once they reach 9th level. Palidins can have exceptional strength
and gain additional HP bonuses if they have a constitution of 17+.
They are more resistant to spells and poison, can turn undead creatures
as if they were a cleric two levels below their current level and are
always surronded by the equivalent of a protection from Evil spell.
A palidin may heal two HP of damage per his level once a day. A Palidin
may Cure Disease once a week at 1st-5th levels, twice a week at 6th-10th and
Page 7 of the Adventurer's Journal
three times a week at 11th-15th level. At 9th level palidins gain the ability
to cast clerical spells. A palidin will not adventuer with any evil
characters. Palidins must be of lawfull good alignment and have ability
scores of at least 9 in intelligince and wisdom, at least 12 in strength,
and at least 17 in charisma. The prime requisites for palidins are
Strength and Wisdom.
MAGIC-USERS have powerful spells, but can use no armor and few weapons.
They can only memorize those spells available in their magical grimoires
(personal magic spell books) or use scrolls. Magic-users may add new spells
to their grimoires whenever they go up in level or find scrolls with
spells of levels that they scribe. The prime requisite for magic-users
is Intelligence.
THIEVES can fight with swords and slings and wear leather armor. In combat
they do additionaly damage 'back stabbing' which is described in the
combat section. Thieves also have special skills for opening locks and
removing traps. High level thieves also have a chance of casting magic-user
spells from scrolls. The prime requisite for thieves is Dexterity.
MULTI-CLASS are non-human characters who belong to two or more classes
at the same time. The character's experience points are divided among each
of the classes, even after the character can no longer advance in one or
more of those classes. The character's HP per level are average among the
classes. The multi-class character gains all the benefits of all classes
reagard to weapons and equipment.
DUAL-CLASS are human characters who had one class for the first part
of their life, and then changed into a new class for the remainder. Once
a character changes classes, he cannot advance in his old class. Dual-class
characters do not gain HP and cannot use the abilites of the old class while
their new class level is less than or equal to the old class level. Once
the character's level in his new class is gerater than the level in his
old class, he gains HP according to his new class and may use abilites from
both classes. Human dual-class magic-users may not cast magic-user spells
while they are wearing armor.
ALIGNMENT - is the philosophy a character lives by. Alignment can affect how
NPCs and some magic items in the game react to a character.
-- I skipped Page 8, didn't have anything usefull.. Went right to page 9 --
Page 9 of the Adventurer's Journal.
PREPARATION TIPS -- ONce the party has been outfitted, encamp at the mayor's
house and ready your weapons, armor and shields. Then ahve all spellcasters
memorize spells. Finally, save the game before continuing.
Combat occurs often during your adventuers. Combat takes place on a tactical
map. This map is a detailed 3-D view of the map terrain that they party was
in when combat began. This map is overlaid with an invisible square grid.
As you move characters, you will notice that everything moves on the grid
from square to square. Moving diagonally often costs more movement points
than moving horizontally or vertically.
INITIATIVE -- Each round of combat is divided into 10 segments. Which
segment a character or monster acts in depends on his initiative number. This
is a randomly generated number for each character and moster. This random
number is generated at the beginning of each combat round and is modified
by dexterity bonuses or penalties and random factoers ( such as surprise) to
arrive at the initiative number.
COMPUTER CONTROL -- The computer controls the actions of monsters and NPCs.
The computer also controls any PCs set to computer control with the QUICK
command. You may take control of PC characters during any combat round.
AC - A character or monster's difficulty to be hit is represented by his
Armor Class or AC. THe lower the AC the harder it is to hit the target.
AC is based on the armor a character is wearing and any dexterity bonus.
Some Magic items, such as enchanted armor, will help a character's AC.
THAC0 -- The character's THAC0 represents his ability to hit enemies in
melee or with missle fire. THAC0 stand for TO HIT ARMOR CLASS 0. This
is the number a character must 'role' equal to or greater than to do
damage on at targent with an AC of 0. The lower the THAC0 the better the
chance to hit the target.
Page 10 -
NOTE: The regeneration of a random number is often referred to as a
"roll". In determining if an attack is successful, the roll is a random
number from 1 to 20.
An attack is successful if the random number is greater than or equal to the
attackers THAC0 minus the target's AC. THAC0 may be modified by range,
attacking from the rear, magic weapons, and magic spells among other things.
A fighter with a THAC0 of 15 attacking a monster with an AC of 3 would need
to roll:
(THAC0 15) - (AC 3) = 12+
But to hit a monster with an AC of -2 he would need to roll:
(THAC0 15) - (AC -2) = 17+
When a hit is scored, the attacker does damage. Damage is the range of HP loss
the attacker inflicts when he hits an opponent in combat. Damage depends on
the attackers strength and weapon type. The Damage each weapon can do is
summarized in the Weapon List on page 54.
Some monsters take only partial or no damage from certain weapon types. Giant
Slugs, for example, take no damage from blunt weapons (Maces etc..), while
some of the other monsters only take damage from magical weapons.
Whenever characters or monsters are poisoned, or attacked by most magic
spells, such as FireBall or Lighting, the computer checks to see if they made
their saving throw. A successful save means that the target had some innate
immunity to the poison, or was not hit full-force by the spell. Generally, a
successful save will mean that the target was unaffected or damaged that would
have otherwise be taken is halved.
A thief will stab if he attacks a target from exactly opposite the first
character to attack the target. The thief may not back stab if he has readied
armor heavier than leather (Exception: Elfin Chain Mail). A back stab has a
better chance of hitting and does additional damage.
A character may not attack an adjacet target with a missle weapon (Bow, Sling
etc...). A character may attack an adjacent target with a thrown weapon (Axe,
Club etc...). Bows can attack twice per turn. Thrown darts can attack three
times per turn.
Fighters, Paladins, and Rangers attack more than once per combat round when
they get to higher levels. The first bonus is three attacks every two rounds.
Later, they attack twice each round. See the chart on page 49.
All of a charcters attacks are aimed against the first target. If the first
target goes down with the first attack, aim any remaining attack at another
Page 11 -
The number of squares a character can move is affected by the weight he's
carrying, his strength, and the kind of armor he has readied. A character's
movement range is displayed on the view screen and when moving during combat.
A character may flee from the battlefield if he can move faster than all
enemies. A character may not move off the battlefield if he moves slower than
any enemies. A character has a 50% chance to move off the battlefield if he can
move as fast as the fastest enemy.
Exception - If a monster or character can reach the edge of the combat map
without any of his opponents being able to see him, he may then flee
successfully even though he may be slower than his opponents.
A Character that moves off the battlefield returns to the party after the
fight is over. If the whole party flees it will not receive any XP for
monsters killed before retreating.
If one or more characters survive on the battlefield at the end of combat, the
bodies of the unconscious or dead party members stay with the party. If the
entire party flees from combat, all unconscious or dead members are
permanently lost. If all the party members are slain, go back to your last
saved game and try again from that point.
Throughout "Secret of the Silver Blades", your party engages a colorful
collection of foes. At times, the party may elect to avoid a confrontation,
choosing conversation or flight instead. More often, however, they must stand
and fight.
To succeed in combat, a skilled player deploys his party well, casts effective
spells before and during combat, maneuvers his characters into advantageous
position, and attacks using his most powerful characters and weapons.
When a battle begins, your party is automatically positioned based on the
existing order of the characters. Characters near the top of the order will be
in front lines and volunerable to attack. To change the starting deployment,
change the order from the Alter Menu while encamped. Shift the heavily-armored
fighters up the list and the vulnerable magic-users and thieves towards the
bottom of the list. Party order my not be changed while in combat.
When battle begins, your party may be placed in a bad position. If you wish to
be defensive, move your characters to anchor your flanks on an obstacle such
as a wall. Keep your magic-users behind the front line. Setting up behind a
doorway that your enemies have to move through makes for a very strong
defensive position.
Characters who are seriously Injured should be moved out of the front lines if
possible. Be warned, If you move away from an adjacent enemy, he will get a
free attack at your back. Back players have an improved chance to hit.
Page 13 -
A magic-user can also scribe spells from indentified scrolls if he is of high
enough level to cast them. A magic-user must cast the Read magic spell in
order to indentify the spells on the scroll. A spell disappears after it has
been scribed or cast. Only magic-users (And high level theives) can cast
magic-user spells from scrolls.
Clerical magic requires no spell books. All clerical spells of the apropriate
level are always available to a cleric or high-level Paladin, the character
needed only memorize them.
When a cleric finds a clerical scroll, he can use the spells directly from the
scroll regardless of level. Paladins can never use clerical scrolls, even if
they may cast the spell.
Both Clerics and magic-users may cast spells which assist the party in combat.
Preparatory spells just before a battle can protect and strenthen characters.
During battle, your spells will damage your opponents and help your party.
Spells should be memorized as soon as possible after they are used. This is
most likely to happen after combat. Encamp, have your spell-casters memorize
spells and select REST to allow them to imprint the spells for later use.
NOTE: After resting, it is a good idea to save your game after every tough
combat. You should have at least two seperate saved games at all times and
alternate between them. This will allow you to go back to a saved game before
a fatal battle.
Page 14 -
As you travel about and encounter the monsters and puzzles that stand between
you and finishing your various quests. You will also find magical items to
help you on your way. Here are descriptions of some items that you may find.
Not all of these items may be found in your adventure. You can find out if
there is a magic item in a treasure by doing a DETECT Magic spell using the
DETECT command. To find out specifically what an item is, you must take it to
an armoury or finfd a shop and have it indentified.
Some magic items are, in reality cursed and can do great harm. When a
character readies a cursed item, a Remove Curse spell must be cast before the
item can be dropped. Some magic items, such as wands or scrolls, may only be
used by certain classes. Others may not work at all if certain other magic
items are also in use.
Wands are the traditional objects of enchantment. Wands generally will cast a
set number of a given spell (10 FireBalls or 15 Magic Missles for nstance).
Only experimentation or paying to have them indentified will tell what a wand
does. The USE command allows a character to cast spells with a readied wand.
Potions are a common magical treasure, Potions may heal wounded characters,
cause them to become hastened or invisible, or cause any number of other
effects. The USE command will allow a character to drink a readied potion.
Either clerical or from magic-users, these items may have spells that
characters couldn't otherwise cast. A Magic-User may use SCRIBE to permanently
transfer a scroll into his grimoire if the spell is of a level that he can
memorize. Magic-Users and clerics can cast spells directly from scrolls with
the USE command. High level theives may also attempt to cast
Page 15 -
magic-User spells from scolls. Scrolls disapear after they have been used or
Sometimes you may run across armor or shields that have been created by skilled
craftsmen and then enchanted with protective spells. The power of magic of
these items may vary a great deal. Enchanted armor has the great advantage of
offering improved protection with less encumberance than the same type of
mundane armor. To use these items merely ready them from the Items Menu.
Enchanted weapons come in many sizes, shapes and potencies. Sometimes a weapon
will add between one and five or so to your THAC0 and damage. Other weapons
may have other fantastic magical properties including extra bonuses against
specific types of creatures. Once a magic weapon has been readied from the
items menu, the character will have it for all combats.
racers, Necklaces, periapts, and especially rings are favorable objects for
magical enchantment. These items may have any number of magical properties.
Some items will help your AC, others may fire Magic Missles, or even be
cursed. Once one of these items has been readied from the items menu, a
character will automaticaly gain all effects. The exception to this rule is
that certain magical necklaces require the USE command to work.
Wizards will sometimes cast enchantments on commonplace items of clothing such
as gauntlets or clocks. A wide variety of these items are known to exist. To
use these items ready them from the Items Menu.
Gauntlets Of Ogre Strength
When worn, these gauntlets will give a character the tremendous strength and
combat bonuses of an ogre. To wear the gauntlets, ready them.
The denizens of these regions are many and varied. Here is a list of monsters
you may encounter in your adventures. Some of these creatures are extremely
rare, and you may never cross paths with them at all.
Page 16 -
Description: Crocodile-like with a curved and pointed tail and nose.
Reptillian monsters whose very gaze can turn to stone any fleshy creature.
Description: Like A Cockatrice and with large wings.
A repulsive creature that appears as part cock, part lizard. They have the
power to turn flesh to stone.
Description: Hmm I wonder.. Looks like a crocodile.
Large reptillian carnivores-much more dangerous than their smaller cousins.
Description: Six leged Puma with two tenacles protruding from their backs.
Creature resembling a six-legged Puma with two ebony tenacles growing from
behind its schoulders. These beasts have the magical ability to displace their
image about three feet from their actual body, making them an especially tricky
These are some of the most powerful and dangerous of the monsters a party can
encounter. The older and larger the dragon, the more damage it can do, and the
harder it is to kill.
Red dragons can exhale great spouts of flame or attack with their claws and
Unique dragons in their preference for cold climates, these evil beasts can
attack with their freezing cold breath in addition to razor sharp claws and
fangs. Small in size and not as intelligent as their cousins, these dragons
are still quite dangerous.
Description : Elf-Like and spider-like
Part Dark-Elf, part spider monster. This horror is the subterranean
counterpart of the centaur.
These foes look like giant two headed ocres. They have great strength and can
wield two spiked clubs and inflict terrible damage in combat.
Ferocious predators of a magical nature. Gargoyles are typically found amid
ruins or dwelling in underground caverns.
Page 17 -
Giants vary greatly in power, intelligence and tastes. The following is a list
of the types of giants you are likely to encounter.
These members of the giant races conssider themselves to be above all others
of the species, except storm giants, whom they view as equals.
Brutal and ruthless warriors, these giants resemble huge dwarves and have
flaming red or orange hair and coal black skin.
These giants have a reputation for crudeness and stupidity. While the
reputation may be deserved, frost giants are crafty and skilled fighters.
One of the smaller of the giant races, they are brutish hulks pocessing low
intelligence and tremendous strength.
The most noble and intelligent of the giant races. These giants are dangerous
fighters when angry, and can often use magic.
Golems are magically created automatons of great power. Golems can be
constructed of flesh, clay, stone, or iron. All are dangerous.
Half-Lion, half-Eagle avian carnivores. Their favorite prey is horses and
their distant kin (Hippogriffs, Pegasi, and unicorns).
These other-planar creatures resemble wolves, but they can breathe fire and
detect invisible enemies.
Page 18 -
Magnifecent creatures with the forelimbs and head of an eagle and the body and
hind legs of a horse.
Immense reptillian monsters with multiple heads. All of its head must be
severed before a hydra can be slain. Hydras come in many sizes, with an
increasing number of heads as they grow stronger.
This is perhaps the single most powerful type of undead creature. A lich is
the remains of a powerful Magic-user who has kept his body animated after
death through the use of foul magics. Lichs can use magic as they did while
still living, and have other powers similar to greater undead creatures.
These are savage reptillian humanoids. They generally attack in groups and are
often accompanied by a larger, tougher Lizard King.
Stony monsters which are immune to normal weapons and can attack many times
with their sharp claws and spikes.
Large cold climate relatitives of the elephants found in warmer regions.
These are hideous women creatures with coiling masses of snakes for hair. They
can turn a person to stone with their gaze.
True Giants, often reaching over 5' in length. Their poisonous bite is
extremely dangerous.
These creatures are part-man and part-bull warriors. They are highly
intelligent and dangerous opponents.
Page 19 -
These are huge omnivorous bats who like nothing beter than warm-blooded
humanoids for dinner!
This is a more powerful form of OTYUGH. These disgusting scavengers have
several vicious attacks and a heavily armored body.
Large, ugly. foul-tempered humanoids, ogres generally attack with a spiked
These scavengers have long tenacles that they use to scoop trash into their
cavernous mouths.
These are giant, poisonous spiders with the ability to phase in and out of
dimension. They are "phases in" until they attack and are "Phased out"
These enormous carnivores burrow through solid ground in search of small
Mansized) morsels.
These are sometimes referred to as Polar Worms. They inhibit cold regions and
are agressive predators who have been known to attack even frost giants.
Slug (Giant) These are huge, omnivorous mutations of the common garden pest.
They attack by biting and can spit a highly corrosive acid.
Snake (Giant) These large reptiles slay their prey with deadly venom.
Neutralize Poison counters snake bite.
Spinx An extremely rare creature that is part-lion, and has the upper torso
of a woman. Rather than fight, sphinxes will often converse with
Spider (giant) These giant cousins of the small predator attack with a
poisonous bite.
Umber Hulk These powerful subterranean creatures can use their claws to
burrow through solid stone in search of prey.
Warg Large, vicious wolves.
Wyvern These creatures are distant relatives of dragon's. They attack by
biting and using the poisonous sting in their tail.
First Level Cleric Spells
BLESS improves the THAC0 of Friendly characters by 1. The bless spell does
not affect characters who are adjacent to monsters when the spell is cast.
This is a good spell to cast before going into combat.
CURSE impairs the THAC0 of targets by 1. The target cannot be adjacent to a
party character or NPC.
CURE LIGHT WOUNDS heals 1-8 hitpoints of damage on a target.
DETECT MAGIC indicates which equipment or treasure is magical. View a
character's items or Take treasure items. Equipment or treasure preceded an
'*' or a '+' is magical.
PROTECTION FROM EVIL improves the AC and saving throws of the target by 2
against evil alignment attackers.
PROTECTION FROM GOOD improves the AC and saving throws of the target by 2
against good alignment attackers.
RESIST COLD halves the damage and improves saving throws vs. cold attacks by
FIND TRAPS indicates the presence of traps in the character's path.
HOLD PERSON may paralyze targets of character type (human, etc.). You may
aim a hold person spell at up to 3 targets.
RESIST FIRE halves the damage and improves saving throws vs. fire attacks by
SILENCE 15' RADIUS must be cast on a character or monster. That character or
monster, and all adjacent to him, cannot cast spells for the duration of the
SLOW POISON revives a poisoned person for the duration of the spell.
SPIRITUAL HAMMER creates a temporary magic hammer that is automatically
Readied. It can strike at a range and does normal hammer damage. Spiritual
Hammers can hit monsters than may only be struck by magic weapons.
BESTOW CURSE reduces the target's THAC0 and saving throws by 4.
CAUSE BLINDNESS will blind one target. This can only be cured with a Cure
Blindness Spell
CURE BLINDNESS removes the effect of the Cause Blindness spell.
CAUSE DISEASE will infect the target with a debilitating ailment that saps
strength and hitpoints.
CURE DISEASE removes the effects of disease caused by some monsters or caused
by a Cause Disease spell.
DISPEL MAGIC removes the effects of spells that do not have specific counter
spells. This is a recuperation spell for any of the party that has been
held, slowed or made nauseous.
PRAYER improves the THAC0 and saving throws of friendly characters by 1 and
reduces the THAC0 and saving throw of monsters by 1. THis is a good spell to
cast before going into combat.
REMOVE CURSE removes the effects of a Bestow Curse spell and allows the
target to unready cursed magic items.
CAUSE SERIOUS WOUNDS inflicts 3-17 hitpoints of damage on a target.
CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS heals 3-1 hitpoints (up to the target's normal maximum
NEUTRALIZE POISON revives a poisoned person.
POISON causes the target to save versus poison or die.
PROTECTION FROM EVIL 10' RADIUS must be cast on a character or a monster. It
improves the AC and saving throws of the target and all adjacent friendly
characters by 2 against evil attackers.
STICKS TO SNAKES causes snakes to torment the target. The snakes will make
movement and spell casting impossible for the duration of the spell.
CAUSE CRITICAL WOUNDS inflicts 6-27 hitpoints of damage on a target.
CURE CRITICAL WOUNDS heals 6-27 hitpoints of damage on a target.
DISPEL EVIL improves the target's AC by 7 versus summoned evil creatures for
the duration of the spell, or until the target hits a summoned creature.
SLAY LIVING is a reversal of the Raise Dead SPell, and will kill one target.
If the target makes his saving throw, then he will suffer 3-17 hitpoints of
SIXTH LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS HARM will inflict terrible damage on any living
creature leaving only 1-4 hitpoints
HEAL cures all diseases, blindness, feeblemindedness, and all except 1-4 of a
character's full hitpoints.
DETECT MAGIC indicates which equipment or treasure is magical. View a
character's items or take treasure items. Equipment or treasure preceded by
an '*' or a '+' is magical.
ENTANGLE will cause plants in the area of effect to grow and entwine around
the feet of any creature in the ares. Be careful not to catch allies in the
spell area.
FAERIE FIRE will ring a targeted creature in magical light. This spell will
outline otherwise invisible creatures, and give a +2 THAC0 bonus to any one
attacking an affected creature.
INVISIBILITY TO ANIMALS will make the target invisible to non=magical, low or
non-intelligent, animals. THis spell does not offer protection against
intelligent opponents or magical creatures.
BARKSKIN causes the target's skin to become tougher and harder to damage.
The effect of this spell is a -1 bonus to the AC. This is a good spell to
cast before combat.
CHARM PERSON OR MAMMAL changes the target's allegiance in a combat. It
affects character types (human, etc.) and other mammals.
CURE LIGHT WOUNDS heals 1-8 hitpoints (up to target's normal maximum
BURNING HANDS causes 1 hitpoint of fire damage per level of the caster.
There is no saving throw.
CHARM PERSON changes the target's allegiance in combat. It only affects
character types (human, etc.).
DETECT MAGIC indicates which equipment or treasure is magical. View a
character's items or Take treasure items. Equipment or treasure preceded by
an '*' or a '+' is magical.
ENLARGE makes the target larger and stronger. The higher the caster's level,
the larger and stronger the target gets. If the caster is 6th level the
target becomes as strong as an Ogre. If the caster is 10's level the target
becomes as strong as a Fire Giant. A target can only be under the effect of
1 enlarge spell at a time. Unwilling targets get a saving throw against this
effect. The spell will stay in effect for more than 1 combat, and should be
cast before combat.
FRIENDS raises the caster's charisma 2-8 points. It is often cast just
before an encounter
MAGIC MISSILE does 2-5 hitpoints per missile with no saving throw. A mage
throws 1 missile for every 2 levels (1 at levels 1-2, 3 at levels 3-4, etc.)
This spell will damage any target within it's range unless the target is
magic resistant or has certain magical protection. Casts instantaneously.
PROTECTION FROM EVIL improves the AC and saving throws of the target by 2
against evil attackers.
READ MAGIC allows a mage to ready a scroll and read it. For scrolls, this
works as if they have been identified. A mage may scribe the spells form a
scroll (if appropriate for his class and level) after it has been read.
SHIELD negates enemy Magic Missile spells, improves the mage's saving throw,
and may increase his AC.
SHOCKING GRASP does electrical damage of 1-8 hitpoints, +1 hitpoint per level
of the caster.
SLEEP puts 1-16 target's to sleep with no saving throw. Up to sixteen 1
hit-die targets are affected. One 4 hit-die target is affect. Targets of 5
or more hit-dice are unaffected.
DETECT INVISIBILITY allows the target to spot invisible targets.
INVISIBILITY makes the target invisible. The THAC0 of melee attacks against
invisible targets is reduced by 4. It is impossible to aim ranged attacks at
invisible targets. Invisibility is dispelled then the target attacks or
casts a spell.
KNOCK is used to open locks. It can be cast from the door-opening menu if
the active character has a memorized knock spell.
MIRROR IMAGE creates 1-4 illusionary duplicates of the mage. A duplicate
disappears when it is attacked.
RAY OF ENFEEBLEMENT reduces the target's strength by 25% +2% per level of the
STINKING CLOUD paralyzes those in it's area for 2-5 rounds. If the target
saves, it is not paralyzed, but is nauseous and has its AC reduced for 2
rounds. This spell has a very short range and care should be taken to avoid
including party members in the cloud.
STRENGTH raises the target's strength by 1-8 points, depending upon the class
of the target.
BLINK protects the mage. The mage 'blinks out' after he acts each round.
The mage may be physically attacked before he acts each round, be he may not
be physically after he acts.
DISPEL MAGIC removes the effects of spells that do not have specific counter
spells (such as Cause Blindness or Disease).
FIREBALL does 1-6 hitpoints per level of the caster to all targets within its
area. If the target makes its saving throw, the damage is halved. Fireball
is a slow-casting spell and the spell's power demands that you target
carefully. Otherwise you may inadvertently destroy party characters. The
only safe area on the screen at the time you target the spells are the
squares in each corner of the screen and the squares directly above and below
these corner squares. Be sure to use the center command to determine who
will be in the area of effect.
Warning: each time a haste spell is cast on a character, that character ages
one year.
HOLD PERSON may paralyze targets of character types (human, etc.) You may aim
a hold person spell at up to 4 targets (exit to target fewer).
INVISIBILITY, 10' RADIUS makes al targets adjacent to the caster invisible.
The THAC0 of melee attacks against invisible targets is reduced by 4. It is
impossible to aim ranged attacks at invisible targets. Use this spell to set
up a battle line while our enemies seek you out. Characters lose
invisibility if they do anything but move. Some monsters can see invisible
LIGHTNING BOLT does 1-6 hitpoints per level of the caster to targets along
its path. If the target makes its saving throw, the damage is halved. A
lightning bolt is 4 or 8 squares long in a line away from the caster. For
best results, move the spell caster to send the bolt down a row of opponents.
It will attack all opponents along the line within its range. Target the
first creature in the row (closest to the caster). Lightning bolts will
reflect off walls back toward the spell caster. This permits targets
adjacent or close to a wall to be hit twice by the same bolt. Be careful the
caster isn't hit by the reflected bolt.
PROTECTION FROM EVIL, 10' RADIUS protects the target and all characters
adjacent to the target. The spell improves the AC and saving throws of those
it protects by 2 against evil attackers.
PROTECTION FROM GOOD, 10' RADIUS protects the target and all characters
adjacent to the target. The spell improves the AC and saving throws of those
it protects by 2 against good attackers.
PROTECTION FROM NORMAL MISSILES makes the target immune to non magical
SLOW affects 1 target per level of caster. The spell halves the target's
movement and number of melee attacks per round. Slow can be used to negate a
haste spell. This spell is useful against any high-damage creature. Only
affects the side opposing the spell caster.
CHARM MONSTER changes the target's allegiance in combat. It will work on any
living creature. The spell affects 2-8 1st-level targets, 1-4 2nd-level
targets, 1-2 3rd-level targets or 1 target of 4th-level or above.
CONFUSION affects 2-16 targets. Each target must make a saving throw each
round or stand confused, become enraged, flee in terror or go berserk.
Confusion is most effective when used against a large number of enemies.
DIMENSION DOOR allows the mage to teleport himself to another point on the
battlefield within his line of sight and the range of the spell. Mages can
use it for quick escapes. Fighter/mages use the "Door" to reach the
opposition's rear area.
FEAR causes all within its area to flee.
FIRE SHIELD protects the mage so that any creature who hits the mage in melee
does normal damage, but takes twice that damage in return. The shield may be
attuned to heat attacks or cold attacks. The mage takes half damage (no
damage if he makes his saving throw) and has his saving throw against the
opposite form of attack improved by 2. He takes double damage from the form
of attach the shield is attuned to.
FUMBLE causes the target to be unable to move or attack. If the target makes
his saving throw, he is affected by a slow spell.
ICE STORM does 3-30 hitpoints to all targets within its area. There is no
saving throw. This spell will inflict damage on opponents protected by Minor
Globes of Invulnerability.
MINOR GLOBE of Invulnerability protects the caster from incoming first,
second, or third-level spells. The Globe is very effective when used in
combination with Fire Shield.
REMOVE CURSE removes the effects of a Bestow Curse spell and allows the
target to unready cursed magic items.
CLOUD KILL is similar to the Stinking Cloud spell, except that its area of
effect is larger and it will kill weaker monsters. Stronger monsters may be
immune to the spell.
CONE OF COLD fires a withering cone shaped blast of cold. The spell's range
and damage increases with the caster's level.
FEEBLEMIND cause target's who fail their saving throw to drop dramatically in
intelligence and wisdom and become unable to cast spells. A Heal spell must
be cast on the victim to recover from the effect.
HOLD MONSTER is similar to the Hold Person, except that it will affect a
wider variety of creatures.
DEATH SPELL will kill opponents instantly and irrevocably. The spell will
kill a greater number o weak opponents than strong.
DISINTEGRATE will destroy one target. Some creatures, with an innate magic
resistance, may avoid the effects of the spell, while most must make a saving
throw to survive.
FLESH TO STONE causes the target to make a saving throw or be turned into
GLOBE OF INVULNERABILITY will protect against 1st through 4th-level spells.
STONE TO FLESH will counter the effects of such a magical creatures a
cockatrice and medusae. When this spell is cast on a character, there is a
possibility that the character will not survive the shock of being restored
to flesh. System shock survival is based on a character's constitution
DELAYED BLAST FIREBALL is a more powerful version of the third level spell
and will go through a Minor Globe of Invulnerability. The fireball explosion
can be delayed for some period of time if the caster wishes. The delay
options will vary with different computers
MASS INVISIBILITY is identical to the invisibility spell, except that it will
effect several targets at once. This can be a valuable spell to cast before
a known encounter.
POWER WORD, STUN will cause on creature to be stunned-reeling and unable to
think or act effectively. The weaker the target, the longer it will be
- - - - - - - - J O U R N A L E N T R I E S - - - - - - -
'We have done it! Our noble ancestors are being freed from the ice and they
fight by our side as brothers! Oh, to see the Legion again! I never thought
it possible. No one can stop us now.'
His voice softens to a hoarse growl. 'They say that the personal bodyguard
of Eldamar has been found and fights for us.' he whispers. 'I can now die in
honor, knowing that our enemies will soon be destroyed.'
The fighter smiles and dies.
'The Black Circle laid an ambush for our party. Nearly everyone was captured
or killed. I was unconscious and left for dead. Since that time I have
sought to free my companions. At least two lie ahead and I shall seek them
out. In this stolen Black Circle garb I may succeed. With your help I
certainly will. As honorable men, will you join me on my quest?'
'We have just driven the foul beasts from the mine entrance. We will not
inform the town until the mine is fully cleared. We do not wish to raise
false hopes.'
'We've had a number of dealings with the magic brotherhood known as the Black
Circle. They have aided us in the past in return for gems. It was based on
their divination that we extended our lower tunnels - and uncovered the
monsters. Marcus is the only member that lives in town, but he keeps to
himself. The Black Circle say that they are studying ways to stop the
monsters and will act only when sure of success.
(6) 'One of the miners saw red robed figures outside the east wall.'
'My uncle adventured along the shores of the Moonsea. He was a warrior who
ventured on many a great quest. He feared nothing - nothing that is except
dragons. Though he never met one, he was terrified by the possibility. This
scroll was his insurance. When he died - from a knife wound gotten in a
bawdy house - he passed it on to me. Seeing as how I'm unlikely to survive a
dragon with this scroll I thought you might like it.
(8) 'I didn't drink that much. I'm sure that mouse in the corner was
'Them Black Circlers are a hostile bunch, but don't judge 'em too hard. They
was once mages serving the two brothers who ruled the old town. They used
the Well's teleporters too many times and was cursed by the Well. If ya use
them too often, yah will join the Circle. It serves the dark nature of the
Well and they hate all others.'
'Don't go near that temple in the mines! There is an illusion of goodness
there, but don't be fooled. It is ruled by some unknown demon. One of its
minions referred to it as the Flaming One. I never saw it. I was ambushed
as soon as I encamped near the altar. Now that I have passed on my warning I
can die in peace.'
'The Beholder Corps has returned and is housed in the dungeons. Now nothing
can harm the Dreadlord. Anyone who tries the penetrate the dungeons will be
vaporized within seconds. Hah, hah, han! The world will soon belong to us.'
'Twas long ago that the old town was a thrivin' place. The mine was there
then too. Folks was ruled by a fellow who worshipped Tyr. He thought the
miners was deservin' of Tyr's protection. Some of the folks round here say
that the temple can still be found. Only those of stout heart should try
though. Things buried so long tend to harbor ghosts that don't like
'I led a band of heroes to clear the mines. We discovered the dungeons and
were nearly to the top when the Black Circle sprung an ambush. I was a local
who never trusted the Circle's claims of friendship, so they were glad to
capture me. Not to content to simply kill me, they prepared an elaborate
wish. It traps me in this cell, blind and unable to cast spells. It also
had the side effect of rendering me immortal and immune to damage. Once you
free me I shall regain my own powers, but also lose these benefits. This is
a fair exchange.
'I return to my tower now, but let me give you some reward. First, seek the
souls trapped in the highest level. They know important information. Second
take this map to where I have hidden some treasures.'
'We were about to enter the Well. The rope was slippery with slimy blood of
the dragon but nothing could stop us from our goal. The gems glittered on
the bottom, luring us with untold wealth.
Gramakal was the first to go, of course. The thief was almost bursting with
excitement as he reached down to take the gems. Poor man, his shriveled hand
will never pick another pocket.'
'So, not content with melting away our home you carry the war directly to us.
We have held these crevasses for generations. We will not surrender them to
the likes of you. Look to your lives! I am prepared to die. Are you?'
We are prepared. The inner sanctum is well concealed, surrounded by the
hatching pool. We hope that the old Red Dragon will not miss the hatchlings;
they provide an excellent defense. Soon we must find a way to age them to a
more useful size.
Use the map to plan an attack on Well. We expect regular progress reports
If you fail, we will act on a suggestion made by a junior member. He
believes that the dragon may be amenable to a human sacrifice. The clerk
from Phlan has become expendable and will be the first victim. One way or
another the dragon and its Banite allies will fall; the Well must be ours.
'The old town was said to be a fabulous place for a time. Was ruled by
brothers, one honorable and forthright, the other a studious insecure mage.
One day the mage decided he would live forever. The brother thought that was
blasphemy and tried to stop him. War covered the valley and the town was
laid waste. The gods cursed the valley and froze it over. These new
monsters are just more of the valley's curse. We can only wait and suffer
'till the gods see fit to lift the curse.'
Derf reclines in a chair and begins, 'Three hundred years ago there were two
brothers: Oswulf, a paladin, and Eldamar, a mage. Both were powerful and
worshipped Tyr, god of justice. As Eldamar grew old he became obsessed with
gaining immortality; serving Tyr was no longer enough. He became insane and
isolated himself in the upper levels of the Castle of the Twins. There he
researched the arcane magic necessary to become a lich. Oswulf discovered
this, but was unable to convince his brother to abandon his madness.
'Forseeing the evil that a lich would produce, Oswulf left the Castle and
searched for 12 great heroes. These he forged into the band called the
Silver Blades. By the time Oswulf could return to this valley, Eldamar had
completed his spells and was reborn as the lich called the Dreadlord. The
Dreadlord summoned evil forces to protect him. The Silver Blades forced a
pitched battle
among the buildings of Verdigris. The town was laid waste and many of the
heroes fell. Those of us who remained forced the evil horde back to the
castle gates.
'Oswulf refused to push on and slay his brother. Instead our mages and
clerics cast a spell to freeze the valley permanently within a glacier. The
Dreadlord's forces counterattacked while the spell was being cast and Oswulf
fell protecting us. His body lies on the level above, but his spirit still
guards the castle, preventing the reawakening of the Dreadlord. As the last
of the Silver Blades, I chose to remain here to maintain my temple and keep
watch as well.
'Now the descendants of the Dreadlord's disciples have returned. The Black
Circle is succeeding in unravelling our spell. I am now bound to this temple
and cannot take the battle to them. You must take up the Silver Blades'
standard and end the Dreadlord's threat forever.'
'Know now of the Amulet of Eldamar, stolen long ago. It was taken away by a
wily thief who held it but for a day. As he dreamed of wealth, he fell
victim to a red dragon, kin to the one you slew to free me. The amulet now
adorns the dragon's hoard, which lies in the south western corner of the
'The map starts at the entrance to the new town. Follow the path.'
(20) 'That old man - south of the mayor's place - can sure talk yer ear off.'
'This whole valley used to be filled with a glacier. About 15 years ago it
melted back beyond the old mineshaft. Miners from throughout the
Dragonspines flocked here and formed the new town. The Black Circle helped
them open the mine. A few years later the miners began to extract the gems
again. Until these monsters came the town was doing quite well. The glacier
kept going back too. In a few years the entire valley will be open.'
'The Black Circle is trying to take our Well! They seek the death of the red
dragon who holds it in sacred trust. I was ambushed while trying to entice
the young dragon's from the Well. They dragged me here to... to...'
The Banite Cleric fades into death.
'The mages keep looking for a mysterious amulet. It is connected in some way
to their whole purpose for being here. They say it will reveal some key to a
mysterious sanctum. Perhaps they are after a great treasure.'
'Grimda discovered where the Well stored its gems - for they are not
consumed. He dug a small tunnel and has diverted them for centuries. I am
certain that the gems are what sustain him. He has never sold a single one
and he was old when the twins were born.'
'The miners' plight masks a more serious threat. Should the Black Circle
succeed in its plans, the entire Realms will feel the result. The mages seek
the awakening of the Dreadlord, an evil of incalculable power. He sleeps
within his castle, trapped within the glacier. The Circle has reached the
dungeons and are melting their way upward. The monsters trapped in the
dungeons are being released and allowed to harry the miners.
'My powers are subject to laws you cannot understand. I am privy to
information only at certain times and only when you sacrifice gems. Still
seek me out when you have questions. My powers are at your disposal.
'My teleporters are paired. Each teleporter that rings me has a brother
somewhere in the valley. Until you visit both gates, you may not use that
pair. To my northwest is the gate which connects to the new town.
'My power fades. Return to me with gems when you have more questions.'
'The Dreadlord seeks the Amulet of Eldamar. If he can trick someone into
bringing the amulet into the dungeons beneath the castle, he will be
awakened. Even worse, it acts as a monster attractant. Evil creatures
throughout the region will seek out the holder. Remember to always avoid
this item.'
'The mages took me to be sacrificed to the red dragon. They wanted access to
the teleportation booths and the hoard of gems. My father is an unwitting
servant of the Black Circle. When he became suspicious, they kidnaped me to
keep him silent. Now I'm sure they must have killed him. I must leave!'
She runs away sobbing in grief.
'This here blade has been carried down from my great-great grandpappy. He
almost captured a throne out near Waterdeep, but tired of the campaigning.
Travelled up to Myth Drannor and stood with elves against a Flight of the
Dragons. They were impressed enough to let him retire there. Married an
elven princess and led a settled life. Far as I know, she left with the
other elves and is still alive.'
'I was here as a young child. Oswulf used to hold town meetings in the great
hall. The hall was huge - much larger than this - and I don't recall any
alcoves. These alcoves along the side were definitely put there by the
Dreadlord. I suspect that he has radically changed the entire castle.
Oswulf had said that his brother had become paranoid and turned the castle
into a maze of traps. We must watch where we place our feet, any stone could
conceal a pit or a dart.'
(30) 'So many gems down in that mine and no way to get at them. Life ain't
'The Black Circle usurped our control of the Well of Knowledge. Bane was
offended and sent a red dragon in vengeance. The dragon drove out the
infidels and now holds the Well in trust. There he shall remain until Bane
deems it time for our return. Death to the Black Circle! Death to the
enemies of Bane!'
'I am one of the champions who sought to free the town from its monstrous
scourge. We penetrated the mines and passed through a tunnel to these
dungeons. We were led by a powerful mage who was able to answer the riddles
posed by that mad spirit. Near the top of the dungeon we were ambushed by
the Black Circle. Many died and none escaped. our leader was taken away for
some black rites. That spirit hates the living. Its laughter is driving me
mad! I must escape to the open air!'
'The Flaming One is an accursed demon, destined to live as long as man walks
the earth. He can possess anything of flesh. Last time he was defeated was
in Myth Drannor and rumor held that he had died. If ya listen to travellers,
yah can trace his movements. He is trapped in some diminutive form and seeks
the power to release himself. I think he's skulking the ruins, seeking the
power of the Dreadlord.'
'We are a small town of miners in desperate straits. Three months ago we
opened a new shaft and monsters boiled forth. Perhaps this is a gateway to
the Abyss. In any case, we lost many comrades as the monsters have climbed
up level after level of the mine. Now they are invading the nearby ruins.
Soon they will reach New Verdigris.
'To add to our problems, some thing has captured the Well of Knowledge. The
Well imparts information, occasionally grants wishes and controls the
teleporter in my house. If you free the Well, then you can use the
teleporter to move through the ruins.
'Once the Well is protected, you must descend into the mines and stop these
horrors from emerging. Others have tried, but none have returned. You must
save us before we are overwhelmed.'
'My grandpappy was a paladin out near Cormyr, in the days before King Azoun.
Family's come down a bit since then, but make no nevermind. He was beloved
of a noble lady. She was a warrior maiden, namesake of Azoun's daughter
Nacacia. Anyway, she kept trying to attract him, tie him down and so on. In
turn, he would go on longer and dangerous quests.
'Nacacia took this in stride and eventually gave him this cloak as a present,
saying that this way he could be around and elsewhere at the same time. My
dad was their child and passed the cloak down to me. I think that it's too
useful to keep as an heirloom - and none of my kids deserve it - so put it to
good use.'
2nd Tenday of Highsun New Verdigris Mining
1) 250
2) 300
3) 75 (Hill Giant Attack)
4) 350
5) 50 (Medusa Attack)
6) 100 (Wyvern Attack)
7,8,9,10) General strike, no work,
'Where were all these monsters coming from? We can't get any work done!'
'I don't care! We have been cheated of our rightful place in the Dreadlord's
hierarchy. The Black Circle must pay! They may have freed our master, but he
is still weak and does not realize their plans! I shall go and tell him!'
The new band the mayor has recruited seems superior to the last group. The
townsmen managed to reach the Well prior to the red dragon. They WISHED for
champions to protect them. Fortunately for us, the wish worked literally and
brought only people. They mayor has to clothe, feed and equip them. It was
quite a sight to see these naked and angry people waking up right in the
middle of a town meeting. I don't think they will pose a threat.
'Well, I had just made my escape and was preparing to return to Phlan when I
was grabbed by those vile Black Circle scum! Do they never bathe? The
council back a Phlan will hear about this!
'Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, mauled by filthy beasts. They started
babbling about sacrifices and a Dreadlord. Dreadlord this and Dreadlord that;
al they talk about is this Dreadlord. If he's so powerful, why does he let
those disgusting people serve him?'
She gets a sly look in her eyes.
'They dragged me here and I feigned unconsciousness - I wasn't going to make
it easy for them. The scum started whispering about great treasures hidden
in the crevasses. The western tunnels and a vorpal something were mentioned.
Strange name for a valuable object. You wouldn't have a spare dress around?
Look at mine. Dragged through mud and ice, absolutely filthy. And my
She starts complaining about trivial matters.
Know, oh ancient Dreadlord, that we remember our pledges - even those made
over 300 years ago. As was promised, the newly reformed Beholder Corps will
be sent to serve you for a period of 1313 days. We are gladdened that you
have reawakened and hope that the alliance will continue with the same spirit
that founded it centuries ago.
In Bane's Name
Imperator Dhazheal
'Not long ago I served Hillsfar as a Red Plume. I was faithful and they made
me commander of the city of Yulash. We were locked in a fierce war to
protect that city from the forces of Zhentil Keep. The war tired me and I
began to yearn for peace. What finally decided me was the Cult of Moander.
It used my city as a base to restore its dead god to life. Were it not for a
band of blue tattooed adventurers the Cult might have succeeded.
I left as the ZHENTRIM attacked again and wandered north. Here I found my
leadership skills in need, so became mayor of this peaceful backwater. Now
that peace is threatened. I hope you have the power to protect us.'
'You thought you had defeated me in Myth Drannor and before that in my castle
in Phlan. Know that I am truly immortal. When the Gauntlet of Moander
destroyed the Pool of Radiance, I feigned my death and managed to possess
this creature. Now that you are here I can take on of you over and be free
Vala chortles, "derf, you fuzzy old man, you look even cuter with white
hair." She pinches his cheek and gives him a big hug.
When she releases him, his cheeks are bright red and he sputters, "Now, stop
that!" He straightens out his robe and continues, "How can you be alive?
You were lost in the great battle."
She smiles and explains, "I was captured by the Dread Legion and encased in a
mystical cage until these adventurers released me."
He responds, "Thank Tyr!" He looks her in the eyes with a soft expression
and says, "The Legion has returned and is unravelling our spells. The
Dreadlord's threat must be ended forever."
She responds, "I still remember my vows and I will do what is necessary."
With that, she falls back into rank and the old dwarf recovers some of his
'Once heard tell about the impressiveness of the old town.
There was a great castle at the head of the valley. Then south of the mine
was the old Government House. It was a large place, richly decorated, where
affairs of state were conducted. Was built stoutly, so should be still
standin'. Good loot no doubt, if you can stand the ghosts of clerks and bean
The path to the Castle of the Twins was revealed when Oswulf's Confession was
rediscovered. Oswulf gave his final confession to his cleric just before the
ice encased the valley. The Dread Legion of Magic persuaded the cleric to
reveal the Confession. Their leaders expanded and annotated the document.
Their hopes of a quick penetration of the glacier were dashed when the Legion
was nearly destroyed at Ashbenford. The Confession has been lost since that
We of the Black Circle are the descendants of the Legion. Now that we have
the Confession again our plans can proceed. We have broken the glacier and
it recedes slowly. The Silver Blades are gone, so no one can stop us from
releasing the Dreadlord. It is only a matter of time.
Still, we chafe at unnecessary delay. We have tricked the miners into
opening the way into the dungeons. We are now recruiting fire-using creatures
to melt a way upward. The monsters we release serve to keep away intruders.
The solving of the Dreadlord's dungeon riddles has cost us many lesser mages.
Illusions have sent many scouts to unwitting deaths. We are proceeding, but
would do better with control of the Well of Knowledge. Its wisdom and
control of the teleportation gates would aid us greatly. We also seek the
Amulet of Eldamar to pass the three great doors to the Sanctum.
Page 40 -
Divinations show that a third item will be required to reach the Dreadlord.
The sign indicate Tyr is involved with the item, but nothing is clear. The
temple in the mine seems to hold nothing of value.
- Journal Entry 54 - Old Mans Tale of The Well of Knowledge
"The well of knowledge was the heart of the old town. It controlled the
gateways that allowed travel throughout the valley. Also, it served the old
town by providing its enigmatic messages. The town used it but they did not
build it. It was there when the first men entered the valley and it is said
that it will remain all else is gone."
- Journal Entry 55 - Clerk's Story
"I served the city of Phlan in the capacity of head clerk.
During the reconquest of the city, I contracted out missions to the many heroes
who freed the city. I had contacts with the Black Circle because of their
access to the gems in the early days of the city, as they were awarded to the
heroes for successful completion of their missions.
After Phlan was freed, the council agreed to act as middlemen for the Circle.
In return for our help they continued to replemish the city's treasury. I was
sent here as a contact while the council works out the alliance between the
Black Circle and The red Wizards.
I have been here long enough to know that these mages are very dangerous. This
scroll is a map of the Circle's Inner Sanctum. Take it! I'm getting out before
the circle succeeds in its plans. Good day!"
The woman storms out of the room with haughty dignity. She slams the door and
her brisk steps recede down the hallway.
- Journal Entry 56 - Meeting With Oswulf
"My hopes of keeping my brother from the world are crumbling with this ice. If
the Dreadlords evil cannot be contained than it must be destroyed. I am
reassured that it is the Silver Blades who come to finish what we have started
centuries ago. Please remember that it is the lich and not my misguided
brother's soul that is evil. Upon your honour I charge you with freeing his
soul from the lich's taint. I shall hold the gate here, but the dreadlord may
escape through another exit. You must succeed ..."
A tear appears in the glint spirits eye, "You must succeed ..."
Page 41 -
- Journal Entry 57 - Letter Found Blowing In The Wind
Marcus, our plans proceed as well as can be expected. It is unfortunate that
the Red Dragon has taken the Well Of Knowledge. The Red Wizards may support us
if they think we can offer the well. We will keep our real target to
ourselves. We are using a contact in Phlan as a middleman. In turn, he has
sent a clerk to take care of communications. She has no knowledge or our real
We are running out of some spell components, especially bat guano and sulphur.
When is the next shipment due! Maintain contact by standard means.
One final note. Rumor indicates that the mayor has brought together a new
force to clear the mines and the well. We are concerned. Reply with the
information as soon as possible.
- Journal Entry 58 - A Prisioner's Speech
"THe driders have returned to this area only recently. They have been unable
to enter this valley because of the ice blocking their tunnels. Suddenly the
tunnels melted clear and many new monsters began to appear. The driders
remember these creatures from over 300 years ago, when the valley was torn bu
a battle between two brothers. One of the brothers was responsible for the
ice, but the driders have no idea how."
- Journal Entry 59 - Tale Of The Wounded Warrior
"If it weren't so terrifying it would have been comical. We were deep in the
mines when our party came to the cavern. A horrid mass of unspeakable monsters
were there listening to a high pitched, squeaky voice. It took us a while to
spot the source of that piping. Vulgar laughing when we saw it. That was our
downfall. The monsters heard and attacked. AS I crawled drom the badly
wounded, I saw the creature in the back of the horde. It was a glowing mouse!"
- Journal Entry 60 - Message Found By Pouch
"I'm sorry but I needed to escape. This pouch is for you. Seems like old
- Journal Entry 61 - Mayor Reveals His True Mission
"Now that you have discovered the way to reach the Dreadlord, your usefulness
is at an end. I still serve Hillsfar and my mission has been to recuit the
DreadLord. With his power Hillsfar can take control of the Dalelands and the
Moonsea. I will become governor of the northern provinces and be wealthy
beyond imagining."
- Journal Entry 62 - Mage's Report
Our flaming creatures are clearing the ice quite quickly now. The dungeon is
open to just below the castle, where the ice is much more resistent.
Thankfully we have discovered s second door upward.
Page 42 -
This leads along a winding tunnel into a glacial crevasse. This was
undoubtedly an old escape tunnel hidden by the dreadlord.
We have seen no sign of adventures but disturbances have been reported in the
lower levels. As a precotion, we have thawed out the purple worms. This will
slow us down, but will provide needed defense."
- Journal Entry 63 - Vala's Story
The amazonian woman collapses as she steps down from the shattered prision. As
you rush to help her, her eyes flutter open and she moans, "Who are you? Where
am I?"
After explaining what you know and she has revived, she growls, The Legion
will pay. They have left me imprisoned for 300 years, since the great battles.
They captured me and imprisoned me in that Shimmering Cage.
"So the war over dreadlord continues to this day. My vows compel me to
continue this battle. I am Vala of the Silver Blades and will aid you in this
- Journal Entry 64 - Mad Edwarf's Ramblings
"Build 'em an arm today, a couple of chests tommorow. Maybe slam out a few
spare eyes. Wizards are queer Birds-all skin and bones and glowin' eyes.
Always distractin' yah, Cacklin' and gigglin'. Iron statues, always more bits
and pieces. They do strange things to 'em next door. Never can be sure with
wizards. Next thing yah know the statues will be walkin'. never be too
- Journal Entry 65 - Letter to Temple
We gop into batle today to stop the Dreadlord. I am fearful, but Oswulf is
confident. When he speaks I find my courage returns. I hope everyone at home
is happy. With any luck I will be home soon.
Your Loving Son,
- Journal Entry 66 - Map Retrieved From Storm Giant Leader's Pouch
- Journal Entry 67 - Mad Cleric's Ramblings
"Questioned the high lord Bane once, you know. Didn't think that the Dreadlord
was worthy of his attentions. Questioned that. I did. You know that questions
are a burden? Very burdensome for a god. Then came the Silver Blades and I
questioned again. Then came the Ice and I called out to Bane. In his wisdom he
kept my mind from freezing. Let me think about my qustions for 300 years, with
only ice as far as the eye could see. Can't see very far as the eye through
ice either. Unmoving for 300 years gives a man pause. Finally I discovered the
answer and I sacrificed my mind. Sacrifice is a balm to the gods. Gods inspire
the mad. Madness flows from.."
- Journal Entry 68 - Map of the 8th Level Of The Dungeon
- Journal Entry 69 - Clerk's Letter
My dear Sasha,
I'm sorry to hear that you have concerns about the Black Circle. However,
their continued good will is essential. Their Control of the Verdigris Mine
gives us the gems we need at a reasonable price. As long as these shipments
continue, we will not investigate them too closely.
Page 44 -
You may tell them that my negotiations with the Red Wizards proceed very well.
Some may be on their way even now. Should this turn out as well as I hope, you
can count on a position as my personal scribe.
With my strongest felictations,
Grangnak Ulfrim
Councilor Of New Phlan
- Journal Entry 70 - Peisoner's Tale
"The Black Circle has collected us as payments to the driders. In return the
driders will help them with some mysterious rite. One stronger prisioner was
taken from among us. I believe he is to be a sacrifice. You must seek him out
and save him as well."
- Journal Entry 71 - Significance Of The Amulet
"The Amulet Of Eldamar will reveal three keys hidden within the dungeon. The
Keys open the three doors guarding the Dreadlord's Sanctum. Watch for a
ghostly radiance that will indicate the presence of a key."
- Journal Entry 72 - Map to Grimdra's Hoard
Page 45 -
Ability Scores - These are numbers that describe the attributes of the
characters. There are six ability scores; Strength,
Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma.
Adventurer - This is a term for one of the characters you play in the game.
Alignment - This is the basic philosophy of a character. See Alignment in the
What are Characters? Section.
Armor Class (AC) - This is the rating of how dificult a target is to damage.
The lower the AC, the more dificult it is to hit.
Character - This is another name for one of the persons you play in the game. A
Party consists of several characters.
Class - This is a characters occupation. For Example mage, fighter or cleric
are classes.
Combat Round - Is one turn of a battle. All characters and monsters who are
able to fight will get to act at least once per combat round.
Combat Segment - Is one-tenth of a Combat Round. Which combat segment a
character or monster acts on in one round is determined by its
dexterity and a random number.
Command - A one or two-word option in a menu. activating that command allows
you either to view another menu or have your characters perfom an
Dice - In the computer AD&D game dice are random numbers. They are referred to
by the highest number they can be, for example, for a d10 can be a value
from 1 to 10, a d6 would be from 1 to 6. When a die number is generated
it is called a "Roll".
Encounter - This is what happens when a party meets a monster. You are given a
menu of choices of how you want to handle the situation.
Enter - The Act of giving a command to the computer. How this is done varies
depending on the computer.
Experience Points (XP) - Every encounter the characters have yields experiemce
points for every character depending on how
successful the encounter was for the party. A
character who gains enough Xp can advance a level.
Facing - In combat, a character faces a certain direction. An attack from the
direction he is not facing has a greater chance of doing damage. A
character will always face an opponent if he has only one opponent.
Grimoire (Spell Book) - The Book a Magic mage carries his spells in. If he
doesn't have a magic book, he has no spells to memorize.
Hit Points (HP) - This is the measure of how healthy a character is. Damage
from weapons subtracts hit points from the character's
total. When he has lost all of his hit points, he is
unconscious and dying. If his wounds are bound by another
party member he is simply unconscious.
Icon - This is the small pocture of a monster or a character seen in the
initial stages of an encounter and during combat. Character icons can
be altered using the Alter Command in the Camp menu.
Page 46 -
Initiative - This is a semi-random determination of which character in a
combat acts first. The character with higher Dexterities have a
better chance for a higher initiative.
Level - This Describes the power of a number of different items. The Power of
characters, dungeons, monsters, and spells are all described with levels.
Character Level - This is a determination of how much experience a character
has. The higher the level, the more experienced and important
the character is. High-level spell-casters can cast high-
level spells.
Spell Level - Spells come in degrees of difficulty. The Higher the level of
the spell, the greater the level of dificulty. Only very
experienced maigic-Users and Clerics can learn High-Level
Magic - The term covers spellcasting enchanted items, and any other
application of the supernatural.
Melee Combat - This is Hand-To-Hand combat with weapons such as bows and
arrows, crossbows and quarrels, and slings and slingstones.
Missle Combat - This is ranged combat with weapons such as swords, spears and
Moster - This term actually includes Human and other player races as well as
ogres and Dragons. In general, if it isn't part of your party, it's a
monster. Monsters are not necessarily hostile. That's what the Parlay
Command in the encounter menu is for.
Multi-Player Characters - Non-Human characters may belong to two or three
classes at the same time. Such multi-Class
characters split their experience among all their
classes even if they have reached their racial
maximum class.
Party - The group of Adventurers you form to perform the missions you are
given. A party can be reformed for each adventure, and even altered
during the course of an adventure.
Player Character (PC) - This is a member of a player race who is controlled
by the player. The Characters in your adventuring
party are PCs.
Race - The species characters may be in the game. For Example human, elf, or
dwarf are races.
Saving Throw - The Chance that a character or monster will be unaffected, or
only partially effected, by a spell, poison, or similar
attack. As characters gain levels their saving throws are more
likely to protect them from adverse effects.
Spell - This is a magic incantation that can alter the nature of reality.
Magic-users, clerics and high-level paladins and rangers can cast
spells sfter memorizing them. If the spell is cast, it is gone from
the users mind and must be re-memorized.
THAC0 (To Hit Armor Class 0) - This is the number that a character must make
or exceed to hit an opponent with AC0.
Page 47 -
Range of Ability Scores By Race
Ability Score Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-Elf Halfing Human
Strength(Male) 8-9(99) 3-18(75) 6-18(50) 3-18(90) 6-17 3-18(100)
Strength(Female) 8-17 3-16 6-15 3-17 6-14 3-18(50)
Intelligence 3-18 8-18 7-18 4-18 6-18 3-18
Wisdom 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-17 3-18
Dexterity 3-17 7-19 3-18 6-18 8-18 3-18
Constitution 12-19 6-19 6-18 8-18 6-18 10-18
Charisma 3-16 8-18 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-18
------------------------ ----------------------
Racial Ability Modifiers Min/Max Ability Scores
------------------------ ----------------------
Dwarf Constitution +1 Charisma -1 (xx)=Max. % for an 18
Elf Dexterity +1 Constitution -1
(fighters, Paladins, and
Halfing Dexterity +1 Strength -1 rangers Only)
Maximum Level Limits By Race, Class and Prime Requisite
Class Ability Dwarf' Elf' Gnome' Half-Elf' Halfling' Human
Cleric Any no no no 5 no 15*
Fighter STR 16- 7 5 5 5 6 15*
STR 17 8 6 5 7 5 15*
STR 18+ 9 7 6 8 no 15*
Paladin Any no no no no no 15*
Ranger STR 16- no no no 6 no 15*
STR 17 no no no 7 no 15*
STR 18+ no no no 8 no 15*
Magic-User INT 16- no 9 no 6 no 15*
INT 17 no 10 no 7 no 15*
INT 18+ no 11 no 8 no 15*
Theif Any 18* 18* 18* 18* 18* 18*
no = Charcter of this race cannot be of this class
* = Highest level available in SEcret Of The Silver Blades
' = Except For theives, most non-human characters may not advance to a
high a level as the game provides for humans
Page 48 -
Strength Table: Ability Adjustments Dexterity Table
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------
Ability THAC0 Damage Weight Ability Reaction/ AC
Score Bonus Adj't Allowance Score Missle Bonus
(In Gold) Bonus
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------
3 -3 -1 -350 3 -3 +4
4-5 -2 -1 -250 4 -2 +3
6-7 -1 none -150 5 -1 +2
8-9 normal none normal 6 0 +1
10-11 normal none normal 7 0 0
12-13 normal none +100 8 0 0
14-15 normal none +200 9 0 0
16 normal +1 +350 10 0 0
17 +1 +1 +500 11 0 0
18 +1 +2 +750 12 0 0
*18/01-50 +1 +3 +1000 13 0 0
*18/51-75 +2 +3 +1250 14 0 0
*18/76-90 +2 +4 +1500 15 0 -1
*18/91-99 +2 +5 +2000 16 +1 -2
*18/100 +3 +6 +3000 17 +2 -3
18 +3 -4
Note: * = Available to Fighter classes only
(Fighter, Paladin, Ranger)
Constitution Table
Ability Score HP Adj't Resurrection Level
3 -2 40 %
4 -1 45 %
5 -1 50 %
6 -1 55 %
7 0 60 %
8 0 65 %
9 0 70 %
10 0 75 %
11 0 80 %
12 0 85 %
13 0 90 %
14 0 92 %
15 +1 94 %
16 +2 96 %
17 +2(+3)* 98 %
18 +2(+4)* 100 %
Note: Bonus (*) applies only to fighters, all other classes may be given
a maximum hit point bonus adjustment for constitution of +2
Page 49 -
Armor And Weapons Permitted By Character Class
Class Max. Armor Shield Weapon
Cleric any any Club,Flail,Hammer,Mace,Staff,sling
Fighter any any any
Paladin any any any
Ranger any any any
Magic-User none none Dagger, Dart, staff
Theif Leather none Club,Dagger,Dart,Sling,ne-Handed
Sword, short-Bow.
Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Attacks Per Round Money Conversion
-------------------------------- ---------------------------
Class Level Attacks/Round Coin Type Gold Equ't
-------------------------------- ---------------------------
Fighter 1-6 1/1 Copper 300 cp = 1 gp
Paladin 1-6 1/1 Silver 20 sp = 1 gp
Ranger 1-7 1/1 Electrum 2 ep = 1 gp
Fighter 7-12 3/2 Gold 1 gp = 1 gp
Paladin 7-12 3/2 Platinum 1/5pp = 1 gp
Ranger 8-14 3/2
Fighter 13+ 2/1
Paladin 13+ 2/1
Ranger 15+ 2/1
NAME Damage Man Size Damage Large Size # of Hands Class
Axe 1-6 1-4 1 f
Bastard Sword 2-8 2-16 2 f
BattleAxe 1-8 1-8 2 f
Broad Sword 2-8 2-7 1 f,th
Club 1-6 1-3 1 f,cl,th
Composite Long Bow 1-6 1-6 2 f
Composite Short Bow 1-6 1-6 2 f
Dagger 1-4 1-3 1 f,mu,th
Dart 1-3 1-2 1 f,mu,th
Flail 2-7 2-8 1 f,cl
Halberd(Polearm) 1-10 2-12 2 f
Hammer 2-5 1-4 1 f,cl
Javelin 1-6 1-6 1 f
Light Crossbow 1-4 1-4 2 f
Long Bow 1-6 1-6 2 f
Mace 2-7 1-6 1 f,cl
Morning Star 2-8 2-7 1 f
Scimitar 1-8 1-8 1 f,th
Short Bow 1-6 1-6 2 f
Short Sword 1-6 1-8 1 f,th
Sling 1-4 1-4 1 f,th
Spear 1-6 1-8 1 f
Trident 2-7 3-12 1 f
Two-Handed Sword 1-10 3-18 2 f
F = Fighter Classes CL = Cleric TH = Thief MU = Magic-User
Armor Type Weight AC Maximum Movement
None 0 10 -
Shield 50 9 -
Leather 150 8 12 Squares
Ring 250 7 9 Squares
Scale 400 6 6 Squares
Chain 300 5 9 Squares
Banded 350 4 9 Squares
Plate 450 3 6 Squares
The Following charts show the amount of Experience a character must earn in
order to gain a level in his character class. The carts also list the number
of spells that a characater can have memorized at one time. Fighters and
Thieves can never memorize spells. Remember that all experience earned by
a non-human, multiple-class character is divided by the number of classes
the character has. The experience is divided even after the character
has reached his maximum level in a particular class. A human dual-class
character only earns experience in his second class. The character cannot
use the abilites of his first class until his level in his second class
exceeds his level in his first class.
Number of Spells Per Level
Levels Experience Hit Dice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 0-1500 1d8 1
2 1501-3000 2d8 2
3 3001-6000 3d8 2 1
4 6001-13000 4d8 3 2
5 13001-27000 5d8 3 3 1
6 27001-55000 6d8 3 3 2
7 55001-110000 7d8 3 3 2 1
8 110001-225000 8d8 3 3 3 2
9 225001-450000 9d8 4 4 3 2 1
10 450001-675000 9d8+2 4 4 3 3 2
11 676001-900000 9d8+4 5 4 4 3 2 1
12 900001-1125000 9d8+6 6 5 5 3 2 2
13 1125001-1350000 9d8+8 6 6 6 4 2 2
14 1350001-1575000 9d8+10 6 6 6 5 3 2
15 1575000 + 9d8+12 7 7 7 5 4 2
1 0-2500 1d4 1
2 2501-5000 2d4 2
3 5001-10000 3d4 2 1
4 10001-22500 4d4 3 2
5 22501-40000 5d4 4 2 1
6 40001-60000 6d4 4 2 2
7 60001-90000 7d4 4 3 2 1
8 90001-135000 8d4 4 3 3 2
9 135001-250000 9d4 4 3 3 2 1
10 250001-375000 10d4 4 4 3 2 2
11 375001-750000 11d4 4 4 4 3 3
12 750001-1125000 11d4+1 4 4 4 4 4 1
13 1125001-1500000 11d4+2 5 5 5 4 4 2
14 1500001-1875000 11d4+3 5 5 5 4 4 2 1
15 1875001 + 11d4+4 5 5 5 5 5 2 1
RANGERS Druid Spells Magic-User Spells
1 2 1 2
1 0-2250 2d8
2 2251-4500 3d8
3 45001-10000 4d8
4 10001-20000 5d8
5 20001-40000 6d8
6 40001-90000 7d8
7 90001-150000 8d8
8 150001-225000 9d8 1
9 225001-325000 10d8 1 1
10 325001-650000 11d8 2 1
11 650001-975000 11d8+2 2 2
12 975001-1300000 11d8+4 2 1 2
13 1300001-1625000 11d8+6 2 1 2 1
14 1625001-1950000 11d8+8 2 2 2 1
15 1950001 + 11d8+10 2 2 2 2
PALADINS Number of Clerical Spells
1 2 3 4
1 0-2750 1d10
2 2751-5500 2d10
3 5501-12000 3d10
4 12001-24000 4d10
5 24001-45000 5d10
6 45001-95000 6d10
7 95001-175000 7d10
8 175001-350000 8d10
9 350001-700000 9d10 1
10 700001-1050000 9d10+3 2
11 1050001-1400000 9d10+6 2 1
12 1400001-1750000 9d10+9 2 2
13 1750001-2100000 9d10+12 2 2 1
14 2100001-2450000 9d10+15 3 2 1
15 245001 + 9d10+18 3 2 1 1
1 0-1250 1d6
2 1251-2500 2d6
3 2501-5000 3d6
4 5001-10000 4d6
5 10001-20000 5d6
6 20001-42500 6d6
7 42501-70000 7d6
8 70001-110000 8d6
9 110001-160000 9d6
10 160001-220000 10d6
11 220001-440000 10d6+2
12 440001-660000 10d6+4
13 660001-880000 10d6+6
14 880001-1100000 10d6+8
15 1100001-1320000 10d6+10
16 1320001-1540000 10d6+12
17 1540001-1760000 10d6+14
18 1760001 + 10d6+16
1 0-2000 1d10
2 2001-4000 2d10
3 4001-8000 3d10
4 8001-18000 4d10
5 18001-35000 5d10
6 35001-70000 6d10
7 70001-125000 7d10
8 125001-250000 8d10
9 250001-500000 9d10
10 500001-750000 9d10+3
11 750001-1000000 9d10+6
12 1000001-1250000 9d10+9
13 1250001-1500000 9d10+12
14 1500001-1750000 9d10+15
15 1750001 + 9d10+18
CALL: Destruction's Realm (708) 474-4280
Das Reich Zerst<73>rung TRSI US HQ
Le Royaume De la Destruction Elites Only!
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