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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
A quick note, although this is called bioware, it would be
better defined as eugenics (authors note: I just got the
shadowtech book so am able to clear this up). I file Bio and
Genetech under the same category, since if you ask me its all
living. Hope this clears things up. That is why none of this
costs essence. Currently, this is about the best genetech you
will find sold on the street (But don't believe that its the
best we posses...). Also, don't worry about legality, I've
gotten that all cleared. If you've got the cash for the
operation, worry not about the UCAS or other governments. Unless
you get caught...
Para Howl
Based on the paralyzing howl of the barghest, this power enables
the user to paralyze anything living in range to hear the howl
unless they make a willpower success test with a target number
of 2 (OK, so it's not as great as the barghests). They must make
a number of success equal to the systems level. One problem,
however. This system is incompatible with trolls. Sorry big
guys. But hey, it's not like you ain't tough already! Any person
not making the success test is paralyzed for 8+1d6 turns minus
their willpower attribute. During these turns they must either
drop everything and run or sit quivering (your choice). The user
may use this power a number of times equal to his essence (round
up) per 12 hours. During the hospital stay the recipient must
have his vocal cords paralyzed for about 1/2 the stay, and after
that his throat may be sore for a month or 2.
Type Waiting Period Cost Hos.Stay
ParaHowl Lv.1 1 month
200,000 Y 2 weeks
ParaHowl Lv.2 5 weeks
300,000 Y 2 weeks
ParaHowl Lv.3 2 months
450,000 Y 16 days
ParaHowl Lv.4 1 month
700,000 Y 3 weeks
Low Freq. Bioears
We have gotten the Low Freq. Ears down pat and they are now
available. Identical to the high freq's except when it comes to
sound range and cost.
Type Waiting Period Cost Hos.Stay
Low Freq. Ears 4 months
300,000 Y 5 days
BioDermal Armor
Almost identical to a trolls natural armor, this is a bone
reinforcing and growth change that works just like cyber dermal
armor, just higher cost and no essence cost. -1 to charisma
though (unless already at 1). Sorry trolls, this won't work on
you either. The hospital stay is rather short, but the process
is somewhat painful and the character will have 1 point of body
damage for about a week after the operation till the body
returns to normal statis. The subject receives a constant
calcium drip.
Type Waiting Period Cost Hos.Stay
BioDermal Lv.1 1 month
100,000 Y 4 days
BioDeraml Lv.2 2 months
300,000 Y 5 days
BioHealer System
Identical to the Cyberware Healing System by Raku (see New
Cyberware1) except it's costlier, has a shorter amount of level
choices, and costs no essence. The user must stay in a sealed
room like the one described under the BioFilters (see New
Type Waiting Period Cost Hos.Stay
BioHealer Lv.1 2 months
200,000 Y 1 week
BioHealer Lv.2 2 months
400,000 Y 1 week
BioHealer Lv.3 3 months
800,000 Y 9 days
BioMuscle boost
A new system which naturally adds to the users strength and
quickness (yes, it does effect reaction) and has a relatively
short hospital stay. Compatible with all 5 types of humanity.
Rated by Soldier of Fortune Magazine as the number 1 bioware
improvement of 2053!!! As such, we offer it to true mercs (make
a standard public rep check if your a merc and roll 3 dice to
see if you fit the bill) at a 5% discount. Works just like the
cyberware enhancement except for the reaction factor.
Type Waiting Period Cost Hos.Stay
BioMuscles (Lv.1-3) 1 month 200,000 Y
per level 3 days
BioMuscles (Lv.4&5) 2 month 1 million
Y per level 4 days
A note on the BioSpur (see NewBioware 1)
The BioSpur is NOT just standard Bone. A letter from a fellow
runner made me want to point out that it IS reinforced better
then standard bone, as is the arm it comes out of.
All of the above products are manufactured by AHET inc. Please
see my previous cyberware and bioware uploads for more details.
Note that the samurai discount in Cyberware2 is not applicable
to bioware. They cost no essence. As I stated before, I don't
RECOMMEND GM's allow this during character generation.
For Shadowrun 2nd edition
By Michael Best (Capt MJB)