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A Rifts adventure by Matt Tilove
The players can be anywhere within the Zone. They should have
access to some kind of spacecraft, but this is not necessary.
The adventure is ideal for mid-level characters, from 3rd-6th
Read this aloud to the players:
You wake up to the buzzing sound of an incoming message. Its
an odd message, indeed. All it says is Please report to Docking
Bay 6 of the CAN Republic immediately. REWARD!!!
The CAN Republic is not exactly known for hiring freebooters.
(Or any outsiders, for that matter.) What could they want with
If the players accept the offer, read this:
After docking at the moon, you are escorted through the winding
passageways into the deepest depths of the moon colony. You
dont know where youre going, but you pass several security
checkpoints and numerous signs proclaiming Authorized Personnel
Only, Security level 9 clearance required and similar.
Soon, you are lead to a large, military-looking office and told
to wait for the General.
Before long, a man in a CAN Army uniform enters and sits behind
a large desk. Looking authentically worried, he says, We seem
to be having a small problem with, um, outsiders. A group of
filthy terrorists are sabotaging our Earth Containment System.
The reward for bringing them in, dead or alive, is 1,750,000 IOU.
If the players accept (With that kind of money, who wouldnt?)
They will be given a packet containing information on the
terrorists and sent on their way, with their ship rearmed,
re-supplied, and refueled.
The Packet is a rectangular cloth bag about 8 1/2 by 11 by 3.
It contains pictures of the group members (not good ones), the
stats on their ship, and some basic info on the group in
general. According to the packet there are 8 terrorists,
including a dragon and two demons (actually, the demons are
practitioners of magic). They are based on the medium shuttle
Heart of Gold, and their port of call is the Outcast Station.
They use hit-and-run tactics and have already destroyed 25% of
the Earth Containment System.
A thorough search of the packet will reveal a small, circular
electronic device sewn into the cloth. A successful roll on the
radio: basic skill will show that this is an electronic homing
beacon. Another will show that it was built by professionals
with advanced equipment, like the Freedom Station or CAN
The beacon was, in fact, installed by the moon colony so that,
should their enemy be located, they could send their own army to
destroy them.
At any given time, 1d4 members of the so-called terrorist
group will be on the moon surface or in the CAN Republic, while
the rest are in the shuttle, either trying to disable CAN killer
satellites or refueling at the outcast station.
They are fully aware that there are freebooters looking for
them, but they dont really care.
There are three ways the pcs can locate their quarry. One,
they can hang out at the Outcast Station and wait for the Heart
of Gold to dock, but this could take several months. Two, they
can stay in Earth orbit around large groups of CAN killer
satellites, and within 1d6 weeks the Heart of Gold will arrive.
The best way is to go to the Outcast Stations pirate section and
spread rumors that there is a reward for the location of the
Heart of Gold group. In 2d4 hours, they will be contacted by
Jackie Phoenix, a mutant pirate and the original owner of the
Heart of Gold. He reveals that he has a tracking beacon in the
ship, and will locate it in 1d4 hours. When he does find it, he
will want his money immediately and might even leave without it
if there is a delay. He wants nothing to do with anyone
involved in the conflict.
The so-called Terrorists are actually secret, sanctioned
operatives of the NGR military!! They discovered humans in orbit
by exploring a dimensional rift, and have been in space ever
They are in the command of General Harry Webster, a 15th level
Power Armor Commando who has become disillusioned with the NGRs
teachings of human supremacy and stands against magic.
Therefore, General Webster has taken to forming an elite platoon
of D-Bees, psychics, mercenaries, creatures of magic, and other
beings of good alignments despised by the NGR. The Terrorists
are a group of such soldiers.
The Terrorists are trying to weaken the Earth Containment
System enough that the NGR can place its own spacecraft in orbit
and gain all the benefits of space superiority. Also, Webster
hopes to demonstrate to the people in orbit that Earth has
established civilization once again.
If the terrorists are found they will first try to get the PCs
to come over to their side. Since most freebooters dont like
the CAN Republic, this should not be too hard. If doing the
right thing doesnt appeal to the player characters, the
terrorists will point out that there is water in abundance down
on earth, and they can make the pcs rich beyond their wildest
dreams. (They will; they are honest folks.) If the pcs join
them, together they will destroy the ECS and be the all around
good-guys from the NGRs point of view.
If they decide to try to fight the terrorists, there will be a
large scale battle. The terrorists will try to bring this
battle to mars or the asteroid belt, where they have the
advantage of gravity. If they are loosing, they will escape
through a rift rather than fight to the death. They will
reappear later, better armed and with reinforcements. The can
pop up again and again, taunting the pcs well into the campaign.
An excellent ongoing villain.
Non-player characters
Lieutenant Jotek La
The unofficial leader of the Heart of Gold group, Jotek is
committed to his task almost to the point of obsession. He is
one of the kindest people currently in orbit, but will not
hesitate to kill for the good of the people on earth. Being a
True Atlantian, Jotek feels responsible for draining the earth
of its magic thousands of years ago, and therefore responsible
for the fact that humans were unprepared for the Coming of the
Rifts. He wants nothing more than the people of space to assist
in stomping out the monsters on earth.
Name: Jotek La
Alignment: Unprincipled
Hit Points:18 SDC: 62
Weight: 180 lbs Height: 7 ft.
Age:35, looks 16 PPE: 200
Attributes: IQ:25 ME:25 MA:20 PS:20 PP:14 PE:13 PB 29 Spd: 21
Desposition: Stern, but nice. an excellent tactition. Hates
vampires. Insanity: phobia (Temporal Raiders)
Experience Level: 5th level temporal wizard
Species: True Atlantian (human)
Magic Knowledge: All magic powers of the True Atlantians, plus
those of the Temporal Wizard. Complete understanding of
tattoo magic, and spells.
Combat: HTH: Expert
Attacks per melee: 3
WPs: Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle, Blunt
Weapons: Usually a Wilks 457 laser rifle (3d6 MD or 1d6*10 for
three blasts) and a Wilks 320 laser pistol (1d6 MD). Access to
most Triax weapons.
Body Armor: Huntsman, 40 MDC, plus a vacum suit.
Skills of note: Math:Basic, Lore:Demons&Monsters, Literacy,
Escape, Paramedic, Compuer Operation
Spells: See Invisible, Sense Magic, Befuddle, Chameleon, Detect
Concealment, Fear, Armor of Ithan, Telekenesis, Fools Gold,
Shadow Meld, Escape, Appirition, Telleport:lesser, Time Slip,
Tongues, Stone to flesh, Familiar Link, Anti-Magic Cloud, Time
Hole, Summon Lesser Being, Close Rift, Dimensional Portal, and
Teleport: Superior
Temporal Spells (From the pages of Rifts: England): See
Demensional Anomoly, Demen. Pocket, D-Phase, 4th Dem,
Transformation, Time Maelstrom, Time Warp:Send, S-Dep, D-Shift
2 Dementions, Id Self, Time Warp: Fast Forward, Temp Time
Hole, Remote Viewing
Captain Samtek
Although superior to Jotek La in rank, Samtek acknowledges Joes
superior fighting mind and therefore acts as second in command.
He has a good heart, but doesnt like to deal with people. Most
consider him mean, but he secretly donates to charities and
helps the downtrodden. Not a good fighter, but uses his spells
often and well. Likes to absorb an enemys PPE when he kills
them. His teammates try to keep him out of hand to hand combat,
because he tends to kill once he starts fighting. (Never starts
a fight himself.)
Name: Samtek Sam Kman
Alignment: Unprincipled
Hit Points: 14 SDC: 20
Weight: 145 Height: 6ft. 1 in.
Age: 21 PPE: 95
Attributes: IQ:22, ME:18, MA:12, PS:12, PP:18, PE:12, PB:11,
Desposition: Gruff and underspoken. Doesnt talk much, and
when he does he doesnt bother with adjectives. Ferocious in
battle, but not very good. Nearly gets killed at least once a
Experience Level: 2nd level Ley Line Walker
Species: Human
Magic Knowledge: All normal Ley Line Walker Abilities
Combat: HTH:Basic
Attacks per Melee:2
WPs: Energy rifle & Energy Pistol
Weapons: Hand axe, Uzi with silver bullets (2d6 SDC), C-12
Rifle (2d6/4d6 MD, 6d6 SDC), And a TX-30 Pulse Rifle (2d6 MD
or 6d6 MD for 3 pulse blasts)
Body Armor: Huntsman, 40 MDC, plus a vacum suit
Skills of note: Climbing, Lore:Demon, Math:Basic,
Language:Euro&Spanish, Biology, Computer operation,
Literacy:American, Prowl, Radio:Basic, Pilot Robots&Power
Armor, First Aid
Spells: Cloud of smoke, See the invisible, Sense Evil,
Befuddle, Concealment, Levitation, Energy Bolt,
Paralisis:Lesser, Telekenesis, Fools gold, Fire bolt, Shadow
Meld, Fear
Seargent Nazernine
The resident anti-fighter of the Heart of Gold group, Nazernine
is always looking for alteretives to violence. Always an ugly
girl, she turned into a tomboy early in her life. Although this
was only a phase, she excells in a male-dominated profession.
Although she dissaproves of fighting, she will die to save the
rest of the group (if they let her).
Name: Nazernine
Alignment: Scruplous
Hit Points:14 SDC:66
Weight: 150 Height: 6 ft 5 in
Age: 23 PPE: 31
Attributes: IQ:14, ME:15, MA:4, PS:29, PP:14, PE:18, PB:4,
Desposition: Freiendly and outgoing, but, although truthful,
nobody trusts her at first. Everyone she meets immidiately
dislikes her, however kind she is. Because if this, she
turned to fighting.
Experience Level: 4th level cyber-knight
Magic Knowledge: None, other than lore.
Psionics: Major psionic. 30 ISP, Empathy, Sixth Sense, Telepethy
Combat:HTH:Expert plus Robot combat:Basic, and Power
Armor:Basic and Elite (Titan Power Armor)
Attacks per melee:4
WPs: Archery, Sword, Energy Pistol, Heavy Energy.
Weapons: Hatchet, knife, Psi-Sword (3d6 MD), JA-9 (2d6 md),
C-18 (1d6 MD) and an Impaler rune sword (IQ 18, scrupolous,
1d6*10 MD) Usually uses X-535 Hunter with TX-41 Rifle: 3d6 or
1d6*10 MDC
Body Armor: Coalition Heavy: 80 MDC, and cyber-armor: 50 MDC,
Skills of note: Literacy, Drgonese, Euro, Lore: Demon,
Paramedic, Climbing, Body Building, Gymnastics, Prowl, Escape,
Pick Locks, Disguise, Sniper
Sergent Hawker Jameson
Never really a fighter, Hawker joined the Heart of Gold group
when they befrended him in the North American wilderness. When
outside his bot and armor, Hawker uses his frightening (to most)
powers to intimidate others without a fight. He is best friends
with Nazernine.
Name: Hawker Jameson
Alignment: Scrupolous
Hit Points: 16 SDC:19 MDC: 120, but only when transformed into
a stone giant
Weight: 155 Height: 5 ft 9 in.
Age: 19 PPE 24
Attributes: IQ:11, ME:12, MA:7, PS:12, PP:10, PE:12, PB:10,
Disposition: Freindly, but likes animals more than people.
Always nervous and figity, because, as an Earth Child, he is
out of his element in space. Like to act macho, but only
around people he doesn;t know well. Doesnt mind fighting, but
will try to avoid it.
Experience Level: 3rd Level Earth Child
Species: Earth Child
Natural Porwers: All the normal for the Earth Child, See
Magic Knowledge: none
Psionics: Major psionic, ISP:36, Alter Aura, Deth Trance,
Ectoplasm, Mind Block, Nightvision, Resist Fatigue, Resist
Hunger, Telekenesis.
Combat: HTH:Expert plus Robot Combat:Basic
Attacks per melee: 2
WPs: Blunt, Archery, Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle, Heavy Energy,
Weapons: Knife, Staff, NG Plasma Ejector (6d6MD) , Wilks 320
(1d6MDC).Usually uses X-535 Hunter with TX-41 Rifle: 3d6 or
1d6*10 MDC
Body Armor: T-10 body armor: 100 MDC
Skills of Note: Math:Basic, American, Euro, Dragonese,
Literacy:American, Prowl, Paremedic, Pick Pockets, Palming.
Special Agent Aklabar
Special Agent is the term the NGR applies to secret police,
military assasins, and other unmentionables. General Webster
gave this rank to Aklabar because it accounted for his absence
(actually, he was hiding in the bomb sheleter) during the
monthly inspections of the military base. Aklabar latched onto
the group when he was 3 months old, because the were the first
creatures he met who didnt attack him on sight. He is a
bloodthirsty fighter, but has slowly become a better person
through his associations with the group.
Name: Aklabar
Alignment: anarchist with leanings towards good.
Weight:varies Height:varies
Age: 1 year PPE:60
Attributes: IQ:17, ME:10, MA:18, PS:21, PP:12 PE:10: PB:17,
Desposition: Threatening and macho. He likes to scare people
more than fighting him. Actually, hes a nice guy, but wants to
live up to the dragon engima. Extemely loyal to his friends,
basically limited to the Heart of Gold group
Experience Level: 2nd level, jet black, horned dragon
Species: Great Horned Dragon Hatchling
Natural Powers: all the usual for the Horned Dragon
Magic Knowledge: Full understanding of magic, but knows no
Psionics: Master psionic. ISP 100, Psichic Diagnosis, Psichic
Surgery, Clairvoience, Empathy, Mind Block, See Aura, Summ.
Inner Strength, Telekenesis
Combat: HTH:Basic
Attacks per melee: 3
Weapons: Kittani Plasma Axe (3d6 MD), Fire Breath: (2d6 MD),
TX-500 rail gun (6d6 MD)
Skills of note: Dragonese, American, Math:Basic, Prowl,
Demolitions, Dem. Desposal.
Private Hobbes Cammain
Together with Kenny Zarvish, Hobbes is the newest member of the
group. They joined after their town (of witch they were the
protectors) was destroyed by the Mechanoids. The two have been
members of the group ever since. Hobbes is a Gung-ho fighter,
as is characteristic of GB pilots, but never underestimates his
enemy. If the pcs fight the Heart of Gold group in graviy,
Hobbes will be their most powerful enemy.
Name: Hobbes Cammain
Alignment: Scruplous
Hit Points: 15 SDC: 40
Weight: 135 Height: 6 ft
Age:21 PPE 10
Attributes: IQ:17, ME:13, MA:20, PS:21, PP:14, PE:19, Spd:18
Disposition: Gung-ho fighter. Freindly, but distrustful. Always
ready for a challange. If the Heart of Gold cant get to a
gravitational field for a fight, he will ignore his teammates
requests to wait and jump out of the airlock in his Glitter
Boy, which he will hurridly attach by tether to the ship.
Experience Level: First Level Glitter Boy
Species: Human
Magic Knowledge: none
Combat: HTH: expert plus Robot Combat:Basic & Elite (Glitter
Boy power armor)
Attacks per melee: 4 plus robot combat
WPs: Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle, and Heavy energy
Weapons: TX-43 (2d6/4d6 MD) and earth- style Glitter Boy with
Boom Gun (3d6*10 MD)
Body armor: T-10 (100 MDC) and Glitter Boy: 770 MDC
Skills of note: Literacy(american), Euro, climbing, pilot
robots & power armor, computer oporation, prowl
Private Kenny Zarvish
Kenny is a quiet, underspoken man in his mid twenties. His
closest friend is Hobbes Cammain, but Kenny is detached even
when dealing with him. Kenny spends all of his free time
tinkering with his Glitter Boy, which, by now, looks like
something from a rift. Kenny will act like he doesnt care about
anything, but he will fight to the death to protect something he
believes in.
Name: Kenny Zarvish
Alignment: Unprincipled
Hit Points: 23 SDC: 32
Weight: 160 Height: 6 ft 2 in
Age: 24 PPE: 20
Attributes: IQ:14, ME:20, MA:9, PS:13, PP:15, PE:10, Spd:21
Disposition: Quiet and distrustful. Seems like a anti-fighter
at first, but he actually loves to kill. He is ashamed of
this, which is why he is hesitent to get into any kind of a
conflict. A valuble ally.
Experience level: First Level Glitter Boy
Species: Human
Magic Knowledge: none
Combat: HTH: expert plus Robot Combat:Basic & Elite (Glitter
Boy power armor)
Attacks per melee: 4 plus robot combat
WPs: Energy Rifle, Energy Pistol, Heavy Energy, Blunt
Weapons: JA-9 (2d6 MD) and a modified earth-style Glitter Boy.
GB Modifications: Added NG-202 Rail gun (1d4*10 MD) mounted
over left shoulder. JA-11 rifle mounted under boom gun (2d6,
3d6, or 4d6 MD). These modifications make the GB -1 one to
strike, parry, and dodge in earth gravity, but no penalty in
space or low-gravity environments.
Body armor: T-10 (100 MDC) and Glitter Boy: 770 MDC
Skills of note: American, Euro, Basic Electronics, Radio:Basic,
Weapon Systems, Paramedic, literacy ( American)
Jim Microwave
Not an official member of the group, Jim found the soldiers
just as they arrived in space a few months ago. He sympathized
with the NGRs point of view and has been the Heart of Gold pilot
ever since.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Attributes: Average
Age: 20 Sex: Male
Level of experience: 2nd
Disposition: Trusting, Friendly, and confident. Likes to fly.
Occupation: Freelance Pilot
Home Station: Yuro Station
Weight: 120 Height: 5 ft
Hit Points: 30 SDC: 42
Species: Human
Random Mutations: Plastic Bones, Body Freeze
Skills of note: Pilot:Basic, Pilot:Advanced, EVA, Ship to ship
Combat: Basic
Attacks Per Melee: 3
The Starship Heart of Gold
More of a flying garage for the groups bots than a true
shuttle, the Heart of Gold is not really suited for combat.
Design: Medium Shuttle
Built By: Laika Station
Purpose: Destroying the Earth Containment System
Length: 60 meters
Mass: 100 tons
Drive type: ion
Fuel: standard
Range: 600,000 miles
Acceleration: 3 G
Speed class: 33
MDC: 90
Max Crew: 10
Recycling: Type 2
Weapons: ion cannon (5d6 or 1d6*10 MD)