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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Mage Spells and Cantrip
From Dragon magazine and other sources
Mage Spells and Cantrips Level:1
Catfeet (Alteration)
LEVEL: Cantrip Area of Effect: 1 pair of feet
SOURCE: Dragon Casting Time: 1/6 SEG
Explanation/Description: This personal cantrip, enacted by making a stroking motion with the
fingers of one hand, acts upon the caster (and cannot be made to affect another person) for 1 round
(plus per level of the caster). Movements or weight (tread) of the caster's feet, regardless of the
surface being walked upon or climbed, are rendered silent. This does not cloak other sounds. In
addition, the caster will land, balanced and unwinded, on his feet, from a fall of any height
suffered while the cantrip is in effect (and a modifer of -1 from each die of falling damamge
suffered applies). The dewomer also lends some surety of traction and movement; a -15% chance
of slipping or falling in damp, greasy, or otherwise slightly slippery conditions underfoot. Note
that this does not enable the caster to climb or walk upon walls or ceilings unless other magic is
employed (such as a spider climb spell), but will reinforce all such magics to lend increased
safety in hazardous conditions.
Horn (Evocation)
LEVEL: Cantrip Area of Effect: Special
SOURCE: Dragon Casting Time: Special
Explanation/Description: A haunting-sound horn cantrip causes the sound of a non-existent horn
or trumpet being winded to be heard within 2" (6" if loud). The pitch, volume, apparent distance
(echo and muffling), and the length of note (only a single call is permitted) are all controllable by
the caster. The caster faintly or inaudibly hums a tone to set the pitch, and then opens his mouth
into an O-shape while cupping the fingers of one hand over it. The trumpet call will last as long
as the mouth is opened in an O. The volume and steadiness of the tone are controlled by the
fingers (which flare open to increase volume, and pinch shut to mute it) and can be shaken to give
a tremulous note. A caster practiced in the use of this cantrip can imitate horn blasts perfectly.
Listen (Alteration)
LEVEL: Cantrip Area of Effect: 1 creature
SOURCE: Dragon Casting Time: 1/10 SEG
Explanation/Description: A person-affecting listen cantrip enables the caster to attract the
attention of a target creature within 6". The cantrip is activated by the caster's pointing at the
target and then at himself, while simultaneously saying, "Ahem." The target will be alerted to the
message subsequently (beginning within 1 segment of the casting) spoken by the caster. The
cantrip does not act as a message spell; there must be no barriers to sound between the caster and
the target, and the cantrip does not improve the target's hearing or the volume of the caster's voice
- nor does it capture the target's full concentration, so it will not ruin or delay spellcasting. If
the message is spoken in a language not understood by the target, the cantrip does not translate it.
The cantrip is ideal for alerting a friend to the presence of the caster. A listen cantrip will never
be cast on the wrong target due to movement during the caster's pointing; the caster's view of the
target determines the target.
Scorch (Alteration)
LEVEL: Cantrip Area of Effect: 1 object
SOURCE: Dragon Casting Time: 1/3 SEG
Explanation/Description: This reversed cantrip, despite its name, creates neither flame nor heat.
Instead, by magically exciting the molecules on any non-living object (of up to 100gp weight), it
causes the object to char without noise, smell, or smoke. The caster must touch the object (to hit
roll required if another creature is attempting to protect the object or keep the caster from it),
and the object is allowed a saving throw vs. magical fire. If the save fails, the object is comsumed.
This cantrip will readily destroy magicial writings such as spellbooks and scrolls. The verbal
components is a hissing noise; the somatic component is merely touching the object to be affected.
Snatch (Evocation)
LEVEL: Cantrip Area of Effect: 1 person
SOURCE: Dragon Casting Time: 1/6 SEG
Explanation/Description: This person-affecting cantrip causes a brief, violent jerking force to
act upon a body portion or limb of a subject creature. This force has little strength, but may
serve to cause a running being to stumble or turn about, or cause someone to fumble or drop small
objects. A saving throw determines whether such objects are actually dropped, or a fall or mishap
actually occurs or whether the snatch spell merely delays the subject for 1-3 segments. The
snatch is a brief tug, not an unseen servant. The caster hisses softly at the subject being, and
simultaneously makes a jerking motion wiht a hooked finger, visualizing the location and percise
direction of the desired snatching, to enact the cantrip.
Spark (Evocation)
LEVEL: Cantrip Area of Effect: Special
SOURCE: Dragon Casting Time: 1/2 SEG
Explanation/Description: This personal cantrip is enacted by the caster snapping his fingers and
making a popping verbal noise simultaneously; this causes a large, powerful blue spark to come
into being at any precise location (familiar, or unseen and merely chosen by the direction and
distance) within a range of 1"/level of the caster. The energy of the spark will be transmitted by
any conducting material it contacts, but the spark does not require the presence of electrical (or
any other) energy, and is not affected by dampness or other atmospheric conditions. If the caster
is 6th level or higher, the cantrip will produce 2-5 sparks in the same spot, in rapid succession.
Level 1:
Bigby's Bookworm Bane (Evocation)
Range: 20' Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is used to seek out and destroy one of the most feared
enemies of the mage: the bookworm. When cast, the spell creates a disembodied hand that will
search through 100 books or scrolls per round, seeking out bookworms with a 95% chance of
detection. Once a worm is found, the hand will pursue the bookworm relentlessly, attacking with
the skill of a fighter equal in level to the caster. A successful hit by the hand means that the
bookworm is instantly crushed to death. The hand possesses a strength of 8, so it can move aside
books and scrolls in pursuit of the fleeing bookworm. The hand is incapable of performing any
other functions ot combatting any other foe. Bigby uses the spell periodically to safeguard his
valuable library. The material component is a child-sized glove made of tough leather.
Bigby's Feeling Fingers
Range: 20' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 hr + 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell calls into existence a disembodied hand under the caster's
command. The hand cannot hold, grasp, or carry, but it does have an amazingly sensitive sence of
touch. The hand's sense of touch is so fine that it can note miniscule cracks, seperations, or
openings in a surface, and thus detect the presence of a secret or concealed door with a 50%
chance of success. The hand con search a 10 foot by 10 foot area each turn. The hand connot be
destroyed by physical attacks, but it can be dispelled if dealt four or more points of magical
damage. The hand can trip a nonmagical trap if the location of the trap is known. The material
components for the spell are a child-sized silk glove and a swan's feather.
Drawmij's Beast of Burden (Alteration)
Range: 30' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 hrs/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell partially lightens goods placed upon a single mount. The
effective encumbrance of all objects on the mount, including riders, is reduced by one-half, in
effect doubling the amount of weight the mount can carry. A mount that suddenly finds itself
carrying one and one-half its maximum load without the spells protection cannot walk, slowly
sinks to the ground, and stands a 50% chance of going lame. A mount suddenly burdened by twice
its maximum load collapes to the ground, suffering 1d6 points of damage and automatically goes
lame. The material components are a lodestone and pinch of metal filings.
Drawmij's Light Step (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 5 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
Explantion/Description: This spell gives a creature a very limited form of levitation. The
creature walks normally over any surface, but walks so lightly that no tracks are left behind. If
the creature breaks into a charge or run the spell ends immediately. The creature can also move
across a fluid as well as a solid surface, but the movement rate is reduced to one-half the
creatures normal walking rate, as the creature must step carefully. The light step spell will not
enable a creature to walk across turbulent water or ocean waves, however, since the chaotic motion
of the fluid disturbs the levitation field. The spell actually makes the creature unable to activate
pit traps. It doesn't allow the creature to leap higher or jump safely from a cliff, only to walk
with a lighter step. This spell will also increase the creature by 50% for the duration of the
spell. The material components are a bit of fur taken from a cat's paw and a ducks feather.
LEVEL: 1 SOURCE: Dragon #123
Range: 0 Components: V,S
Duration: 1 SEG Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is typically used for long range signalling outdoors. It produces a
streak of intense light that shoots straight up into the air from the caster's index finger and remains
visible for one full SEG It is equally visible in daylight or darkness, and can be seen from as far as five
miles, plus one mile per LVL of experience the caster has attained. A FLARE may be used to indicate the
position of the mage and his party, or it may be used to transmit simple messages. Since the flare's
color is controlled by the caster, a simple code may be devised for signaling between an army and its
scouting parties. For instance a red FLARE might indicate that an enemy is near, a yellow might mean
that the enemy is retreating, etc.
Mordenkainen's Protection from Avians (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 5 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: A creature protected by this spell receives a special benefit when in
combat with avians totalling no more than 15 hit dice. If more hit dice attack, the spell is
negated. Affected avians have a -2 penalty on rolls to hit the protected creature for the duration
of the spell. The material component is a feather from any bird wrapped with a strip of tough
Nystul's Dancing Werelight (Alteration)
Range: 60' + 20'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 hrs + 1/2 hr/LVL Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a mote of light completely under the caster's control.
The light shed by mote can be increased or decreased at the caster's will, ranging from the
brightness of a light spell to the dim glow of a candle. The werelight can flit about from place to
place as the caster directs, as long as it stays within the range of the spell. The werelight could
be called upon to hang over the caster's head as a convenient reading light. The werelight spell
cannot be attached to an object or creature. It can only exist as a mote hanging in the air. The
material component is a live firefly.
Nystul's Flash (Evocation)
Range: 30' + 5'/LVL Components: V,S
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: 10' rad globe Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a sudden flood of bright light in a 10' radius globe.
All creatures within the area of effect who fail a save verus spells are blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Those who make their saving throw are merely dazed for 1d4 rounds, suffering a -2 penalty on all
hit rolls. They are also off-balance in melee, so any attack made against a dazed creature has a +2
hit modifier. Creatures outside the globe facing the flash do not suffer any ill effects. Creatures
without eyes are not affected by this spell.
Otiluke's Bubbling Buoyancy (Alteration)
Range: 20'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: 100 lbs/LVL Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: By use of this spell, the mage can allow normally non-bouoyant objects
to float upon a layer of small crystal bubbles filled with air. Up to 100 pounds per level of the
caster can be made to float, including gold, lead, stone, or living creature. An object that has
sunk can be raised to the surface if the object is within the spell's range. The material
components are a small cork and a pinch of bromine salt.
Otiluke's Smoky Sphere (Evocation)
Range: 60' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: 10' rad globe Saving Throw: Neg.
Explanation/Description: This spell summons into the caster's hand a small crystalline sphere
filled with gray, hazy mass. The smoke sphere can be thrown as far as 60 feet away from the
caster as a grenade-like missile. The sphere shatters when it hits, filling an area 10 feet in
radius with harsh, irritating smoke. Unless a save verses poison is made, all creatures within the
area of effect will suffer a fit of coughing, gasping, and choking for 1d4 + 1 rounds. The affected
creatures attack and make saving throws with a -2 penalty until the fit passes, and any spell with
a verbal component has a 30% chance of failure when cast by a coughing spellcaster. The smoke
cloud disperses and becomes harmless after one round. The sphere must be used within three
rounds of casting or the substance becomes inert and useless, and the crystal sphere
disintegrates. If the smoke sphere is shattered before it is thrown, the smoke cloud will affect
the caster. The material component is a charred stick or piece of charcoal and a small, hollow
glass ball.
Otto's Chime of Release (Alteration)
Range: 60 ' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 SEG Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, a delicate chime rings out, the vibration of
which will release any form of nonmagical bonds holding a single creature or person. Ropes will
be untied, chains and shackles loosened, leather straps unbound, a gag undone, or a wooden stock
will be opened by the chime. The spell can even be used to release a bit and bridle on a horse,
freeing the mount from a rider's direct control. The material component is a small brass tubular
chime, which disappears when the spell is cast.
Rary's Empathic Perception (Divination)
Range: 5'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 1 segment
Area of Effect: One creature per probe Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell enables the caster to sense the basic emotions of a creature,
person, or animal, such as fear, hunger, thirst, anger, pain, joy, or love. The spell will work on all
creatures possessing a mind, but not automatons, golems, undead, or inhuman beings from other
planes. Only one creature can be probed every five rounds, and the creature must be within the
caster's line of sight, not behind a door or wall. A shielded mind cannot be probed empathically.
The material component for empathic perception is a copper piece.
Serpent Missile (Evocation)
LEVEL: 1 SOURCE: Isle of the Ape (Module)
Range: 6" + 1/LVL Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect:1 or more creatures Saving Throw: Reduces Damage to
in a 100 sq. ft. area 1hp/missle
Description: This spell is a variation of the common magic missile spell. It utilizes a scale of a
venomous snake to produce each missile. By throwing one or more scales, depending upon the caster's
LVL, of course, one or more glowing green serpent forms appear from the caster's fingertips and flash
toward the desired target(s). If the target creature successfully saves versus the spell, then only 1
point of damage per serpent missile is inflicted. If a save is not made, then 2-8 points of damage are
caused by this dweomer.
Tenser's Eye of the Tiger (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: By casting this spell, the mage can endow a creature with superior
night vision equal to that of a great cat. The creature will be able to see in dim light up to a range
of 30 feet and notice moving objects up to 60 feet away. Under conditions of total darkness, the
creature can note moving objects slightly better. A creature who does not possess the blind-
fighting proficiency is granted the proficiency while the spell is in effect, and a creature who
already knows the art of blind-fighting will fight in the dark at only -1 to hit. The material
components are a tiger's whiskers and ground carrot.
Tenser's Steady Aim (Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: One Fighter Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell will aid a moving archer or crossbowman with a steady
shooting hand. No matter how fast the archer is moving or how unsteady his motion, the fighter
will suffer no attack penalty on shots made with device-propelled missiles. The spell provides no
archery bonuses. The material component is a small coiled spring.
Level 2 Mage Spells
Bigby's Dextrous Digits (Evocation)
Range: 90' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 TN/LVL Casting Time: 2 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell summons into existence a pair of disembodided hands that
will follow the mage's every order. The hands can perform all the functions of an unseen servant,
but can also accomplish deeds requiring fine coordination, such as tinkering with tools, working
with labratory equipment, sculpting, painting, or playing a musical instrument. The hands can
perform an task the caster can accomplish, including non-weapon proficiencies known by the
mage. The hands will perform with a dexterity equal to that of the caster. Each hand can hold and
carry up to 200 g.p. weight individually, or 500 g.p. weight together. The hands can move no
farther apart than the caster's own hands. The hands can move 120 feet per round, regardless of
weight carried, but can move no farther than 90 feet away from the caster or they vanish. The
hands cannot wield a weapon in melee or punch or grapple. Although the hands are immune to the
physical attacks, they can be destroyed by six or more points of magical damage. The material
component is a pair of gloves embroided with the mage's initials.
Bigby's Silencing Hand (Evocation-Enchantment)
Range: 40 ' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MR/LVL Casting Time: 2 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Neg.
Explanation/Description: This spell creates an appropriately sized hand that will fly toward the
chosen creature and clamp tightly over the creature's mouth unless the creature makes it's saving
throw. A creature affected by the spell will be unable to talk clearly, cannot cast any spells
requiring a verbal component, or use a magical item triggered by an audible command word. The
hand cannot be pulled away from the creature's mouth or be harmed by a physical attack, but can
be destroyed by six or more points of magical damage, although most magical attacks carry the
risk of harming the affected creature. A successful dispel magic spell destroys the hand without
injury to the creature. The material component is a cloth glove smeared with a sticky syrup or
Bladethirst (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: None Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: By means of a pinch of powdered silver, adamantite, or mithral, and at
least a drop of (human) blood, the caster endows the blade (or blades) of an edged weapon with a
+3 bonus to hit on the following round only. This temporary magic is visible as a blue-white glow
about the weapon, and fades when the blade strikes a creature or the spell expires, whichever
first occurs. The weapon must be touched by the caster, and can be wielded by the caster or any
other creature. The +3 bounus applies on the round following the casting.
Dispel Silence (Abjuration)
LEVEL: 2 SOURCE: Dragon, May 1985, pg. 31
Range: 0 Components: S,M
Duration: Special Cast time: 2 SEGs
Area of Effect:Sphere 1"rad/lvl Saving throw: None
Explanation/Description: This dweomer negates existing magical SILENCE within the area of effect, and
dispels any SILENCE created by spell casting or magic-item power with in the area of effect for 1 MR
per LVL of the spell caster after the MR of casting. Thus, a DISPEL SILENCE cast by a 12th-LVL mage
would negate (no saving throws allowed) any SILENCE cast on him or about his person, and prevent such
SILENCE from occurring or returning for twelve consecutive MRs after casting. DISPEL MAGIC will in
turn destroy a DISPEL SILENCE dweomer, but SILENCE will not return unless cast anew, or if of a
permanent (i.e. magic-item function) sort. The dweomer created by this spell is always a sphere
centered upon the mage, extending through walls and doors, aMR intervening objects, and so forth.
The spell is cast by means of a hand gesture and the casting into the air of a pinch of powdered diamond
(at least 50 gp worth of the crushed gemstone).
Drawmij's Adventurer's Luck (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 TNs Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell bestows upon the touched creature a special form of luck.
For the duration of the spell, the recipient of this magic can act as though he or she were holding
a luckstone and using its magical effects. The material component is 5,000 g.p. worth of ruby
dust sprinkled over the creature's head; this vanishes after the spell expires.
Drawmij's Breath of Life (Alteration)
Range: 100' Components: V
Duration: 5 TNs Casting Time: 1/6 SEG
Area of Effect: 1 creature/LVL Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: With the power of this spell, the mage can endow one or more creatures
with sufficient endurance to hold their breath for five full turns. Affected creatures cannot
drown or be subject to the effects of inhaled gases while holding their breath. The caster can
bestow the spell upon one creature for every level of experience. The spell is only one word long,
and has no somatic or material components, so the mage can cast the spell quickly in an
Drawmij's Scent Mask (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 2 SEG
Area of Effect: 1 creature/LVL Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell will conceal all odors emanating from a creature for the
duration of the spell. If cast upon the mage or another person, that person cannot be detected by
scent. The recipient of this spell cannot be tracked by an animal or being that uses its smell to
track, such as a bloodhound. If cast upon a creature that uses its odor as a weapon or form of
defense, the spell negates the odor if the creature fails a saving vs. spells. The musky odor of a
skunk or wolverine or the stench of a troglodyte could be suppressed by the spell. The material
component is a scentless flower.
Drawmij's Swift Mount (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 hrs + 1/2 hr/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: 1 mount/2 LVLs Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell will double the movement rate of any mount that runs,
swims, or flies for the duration of the spell. After the spell expires, the mount is completely
exhausted and refuses to move any farther for 24 hours. The spell will in no way increase the
amount of weight that the mount can carry. The maximum encumbrance limit for the mount is
uneffected. Overloading the mount automatically negates the spell. Drawmij's beast of burden
cannot be combined with swift mount to increase the load a racing mount can carry. The material
component for the spell is a hare's foor or a bit of fur from a cheetah.
Magnify (Alteration)
LEVEL: 2 SOURCE: Dragon (?)
Range: 20" /LVL of caster Components: V,S
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Cast time: 2 SEGs
Area of Effect: Anything within the caster's sight Saving throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell allows the caster to view an object or area as if it were larger, or
as if the caster were closer to it. Possible uses are examining sections of a wall for cracks which may
indicate a secreted door, or viewing a guard tower from a distance to determine how many guards are
present. Magnification is doubled for every LVL of the caster above first LVL. (2x at second LVL,
4x at third LVL, 8x at fourth LVL, 16x at fifth LVL, etc).
Mordenkainen's Encompassing Vision (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 hr/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell grants a creature a full 360 degrees of vision, so the
creature can seen sides and rear as well to the front. The creature cannot be surprised from the
rear by any attacker the creature can see normally. The spell will work in combination with any
sort of enhanced or magical vision, including infravision, ultravision, or x-ray vision. A creature
with both detect invisible and encompassing vision can see invisible, ethereal, or astral being
from the flank or rear as well. The person affected by this spell also has a -2 penalty on all saving
throws vs. gas attacks. The material component is a crystal disc with eight eyes inscribed upon
it, spaced at 45 degree intervals around the edge of the disc.
Nystul's Blackmote (Evocation)
Range: 30' + 5'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell summons a microscopic mote of energy from the Negitive
Material Plane to the caster's hand. The caster must immediately roll a saving throw verses death
magic at +2 to be able to control the blackmote. If the caster saves, the blackmote will lie dormant
in the mage's hand for one round, building up power. The caster can do nothing else during this
time, the as he or she must concentrate fully on the blackmote. If the caster's concentration is
broken during this time, the blackmote is despelled. At the end of the round, them spell is at full
power, and them blackmote can be hurled at a creature within the range of the spell. The
blackmote automatically strikes, exploding in a burst of darkness and cold, inflicting 2d6 damage
plus one point of damage per level of the caster. Undead and creatures from then Negitive
Material Plane or lower outer planes are unaffected by a blackmote. If the caster fails the initial
save verses death magic, the mage loses control of the mote. It immediately explodes in the
caster's hand, inflicting one point of damage and paralyzing the mage for 1d4 rounds. The
material component is a sliver of bone taken from an undead skeleton.
Nystul's Blazing Beam (Evocation)
Range: 30' + 10'/LVL Components: V,S
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell draws a parcel of energy from the positive material plane to
the caster's hand, which can be fired in a ray 1' wide and up to 30' plus 10' per level of the caster
in range. Except for undead, a creature struck by the beam is intitled to a saving throw. A
creature that successfully saves is struck by a glancing shot and is only dazed for 1d4 rounds,
suffering -2 penalty to hit rolls and a +2 penalty to armor class. A creature that fails is struck
full in the face by the beam and is blinded for 2d4 rounds, suffering -4 penalty on hit rolls and a
+4 penalty to armor class. An undead creature struck by the beam is not entitled to a save, and is
not dazed or blinded, but suffers 4d6 points of damage.
Nystul's Crystal Dagger (Evocation-Conjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MRs + 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 2 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell summons into the caster's hand a dagger composed of the
material from the quasi-elemental plane of mineral, strongly infused with energy drawn from the
Positive Material Plane. The crystal dagger has no hit bonus and inflicts 1d4 + 2 points of damage
to opponents struck in melee. Against undead and creatures from the lower planes, the dagger
inflicts 1d4 + 3 points of damage. If the crystal dagger does maximum damage to an undead or a
lower plane creature, that monster is paralyzed for the next melee round and the dagger vanishes.
The material component is a tiny dagger made from fine lead crystal, worth 250 g.p.
Odeen's Magic Cloud (Alteration)
LEVEL: 2 SOURCE: Dragon #124
Range: 2" + 1"/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Cast time: 2 Segments
Area of Effect: 5' x 5' x 5' cloud Saving throw: Special
Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the mage causes a small cloud to appear wherever he
desires within range of the spell. The cloud remains in place for its duration so long as the mage pays it
nominal attention. Once his attention is diverted, the cloud drifts with the breeze. There are several
types of clouds:
Storm Cloud: This magic cloud is thick, dark, and billowy, with rain or lightning at the mage's option.
The lightning does 1d6 hp of damage per MR to any creature below or inside the cloud unless a saving
throw vs. spells is made.
Obscuring Cloud: This especially thick cloud is centered on the face of the subject. It prevents both
normal vision and infravision. This cloud may be used either to protect the subject from a gaze attack
or hinder an opponent's vision (it does not, however, affect a beholder's eye-spells).
Rainbow Cloud: This magic cloud is thin and displays a rainbow when light is present in the visible
spectrum. Its chief purpose is to impress viewers; double the duration of the spell if this form is used.
Many other versions of this spell are possible, with effects in line with those listed here. Material
components vary with cloud type, but a ball of cotton is common to all the cloud types.
Otilukes Boiling Bath (Evocation-Conjuration)
Range: 60' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 SEG Casting Time: 2 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Neg.
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a cauldron-shaped container of force filled with
boiling oil, which appears over the target's head. The cauldron will dump its contents onto the
creature unless a saving throw verses spells is made. Success with the saving throw means the
creature is aware of the cauldron's sudden appearance and leaps clear before the cauldron is
poured. A creature who fails the save takes the full dose of boiling oil, suffering 3d4 points of
heat damage. The material components are a few drops of oil and a pinch of sulfur.
Otto's Soothing Vibrations (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 60' Components: V
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 2 MRs
Area of Effect: 20' rad sphere Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: As the mage casts the spell, all creatures in the area of effect begin to
hear soothing vibrations that cause them to pause and listen. As the music continues, the
creatures feel the mage broadcasting peaceful, kindly thoughts to them. The creatures will do
nothing for one round until the mage is finished casting the spell. Thereafter, all animals in the
area of effect of semi-intelligence or lower will feel kindly to the mage, and show no aggression or
fear unless attacked first. All other creatures are entitled to a saving throw at +2 to avoid the
spell's lulling effect. All animals and those creatures who fail the save are more susceptible to
charm spells cast before the spell's duration ends, and suffer a -2 penalty against any charm
spell cast upon them, such as `animal friendship', `charm person or mammal', or `charm monster'.
There is no somatic or material component to the spell, just the soothing, vibrating voice of the
Otto's Tones of Forgetfulness (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10'/LVL Components: V,S,M
.Duration: Casting Time: 2 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: When the mage casts this spell, the ears of the target creature are
filled with exotic tones no one else can hear. Unless the creature makes its saving throw, the
creature will lose all memory of non-weapon proficiencies known by the creature, and any attempt
to use such a proficiency will meet with automatic failure. If the creature's save is successful,
the creature merely suffers a +2 penalty to the chance of success with a non-weapon proficiency
for the duration of the spell. The material components are a string from a sitar and a wooden
Rary's Aptitude Appropriater (Divination-Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: By using this spell, the mage can temporarily acquire the ability to use
a nonweapon proficiency known to another creature. The caster must touch the creature already
possessing the desired skill. If the creature is willing to transfer his knowledge of the
proficiency, the transfer takes place without difficulty. If the creature is unwilling to transfer
the proficiency, the creature is entitled to a saving throw versus spells to prevent the transfer
from occurring. The creature touched does not lose his knowledge of the proficiency, but merely
allows the caster to know the proficiency as well. Only nonweapon proficiencies can be
transferred by the spell. Other skills, abilities, powers, or types of knowledge will not transfer.
The mage's level of ability with the proficiency is exactly that of the original owner, even if the
appropriate ability for the proficiency differs between the caster and creature.
Smokescreen (Alteration)
LEVEL: 2 SOURCE: Dragon #123
Range: 8" Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2MRs/LVL Casting time: 2 SEGs
Area of Effect: 10'/LVL rd sphere Saving throw: 1/2
Explanation/Description: This spell causes a large sphere of thick, black smoke to appear. The smoke
always floats 2' above the gMR, so that creatures outside the area may breath normally. Otherwise,
creatures in the area of effect take 2-5 hit points of damage per MR due to smoke inhalation; half
damage is taken if a save vs. spell is successful. It is not possible to see into or through an area
affected by a SMOKESCREEN, and visibility within this area is reduced to 3'. This reduced visibility
makes combat difficult; "to hit" rolls are made at -3 on the dice. A GUST OF WIND repels a
SMOKESCREEN but cannot disperse it. The
material component is a pinch of soot.
Tenser's Brawl (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 2 SEG
Area of Effect: Spellcaster Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell grants the recipient greater prowness in weaponless combat.
The fighter gains a +2 bonus to hit will all pummeling, grappling, or overbearing attacks. The
fighter receives a +2 initiative bonus for pummeling attacks and a 10% bonus to stun an opponent.
The fighter suffers no initiative penalty when performing a grappling attack, and any grappling
hold achieved by the fighter is more secure, so the held creature attacks at -4. The material
component for the spell is a bit of chest fur from a bear or gorilla.
Tenser's Hunting Hawk (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 2 SEG
Area of Effect: Spellcaster Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast upon an arrow, the missile gains a special
dweomer that changes the arrow into a hunting hawk as the arrow leaves the bow. The hunting
hawk: AC 6; Move 33"; HD 1; hp 6; #AT 3; Dmg 1-2/1-2/1; THAC0 19; AL N. The hawk's first
strike is a swooping attack, striking at +2 bonus to hit with its claw attacks doing double damage,
but no beak attack is allowed. Thereafter, the hawk will continue to attack opponents as the
caster orders, for one round per level of experience of the caster, or until the hawk is destroyed.
If a magic arrow has hunting hawk cast upon it, then the hawk retains whatever magical bonuses
the arrow had, including attack or damage bonuses, so a hawk formed from an arrow +2 will also
be +2 on all attack and damage rolls. An arrow of slaying cannot be affected by the spell. When
the spell's duration ends, the affected arrow disappears permanently. The material component is
a wing feather.
Level 3 Mage Spells
Bigby's Pugnacious Pugilist (Evocation)
Range: 60' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MR/LVL Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a pair of man-sized hands, appearing as clenched
and padded fists. The hands pummel with the effectiveness of an 18/50 strength fighter of one-
half the caster's experience level. The hands together fight as a character with AC 4 and three hit
points per level of the mage. The hands are dispelled when they run out of hit points. The hands
can pummel only, and cannot hold a weapon or grapple. The hands cannot be grappled or
overborne, since they can easily flit away. The material components are a mitten stuffed with
cotton and a brass bell.
Drawmij's Marvelous Shield (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V,S
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is an improved version of the shield spell. The improved
version will protect the caster against attacks from all sides, including the rear and above,
provided the mage is aware of the attack. A surprise attack will completely dispel the protection
of the improved shield. The protection afforded by the spell is -2 against all attacks, so the
improved shield acts as AC 0 against hand-hurled missiles, AC 1 against device propelled
missiles, and a -2 bounus on the magic's armor class against all other attack forms.
Drawmij's Iron Sack (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 6 hrs + 2 hrs/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: One sack Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell will provide greater protection for the contents of one
normal sack or backpack. An affected sack is protected is if the interior were completely lined
with inch-thick solid steel, although the sack becomes no heavier or less flexible. The sack
makes its saving throw against physical or magical damage as if made of hard metal, with an
additional +2 bonus applied to the saving throw. Items within the sack must check only if the
sack fails its check. The material component is a strip of leater with mail sewn on one side.
Mordenkainen's Defence Against Lycanthropes (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell will aid a creature in surviving attacks made by
lycanthropes. Any attack made upon the creature by a lycanthrope has a -2 penalty to hit. No
matter how much damage is inflicted by a lycanthrope, the creature will not contract lycanthropy
as long as the spell is in effect. The spell will not protect the creature from contracting
lycanthropy if injuries occured before the spell was cast or after it expired. The material
component is a crushed moonstone.
Mordenkainen's Defence Against Nonmagical Reptiles and Amphibians (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 5 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: A creature protected by this spell gains an advantage in combat with
nonmagical reptiles and amphibians, including snakes, dinosaurs, frogs, and giant-sized species
of such animals. Dragons are excluded from the spell's effects as well as other creatures with
unnatural abilities. All such animals have a -2 penalty to hit the protected creature, and the
creature gains a +4 bonus to saving throws versus reptile and amphibian venom. The material
components are a bit of snake skin and a dried frog's leg placed in a pouch of hardened leather.
Mordenkainen's Protection from Insects and Arachnids (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 5 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell provides a measure of protection from insects, spiders, and
scorpions, including giant-sized and unnatural species of such animals. All such animals attack
the protected creature at -2 penalty to hit and all the protected creatures saving throws against
insect or arachnid venom have a +4 bonus. The spell works on no more than 20 hit dice of bugs of
all types. If more than 20 hit dice of insects attack, the spell dissipates. The material component
is an insect trapped in amber.
Nystul's Crystal Dirk (Evocation-Conjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 MRs + 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a weapon similat to that described in the 2nd level
crystal dagger spell. The dirk is faintly magical, granting a +1 bonus on attack rolls. The dirk
does 1d4 + 2 points of damage when it hits. Against undead and monsters from the lower outer
planes, the dirk does 1d4 + 3 points of damage on a successful hit. If the crystal dirk score
maximum damage, the monster will be paralyzed until the end of the next round following the hit.
The material component is a tiny dagger made from lead crystal worth 350 g.p.
Nystul's Expenitious Fire Extinguisher (Evocation)
Range: 20'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 SEG Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This more powerful version of the affect normal fires spell enables the
caster to quickly extinguish a large fire. When the spell is cast, anti-energy from the quasi-
elemental plane of ash in momentarily drawn down upon the fire. An area on non-magical fire up
to 100 square feet per level can be put out in just one segment, so the spell is ideal for combatting
forest and brush fires. The spell is less effective against magical fire. The chance of
extinguishing a magical fire is only 60%, and a maximum area of 100 square yards, regardless of
the level of the spellcaster, can by snuffed. The spell has no effect on fire-based creature or
flames emanating from a creature's body, such as fire elementals, fire grues, or the type VI
demon. The material components for the spell are a pinch a cold ash mixed with salt.
Nystul's Golden Revelation (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 5 MR/LVL Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: 30'wide cone 60' long Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Desciption: With this spell, the mage can reveal hidden, concealed, or invisible
creature within the conical area. The concealed creature will be surrounded with an aura of
golden light, shining out in a 1-foot diameter about the creature, making it easily seen. The mage
can make a full 360 degree sweep-search of the area in one round. The spell might reveal a thief
hiding in shadows, a barbarian concealed in natural terrain, or a creature hidden behind an
obstacal. The spell creates a glow around an invisible, out-of-phase, ethereal, duo-dimensional,
or astral being in the area of effect, as well as creatures using a cloak of elvenkind, robe of
blending, or ring of chameleon power. A saving throw against being affected by the golden
revelation is not permitted, although successful magic resistance protects a creature from being
outlined by the spell. The material component is a box wrapped with waxed parchment,
containing a glowworm.
Nystul's Radiant Baton (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: When the mage casts this spell, it summons into the caster's hand a
slender baton from the energy drawn from the quasi-elemental plane of radiance. The baton can be
one of seven colors of the rainbow as the caster chooses. The attacked form of the baton will
correspond to the color chosen, being similar to the attack of a radiance quasi-elemental creature,
as follows:
Red baton: cold energy (+1 damage to fire-based creatures, no damage if cold-based)
Orange baton: heat energy (+1 damage to cold-based creatures, no damage if fire-based)
Yellow baton: acid damage (save vs. spell to take no damage)
Green baton: neutral poison (per cleric spell)
Blue baton: electrical energy (+10 damage to metal armored enemy)
Indigo baton: undead specific (only undead harmed)
Violet baton: vegatation specific (only plants harmed)
The baton will do a base 2d4 points of damage plus one point of damage per level of the caster
when a hit is scored. The type of damage corresponds to the color of the baton. The color of the
baton is chosen during casting, and cannot change thereafter. Creatures are allowed no saving
throw verse the effects of the radiant baton. The baton automatically hits any creature that
successfully strikes the caster in that melee round, otherwise the caster must use his own THAC0
to determine a successful strike on an enemy. The material components are a crystal prism
(which shatters after the spell) and a set of seven small, silver rods.
Otiluke's Acid Cloud (Evocation)
Range: 60' Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 30' diam globe Casting Time: 3 SEG
Duration: 1 MR/2 LVLs Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a small crystalline sphere filled with a yellowish-
brown mist. The crystal can be held for as long as the caster likes, but the contents become
useless after 3 rounds. The sphere can be thrown up to 20 yards as a grenade-like missle. When
the sphere shatters, the mist is released, filling the air in a 30' foot radius with yellowish acid
fumes. Everything within the area of effect is affected as if placed in an acid bath. All creatures
within the fumes will take 4d4 points of acid damage immediately, with no save allowed, and will
suffer 1d4 points of damage for every additional round of exposure to the fumes. All objects
touched by the acid fumes must make a saving throw versus acid or be eaten away. For every
additional round of exposure to the fumes, an item must save again. The atmospheric acid bath
will remain in existence for one round for every two levels of the caster, but any winds or rains or
turbulent atmospheric conditions will negate the spell. The material component is a small vial of
diluted aqua regia ("royal water").
Otiluke's Force Umbrella (Evocation)
Range: 50' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a broad, bowl-shaped dome of force over the caster's
head, 10 feet in radius, shimmering violet in appearance. The dome will follow the caster
wherever he travels. The dome will not only shield the caster from rain, sleet, or snow, but also
against physical or magical attacks from above, such as siege weapons, giant-hurled boudlers, or a
breath weapon from a flying dragon. The force umbrella provides a +4 saving throw bonus against
magical attacks from above, and a -6 armor class bonus against physical attacks from above. The
umbrella will also deflect 75% of arrow or bolt attacks from above or a high angle of indirect fire,
such as a volley of arrows. It will conform to restricted spaces and allow the caster to move
through narrow openings. The material components are a miniature umbrella made of wood and
leather and a pinch of diamond dust.
Otto's Crystal Rhythms (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Neg.
Explanation/Description: Unless the victim of the spell makes its saving throw, the creature's
ears will be filled with the sound of energetic crystal chimes that no one else can hear. The
creature will immediately drop anything in its hands and begin clapping, so the creature cannot
use its hands for anything else. Spells requiring somatic components cannot be cast, thieving
skills cannot be performed, tools cannot be used, and weapons cannot be wielded bu the affected,
and any creature with more than one pair of hands will clap along with as many hands as the
creature has. The material components for the spell are a pair of crystals worth 500 gp that
vanish after the spell is cast.
Otto's Sure-Footed Shuffle (Alteration-Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 30' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TNs + 1-6 TNs/LVL Casting Time: 3 MRs
Area of Effect: All creatures within range Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, thelisteners hear fiddle music for one round.
Thereafter, the creatures are given the walking agility and sure-footedness of a mountain goat.
The creature can climb an incline of up to 50 degrees with no trouble. In any situation where the
creature might trip, slip, stumble, or lose his footing or balance, the creature receive a +4 bonus
to saving throw or -4 modifier to the creature's dexterity check to avoid falling, using whichever
roll is applicable. The material components are a fiddle string and a sliver from the hoof of a
mountain goat.
Tenser's Deadly Strike (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 MRs + 1d6 MRs Casting Time: 3 SEG
Area of Effect: Spellcaster Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell improves the martial prowness of the caster. All melee
attacks made by the caster are at the usual chance to hit, but every successful attack does
maximum damage to the opponent for the duration of the spell. The spell will work in
combination with any other magic which enhances fighting ability. The spell only affects hand-
held or hurled weapons. The spell only affects hand-held melee weapons or hurled weapons, but
not device-propelled missile weapons. The material component is a full set of tiger claws.
Tenser's Eye of the Eagle (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Person touched Saving Throw: None
(fighters only)
Explanation/Description: This spell endows a fighter with superior eyesight that also grants
expert weapon use. The range of the person's vision is effectively doubled, even in combination
with infravision or normal vision. This advantage dramatically improves accuracy at great
distances. In addition, the fighter gains a +2 bonus to hit at the weapon's normal ranges. The
material components are a few feathers from the head of an eagle and ground carrot.
Level 4 Mage Spells
Bigby's Battering Gauntlets (Evocation)
Range: 60' Components: V,M,S
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell brings into existence a shimmering violet force shaped like
a battering ram with a clenched fist as the ram's head. The force assumes a cylindrical shape 12
feet long by 2 feet in diameter, but the caster can shorten its length to 3 feet in order to fit in a
cramped space. The spell acts as a battering ram of great power, destroying a normal door with
one hit, a reinforced door with three hits, a stone door with five hits, and has a 50% chance to
destroy a metal door (the spell is destroyed in the gauntlet fails). Only one attack can be made
per round, as with any ordinary battering ram. Used against a smaller physical obstruction, such
as a dungeon door or metal grate reinforced with magic, a saving throw is made for the door at the
level of the mage who cast the reinforcing spell on the door. If the save is successful, the gauntlet
spell is destroyed. If the save fails, the gauntlet spell begins working on the door. Against a
living target, the ram has no effect. The caster must always remain within 60 feet of the ram or it
will disipate. The ram cannot be damaged by physical attacks, but it can be destroyed by magical
damage if it suffers one-half of the number of hit points of the caster. Dispel magic or
disintegrate spells can also destroy the gauntlet. The spell cannot be used to open chest or batter
anything but a door or portal. It only functions against portals that are designed to open at some
time. The material component is a metal rod with a chain mail gauntlet slipped over one end.
Bigby's Construction Crew (Evocation)
Range: 120' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 12 hrs Casting Time: 1 TN
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates as many pairs of hands as the caster's experience
level. All of the hands come equiped with carpentry tools. The hands do the work of a
construction team equal in ability to any crew of professional carpenters, masons, miners, or
sappers. The hands never need to rest or eat. Each pair of hands performs as one worker. They
are unable to fight or inflict physical on anything. They cannot be destroyed by non-magical
means and each pair has as many hit points as the caster has levels. The material components
include an assortment of miniture tools, worth at least 500 g.p.
Bigby's Force Sculpture (Evocation)
Range: 30' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This very flexible spell enables the mage to create a visible plane of
force that can be shaped into any form the caster wishes. That caster could create a table, ladder,
club, bucket, stilts, or cane, for example. Once an object is formed, it retains its form for the
duration of the spell. The object imitates must be fairly rigid, can have no moving parts, cannot
have a sharp point or edge, and cannot possess finely detailed features. A rope, long bow, sword,
chariot, or accurate statue cannot be created with the spell. All objects formed out of force cannot
be harmed by physical attacks, but can be dispelled by magical attacks that inflict more points of
damage to the object than the caster's hit points. Up to one cubic foot of material per level of the
caster can be simulated. The material component for the spell is a lump of soft clay with diamond
dust mixed into it.
Create Darkenbeast (Alteration)
Range: 10'/LVL Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 SEGs
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explantion/Description: This spell enables the mage to transform one or more animals into
darkenbeasts. The animals to be transformed must all be within a 20-foot-diameter circle. The spell
automatically affects ordinary, non-magical mammals of animal or simi-intelligence. Animals with an
intelligence of 5 or more get a saving throw to resist the spell. Only animals of 2 Hit Dice or less are
effected by this spell. Humans, humanoids, and demi-humans are immune. The mage can transform one
animal for each LVL of his experience. The spell can be cast only in darkness (i.e., night, inside, or
undergMR) and its effects last until daylight strikes the darkenbeast. At that time, the creature
automatically reverts to its true form. Slain darkenbeasts also revert at this time. The spell SUN RAY
or a magical sun sword breaks the spell, but a CONTINUAL LIGHT spell has no effect. The material
component is dried wyvern's blood.
Drawmij's Handy Timepiece (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: Length of other spell Casting Time: 1 hr
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: After this spell is cast, the next spell cast by the caster is timed. A
small golden gong appears in front of the caster and softly chimes a warning one minute before the
spell ends. This magic only works with spells with a duration of less that 48 hours. To cast the
spell, the mage must collect a feather from a migratory bird, a fruit fly, a few grains of sand, a
solid silver pendulum worth 100 g.p., and a solid gold orb of exquisite craftmanship worth 5,000
g.p., all of these vanish with the end of the spell.
Drawmij's Instant Exit (Alteration-Conjuration)
Range: 30' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell enables the mage and others to use a limited and risky form
of teleportation. When the spell is cast, a door suddenly appears on the wall or other flat surface
within 3 yards of the caster. The caster and as many others who can pass through the door in one
round (usually at the rate of one creature or person per segment) can enther into a zone of nil-
space by passing through the doorway. When the door is closed behind the mage, the mage and all
those with him in the nil-space zone are teleported to a random location within 250 yards of the
door. If the door is not closed before the end of the spell's duration, then the door slams shut
automatically at the end of the round. The door disappears when closed by the mage or after it
shuts itself. The party has no control over where they will be teleported, and there is a 5%
chance that the spell will malfunction and dump the party into the ethereal plane. To determine
where the mage and his friends are sent, consult the DM map, track back along the path of the
party, and place them in a random area where they have been before. This spell cannot send the
party into an unknown territory. The material component is a miniture silver door decorated with
ruby chips worth 5,000 g.p. that vanishes after the spell is cast.
Drawmij's Protection from Non-magical Gas (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 5 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 2 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' radius Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a volume of space 20 feet in radius about the caster,
within which all creatures are protected from the effects of all non-magical gases, fumes, and
smoke. All natural gases that touch the edge of the sphere of protection are dispersed. The air
within the sphere always remains clean, fresh, and replenished with oxygen, so those within the
sphere will not suffer from lack of oxygen if the air outside is contaminated or its oxygen is
consumed by fire. The spell will not work underwater or in a vacuum. The sphere moves with the
caster. It is dispelled if touched by magical gases or if the caster moves using magical means.
The material components are a fan and a small vial containing perfume worth at least 100 g.p.
Both vanish after the spell is cast.
Drawmij's Tool Box (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This useful spell permits the mage to temporarily acquire one to ten
tool when needed. The object or objects conjured can be as large as 200 g.p. encumbrance value of
goods. The caster can continue exchanging items for new items throughout the duration of the
spell. The caster can conjure a hammer and chisel in the first round, exchange them for a saw in
round five, trade the saw for a pry bar in round eight, and so on. Only non-living matter can be
conjured. The tools cannot be taken more than 100 yards away from the box. The box is
immovable and only the caster can take tools from it. The only tools that can be taken from the
box are things that a carpenter or builder might have. Things that shouldn't be taken from the
box include: theives tools, wax key blanks, ball bearings, magical weapons, and gem cutter
blades. Things that might be in a skillful carpenter's box include: rope, skeleton key, huge
hammers and metal stakes, large canvas sheets, nets and sand. The material component is a
miniture wooden tool box.
LEVEL: 4 SOURCE: Dragon, Dec. 1984 p. 34
Range: 1"/LVL Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 MR Casting Time : 6 SEGs
Area of Effect: 3" diam. cone Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: The spellcaster, by use of a pinch of dust (a grain or two of sand will suffice)
and a few drops of water, causes large (2-inch and greater diam.) hailstones to rain down in a conical
area, from a focus 3" above a surface or desired target downward in a cone opening to 3" base
diameter. Creatures within the area of effect suffer 3-30 hit points of damage, and exposed items
must save vs. a crushing blow to remain undamaged. If the spell is cast in midair, creatures that fly as
close as 6" below the focus and within the 3"-diameter area of effect will take 1-10 points of damage.
Only fragile items within this area (from 3" to 6" beneath), such as glass or parchment, must make a
saving throw. Creatures that fly more than 6" beneath the focus in the area of effect may be struck by
hailstones and thereby made aware of the spell effect, but these stones will have no appreciable force
and will do no damage.
Merald's Murderous Mist (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MR Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: 2" rad. Saving Throw: Neg.
Explanation/Description: A billowing cloud of misty vapors is created by the use of this spell; it
radiates outwards from the caster to fill a 2" radius spherical area above and below the caster's
ground level, penetrating all obstructions in only 2 segments; at the end of the round of casting
the magic takes effect, and the mist changes in hue from blue-grey to green, becoming poisonous.
All breathing creatures within the area of effect not possessing a (magical) separate air supply -
except the caster, who is immune to the effects of his own murderous mist - must immediately
save vs. spell. Those who save are unharmed. Those who do not take 2-8 points of damage from the
vapor, which is corrosive to flesh but does not affect clothing or items. Creatures which can't
move out of the area of effect within the round take a further 1-4 points of damage on the
following round. The globe of merderous mist is a magically bound, precise are unaffected by
natural or magical winds. Dispel magic or part water will cause it to disappear before expiration
of the spell, and various magics or items (such as rope trick or a portable hole) will protect an
individual by providing escape from the mist, but it is otherwise unaffected by natural or magical
Mordenkainen's Electric Arc (Evocation)
Range: 5'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: 1/2
Explanation/Description: This spell causes one or more small flashes of lightning to erupt from
the caster's fingertips and strike one or more opponents. One arc of lightning will be evoked for
every three levels of the caster. Each electric arc will inflict 1d6 damage plus one point per level
of the caster. A saving throw verses magic reduces damage by one-half. The spell is most
effective when each electric are is directed at a seperate oppenent. Only one arc may strike a
target per combat round; others striking the same target have no effect. The material components
for the spell are a bit of fur and a glass rod.
Mordenkainen's Faithful Phantom Shield-Maidens (Summoning)
Range: 50' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell summons a pair of shimmering violet phantom beings that
will stay on either side of the mage and protect him from all attackers. The shield-maidens are
AC 4 (phantom chain-mail and large shield); Move 12"; HD 3; HP 20; Dmg 1d6 (phantom spear);
THAC0 16; AL N. The shield-maidens stay close enough to the caster for their shields to help
cover the mage. The shield of one maiden will provide the caster with a -1 armor class bonus. If
both shield-maidens protect the same side of the caster with their shields, the armor class bonus
is -2. While the shield-maidens can protect the caster from attacks from different directions,
they will move no farther than 50 feet away from the caster, even if the mage orders them to move
away. They follow magically wherever the caster goes. The material components are a pair of
small crystal shields tied with string to a minture wooden figure of the caster.
Mordenkainen's Protection from Slime (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell helps protect a creature against attacks by all molds, slimes,
puddings, oozes, and other formless, primordial beings. All attacks against the protected
creature are made with a -2 penalty and the protected creature's saving throw has a +2 bonus. In
addition, the creature's flesh is highly resistant to any corrosive attack by such monsters, and is
treated as being solid stone for the purpose of withstanding a slime monster's corrosive attack.
The spell negates up to 10d4 points of damage from slime before it collapses. The material
components are a bit of food mold pressed between two flat stones, and a pinch of diamond dust.
Murlynd's Orge
Range: 3" Compenents: V,S,M
Duration: Until Destroyed Casting Time: 4 Segments
Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: See Below
Explanation/Description: When the spell caster brings this dweomer into play, a hissing veil of odd-
colored vapors shoots upward, and from behind this screen of clashing, misty smoke steps an ogre-like
figure of obscene bulk and hideous visage. All creatures of 4 or fewer hit dice or LVLs of experience
will flee in fear from 1-4 MRs and spend a like period recovering from trembling. They must save vs.
spells before having sufficient courage to return. Creatures of 4+ hit dice/5th LVL or greater must
save vs. spells to avoid the fear reaction noted above, although those of 8+/8th LVL save at +4 on the
die. While it appears fearsome, the Ogre is but a wraith-like creature with no form or substance. It
inflicts 1-4 points of damage when it attacks (as an ogre). Althought it can be struck only by magic
weapons, the thing is destroyed by a mere six points of damage.
Nchaser's Glowing Globe
LEVEL: 4 SOURCE: Dragon, June 1982, p. 17
Range: Touch Compenents: V,S,M
Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 SEGs
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell requires a globe of blown glass of the finest quality, and a spark.
By the use of this spell the caster creates an effect identical to a CONTINUAL LIGHT spell centered
within a transparent object, but with the brightness of the light under the caster's mental control.
Continuous control need not be maintained; the caster can merely exert concentration to change the
current luminosity of the globe, and it will continue to emit the desired amount of light until a new
mental command is received (unless, of course, it should be destroyed). Mental control may be
maintained over a globe from a distance of 9" per LVL of the caster (plus 4" per point of intelligence
over 15). Control of a globe cannot be wrested from another except by means of a WISH or LIMITED
WISH or upon the death of the owner, whereupon the expectant owner must touch the globe to take
mastery over it.
Nystul's Blacklight Burst (Evocation)
Range: 10'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' rad sphere Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This risky spell brings forth a blast of energy from the Negitive
Material Plane for an instant. Those within the area of effect seffer 1d4 points of damage per
level of the caster, or only one half damage is a save vs. death magic is successful. Affected
creatures who fail their save will also be slowed (as the spell) for 1d4 rounds. Creature from the
Positive Material Plane or upper outer planes take an additional point of damage per level of the
caster, and the saving throw is made at -2. Such creatures who fail their save will also be stunned
for 1d4 rounds, rather than slowed. There is always a 10% chance that the mage will lose control
of the spell and be affected by its attack, as a ray from the area of effect bounces back to strike
the caster. Undead are never affected by the spell. The material component is a bit of earth taken
from the grave of a ghoul or ghast.
Nystul's Grue Conjuration (Counjuration/Summoning)
Range: 60' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 1 TN
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell, which is actually a group of four risky spells, will summon
one grue - harginn, ildriss, chaggrin, or varrdig - from one of the four elemental planes:
Air Incense
Earth Soft Clay
Fire Sulfur
Water Sea Water
These material components must be used when summoning the grue desired. The type of grue to
be summoned must be decided before the caster memorizes the spell. Grue are notoriously
untrustworthy and difficult to control, so the caster must rely on more than just concentration to
keep the grue under his command. As soon as the grue is summoned, it will demand a payment
from the caster for its service. The payment offered must be at least 500 g.p. worth of goods of
interest to the grue, or the grue will be angered and immediately attack the caster. If the grue is
satisfied with the offer, it will grudgingly perform one service for the caster for the duration of
the spell. The grue will try to subvert or openly disobey the caster's orders if the grue finds
them unpleasant.
Nystul's Lightburst (Evocation)
Range: 10'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' radius sphere Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell summons a burst of energy from the Positive Material Plane.
All creatures within or facing the sudden blaze of energy are blinded for one round, with no
saving throw. Creatures without eyes cannot be blinded. In addition, all undead, creatures from
the Negitive Material Plane, or beings from the lower outer planes within the area of effect take
1d6 points of damage per level of the caster. Such creatures suffer only half damage if they make
their saving throw, but all undead make their save at -2. The material component is a small, solid
gold orb worth 500 g.p., it is destroyed after the spell dissipates.
Otiluke's Steaming Sphere (Evocation)
Range: 60' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/2 LVLs Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: 30' rad globe Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a small crystalline sphere filled with hot steam in
the caster's hand. The mist within the sphere will remain active for three rounds. The sphere can
be hurled up to 60 yards away from the caster. When the sphere hits a solid surface, it instantly
shatters, freeing the contents and filling an area 30 feet in radius with thick steam. It does 4d4
points of heat damage per round of exposure to the steam, with no save permitted. The steam
totally obscures vision, reducing visibility to only 30 feet in front of an affect creature.
Creatures within the area of effect of the steam bath will also be disoriented, making it difficult
for creatures to find their way out of the steam bath. Each round a creature is within the steam
cloud, the creature must make a save versus spells to escape from the cloud. A creature who saves
will emerge from the steam bath in a random direction; Imagine a clock face and roll 1d12 to find
the direction in which the creature escapes. If the saving throw is failed, the creature stumbles
around in the steam bath for another round. The material components are a few drops of pure
water, a pinch of dust, and a bit of sulfur.
Otto's Drums of Despair (Enchantment/Charm) reversible
Range: 20'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: 400 sq ft/LVL Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell will create the sound of oppressively loud war drums in a
large area, filling all creatures in the area of effect with feelings of dread and despair. The spell
will cover an area at the direction of the caster, so a 10th-level mage could affect an area 200 feet
by 20 feet, 100 feet by 40 feet, or 50 feet by 80 feet. All affected creatures will be -2 on all
attack, damage, and saving throws, and will suffer a -2 morale penalty. Creatures of 2 hit dice or
less are not entitled to a saving throw to avoid the enchantment. Creatures of 2+1 to 4 hit dice
make their save at -2, and creatures of 4+1 hit dice and higher roll an unmodified save. The
material components are a pair of miniature bronze drums with onyx decorations, worth 1,000 gp
in materials and workmanship, that vanish after the spell is cast.
The reverse of the spell, `Otto's rousing anthem', produces a loud trumpet call that raises the
spirits of all allied creatures in the same-sized area of effect. All affected creatures will be +1
on attack and saving throws, and NPCs will receive a two-point bonus on morale checks. The
material component for the anthem is a set of four miniature silver trumpets trimmed with lapis
lazuli, worth a total of 5,000 gp, which canish after the spell is cast.
Otto's Silver Tongue (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 0 Components: V,S
Duration: 2 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 4 segments
Area of Effect: The mage Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the mage's voice takes on an enthralling sing-
song tone that instantly catches the ear of any listener. Anything said by the caster will sound
very convincing, as if the mage had a 19 charisma (+40% reaction adjustment). Any half-truth
spoken by the caster has a 75% chance of sneaking past the notice of a listener using a `detect lie'
spell and an outright lie has a 50% chance of not being discovered by `detect lie'.
Otto's Tin Soldiers (Alteration)
Range: 10' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 5 MRs + 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: To use this spell, the caster must have a pair of small, tin soldiers
appropriate for one of the four versions of the spell. When the spell is cast, rousting martial
music fills the air as the time soldiers grow to human size and come to life. The tin soldiers will
obey all orders faithfully, even to the death. The type of soldiers that can be conjured into
existence depends on the level of the caster, as follows.
7th level caster -- two heavy infantryman: AC 4 (chain mail and large shield); Move 9"; HD 1+2;
hp 8; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (spear or short sword); THAC0 18; AL N.
9th level caster -- two heavy foot archers: AC 5 (chain mail); Move 9"; HD 2+2; hp 15; #AT 2 or 1
(long bow or short sword); Dmg 1d6 (arrow or short sword); THAC0 16; AL N.
12th level caster -- two light calvarymen (if there is room for the horses): AC 6 (ring mail); Move
12"; HD 3+2; hp 23; #AT 2 or 1 (composite short bow or broad sword); Dmg 1d6 or 2d4 (arrow or
broad sword); THAC0 16; AL N. They are riding light warhorses: AC 6 (leather barding); Move
21"; HD 2; hp 14; #AT 2; Dmg 1d4/1d4; THAC0 16; AL N.
14th level caster -- two foot knights: AC 2 (plate mail and large
shield); Move 6"; HD 4+2; hp 30; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10+3; THAC0 15; AL N.
The material components are the pair of soldiers worth 100 gp in workmanship and a miniature
brass bugle worth 50 gp, which vanish after the spell is cast.
Otto's Tonal Attack (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 20'/LVLV Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell will cause a spell-using creature to temporarily lose the
knowledge of how to cast spells unless a saving throw is made. Clerics and druids make their
saves at +2. If the save is successful, then any spell cast by the affected creature is reduced in
effectiveness, as if the spell were cast by a character two experience levels lower for figuring
spell range, area of effect, duration, or damage. The material components are a sitar string and a
crystal mallet (1,000 gp), which vanish after the spell is cast.
Otto's Warding Tones (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 120' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: 250 sq ft Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: All creatures affected by this spell will have their ears filled with
loud tomes only they can hear. The notes will drown out all other sounds, effectively making the
creature deaf, but also rendering the creature immune to all sonic attacks, such as siren's song, a
banshee's wail, drums of panic, drums of deafening, or the first use of a horn of blasting. The
material components are two lumps of bee's wax and a string from any orchestral string
Rary's Memory Alteration (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 60' Components: V,S
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Neg.
Explanation/Description: This more powerful version of the `forget' spell allows the mage to
actively alter a part of a creature's memory. The portion of memory the caster can affect is
limited to one specific event in the creature's life. The memory of a real event can be altered as
the caster wishes. The mage could replace real facts about the event with false ones, or even place
a completely new memory into the creature's mind, causing the creature to remember an event that
never happened. The caster, however, is unable to remove a memory of an event in its entirety.
There is no time limit on how far into the past an event can be altered. The creature is entitled to
a save versus spells to avoid having his memory changed. A heal, restoration, or wish will correct
any alterations made to a creature's memory.
Rary's Mind Scan (Divination)
Range: 10'/LVL Components: V,S
Duration: 5 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature/probe Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell allows for deeper study of an unshielded mind than ESP can
accomplish. The caster can pick up the surface thoughts or emotions of a creature on the first
round of the probe, read deeper thoughts or memories on the second through fourth rounds of
study (allow save vs. spells), and all beginning with the fifth round. The caster may learn of a
creature's dreams, supressed memories, or primal desires. One major fact or subject can be
learned or studied per round of deep probing. The limits on which topics can be probed are the
same as for the ESP spell.
Rary's Spell Enhancer (Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V
Duration: Special Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This one-word spell will focus and increase the effectiveness of a spell
cast by the mage. The `spell enhancer' is cast first, followed immediately by the spell to be
enhanced, during the same round. The enhanced spell will strike with greater power, resulting in
a -2 penalty to all saving throws made against the spell.
LEVEL: 4 SOURCE: Dragon, Jan. 1983, p. 71
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 8 SEGs
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell negates the adverse effects of all drugs (including alcohol) in the
recipient creature. Dexterity and mental impairments are instantly "cured", leaving the recipient
clear-headed and free of pain, able to undertake complex tasks requiring intense concentration, such as
spellcasting. The pain of even mortal wounds will be removed, although the Chase in no way heals any
damage extant in mind or body. If the condition has not righted itself by the time the spell wears off,
its effects will return. But, natural body processes continue while a creature is under the influence of
the CHASER, so that a hangover or other temporary discomfort may well vanish before the spell
expires. The CHASER will have no effect on insanity or magical conditions (such as FEEBLEMIND), but
does give a +4 saving throw versus any poisons present in the recipient at any time when the spell is in
effect. (If a saving throw versus the poison has already been failed, application of the CHASER will
permit a second, unmodified saving throw: it will not be at a +4 bonus, but will not have any
subtractions, either. ) The material component of this spell is a drop of holy water, touched to the
tongue or skin of the recipient (the spell may be cast on oneself).
Tenser's Giant Strength (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 TNs/LVL Casting Time: 1 TN
Area of Effect: Person touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This improvement of the strength spell empowers the recipient with
superhuman physical strength. The strength gained depends on the experience level of the caster,
as shown below.
Mage's Level Increase Strength To:
7th 16
9th 17
12th 18/01
13th 18/75
14th 18/90
15th 18/00
16th + 19
Those with strength already greater than the spell's effect get one more point of strength. Neither
permanency nor a wish can make the strength permanent. The material component is a bit of hair
from a giant or a titan.
Tenser's Flaming Blade (Alteration)
Range: 2" Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 MRs + 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: One dagger Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell will endow a dagger with the power of flame or frost, as
chosen by the caster. Each power has an effect as described below.
Flame: The blade ignites like a torch, casting light in a 30-foot radius. The flame will ignite any
combustibles which the blade contacts. The blade gains no magical bonuses, but will inflict an
additional point of damage in melee. The blade does three additional points of damage against a
cold-based creature, so a flaming dagger will inflict 1d4+3 damage to a yeti.
Frost: The blade glows with a cold blue aura that sheds light in a 10-foot radius. The blade has
no magical bonus, but will do one extra point of damage against a fire-based creature, such as a
salamander or fire grue. The blade can also freeze up to one cubic foot of water per round when
the blade is in contact with water.This spell will have no effect on a weapon that already has a
flame or frost capability.
The material component for the spell is phosphorous to produce a flame blade or quartz crystla to
create a frost blade.
Tenser's Master of Arms (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: Fighter touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell, when bestowed upon a fighter, improves the fighter's skill
with one melee weapon. A weapon with which the fighter is not proficient becomes a weapon of
proficiency in the character's hands. A weapon of proficiency is treated as a weapon of
specialization. There is no double weapon specialization allowed with the spell effect. The spell
will only affect fighters and fighter sub-class characters. The material component for master of
arms is a feather from a crane.
Tenser's Running Warrior (Alteration)
Range: 60' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 4 segments
Area of Effect: One person Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell will improve a person's ability in a running battle. First,
the person is granted a movement rate of 150 yards, regardless of the encumbrance of armor or
goods carried by the character. Second, no matter how far the person moves during a melee
rounds, the person is still entitled to the same number of melee attacks as he or she normally
receives. If the character was entitled to 2/1 attacks per round, the fighter could now move 60
yards, attack one foe, move another 90 yards and attack a second creature. The material
component is a bit of fur from a live wolf.
Tenser's Staff of Smiting (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 4 SEG
Area of Effect: The mage's staff Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell increases the effectiveness of the caster's staff when used in
melee. The spell will work only on non-magical staves. The spell adds a +1 bonus to hit and a +4
on damage rolls. The material component is a small iron bar.
LEVEL: 4 SOURCE: Dragon, Dec 1985, p. 35
Range: Touch Compenents: V, S
Duration: See Below Casting Time: 4 SEGs
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: Casting this spell brings into being a thin shaft of faint grey, shimmering
force extending 2" from the caster's pointing finger. This "lance" is weightless and intangible, but if
any creature touches or passes through any part of it, the lance vanishes with a loud clap of thunder,
and the creature struck is dealt 4-24 hit points of damage. The lance may be willed out of existence by
its caster at any time without and discharge or harm to the caster (although the spell is lost and
disappears in any event if the caster dies, loses consciousness, or begins to cast another spell). The
caster can employ the THUNDERLANCE in many ways -- held steady as a barrier against some
creature's passage or as a tripwire at ankle height to stop a pursuer. It is also highly effective when
wielded as a weapon; the caster can move his arm and finger about to strike with the lance. In any
combat situation against a THUNDERLANCE, potential victims are regarded as having a base armor class
of 10 (before any dexterity adjustments), the blow of the lance is transmitted through armor and
shields, and the presence of such protection does not benefit the target of a THUNDERLANCE attack.
However, the bonuses of magic armor are not negated, and will improve a target's effective AC by the
amount of the bonus.
The damage of the lance is a physical blow, as opposed to (for instance) a discharge of electricity. It
is fully effective against creatures that are resistant or immune to either blunt weapons or edged
weapons (since the lance is actually neither of those).
The touch of a THUNDERLANCE destroys a SHIELD spell, a WALL OF FORCE, or MINOR GLOBE OF
INVULNERABILITY, but the lance itself discharges (vanishes, without damaging anyone) upon such
contact. Stronger protective spells (such as ANTI-MAGIC shell) will also cause the lance to discharge,
but will themselves withstand the shock of its strike and remain in existence. A lance penetrates fire,
water (including ice and snow), and electical discharges of natural or magical (e. g. , WALL OF FIRE,
WALL OF ICE) origin without discharging, and thus the caster may strike through such phenomena at an
Any wielding a THUNDERLANCE (i.e., spellcasting is complete, but the lance has not yet discharged)
cannot be harmed by MAGIC MISSILE spells, regardless of what direction this strike from -- their force
passes harmlessly through the lance wielder to be absorbed by the lance, increasing the damage it does
(by 2-5 hp per missile) when it discharges. This will not occur if the lance wielder has some other
magical protection against MAGIC MISSILEs. A lance does not confer any protection against other
forms of magical attack, nor can it be passed to any other creature without discharging it --- an ally of
the caster cannot wield the lance on the caster's behalf.
LEVEL: 4 SOURCE: Undead suppliment (RA)
Range: 25 ft. + 5 ft./LVL Compenents: V, S, M
Duration: 1 MR/2 LVLs Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: 1 Person Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: By using this spell, the caster can physically cause wounds of TORTURE. This
spell only works on one man-sized or smaller humanoid per casting. Each MR the victim takes 1D8
points of damage, half damage if the character saves vs. Spells. If the victim fails to save, the quick,
sharp and unexpected pains will make it necessary for him to save vs. his constitution. If he fails this
save, the victim has a -5 to hit and damage. The save vs. constitution must be made every MR the
spell is in effect. Any time a character takes over half of his hit points in cummulative damage while
the spell is in effect, he will offer to surrender, or attempt to flee if the surrender is not accepted.
The material component is a knife, which is used to make a small cut on the thumb tip of the caster.
Concentration is not required to continue the spell after the first round.
Tulrun's Tracer
Range: 1" Compenents: V, S, M
Duration: 4 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 8 SEGs
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the TRACER - a continuous, luminescent pathway akin
to a LIGHT spell - comes into being within a 1" radius of the caster. It shows the most recent path of
any single creature whose path the caster wishes to trace, described verbally by the caster over the
material component (a pinch of phosphorus or a glowing life-form such as a fungus or glowworm). The
creature must have been present in the 1" radius area about the caster within a period of 1 day per LVL
of the caster for the TRACER to appear. The TRACER will show the route of the creature within the 1"
area, and then expand (at a rate of 60"/rnd) along the route taken by the creature, moving in that
direction for the duration of the spell. Once beyond the 1" initial radius, it will only show the path of
the creature - who need not have been seen by, or be known to, the spellcaster - as long as it remains
in physical contact with the gMR. PASS WITHOUT TRACE and similar magics will not confuse the
TRACER, and it will follow the creature's route through physical barriers (i.e. doors) and across gaps
(i.e. the results of a JUMP or DIMENSION DOOR, or purely physical acrobatics) of up to 14". It will not
otherwise show aerial travel, but will shine in and under water. The path will end when the target
creature is reached, when the spell expires, or at any place to which the target creature TELEPORTed,
left the plane of the caster, or embarked upon a mount or conveyance such as a cart, ship, or Carpet of
Flying. In the latter case, an individual reaching the path's end will receive a clear mental picture of
the destination travelled to, even if on another plane. If the target creature took a mount or
conveyance, the mental picture will be of the act of doing so and not of the destination reached.
Portions of the TRACER can be negated by DISPEL MAGIC, CONTINUAL DARKNESS, and the like, but it
cannot be physically disturbed (i.e. a GUST OF WIND would not shift it). When the spell expires, the
TRACER will have slowly faded into nothingness; no one not having reached its end will receive any
mental picture of the target's destination. The TRACER is intangible and cannot be walked upon. It may
be passed through or travelled within without harm and does not activate magic upon contact or distort
magic or physical phenomena passing through it.
Level 5 Mage Spells
Ballant's Stonestrength (Alteration)
LEVEL: 5 SOURCE: Dragon #145
Range: 20' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 TNs + 2 TNs/LVL Casting Time: 6 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: Ballant's stonestrength causes any single stone structure, no matter
what its size, to increase in structural value by 10% per level of the spell-caster. For example, a
13th level mage casting this spell on his stone gatehouse increases its structural value by 130%,
from 120 to 276. The stone becomes tougher and more resistant to chipping and cracking. Any
damage done to it is first subtracted from its magically gained structural points (so even if
greatly battered, it may escape uninjured at the spell's expiration). Since the spell affects only
stone, it cannot fully buttress a structure composed of both stone and, say, earth or wood. A DM
may either figure out how each piece of strengthened stone affects the structure as a while, or
simply figure the new structural value as a percentage (e.g., if a wall is 40% stone, the spell is
40% effective). Ballant's stonestrength completely repairs any stone-composed creature (e.g.,
stone golem, xorn, galeb duhr) it is cast upon, though this vigor is limited to the spell's duration.
When cast upon a petrified character (having suffered the effects of a medusa or `flesh to stone'
spell), this spell provides virtual immunity to incidental chipping and breaking. It may be cast
in conjunction with a `wall of stone'. The material components of this spell are a small granite
wedge and a pinch of powdered iron, which is sprinkled over the wedge during the spell's casting.
When the spell is cast, both components disappear.
Bigby's Fantastic Fencers (Evocation)
Range: 60' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 1 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates one hand for every three levels of the caster, each of
which holds a long sword. Each hand fights with the skill of a fighter of one-half the experinence
level of the caster. Each hand has an AC of 2 because of its small size and speed, and each can
sustain 15 points of damage before being dispelled. Each fencer is capable of disarming an
opponenet and does so on a roll four greater than the roll needed to hit. A fencer likewise
disarmed is despelled automatically. The caster need not concentrate on the fencers to keep them
functioning, but only hos to give them orders as if they were henchmen. The material component
is a small, silver amulet shaped like a mailed gauntlet holding a gem-encrusted sword, worth at
least 1,000 g.p. (this vanishes when the spell is cast).
Bigby's Superior Force Sculpture (Evocation)
Range: 30' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 TN + 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is a more advanced form of the 4th level force sculputure
spell. THe object or objects formed from the force can be more complex, composed of large, moving
parts, or have an edge or point, but still must be fairly rigid. A wagon, quiver of quarrels, shovel,
sword, or water wheel could all be simulated, but not a mechanical timepiece, crossbow, or spring.
Fine details can be worked into an object, provided that the caster has kill as an artisan or
sculptor. Fine details take 2d4 rounds to place on an object, but remain for the duration of the
spell. Up to 8 cubic feet of matter per level of the caster can be simulated. The duration of the
spell is also longer than force sculpture. Superior force sculpture is otherwise identical to the
4th level spell. The material component is a lump of clay with diamond dust mixed into it.
Bigby's Strangling Grip (Evocation)
Range: 10'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MRs Casting Time: 5 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a pair of disembodied hands that will seek out a
creature's throat and strangle the creature with the same effect as an attack with a garrote. The
hands must make a successful attack roll to grab the creature's throat, attacking with a +4 to hit
on the mage's usual attack roll, because of the speed and ferocity of the attack. The strangling
grip will strangle its victim to death by the end of the next round unless the creature is freed of
the hands. The victim can break the grip if he makes a successful roll to bend bars. THe grip can
also be released if the mage's concentration is broken. The limits on which creatures can be
affected by the spell are the same as the restrictions on the use of a normal garrote. The material
components are a pair of gloves sewn into a clutching grip around the neck of a bottle.
Bubka's Superior Identification (Diviniation)
LEVEL: 5 SOURCE: City of Greyhawk
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting time: 5 MRs
Area of Effect: 1 item Saving throw: Special
Explantion/Description: When this spell is cast, one item may be examined by the mage so that he may
identify the nature of the enchantment. The item need only be hand-held or touched, not worn or used in
any way. The following information can be obtained:
(1) One basic magical property of the item (or the fact that it is not magical) is always revealed to
the mage. This takes 1 MR.
(2) There is a chance that a second magical property will be revealed. The mage will know in 1d4
MRs if there is a second such
property, and will need a further 1d3 MRs to identify the nature of this enchantment. The chance for
successfully identifying a second magical property is (LVL + INT) x 3 (90% in Bubka's case), to a
maximum of 95%. Failing this check indicates that, as far as the mage can determine, the item does
not possess or contain any additional enchantments.
The spell may be repeatedly cast on the same item to inquire about third and subsequent magical
properties (if there are any), with the same [(LVL + INT) x 3] chance for success. However, attempts
to confirm earlier detections will always reveal the same result (even if that finding was in error).
Exact properties are revealed by this spell, such as the fact that a weapon is a sword +1. (If the
weapon was also of the "flame tongue" variety, this could be discovered as a second property. ) In the
case of charged items, the number of charges is treated as a second property and, if the mage makes
the [(LVL + INT) x 3] roll, there is still a 25% chance that the number of charges is overestimated or
underestimated by 2d10% (equal chance for over or under, but the number estimated will never be less
than 1, or more than the number of charges possible).
Unlike the first LVL IDENTIFY spell, casting of this magic does not subject the mage to a loss of
Constitution. However, the spell cannot be cast more than once every two hours due to the intense
concentration it demands, or else the mage repeating the spell will at once suffer a severe headache
lasting 1d4 hours and be unable to memorize spells for a further 12 hours after the headache subsides.
The material components for the spell are the same as for the IDENTIFY spell, except that the pearl
must be of high quality (at least 250 gp value).
Drawmij's Flying Feat (Alteration/Enchantment)
Range: 10' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 TNs/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This special flying spell is not cast unpon a creature but an object.
The enchanted object gains the power to fly up to 180 feet per round under the caster's direction.
A broom, chair, table, carpet, wagon, or hut could be made capable of flight. The mage can affect
up to 500 g.p. weight per level of the caster, and the object can carry twice that amount of weight
in passengers or freight if the object is large enough and sufficiently strong to support the weight
under normal circumstances. An 18th level mage could lift a 9,000 g.p. weight in passengers and
up to 18,000 g.p. weight in cargo, for example. The caster must concentrate upon the flying object
to direct its motion and maintain its flight. If the caster is knocked unconscious, stunned or
slain while directing the flying object, the object will immediately begin to plummet earthword as
a falling object. The material component is a wing feather taken from a roc.
Hold Vapor
LEVEL: 5 SOURCE: FR4 The Magister (p. 5)
Range: 1"/LVL Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 SEGs
Area of effect: 2" + 1"/LVL radius globe Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell allows a magic-user to halt or prevent the movement of any visible
cloud(s) or vapor in a given area distinct from the air aMR, such as a breath weapon, pyrotechnics, fog
cloud, cloudkill, or incendiary cloud. Such enforced immobility may be continued for as long as the
caster continues to chant and concentrate on holding the vapor. If such a hold is ever lost (through the
caster being silienced for an entire MR -- the chant can be interrupted for short periods -- or rendered
unconscious, or ceasing concentration to cast another spell) it can never be regained except by use of
another spell; the hold is broken and the magic expires. The hold prevents the gas cloud(s) from
altering shape, breaking up, or moving about in any way. Oxygen (i.e. the "air") may pass freely
through and about such vapor, dissipating it if its formative magic expires, and allowing, for example,
a flammable vapor to burn or explode if it is held by a hold vapor and attacked with fire. The hold is
absolute, even in the face of natural gales or magical gusts of wind (unless these affect the chanting
mage, not the vapor, enough to break the hold, as described above). If the gaseous form is that of an
intelligent creature who is normally in control of personal movement, such as a wind walking cleric or
a vampire in gaseous form, the affected creature receives saving throws as follows: The hold is
absolute in the first MR of its existence, a saving throw versus spell at -6 is allowed on the second
MR, at -5 on the third MR, and so on up to a maximum of +6 on the 14th MR and any MRs thereafter. If
such a saving throw is successful, the spell ends instantly and the creature is free to move. Until the
spell is broken, a gaseous-form creature cannot move, nor can it change to a non-gaseous form even if
it normally has the ability to do so. Note the spectral, etheral, and insubstantial forms (such as those
of many undead) that are not gaseous cannot be affected by this spell. This spell cannot be used to push
or direct a vapor, or control it in any way, but only to halt and hold it. The material component of
ths spell is a balloon or bladder into which the caster blows.
Mordenkainen's Faithful Phantom Defenders (Summoning)
Range: 60' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 5 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell summons a set of phantom beings seen as shimmering
outlines of violet light. The defenders do their best to keep between the mage and his adversaries,
providing the caster with enough time and space to defend himself with spells. To most creatures
the phantom defenders are solid, seemingly real entities. To the mage, the defenders are
completely transparent and noncorporeal, so any attack spell cast by the mage has no effect on the
defenders. The mage's spells can be cast through the defenders to strike enemy creatures. If the
defenders are caught within the area of effect of the caster's spell, the defenders suffer no harm.
One of four sets of phantom defenders can be summoned by the mage, but the caster must decide
which set will be called forth when the spell is memorized. Each set is best suited for a
particular environment. The four sets are:
Three faithful phantom soldiers: AC 4 (phantom chain-mail and shield); Move 9"; HD 4; hp 24;
#AT 1; Dmg 1d8 (phantom long sword); THAC0 15; AL N; SA able to hit creatures which are hit
only by +1 magical weapons.
Two faithful phantom centaurs: AC 5; Move 18"; HD 4; hp 28; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (phantom light
lance); THAC0 15; AL N; SA able to hit creatures which are hit by +2 weapons.
Eight faithful phantom giant bats: AC 8; Move 3"/18"; HD 2+2; hp 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4; THAC0 16;
AL N; SA able to hit creature hit only by +3 or better weapons.
Five faithful phantom sharks: AC 6; Move 24"; HD 3; hp 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+1; THAC0 16; AL N;
SA able to hit creature hit only by +1 weapons.
The material component is a small lead crystal figure depicting the type of defender to be
summoned and a 1,000 g.p. emerald for each creature summoned. The emerald vanish when the
spell is cast.
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum (Alteration-Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 hr/LVL Casting Time: 2 TNs
Area of Effect: One room Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is used to insure privacy in a room of up to 1,600 square
feet in area. All windows in the room become dark and misty as seen from outside, preventing
creatures with normal vison, infravision, or other special vison from looking into the room. Those
inside can still look out normally. X-ray vision will note be able to penetrate into the room, as if
the room were completely enclosed in a lead shield. No sound, no matter how loud, can escape the
room, so a thief cannot eavesdrop from outside. Scrying attempts, such as ESP, claraudience,
clairvoyance, or crystal balls, cannot penetrate the protected room, and a wizard eye cannot get
inside. THe mage can freely leave the room without the protection being dispelled. The material
components are a thin sheet of lead, a piece of opaque glass, a wad of cotton or cloth, and powdered
Nystul's Enveloping Darkness (Evocation-Alteration) Reversible
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 5 MRs + 2 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 5 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' rad globe Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a zone of impenetrable darkness around the mage 20'
in radius. Although the caster can see in and through the zone of darkness without trouble, all
others cannot see through the envelope, not even with infravision or ultravison. In addition, a
distortion exists within the globe, appearing as if the caster has the power of displacement as a
displacer beast. The caster is attacked at -2, in addition to the darkness penalty.
Nystul's Instant Daylight will negate the spell. The material components are a drop of pitch, a
whisker from a black cat, and a bit of fur from the coat of a displacer beast.
Nystul's Radiant Arch (Alteration)
Range: 10'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: 1/2
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a glimmering rainbow of light that arches bewteen
the caster's open hands. Once the rainbow takes form, the caster can choose to fire a ray 1 foot
wide from the rainbow, aimed at one creature up to 10 feet away per level of the mage. The ray can
take the form of one of the seven colors of energy drawn from the quasi-elemental plane of
Red: cold energy (+1 damage to fire-based creatures, no damage if cold-based)
Orange: heat energy (+1 damage to cold-based creatures, no damage if fire-based)
Yellow: acid damage (save vs. spell to take no damage)
Green: neutral poison (per cleric spell)
Blue: electrical energy (+10 damage to metal armored enemy)
Indigo: undead specific (only undead harmed)
Violet: vegatation specific (only plants harmed)
The ray will inflict 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster, of a type corresponding to the
color of the ray. If the creature make its save, only half damage is suffered. The mage must
concentrate to keep the radiant arch active, so any attack that breaks the caster's concentration
will dispel the rainbow and prevent the caster from lauching a ray. The material components are
a crystal prism (which breaks after the spell) and a small black board with a pinhole through the
Otiluke's Dispelling Screen (Evocation-Alteration)
Range: 5'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 5 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' square Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a shimmering screen of violet energy. As with other
such screens, the dispelling screen can be shaped as the caster wishes. Any creature passing
through the screen is affected by `dispel magic' with the same level of effectiveness as that spell
cast by the mage, and is affected by `dispel illusion' as if cast by a mage two levels of experience
lower than the caster. Thus, creatures possessing some form of enchantment who passe through
the dispelling screen often come out weaker than when they started. The material components are
a sheet of fine lead crystal and a chysolite gemstone worth 1,000 gp, which vanish after the spell
is cast.
Otiluke's Electrical Screen (Evocation)
Range: 5'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 5 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 5 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' sq/LVL Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a shimmering screen of electrical energy that can be
shaped into a wall, hemisphere, or sphere, with a 20-foot diameter, as the caster wishes. It is
always immovable. Any creature passing through the electrical screen will suffer a strong shock.
Unless the creature makes it save, it will suffer 1d4 points of damage, lose any dexterity bonuses
for 1d4+1 rounds due to numbness, and suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls for an equal amount of
time. Creatures who make their saving throw take no damage and suffer no penalty on their
dexterity, but are mildly numbed and hit at -1 for 1d4+1 rounds. Creatures wearing metal armor
save at -4 when passing through the screen. The material components are a bit of fur, a glass rod,
and a thin sheet of fine crystal, all of which vanish after the spell is cast.
Otiluke's Polar Screen (Evocation)
Range: 5'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 5 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 5 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' sq/LVL Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a misty, bluish-white screen of energy that can be
shaped to form a wall, hemisphere, or sphere dimension. Any creature passing through the polar
screen will be affected as if the creatures suddenly passed through a freezing blizzard. Any
creature who fails a saving throw versus spells will be coated with ice crystals for 1d4+1 rounds
until the crystals melt away, during which time the creature suffers one point of cold damage per
level of the caster. The creature is also severely chilled, suffering a -4 attack penalty until the
ice melts. A creature who makes the saving throw is only affected by the ice crystals for one
round, but is affected in the same way as those who fail the save. A melt spell will dispel the ice
crystals from a creature's body, while a fireball, but no other flame, will destroy the polar
screen. The material components are a thin sheet of fine lead crystals and a few bluish-white
quartz crystals, all of which vanish after the spell is cast.
Otiluke's Radiant Screen (Evocation)
Range: 5'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 5 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' sq Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a screen of energy drawn from the quasi-elemental
plane of radiance. The screen can bbe up to 20' square, and can be shaped into a wall,
hemisphere, or sphere as the caster orders. The radiant screen can be one of the seven colors of
the rainbow, each color exhibiting a different form of energy identical to the colors of Nystul's
Radiant Baton.
Red baton: cold energy (+1 damage to fire-based, none if cold)
Orange baton: heat energy (+1 damage to cold based, none if fire)
Yellow baton: acid damage (save vs. spells or take +2 splash)
Green baton: neutralize poison (per cleric spell)
Blue baton: electrical energy (+10 damage to metal armored enemy)
Indigo baton: undead specific (only undead harmed)
Violet baton: vegetation specific (only plants harmed)
The screen will affect anything passing through it as if the creature were being attacked by
energy or matter of the type determined by the screen's color. The caster can change the color of
the screen from round to round at will, but only one color per round can exist. The radiant screen
will inflict two points of damage per level of the caster. Cold-based creatures will take three
points of damage per level of the caster when passing through the orange screen, while fire-based
creatures will suffer three points of damage per level from the red screen. The material
components are a crystal prism, a beryl gemstone worth at least 500 gp, and a thin sheet of fine
crystal colored the seven colors of the rainbow, all of which vanish after the spell is cast.
Otto's Gong of Isolation (Enchantment/Alteration)
Range: 10'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 5 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Neg.
Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast upon a creature, the mind-numbing sound of an
extremely loud gong fills its mind. If the creature makes a saving throw at -2, the creature is
only stunned for one round. But if the save fails, the creature loses all sensory input into the
mind. The creature cannot see, hear, feel, taste, or smell, effectively making the creature helpless.
If the creature engages in melee, all attacks are made at -6 to hit, but the creature has no idea
what it is attacking even if the attack succeeds. Telepathic communication with the creature is
still possible, and the creature might receive information about the world through such a link. A
wish, heal, or restoration spell will completely cure the condition. The material components are a
miniature gold gong and tiny gold striker with a jade stone at its head, together worth 7,000 gp in
materials and workmanship, which vanish after the spell is cast.
Rary's Mind Shield (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S
Duration: 1 hr + 1/2 hr/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is used to protect a creature from intrusions into the mind.
Spells or mental powers that can probe a mind have no effect on the creature. The creature makes
its3 saving throw at +2 against all enchantment/charm magic that can affect thoughts, memories,
or behavior -- charm, suggestion, quiet, emotion, fascination, or others. The mind shield allows a
saving throw at -2 to avoid a geas spell.
Rary's Replay of the Past (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V,S
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 TN
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell enables the caster to read the residual psychic impressions
in a room or area, replaying a past event as an illusion that everyone in the area can clearly see.
When an especially unusual or violent event occurs, it leaves behind psychic vibrations that can
remain for years. The more important the event, the stronger the psychic residue and the longer
the impressions last. When the mage casts the spell, the strongest impressions currently in the
area enter the caster's mind. The event that produced the psychic impressions is replayed in the
caster's mind in real time, so the replay takes as long to complete as the original event. The
replay in the mind is crystal clear, so the caster can readily identify persons, creatures, or
objects. If the spell is cast again in the same area, the event that created the second strongest
psychic impressions will be replayed. The caster can continue replaying past events, reading the
weaker and weaker psychic impressions, until all psychic residue in the area has been reviewed.
Rary's Superior Spell Enhancer (Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1/6 SEG
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: The spell enhancer increases the amount of damage caused by a spell
cast by the mage. The one-word spell enhancer is cast first, followed by the attack spell to be
enhanced. When the attack spell is launched, all saving throws versus the spell are made at -1.
The spell inflicts an additional point of damage per die of the spell, so a fireball inflicts 1d6+1
points of damage per die. When a magic missile is cast after the spell enhancer, each missile does
1d4+2 points of damage.
Rary's Telepathic Bond (Divination-Alteration)
Range: 2" Components: V,S
Duration: 2 TNs/LVL Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Two or more creatures Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: With this spell, the mage can forge a telepathic bond between two or
more creatures with an intelligence of 6 or higher. The bond can only be established between
willing creatures. The creatures involved need not all speak the same language to communicate
via the bond. The telepathic bond can be placed upon one creature for every three levels of the
caster, so a 16th level mage can forge a link among five creatures. Once the bond is formed, the
creatures can stay in contact only if they remain on the same plane. No special power or
influence is conferred through the bond. A permanency spell does not have the power to make a
telepathic bond a life-long link, but a wish spell does, although no more than two creatures can be
permanently bonded together in this way.
Tenser's Primal Fury (Enchantment/Alteration)
Range: 20' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 5 SEG
Area of Effect: One fighter only Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell temporarily endows a fighter with a surge of rage and energy
rivaling that of a berserker. Magical fear will not affect an enraged fighter. The fighter also
receives a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls, and gains an extra attack every other melee round,
so an attack routine of 3/2 becomes 2/1. The fighter also gains a temporary endowment of 4d4 hit
points, from which any damage is subtracted before the character's permanent hit point total is
reduced. The spell does carry a risk, however, because the berserker rage is maintained
throughout the duration of the spell. If all of a fighter's opponents are defeated before the spell
expires, then the berserk fighter will turn on the nearest living creature, and continue attacking
without regard for friend or foe until the spell expires. A `dispel magic' spell will immediately
return a berserk fighter to his normal state. The material component is a bit of fur from a
wolverine or a grizzly bear.
Level 6 Mage Spells
Ballant's Stonesplit (Evocation)
LEVEL: 6 SOURCE: Dragon #145
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 6 SEG
Area of Effect: 1000' cube of stone/LVL Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: The wizard who casts this spell cleaves the next stone object he
touches, the force from his fingertips manifesting in a spray of light and a thick, winding crack
that appears in the stone with considerable force. The crack reduces an amount of stone to rubble
equal to the spell's area of effect, but it does nothing to clear the rubble away. For example, a
12th level wizard touching a 100'-long by 10'-thick by 30'-high stone wall cracks to rubble a
40'-wide section. Rubble fills the gap to a height of half that of the original wall and sloping
away from each side at al 45 degree angle. There is a three-segment delay between the mage's
touch and the full extent of the spell's damage, which is usually enough time for a mobile caster
to escape being crushed by his own spell. A successful `dispel magic' during this interval
negates `Ballant's stonesplit'. If this spell is cast on a stone floor, a fissure opens and the rubble
settles quickly, dropping the floor 1-4' and causing 1-4 hp damage to all in the area of effect.
The devastating effect of this spell when cast on a stone ceiling is limited both by its range
(touch) and by its three-segment delay (enough time for the caster to get out of the was is enough
time for anyone else to get away). `Ballant's stonesplit' causes great damage to stone-composed
creatures (such as galeb duhr) -- 1-8 hp damage per level of the caster, or half is a save vs. spells
is made -- although the caster must first score a hit in melee. This spell automatically
obliterates a petrified character. Magical items composed of stone are allowed to save (at -4) vs.
disintegration to avoid destruction. The material component for this spell is a single diamond-
tipped chisel worth at least 1,000 gp, which disappears when the spell is cast.
Bigbys Besieging Bolt (Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/2 LVLs Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to magic missile. When the spell is cast, the mage
is able to fire one magic siege bolt for every two levels of the caster. The bolt will behave as a
given siege engine missile in range and effect. The type of siege missile the bolt mimics depends
on the caster's level.
Magic-user's Level Seige Engine Missile Mimicked
12th catapult, light
14th catapult, heavy
16th trebuchet
The bolts must be launched at the rate of one every two rounds in succeeding rounds. During this
time the caster can do nothing else. If the spell is interrupted, no additional bolts can be
launched. The bolts strike their target unerringly. The material component is a small stone
sprinkled with diamond dust.
Drawmij's Beneficent Polymorph (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 6 SEG
Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell endows the touched and willing creature with all the
benefits of a polymorph self spell. The creature affected does not need to make a system shock
roll to survice. While the first form taken by the creature is choosen by the caster, the creature
is totally in control of its form changes for the remainder of the spell's duration, and can change
form as often as it wishes, abiding by all the limitations of polymorph self. The spell does not
bestow any special abilites of a polymorphed form. The spell does not affect the creature's mental
state in any way. When the creature returns to its original form 1d12 hit point are restored. The
material component of the spell is a soft, silk caterpillar cocoon.
Drawmij's Merciful Metamorphosis (Alteration)
Range: 10'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 6 SEG
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Neg.
Explanation/Description: Drawmij developed this spell as a merciful way to get rid of an
adversary. The spell polymorphs an opponent into another creature as does polymorph other, but
the target's save is made at -2. The target can only be polymorphed into a natural animal no
larger than a typical herd beast. The polymorphed creature does not need to make a system shock
roll to survive the spell. The polymorphed creature automatically assumes the mental state of the
animal, forgetting all knowledge of its previous self. The animal does not radiate magic or the
creature's original alignment aura, so there is little evidence the animal was anything other than
what it appeared to be now. If returned to its original form by dispell magic or a wish, the
creature will be quite bewildered, suffering the effect of a confusion spell for 2d4 rounds. After
the confusion passes, the creature gradually recovers its previous knowledge and memories over a
period of 1d4 days. The material component is a cocoon soaked in a balm of honey, powdered
yellow-white moss agate worth 500 g.p., and powdered emerald worth 700 g.p., all of which vanish
with the casting of the spell.
Mordenkainen's Faithful Phantom Guardian (Summoning)
Range: Special Components: V,S,M
Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 TNs
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell summons a faithful phantom being to watch over and protect
the mage for one day. The guardian will remain an undetectable observer, watching the caster
from the ethereal plane. The guardian can see what is happening within 60 feet of the caster, and
can spot invisible, out-of-phaze, duo-dimensional, ethereal, or astral creatures within the area
around the mage. If the guardian spies any creature about to launch a surprise attack on the
caster, the guardian will instantly materialize to intercept the attacker and defend the mage. The
faithful phantom guardian: AC 2; Move 15"; HD 6; hp 36; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10 (phantom two-handed
sword); THAC0 13; AL N; SA able to hit creatures which are hit only by +2 magical weapons. The
guardian will fight up to one round per level of the caster or until it is destroyed. The mage also
has the option of summoning the guardian to his side at any time. The guardian will appear in one
round and fight under the same time limit. Once the guardian has spent its time on the prime
material plane, it has completed its mission and will no longer watch the caster. The guardian
appears as a shimmering outline of violet light. The phantom guardian cannot speak, so it cannot
shout a warning to the mage if he or she is attacked. The material component is a 1,000 g.p.
diamond, which is sent to the guardian when the spell is cast as payment for its service.
Otiluke's Diamond Screen (Evocation)
Range: 5'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 MR/LVL Casting Time: 6 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' sq Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a glittering screen of energy of any color chosen by
the caster. All creatures passing through the screen will be attacked by a multitude of razor-
sharp blades made of substance drawn from the quasi-plane of mineral. Each creature suffers
3d20 points of damage no matter what its armor class. The spell can be shaped into anything the
caster wishes. The material component is a collection of sharp diamond chips worth at least 5,000
gp, and these vanish after the spell is cast.
Otiluke's Excruciating Screen (Evocation)
Range: 5'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 3 MRs/LVL Casting Time: 6 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' sq/LVL Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a misty grey screen which can be shaped into a wall,
hemisphere, or sphere, within the designated dimension, as the caster directs. Any creature
passing through this screen is affected as if the creature were momentarily transported to one of
the four negative quasi-elemental planes. The plane which will affect creatures touching the
screen must be chosen when the spell is memorized. Any creature passing through the
excruciating screen must make a save versus death magic. Those who fail will be stunned for 1d4
rounds and suffer 4d4 points of damage due to the shock and pain. Creatures who make the save
suffer a -1 on all saves for 1d4 rounds. The four planes that can be simulated by the screen and
the screen's particular effect are described below.
Vacuum: The shock caused is due to asphyxiation. Creatures who do not need to breath are
unaffected by the screen.
Salt: The shock is the result of the body moisture drawn from the creature. Creatures without
body fluids will not be affected,
such as golems, undead, or beings from the elemental planes of earth, fire, or air.
Ash: The shock is caused by a loss of the creature's body heat. Undead and cold-based
creatures are unharmed by the screen.
Dust: The shock is produced by having part of a creature's solid body mass dispersed.
Creatures of a gaseous or liquid form will not be harmed by this screen.
The material components are a crystal sheet and a hollow sphere, lump of salt, pinch of ash, or bit
of dust, depending on the type of screen.
Otiluke's Orb of Containment (Evocation)
Range: 30' Components: V,S,M
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is used to create a useful container for very dangerous
substances. When the caster has an object or substance to be contained, the spell can be cast to
create a crystal sphere 6 inches in diameter, up to 30 yards away from the caster. The crystal orb
will surround the object or part of a semi-liquid substance and hold it securely. The interior of
the orb has the hardness of adamantine steel, so even the most volatile or corrosive of substances
will be held safely. Time within the orb is frozen, so the substance will not age. The orb cannot
be shattered by physical force or most magical attacks, although a dispel magic or disintegrate
spell can destroy its contents. The orb of containment will exist for one day, after which it fades
out, freeing the contents. If the spell is cast again before the orb fades, the spell will be renewed
and the orb will continue for an additional day without disturbing the contents. The material
components are a diamond worth 1,000 gp encased in glass, both of which shatter when the spell
is cast.
Rary's Protection from Scrying (Abjuration-Divination)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 hr + 1/2 hr/LVL Casting Time: 1 TN
Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell will protect a creature from all scrying attempts or
intrusive divination. Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, ESP, empathy, telepathy, crystal balls, or a
magic mirror will not succeed in locating, detecting, or studying the protected creature. The
creature will immediately become aware of the attempt, no matter how great the distance between
scryer and creature. If cast on himself, the mage has a 5% chance per level to divine the location
of the scryer after one round of concentration. The scryer must save versus spells immediately or
his identity will be revealed. `Detect good/evil' and `know alignment' will also not work on the
affected creature. The material component is a star sapphire worth 5,000 gp, which must be kept
on the creature for the duration of the spell (and which vanishes after the spell).
Rary's Urgent Utterance (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: Up to 24 hours Casting Time: 1 TN
Area of Effect: One spell Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell empowers the mage to specially prepare another spell for
quick casting in an emergency. Urgent utterance is cast first, followed by the spell to be readied,
except for the last word of the spell. When the mage needs to cast the readied spell, the caster
need only utter the final word of the spell. The utterance of the final word only takes one
segment, saving much time on most spells. The readied spell will stay in the caster's mind for
only one day before it atrophies and fades out of memory. No more than two readied spells can be
in the caster's mond at any time. Almost any spell of level 6 or less can be readied for quick
casting, except the following: find familiar, magic mirror, conjure elemental, contingency,
enchant an item, ensnarement, guards and wards, legend lore, Tenser's transformation, limited
a sapphire worth 1,000 gold pieces, which is crushed when the spell is cast.
Tenser's Fortunes of War (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 TN
Area of Effect:Person Touched Saving Throw: None
(Fighters Only)
Explanation/Description: This spell grants one fighter a bonus of special luck in battle. The
fighter is given one chance to avoid any one attack that would reduce the fighter to zero or fewer
hit points, or against magic that would remove the fighter from battle by turning to stone,
paralyzation, petrification, sleep, charm, fear, disintegration, death, power word, or any other
effect. The fighter is entitled to a saving throw to avoid defeat, even if a prior save failed. The
fighter must make a saving throw versus death magic at -2. If this save succeeds, then the fighter
miraculously avoids defeat. A damage attack that would normally reduce the fighter to zero hit
points or less instead reduces the fighter's hit point total to one-half its current level; that is, a
fighter with 17 hit points who takes 17 points of damage is reduced to 9 hit points. Any other
attack which would cause instant defeat takes no effect if the death magic save is made.
Regardless of the result of the save, the fortunes of war spell is immediately dispelled after the
attack. The material component is a valuable sacrifice made to the fighter's patron war god, worth
at least 5,000 gp in goods desirable to the diety.
Level 7 Mage Spells
Monster Summoning V (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 7" Components: V S M
Duration: 6 MRs + 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 6 SEGs
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell summons 1-2 fifth LVL monsters and they will appear in 1-3 MRs.
See MONSTER SUMMONING I for other details.
Mordenkainen's Penultimate Cogitation (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V,S
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Spellcaster Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This permits the mage to call to mind one spell from one of the caster's
personal spell books, provided the appropriate spell book is within one mile of the mage. The
spell must by one that the caster knows, as explained in the Players Handbook. The spell cannot
be called from a scroll or another mage's spell book. The call spell can by any of the 1st to 6th
level. Only one spell can be called by casting of the penultimate cogitation. The called spell can
be cast on any succending round. There is always a 10% chance that the called spell will be
magically erased from the mage's spell book.
Otiluke's Death Screen (Evocation-Alteration)
Range: 5'/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 7 SEG
Area of Effect: 20' sq Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell calls into existence a grey, misty screen shaped as the
caster wills. Any creature passing through the screen will suddenly find itself trapped in a
mysterious zone of nil-space where the creature is subject to anti-energy drawn from one of the
four negative quasi-planes. For every round the creature is trapped it will lose 25% of its
current hit point total, dropping to 0 hit points at the end of the 4th round if the creature fails to
escape. The creature will be dead with -10 hit points at the end of the 5th round. For every round
a creature is trapped, it is entitled to a saving throw versus death magic. Success indicates the
creature escapes back into the prime material plane, emerging from the side of the screen
opposite the side entered. The saving throw to escape is made at -1 in the 1st round, -2 in the
2nd, -3 in the 3rd, and -4 in the 4th round. If the spell ends before a creature escapes or dies,
the creature is released onto the material plane as the screen disappears, as if the creature had
escaped on its own. A creature re-emerging onto the prime material plane, injured but alive, is
stunned for 1d4 rounds as it recovers from the effect of the life-draining zone. Those imprisoned
in the zone may heal themselves or use other magics, but can't escape unless they make saving
throws for the zone. The material components are a sheet of lead crystal, earth from a vampire's
coffin, and a hollow sphere (for vacuum).
Otiluke's Fire and Ice (Evocation)
Range: 50' Components: V,S,M
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 7 SEG
Area of Effect: 30' rad globe Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/Description: When the spell is cast, a red crystal sphere immediately appears
before the caster, then flies away at great speed toward an area targeted. A split-second later, a
blue crystal appears and follows behind the red sphere. When the red sphere reaches the area
chosen by the caster, it explodes in a fireball 30 feet in radius, inflicting 4d4 points of fire
damage to all within the area of effect. A successful saving throw will reduce the damage by one-
half. A split-second later, the blue sphere explodes in the same area of effect, causing 4d4 hit
points of cold damage to all within a 30 foot radius. Those who made the save versus fire will also
take only one-half damage from the cold blast, but those who failed the save take full damage from
the cold. The greatest effect of the one-two attack combination is the tremendous shock inflicted
on inanimate objects by the radical change in temperature. All items in the area of effect must
save as non-magical items. Failing this save will probably cause the materials to crack or shatter.
The material components are a pinch of phosphorous and a small quartz crystal.
Otiluke's Siege Sphere (Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 TN Casting Time: 1 MR
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a large, boulder-sized sphere of force that can be
fired by a catapult. The siege sphere will last for one complete turn before it fades out of
existence, so it must be fired within one turn of the spell's casting. The siege sphere can take
several different forms, and the type of spell to be created must be decided when the spell is
memorized. The siege sphere is as hard as adamantine steel before it is launched, and can only be
destroyed by a wish, dispel magic, or disintegrate. After the sphere is fired, it will take on a
different form that depends on the attack type of the sphere. Regardless of the form that the
attack takes, the siege sphere is dispelled after it completes its attack. Different types of siege
spheres are described below:
Liquid Fire: When the sphere strikes its target, it instantly shatters, spraying a mass of liquid
fire over an area 30 feet in radius. All combustibles in the area of effect will be ignited. Any
creature struck by the liquid fire will take 2d4 points of damage per round for 2d6 rounds unless
the fire is doused or the burning fluid is washed off. The amterial components for this form are a
drop of pitch, a bit of phosphorus, and a pinch of diamond dust.
Crystal Shards: This siege sphere splinters apart 30 feet above the ground, raining down crystal
shards in a 20-foot radius circle. Each creature in the area affected will take 5d6 points of
damage regardless of its armor class. The material component is a sample of sharp diamond
Wrecking Ball: Upon nearing its target, the sphere's density dramatically increases so it strikes
with three times the impact (and damage) or a heavy catapult.
The material components are a lodestone and a pich of diamond dust.
Rary's Plane Truth (Divination)
Range: Special Components: V,S
Duration: 3 MRs + 1 MR/LVL Casting Time: 1 TN
Area of Effect: One creature/2 MRs Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is a more precise and exacting version of `know alignment'.
A creature's alignment will be revealed to the caster in the first round of study. With a second
round of concentration, the creature's home plane is revealed. The diety or dieties worshipped by
the creature also become known to the mage. One creature can be studied per two rounds.
Level 8:
Bigby's Most Excellent Force Sculpture (Evocation)
Range: 30' Components: V,S,M
Duration: 6 TNs+ 1 TN/LVL Casting Time: 1 TN
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is the most advanced form of the force sculpture spells. The
object formed can be highly complex, containing many moving parts, such as a siege machine or a
sailing ship. Parts of an object simulated could be as flexible as a rope or the wood of a bow, so a
large net, ballista, rope bridge, or a collection of crossbows could be formed. As with lesser force
sculptures fine or accurate details require an additional 2d4 rounds to form, along with the
sufficient skill as an artist or artisan. Up to one cubic yard of matter per level of the caster can
be simulated. With the exceptions noted above, the spell is otherwise identical to the 4th level
spell of the same type. The material component is a lump of clay mixed with 1,000 g.p. worth of
diamond dust, which vanishes when the spell is used.
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1MR + 1SEG/LVL Casting Time: 8 SEGs
Area of Effect: 100' + 10'/LVL Saving Throw: Special
Explaination/Description: The entire area is lit as if by a LIGHT spell. In the Primary color. All living
things are FAERIE-FIRED, in the Inverse Color. LIGHTNING BOLTS emit from the staff, 1/SEG, striking
random creatures/objects in the area of effect, for 1d6 pts of dammage. (Save means something else
got hit. If an object is hit, save at +4 vs. Electricity. Everything in the area builds up a huge static
charge, with blue electrical fire dripping from corners, noses, and fingertips. Undead take 1d6 of
dammage/SEG Any creature killed by sunlight must save or die. Area of effect is limited by any
physical barrier, Including wall of force, but not wall of Ice. Magic resistance must be made against
each effect; (LIGHTNING, FAERIE-FIRE, and sunlight/dammage. )
Mercury Sodium Neon Chlorine
Primary Color Purple Yellow Red Green
Inverse Color Yellow Purple Green Red
The material components are a 3' gold rod, topped with a glass ball filled with rarefied gas. The type of
gas used affects the colors of the effects.
Spell Engine (Abjuration/Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 TN
Area of Effect: 1" rad.sphere/LVL Saving Time: None
Explanation/Description: This rare and powerful magic does not come into operation until
another spell is cast within its area of effect. When that occurs, a huge shining wheel or vertical
disc of glowing white light will instantly appear (some inches above any ground or floor that was
there at the time of casting, or is there at the time of activation) where the caster stood while
casting the engine (even if that spellcasting occurred centuries before). It will begin to turn,
with a gentle rushing noise, and will absorb the energy of all spells cast within its area of effect -
so that they are wasted and do not work, but serve instead to power the turning wheel. The wheel
does nothing expect turn, light up the area, and benefit magic-user and illusionist wiht a curious
side-effects: Its sound and energies aid magical concentration, and spell memorizing times for
spellcasters who study in the area of effect are halved. Once activated, an engine will not
disappear until dispelled; if starved for magical energy, it will merely turn more and more
slowly, and gradually grow dim, until it hangs motionless, translucent and ghostly. A spell
engine cannot be dispelled by dispell magic (which it will absorb), not affected by normal weapon
(which pass through it as though it does not exist). A wish, limited wish, or alter reality spell,
properly worded, will destroy it, as will contact with any magical item or artifact which causes a
magical explosion doing 1-20 point of damage to all within 1" (1-8 to those from 1"+ to 2" away),
and destroys a magical item; an artifact must make a saving throw. If such an artifact is not
destroied, there is a 75% chance that it will be shifted (with or without the creature wielding it)
into another plane of existence. Magic mouths, glyphs, symbols, and a spell engine; thus, a
doorway can be guarded by a symbol, and a spell engine cast in front of the doorway will prevent
the symbol from being dispelled. Detect magic will reveal the presence and shape of an
unactivated spell engine; the whell is typically 12' in diameter and 2' thick, standing upright on
edge, although it will grow marginally larger if charaged by many spells and the surroundings
permit such growth (its area of effect remaining unchanged). It is often cast in a narrow
passageway before a door. Until activated, the wheel of a spell engine has no physical existence
and cannot be touched. A disintegrate spell will have no effect on an unactivated spell engine,
but will destroy an activated spell engine, with an explosion identical in effect to that caused by
contact between a spell engine and a magical item or artifact. Note that a spell engine's area of
effect extends through rock and void alike in a perfect sphere; it cannot be easily avoided by use
of a passwall, dig, or phaze door. Living creatures not possessing magical items can pass through
the area of effect without effect; it doesn't drain spells from the mind. Inactive spell engines
cannot be cantacted by a living creature, magic items, or artifacts, and thus cannot be so
activated; nor will the presence of a functioning spell, psionic effect, or magic item function
activate a spell engine - it is only the actual casting of a spell that activates the engine. The
material components for this spell are a small disc of fine polished ivory, bone, shell, or marble;
a drop of water or one of the caster's tears; and a gem (any type) of at least 1,000 gp value.
Level 9 Mage Spells
Aster's Fiery Sphere of Teleportation
Range: Sight Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous Casting time: 2 MRs
Area of effect: 1"/LVL radius sphere Saving throw: Special
Explaination/Description: When cast, all creatures within the area of effect are engulfed inside of a
fiery sphere and are teleported to anyplace within the mage's sight. All creatures in the area of effect
must make two saving throws. If the first saving throw fails, the victim takes full damage from the
fire. If it succeeds, he will only take half. The second save is made at -3 and is used to determine if a
creature is actually teleported. If the save is made, the creature remains in his current position,
otherwise he is teleported to destination within the mage's sight. Note that the caster cannot teleport
different individuals to different locations. All affected creatures must be teleported to the same
place. Damage from the fire is 1D6 per LVL of the caster.
LEVEL: 9 SOURCE: Dragon, Jan 1983
Range: Touch Components: V
Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 SEGs
Area of effect: One creature Saving Throw: Neg.
Explanation/Description: This spell consists of a phrase spoken while the mage touches the recipient
(the spell may be cast on oneself, serving as a "last resort" escape from certain death, torture, or
mental damage), causing the recipients mind to fly from his body. The body instantly undergoes a
curious transformation: It remains in the position it was when the spell was cast, surMRed by a
glowing aura of force that allows nothing to touch the body, stopping a physical attacks, crushing, or
probes. The limbs of the body can be shifted by pushing on the invisible armor of force, but when
released will slowly drift back to the original position. Magical attacks, fire, poisons, and corrosive
and disease producing substances (including ochre jelly, green slime, rot grubs, and the like) cannot
reach the body to do it harm. The bodily processes of a DISMINDed person are totally suspended, so
that the body does not age or breathe. DISMINDed persons have a vacant stare. They cannot use any of
the senses of the body they have abandoned, nor can they return to it without aid. The freed mind
wanders behind mental defenses of its own making, immune to all forms of magical, psionic, and other
mental contact or attack. A wandering mind is not detectable by any known means, and never leaves
the Prime Material Plane. It cannot control where it goes and what it observes, and typically retains
little memory of its visions and speculations. (A DM should describe 1-6 scenes or phrases of thought
without giving any explanations. ) A wandering mind cannot deliberately pray, study, or research
spells, or choose to observe any particular event, locale, or individual. A wandering mind can be fully
restored to its body by an ALTER REALITY, LIMITED WISH, or RESTORE MIND (the reverse of this spell).
The reverse can also be used to cure insanity and all mental disorders, FEEBLEMINDedness, and physical
brain damage. It will end any mental controls (including QUEST, GEAS, and magical CHARMS cast by
spell or creatures such as nixies or vampires) of any form upon a recipient mind, totally freeing the
mind from the influence(s) without causing the individual any harm -- but it cannot restore lost psionic
powers. A delirious, drunken, exhausted, or drugged creature can become clearheaded and mentally
alert by means of this spell. A saving throw applies to both spells, and if successful against a RESTORE
MIND (regardless of the wishes of the DISMINDed recipient creature), the spell will have no effect.
Such a failure does not mean the mind cannot be restored, but only that the particular spell cast at that
time did not work.
LEVEL: 9 SOURCE: Dragon #123
Range: Touch Components: V,S,M
Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 rd
Area of effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
Description/Explanation: The Arch-Mage Avissar is also said to have personally devised this deadly
enchantment; further, it is said that the Arch-Mage met his end on the vengeful point of the sword
wielded by the brother of the spell's first victim. Thus, the spell is often referred to as "Avissar's
Bane. " HELLFIRE may be cast but once per week due to the strain placed on the spell-caster. It
requires that the spell-caster touch his victim (as a hit in melee), and it may affect any single
creature, subject to the following conditions: It will not affect creatures which may be hit only by
magical weaponry; fire-based creatures, undead, and creatures from planes other than the Prime
Material Plane cannot be affected; and, the victim's hit dice/LVL may not exceed the spell caster's
LVL. There is no saving throw vs. HELLFIRE; however, magic resistance is effective.
The victim of HELLFIRE suffers the following effects:
1. The victim's hit point total is reduced to 1 permanently;
thus, any wound results in unconsciousness or death.
2. The victim is in constant agony; he feels as if he is being
burned alive, and he sweats continuously.
3. The victim is exhausted and any fighting is done at -4 on "to
hit" and damage rolls.
4. There is a 15% (noncumulative) chance per hour that the victim
will be overcome by pain and become unconscious, only to
waken 1-4 hours later, still in agony. This chance
increases to 40% if the victim engages in combat or other
strenuous activity for more than 15 minutes of any hour.
Each time this occurs, there is a 1% cumulative chance per
MR thereafter that the victim dies.
These effects are permanent and will end only with the death of the spell's victim. The effects of
HELLFIRE cannot be negated, save by an act of the gods, a WISH spell, or by the will of the mage who
cast the spell. The material components are a drop of oil, a pinch of sulfur, a powdered ruby of at least
5000 gp value, and the horn of a greater devil.
The casting of this spell is considered an evil act, as it draws negative heat energy from the Nine Hells
directly into the victim for purposes of causing suffering. Use of this spell might entail severe
consequences if alignment is violated.
Phezult's Sleep of Ages (Alteration) Reversible
Range: 1"/LVL Components: V,S,M
Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 3 MRs
Area of Effect: All living creatures Saving Throw: Neg.
in range
Explanation/Description: By means of ths spell, a stasis field is created about the spell focus,
radiating outward in an expanding sphere through solid rock and other physical or magical
barriers. (Only anti-magic shell, prismantic shere, or closed-cube or spherically shaped wall of
force will stop its effects.) It expands 2"/round until it reaches a maximum spherical volume of
1" radius/level of the caster. All living creatures within this field, except the caster and any
protected as noted above, must save vs. spells or be placed in suspended animation (whether they
wish to be or not). Creatures of level or hit dice equal to, greater than, or up to three levels or
dice less than the spellcaster save normally. Creatures of 4 to 7 hit dice or levels save at an
additional -1 penalty for every level less that seven below the caster's. The body functions of
affected creatures virtually cease, but they do not die as a result of this state - nor will they grow
older as the years pass. If the creature in stasis is slain by another means (physical attack,
crushing or burial or drowning due to environmental changes around their body, and the like),
stasis ends instantly, and the bady will decay normally, for the assaulted creature only, not all
others caught in the stasis.
The spell requires at least nine drops of the caster's own blood smeared into an unbroken ring of
a radius not more than the overall length of the caster's hand (wrist to fingertips), into which are
placed at least six gems (any type) of 500 gp value. This is the spell-focus referred to above.
When the spellcasting is complete, four of these gems vanish, consumed int he act of releasing the
spell's power. The rest fuel the stasis field and thus dwindle slowly as time passes. Roughly one
year of stasis is yielded per 10 gp of gem value. Removal of any gemstone from the circle, or the
breaking of the ring itself, will instantly end the stasis effect as will using up all the gems.
However, any number of gems can be added to the inside of the ring to increase the period of
efficacy, by "refueling" it.
The stasis can be lifted from individual creatures without harm (and without releasing other
creatures under the same stasis) by casting temporal reinstatment (cf. temporal stasis) or
Phezult's Awakening (the reverse of this spell) is cast on the spell focus, rather than on
individual creatures, the stasis field shrinks gradually to not at the same rate at which it
originally expanded, freeing any creatures as it does so, and no further gemstone material is lost.
(The awakening does not require any gems or blood, but merely drops of pure or holy water.)
Creatures entering the field after it has reached its full extent (even decades or centuries after
the spell was cast) must save vs. spells to avoid falling into stasis. The penalties for their level
or hit dice apply as described above, but so does a +3 bonus to the save for any creature arriving
in the field after it has stabilized at full extent. Such a save must be made each time a creature
enters the stasis field, even if it has entered and been uneffected before, but each creature need
save only once per exposure to a particular Sleep of Ages stasis field (i.e. not per each round of a
single exposure).