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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
From e5w127@judy (Tim Prestero) Fri Mar 15 05:29:36 1991
From: e5w127@judy.ucdavis.edu (Tim Prestero)
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp
Subject: AD&D: Spell Index
Message-ID: <11148@aggie.ucdavis.edu>
Date: 14 Mar 91 21:31:48 GMT
Organization: Computing Services, UC Davis
Lines: 1212
Originator: e5w127@judy.ucdavis.edu
Here's a list of all the AD&D Magic User spells I know of.
This is the MOST recent version of the list. If you see any
individual spells or sources I missed, please let me know,
so I can incluse them in later versions.
Tim Prestero. UC Davis.
internet: e5w127@castor.ucdavis.edu (until 3/23)
ez003389@castor.ucdavis.edu (after that)
Penultimate AD&D Magic User Spell List
First Level
## Name School Source
01 Affect Normal Fires Alt PHB 2nd ed.
02 Alarm Abj/ Evo
03 Armor Conj
04 Audible Glamor Ill/Phant
05 Burning Hands Alt
06 Cantrip All
07 Change Self Ill/ Phant
08 Charm Person Ench/ Charm
09 Chill Touch Necro
10 Color Spray Alt
11 Comprehend Languages Alt
12 Dancing Lights Alt
13 Detect Magic Div
14 Detect Undead Div/ Necro
15 Enlarge Alt
16 Erase Alt
17 Feather Fall Alt
18 Find Familiar Conj/ Summon
19 Friends Ench/ Charm
20 Gaze Reflection Alt
21 Grease Conj
22 Hold Portal Alt
23 Hypnotism Ench/ Charm
24 Identify Div
25 Jump Alt
26 Light Alt
27 Magic Missile Evo
28 Mending Alt
29 Message Alt
30 Mount Conj/ Summon
31 Nystul's Magic Aura Ill/ Phant
32 Phantasmal Force Ill/ Phant
33 Protection From Evil Abj
34 Shield Evo
35 Shocking Grasp Alt
36 Sleep Ench/ Charm
37 Spider Climb Alt
38 Spook Ill/ Phant
39 Taunt Ench
40 Tenser's Floating Disk Evo
41 Unseen Servant Conj/ Summon
42 Ventriloquism Ill/ Phant
43 Wall of Fog Evo
44 Wizard Mark Alt
45 Firewater Alt Unearthed Arcana
46 Melt Alt
47 Precipitation Alt
48 Run Ench
49 Chromatic Orb Alt/ Evo
50 Phantom Armor Alt/ Ill
51 Catapult Alt FR4 The Magister
52 Detho's Delirium Necro
53 Spidereyes Alt
54 Corpselight Alt/ Necro REF5 Lords of Darkness
55 Detect Undead Div/ Necro
56 Undead Mount Necro
57 Know School Div Forgotten Realms Adventures
58 Scatterspray Alt
59 Snilloc's Snowball Evo
60 Bigby's Bookworm Bane Evo Greyhawk Adventures
61 Bigby's Feeling Fingers Evo
62 Drawmij's Beast of Burden Alt
63 Drawmij's Light Step Alt
64 Mordenkainen's Protection Abj
From Avians
65 Nystul's Dancing Werelight Alt
66 Nystul's Flash Evo
67 Otiluke's Bubbling Boyancy Alt
68 Otiluke's Smoky Sphere Evo
69 Otto's Chimes of Release Alt
70 Rary's Emapathic Perception Div
71 Tenser's Eye of the Tiger Alt
72 Tenser's Steady Aim Alt
73 Accuracy Ench/ Charm Oriental Adventures
74 Animate Wood Alt
75 Chameleon Ill/ Phant
76 Cloud Ladder Alt
77 Drowsy Insects Conj/ Summon
78 Elemental Burst Conj
79 Fiery Eyes Alt
80 Ghost Light Conj
81 Hail of Stone Conj/ Summon
82 Know History Div
83 Prestidigitation Conj
84 Secret Signs Alt
85 Still Water Alt
86 Swim Alt
87 Water Protection Alt
88 Acid Hands Alt Net Spellbook
89 Flash Evo
90 Frost Hands Evo
91 Jayme's Melodramatic Music Conj/ Alt/ Ench/ Charm
92 Little Death Necro
93 Painting Ill/ Phant
94 Protection From Chaos Abj
95 Quantas's Target Bow Ench
96 Skeleton Necro
97 Spirit Command Ench/ Charm
98 Alpha's Acid Stream Conj Frost
99 Alpha's Electric Arc Evo
100 Alpha's Hunting Hound Conj/ Summon
101 Alpha's Sparkle Beam Evo
102 Alpha's Starlight Evo/ Ill
103 Alpha's Wall of Darkness Alt
104 Animal Ill/ Phant
105 Association Div
106 Cat Spirit Alt
107 Coloration Alt
108 Comeliness Ill/ Phant
109 Detect Poisoning Div, Necro
110 Diminutive Darkness Alt
111 Drowse Ill/ Phant
112 Find Water Div
113 Frost Touch Evo
114 Gilda's Treacherous Ench
115 Inaudibility Ill/ Phant
116 Insolence Ill/ Phant
117 Last Image Div/ Necro
118 Lesser Invisible Object Ill/ Phant
119 Mental Notepad Alt
120 Minor Mimicry Ill/ Phant
121 Murder Weapon Div/ Necro
122 Protection From Rain Abj
123 Shadows Ill/ Phant
124 Skulkskin Ill/ Phant
125 Small Fire Ball Evo
126 Snapshot Evo/ Invo
127 Time of Death Div/ Necro
128 Ulric's Unwholesome Meal Ill/ Phant
129 Werp's Unseen Escape Ill/ Phant
130 Wimbly's Wonderful Web Conj/ Evo
131 Whither Necro
132 Wizard Glue Ench
133 Color Blindness Ill/ Phant Dragon #127
134 Tunnel Vision Ill/ Phant
135 Odeen's Magical Tailor Alt Dragon #124
136 Flare Evo Dragon #123
137 Bugman's Mug Alt Dragon #163
138 Mental Block Ench/ Charm
139 Sharpen Alt
140 Wailing Wind Alt Dragon #164
141 Circle Evo FR6 Red Wizards of Thay
142 Deny Cold Abj
Second Level
01 Alter Self Alt PHB 2nd ed.
02 Bind Ench
03 Blindness Ill/ Phant
04 Blur Ill/ Phant
05 Continual Light Alt
06 Darkness, 15' Radius Alt
07 Deafness Ill/ Phant
08 Deepockets Alt/ Ench
09 Detect Evil Div
10 Detect Invisible Div
11 ESP Div
12 Flaming Sphere Evo
13 Fog Cloud Alt
14 Fool's Gold Alt/ Ill
15 Forget Ench/ Charm
16 Gliterdust Conj/ Summon
17 Hypnotic Pattern Ill/ Phant
18 Improved Phantasmal Force Ill/ Phant
19 Invisibility Ill/ Phant
20 Irritation Alt
21 Knock Alt
22 Know Alignment Div
23 Leomund's Trap Ill/ Phant
24 Levitate Alt
25 Locate Object Div
26 Magic Mouth Alt
27 Melf's Acid Arrow Conj
28 Mirror Image Ill/ Phant
29 Misdirection Ill/ Phant
30 Protection From Cantrips Abj
31 Pyrotechnics Alt
32 Ray of Enfeeblement Ench/ Charm
33 Rope Trick Alt
34 Scare Ench/ Charm
35 Shatter Alt
36 Spectral Hand Necro
37 Stinking Cloud Evo
38 Strength Alt
39 Summon Swarm Conj/ Summon
40 Tasha's Uncontrollable Ench/ Charm
Hideous Laughter
44 Web Evo
45 Whispering Wind Alt/ Phant
46 Wizard Lock Alt
47 Audible Glamer Ill/ Phant Unearthed Arcana
48 Preserve Abj
49 Vocalize Alt
50 Whip Evo
51 Zephyr Evo
52 Fascinate Ill/ Phant
53 Agnazzar's Scorcher Evo FR4 The Magister
54 Blacklight Alt
55 Bladethirst Alt
56 Circle Dance Div
57 Decastave Evo
58 Dire Dharm Ench/ Charm
59 Dispel Silence Abj/ Alt
60 Flying Fist Evo
61 Plague Ill/ Phant
62 Quimby's Enchanting Gourmet Conj/ Summon
63 Ray of Ondovir Ench/ Charm
64 Skyhook Evo
65 Waves of Weariness Ench/ Charm
66 Invisibility to Undead Alt REF5 Lords of Darkness
67 Skull Watch Necro/ Evo
68 Spectral wings Evo/ Necro
69 Cloak from Undead Alt Forgotten Realms Adventures
70 Cloak Undead Necro
71 Ghost Pipes Alt
72 Snilloc's Snowball Swarm Evo
73 Bigby's Dextrous Digits Evo Greyhawk Adventures
74 Bigby's Silencing Hand Evo/ Ench
75 Drawmij's ADventurer's Luck Alt
76 Drawmij's Breath of Life Alt
77 Drawmij's Scent Mask Ill/ Phant
78 Drawmij's Swift Mount Alt
79 Mordenkainen's Encompassing Alt
80 Nystul's Blackmote Evo
81 Nystul's Blazing Beam Evo
82 Nystul's Crystal Dagger Evo/ Conj
83 Otiluke's Boiling Oil Bath Evo/ Conj
84 Otto's Soothing Vibrations Ench/ Charm
85 Otto's tones of Ench/ Charm
86 Rary's Aptitude Div/ Alt
87 Tenser's Brawl Alt
88 Tenser's Hunting Hawk Alt
89 Animal Companion Ench/ Charm Oriental Adventures
90 Apparition Ill/ Phant
91 Animate Water Conj/ Summon
92 Bind Alt/ Ench
93 Enchanted Blade Evo
94 Fire Shuriken Evo
95 Fog Cloud Alt
96 Ice Knife Evo
97 Omen Div
98 Smoke Shape Alt
99 Smoky Form Alt
100 Wind Breath Evo
101 Detect Chaos Div Net Spellbook
102 Detect Spirit Div
103 Dispel Silence Abj
104 Exterminate II Abj
105 Mangar's Bloodfire Necro/ Evo
106 Resist Cold Alt
107 Summon Undead Necro
108 Wings Alt
109 Zombie Necro
110 Acid Water Alt Frost
111 Ahshay's Mystic Mutable Ill/ Phant
112 Alpha's Moonlight Evo
113 Alpha's Rainbow Beam Evo
114 Alpha's Spark Shower Evo
115 Alpha's Star Gaze Evo
116 Alpha's Starblades Conj
117 Ambient Light Alt
118 Bigby's Groping Fingers Evo
119 Byen's Arrow Ill/ Phant
120 Cause of Death Div/ Necro
121 Cheffield's Major Feast Alt
122 Cloud Walk Alt
123 Death Armor Necro
124 Detect Phase Div
125 Detect Spirit Div
126 Disease Ill/ Phant
127 Dispel Silence Abj
128 Dumbness Ill/ Phant
129 Dust Warriors Conj/ Necro
130 Expose Magic Div
131 Greysky's Improved Missile Evo
132 Guilda's Sneakabout Light Alt
133 Hand of Ithiqua Ill/ Phant
134 Imitation Ill/ Phant
135 Improved Detect Magic Div
136 Inaudibility Ill/ Phant
137 Last Experience Div/ Necro
138 Lightservant Conj/ Summon
139 Malta's Pattern Creation Conj
140 Malta's Pattern Image Conj
141 Mimicry Ill/ Phant
142 Noise Filter Ill
143 Paldeggeron's Accurate Ench
144 Petition Conj
145 Plane Source Div
146 Pobithakor's Pacifier Alt
147 Protection From Abj
148 Resist Paralysis Abj
149 Reveal Owner Div
150 Sonic Barrier Abj
152 Shocksphere Evo
153 Spirit Command Ench/ Charm
154 Veschiul's Shadowcurse Ench
155 Veschiul's Shadowbolt Ill
156 Wound Closure Necro
157 Blandness Alt Dragon #127
158 Echoes Ill/ Phant
159 Odeen's Magic Cloud Evo Dragon #124
160 Odeen's Sounding Stick Alt
161 Smokescreen Evo Dragon #123
162 Nimode's Major Delousing Necro Dragon #163
163 Nimode's Unseen Butler Conj/ Summon
164 Mace of Odo Evo Dragon #164
165 Touchsickle Alt
166 Firegate Alt FR6 Red Wizards of Thay
167 Power Word: Sleep Conj
168 Combust Evo
169 Flash Evo
170 Deny Fire Abj
171 Protection From Specific Abj
Lycanthropes 10' Radius
172 Sonoric's Lodestone Div Midway Campaign
173 Dreamoore's Explosive Alt/ Evo Adept's Spellbook
174 Dreamoore's War Disk Evo
Third Level
01 Blink Alt PHB 2nd ed.
02 Clairaudience Div
03 Clairvoyance Div
04 Delude Alt
05 Dispel Magic Abj
06 Explosive Runes Alt
07 Feign Death Necro
08 Fireball Evo
09 Flame Arrow Conj/ Summon
10 Fly Alt
11 Gust of Wind Alt
12 Haste Alt
13 Hold Person Ench/ Charm
14 Hold Undead Necro
15 Illusionary Script Ill/ Phant
16 Infravision Alt
17 Invisibility, 10' Radius Ill/ Phant
18 Item Alt
19 Leomund's Tiny Hut Alt
20 Lightning Bolt Evo
21 Melf's Minute Meteors Evo/ Alt
22 Monster Summoning I Conj/ Summon
23 Non-Detection Abj
24 Phantom Steed Conj/ Phant
25 Prot from Evil, 10' Radius Abj
26 Prot from Normal Missiles Abj
27 Secret Page Alt
28 Sepia Snake Sigil Conj/ Summon
29 Slow Alt
30 Spectral Force Ill/ Phant
31 Suggestion Ench/ Charm
32 Tongues Alt
33 Vampiric Touch Necro
34 Water Breathing Alt
35 Wind Wall Alt
36 Wraithform Alt/ Ill
37 Detect Illusion Div Unearthed Arcana
38 Material Evo/ Conj
39 Phantom Wind Alt/ Phant
40 Ghost Pipes Alt/ Ill/ Phant FR4 The Magister
41 Hover Alt
42 Icelance Alt
43 Laeral's Dancing Dweomer Alt
44 Mailed Might Evo
45 Missile Mastery Alt
46 Night Scar Ill/ Phant
47 Tasirin's Haunted Sleep Ench/ Charm
48 Mummy Touch Alt/ Necro REF5 Lords of Darkness
49 Revenance Alt/ Necro
50 Ward Against Undead Abj/ Necro
51 Bigby's Pugnacious Pugilist Evo Greyhawk Adventures
52 Drawmij's Marvelous Shield Evo
53 Drawmij's Iron Sack Alt
54 Mordenkainen's Defense Abj
Against Lycanthropes
55 Moredenkainen's Defense Abj
Against Nonmagical
Reptiles and Amphibians
56 Mordenkainen's Protection Abj
From Insects and Arachnids
57 Nystul's Crystal Dirk Evo/ Conj
58 Nystul's Expeditious Fire Evo
59 Nystul's Golden Revelation Alt
60 Nystul's Radiant Baton Evo
61 Otiluke's Acid Cloud Evo
62 Otiluke's Force Umbrella Evo
63 Otto's Crystal Rhythms Ench/ Charm
64 Otto's Sure-Footed Shuffle Alt/ Ench/ Charm
65 Tenser's Deadly Strike Alt
66 Tenser's Eye of the Eagle Alt
67 Animate Fire Conj/ Summon Oriental Adventures
68 Cloudburst Alt
69 Commune With Lesser Spirit Div
70 Detect Shapechanger Div
71 Disguise Ill/ Phant
72 Fabricate Ench/ Charm
73 Face Ill/ Phant/ Ench/ Charm
74 Fire Rain Evo
75 Fire Wings Alt
76 Magnetism Alt
77 Memory Ench/ Charm
78 Steam Breath Evo
79 Scry Div
80 Statue Alt
81 Wood Shape Alt
82 Charm Undead Necro/ Ench/ Charm Net Spellbook
83 Detect Teleport Div
84 Enhance Illusion Alt
85 Hang Alt
86 Jam Radio Alt/ Div
87 Jayme's Prismatic Snowball Conj/ Alt/ Ench
88 Protection From Chaos, 10' Abj
89 Resist Electricity Alt
90 Resist Fire Alt
91 Snowball Evo
92 Alpha's Comet Evo/ Conj Frost
93 Alpha's Darklight Alt
94 Alpha's Flames of the Alt/ Evo
95 Alpha's Heat Lightning Evo
96 Alpha's Icebolt Conj/ Summon
97 Alpha's Images of Ikonn Ill/ Phant
98 Alpha's Lightwall Evo
99 Alpha's Lucent Lance Alt
100 Alpha's Night of the Conj/ Summon
101 Alpha's Rolling Thunder Evo
102 Alpha's Silverlight Evo
103 Alpha's Starfire Evo
104 Astral Wall Abj
105 Conceal Magic Abj
106 Detect Charm Div
107 Free Action Ench
108 Hold Spirit Ench/ Charm
109 Kallum's Cold Frost Evo
110 Improved Armor Conj
111 Malta's Pattern Transport Alt
112 Marty's Magic Bow Invo/ Evo
113 Molten Ground Alt
114 Pobithakor's Tracer Evo/ Div
115 Rathe's Trigger Abj
116 Reconstruct Alt/ Div
117 Replay Div/ Ill
118 Resist Paralysis Abj
119 Rhuva's Spellscan Div
120 Soul Safe Abj/ Necro
121 Spirit Call Conj/ Summon
122 Stren's Improved Floating Evo
123 Suggest Illusion Ill/ Phant
124 View Past Div
125 Wimbley's Enwrapment Alt
126 Undead Control Necro Dragon #162
127 Numbness Ill/ Phant Dragon #127
128 Remove Smell Alt/ Ill/ Phant
129 Odeen's Secret Word Alt Dragon #124
130 Enchanted Torch Alt Dragon #123
131 Mellix's Fire Mouth Alt/ Evo
132 Fire Phantom Conj/ Summon
133 Alhandra's Questing Call Div Dragon #163
134 Heartcall Div
135 Isolde's Answer Div
136 Flame Shield Evo Dragon #164
137 Exaltation Abj/ Conj/ Summon
138 Mold Touch Alt
139 Force Wand Abj
140 Sonoric's Magic Tracker Div Midway Campaign
141 Gaseous Form Alt
142 Sonoric's Trance Div/ Ench/ Charm
143 Dreamoore's Eldritch Evo Adept's Spellbook
144 Dreamoore's Warding Abj
Fourth Level
01 Charm Monster Ench/ Charm PHB 2nd ed.
02 Confusion Ench/ Charm
03 Contagion Necro
04 Detect Scrying Div
05 Dig Evo
06 Dimension Door Alt
07 Emotion Ench/ Charm
08 Enchanted Weapon Ench
09 Enervation Necro
10 Evard's Black Tentacles Conj/ Summon
11 Extension I Alt
12 Fear Ill/ Phant
13 Fire Charm Ench/ Charm
14 Fire Shield Evo/ Alt
15 Fire Trap Abj/ Evo
16 Fumble Ench/ Charm
17 Hallucinatory Terrain Ill/ Phant
18 Ice Storm Evo
19 Illusionary Wall Ill/ Phant
20 Improved Invisibility Ill/ Phant
21 Leomund's Secure Shelter Alt/ Ench
22 Magic Mirror Ench/ Charm
23 Massmorph Alt
24 Minor Creation Ill/ Phant
25 Minor Globe of Alt
26 Monster Summoning II Conj/ Summon
27 Otiluke's Resiliant Sphere Alt/ Evo
28 Phantasmal Killer Ill/ Phant
29 Plant Growth Alt
30 Polymorph Other Alt
31 Polymorph Self Alt
32 Rainbow Pattern Alt/ Ill/ Phant
33 Rary'e Memnonic Enhancer Alt
34 Remove Curse Abj
35 Shadow Monsters Ill/ Phant
36 Shout Evo
37 Solid Fog Alt
38 Stoneskin Alt
39 Vacancy Alt/ Ill/ Phant
40 Wall of Fire Evo
41 Wall of Ice Evo
42 Wizard Eye Alt
43 Archveult's Skybolt Alt FR4 The Magister
44 Backlash Ench/ Charm
45 Beltyn's Burning Blood Necro
46 Bowgentle's Fleeting Alt
47 Caligarde's Claw Conj/ Summon
48 Censure Conj/ Summon
49 Encrypt Ill/ Phant
50 Firebrand Evo
51 Hailcone Evo
52 Ilyykur's Mantle Abj
53 Merald's Murderous Mist Evo
54 Nchaser's Glowing Globe Evo
55 Phase Trap Alt
56 Presper's Moonbow Evo
57 Secure Alt
58 Spendelard's Chaser Necro
59 Thunderlance Evo
60 Tulrun's Tracer Div/ Alt
61 Wall of Sand Evo
62 Death's Door Necro REF5 Lords of Darkness
63 Speak with Undead Necro
64 Teleport Dead Alt/ Necro
65 Bigby's Battering Gauntlet Evo Greyhawk Adventures
66 Bigby's Construction Crew Evo
67 Bigby's Force Sculpture Evo
68 Drawmij's Handy Timepiece Conj/ Summon
69 Drawmij's Instant Exit Alt/ Conj
70 Drawmij's Protection from Abj
Non-Magical Gas
71 Drawmij's Tool Box Conj/ Summon
72 Mordenkainen's Electric Arc Evo
73 Morednkainen's Faithful Summon
Phantom Shield Maidens
74 Mordenkainen's Protection Abj
From Slime
75 Nystul's Blacklight Burst Evo
76 Nystul's Grue Conjuration Conj/ Summon
77 Nystul's Lightburst Evo
78 Otiluke's Steaming Sphere Evo
79 Otto's Drums of Despair Ench/ Charm
80 Otto's Silver Tongue Ench/ Charm
81 Otto's Tin Soldiers Alt
82 Otto's Tonal Attack Ench/ Charm
83 Otto's Warding Tones Ench/ Charm
84 Rary's Memory Alteration Ench/ Charm
85 Rary's Mind Scan Div
86 Rary's Spell Enhancer Alt
87 Tenser's Flaming Blade Alt
88 Tenser's Giant Strength Alt
89 Tenser's Master of Arms Alt
90 Tenser's Running Warrior Alt
91 Tenser's Staff of Smiting Alt
92 Bargain Ench/ Charm Oriental Adventures
93 Confusion Ench/ Charm
94 Dancing Blade Evo
95 Dream Vision Invo
96 Elemental Turning Abj
97 Emotion Ench/ Charm
98 Fire Enchantment Ench/ Charm
99 Melt Metal Evo
100 Minor Creation Alt
101 Plant Growth Alt
102 Quell Ench/ Charm
103 Reverse Flow Alt
104 Shout Evo
105 Transfix Ench/ Charm
106 Vengeance Invo
107 Wall of Bones Conj/ Necro
108 Chaos Vision Ill/ Phant Net Spellbook
109 Hold Person II Ench/ Charm
110 Hydro Shield Evo/ Alt
111 Jayme's Greased Pig Conj/ Alt
112 Jayme's Headless Flying Summon/ Ench
Roast Pig
113 Jayme's Morning After Alt/ Ench/ Charm
114 Protection From Domination Abj
115 Resist Acid Alt
116 Acid Spray Evo Frost
117 Alpha's Acid Rainstorm Conj/ Summon
118 Alpha's Acid Resistance Abj
119 Alpha's Ball Lightning Evo
120 Alpha's Chill of the Void Evo/ Alt
121 Alpha's Elemental Form Alt
122 Alpha's Firefall Alt
123 Alpha's Flames of Falroth Alt/ Evo
124 Alpha's Hunting Pack Conj/ Summon
125 Alpha's Rainbow Blast Evo
126 Alpha's Ray of Paralysis Alt
127 Alpha's Shadowfire Evo/ Necro
128 Alpha's Sheet Lightning Evo
129 Bergil's Fire Bolt Invo/ Evo
130 Branit's Backstabbing Conj
131 Broom Ench
132 Cheffield's Kingly Feast Alt
133 Continual Ambience Alt
134 Damian's Insulated Envelope Abj
135 Deadthought Div/ Necro
136 Deave Alt/ Ill/ Phant
137 Deja Vu Alt
138 Enemy Blink Alt
139 Hand of Time Necro
140 Improved Magic Mouth Alt
141 Justin's Mental Map Div
142 Missile Multiplication Conj/ Invo
143 Negative Bolt Invo/ Evo
144 Pobithakor's Alarm Div
145 Rathe's Mage Lock Alt
146 Rhuva's Counter-Scry Div
147 Rhuva's Tracker Div
148 Shadow Wall Abj
149 Sleep II Ench/ Charm
150 Spirit Skill Alt
151 Steal Skill Alt
152 Teleport Trace Div/ Ench
153 Time Warp Alt
154 Uldark's Conjured Fireball Conj/ Summon
155 Uldark's Conjured Lightning Conj/ Summon
156 Vander's Librarian Conj/ Summon
157 View Past Div
158 Sinuous Horrors Alt Dragon #162
159 Vampire Mist Evo
160 Lapse Ench/ Charm Dragon #127
161 Arnvid's Unseen Limb Conj/ Summon Dragon #148
162 Empath Necro
163 Life Force Transfer Necro
164 Odeen's Impenetrable Lock Alt Dragon #124
165 Seeking Sword Evo Dragon #164
166 Fire Lance Evo FR6 Red Wizards of Thay
167 Sonoric's Fly on the Wall Div/ Necro/ Alt Midway Campaign
168 Sonoric's Animal Awareness Div/ Ench/ Charm
169 Sonoric's Spying Minions Div/ Conj/ Summon
170 Mimic Ench/ Charm
171 Dreamoore's Eldritch Abj Adept's Spellbook
172 Dreamoore's Warding Shield Abj
Fifth Level
01 Advanced Illusion Ill/ Phant PHB 2nd ed.
02 Airy Water Alt
03 Animal Growth Alt
04 Animate Dead Necro
05 Avoidance Abj/ Alt
06 Bigby's Interposing Hand Evo
07 Chaos Ench/ Charm
08 Cloudkill Evo
09 Cone of Cold Evo
10 Conjure Elemental Conj/ Summon
11 Contact Other Plane Div
12 Demi-Shadow Monsters Ill/ Phant
13 Dismissal Abj
14 Distance Distortion Alt
15 Domination Ench/ Charm
16 Dream Invo/ Ill/ Phant
17 Extension II Alt
18 Fabricate Ench/ Charm
19 False Vision Div
20 Feeblemind Ench/ Charm
21 Hold Monster Ench/ Charm
22 Leomund's Lamentable Ench/ Evo
23 Leomund's Secret Chest Alt/ Conj/ Summon
24 Magic Jar Necro
25 Major Creation Ill/ Phant
26 Monster Summoning III Conj/ Summon
27 Mordenkainen's Faithful Conj/ Summon
28 Passwall Alt
29 Seeming Ill/ Phant
30 Sending Evo
31 Shadow Door Ill/ Phant
32 Shadow Magic Ill/ Phant
33 Stone Shape Alt
34 Summon Shadow Conj/ Summon/ Necro
35 Telekinesis Alt
36 Teleport Alt
37 Transmute Rock to Mud Alt
38 Wall of Force Evo
39 Wall of Iron Evo
40 Wall of Stone Evo
41 Caddelyn's Catastrophe Ench/ Charm FR4 The Magister
42 Flame Shroud Alt
43 Grimwald's Greymantle Necro
44 Hold Vapor Conj/ Summon
45 Irongaurd Abj/ Alt
46 Nulathoe's Ninemen Abj/ Alt
47 Shandaril's Tracer Div
48 Watchware Evo
49 Xult's Magical Doom Alt
50 Feign Undeath Necro Ravenloft
51 Chill Touch Alt/ Necro REF5 Lords of Darkness
52 Disguise Undead Ill/ Phant/ Alt/ Necro
53 Hold Undead Abj/ Necro
54 Bigby's Fantastic Fencers Evo Greyhawk Adventures
55 Bigby's Superior Force Evo
56 Bigby's Strangling Grip Evo
57 Drawmij's Flying Feat Alt/ Ench
58 Mordenkainen's Faithful Summon
Phantom Defenders
59 Mordenkainen's Private Alt/ Abj
60 Nystul's Enveloping Evo/ Alt
61 Nystul's Radiant Arch Alt
62 Otiluke's Dispelling Screen Evo/ Abj
63 Otiluke's Electrical Screen Evo
64 Otiluke's Polar Screen Evo
65 Otiluke's Radiant Screen Evo
66 Otto's Gong of Isolation Ench/ Charm
67 Rary's Mind Shield Alt
68 Rary's Replay of the Past Div
69 Rary's Superior Spell Alt
70 Rary's Telepathic Bond Div/ Alt
71 Tenser's Primal Fury Ench/ Alt
72 Aiming at the Target Invo Oriental Adventures
73 Animal Growth Alt
74 Creeping Darkness Evo
75 Fire Breath Evo
76 Ironwood Alt
77 Major Creation Alt
78 Mass Alt
79 Metal Skin Alt
80 Servant Horde Conj/ Summon
81 Shadow Door Ill/ Phant
82 Spirit Self Alt
83 Stone Shape Alt
84 Sword of Deception Evo
85 Water to Poison Alt
86 Wood Rot Evo
87 Auralon's Deflective Plates Evo Net Spellbook
88 Cone of Acid Evo
89 Cone of Fire Evo
90 Jayme's Armor Reversal Abj
91 Jayme's Greased Lightning Evo
92 Missile Multiplication II Evo/ Alt
93 Taint Alignment Ench/ Charm
94 Wiley's Door Alt
95 Wiley's Teleport Alt
96 5-Mile Carrier Alt Frost
97 Alpha's Aurora Borealis Evo
98 Alpha's Balefire Conj/ Summon
99 Alpha's Blue Blaze Evo/ Conj
100 Alpha's Incantation of Abj/ Ench
Elemental Domination
101 Alpha's Lightning Armor Abj/ Evo
102 Alpha's Moons of Munnopoor Invo/ Evo/ Alt
103 Alpha's Saint Elmo's Fire Evo
104 Alpha's Shooting Stars Conj/ Summon
105 Alpha's Spectral Hound Conj/ Phant
106 Alpha's Star-Powered Invo
107 Alpha's Starshield Alt/ Abj
108 Alpha's Wizard Light Evo/ Alt
109 Blizzard Evo
110 Bone Splinter Evo
111 Chaos Magic Alt
112 Deflect Normal Weapon Abj
113 Detect Spell Div
114 Greenfire Invo/ Evo
115 High Energy Lightning Bolt Evo
116 Improved Fire Ball Evo
117 Meilikhom's Room of Alt
118 Mental Ledger Alt
119 Pobithakor's Protection Abj
120 Rathe's Contingency Abj
121 Retroactive Dispel Magic Abj
122 Rhuva's Wizard Stomper Div/ Evo
123 Summon Warrior Conj/ Summon
124 Superior Sleep Ench/ Charm
125 Tonguetwister Alt/ Abj
126 Traelanger's Extermination Conj/ Summon/ Alt
127 Crimson Scourge Necro Dragon #162
128 Anesthesia Ench/ Charm Dragon #127
129 Dispel Exaustion Ill/ Phant Dragon #148
130 Fallion's Fabulous Evo Dragon #123
131 Hedge Enchantment Ench/ Invo Dragon #163
132 Fellblade Abj/ Evo/ Necro Dragon #164
133 Melisander's Harp Alt
134 Sonoric's Illusionary Div/ Ill/ Phant Midway Campaign
135 Kallesin's Long Arm Evo
136 Sonoric's Superior Minions Div/ Conj/ Summon
137 Azura's Death Shadow Necro, Conj/ Summon Adept's Spellbook
138 Azura's Soul Whip Necro, Evo
139 Dreamoore's Greater Evo
Eldritch Sphere
140 Dreamoore's Spellblade Evo
Sixth Level
01 Anti-Magic Shell Abj PHB 2nd ed.
02 Bigby's Forceful Hand Evo
03 Chain Lightning Evo
04 Conjure Animals Conj/ Summon
05 Contingency Evo
06 Control Weather Alt
07 Death Fog Alt/ Ench
08 Death Spell Necro
09 Demi-Shadow Magic Ill/ Phant
10 Disintegrate Alt
11 Enchant an Item Ench/ Invo
12 Ensnarement Conj/ Summon
13 Extension III Alt
14 Eyebite Ench/ Charm/ Ill/ Phant
15 Geas Ench/ Charm
16 Glassee Alt
17 Globe of Invulnerability Abj
18 Gaurds and Wards Evo/ Alt/ Ench/ Charm
20 Invisible Stalker Conj/ Summon
21 Legend Lore Div
22 Lower Water Alt
23 Mass Suggestion Ench/ Charm
24 Mirage Arcana Ill/ Phant/ Alt
25 Mislead Ill/ Phant
26 Monster Summoning IV Conj/ Summon
27 Mordenkainen's Lucubration Alt
28 Move Earth Alt
29 Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Alt/ Evo
30 Part Water Alt
31 Permanent Illusion Ill/ Phant
32 Programmed Illusion Ill/ Phant
33 Project Image Alt/ Ill/ Phant
34 Reincarnation Necro
35 Repulsion Abj
36 Shades Ill/ Phant
37 Stone to Flesh Alt
38 Tenser's Transformation Alt/ Evo
39 Transmute Water to Dust Alt
40 True Seeing Div
41 Veil Ill/ Phant
42 Power Word: Silence Alt FR4 The Magister
43 Reconstruction Alt/ Phant
44 Shaeroon's Scimitar Evo
45 Turnshadow Abj
46 Imbue Undead With Spell Alt/ Necro REF5 Lords of Darkness
47 Spectral Gaurd Evo/ Necro
48 Undead Regeneration Necro
49 Bigby's Besieging Bolt Evo Greyhawk Adventures
50 Drawmij's Beneficient Alt
51 Drawmij's Merciful Alt
52 Mordenkainen's Faithful Summon
Phantom Guardian
53 Otiluke's Diamond Screen Evo
54 Otiluke's Excrutiating Evo
55 Otiluke's Orb of Evo
56 Rary's Urgent Utterance Alt
57 Rary's Protection From Abj/ Div
58 Tenser's Fortunes of War Abj
59 Aura Div Oriental Adventures
60 Gambler's Luck Invo/ Ench/ Charm
61 Metal to Rust Alt
62 Sword of Darkness Evo/ Necro
63 Vessel Conj
64 Warp Stone Alt
65 Block Teleport Abj Net Spellbook
66 Copyright Div/ Abj
67 Hold Person IV Ench/ Charm
68 Improved Wiley's Door Alt
69 Mage Lock Alt/ Evo
70 Alpha's Firefountain Alt Frost
71 Alpha's Rainbow Warrior Evo/ Summon
72 Alpha's Starlight Citadel Conj/ Summon
73 Coradon's Cataclysmic Invo/ Evo/ Necro
74 Create Ghast Necro
75 Energy Field Conj/ Evo
76 Justin's Skimmer Evo
77 Lich's Palm Invo/ Evo
78 Lorth's Stasis Abj
79 Mass Teleport Alt
80 Minor Accursed Rite Necro
81 Quintessa's Slaying Spear Evo
82 Replay Div/ Ill
83 Staff of Light/ Darkness Alt/ Evo
84 Teleport Trap Abj
85 Wizard Watch Alt/ Div
86 Seizure Ench/ Charm/ Ill/ PhantDragon #127
87 Vampire Dagger Necro Dragon #148
88 Accelerated Metabolism Alt
89 Alvira's Stasis Shell Alt Dragon #163
90 Kalessin's Spell Load Evo Midway Campaign
91 Azura's Black Scythe Necro, Evo Adept's Spellbook
92 Dreamoore's Blade Evo, Conj/ Summon
93 Dreamoore's Eldritch Evo, Alt
94 Dreamoore's Missile Evo
95 Dreamoore's Viper Lance Alt
Seventh Level
01 Banishment Abj PHB 2nd ed.
02 Bigby's Grasping Hand Evo
03 Charm Plants Ench/ Charm
04 Control Undead Necro
05 Delayed Blast Fireball Evo
06 Drawmij's Instant Summons Conj/ Summon
07 Duo-Dimension Alt
08 Finger of Death Necro
09 Forececage Evo
10 Limited Wish Conj/ Summon/ Invo/ Evo
11 Mass Invisibility Ill/ Phant
12 Monster Summoning V Conj/ Summon
13 Mordenkainen's Magnificent Alt/ Conj
14 Mordenkainen's Sword Evo
15 Phase Door Alt
16 Power Word, Stun Conj/ Summon
17 Prismatic Spray Conj/ Summon
18 Reverse Gravity Alt
19 Sequester Ill/ Phant/ Abj
20 Shadow Walk Ill/ Ench
21 Simulacrum Ill/ Phant
22 Spell Turning Abj
23 Statue Alt
24 Teleport Without Error Alt
25 Vanish Alt
26 Vision Div
27 Khelben's Warding Whip Abj/ Evo FR4 The Magister
28 Nezram's Ruby Ray Alt
29 The Simbul's Synostodweomer Alt/ Necro
30 Spelltrap Abj/ Alt
31 Stealspell Ench/ Charm
32 Vipergout Conj/ Summon
33 Mordenkainen's Penultimate Alt
34 Otiluke'd Death Screen Evo/ Alt
35 Otiluke's Fire and Ice Evo
36 Otiluke's Siege Sphere Evo
37 Rary's Plane Truth Div
38 Body Outside Body Conj Oriental Adventures
39 Commune With Greater Spirit Div
40 Elemental Servant Conj/ Summon/ Ench/ Charm
41 Ice Blight Evo/ Summon
42 Obedience Ench/ Evo
43 Reanimation Necro
44 Tool Conj/ Summon
45 Withering Palm Evo
46 Chaos Environment Alt
47 Create Undead Necro
48 Delayed Blast Snowball Evo
49 Jayme's Flesh to Toast Alt
50 Jayme's Improved Armor Abj
51 LLewllynn's Wall of Force Evo
52 Create Mummy Necro Frost
53 Deflect Magic Weapon Abj
54 Electrosphere Evo
55 Eye of the Beholder Evo
56 Magic Quench Alt/ Abj
57 Mind Find Div
58 Pobithakor's Placer Alt/ Div
59 Prismatic Beam Abj/ Conj/ Summon
60 Stash Alt
61 Summon Wizard Conj/ Summon
62 Zandere's Twist Alt
63 Amorphous Blob Alt/ Necro Dragon #162
64 Rebinding Ench/ Alt/ Invo/ Evo Dragon #163
65 Bone Javelin Alt/ Evo Dragon #164
66 Negative Plane Protection Abj/ Necro
67 Repel Undead Abj/ Necro
Eight Level
01 Antithapy-Sympathy Ench/ Charm PHB 2nd ed.
02 Bigby's Clenched Fist Evo
03 Binding Ench/ Evo
04 Clone Necro
05 Demand Evo/ Ench/ Charm
06 Glassteel Alt
07 Incendiary Cloud Alt/ Evo
08 Mass Charm Ench/ Charm
09 Maze Conj/ Summon
10 Mind Blank Abj
11 Monster Summoning VI Conj/ Summon
12 Otiluke's Telkinetic Sphere Evo/ Alt
13 Otto's Irresistable Dance Ench/ Charm
14 Permanancy Alt
15 Polymorph Any Object Alt
16 Power Word, Blind Conj/ Summon
17 Prismatic Wall Conj/ Summon
18 Screen Div/ Ill
19 Serten's Spell Immunity Abj
20 Sink Ench/ Abj
21 Symbol Conj/ Summon
22 Trap the Soul Conj/ Summon
23 Body Sympathy Necro FR4 The Magister
24 Great Shout Evo
25 Spell Engine Abj/ Alt
26 Sunburst Evo/ Alt REF5 Lords of Darkness
27 Unlife Necro
28 Bigby's Most Excellent Evo Greyhawk Adventures
Force Sculpture
29 Call Conj/ Summon Oriental Adventures
30 Cloud Trapeze Alt
31 Finding the Center Alt/ Invo
32 Giant Size Alt
33 Incendiary Cloud Alt/ Evo
34 Mind Blank Abj
35 Summoning Wind Alt
36 Surelife Alt
37 Whirlwind Conj/ Summon
38 Jayme's Spell Reversal Alt Net Spellbook
39 Major Globe of Abj
40 Summon Wraith Conj/ Summon/ Necro
41 Life Leech Necro Frost
42 Long-Range Carrier Alt
43 Lorth's Sending Alt
44 Power Link Necro
45 Sheath Alt/ Conj/ Summon
46 Stargate Alt
47 Summon Wraiths Conj/ Summon/ Necro
48 Teleport Block Abj
49 Exchange Necro/ Alt Dragon #148
50 Alvissar's Flaming Weapon Alt Dragon #123
51 Bone Blade Alt/ Evo/ Necro Dragon #164
52 Fire Storm Evo FR6 Red Wizards of Thay
Ninth Level
01 Astral Spell Evo PHB 2nd ed.
02 Bigby's Crushing Hand Evo
03 Crystalbrittle Alt
04 Energy Drain Evo/ Necro
05 Foresight Div
06 Gate Conj/ Summon
07 Imprisonment Abj
08 Meteor Swarm Evo
09 Monster Summoning VII Conj/ Summon
10 Mordenkainen's Disjunction Alt/ Ench
11 Power Word, Kill Conj/ Summon
12 Prismatic Sphere Abj/ Conj/ Summon
13 Shape Change Alt
14 Succor Alt/ Ench
15 Temporal Stasis Alt
16 Time Stop Alt
17 Weird Ill/ Phant
18 Wish Conj/ Summon
19 Dismind Ench/ Charm FR4 The Magister
20 Spell Ward Abj
21 Phezult's Sleep of Ages Alt
22 Control Undead Necro REF5 Lords of Undead
23 Instant Regeneration Necro Oriental Adventures
24 Internal Fire Evo
25 Summon Spirit Conj/ Summon/ Necro
26 Tsunami Evo
27 Lichdom Alt/ Necro Net Spellbook
28 Mental Ledger Alt
29 Sarius' Endosmotic Zone Alt
30 Sphere of Annihilation Evo
31 Telnorne Force Layer Evo
32 Bone Shatter Evo Frost
33 Damian's Mindswap Alt/ Ench
34 Demonic Immunity Abj
35 Ding Shu's Draconian Invo/ Evo
36 Ding Shu's Marvelous Conj/ Summon
37 Expanded Awareness Div/ Alt
38 Fenzill's Phantasmal Necro
39 Genocide Evo/ Necro
40 Lazzaro's Murderous Sword Conj/ Summon
41 Lorth's Translocation Alt
42 Magic Swarm Alt
43 Mental Library Alt
44 Mezzalldam's Choking Fist Evo
45 Nuke Invo/ Evo
46 Power Word Vaporisation Conj/ Summon/ Alt
47 Symmetry Evo
48 Hellfire Evo Dragon #123
49 Immunity to Undeath Abj/ Alt/ Necro Dragon #164
50 Disruption Alt/ Necro
01 Catfeet Alt FR4 The Magister
02 Cut Alt
03 Gallop Alt
04 Horn Evo
05 Listen Alt
06 Scorch Alt
07 Snatch Evo
08 Spark Evo
09 Sting Alt
10 Compass Div Net Spellbook
11 Jayme's Appearing Ink Alt
12 Stepping Stone Evo
13 Umbrella Abj
14 Vision Alt
Player's Handbook, 2nd ed.
Player's Handbook, 1st ed.
Unearthed Arcana
Greyhawk Adventures
Forgotten Realms Adventures
Oriental Adventures
DM's Sourcebook (Forgotten Realms)
FR4 The Magister
FR6 Dreams of Red Wizards
PHBR4 The Complete Wizard's Handbook
REF5 The Lords of Darkness
Ravenloft: Realm of Terror
My own campaign
Net.spellbook (Boudewijn Wayers)
Frost (Matthew Presley)
Adept's Spellbook (Jonathon Salazar) - included of late in the Net Spellbook