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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
*** --- CASTLES --- ***
Courstesy of:
Anarchy, Int'l.
The following instructions are taken directly from the manual accompanying the release version of tgame. Parts may have been left out to save time, space, and overall enjoyability of this text.
<=== OPTIONS ===>
After you have successfully loaded CASTLES, the first screen that you will see is the Options scree The Options include:
MESSANGERS (Yea or Nay): This determines whether you will be visited by messangers. If the answer "Yea", you will receive a new messanger every month. If the answer is "Nay", no messangers will per.
WORLD (Fantasy or Real World): If you are interested in playing in a world where the myths and foleliefs of the people of the British Isles in the middle ages were true: the Sidhe, dragons, ogres,teWild Hunt, and wizards, then use the Fantasy option. If you do not wish to play in a world withthsefantastic creatures, employ the Real World option. The Fantasy world becomes most evident in he essge sequences; playing in a Fantasy world wthout messengers is something of a waste of time.
LEVEL (Peasant, Duke, Prince, or King): There are four difficulty levels in the game of CASTLES. Peasant difficulty level is a practise level, with a partially laid out castle, workers, labourer,ad food, and enough money to build any castle you want.
Duke, Prince, and King levels are the real game levels. Duke and Prince levels give you a higher sting money value, higher tax values better relations with the noble factions, the Church, and the epe, and easier battles. The highest difficulty level (King) gives you less access to money, lesspoulrity, and harder battles. No one said that being a King was easy.
CAMPAIGN: In CASTLES, one of the objects is to subjugate the "savage land of the Celts" by buildinastles in strategically important areas. If you don't want to engage in a major castle building cmagn, then choose the Single Castle option. If you wish to play a short campaign, play a Three Catl Cmpaign. The Eight Castle Campaign is the longest and most intense of all the campaigns. NOTE yo ca build more than one castle on a level; the Single Castle campaign refers to the game endingafte youhave conquered a single playing area.
NAME: The options screen allows you to insert your name, and whether you are a King or a Queen. Tetermine this, click on the King or Queen to change your character's gender.
CASTLE NAME: Where the Options screen says: "Building the Castle", you may insert whatever name yoesire.
When you begin the game, click on the right mouse button. This will bring up the main menu, which iudes the following options:
DESIGN: This allows access to the Design sub-menu. When you click on this option, with the left me button, the design window will appear, with a number of castle pieces and a slashed red circle.
LABOUR: The allows access to the Labour sub-menu. When you click on this option with the left moubutton, the Labour menu will appear, allowing you to click on arrows to manipulate the number laborr at workon your castle.
TAXES: This allows access to the Taxes sub-menu. When you click on this option with the left mousutton, the Taxes menu will appear, allowing you to set your tax rate and levy taxes.
MILITARY: This allows access to the Military sub-menu. When you click on this option with the lefouse button, the Military menu will appear, allowing you to hire or fire archers and infantry, anddgmoats where it is allowedby the terrain.
FOOD: This allows access to the Food sub-menu. When you click on this option with the left mouse ton, the Food menu will appear, allowing you to purchase a reserve of food in case of siege.
OPTIONS: This allows access to a number of functions, includeing Save Game, Load Game, and Quit Ga Speed, and Councel.
SPEED: CASTLES had three speed levels, which governs the quickness of play. Laboured allows for aow building rate, and gives the player more time to consider his actions. Steady provides for a qikr paced game, while Swift is even quicker than Steady.
COUNCEL: Pushing the Counsel button will cause one of you counsellors to appear and give you the se of your relations with importantfactions in the kingdom, and some helpful (well, sometimes helpfl ints to improve your relations.
In all sub-menus, the command "Main" allows you to return to the Main menu.
The heart of CASTLES is its ability to design a castle, which is done from the design window. When design window has been triggered you will see a top-down perspective of the castle grounds. Thi sreferred to as the blueprint. Entering the design window will bring up the blueprint of the caslean allow you to place pieces on it. The main pieces are:
TOWERS: There are two tower types: round and square. Square towers are the earlier form of tower,d easier and cheaper to build, but its exposed edges render it susceptible to attack. Round tower r more expensive and take longer to build, but are less vulnerable to attack.
WALLS: There is a single wall type in the game, with three varying thicknesses. Thicker walls proe greater protection, but all take longer to build. Walls have two accessories, arrow slits and cudons. Arrow slits provide protection for the archersthat are stationed on thecastle walls. Caulros re filled with boiling oil, which is poured on enemy troops that attack the wall in battle.
GATES: The center of the castle defense is often the gatehouse. The door is the most vulnerable pt of the castle's structure, and one which the enemy will likely attack first. Gates take a long ieto build, which is one of threasons why castle builders typically waited until a castle neared cmpeton before the gates were added.
Other topics of concern in Castle design include:
THE KEEP: The most important part of the castle is the Keep. This is the central area of the cast protected by thick walls, strong towers, and sturdy gates. The Keep must be built by the player,cntructed from walls and towers. It might be considered a castle within a castle. If the enemy bgis o destroy the Keep, one's defeat cannot be far away.
THE ERASER: If a player makes a mistake in the blueprint of the castle, the eraser will correct itThis eraser is a red circle with a line through it; place the eraser on a piece and click on the lf ouse button to remove it.
When constructing a castle, there must be a suitable mix of workers for maxumem efficiency. If a mar builder does not have a sufficient amount of specialized labor, work on the castle will likely so o a crawl. In CASTLES, we have divided the work force into seven categories, six specialists an oe eneral labourer category.
The types of workers employed in the game are:
DIGGERS: Anyone who has tried to dig a large hole with precision knows that a digger's task is not easy as it may seem. In castle-building, diggers had to know how to dig the foundations of the csl with precision and quickness. Diggers are more important to the early stages of castle-buildin tanthey are in the later portions, but anyone who wants to build a moat will need some skilled diger diecting the operation.
CARPENTERS: These men know how to knock on wood, and nails, and hammers, and put together scaffoldand braces, and many other important castle pieces. Carpenters are an important component of a cates work force.
MASONS: Masons were the backbone of the castle-building labour force. The person who designed andersaw the building of the castle was known as the Master Mason (or Master Builder); masons receive ier wages than the other workers on the castle. Despite this elite status, a mason's life was no a esy one, as they laid stones, mixed and carried mortar, and made certain that the castle walls oul beable to withstand the test of battle.
QUARRYMEN: Stones for castle-building did not come easily. Quarrymen not only provided stones, bulso valuable supplies to lime and sand.
CARTERS: Carters were needed to ferry supplies over both land and water. Carters were in charge oafely delivering immense amounts of materials, travelling an estimated ten miles per day by oxcartdrng their journey.
SMITHS: Castles were not made solely of stone and wood; a substantial amount of metal was also usen the construction. Smiths were important to working the metal used in castle-building; smithing a ne of the better paid occupations in the castle building.
LABOURERS: Common labourers made up the rest of the castle's work force. Many labourers were peass making up feudal obligations, and as such were unpaid, other were pressed into service by force. ter were untrained workers looking for a pence a day. Labourers were cheaper than skilled worker, utnot as efficient; an over-reliance on unskilled labourers tended to slow down construction.
To hire labour, use the buttons to request the number of each labourer type. A good castle relies o mix of labour types. The Master Builder's evalutaion of the efficiency of the mix is printed at h ottom of the screen; he rates a mix as Poor, Inefficient, Satisfactory, Good, and Excellent. A oo mx will build a castle very slowly, while an Excellent mix will build a castle very quickly.
The labour menu also allows you to alter the wages of your workers. The base wages for your workforare:
Diggers: L1/month per 20 diggers
Carpenters: L5/month per20 carpenters
Masons: L6/month per 20 masons
Quarrymen: L1/month per 20 quarrymen
Carters: L1/month per 20 carters
Smiths: L5/month per 20 smiths
Labourer: L0/month per 20 labourers
Archers: L2/month per 20 archers
Infantry: L3/month per 20 infantrymen
Higher wages will attract more workers, and encourage them to join your workforce more quickly. Lowwages will save money, but cause you to recruit more slowly and limit the number of workers who wilwnt to work on your castle.
Any monarch who embarks on a program to build castles must have money to pay for the supplies and thabourers. The money for castle-building comes from taxation. The rate of taxation depends on twofcors: the difficulty level of the game, and the level of taxation as set by the player. The playr il receive less tax money when the game is set to King level than he would at Prince level, and e wuldreceive less tax money at Prince level than he would when the game is at Duke level.
The player can decrease or increase the amount of money he will get by setting the Level of TaxationThe levels are (in ascending order): Generous, Normal, Oppressive, and Tyrannical. A king who set i funding at a Tyrannical level will receive more funds than one who is Generous.
Taxes are collected at the beginning of every fiscal year (i.e. March 15, when building on the Castlesumes). If a king need money in a hurry, then he must levy taxes.
Levies are taxes which are collected every month. To collect a levy, simply go to the Collect Levy a on the Taxes screen, and adjust the amount to whatever you desire, then click ontthe box below. A he ginning of the next month, that amount will be added to the Treasury.
The maximum amound that can be levied depends on the difficulty level of the game. At Duke level, is L400. At Prince level, it is L300, and at King level, it is L200.
Excessive taxation not only makes peasants angry, but it also upsets the Church and the noble famili as everyone is taxed by the King. Excessive taxation can have two drawbacks. First, no one like yrant. If you tax people long and hard enough, you will have rebellions. Second, the well evenualyruns dry. Eventually, you will find that high taxes will bring a point of diminishing returns Iposng levies on your subjects can cause the people who loved you to despise you in only a few mnths
On the other hand, if a monarch realizes that he s running into a problem with his peasants, and trito be Generous, he will rarely get the results he wants. Peasans will appreciate low taxes, but nvras enthusiastically as they despise high taxes.
For an overview of your taxes, call the Treasurer. He will give a report on your finances, includinevenues from other castles, and will also offer warnings when you are spending money too quickly. Rning out of money will bring your operations to a halt. Let the taxer beware.
If you can't defend a castle, there is no sense in building it. When you build a castle in hostile ritory, expect to defend it against attack.
To hire troops, you must enter the Military menu. In this menu, you will be able to hire the two ty of troops most commonly used in seiges in the Middle Ages: Archers, and Infantry.
Archers shoot arrows at opponents. They are very poorly armoured and no match in melee range for sone with armor or a melee weapon; they will disappear when their supply of arrows have been deplete,o when they are slain.
Infantry also serve as castle guards; these are the men who will be used if someone asks you for tro. Infantry are tougher than archers, but can only attack at close range.
The number of troops that you can have depends on the number of pieces you have built in the castle.mall castles cannot support as many troops as a large castle.
When a battle occurs, you will be given a chance to set up your castle before the enemy comes. Simppick up archer and infantry pieces and place them on the blueprint, in the same way that you place atle pieces. These pieces will attack the enemy when they appear or come within weapon range.
If you are operating at less than maximum strength (500 infantry and 500 archers), you will have thetion to divide your forces into 1-10 units. Stronger units will not be damaged as easily as weake ns, but more numerous units will allow you to spread your forces across a larger area. Beware ofspeaing yourself too thin.
Each character in the army is subject to individual control. For archers, simply click on the piecend then click on the target; the archer will concentrate its fire on that piece until it id dead, hnhe will choose a new target. For infantry pieces, you may click either on an enemy target, or apoiton. Sometimes your infantry may lose line of sight of an enemy or get caught at the edge of amoa; smply move the infantry piece to another location, and he will try to locate the enemy.
Trying to destroy your castle is the Enemy. The Enemy will usually be Celts, though ogres will attayou frequently in the Fantasy World setting.
The enemy will march toward your keep, trying to destroy anything or anyone in their path. Ogres ararticularly infamour for their bloodthirsty tendencies.
The enemy has two special weapons: sapper's tents and catapults. Sapper's tents contain miners who l dig a tunnel underneath your castle, fill it with dead pigs, and light them afire, causing an exlson that will destroy the castle.
Catapults will continuously fire large stones at your castle walls, knocking them down after multiplits.
When most of the enemy pieces have been killed, the attack will end and you will have triumphed. Ifu have completed your castle, you will proceed to the next level, or to the final screen (if all csls in the campaign have been built). However, when the enemy has killed off your defenders or detrye a large section of your castle, they will have triumphed and your game will be over.
One of the most common tactics of an enemy, particualry if the ybelive that they can block your supps, is the siege. In order to withstand a siege, a wise monarch will purchase an emergency supply ffod: thus when one's army is under siege, they will not starve.
Food can be purchased by entering the Food menu, clicking on the the arrows beside "Buy" and clickinn the box underneath the Food menu. This will purchase the proper amount of food.
Food costs vary wildly, depending on demand and availability. Food is much less expensive after thell harvest than it is in early spring, when the needs of winter have used up most surpluses. The aeneeds of winter will also affect the supply of food at your castle; you will have less food afte wntr tahn you had before the winter.
During a siege, depending on the number of defenders at your castle, the food supply will decrease. en it hits zero, defenders will start to die. some sieges can be quite long, making mulitple purcae of food very necessary.
----> The remainder of the manual is not necessary to contribute greatly to the game. Anyone who hgotten this far in it can surely figure out the rest. Please bear in mind that this document was ae EXACTLY as it was written in the manual, with certain useless portions left out. We at AnarchyInerational thank you for your support of the pirated software business and wish you luck and enjomen whle playing this game. Look for more quality doc files for your favourite games composed by ourstrul or another member of AInt. Thanx a lot and LATER DAZE... <----
(This concludes the doc file for CASTLES by Interplay Productions. Any questions or comments, pleaseave mail for the author at any or all of the following quality BBS's: Corvette Connection, The Daod Mine, or The Sprawl.)
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