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The Book of Ages
by Nordag Elbereth of Mirmir
aka the Wanderer
1. The Primordial Chaos.......................1
2. The Awakening..............................2
2.1. The Seven Swords of Wayland................2
2.2. The Guellup................................3
2.3. Farniss-Gaia...............................4
2.4. The Boerg..................................4
2.5. Garlfilrick................................4
2.6. The Forgotten Gods of Innissith............4
2.7. The Known Gods.............................5
2.8. The Races created by the Gods..............6
2.9. The Tablets of Fate........................6
3. The Cosmos.................................6
3.1. Space......................................6
3.2. The Celestial Stairways....................9
3.3. Magical and Technological Worlds..........10
3.4. The Known Worlds..........................10
4. Sueno.....................................11
5. Beyond the Gates of Dream: The dreamer....13
5.1. Dreamer abilities.........................15
5.2. Dreamer magical items.....................23
5.3. The dreamer in the campaign...............24
1. The Primordial Chaos
In the Universe, there is a race of creatures whom have the power to mould and
shape the Cosmos. Usually, only one of those creatures mold one Universe-
Island (Galaxy) to its particular taste. However, in the present case, two of
these creatures got associated together. The most powerful caried the name of
Guellup, and the second the one of Farniss.
To deal succesfully with their task, the Guellup created the Arcturienne, and
owing to it, he created the pre-form of Farniss and the eight Fathers.
Arendarat, Aurumdarath, Dorbiltisarat, Io, Faranngatsyth, Ptuizgansyth,
Sivildarath and Tarandat were their names. Guellup told Farniss his wishes,
and the latter told the Fathers that only one among them will be able to give
the Cosmos its shape.
The Fathers were divided in four factions: There was the One (Io) that was
against the others indistinctively. There were those (Arendarat, Dorbiltisarat
and Tarandat) that were together against the others. There were those
(Aurumdarath and Sivildarath) whom battled the One anf the three others.
Finally, there were the Neutrals (Faranngatsyth and Ptuizgansyth) which were
against the three others.
Cruel and Terrible was the confrontation of the Fathers from which Io emerged
as the victor.
The incommensurable energies freed during this non-temporal era were consumed
by the Arcturienne. The latter created the Aasimons and the Archons from the
positive energies, then the Baatezus and the Tanar'ris from the negative
energies. From these immemorial times, these two last races fight against each
other in the "Blood Wars". The neutral energy was reserved for the Guellup.
The victory of Io was recognized by Farniss, and he gave Io the power to give
the Cosmos his shape by merging his essence by the remaining powers of the
other Fathers. Io disclosed this power in the form of the Runes of Power. Io
became "The One Who Remains Hidden" and created the Cosmos.
2. The Awakening
When the Cosmos and the various planes of existences were created (as
described in the Manual of the Planes), Guellup and Farnis knew their
definitive shape.
After the creation of the Cosmos, "The One Who Remains Hidden" took conscience
of his new shape. The Arcturienne has modified him and, after the creation of
the planar races and the Cosmos, has splitted him in three entities.
Io, known also as Drogon or the One represent the good, as well as the ideal
of the draconic race. He is the Creator, the Implacabe, the Fundamental Law,
the sky, the wind, the light and darkness. He resides on the Ethereal plane.
He concentrated his attention on a part of the Cosmos and created Innissit.
Io-Drogon created then the Powers that were known as the Forgotten Gods.. He
is treated as a Greater God.
Shaitan (Satan, the Absolute Evil) coagulated the evil, spawned the Arch-
Fiends and tried to dominate the lower outer planes. For this, he created the
Gehreleths and the Yugoloths. A truce in the Blood Wars was instaured during
which the Aasimons, Archons, Baatezus and Tanar'ris united together to fight
Shaitan and his hordes. So great was Shaitan'a power that they were unable to
defeat him. So were created the Seven Swords of Wayland to exile him to the
lowest dungeon under the last plane of the Nine Hells.
Lord Ao concentrated his efforts on the balance of the Cosmos and his essence
spawned the Greater Powers whom further spawned the various pantheons and
portfolios known throught the worlds.
2.1. The Seven Swords of Wayland
Thw Swords are made from an alloy of Mythryll and Star Metal. The magical
bonuses of these swords are effective on all the planes of existence.
Number within Ego Person- Bonus Paladin Anti-Paladin
100' radius nality vs Baatezu, vs Aasimon,
Tanar'ri Archon
1 6 24 +1 +2 +2
2 9 27 +2 +3 +3
3 11 29 +3 +4 +4
4 14 32 +3 +5 +5
5 16 34 +4 +6 +6
6 19 37 +4 +7 +7
7 26 44 +5 +8 +8
For all swords: * Shines with a cold blue light (as spell) when within 60' of
a creature from another plane than the wielder
* All are recognizable at sight for what they are by Aasimon,
Archon, Baatezu and Tenar'ri
* Wielder is immune by all enchantment/charm spells and
receive a +3 on saving throws when subject of a spell from
Aasimon, Archon, Baatezu and Tenar'ri.
* Alignment = True Neutral, with one edge of the sword Lawful
Good, while the other is Chaotic Evil, I=18. Know alignment
within a 10' radius.
2 swords: * Locate object within 120' radius.
4 swords: * Telepathy, 60 yards <20> twice per day.
6 swords: * Heal <20> Once per day.
7 swords: * If the Seven Swords are brought together, the wielders may
then call Shaitan. They can destroy him for eternity, or let
him take shape and presence where they are. Great was the
power of Shaitan, but the eons past have drained his power
enough so that now he can be destroyed. In any case, Shaitan
is freed from his non-dimentional jail from the deepest
dungeon under the last plane of the Nine Hells. If he is
liberated, he will rapidly regain his power, and only the
alliance of the Greater Powers will succeed to return him to
his goal.
Actually, the Seven Swords of Wayland are located:
Albyon Magical Focus of Mount Yvvinor in Abeir-Toril, west of the
Herald Holdfast.
Belech In possession of a drow surviver from a crashed spelljamming
ship near the town of Everlund in Abeir-Toril.
Elidon In the ruins of Ascore in Abeir-Toril.
Klaus In Menzoberranzan, house Barrison del'armgo, weapon master in
Maurax On the dead body of a paladin from Avalon on the Astral
Solas In possession of Sardo Numspa, a Pit Fiend (Greater Baatezu)
in Hells.
Urias In Sueno (the plane of Dreams), in possession of Miranda.
Some sages believe that Shaitan is actually rising in power. It is rumored
that he is responsible for the creation of the demi-plane of Ravenloft. If it
is so, then this is possible that all the evil present there will strenghten
2.2. The Guellup
Whence he knews his definitive shape, the Guellup used the power reserved for
him in the Arcturienne and migrated to the plane of Concordant Opposition. He
concentrated his power and became the energy pool located at the center of
this plane. The Guellup transcend time. He can act and exist parallel to time.
He is the Master of the Time Lords.
According to the Guellup, the gods are all mortals because its their nature.
However, the do not age. He also says that time is a construction of the mind
that brings order into reality. It is a fundamental law for all mortals. Still
according to the Guellup, there is no end of time, only renewals. The Guellup
is not a god, and thus is unaffected by the time.
He has none of their powers, but also none of their limits. He possess an
infinity of avatars, and it is a doubt that anybody ever saw or will see the
entity known as the real Guellup.
It is also the Guellup that holds the Book of Lives, where are written the
brith and death dates of all living beings past, present and future, even gods
But all this was not enough, the Guellup wanted to incarnated himself. He thus
choose a sector of the Cosmos, integrated himself into Io's project, and
incarnated a part of his essence in Innissit.
2.3. Farniss-Gaia
Farnis represent the Force of Life of the Cosmos. Some sages say that he is
Io's inspiration for the creation of the Cosmos. He is the Nature, in the vast
sence of the term. He is also known as Gaia, the Mother. This being is
venerated by druids and elves throughout the Cosmos.
Gaia "The Earth Goddess, The Great Mother" : Avatar (Druid 24)
Gaia's avatar takes the shape of a mature woman of perfect sereine beauty.
Alternatively, she can manifest herself as an indestructible black monolith of
1x4x9 proportions. She can invoque spells from the all, animal, charm,
elemental, healing, plant and weather spheres. AL N, WAL Any, Symbol Fruit
bowl, black stone, unicorn, Plane Elemental plane of Earth, AoC Fertility,
health, prophecy, Abilities S20 D20 CO24 I23 W25 CH24 CM24 P25, MV 15 SZ 10'
MR 60%, AC -7 HD 24 hp 360, AT 1 THAC0 -3 DAM 1d4 + 1 (sickle) + 8, SA/SD +3
or better weapons to be hit., Her black sickle kills any it hits unless a
saving throw vs death is made, in case the victim loose 50% of its initials
hp., Any being that looks upon its avatar without being invited first must
save vs petrification or be blind for 1d10 days.
2.4. The Boerg
He was begeted by Farniss-Gaia. He represents the incarnation of Farniss-Gaia
in Innissit and one of his avatars. Those who have traveled by the Boerg's
forest worship him instead of Farniss-Gaia.
2.5. Garlfilrick
He is the offspring of Farniss-Gaia and Drogon. He is one of the avatars of
Farniss-Gaia. He is the only being capable of a mass ESP. More so, when he
transform into a creature, a part of his essence is transfered and he becomes
this creature (who is ignorant of the remaining hidden power of Farniss-Gaia.
2.6. The Forgotten Gods of Innissith
Thus there was the One, and the Fathers. After, Drogon begeted the Sevens, and
the Twelves. All dragons were witnesses to the creation of the world by Drogon
and were those who named things.
The Threes
Andar Life, fertility, nature, earth.
Otis Language, claorvoyance, strategy, knowledge.
Ouruk Courage, changing, war, water.
The Sevens
Isnuk Speech, the Orator of the Gods, the Messenger of the Gods, the
Red, the God of Eloquence.
Lunus Time, growth, hazard (luck).
Nohalla Running water, river, rain.
Ollaya Harbor's protection, medicine.
Ourguin The Navigator, the Fisherman.
Sukkil Love, Death.
Tibur The God not-God, the Traveler, music, mathematics, magic, fire,
treachery, the free creatures.
The Twelves
Callurg The Armorer of the gods, craftmen, dwarves.
Drolnez The Executioner, the Inquisitor, pain.
Fiournial Fear, sickness, epidemic.
Hadavog Agriculture, wine, feasts.
Kalar-Haran Underearth, miners, stone workers, dwarves, gnomes.
Nanlin Peace, Justice.
Pnagdig Strife, rage, intrigue, rumors.
Sishtil Deceit, thieves.
Talbog Honor, valor in combat, force.
Ulus Richness, abundance, avarice.
Vyldalla The Mother, fidelity. The mortal woman that was loved by Isnuk.
Yshlia Beauty, dance, seduction.
After the first dragon war, Drogon accused Otis of outrage against the Order
of Things. To punish him, he put him in jail. His warder, Drollne, remove his
tongue. Then Isnuk raise to the defence of Otis, and his oration was so good
that Drogon drop a tear that became the Larmacien. He then gave his pardon to
Otis and freed him. Isnuk then traveled the world, gave magic to the gods
childs (elves, humans), and falled in love with the mortal Vyldalla. From
their union was born the half-gor Tibur, the God not-God. Isnuk returned with
the other gods, but Tibur and Vyldalla are condemned to eternally roam the
worlds of men, and never to meet again.
2.7. The Known Gods
Lord Ao created the first generation of Greater Powers, which in turn created
the various pantheons and portfolios known across the worlds. These First
Borns were:
Annam Giants
Boccob Greyhawk
Brahman Indian
Corellon Larethian Elves
Cronus Greek
Daghdha Celtic
Gaea Greek
Garl Glittergold Gnomes
Gilean-Astinus Krynn
Great Mother Beholders
Gruumsh Orcs
Hera Greek
Ilsensine Illithids
Io Dragons
Izanagi and Izanami Japanese
Jazirian Couatl
Maglubiyet Goblins
Moradin Dwarves
Odin Norse
Ometeotl Aztec
Paladine-Fizban Krynn
Ra Egyptian
Rhea Greek
Shang-ti Chinese
Shekinester Nagas
Stillsong & Water Lion
Takhisis Krynn
The Elder Elemental God
The Great Spirit American Indian
Titania Faeries
Uranus Greek
Yondalla Halflings
Zeus Greek
Ao then created the Powers of the World of Abeir-Toril, where the Forgotten
Realms are located.
Farniss-Gaia spawned The Master of ther Hunt.
2.8. The Races created by the Gods
The various gods created first their respective pantheons, and the influenced
the development of the various evolutive types on various worlds of the
Universe-Islands. Some races awakened and were guides by the gods (dwarves,
elfes, gnomes, humans). In some cases, many different pantheons evolved on the
same world.
There are also worlds that have spawned races without the intervention of the
gods. These races evolve without the gods. Some even believe that these races
possess the potential to evolve beyond what the gods actually are.
2.9. The Tablets of Fate
There is a register hold by "The One Who Remains Hidden" that contains all
that is written. You are actually reading some abstracts from it. These
Tablets conatins the portfolio and obligations of all gods and all Fathers.
These Tablets also hold all magical and technological inventions past, present
and future.
These Tablets are essentials for the Balance of the Cosmic Order.
3. The Cosmos
3.1. Space
"The One Who Remains Hidden" created the Universe-Island from a central point
symmetry. In fact, the stellar charts of Sol, where you can found Terra, are
the same than those of Solaria, where Avalon-Gaea is located. To the exception
of the other Universe-Islands, the local Universe-Island is totally
symmetrical from the Central Point. The galactic sector where Sol and the
United Federation of Planets (UFP) are located possess a very high level of
technological development. On the other hand, the Solaria's sector possess a
high magical potential. "The One Who Remains Hidden" remains so beyond the
great black hole at the center of the Universe-Island.
In the Universe-Island, many kinds of space coexist on the cosmic material
plane. There are also many ways to travel from one point to the other
according to the trasnport type used. It is important not to mistake these
spaces with the various planes of existence, this is entirely diffrent.
Normal space is what we experience every day. It possess the following
Space Normal
Propulsion Normal
Maximum Limit Speed (theoric) c (light speed)
Maximum Limit Speed (technologic) 10E-3 c
Limit of a solar system Oort Cloud
Outside of a solar system Deepspace
Passage to the outside No discontinuity
Maximum Limit Speed Deepspace c
Hyperspace is used by highly advanced technological civilizations. It possess
the following characteristics:
Space Hyperspace
Propulsion WardDrive
Maximum Limit Speed (theoric) Ultrawarp 10, i.e. 10E5 c
Maximum Limit Speed (technologic) Ultrawarp 10 (Galaxy Class Starship USS
Enterprise, United Federation of Planets)
Limit of a solar system Oort Cloud
Outside of a solar system Deepspace
Passage to the outside No discontinuity
Maximum Limit Speed Hyperspace Ultrawarp 10
Stars follow the O-B-A-F-G-K-M classification. Class is indicated according
to: I: supergiant, II-III: giant, IV: sub-giant, V: main sequence, VI: sub-
dwarf. PLease refer to the Burnham's Celestial Handbook.
It should be also noted that planets are technologically classified according
to the Planetary Classification System (United Federation of Planets)
Symbol Surface Atmosphere Description Example
A tenuous, may reducing; CH4, radiates heat, Jupiter
not be present etc. "failed" star
B tenuous, may reducing non-radiant Neptune
not be present
C iron/silicate reducing, dense high surface Venus
(Fe/SiO2) temperature
D Ni-Fe/SiO2 (A-G) none, asteroids Ceres
(H-N) tenuous
E SiO2, some reducing/ large molten Janus VI
metals oxidizing core
F SiO2, some oxidizing very young (less delta Vega
metals than 10E9 years)
G SiO2 oxidizing, thin desert planet Rigel XII
H SiO2 variable geologically Gothos
I metallic/SiO2 fluid, very small, young Escalbia
J SiO2 very tenuous, moons Luna
noble gases
K SiO2 tenuous, some adaptable with Mars
H2O pressure domes
L SiO2/H2O oxidizing geologically Psi 2000
M SiO2/H2O oxidizing geologically Terra
N H2O entirely oxidizing pelagic planet Argo
Subspace is used by highly advanced magical civilizations using helms supplied
by the Arcanes. It possess the following characteristics:
Space Subspace
Propulsion Spelljamming
Maximum Limit Speed (theoric) 10E-2 c
Maximum Limit Speed (technologic) 6,2 x 10E-3 c
Limit of a solar system Crystal Sphere corresponding to the
position in normal space of the Oort Cloud
Outside of a solar system Phlogiston
Passage to the outside Portal or Phase Door
Maximum Limit Speed Phlogiston Indefinited. 10d10 days to reach another
Crystal Sphere. The Phlogiston do not possess any stable space-time reference.
While using a Spelljammer Helm, a vessel move in an atmosphere at a speed of
500 yards per round for each ship rating point, i.e. 25<32>pi/s/SR, i.e. MV
50xSR. This mean about 17 mph, or 409 miles per day per SR point ! The time
required to get out of the gravity well and reach full propulsion speed within
subspace is determined by the size of the planetary body according to:
Size Diameter of celestial body Required time to escape gravity well
A < 10 miles 10 minutes
B 10 @ 10E2 miles 15 minutes
C 10E2 @ 10E3 miles 20 minutes
D 10E3 @ 4x10E3 miles 30 minutes
E 4x10E3 @ 10E4 miles 40 minutes
F 10E4 @ 4x10E4miles 1 hour
G 4x10E4 @ 10E5 miles 2 hours
H 10E5 @ 10E6 miles 4 hours
I 10E6 @ 10E7 miles 8 hours
J > 10E7 miles 16 hours
Also, each spelljamming traveler is referred to the flow charts where each
world is indicated along with the major component "element" and its general
Symbol Shape of celestial body
* Amorphus, or flexible shape
# Belt of small orbiting bodies (asteroids)
$ Globe or aggregate of localized objects
O Spherical World
[] Cubic World
<20> Flat World
@ Elliptic World
% Regular Rolyhedral World
? None of the above, but irregular
Transspace is used by the civilizations with a very high technological level
that use the powers of the Epice. This substance cannot be reproduced in any
way, and is only found on Arrakis (Canopus III). Transspace have the following
Espace Transpace
Propulsion JumpDrive
Maximum Limit Speed (theoric) Undefined
Maximum Limit Speed (technologic) Undefined
Limit of a solar system Portal through the Astral plane to travel
Outside of a solar system Astral Conduit
Passage to the outside Portal (Gate)
Maximum Limit Speed Astral Conduit Undefined, 1d10 days to travel through
Conduit to the other portal. The Astral
Conduit does not possess any temporal
The time required to open a portal is the same than the one required to escape
from a gravity well while using a spalljamming helm, but for different and
poorly understood reasons.
When in normal space, one can see what's in there. Technological sensors are
required to monitor hyperspace without problems. These sensors detect vessels
travelling in subspace, but only in what technologist call Quantum Filaments
and Cosmic Strings. They cannot interpret correctly what's in there because of
the Arcane's helm technology. While in hyperspace, one can see what's in
there, alonh to what's in normal space. One detect also Quantum Filaments and
Cosmic Strings. In subspace, one can see what's in sub-space and normal space,
but only while inside a crystal sphere. On the outside, the Phlogiston rapidly
block vision. In transspace, it is impossible to see anithing outside the
Astral Conduit.
3.2. The Celestial Stairways
These are contact points between the Prime Material Plane and the planar nexus
located somewhere on the ethereal plane. It is visible only by creatures with
22+HD or 22nd or more level, or by beings of demi-god or more status. While on
the stairway, one is protected from all hazards from atmospheric or planar
origine (winds, temperature, radiations) from the other planes (The reader is
referred to FRE3 "Waterdeep" p.39 for more details).
3.3. Magical and Technological Worlds
There are worlds with different levels of consciousness, magic, technology, as
well as different location within the space-time continuum, briefly, all
worlds are not at the same evolutionary stage.
Each material plane possess its own characteristics. The main characteristics
are called Physical, Magical anf Temporal Factors. For the planar traveller,
all these factors are set to zero on his own plane. The informations are
extracted from the "Manual of the Planes", and the reader is referred to this
work for more details.
3.4. The Known Worlds
Following is an abstract from the Arcane's flow space records. Here the reader
is referred to a more complete description of worlds in "The Worlds of
Federation", by the UFP.
System Star (name/type) Planets [Arcane classification]
Centaure alpha Centauri A 0-Star [G O fire]
G2 V IV- Ecaz [E O earth]
Dunnspace Sirius 0-Star [G O fire]
alpha Canis Majoris I- Dah [E O earth]
A1 V
Eridanus epsilon Eridani 0-Star [G O fire]
K2 V IV- Richese [E O earth]
Greyspace Capella 0- Oerth [E O earth]
alpha Aurigae I- Kule [B O earth]
G8 III II- Raenei [D O earth]
III- Liga (Star) [G O fire]
IV- The Grinder
(asteroides) [B # earth]
V- Edill [G O air]
VI- Gnibile [G O air]
VII- Conatha [C @ water]
VIII- Ginsel [C ? earth]
IX- Borka [A $ earth]
X- Greela [E $ earth]
XI- The Spectre [B <20> earth]
Guelspace Deneb 0-Star [G O fire]
alpha Cigny I- Innissith
A2 Ia and Haspan [E O earth]
Krynnspace Vega 0- Sun (Star) [H O fire]
alpha Lyrae I- Sirion [D O fire inert]
A0 V II- Reorx [1 moon] [D O earth]
III- Krynn [3 moons] [D O earth]
IV- Chislev [Liveworld] [E O earth]
V- Zivilyn [12 moons] [F O air]
Paon alpha Pavonis 0-Star [G O fire]
B3 IV III- Calladan [E O earth]
Realmspace tau Ceti 0- Sun (Star) [H O fire]
G8 V I- Anadia [B O earth]
II- Coliar [G O Gas]
III- Toril
[Moon & cluster] [E O earth]
IV- Karpri [D O water]
V- Chandos [F O water]
VI- Glyth [E O earth]
VII- Garden [A $ earth]
VIII- H'Catha [C <20> water]
Serpent beta Ophiuchi 0-Star [G O fire]
K2 III I- Giedi Prime [E O earth]
Solaria Sol 0- Hephaestus (Star) [H O fire]
G2 V I- Hermes [D O earth]
II- Aphrodite [E O earth]
III- Avalon-Gaea and
Selene-Rhea [E O earth]
IV- Ares [2 moons] [E O earth]
V- Trojans [A # earth]
VI- Zeus [18 moons] [G O air]
VII- Cronos [13 moons] [G O air]
VIII- Uranus [5 moons] [F O air]
IX- Poseidon [2 moons] [F O air]
X- Hades [1 moon] [D ? earth]
XI- The Furies [A # air]
Solspace Sol 0- Sol (Star) [H O fire]
G2 V I- Mercury [D O earth]
II- Venus [E O earth]
III- Terra and Luna [E O earth]
IV- Mars [2 moons] [E O earth]
V- Asteroid belt [A # earth]
VI- Jupiter [18 moons] [G O air]
VII- Saturn [13 moons] [G O air]
VIII- Uranus [5 moons] [F O air]
IX- Neptune [2 moons] [F O air]
X- Pluto [1 moon] [D ? earth]
XI- Oort Cloud [A # air]
Vaisseau Canopus 0-Star [G O fire]
alpha Carinae III- Arrakis [E O earth]
F0 ba
4. Sueno
Miranda and Frondon were looking to a secure refuge, known only by them. They
were running away from the vengence of the Arch-Fiend Tarentar, and if
possible also they were looking to insure their long term survival. The
research last seven years, and the project 13 more. They created a variation
of the Noledel pocket universe. It became known as the World of the Dreaming
Lady, or Sueno.
Since many years, Miranda studied the memory and dreams. She had created
special spells like Miranda's Oniric Travel and Miranda's Oniric Mansion.
These two spells allowed her not only to ravel but also to intervened
physically in other's dreams. We only know that these two spelld formed the
basis of their project. Fo all we know, the major problem was related to the
fact that the stay within the dream was to be limitless. The solution was for
Miranda to physically live within her own dream. As long as she will be
dreaming, she will be safe, but prisonner.
That was the first phase. Miranda became the Reveuse (Dreamer). She is treated
as a greater god in Sueno. The second phase involved the creation of semi-
Avatars of Miranda, allowing her to intervene outside Sueno but without
disrupting the Dream. These mirandas have the ability to travel planes as
normal avatars.
Sueno is located very near the Concordant Opposition. It is generally
considered as Neutral Good.
For the creatures of Sueno, the Children of the Dream, the peoples of Renin:
Miranda is considered a greater god
Frondon and Cuthbert are intermediate gods
Rurrik (the Guardian) and Manrik (the Judge) are lesser gods.
There are also servants of the wishes of the Reveuse.
The Seven Damargents (messengers) are demi-gods
The Thirteen Darmils (lady chamberlain)
The Three Turnks (Rurrik's servants )
The Thirty Units (Rurrik's guards)
The Four Lisus (Manrrik's servants)
Miranda Desilets (the Reveuse): She created Sueno with her husband Frondon and
her son Cuthbert. She gave birth to almost all creatures of Sueno and lost of
the Children of the Dream. She is responsible for the creation of the
Illusionnist 27. At will atonement, improved phantasmal force, mislead, quest,
mirror image, regenerate, Miranda's Oniric Travel , telepathy with mirandas of
level 10+, and with the Damargents, Darmils, Frondon, Cutbert, Rurrik and
Manrrik. 6 times per day: dispel magic, blindness, shadow monster, programmed
illusion. Once per day: restoration, resurection, alter reality.
Frondon (the Father): He created Manrrik, the Lisus, some creatures of Sueno
and some Children of the Dream.
Wizard 20. At will alter self, improved phantasmal force, improved
invisibility, non detection, telepathy with Miranda, Cutbert, Manrrik and the
Lisus. 3 times per day: quest, true seeing, polymorph other. Once per day:
death spell, wish.
Cutbert (the Son): He created Rurrik and the Turnks. He installed the
political organisation of the Children of the Dream. On the prime material
plane he is responsible for the birth of the People of Renin.
Conjurer 20. At will: alter self, phantasmal force, improved invisibility, non
detection, telepathy with Miranda, Cutbert, Rurrik and the Turnks. 3 times per
day: quest, true seeing, polymorph other. Once per day: death spell, wish.
Rurrik (the Guardian): responsible for the security of the Castle of the
Reveuse. He commands the 3 Turnks and the 30 Units.
Monk 15, Fighter 20. At will true seeing, telepathy with Miranda, Cutbert, the
Turnks and Units, chromatic orb (as wizard 12). 3 times per day: anti-magic
shell, quest, heel. Once per day: symbol, death spell.
Manrrik (the Judge): He represents the Reveuse's justice to the Children and
creatures of the Dream.
Diviner 15. Insensible to charisma and physical beuaty. Immune to charm,
suggestion and the like spells. At will: true seeing, telepathy with Miranda,
Frondon and the Lisus. 3 times per day: tongue, legend lore, speek with deed,
quest, chromatic orb (as wizard 18). Once per day: holy/unholy word.
The Darmils: The chamberlain ladies of the Castle of Miranda. They satisfy all
wishes of guests. By doing so, they test them.
Assasin 15. At will: empathy, alter self, heros feast, telepathy between
themselves, with Miranda and Rurrik. 3 times per day: antipathy/sympathy,
detect lie, magic missile (as wizard 15). Once per day: alter reality.
The Damargents: The winged messengers of Miranda (MV 40, MC A). With the
exception of the mirandas of level 10+, they are the only one who can get out
of the World of Dreams.
Fighter 15, Illusionist 14. At will: dimension door, tongue, passwall,
telepathy between themselves and Miranda. 3 times per day: plane shif, word of
recall. Once per day: chromatic orb, magic missile, lightning bolt (as wizard
The Turnks: The lieutenants of Rurrik. Each command 10 Units
Fighter 20, Assassin 10. At will: burning hands, shoking grasp (as wizard 8),
telepathy with Rurrik, between themselves and the Units. 3 times per day:
detect illusion, dimension door. Once per day: delayed blast fireball.
The Lisus: The guards of Manrrik and his executioners.
Ranger 15, Wizard 12. At will: true seeing, detect lie, telepathy between
themselves and Manrrik. 3 times per day: Mordenkainen's sword. Once per day:
trap the soul.
The thirty Units: The Castle guards
Fighter 10. At will: dimension door, detect invisibility, telepathy between
themselves and the Turnks. Regenerate 1 hp/round, infravision 100',
ultravision 100'.
The Children of the Dream:
Known as the Lintimiens, they are the more numerous creatures of the Dream.
They look like humans, with two exceptions. They can only live in Sueno, and
in the dreams of the free will creatures. Thus they are the only beings feee
to travel from dream to dream. It is a behavior like the one observed in the
Vistanis fourd in Ravenloft.
Also, the color of their skin is variable. It depends on the social status of
the individual as:
Black political leader Blue men and women of knowledge
Brown small merchants Gold military leaders
Green farmers and foresters Grey scribes and administrators
Indigo servants Ochre artisans and technicians
Pink musicians Platinum high clergy
Red soldiers Violet artists
White rich merchants
At birth the Lintimien has the skin th color of its lineage (his mother's
color at birth). This change when the young learn a profession.
A la naissance le lintimien a la couleur de sa lignee, qui est rarement la
couleur actuelle de la peau de ces parents. C'est en fait la couleur de la
peau de sa mere a sa naissance.
5. Beyond the Gates of Dream: The dreamer
The dreamer semiclass is a group made up of human, elven, and half-elven
beings who have the ability to manipulate their subconscious minds. With
practice and experience, they can exercise considerable control over their own
minds and bodies and, to a lesser extent, over the minds and bodies of others.
At higher levels of skill, they are also able to project their minds to
communicate with others as well as to manifest themselves elsewhere in
intangible form, and they can even glimpse the possible future.
Dreamer skills are similar to psionics (though psionic and dreamer powers
never occur in the same person), and their presence is determined in a similar
manner. For any human, elven, or half-elven character possessing an unmodified
score of 15 or higher in intelligence, wisdom, or charisma, the base chance of
possessing dreamer powers is 2% for elves and 1% for humans and half-elves.
This base chance is modified as follows: For every point in any of the three
abilities above 16, a percentage point is gained; for every point below 12,
half a point is lost; the total chance is then rounded up and may never be
below 1%.
The dreamer is a semiclass because its members may use these powers
independently of another class or with another class; either way, the dreamer
does not act like a conventional class or subclass. With combinations of
classes, it does not act like normal dual or multiclassed characters. Even
among elves and half-elves, a dreamer may have only one other class.
NPCs with dreamer as their sole class have d8 hp and fight only as zero-level
fighters. Experience is acquired and accumulated just as with other classes,
but dreamers do not improve in hit points or attacks; when their accumulated
experience has reached the required amount, they are allowed to develop the
skills of that level. The saving throws of dreamers without another class are
made as clerics of equal level. They may use any armor and weapons, have
weapons of proficiency as per 1st-level fighter. Dreamers without another
class begin with two non weapon proficiency slots and gain another every two
Dual-classed dreamers primarily operate according to their non dreamer class,
having the hit points, attacks, armor and weapons limitations, saving throws,
and special abilities thereof. They also have the abilities of lst-level
dreamers and realize that they can develop more dreamer skills. Training is
essentially the same for dreamers with or without another class.
For advancement as dreamers, a certain number of weeks of training is required
according to the skills to be learned (refer to the Dreamer Advancement and
Abilities Table and the ability descriptions that follow). This time must be
spent in developing the talents by resting, meditating, lucid dreaming (see
ability explanations), and experimenting. No adventuring is allowed.
There are no set level titles for dreamers, but persons of this sort often
adopt an addendum to their name to reflect their special nature. Common titles
taken are Augur, Clairvoyant, Dreamer, Medium, Mystic, Prophet, Seer,
Soothsayer, Tephramancer, and Visionary.
Most sages surmise that the dreamer ability was originally granted by one or
more deities, and it is not unknown for characters to be granted one or more
dreamer skills by a deity. The power is usually permanent, but is not
automatically passed on to subsequent generations. Such bestowal may be a
reward, a punishment, or (rarely) a whim. It is common for there to be a
stipulation on the power(s): perhaps it only works at certain times (such as
the new moon), with certain preparations (such as after the killing of an
albino rat), or anything the DM can think of to make it fun (such as a
character cursed to feign death whenever alone in the company of a member of
the opposite sex; or, in order to utilize the power, the character must eat a
certain quantity of a certain food, such as four oranges). An example from
Greek mythology of one cursed with prophetic ability was Cassandra, who could
see the future; the catch was that no one would believe her. This ability
bestowal may open new horizons for DM fun (bounded by careful discretion) and
NPC role-playing.
Dreamer Advancement and Abilities Table
Cumulative XP
Level sole class Abilities gained (weeks of training)
1 0 Dream travel (4) , lucid dreaming (0) and normal sleep (0)
2 500 Deep sleep (1), light sleep (1)
3 1,500 Awareness sleep (2), detect mind (1), dream observation (1)
and empathic sleep (2)
4 4,000 Detect lie (2), feign death (2), and penetrate disguise (3)
5 9,000 Read alignment (2) and sleeper communication (3)
6 19,000 Lesser prophecy (3) and regenerative sleep (5)
7 44,000 Sleep control (l) and sleep suggestion (3)
8 94,000 Illusion (4), suggestion (3), and telepathy (3)
9 194,000 Mass suggestion (4) and projection (5)
10 294,000 Prophecy (special)
5.1. Dreamer abilities
Level 1
Dream Travel (Psionic like Power, Level 1, four weeks training, perequisite:
Lucid Dreaming)
Power Score: Wis -4; Range: 50 miles per level; Area of Effect: personal (*)
Dream travel is a powerful but unreliable means of getting from here to there.
The traveler journeys in his dreams, and awakes wherever his nocturnal
wandering carried him. The dreamer can even take other characters with him,
although it's more difficult than traveling alone. (See "Passengers" below.)
To use dream travel, the dreamer must be asleep. Once asleep, he begins
fashioning a dream that involves traveling from his present location to his
intended destination. At the beginning of the journey, the DM secretly makes a
power check for the character. If the check succeeds, the psionicist will
reach his destination. If the check fails, the character will fall short 10%
for each point that the die roll exceeded the power score.
If the DM wants, this power check is all that's required to handle dream
travel during a game. However, it's far more satisfying to actually role-play
the dream. The player creates the setting and describes his intentions, with
the DM interrupting to change things arbitrarily and throw obstacles in the
character's path. If the player overcomes the obstacles and solves problems
inventively, the DM is justified in giving a bonus to the character's power
check. If the dream is dull and lifeless, the DM can also penalize the power
The DM should remember that this is a dream; terrain on the journey may not
resemble actual terrain, the character may be completely different, and the
world may be completely strange. The length of the dream journey should be
approximately the same as the real distance, however, and the final
destination should be at least similar to the real destination. Such dream
adventures should minimize combat and maximize problems, puzzles, and surreal
atmosphere. If combat does occur, it has real physical effect on the
character, and he may even die. All dream journeys take approximately eight
hours to complete, successful or not.
Passengers. After reaching level 5 and mastering sleeper communication, the
dreamer can bring other characters along with him in the dream. His power
score is reduced by one for each passenger he carries. Passengers must also be
sleeping. A single power check launches everyone on the dream journey. If the
check fails, they still attempt the dream journey but fall short of their
target. If passenger are being drawn into combat, they suffer hald real DAM,
but they inflict half normal DAM and receivd half xp.
Intelligent animals can also be drawn into the dream, but normal animals
(horses, dogs, falcons, whatever) are very difficult to bring along. The
dreamer must make a separate power check to draw in each animal and his power
score is halved, rounded down, when making this check.
When the dream travelers reach their destination, they awaken. In the place
where they lay sleeping, their bodies and any equipment carried or worn fades
away. At the same time, they fade into being at their new location, still in
sleeping posture, but fully awake.
The world of dreams (Sueno) is very close to both the Astral and Ethereal
planes. Creatures located on either Astral or Ethereal plane can see those in
Dreamal plane, and the dreamal creature can also see both of them, although he
cannot know on what plane they are, but they are incapable of any physical
(touch, sound) interactions. However, since they see each other, gaze attacks
are at full potential. The dreamer may first explore his own dream world, and
after he may be brought into Sueno by the Damargents (see Appendix).
20<EFBFBD>The dream is nightmarish. The psionicist must save vs. paralyzation or
appear dead until violently struck.
Lucid dreaming (Level 1, no training required)
This is simply a state in normal sleep wherein the dreams are controlled by
the dreamer. Lucid dreaming is not unique to dreamers, but through it the
dreamers realize and develop their powers.
Normal deep (Level 1, no training required)
This is like any normal person's sleep. Dreaming is normal for the most part
and of no particular significance. Hit points are regained at the rate of 1 hp
per 8 hours of normal sleep. Dreamers are able to sustain normal sleep for up
to 15 hours plus a number of hours equal to the level of the dreamer. They may
either be awakened like anyone else, or may decide exactly when they want to
wake up before they go to sleep.
Level 2
Deep sleep (Level 2, one week of training)
A dreamer in this state will only awaken from a strong, radical stimulus <20>
such as having a bucket of cold water poured on his head. Otherwise, sleep
continues until a designated time (as with normal sleep). A dreamer in deep
sleep remains hit points at the rate of 1 hp per 4 hours, and he may sustain
this state for up to 20 hours at one time.
Light sleep (Level 2, one week of training)
A dreamer is likely to use this ability most often during adventuring. The
dreamer will doze until awakened by a noticeable environmental change (sunrise
or sunset, getting rained on, a change in temperature, etc.) or by an
irregular noise or silence, and is much more sensitive than normal sleeping
beings. For example, a thief who fails to move silently is still unlikely to
wake up most creatures, but a dreamer in light sleep will awaken immediately.
The character may designate when to wake up, as with normal sleep. Hit points
are regained at the rate of 1 hp per 10 hours of light sleep. It can be
sustained for up to 10 hours plus the level of the dreamer.
Level 3
Awareness sleep (Level 3, two weeks of training)
This state is a special combination of light, normal, and deep sleep. The
dreamer is awakened as per deep sleep, regains hit points as with normal sleep
(1 hp per 8 hours), but remains sensitive to the environment; the subconscious
carefully collects and records all sensory information except sight. Thus,
once the dreamer awakens after a designated time, he clearly remembers the
sounds, odors, temperatures, and any movement of himself as if he had been
awake with his eyes closed. It takes an hour to enter awareness sleep and
another hour to emerge from it; sensory data from these transitional times
cannot be clearly recalled. If forcefully awakened before the designated time,
the sensory information is lost (unless the dreamer also has sleep control
(level 7), as noted below). Awareness sleep can be sustained for up to 24
hours (including the two hours required for entrance and emergence).
Detect mind (Level 3, one week of training), does not need to be asleep
This power detects minds (defined here as a consciousness having semi or
better intelligence, I>1 i.e. animal) within a range of 30' per level of the
dreamer. The dreamer may concentrate specifically on a single object,
creature, or area<65>for example, detect mind would reveal the presence of a mind
in an object used as a magic jar, or that a being was comatose or under the
effects of a feign death spell. Note that the body of a creature using an
astral spell or astral projection, or that of a projected dreamer, does not
have a mind within it. The power may be used once every four hours for as long
as it is concentrated on.
Dream observation (Level 3, one week of training)
This power allows the dreamer to take a look at someone else dreams. He must
be asleep, and his head must touch the head of the other individual. He cannot
intervene in any manner, but he experience exactly what the other individual
sees and feels.
Empathic sleep (Level 3, two weeks of training)
This state is similar to awareness sleep, but it is receptive to the minds of
others and is attuned to the emotional environment as opposed to the physical
one. Specific thoughts cannot be detected, but general feelings (antipathy,
respect, happiness, frustration, etc.) and a general identification of
individuals (by personality, not appearance) is possible. Empathic sleep may
be sustained for up to 10 hours (including two hours total for entrance and
emergence; the time is pre designated). After eight hours in this state, the
dreamer also heals 1 hp. A dreamer in empathic sleep can be awakened and lose
(that is, never consciously know) information as per awareness sleep.
Level 4
Detect lie (Level 4, two weeks of training), not asleep
In range and effect, this power is similar to the fourth-level clerical spell
of the same name, though it is not reversible. The dreamer attunes himself to
the subconscious of the subject to detect if a statement is a falsehood
compared to what the subject actually knows or thinks he knows (i.e., only
intentional untruths can be noted). It may be used once every six hours.
Feign death (Level 4, two weeks of training), not asleep
This is the same as the third-level magic-user spell of the same name, except
that it can only be used by the dreamer himself. It may be used once a day.
Penetrate disguise (Level 4, three weeks of training), does not need to be
With this power, the dreamer is able to detect the presence of material or
magical disguise. This is done by finding out what the subject knows he
actually is. A discrepancy between this and what the dreamer sees indicates
something amiss. For example, an assassin may be disguised as a noblewoman or
may have been polymorphed into a frog, but the assassin's subconscious knows
what she actually is. The subject is allowed a saving throw vs. spells to
block the dreamer from viewing his mind. Note that a character afflicted by
certain forms of insanity (schizoid, megalomaniacal , delusional,
schizophrenic. hallucinatory, or hebephrenic) can give the dreamer confusing
signals. A hebephrenic person, for example, would subconsciously perceive
himself as being a child, though the person may be 40 years old. Unless the
dreamer knows the nature of the character's malady, the condition might be
mistaken for a disguise. Penetrate disguise may be used once every eight
Level 5
Read alignment (Level 5, two weeks of training), does not need to be asleep
The subject of this power is allowed a saving throw; if the save fails, the
dreamer is able to access the subject's subconscious to reveal the subject's
code of values and morals<6C>that is, alignment. Read alignment only works on
creatures of semi- or greater intelligence (those driven by more than mere
instinct) and may be used once in every 12-hour period. Note that this power
may reveal much more than a simple alignment; potential (though not actual)
treachery or faithfulness can also be determined, as could other factors at
the DM's option.
Sleeper communication (Level 5, three weeks training)
From deep sleep, the dreamer may utilize this ability to communicate with the
consciousness of another sleeping creature. If the contacted being is having
normal or lucid dreams, the dreamer appears in the dream and can communicate
in it. If the contacted being is not dreaming (arbitrarily an 80% chance if
not known), then the contact has a 10% chance of awakening him, terminating
sleep. In the communication, which is made through dreams, the sender and
receiver may appear in any form they wish while communicating. Both will
clearly remember the communication when they awaken. Sleeper communication has
a range of 10 miles per level of the dreamer and may be sustained for a time
proportional to the level of the dreamer and inversely proportional to the
distance; in other words, the duration in minutes equals the level of the
dreamer times 100, divided by the number of miles between the contacting
minds. For example, a 7th-level dreamer communicating with a being 50 miles
away could do so for 14 minutes. A dreamer may only attempt communication once
every eight hours, but has no such limit on receiving communication.
minutes = \F(100 x Dreamer Level, miles)
More than one dreamer can contact a mind at the same time. A favorite tactic
of high-level dreamers is to communicate inside the mind of a third party,
either to allow longer communication time or to permit communication despite
considerable distance. The third party usually wakes up thinking that he has
had an illogical dream or that he was being contacted by gods or spirits.
Level 6
Lesser prophecy (Level 6, three weeks of training)
From a state of light sleep, a dreamer may receive a lesser prophecy at most
once in every 12-hour period. It may be utilized to derive the effects of one
of the following spells: augury (second-level clerical spell), divination
(fourth-level clerical spell), portent (first-level clerical spell), or
predict weather (first-level druidic spell). Range, duration, and effect are
as per the spell chosen, but no material components are required in any case.
Regenerative seep (Level 6, five weeks of training)
In this state, the dreamer's brain "closes down" and enters a suspended state.
All mental activity is subconscious and entirely directed toward commands for
cell regrowth, as directed during at least three hours of trance like
meditation (somewhere between consciousness and lucid dreaming), without
interruption, immediately before entering regenerative sleep. As such, there
is little or no noticeable brain activity, although there is heightened cell
activity for regrowth (2 hp regained per hour). Breathing is deep and steady,
and heart rate is accelerated.
After up to eight hours of regenerative sleep, the character returns to
consciousness and feels extremely hungry. He is then able<6C>and will need<65>to eat
a full day's quota of food (three full meals), feeling as though it were one
meal. The dreamer can reenter regenerative sleep again after three hours of
meditation if he wishes to.
No more than five sequential periods of regenerative sleep may be safely per
formed. At that point, the character must spend at least three days in normal
activity and sleep to restore depleted stores of essential nutrients and thus
allow the cells to readapt to normality. If regenerative sleep is continued
without the three-day recovery time, healing gains are reduced by half.
Furthermore, there is a 10% cumulative chance for each additional regenerative
sleep period of the regrowth going out of control. After the dreamer's maximum
number of hit points is reached, tissues will continue to grow, becoming
tumors. At this point, 1 hp per day is lost as the tumors destroy the body's
functioning. Only a cure disease, heal, limited wish, wish, or alter reality
spell will reverse this condition; other curative spells will not heal lost
hit points or stop the degenerative condition.
Level 7
Sleep control (Level 7, one week of training)
This is not a new skill as such, but an improved proficiency in previously
acquired dreamer abilities. It allows the dreamer to do the following:
1. While asleep, the dreamer may change his basic sleeping mode (normal,
light, deep), as decided beforehand. For example, the dreamer may choose to
spend four hours in deep sleep and then change to light for six more.
2. In awareness and empathic sleep, the dreamer can retain a small amount of
conscious control, so that he is aware of the information being gathered and
stored; he may choose to cause himself to awaken from those modes on the basis
of the data (such as detecting antipathy in empathic sleep. If he emerges from
either sort, of his own will or not, a dreamer who has acquired sleep control
will not forget the information gathered. When this semi consciousness is
utilized, hit points are healed at the rate of 1 hp every 12 hours.
3. In regenerative sleep, the dreamer can pay some attention to the healing if
he goes beyond the dangerous time, which reduces the cumulative chance of
uncontrolled growth to 5% per regeneration period, but at the same time
prevents limb regeneration (i.e., 1 hp per hour healing is the only effect).
Sleep suggestion (Level 7, three weeks of training)
This is similar to sleeper communication but is effective only at half the
range (that is, five miles per level of the dreamer). The subject must be
asleep. Except for the duration (one hour per level of the dreamer), it is the
same as the third-level magic-user spell suggestion, and may be used once
every 24 hours.
Level 8
Illusion (Level 8, four weeks of training), does not need to be asleep
This power is basically treated as a spectral forces spell. The dreamer
directly places images and other sensory data in the subject's mind,
overriding those actually perceived by the subject's senses. The dreamer may
project the illusion into the minds of up to two beings for each of the
caster's experience levels. Subjects must be within 60' of the dreamer. An
illusion can be created once per day and lasts as long as the dreamer
concentrates on it.
Suggestion (Level 8, three weeks of training), does not need to be asleep
This power is an improvement on sleep suggestion, but neither the dreamer nor
the subject need be asleep. The suggestion does not need to be spoken; it is
telepathically placed in the subject's subconscious. In range, duration, and
general effect, it is otherwise the same as the third-level magic-user spell
of the same name. Dreamers below 10th level may use suggestion once per day;
10th-level dreamers may use it twice in a day.
Telepathy (Level 8, three weeks training), does not need to be asleep
This is an improved form of sleeper communication and is treated as that power
except that neither the dreamer nor subject needs to be asleep. It otherwise
has the same limits on range and usage.
Level 9
Mass suggestion (Level 9, four weeks of training), does not need to be asleep
Mass suggestion can affect more than one subject, as per the sixth-level
illusionist spell of the same name. The dreamer may utilize it once per day
(see suggestion).
Projection (Level 9, five weeks of training)
This ability allows the dreamer to create a visible but non corporeal
projection of himself. The dreamer controls the projection as if it were his
body, although it does not have physical limitations; like certain undead, it
can walk through solid objects, over water, or whatever. Normal weapons will
not harm the projection, but being struck by an enchanted weapon instantly
forces the dreamer's mind back to his body and suffer physical damages. The
projection gives the dreamer a full sensory range in the area it is sent to.
The dreamer's projection may exist on the Prime Material plane, or may
directly enter the plane of Shadow, Astral plane, or Ethereal plane. Through
the Ether, the Positive and Negative Material, Elemental, Para-elemental, and
Quasi-elemental planes may be accessed. Movement to these planes is virtually
instantaneous, since it is the mind that is traveling.
On the Astral plane, however, a mind adopts a physical form with a silver
cord. Movement and so forth is as if the dreamer were utilizing the clerical
astral spell (refer to the Manual of the Planes for details). An outer-plane
destination may be reached, and upon entering another plane the mind returns
to having a visible, non corporeal form.
To create a projection, the dreamer first enters deep sleep, then slips into a
semicomatose state (cf. astral spell) as his mind leaves the body and is
projected elsewhere. The projection may be maintained as long as the dreamer
desires, until forced back to the body (by being struck as if AC 0 by a
magical weapon, or by a dispel magic spell cast within range of the projection
and successful vs. the dreamer's level), or until the comatose body is
disturbed (as if to be awakened from deep sleep). This power may be used no
more than once per week.
Level 10
Prophecy (Level 10, special training time)
This ability is properly known as tephramancy, which is the ability to predict
the future through dreams. It is the most difficult dreamer skill and
potentially the most powerful; certainly it is the best known. Lesser dreamer
abilities, such as the three modes of sleeping, work within the dimension of
the dreamer's mind; median skills, from detect mind to mass suggestion, open
the dreamer to the minds of others; higher still is projection, which allows
the dreamer's mind to actually manifest in physical dimensions, albeit non
corporeal. Tephramancy is the greatest discipline: It opens the dreamer's
subconscious to the dimension of time, effectively encompassing all of
It becomes apparent that prophecy is difficult to set strict rules for and
what follows are little more than guidelines. The greatest responsibility lies
with the DM, who must be exceptionally cautious. Always carefully consider
short-term and long-term influences on the characters and campaign.
For effective use of this, it is necessary to arbitrarily define some aspects
of the AD&D game universe. The past is considered set and unchangeable. The
future is a myriad of possibilities and likelihood. The present is where the
action is. The possibilities of the future are converted to the concreteness
of the past.
After amassing 294,000 experience points, the dreamer may begin training for
prophecy. After two weeks of work, the dreamer will have a percentage chance
of acquiring the ability equal to the sum of his intelligence and wisdom. If
aided by a mentor who already has prophecy, 10% is added to the chance. If the
roll fails, the dreamer may continue to train, and each week thereafter the
chance increases 3% and the dice are rolled again. This reflects the
difficulty of developing the talent, and that some dreamers are simply able to
develop it faster.
In preparation for utilizing this power, each dreamer has a unique series of
actions to perform. One may need to burn and inhale the smoke of a certain
rare incense or herb. Another may need to surround herself with rose-scented
candles while meditating. The DM is to devise the requirements for each
dreamer achieving this skill. Generally, preparations take around half an
hour. The dreamer then enters deep sleep (in a carefully prepared and
comfortable area) for three hours.
Tephramancy makes the dreamer's subconscious virtually omniscient in viewing
the past and present (notably excepting objects and persons magically hidden
and the possibilities of the future. From all of this, the subconscious mind
compiles the most likely future, and delivers it to the tephramancer in the
form of a dream of the predicted series of events. This allows characters to
influence their fates.
For example, Tharset the All-Seeing is concerned about his friend, the Arch-
Mage Carsyll, who is going to travel through a nasty patch of wilderness. In
his prophetic dream, he sees Carsyll ambushed by a small army of orcs. Carsyll
slays them, but is so weakened that he falls prey to a demon lord with a
grudge against him. From this, Tharset can warn Carsyll, who may not have
realized the demon's grudge; Carsyll can travel with more careful preparations
in anticipation of the ambush, put off departure for a day, or take a
different route. Of course, any of those choices may contain a fate just as
One nasty thing is bound to come up at some point: two dreamers prophesying
about the same event. In the previous example, suppose the demon itself
employed a dreamer. Theoretically, the second dreamer would have seen that
Tharset would warn Carsyll, and the demon would then take the route that
Carsyll would then be prophesied to take, but Tharset would see this and warn
Carsyll, and so the vicious circle continues. In a case of two dreamers
viewing the same person, area, or series of possible events within 12 hours of
each other, the one with more experience would receive the prophecy and the
other would not (which tells the less experienced tephramancer that someone
else is interested in the same thing). In cases of more time difference, the
later prophecy is received, and might in effect nullify the first prediction.
The DM ought to consider the attendant rivalry among high-level dreamers.
Tephramancy may be employed only once per day. The DM should make the
materials for it quite expensive, therefore, to prevent overuse. If the DM
feels a dreamer is abusing his powers, it is possible to cause an occasional
inaccurate prophecy, provide a foe with a periapt of protection from prophecy
(see below), or (in extreme circumstances) revoke the power for a time. If
there is protest, it isn't too difficult to find reasons, even if it is that
"the gods are offended by the misuse of your talents" <20> possibly a divinity or
servant could even tell the dreamer personally (by dream, of course) that his
prophecy power is suspended.
5.2. Dreamer magical items
The following six enchanted devices imitate, protect against, or enhance
dreamer abilities. The DM is encouraged to use different forms than those
listed (such as a ring of communication) for variety.
Coronet of communication
This thin circlet of precious metal affords the wearer the dreamer abilities
of sleeper communication, suggestion, and telepathy, each once per day. (Sale
Value: 20,000)
Crystal of awareness
A rock-crystal shard of this nature enables the user to perform the following
dreamer skills: awareness sleep, detect mind detect lie, empathic sleep,
penetrate disguise, read alignment, and sleep control. These powers may each
be used once per day, except awareness and empathic sleep, which may be used
once per week. If the user is a dreamer, this ring also confers the ability to
remember sensory information going into and out of awareness and empathic
sleep. (Sale Value: 20,000)
Jewel of projection
By staring at this magnificent gem and entering a trance, the user is able to
create a projection of himself. It is otherwise identical to the dreamer
power, and may be used once per week. (Sale Value: 35,000)
Periapt of prophecy protection
This small device renders the bearer invisible to attempts of prophecy: any
prophecies in which the bearer would be involved are constructed as if the
bearer did not exist. The periapt also prevents sleeper communication, sleep
suggestions, suggestion, and telepathy, and makes the individual immune to
mass suggestion. (Sale Value: 10,000)
Potion of regeneration
A sip of this fluid gives the taster a tingling feeling. Imbibing the whole
dose causes the drinker to enter regenerative sleep immediately, for eight
hours. (Sale Value: 4,000)
Talisman of dreams
This item, which can take any of several forms (usually a small object or
piece of jewelry adorned by curious runes) gives the bearer the power of
prophecy. Any dreamer will recognize it for what it is, and will be able to
use it fully. A non-dreamer can be taught how to use it by a 6th- or higher-
level dreamer. This takes two months minus one day per point of intelligence
and wisdom of the learner; otherwise, the tephramancy will occur at random,
allowing a 5% chance anytime the bearer is asleep of prophetic dreams of
anything important to happen soon. Controlled or randomly, this foresight can
operate once per week. (Sale Value: 45,000)
5.3. The dreamer in the campaign
Obviously, a dreamer has skills that can be used in dungeon and wilderness
adventures, but a more important and unique niche can be developed in the
larger campaign setting. Two ideas follow, mostly applying to NPCs; these are
generally usable when the dreamer reaches 10th level and either plans to
retire from play or seeks new horizons.
The Royal Prophet
As the Magician is an important court functionary, even more prominent can be
the Personal Soothsayer of the monarch or noble<6C>especially if the dreamer has
spell-casting talents.
Several scenarios can come from this. It is not entirely disagreeable to hold
such a position (it is possible to be as high as upper-upper class in service
of a great monarch), and to do so could be the goal of a dreamer of humble
Of course, not everyone likes court intrigue, but perhaps the one whose court
it is wants the dreamer's services even if they have to be obtained by force.
Fore-warned by his tephramancy, the dreamer could seek the protection of PCs
(possibly paying in services), or be a player character trying to avoid
"employment" or escape from forced servitude.
The Oracle
This position especially appeals to cleric/dreamers. A respected and famous
prophet can establish himself somewhere (perhaps a temple, holy shrine,
ancient ruin, or any out-of-the-way place; the more famous and respected the
prophet, the more difficult to get there) and live comfortably off offerings
left in return for the telling of fate. Just being so far away and legendary
also increases one's reputation greatly. Though it can be boring for a PC to
be an oracle, a wilderness adventure to see an oracle can be a challenge. The
oracle may also demand a quest as payment or merely to prove worthiness for an
audience. The prophecy itself can be a challenge. Dreamers who are themselves
uncertain as to what their dreams mean tend to give answers that can be
interpreted in a variety of ways. And, of course, the compensation for the
prediction can lighten the characters of that load of treasure they
accumulated on the way there.