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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Grade Level: Type of Work Subject/Topic is on:
[ ]6-8 [ ]Class Notes [Report on the dinosaurs.]
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When dinosaur bones were first found they thought that they belonged
to giant lizards. The word "dinosaur" means "terrible lizard". The larger
dinosaurs must have seemed to be terrible to the smaller animals. Some of
the first dinosaurs were only about as big as a small dog. That is how big
the horses of that time were. Over the years, as the dinosaurs aged, they
grew to be much more large in size. The sizes of dinosaurs ranged greatly,
all the way from two feet long to one hundred and fifty feet long. They
weighed as much as fifty tons, which is seven African Bull Elephants.We
first discovered the fossils and bones shortly under the surface of the
Earth. After scientists got more into the study they started to dig deeper
down. The fossils get so deep because of the years of rocks and dirt that
were piled up on it. Some also get buried if a dinosaur were to die next
to a river, and over the years the river probably changed courses a little,
so therefore the bones would be covered up. They would actually be in the
bank of the river.
Evolutionistic View
The Evolutionary theory states that everything evolved over millions
of years. Evolutionists say that dinosaurs came from six million years
back. They also say that the Earth is four to six billion years old. They
say that fifty million years ago there was horses no bigger than dogs, and
birds as tall as man, three hundred million years ago giant dragon flies
buzzed around in the large forests, six million years ago small animals,
called trilobites, lived in the sea and were rulers of the world.
Evolutionists think that the world started off with just plants on it, then
came many- legged animals from the sea (walking fish) that took over. They
feel that a certain kind of fish evolved into the first four-footed
animals. After millions of years those animals tuned into dinosaurs. That
is how dinosaurs got started. Then finally the dinosaurs died off and
little, furry, four-legged creatures appeared. These animals were called
mammals, which then took over the world. Then those mammals evolved into
man. The Evolutionists believe, very strongly, that dinosaurs were extinct
millions of years before there were even any people to walk the Earth.
Why did dinosaurs become extinct?
The Evolutionists had a hard time trying to explain why dinosaurs
became extinct. They had over fifty-five different theories that would
just "come and go". Out of all of those explanations not one of them was a
satisfactory one. A theory that works for large animals would not work for
small animals, and vise-versa. Whatever happened, Evolutionists agree that
it must have been a catastrophe on a world-wide scale.
Christians View
"God created all the animals, including the first dinosaurs" - Genesis
1:20-25. "He made everything in the entire universe - people, stars,
planets, and all that there is." - Exodus 20:11, John 1:3. Those are not
the exact words of those verses, but it is a summary. What that says there
is that God created everything on Earth and that includes Earth itself,
therefore dinosaurs had to have been created by God, which proves evolution
wrong. Dinosaurs are even mentioned in the Bible, of course not by the term
"dinosaur". It uses the ancient name "behemoth". The Bible best
description of a dinosaur is in Job 41:15-24. Job is a very old book,
probably written around 2000 B.C. Here God describes one of the larger
dinosaurs. It is said to be describing a Brachiosaurus. It is a giant
plant eating animal with strong bones. It is not afraid of anything. In
Job this dinosaur is compared to the ancient ceder.
"Look at the behemoth which I made along with you and
which feeds on grass like an ox. What strength he has
in his loins, what power in the muscles of his belly!
His tail sways like a ceder; the sinews of his thighs
are close-knit. His bones are tubes among the works
of God, yet his maker can approach him with His sword.
The hills bring them their produce, and all the wild
animals play nearby. Under the lotus plant he lies..."
-Job 41:15-24
There are tracks in Texas that are embedded in hard rock that show that
dinosaurs and man walked at the same time. There is one human track and
one dinosaur track seventeen inches apart. I think that shows the thought
"that dinosaur and man never saw each other" is wrong.
From all the facts here I believe that the Christian theory is
correct. The Evolutionists couldn't find a reason for the disappearance of
the dinosaurs, and I think that the flood wiped all but the one that were
on the Ark. After the flood the dinosaurs could not handle the conditions,
so they all died off. The theory of the canopy collapsing, I believe is why
dinosaurs are gone. The atmosphere after the flood was too harsh and hot.
Also there was a big air pressure release after the flood. After doing my
research, I do not understand how Evolutionists believe what they do.
In Evolution the beginning of time was started by accident. The
planets just popped into place. That opposes the Christian theory.
Christians feel that God place all of the planets in a specific place.
Creation was a matter of time. It took six days for the universe to be
created. According to Evolution it just happened instantly. You can read
anything in Genesis 1 and you will contradict the Evolutionary theory.
We as Christians must not believe in Evolution because it is
completely against what the Bible teaches. Some Christians believe in
Evolution, but I do not understand how they can. It says right in Genesis
1 that it took God six days to create the world, not millions of years.
Evolutionists says that we don't even get in touch with dinosaurs, how
can't we? Adam named all of the animals. In my research I found there are
three things we need to know about dinosaurs.
1) They did not evolve.
2) They fit perfectly in with the Bible's record of history. God
created them and they are even in the Bible.
3) The Bible explains why they became extinct- the Flood.