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Date: 06/94 # of Words:982 School:Public - COED State:NY
Essay on Colonies
The New England and Southern Colonies were both settled
largely by the English. By 1700, the regions had evolved into two
distinct societies.
The southern colonies have characteristics that are the
antithesis of the New England colonies attributes.
New England was colonized for Freedom of Worship and freedom of
political thought. The Southern colonies were developed for
freedom of economic opportunity. The New England colonies had
aspirations for a distinct society, where they could show their
homeland, how a country should be run. The southern colonies had
goals for mercantilism, and increasing the prosperity of England.
The New England colonies were based on theocracy, where the state
forced the people to live and worship in an orthodox way.
The southern colonies(Virginia) had a government based on a royal
government, where the state was governed by a governor and
council named by the king, and an elected assembly chosen by the
people. Finally, the New England colonies wanted to establish the
colony for religious motives, while the southern colonies were
established for economic motives.
England and the rebels of England (Pilgrims), made up the
New England and southern colonies. "God Almighty in his most holy
and wise providence hath so disposed of the condition of mankind,
in all times some must be rich, some poor, some high and eminent
in power and dignity, other mean and in subjection. Yet we must
be knit together in this work as one man."(John Winthrop, A Model
of Christian Charity) This statement by John Winthrop,
demonstrates importance of religion in the lives of the New
England settlers. "We must delight in each other, make others'
conditions our own, rejoice together, mourn together, labor and
suffer together, always having before our eyes our commission and
community in the work, our community as members of the same
body." (John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity).
The use of the word "together" and "community" indicates that the
New England settlers were of a communal nature, they were less
individualistic than the southern colonies. The New England
colonies were based on religious freedom, thus their society was
reflected the religion.
"These underwritten names are to be transported to Virginia,
embarked in the Merchant's Hope, Hugh Weston, Master, per
examination by the minister of Gravesend touching upon their
conformity to the Church discipline of England, and have taken
oaths of allegiance and supremacy:" (Ship's List of Emigrants
Bound for Virginia). The use of the word "Master", shows, that
the southern colonies were more of a individualistic state rather
than a communal state(New England). This individualism was the
effect of the motivation of the southern colonies for economic
"We whose names are underwritten, being by God's providnce
engaged together to make a plantation...." (Articles of
Agreement). The New England settlers, again were of a communal
nature, in how they are binding together for the good of the
community. "We intend by God's grace, as soon as we can with all
convenient speed, to procure some Godly and faithful minster with
whom we purpose to join in church covenant to walk in the ways of
Christ."(Articles of Agreement). The statement above, shows how
the minister, was the head of the theocracy, of the small
communities. Furthermore, the "Articles of Agreement",
demonstates the importance of sharing within the community. This
article, was another product of the motivation of the New England
settlers for religious freedom.
"This court... in the interim recommends [that] all tradesmen and
laborers consider the religious end of their callings...". The
puritans believed everyone had a specific duty in life, something
that one was proficient at. Almost all the mores and society
itself radiated from religion, as a result, many people who
couldn't endure the rigidity of such a society were exiled and
the dissenters created new societies.
"The worst[among us were the gold seekers who]with their golden
promises made all men their slaves in hope of recompenses. There
was no talk... but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, load gold.."
(Captain John Smith, History of Virginia).
The southern colonists were a people who settled in the southern
colonies for econmic motives. The people were more materialistic,
and individualistic, thus greed prevailed. Conversely, the New
England settlers were of a spiritual nature, and were
dispassionate in materialistic matters. The drive of the southern
colonists were toward economic prosperity.
"For by our nearest computation we leave at our backs as many
servants(besides Negroes) as there are friedman to defend the
shores and all our frontiers [against] the Indians....[This]
gives men fearful apprehensions of the danger they leave their
estates and families in, while they are drawn from their houses
to defend the borders."(Governor Berkeley and His Council on
Their Inability to defend Virginia Against a Dutch Attack).
The southern colonists were protective of their land, and were
seeking more and more land. The colonists' idea was for more
economic prosperity coming from more and more land.
The southern colonists were motivated for economic prosperity.
"Let us observe the sudden rise of their estates...[compared]
with the quality in which they first entered this country."
(Bacons "Manifesto").
This statement shows how the southern colonists had progressed by
arriving to America because of their economic motivation.
The advancement is a result of economic drive toward prosperity.
The colonies were settled chiefly by the same race of
people. The distinct quality that seperated the southern
colonists from the New England colonists is that the motivation
of the two were distinct, and as a result two colonies diverged
in their goals. The southern colonists were aiming for economic
prosperity; the presence of vast quantities of cheap land in
America opened opportunities for economic advancement unknown in
overcrowded Europe. The religious freedom was a major
contribution because in Europe religious toleration was almost
unknown, and dissenters were looked down upon.