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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Grade Level: Type of Work Subject/Topic is on:
[ ]6-8 [x]Class Notes [Americanization of ]
[x]9-10 [ ]Cliff Notes [Canada. ]
[ ]11-12 [ ]Essay/Report [ ]
[ ]College [ ]Misc [ ]
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-Many labours now had cars, radios, gramaphones etc. The railways
had reached their golden age and lots of hotels were built.
-Immigration flowed as steady as ever.
-Prosperity came from U.S and their many companies and workers.
-Canada impoted and exported much more to the U.S rather than
-Companies found that they were needed in Canada.
-The north-south access was strengthened by technology.
-Highways to attract the American tourists developed.
-The aeroplanes were improved and so were the telephones.
-American investtors did not lend money as the British but opened
branch companies in Canada.
-Provinces became key actors in Canadian transportation.
-Canadians wanted more education so the King goverment introduced
the old age pensions.
-Natural resource earning came to the prairies.
-Prosperity was not shared equally between the provinces. Quebec,
Ontario and B.C. were the prime winners. The Maritimes were the
-Farmers of the West profited from Aaron Sapiro advice and raised
their annual wheat pools above $2.00/bushell.
-Most magazines came from the states and most Canadians immigrated
-There were new American films and media in Canada.
-Canadian resistors made a law to migrate any person that was
interfearing with the Canadian opinions and that tried to shape
-The group of Seven showed a distinctive American culture.
-Groulx fought children of Quebec cinemas to stop the influence
of American movies on them. He tried also to censor American
imported books and magazines.
-The munnition boards were shut down causing lots of workers to
hunt for jobs.
-The labour were not paid well and the veterans wanted their $2000
-Employers had low profits and wanted higher authority.
-The Russian revolution encouraged unionist ideas.
-In Calgary, march 1919, the unions talked about a workers
revolution in Canada just like that in Russia.
-They wanted to create One Big Union for all workers.
-General strike began in Winippeg with more than 30000 workers and
swept through all Canada.
-They wanted the right to bargain with employers.
-Parliment made it a crime to talk about a revolution.
-June 21, 1919, the police killed the leaders of the strike in
Winnipeg. This was called, "Bloody Saturday."
-In 1924, unionship slipped down very muuch.
-In 1925, the returning veterans made up the Canadian Legion to
talk for them.
-Most farmers went bankrupt when they borrowed money from the
goverment for wheat that cost $2.15, which later in a year turned
to $3.15 in the world market.
-Inflation re-appeared in 1917 due to too much money but very few
-Banks raised interest to defeat the foe.
-They wanted the investments in the two railways to be protected,
by giving the crs the two lines to manage but Arthur Meighn
-The CNR was created and this was a disaster to the Maritimes.
-In 1921, Borden wanted to stop being the Pm because he did not
persuade Quebec premier Lomer Gouin to take over the unionist
-William McKenzie King replaced Laurier who died in 1919 as the
Liberal leader He was picked because of his labour knowledge.
-P.C's won the 1921 election on a promise to regain free trade.
-When Britain was about to go to war with Turkey, Canada refused
to fight until the Parliment agreed. Thus it had a new identity.
-Automobiles and mines between 1921-1925 created jobs.
-In Oct.1925, King lost elections but refused to resign.
-Gave a Prosperity buudget cutting off many taxes.
-G.G Lord Byng was the one to refuse dissolution of McKenzie
King who resigned.
-In 1926, the economy was booming again.On Sept. 14 1926, King won
the elections with a majority.
-In 1930, the Canadians had turned to the Conservatives because
they thought Bennet had their cure, but Bennet failed.
-The Social Credits wanted poverty in the midst of plenty.
- In the 1930's the socialists developed in Canada.
-The Canadian Commonwealth Federation called for Canadian
-Here are the 14 points of the Manifiesto:
*Esatbleshment of a planned economy.
*Control of the people through the goverment of all financial
*Goverment owns transportation and communication.
*Help to farmers by securing their land ownership and crop sales.
*Import and export boards set to control trade.
*Encourage producer and consumer cooperatives.
*National labour code to cope with things such as unemployment.
*Public owned health and hospital services.
*Amendment of the BNA so that Ottawa can deal with the depression.
*Foreign policy to promote international peace.
*Changes in the tax laws.
*Freedom of speech and assembly.
*Humanization of the law.
*An emergency program to deal with things such as the depression.
_This made the CCF start strong towards being a third major party.
-In 1935, Stevens left the Conservative party because he was forced
out and made a Reconstruction Party to help farmers and workers.
-In 1932, Roosvelt swept to power in the US. He made a new deal
with the Americans by building dams and forming unions.
-In Jan.3rd 1935, Bennet introduced unemployed insurance, a
minimum wage etc.. rules to copy Roosvelt's way of getting over
the depression.
-Bennet then went to England for the silver jubilee of King George
the 5th.
_In 1935, the Regina insident took place that destroyed his
reputition and cost him the title of being the PM of Canada.
-The Social Credits of Alberta wiped out many smaller parties
in the country.
_THe Liberals took over putting the Bank of Canada under their
-King, the leader of the opposition, still wanted low taxes and
said that unemployment was a national problem.
-The Royal Commision on Dominion-Provincial Relations investigated
problems with inequality with provinces.
-This furiated B.C, Ontario and Quebec.
-In the Us the depression was not over. The lack of agreement
between Ottawa and the provinces stopped the depression from