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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
; ====================================================================
; DR 6502 AER 201S Engineering Design 6502 Execution Simulator
; ====================================================================
; Supplementary Notes By: M.J.Malone
; Project Board Test Program
; ==========================
; This program sets Port A to input and Port B to output on both VIAs.
; The program reads from Port A and writes to Port B making the computer
; act as a giant wire. If you connect Port A, bit 0 to ground, bit 0 of
; Port B will go to ground. If you connect bit 0 of Port A to 5 volts or do
; not connect it to anything then Port B bit 0 will be 5 volts. Note that if
; an input port (Port A in this case) is not connected to anything then it
; will default to being 5 volts because of an internal pull up resistor in
; the VIA.
; Note that the data read from Port A is written to memory and read back
; to test the RAM as well.
; If a board completes this test then the following components are known to
; work for the following reasons.
; Proven
; Component: Reason:
; 6502 It could not be running the code if it were not working
; 6522s The ports would not read or write correctly otherwise
; EPROM If the program is in EPROM and is running then the EPROM is OK
; RAM Because the data read on Port A is reflected correctly on B
; 74HC74 Necessary to the system clock and therefore functioning
; 74HC139 Necessary to the address select of VIA, EPROM and RAM
; 74xx04 Necessary to the clock, R/W and address select functions
; Reset The system must be resetting properly if the program runs.
; If the test fails then the above can be used in reverse for troubleshooting.
.ORG $E000
LDX #$00 ; Initial delay to allow Spurious Resets to
LDY #$00 ; subside.
Delay DEX
BNE Delay
BNE Delay
PORTA1 = $A001
PORTB1 = $A000
DDRA1 = $A003
DDRB1 = $A002
PORTA2 = $8001
PORTB2 = $8000
DDRA2 = $8003
DDRB2 = $8002
page 2
lda #%11111111 ; Port Bs to outputs
sta DDRB1
sta DDRB2
lda #%00000000 ; Port As to inputs
sta DDRA1
sta DDRA2
Top lda PORTA1 ; VIA 1: Port A ==> RAM ==> Port B
sta $ab
lda $ab
sta PORTB1
lda PORTA2 ; VIA 2: Port A ==> RAM ==> Port B
sta $ae
lda $ae
sta PORTB2
jmp Top
.WORD $E000