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| General HP64000 Assembler |
| Symbol, Directive and Error Summary |
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|----------------------- XXXX ---------------------------------|
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|Written by Jonathan Bowen |
| Programming Research Group |
| Oxford University Computing Laboratory |
| 8-11 Keble Road |
| Oxford OX1 3QD |
| England |
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| Tel +44-865-273840 |
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|Created May 1983 |
|Updated May 1985 |
|Issue 1.9 Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
| Symbol/Directive(s) |Description |
| space(s) |Separates fields, operands, end label|
| , |Separates operands |
| ; * |Start of comment (* in column 1 only)|
| : |End of label (optional) |
| (exp) |Expression precedence |
| 'str' "str" |Character string |
| + |Addition |
| - |Subtraction |
| * |Multiplication |
| / |Division |
| .AN. |Logical AND |
| .NT. |Logical NOT (one's complement) |
| .OR. |Logical inclusive OR |
| .SL. .SR. |Shift Left/Shift Right |
| .EQ. .NE. |Equal/Not Equal |
| .LT. .GT. |Less Than/Greater Than |
| $ |Program counter content |
| nn nnD |Decimal number (digits 0-9) |
| nnB |Binary number (digits 0-1) |
| nnO nnQ |Octal number (digits 0-7) |
| nnH |Hexadecimal number (digits 0-9,A-F) |
| '' "" |Null string or null macro parameter |
| & |Macro parameter |
| && |Index macro parameter |
| &&&& |Unique 4 digit string in macro |
|(lab) ASC 'str' |ASCII string |
|(lab) ASCII 'str' | ditto |
|(lab) BIN num(,...) |Binary number(s) (or BINARY) |
| COMN |Common overlayed area |
| DATA |Data area |
| PROG |Program area |
|(lab) DECIMAL num(,...) |Decimal number(s) (or DEC) |
| ELSE |Alternative conditional assembly |
| END (exp) |End of program (and start address) |
| ENDIF |End of cond. assembly (or IFEND) |
|sym EQU exp |Symbol value = expression value |
| EXPAND |Expand macro code |
| EXT sym(,...) |External symbol(s) (or EXTERNAL) |
| GLB sym(,...) |Global symbol(s) (or GLOBAL) |
|(lab) HEX num(,...) |Hexadecimal number(s) |
| IF cond |Conditional assembly |
| INCLUDE file |Include named file in source |
| LIST |List code |
|sym MACRO (&sym,...)|Define Macro name (and parameters) |
| MASK (exp),(exp)|Mask strings (default AND,OR = FFH,0)|
| MEND |End of Macro definition |
| NAME 'str' |Name object module |
| NOLIST |Do not list code |
| NOWARN |Do not include warnings in listing |
|(lab) OCT num(,...) |Octal number(s) (or OCTAL) |
| ORG addr |Set absolute origin |
| REPT num |Repeat next source line |
|sym SET exp |Set symbol value = expression value |
| SKIP |Skip to next page |
| SPC (num) |Line space(s) on listing |
| TITLE 'str' |Listing title and new page |
| TRACE num |Trace user definable assembler (0-3) |
| WARN |Include warnings in listing |
| .GOTO lab |Unconditional branch in macro |
| .IF cond lab |Conditional branch in macro |
|lab .NOP |Conditional assembly label in macro |
|sym .SET exp |Set symbol = expression in macro |
| addr |Absolute address in memory |
| cond |Condition (exp .op. exp) |
| exp |Constant expression |
| file |File name |
| lab |Statement address label |
| nn |String of digits |
| num |Number |
| op |Relational operator (EQ,NE,LT,GT) |
| str |String of ASCII characters |
| sym |Symbol (alphanumeric string) |
| ( ) |Optional field |
| ... |Continuation of same operands |
| Error |Description |
| AS |ASCII String error |
| CL |Conditional Label error |
| DE |Definition Error |
| DS |Duplicate Symbol error |
| DZ |Division by Zero error |
| EE |Expected End of line (EOL) error |
| EG |External Global error |
| EO |External Overflow error |
| ES |Expanded Source error |
| ET |Expression Type error |
| IC |Illegal Constant error |
| ID |Invalid Delimiter error |
| IE |Illegal Expression error |
| IO |Invalid Operand error |
| IP |Illegal Parameter error |
| IS |Illegal Symbol error |
| LR |Legal Range error |
| MC |Macro Condition error |
| MD |Macro Definition error |
| ML |Macro Label error |
| MM |Missing Macro end (MEND) error |
| MO |Missing Operator error |
| MP |Mismatched Parenthesis error |
| MS |Macro Symbol error |
| NI |Nested Includes error |
| OS |Operand Syntax error |
| PC |Parameter Call error |
| PE |Parameter Error |
| RC |Repeat Call error |
| RM |Repeat Macro error |
| SE |Stack Error |
| TR |Text Replacement error |
| UC |Undefined Conditional error |
| UE |Unexpected End of line error |
| UO |Undefined Operation code error |
| UP |Undefined Parameter error |
| US |Undefined Symbol error |
|Microprocessor|LAECP|Firm |Notes |
|1802 |XX X|RCA |8-bit CMOS microprocessor |
|2650 |X X|Signetics|8-bit microprocessor |
|32016/32 |X X|Nat Semi |16/32-bit microprocessor |
|6501/2/3/4/5 | X X|Rockwell |8-bit microprocessor family |
|6502/65C02 |*X X|Rockwell |8-bit microprocessor |
|6800/02/08 |*XXZX|Motorola |8-bit microprocessors |
|6801/03 |XXZ X|Motorola |8-bit microcomputers |
|6805 |XX X|Motorola |8-bit microprocessor |
|6809/6809E |XXXXX|Motorola |8-bit microprocessor |
|68008/00/10 |XXXXX|Motorola |8/16/32-bit microprocessor |
|8048/41/22/21 |X X|Intel |8-bit microcomputer family |
|8080A/85A |XX X|Intel |8-bit microprocessors |
|8086/88 |XX X|Intel |16-bit microprocessors |
|8087/89 |XX Z|Intel |F.P. and I/O co-processors |
|960A | X Z|Texas |16-bit minicomputer |
|9900/40/80 |XX X|Texas |16-bit microprocessors |
|9981/85/89/95 |XX Z|Texas |16-bit microprocessors |
|T11/J11 |XX X|DEC |16-bit microprocessors |
|LSI-11/PDP-11 | X X|DEC |16-bit micro/minicomputers |
|NSC800 |XXZ X|National |8-bit CMOS microprocessor |
|Z8 |XZ X|Zilog |8-bit microcomputer family |
|Z80/Z80L |XXXXX|Zilog |8-bit (CMOS) microprocessor |
|Z8000 | X XX|Zilog |16-bit microprocessor family |
|Z8001 |XXXXX|Zilog |16-bit microprocessor |
|Z8002 |XXZXX|Zilog |16-bit microprocessor |
|User definable|XX Z| |Bit-slice processors |
|HP64000 | ZX|HP |MDS system |
| |XYZ |Available/ordered/planned | |
| |* |Logic Analyser (special) |HP1611A |
| |X |Logic Analyser (general) |HP1615A |
| | X |Assembler |HP64000 |
| | X |Emulator |HP64000 |
| | X |Pascal Compiler |HP64000 |
| | X|Programming Card | |