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| RCA |
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| 1 88888 000 22222 |
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| CDP1802 COSMAC Microprocessor Instruction Set Summary |
| |
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| |
| |
| _________ _________ |
| _| \__/ |_ |
| --> CLOCK |_|1 40|_| Vdd |
| ____ _| |_ ____ |
| --> WAIT |_|2 39|_| XTAL --> |
| _____ _| |_ ______ |
| --> CLEAR |_|3 38|_| DMA IN <-- |
| _| |_ _______ |
| <-- Q |_|4 37|_| DMA OUT <-- |
| _| |_ _________ |
| <-- SC1 |_|5 36|_| INTERRUPT <-- |
| _| |_ ___ |
| <-- SC0 |_|6 35|_| MWR <-- |
| ___ _| |_ |
| <-- MRD |_|7 34|_| TPA --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> BUS 7 |_|8 33|_| TPB --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> BUS 6 |_|9 32|_| MA7 --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> BUS 5 |_|10 1802 31|_| MA6 --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> BUS 4 |_|11 30|_| MA5 --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> BUS 3 |_|12 29|_| MA4 --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> BUS 2 |_|13 28|_| MA3 --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> BUS 1 |_|14 27|_| MA2 --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> BUS 0 |_|15 26|_| MA1 --> |
| _| |_ |
| Vcc |_|16 25|_| MA0 --> |
| _| |_ ___ |
| <-- N2 |_|17 24|_| EF1 <-- |
| _| |_ ___ |
| <-- N1 |_|18 23|_| EF2 <-- |
| _| |_ ___ |
| <-- N0 |_|19 22|_| EF3 <-- |
| _| |_ ___ |
| Vss |_|20 21|_| EF4 <-- |
| |______________________| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
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|Written by Jonathan Bowen |
| Programming Research Group |
| Oxford University Computing Laboratory |
| 8-11 Keble Road |
| Oxford OX1 3QD |
| England |
| |
| Tel +44-865-273840 |
| |
|Created August 1981 |
|Updated April 1985 |
|Issue 1.3 Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnem. |Op|F|Description |Notes |
|ADC |74|*|Add with Carry |{DF,D}=mx+D+DF |
|ADCI i|7C|*|Add with Carry Immediate |{DF,D}=mp+D+DF,p=p+1 |
|ADD |F4|*|Add |{DF,D}=mx+D |
|ADI i|FC|*|Add Immediate |{DF,D}=mp+D,p=p+1 |
|AND |F2|*|Logical AND |D={mx}&D |
|ANI i|FA|*|Logical AND Immediate |D={mp}&D,p=p+1 |
|B1 a|34|-|Branch if EF1 |If EF1=1 BR else NBR |
|B2 a|35|-|Branch if EF2 |If EF2=1 BR else NBR |
|B3 a|36|-|Branch if EF3 |If EF3=1 BR else NBR |
|B4 a|37|-|Branch if EF4 |If EF4=1 BR else NBR |
|BDF a|33|-|Branch if DF |If DF=1 BR else NBR |
|BGE a|33|-|Branch if Greater or Equal |See BDF |
|BL a|38|-|Branch if Less |See BNF BR else NBR |
|BM a|38|-|Branch if Minus |See BNF |
|BN1 a|3C|-|Branch if Not EF1 |If EF1=0 BR else NBR |
|BN2 a|3D|-|Branch if Not EF2 |If EF2=0 BR else NBR |
|BN3 a|3E|-|Branch if Not EF3 |If EF3=0 BR else NBR |
|BN4 a|3F|-|Branch if Not EF4 |If EF4=0 BR else NBR |
|BNF a|38|-|Branch if Not DF |If DF=0 BR else NBR |
|BNQ a|39|-|Branch if Not Q |If Q=0 BR else NBR |
|BNZ a|3A|-|Branch if D Not Zero |If D=1 BR else NBR |
|BPZ a|33|-|Branch if Positive or Zero |See BDF |
|BQ a|31|-|Branch if Q |If Q=1 BR else NBR |
|BR a|30|-|Branch |pl=mp |
|BZ a|32|-|Branch if D Zero |If D=0 BR else NBR |
|DEC r|2N|-|Decrement register N |n=n-1 |
|DIS |71|-|Disable |{X,P}=mx,x=x+1,IE=0 |
|GHI r|9N|-|Get High register N |D=nh |
|GLO r|8N|-|Get Low register N |D=nl |
|IDL |00|-|Idle (wait for DMA or int.) |Bus=m0 |
|INC r|1N|-|Increment register N |n=n+1 |
|INP d|6N|-|Input (N=d+8=9-F) |mx=Bus,D=Bus,Nlines=d|
|IRX |60|-|Increment register X |x=x+1 |
|LBDF a|C3|-|Long Branch if DF |If DF=1 LBR else LNBR|
|LBNF a|C8|-|Long Branch if Not DF |If DF=0 LBR else LNBR|
|LBNQ a|C9|-|Long Branch if Not Q |If Q=0 LBR else LNBR |
|LBNZ a|CA|-|Long Branch if D Not Zero |If D=1 LBR else LNBR |
|LBQ a|C1|-|Long Branch if Q |If Q=1 LBR else LNBR |
|LBR a|C0|-|Long Branch |p=mp |
|LBZ a|C2|-|Long Branch if D Zero |If D=0 LBR else LNBR |
|LDA r|4N|-|Load advance |D=mn,n=n+1 |
|LDI i|F8|-|Load Immediate |D=mp,p=p+1 |
|LDN r|0N|-|Load via N (except N=0) |D=mn |
|LDX |F0|-|Load via X |D=mx |
|LDXA |72|-|Load via X and Advance |D=mx,x=x+1 |
|LSDF |CF|-|Long Skip if DF |If DF=1 LSKP else NOP|
|LSIE |CC|-|Long Skip if IE |If IE=1 LSKP else NOP|
|LSKP |C8|-|Long Skip |See NLBR |
|LSNF |C7|-|Long Skip if Not DF |If DF=0 LSKP else NOP|
|LSNQ |C5|-|Long Skip if Not Q |If Q=0 LSKP else NOP |
|LSNZ |C6|-|Long Skip if D Not Zero |If D=1 LSKP else NOP |
|LSQ |CD|-|Long Skip if Q |If Q=1 LSKP else NOP |
|LSZ |CE|-|Long Skip if D Zero |If D=0 LSKP else NOP |
|MARK |79|-|Push X,P to stack (T={X,P})|m2={X,P},X=P,r2=r2-1 |
|NBR |38|-|No short Branch (see SKP) |p=p+1 |
|NLBR a|C8|-|No Long Branch (see LSKP) |p=p+2 |
|NOP |C4|-|No Operation |Continue |
|OR |F1|*|Logical OR |D={mx}vD |
|ORI i|F9|*|Logical OR Immediate |D={mp}vD,p=p+1 |
|OUT d|6N|-|Output (N=d=1-7) |Bus=mx,x=x+1,Nlines=d|
|PLO r|AN|-|Put Low register N |nl=D |
|PHI r|BN|-|Put High register N |nh=D |
|REQ |7A|-|Reset Q |Q=0 |
|RET |70|-|Return |{X,P}=mx,x=x+1,IE=1 |
|RSHL |7E|*|Ring Shift Left |See SHLC |
|RSHR |76|*|Ring Shift Right |See SHRC |
|SAV |78|-|Save |mx=T |
|SDB |75|*|Subtract D with Borrow |{DF,D}=mx-D-DF |
|SDBI i|7D|*|Subtract D with Borrow Imm. |{DF,D}=mp-D-DF,p=p+1 |
|SD |F5|*|Subtract D |{DF,D}=mx-D |
|SDI i|FD|*|Subtract D Immediate |{DF,D}=mp-D,p=p+1 |
|SEP r|DN|-|Set P |P=N |
|SEQ |7B|-|Set Q |Q=1 |
|SEX r|EN|-|Set X |X=N |
|SHL |FE|*|Shift Left |{DF,D}={DF,D,0}<- |
|SHLC |7E|*|Shift Left with Carry |{DF,D}={DF,D}<- |
|Mnem. |Op|F|Description |Notes |
|SHR |F6|*|Shift Right |{D,DF}=->{0,D,DF} |
|SHRC |76|*|Shift Right with Carry |{D,DF}=->{D,DF} |
|SKP |38|-|Short Skip |See NBR |
|SMB |77|*|Subtract Memory with Borrow |{DF,D}=D-mx-{~DF} |
|SMBI i|7F|*|Subtract Mem with Borrow Imm|{DF,D}=D-mp-~DF,p=p+1|
|SM |F7|*|Subtract Memory |{DF,D}=D-mx |
|SMI i|FF|*|Subtract Memory Immediate |{DF,D}=D-mp,p=p+1 |
|STR r|5N|-|Store via N |mn=D |
|STXD |73|-|Store via X and Decrement |mx=D,x=x-1 |
|XOR |F3|*|Logical Exclusive OR |D={mx}.D |
|XRI i|FB|*|Logical Exclusive OR Imm. |D={mp}.D,p=p+1 |
| | |-|Interrupt action |T={X,P},P=1,X=2,IE=0 |
| |??| |8-bit hexadecimal opcode |
| |?N| |Opcode with register/device in low 4/3 bits |
| | |-|DF flag unaffected |
| | |*|DF flag affected |
| mn |Register addressing |
| mx |Register-indirect addressing |
| mp |Immediate addressing |
| R( ) |Stack addressing (implied addressing) |
|DFB n(,n) |Define Byte |
|DFS n |Define Storage block |
|DFW n(,n) |Define Word |
| D |Data register (accumulator, 8-bit) |
| DF |Data Flag (ALU carry, 1-bit) |
| I |High-order instruction digit (4-bit) |
| IE |Interrupt Enable (1-bit) |
| N |Low-order instruction digit (4-bit) |
| P |Designates Program Counter register (4-bit) |
| Q |Output flip-flop (1-bit) |
| R |1 of 16 scratchpad Registers(16-bit) |
| T |Holds old {X,P} after interrupt (X high, 8-bit) |
| X |Designates Data Pointer register (4-bit) |
| mn |Memory byte addressed by R(N) |
| mp |Memory byte addressed by R(P) |
| mx |Memory byte addressed by R(X) |
| m? |Memory byte addressed by R(?) |
| n |Short form for R(N) |
| nh |High-order byte of R(N) |
| nl |Low-order byte of R(N) |
| p |Short form for R(P) |
| pl |Low-order byte of R(P) |
| r? |Short form for R(?) |
| x |Short form for R(X) |
| R(N) |Register specified by N |
| R(P) |Current program counter |
| R(X) |Current data pointer |
| R(?) |Specific register |
| a |Address expression |
| d |Device number (1-7) |
| i |Immediate expression |
| n |Expression |
| r |Register (hex digit or an R followed by hex digit)|
| + |Arithmetic addition |
| - |Arithmetic subtraction |
| * |Arithmetic multiplication |
| / |Arithmetic division |
| & |Logical AND |
| ~ |Logical NOT |
| v |Logical inclusive OR |
| . |Logical exclusive OR |
| <- |Rotate left |
| -> |Rotate right |
| { } |Combination of operands |
| ? |Hexadecimal digit (0-F) |
| --> |Input pin |
| <-- |Output pin |
| <--> |Input/output pin |