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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Original Dated: 06-Apr-90
Current Revision Date: 29-Oct-91
Version: 1.11
o What is it?
- The OFFICIAL Amiga Software Distribution System.
- The OFFICIAL Non-Backbone Amiga ECHOmail Distribution System.
o The purpose?
- To provide a means of distributing and announcing
the release of Amiga Public Domain (PD)/Shareware/Freeware
Programs/Files, that are not normally distributable
through the SDS, to nodes interested in Amiga only
- To provide a means of distributing Non-Backbone Amiga Related
ECHOmail Message Areas.
o General concept?
(File Echos)
- The ADS will consist of three echo groups.
- First a Read ONLY communication echo conference known as
AMIGASOFT. This echo will be for release announcements
of posting into the ADS File Echo areas [usually by the
POSTER] and ADS system news posted by the Coordinators
and Uplink Hubs. Chris Adams (1:308/80) is the moderator
- Second. There is an ADS general chatter echo also
available (for feedback, questions, etc.) called:
AMIGA_SYSOP. Since the other echo is (basically) read-
only, this echo is the place where you may post questions,
etc. This is a SysOp ONLY echo, and is available via
the (Zone 1) backbone. It is also available at all ADSHUBS
and other nodes. The one exception to the SysOp ONLY
restriction is for non-SysOps who have posted files into
the ADS System. This will provide a forum through which
these authors can provide information and receive
feedback. SysOps of connected Nodes are requested to
provide access to this echo for any member contributing
to the ADS through their BBS (if such node cannot gain
access to it via their regular backbone feed.
- Third, a series of file distribution echos. These
'echos' are not like 'message echos'. Basically, they are
'AREAS' defined in your TICK configuration, that you have
selected to be linked to.
- Files will be distributed using the TICK format software.
For the Amiga, use the AmigaTick program by Russel Miranda
at 1:268\106 (available also at any ADSHUB). If you run
your system in an MS-DOS environment, use TICK by Barry
Geller @1:266/12
o Official name: Amiga Distribution System
o Known as the: "ADS"
o Area prefix: ADS (Example ADSPARAG = ADS Paragon files)
8 characters maximum
o Amiga Distribution System File Echos
------- --------------------------------------------
ADSANIMS Amiga Animation Files & Utilities
ADSCANDO CanDo Related Programs, Decks & Utilities
ADSCBNWS Amiga User Group Newsletters
ADSCOMM Communication (Terms/BBS's/etc)
& ADSFIDO Amiga Networking and Point Files
ADSMISC Non-Developer Submitted Files
ADSNETDV Network Developer Source/Documentation
ADSTEXT Text Files
!& ADSWORK Workbench 1.3 Utilities
* ADSWORK2 WorkBench 2.0 Utilities
(BBS Related File Echos)
& ADSDLG DLG Professional BB/OS Support Files
ADSPARAG Paragon BBS Support Files
ADSSTARN StarNet BBS Support Files
ADSTRANS TransAmiga BBS Support Files
ADSXENOL XenoLink BBS Support Files
* = New Area
& = Changed Tagname since last release of rules
! = Formerly ADSUTILS
More may be added at a later date. Remember that these only
exist in your tick.cfg file, and are NOT message bases.
o Amiga Distribution System Message Echos (ECHOmail) 10/16/91
------- ----------------------------- ------------------
AMIGATALK General Amiga Discussion
AMIGA_BBS Amiga BBS Discussion
AMIGA_BRIDGE Amiga BridgeBoard Discussion
AMIGA_CANDO Amiga CanDo Support
AMIGA_INFO Amiga Information
AMIGA_OS Amiga Operating Systems
AMIGA_UG Amiga User Group Discussion
PM Point Manager Support
XENOLINK_INFO XenoLink BBS Information
XENOLINK_UTIL XenoLink BBS Utilities
MAILSTORM MailStorm Support
SKYLINE SkyLine BBS Discussion
SKYLINE_INFO SkyLine BBS Information
# TRANSAMIGA TransAmiga BBS SysOps Support
# = Requires Special Access
o Official Language. The official Language to be used for the
ECHOmail areas (AMIGASOFT, AMIGA_SYSOP) *and* all files and
descriptions is ENGLISH. A program may have additional language
versions contained within the archive, but there MUST be an
English version.
o One message echo for all file announcements. Read ONLY!
Tagname of: AMIGASOFT
Primary purpose: To announce new files being distributed
through the ADS.
Secondary purpose: As a ADS system notification and news
communications echo conference.
NOTE: ALL sites carrying the AMIGASOFT echo are to make SURE
that it is READ-ONLY to those who do not Hatch files.
All software releases must have an accompanying message posted
into the AMIGASOFT echo, announcing it's availability. These
messages should take the following format:
o Posting the Software Announcement Message
Subject: <filename>
Software Announcement!
ADS Area:
[2-3 PARAGRAPH description of what this file does]
[Hatched on: <date>]
[end of suggested announcement format]
Purpose: To provide a library of files beyond the first
week after it's release into the ADS.
General Concept: ADSVAULTs will be ADSHUB's that will provide
the storage of ADS released files that
will be made available for FREQ'ing or
Scope: The offical ADSVAULT will be Midwest Information Network
(1:232/301) and will always be know as the ADSVAULT. HUBS
and other nodes may become a "ADSVault.XXX" (where
.xxx is the HUB number - e.g. Midwest Information Network
being HUB#1 would also be ADSVAULT.001, etc.). To become
an ADSVAULT.XXX the node must be approved by the
ADS Coordinator (This is automatic for ADSHUBS, and
optional for other affiliated nodes).
Purpose: To provide a centralization of distribution for
both uplinks and downlinks.
General Concept: ADSHUBs will be nodes that will provide
file distribution in different regions of
the distribution network. They will also
be have the ability to approve file 'HATCHs'
into the system.
---> Message Echo Dist. Info (MD)<---
Scope: Only approved nodes may become an ADSHUB. Approval
by the coordiantor is required. HUBS must hold all
file releases for a minimum of thirty (30) days after
have the responsibility to 'HATCH' new releases into
the system, as well as monitoring any hatch that may
come from a 'downstream' link.
1. NO COMMERCIAL PROGRAMS ALLOWED. Public Domain (PD)/Shareware/
Freeware only. Beta/Gamma/Full-release software will be
accepted into ADS. Version identifiers must be included in
either the filename or description or both.
2. Only defined ADSHUBS or Authorized Nodes can contribute
files. (Authorized nodes will need the permission of the
Zone coordinator or ADS Administrator PRIOR to releasing
files into the network.)
3. All file submissions to the ADS must be sent to one of
the above Nodes or an authorized ADSHUB unless prior, NETMAIL
approval has been obtained from the Zone Coordinator or the
ADS Administrator. Any software developer interested in
submitting their program(s)/file(s) through the ADS is strongly
encouraged to do so, *BUT* you must contact EITHER the coordinator
OR your immediate upstream ADSHUB prior to release. Neither the
Administrator NOR the Zone Coordinators are responsible for the
quality or duplication of any file.
The coordinators WILL make every effort felt appropriate to
prevent the distribution of copyrighted commercial software/
files. The Coordinators will NOT be held responsible for the
mistaken distribution of any copyrighted software/files.
4. The decision to distribute any file is at the sole discretion
of the Zone Coordinator, ADSHUB, or the ADS Administrator.
Disagreements should be submitted via Netmail to the ADS
Administrator (see above). The decision made will be final.
5. Any downward link MUST be removed at the instruction of the
ADS Coordinator. Current Fidonet Policy documents will serve
as a guideline to moderate the AMIGASOFT and AMIGA_SYSOP
echos and all the then current file echoes (distribution
6. Nodes MUST carry both the AMIGASOFT echo and the AMIGA_SYSOP
echo. Nodes will not be required to be linked into more than
ONE file distribution echo in order to qualify as an ADS node.
A node may link to as many or as few File Echoes as they
choose, however the node is required to receive both ADS file
transfers and the AMIGASOFT from the same location. A node may
not receive File Echos from more than one location.
7. Downward links must be established by the nearest ADSHUB, or the
ADS Zone Coordinator ONLY. They will be responsible for passing
on the rules to the new ADS site. Nodes establishing downward links
are required to send notification to the nearest ADSHUB via a NetMail
message to inform them of any new ADS node, noting (at the very
least) the Net/Node address and the Echos being received.
8. Upward ADS links can only be established by a Coordinator.
Only the Coordinator(s), approved developers, and ADSHUBs
may hatch files into the ADS network.
9. Developers may gain blanket authorization (good for any
software they release) by submitting for approval from
their Zone Coordinator. An appeal structure will consist of
sending a Netmail Message to the ADS Administrator's
system. All decisions by the ADS Administrator are final.
10. All ADS nodes are requested to display the letters "ADS"
(ADS) in their * Origin: lines so as to identify themselves
as an approved ADS site.
11. All files distributed via the ADS will have a descriptive
file attached with it. The descriptive file will contain the
filename, file description (a one-liner) and the seen-by
listings. This file will have an extension of:
Filenames must not exceed 8 characters plus 3 characters for
an extension. Only one '.' may be used per filename. All non-
conforming filenames will be put on HOLD by the coordinator
pending response by the system entering such file into the
12. To minimize storage space and online costs, as well as the
maintenance of a consistant storage format, all submissions
must be in the LHArc format with the filename consisting of
an up to 8 character name, the character '.' and the suffix:
13. All links (both downlink and uplink) will be required to use
a password. Intention is to eliminate as many possibilities
of some 'unknown' node submitting a 'trojan horse' or an
unapproved file into the system.
14. The ADS Administrator reserves the exclusive right to alter,
ammend or append these rules at any time and without the
requirement of prior notice. The ADS Administrator will endeavour,
circumstances permitting, to notify all affected parties
prior to making any such changes, but will in no way
guarantee such notification.
15. Initial notification and distribution of new releases will
be available through direct connection with the closest
ADSHUB site to your location.
16. Midwest Information Network (1:232/301) will be known as the
official Master ADSVAULT. The purpose being to provide a library of
all ADS released files. Files may be FREQ from the Coordinator or Hub
location for the first 30 days after a file has been released.
After the first 30 days the only location that will be guaranteed
to have the file will be Midwest Information Network (1:232/301).
Although the file may still be available at many other locations, the
ADSVAULT will have it available for the an extended period of time
after the first 30 days of release.
[Special Note #1: ADS and AMIGASOFT were originated by Steve
Peoples (1:150/111 <disconnected 07-July-90>) and Frank Dixon
(1:150/160 <disconnected 02-July-90>). Frank and Steve have
both left the BBSing world and FidoNet, but it is felt proper
recognition was appropriate at this time. (RW)]
[Special Note #2: Roger Walker (1:280/222) then served as ADS
Administrator until early 1991, when his system was dismantled,
and since has been reformed. Hopefully Roger will continue to
be involved in ADS in the near future? (MD)]
ADS Administration/Hub Locations
ADS Administration Board
1:232/301 - Midwest Information Network - Michael DeBerg - ADS Administrator
1:163/109 - AmigaTronix - Russell McOrmond - Director
1:108/250 - HellFire Club - Chuck Baker - Director
3:640/463 - Sidecar BBS - Brendan Pratt - Director
ADS Zone Coordinators
Zone 1 - 1:232/301 - Midwest Information Network - Michael DeBerg
Zone 2 - O P E N
Zone 3 - 3:640/463 - Sidecar BBS - Brendan Pratt
Zone 4 - O P E N
Zone 5 - O P E N
Zone 6 - O P E N
[Special Note: The Zone 1 Coordinator position is available, and applications
will be taken in the near future. Zones not yet supported are
also available.]
Approved Sites as of 26-Oct-91
NOTE: Please make sure your information is correct, because we will be
updating the ADSHUB information as necessary. Please use the
information contained in the ADSHUB #1 section (BELOW).
1:232/301 - Midwest Information Network - Michael DeBerg - ADSHUB #1
Zone 1 Region 11 - Bloomington, Illinois (USA)
Modem: US Robotics Dual Standard - 14,400 HST/V.32bis/V.42bis
Frontend/Mailer: BinkleyTerm [v2.40]/QMail [v1.0]
2:204/112 - South Bridge Computer BBS - Tommi Jansson - ADSHUB #2
Zone 2 - Orebro, Sweden - 9600 HST
Frontend/Mailer: ??
2:310/30 - Sub Etha Net - Johannes Mistelbauer - ADSHUB #3
Zone 2 - Baden, Austria - 9600 HST
Frontend/Mailer: BinkleyTerm [v2.40]
2:251/2000- My First BBS - Nick Lello - ADSHUB #4
2:251/32 Zone 2 Region 25, Haywards Heath, Sussex, UK - 9600 HST
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.08]
1:308/80 - Kustom Kastle BBS - Chris Adams - ADSHUB#5
Zone 1 Region 15 - Alamagordo, New Mexico (USA)
Modem: US Robotics Courier HST - 14,400 HST
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.08]
1:367/9 - Opus Amicus - Efrain Coldero - ADSHUB#7
8:999/1 Zone 1 Region 18 - San Juan, PR USA 14,400 HST
Frontend/Mailer: BinkleyTerm [v2.40]
1:163/109 - AmigaTronix - Russell McOrmond - ADSHUB#8
Zone 1 Region 12 - Ottawa, ON Canada
Modem: US Robotics Dual Standard 14400 HST/V.32bis/V.42bis
Frontend/Mailer: BinkleyTerm [v2.40]
1:260/327 - Gary's BBS - Gary Gulliver - ADSHUB#9
Zone 1 Region 1 - Fulton, NY USA 14,400 HST
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.08]
1:344/17 - NCRL (North Central Regional Library) Electronic Library -
Howard Purcell - ADSHUB#10
Zone 1 Region 17 - Wenatchee, WA, USA 9600 HST/DS
Frontend/Mailer: FrontDoor [v2.0]
3:633/359 - Crazy Diamond - Chris Quonoey - ADSHUB#11
Zone 3 Region 50 - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Modem: Netcomm M5 - 9600 v32
Frontend/Mailer: TrapDoor [v1.80]
2:333/305 - Amiga_PD BBS - Michele Masiero - ADSHUB#12
Zone 2 Region 33 - Padova, Italy (14,400 HST/DS/V.42)
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.08]
3:640/463 - Sidecar Express BBS - Brendan Pratt - ADSHUB#14
Zone 3 Region 54 - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Modem: NetComm TrailBlazer 19200 PEP/9600 v32
128:400/463 Frontend/Mailer: Star-Net [v1.0]
2:509/30 - Starleght BBS - Joerg Henner - ADSHUB#15
Zone 2 Region 24 - Stuttgart, West Germany (14,400 HST/DS)
Frontend/Mailer: Star-Net [v1.0]
2:230/114 - Valby Amiga BBS - Carsten Lohmann - ADSHUB#16
Zone 2 Region 23 - Valby, Denmark (14,400 HST/V.42)
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.08]
1:396/36 - Amiga Gateway - Mark Rippa - ADSHUB#17
Zone 1 Region 19 - New Orleans, La., USA (9600 HST)
Frontend/Mailer: TrapDoor [v1.80]
1:273/912 - Tri-Star Amiga - Joe Mollica - ADSHUB#18
Zone 1 Region 13 - Philadelphia, PA., USA (14,400 HST/V.42)
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.08]
1:255/0 - Atlantic Access - Bill Walton - ADSHUB#19
1:255/1 Zone 1 Region 12 - St. John, New Brunswick, Canada (9600 HST)
Frontend/Mailer: Binkleyterm [v2.30]
3:680/829 - Adelaide Amiga User's Group - Jonathan Potter - ADSHUB#20
Zone 3 Region 50 - Adelaide, South Australia
Modem: Netcomm E5 - 9600 v32
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.0858]
3:670/305 - Pointless BBS - Andrew Bricknell - ADSHUB#21
Zone 3 Region 50 - Tasmania, Australia.
Modem: Netcomm M5 - 9600 v32
Frontend/Mailer: DBridge [v1.30]
3:714/909 - The Amiga Connection - Mario Nicotra - ADSHUB#22
Zone 3 Region 54 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Modem: US Robotics Dual Standard - 14,400 HST/V.32
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.0858]
1:3613/7 - AMIGeorgiA BBS - Jack Mowery - ADSHUB#23
Zone 1 Region 18 - Columbus, Georgia, USA (HST)
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.08]
* 1:141/105 - Amiga Connection - Dave Lenardo - ADSHUB#24
Zone 1 Region 16 - Hamden, Connecticut,
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.08]
* 1:203/104 - Another BBS - Andy Wood - ADSHUB#25
Zone 1 Region 1 - Sacramento, CA. USA (HST)
Frontend/Mailer: Paragon [v2.08]
(* = New node, or net address recently changed.)
NOTE: We are still looking for systems for Regions/Zones that aren't
currently supported who would like to become ADSHUB sites. If
you are interested please send Netmail to Michael DeBerg at
(1:232/301) with the particulars on your system.
A very special thinks goes to Brendan Pratt (3:640/463) and Russell
McOrmond (1:163/109) for their help in making some corrections to
this version of the Rules & Guidelines.
All hardware/software items mentioned within this document are
trademarks of their respected companies/authors.