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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Israel, now its #5 - Eitan Vazani.
Well, we are past missile attack number 5. The night before was really
a quite night (well, only one false alarm. It doesn't count).
The attack tonight was another multi-missile attack. After this one I
know the meaning of "fear" much better. At noon I drove to my uncle's
house, visiting my grandmother on my way. I went there to teach his
12 years old daughter some DOS basics (he wants to learn some too).
I arrived there around 15:00, and started lecturing. At 18:30 my uncle
got worried, and told me I better get back home soon, so I will not be
caught outside while there is an attack. I told him I'll just stay
some more to explain another DOS command or two. A few minutes later
the sirens went off. Quickly we got to the sealed room, and started
wearing our gas masks. My uncle and his wife have three daughters, the
oldest is 12 years old, the second is about 10, and the youngest is 4
or 5. They all behaved perfectly, not panicking at all. The little
one was actually laughing and seemed to enjoy the excitement.
While wearing my mask, I heard 3-4 successive whistles. They were very
loud, low and coarse. At that moment I was sure that the Scud missiles
are going to get. I was frightened to hell. I didn't want to die that
soon. I don't really remember what was going through my mind at that
moment, I only remember being frightened as I have never been before.
I looked at my uncle. He was smiling and said something like "hey,
that's the Patriots going at the Scuds".
I relaxed just a bit, because I knew there aren't any Patriot launchers
around. I asked him: "How come we can hear the Patriots here?"
He still smiled: "Oh, didn't I tell you the army brought here several
launchers yesterday?"
I felt better at once, but we continued to discuss it some more until I
While this was going on, we heard 3-4 explosions, one of them louder
than the rest. The army spokesman talked on the radio. He confirmed
that several Scuds were identified, and that Patriots were launched to
intercept them. He also said that "there were several hits".
We didn't know whether he meant Scuds hit us, or Patriots hit Scuds.
He did not give any further information. Within half an hour the
southern and east-northern regions of Israel were cleared to take off
the gas masks, but still stay in their sealed rooms. Since only the
east part of the northern region was allowed to remove the masks, I
assumed (correctly), that Haifa (in the west-north) was attacked too.
Some more time passed, and all Israel was cleared to remove the gas
masks and free to go out of the sealed room. No more information was
given, except that there were injured people. We relaxed a bit, and
I stayed to eat a delicious dinner there. Information arrived a bit
at a time. 7 Scud missiles were launched at us, 2-3 toward Haifa,
and the rest toward Tel Aviv. Most of them (5 or 6) were intercepted
and destroyed by Patriot missiles. 1 or 2 got away and reached the
ground to explode. A building collapsed, cars went on fire, and many
were injured. Again, no one of those in the crashed building was too
badly hurt. In other places, pieces (probably large ones) of the
intercepted Scuds hit the ground and buildings, causing minor damages
and wounding some people.
Later I found out that 1 person got killed, 1 very badly injured,
3 seriously injured, and 30 lightly wounded.
I don't know how long Israel will restrain itself. The public still
supports this policy, but I guess it will change if this goes on for
another week or two.
Israel gains very important political points. The whole world suddenly
loves Israel. We get financial support from the U.S.A., from Jews all
over the world, even from Germany (their minister of foreign affairs
was here and got hard complaints about the German part in Iraq's arsenal.
He apologized again and again, and promised that Germany will keep its
eyes open and its mind thinking).
But all this will disappear within one month from the end of the war.
Israel will be pressed and threatened again by everyone (incl. U.S.A),
to give the Arabs more lands, so that it will be easier to wipe us off.
We have been through this story several times, and the end was never
a really happy one. When the Arabs will get rid of Saddam they will
start again yelling about "the crimes of the imperialist Israel".
And the world will support them, because it pays off pretty well.
Arabs can offer cheap oil to its supporters, Israel can hardly return
a smile and a warm "thank you" to its supporters.
This is why I think Israel should do something. But this something
should be so hard, so aggressive and so frightening, that Arabs will
remember it forever, with their spines shivering at the thought of it.
It is our only chance to have peace with them. When they understand
that Israel is crazier than any Arab, they will stop messing with us,
and they will look for ways to have peace with Israel. When that time
comes, Israel will be happy to have peace with everyone.
But remember: THE KEY IS FEAR. History proves that nothing can speed
up peace. When enemies fear each other too much - they want peace.
Look how the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R were happy to make peace. Why?
The fear of each other's power was too great. Finally, the Russians
couldn't stand the technological race, and headed peace. The U.S.A
did not stand in the way, and shook the Russian hand warmly.
This is the case in the middle east. They must understand that Israel
is impossible to defeat. Not only that: Israel will take the most
destructive approach to its enemies. Then they will REALLY want peace.
This leads to me to consider nuclear weapons.
Currently, nuclear weapons are considered as a last resort.
When Israel is about to be destroyed, the atomic bombs will be used.
But this will be too late. If Israel is destroyed, who cares what
will happen then? What good will come from bombing the Arabs with
atomic bombs? Ok, so we'll get 100 million. So? Israel will still
be destroyed.
I claim, that using nuclear weapons now, will set the Arabs on the
right course very quickly. It will also save lots of lives from
future wars (and there will be for sure). The next war (or even this
one) may involve chemical and biological warfare. It may involve
atomic bombs on the Arab side, which will mean the end of Israel.
So lets US do it as soon as possible, and it will bring the peace.
Well, it is not in my hands.
Eitan Vazani,
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