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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
To: eff-austin@tic.com
Reply-To: eff-austin@tic.com
Subject: minutes of EFF-Austin board of directors meeting of 14 July 1992
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 92 10:37:28 -0500
From: jsq@tic.com
Prepared by Ed Cavazos.
Board members present: John Quarterman, Ed Cavazos, Smoot Carl-Mitchell
Observing: Bruce Sterling, Susan Cisco, Dave Smith.
- --- Meeting convened @ 8:08
In light of Mitch Kapor's encouraging news concerning the
future of EFF chapters, Ed Cavazos moved to proceed with with
incorporation as soon as possible. The motion was seconded by John
Quarterman, and unamnimously approved. The final blanks on the
Articles (version 1.01) were filled in with the proper names and
addresses. The official name of the organization will be:
"EFF-Austin." The current by-laws (version 1.00) will be reviewed by
Ed Cavazos and revised/updated to reflect any recent Board
decisions. The by-laws shall refer to the organization as "The
Electronic Frontier Foundation, Austin Chapter." They will be
presented at the next meeting for approval by the board and formal
adoption. Incorporation papers should be filed the week of July
It was decided that the board is still very interested in
the Cybertex idea, though no formal proposal has been received in
response to a request for Cybertex proposals distributed last
month. There has been some interest expressed by various
individuals, and discussions with them should continue.
New names for the mailing lists were discussed. In order
to clarify the mailing list names for those who might be confused
by them, new names (which will work as well as the old were) were
decided upon. The "eff-a@tic.com" mailing list, which is the
general discussion and announcement list for EFF-Austin, has been
renamed to "eff-austin@tic.com". "Eff-abod@tic.com" which was the
mailing list for the board of directors and those working closely
with them has also been renamed to "Eff-Austin-Directors@tic.com."
The previous names of the mailing lists will still
Prentiss Riddle will be offered the job of newsgroup
moderator. Prentiss volunteered to take on this task, and seems to
be dedicated and qualified.
Ed Cavazos was elected to serve as Vice President, the
poisition left vacant when Jon Lebkowsky left the board. The Board
will consider new board members in the coming weeks.
The previously discussed "Sysop Issues" meeting will be
held at a date in late July. A location is still needed, but an
effort to find a suitable meeting place soon will be undertaken.
Bruce Sterling will be contacting law enforcement officials about
possibly attending/participating in the meeting.
Dave Smith will organize the August Cyberdawg, preferrably
on a weekend to facilitate some out of town attendance.
John Quarterman will organize and conduct the September
29th meeting on the Matrix and accessing the net, as was previously
Susan Cisco will be organizing the October meeting,
which will be a book release/discussion of Hacker Crackdown by
Bruce Sterling. The date for this meeting will be picked in
In late 1992 or early 1993, The Review of Litigation will
publish a law review article by Ed Cavazos on Sysop Liability for
defamation posted on BBS's. The article argues for limited
liability based on the inherent right of reply which exists in the
BBS medium.
Steve Jackson was unable to be at the meeting as he was
attending DoverCon in Dover, NH.
- --- The meeting was adjourned at 9:40.
The next meeting will take place on August 11, 1992.