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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
ANARCHYINALBION? - Frater Nexhagus XXIII - part 3 of 4
From: John.C.S.Quel <John@fnord.demon.co.uk>
It is an established fact that the Occult Establishment have been
indoctrinated into accepting the `Beast` system (one of the ways
of immanentizing the New World Order). This has been perpetuated
by their fascistic process of domination and control (information
pertaining to the `Beast` system being incorporated into barcodes
can be obtained from the previously mentioned issue four of HOAX!
magazine.) Two of the most important sigils that are used to
support this system of control and order are said to be the
number 666 and the `Swastika` symbol.
The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been around for
thousands of years as either a religious sign or as a decorative
emblem. It has been found in Ancient Egypt, India, China, and Mu
and is thought by some scholars to have been first used as a
representation of the sun (and additionally represents the cyclic
nature of the seasons). It appears on ancient Greek coins, on
artefacts of early Roman Xtians and in Celtic and Scandinavian
settlements. The swastika has also been found among native
peoples of North and South America, where it was used to
represent infinity (and was also used to ward off evil spirits.
The name swastika comes from the Sanskrit Svasti, meaning `well-
being' or `good luck'. Contrary to popular belief, the direction
in which the arms of the sign point holds no significance for
black magick. The symbol used by the Nazis was the same as that
used by Hindus or Buddhists (The anti-clockwise variety is used
in the worship of the goddess Kali). If shown in a clock-wise
motion it symbolizes life and fertility, while in an anti-
clockwise motion it denotes death and decay. Hitler`s interest in
the occult therefore made the clock-wise swastika his chosen
symbol in the hope that this would provide beneficial powerful
influences. The Nazis adopted the swastika as their symbol
through the mistaken belief that it represented their ideal of
Aryanism, a link with earlier Scandinavian and Germanic peoples
and the idea of racial superiority.
The swastika ultimately represents an enigmatic and evocative
powerful divine energy. There are few symbolic marks so widely
distributed over the Earth. It is a primal symbol which denotes
the centre of the universe, a symbol of being and
"In the swastika we see the Victory of the idea of our creative
work." - Adolf Hitler.
"The leftward-spinning swastikas spin into the unconscious; the
rightward-spinning ones spin out of the unconscious chaos." -
Carl Gustav Jung.
At dawn on the Summer Solstice of 1914 (the beginning of World
War I) Dr. George Watson MacGregor-Reid was head of the Druid
Order. Although he had previously stood for Parliament as one of
the first Labour Party candidates, he was also an advanced
Magickian. It is frequently cited that the Sect of the Druids
were responsible for conducting human-sacrifices, but this fact
pales into insignificance when in the same year a huge, mad,
ritualistic blood sacrifice swept Europe. Dr. MacGregor-Reid, the
`Anointed Chosen Chief`, sternly defended the tradition of a
Druidic ceremonial rite at Stonehenge on Midsummer morning, and
declined all requests by the authorities to desist in carrying
out the ancient ceremony. He was then forcibly ejected from the
sacred site (as have many others since). It can be clearly seen
from the photo provided that Dr. MacGregor-Reid wore a sigil of a
Swastika whilst at Stonehenge (due to it`s solar aspects and in
no way connected to it`s later Occult use as adopted by the
Nazis). Dr. MacGregor-Reid is in fact the great-uncle of
anarchist artist Jamie Reid. Jamie Reid, punk plagiarist and arch
anarchist artist designed the popular punk band `The Sex Pistols`
graphics and produced the original `Anarchy in the U.K.` artwork.
In his autobiography "UP THEY RISE: The Incomplete Works Of Jamie
Reid" his poignant picture of Parliamentary power incorporates
potent imagery of Swastikas instead of a clock-face on Albert
Tower. (This artwork has also appeared on the back-cover of VAGUE
#21 and the front-cover of Heartbreak Hotel #4). Perhaps, this is
an unintentional subconsciously inherited aspect of his
ancestor`s past coming back to haunt him as prophecy?
[Yet another prophetic `coincidence` connected to the levitation
is that of a picture of the Albert Tower being in flight over the
Thames as shown on the back-cover of Nocturnal Emissions `Songs
of Love & Revolution` album. This recording also features the
vocals of Ian Bone (a prime mover in instigating `Anarchy in the
U.K.`) on the track "We Are Everywhere". When Nigel Ayers of the
group was approached for a copy of this intriguing artwork, the
original had mysteriously (suspiciously?) disappeared... ]
Discordians possess a myriad of mystic signs (just like the
Masons and everybody else). One of them has been blandly lifted
from good old Tory warmonger Winston Churchill; it was the V-for-
Victory motif that Winnie had used throughout World War II. To
the Discordians it has many special meanings: the V, being the
Roman numeral for 5, illustrates the Law of Fives. The way the
sign is made, with 2 fingers up and 3 bent down, exemplifies the
hidden 23 within the Law of Fives. The fact that this sign is
also used by Catholic priests in blessing and by Satanists in
invoking the devil illustrates the essential ambiguity of all
symbolism, or the Cosmic Giggle Factor. [It has also been
suggested that this gesture was a powerful cabalistic sign
intended to dilute the lethal potency of the ancient swastika,
which had been adopted by the Nazis. Churchill is said to have
decided upon this particular retaliation after secret
consultations with the magickian Aleister Crowley.]
The V-sign has subliminally infiltrated the whole counter-culture
via prolonged exposure to sacred Discordian texts, such as, the
Principia Discordia. Therefore, at the Parliament demonstration
it should be no surprise to witness hundreds of thousands of
protesters utilizing this potent hand-signal. The odd part will
be that virtually nobody using this gesture will probably be
aware of its significance.
The V-sign reversed and used as an insult, originates back to the
battle of Agincourt. This potent hand-signal is formed by raising
the hand in front of the body, with the palm turned towards the
gesturer`s face. The forefinger and middle finger are extended to
form a V shape. The remaining fingers are fully bent. The hand is
then jerked upwards in the air two or three times (five maximum).
The dominant meaning for this gesture is `victory`, although,
it`s older role was initially interpreted as an obscene insult.
The true origin has been the subject of much debate. Even today
its primary derivation is still in doubt, this being due to the
strong taboo associated with the gesture (its public use has
often been heavily penalized). The idea of the Churchillian
Victory sign, introduced during the Second World War, was
deliberately reversed (a magickal technique which Crowley was
very fond of), so creating an insult. As the Churchill version is
performed with the palm facing outward, away from the face of the
gesturer. By rotating the hand through 180 degrees, it has been
suggested that it was possible to create an insulting distortion
of the original message. In other words, the reversal of the hand
posture reversed the original meaning of the sign - from victory
to defeat. Instead of saying "I wish you Victory", the gesture
now said "I wish you defeat:, rather in the way that K.O is the
opposite, both in form and meaning, of O.K.
The modern usage of this hand-signal was initiated by a Belgian
lawyer named Victor De Lavelaye (inspired perhaps by his own
forename?) on January 14th 1941. De Lavelaye was unhappy about
the use of the letters R.A.F as a resistance graffito (this being
before those letters re-emergence as the logo for resistance
fighters the Red Army Faction in the heady Seventies). These
initials were being scrawled on walls in Belgium by the
underground, as a method of insulting the Nazis, but in a foreign
language they lacked clarity and he was looking for something
simpler which could be more universally understood. The idea of V
for Victory not only exploited the English word (and paid homage
to his own name), but also fitted the Flemish vrijheid and the
French victoire. After his initial broadcast, proposing the V,
the BBC mounted a highly successful propaganda campaign employing
the morse code symbol for V (dot-dot-dot-dash) and the opening
bars of Beethoven`s Fifth Symphony (Weishaupt`s Law of Fives
again, due to Beethoven`s connections with the Illuminati). It
was after this that Churchill adopted the sign and used it
publicly at every opportunity. Nazi propagandists became so
alarmed at the success of the symbol, that they started their own
counter-project, V for Viktoria, but it was too late. The Allied
V-sign had already swept occupied Europe, and was indelibly
associated with the anti-Nazi movement.
The earliest record of the insult V comes from the 16th Century
writings of Francois Rabelais. In 1532 he described a gestural
`duel` in which an explicit copulation sign is made by a
stretched out forefinger and middle finger held asunder and
thrust upwards. In 1611, George Chapman, in his comedy May Day,
has the following line: "As often as he turns his back to me, I
shall be here V with him." This passage is quoted in late
Victorian times to illustrate that `to make V`, as it was called,
was a `derisive` gesture.
Coming nearer the present day, the insult V was used by the crowd
at football matches to a marked degree, before the advent of the
first World War. Further evidence shows that the insulting
version is the original version and the Victory version is a very
late arrival. There is much evidence that indicates that
Churchill was unaware of the existence of the rude, palm-back
form, and he originally used this version in error on certain
occasions. There is early film of him unwittingly making the rude
V-sign at his troops and thereby inadvertently telling them to
`get stuffed`, instead of wishing them victory in battle. Since
all later film records show him performing the gesture palm-out,
it seems certain that someone must have taken him on one side and
gently explained the problem, so that the final and surviving
form of the Victory sign became fixed and distinct from its
unsavoury predecessor. (Even today, however, not all politicians
have learnt this lesson. Conservative leader Margaret Thatcher
was frequently photographed making a palm-back V-sign at moments
of electorial triumph, whilst under the mistaken assumption that
it was the V-for-Victory sign.
Other theories postulate the V-sign being a variation of the
Cuckold sign (with the forked fingers representing the highly
symbolic Cuckold`s horns); an altered version of the ancient
Roman phallic finger-jerk insult, digitus impudicus (now known as
the middle-finger jerk, done with that digit alone erect. e.g.
"Sit on this!"); a slight variation of the last theory, but the
two forked fingers representing, not one enlarged penis, but two
separate penises (e.g. `one penis for her vagina and one for her
anus.`); representing the fingers themselves inserted into the
vagina during sexual foreplay (the spreading of the forefinger
and middle finger into the V shape then represents an attempt to
provide maximum vaginal stimulation by stretching the passage as
widely as possible.); another interpretation indicates the
female`s legs (or the genital`s labia) spread wide, ready to
engage in copulation; an eye poking gesture; and the Hippies
`Peace Sign` which was used as an covert insult by being
sufficiently ambiguous to prevent the authorities taking any
action, as it could be continually rotated, thus giving a veiled
form of the phallic finger "Up Yours!" gesture. [The symbol `V'
in the ancient inscriptions of MU, the Motherland (Empire of the
Sun), stood for "The Eye Closed By Force, Forced Down".] The
ancient & archetypal V-sign has been reckoned to be too salacious
by the dominant patriarchal male-god worshipping society who have
decided that it should be suppressed because of its strong
undercurrent of Goddess symbolism.
The ritual was scheduled to commence at approximately 2.00 PM. At
this precise time all the participants had already gathered
around the assembly point at Jubilee Gardens and started to march
towards the intended target. All preparations, conjurations and
incantations took place at the Palace of Westminster, with the
desired climactic result occurring between 2:23 -> 2:30 (It
should also be noted that Parliament meets during the week at
2.30 PM.)
An exercise of exorcism to expel these spiritual squatters
commenced at 2:23 PM. The invocational words "Out, Demon, out!"
were chanted, starting out as an inaudible whisper and slowly
developing into a chaotic crescendo of speaking in tongues,
ritual chanting, etc. The ritual was then followed by an
appropriate banishing ritual (by employing the magickal act of
using an emotional device such as laughter to prevent the evil
spirits causing more chaos than that which it was hoped would be
conjured during the invocation). The expected outcome of this
auspicious occasion successfully kick-started a karmic domino
effect in the cosmic game of life.
The ritual act of `levitation' was almost thwarted at one point
by some specially deployed masonic police officers who tried to
employ a secret anti-levitational technique. There was no
absolutely no fear of creating a negative vortex which might have
caused serious damage to the ozone layer (as was suspected might
happen when the Neoist Alliance carried out their levitation in
Brighton in 1993).
Many reports neglected to mention that the levitation actually
took place at all (before, during, or after) and suppression of
these facts will now result in an I.O.D magickal action directed
against these mass media manipulators. Some reports even
suggested that the building did not even start to rise and stayed
fixed on terra firma.