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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Have we the right to condemn?
by 'Black Sheep'
He has been jailed for refusing to pay fines, arising from the
occupation and vandalising of Sheriff Officers premises.
He has been arrested on numerous occasions, the most recent being
during the attack on the 'Pollok Free State' camp against the M77
by police and Wimpey employees on the 22nd March.
He is the first socialist outwith the Labour Party to achieve
instant public recognition since the days of John McLean, and is
a proven communicator, whether on TV or Radio, or in speaking
with working class people.
He doesn't drink or smoke, his reputation is intact.
So why does he incur such wrath amongst anarchists and other
revolutionaries ?
The answer is simple: the Trafalgar Square Riot.
So, why is the Riot so important to the anarchists and why do
anarchists south of the border know so little of Tommy Sheridan
since that one glorious sunny day 5 years ago?
The story of the riot is well documented in the Acab Press
pamphlet, "Poll Tax Riot, 10 hours that shook Trafalgar
Square". Militant members, the stewards of huge marches that day
in Glasgow and London were appalled at what they saw as the
degeneration of the massive London march, and the media's
spotlight on the battle in the square at the expense of news
featuring 100,000 demonstrating in London and 20,000 in Glasgow.
Tommy Sheridan was flown down to appear at the end of the London
rally and as the 'leader' of the All Britain Anti Poll Tax
Federation was pitched into the controversy surrounding the
police attack on demonstrators. Sheridan and Steve Nally, the
Militant London activist who was the Secretary of 'the Fed.' were
instructed by the Militant leadership, then led by Peter Taffe
and the ailing Ted Grant that the riot was a 'godsend' to the
Tories and would 'alienate' activists from the anti poll tax
movement. The script was that "200 to 250 of these individuals
intent on causing trouble" had sabotaged the march (Tommy
Sheridan BBC 31-3-90).
Urged by the 'consensus conspiracy' that passes for news
coverage, Tommy declared "we condemn it totally" and both he and
Nally came out with the statement that "our Federation is going
to be conducting an internal inquiry to try and root out the
troublemakers" (Sheridan, LWT News 1st April) "...which will go
public and if necessary name names" (Nally, ITN 1st April).
In the months to come there was uproar in the APTF, both at
federation level and in the local Anti-poll tax groups. Dozens of
houses in Hackney and elsewhere were raided by riot police. The
media conducted their populist witch-hunt to identify the
'ringleaders'. Eventually the clamour died down. Instead of
resistance to the poll tax disintegrating it was Thatcher's
government which was rocked and a salutary lesson was learned as
to 'who your friends were'. The so-called internal inquiry never
got beyond the drawing board, such was the level of outrage that
basic solidarity with the marchers attacked by the police,
imprisoned and in some cases jailed, had been breached.
A year later Militant Labour was formed in Scotland, most of
their members having been expelled from their beloved Labour
Party. Militant Labour elsewhere took longer to make an impact,
which in Scotland, especially clydeside, was helped by Tommy
Sheridan's second place to Labour in the Parliamentary Election
of 1992, closely followed by his and another victory in the
Pollok ward in the District Elections of the same year.
In Scotland, the media spotlight has continued, as Tommy can
always provide "rent a quote", especially during the protests
against water privatisation and a continued guerrilla war against
the dreaded Sheriff Officers. Recently the attention has dimmed,
especially with the emergence of the eloquent Lynsey Keenan of
Earth First connected to the M77 issue. Outside Glasgow, Scottish
Militant Labour has not made much of an impact with the partial
exception of Dundee, and the political arena is still dominated
by Labour with the Scottish Nationalists trying to muscle in.
Elsewhere in Britain, Militant has not achieved the impact or
benefits from the organisational stranglehold on the late
lamented anti poll tax movement, and they are just another
trotskyite marginalised sect along with the SWP and all the
others, too numerous and unworthy of mention.
Recently in mid February, the Glasgow Anarchists were host to a
visit by 20 comrades from Tyneside, kindred spirits from a
similar working class city: Newcastle. As with previous sorties
by english and welsh anarchists north there is a culture shock,
and this was shown in their reaction to Tommy Sheridan up on the
platform in George Square at the start of the M77/ Criminal
Justice Act Demo. It is hardly surprising that Tommy Sheridan is
viewed in the same light as Nally and the other Militant Labour
leaders. In "10 hours" the quotes taken from videos of the
Trafalgar Sq. riot is followed by the assertion that Militant is
"an organisation that is opposed to the working class fighting
back". This may be true in England & Wales, Scottish anarchists
reserve judgement on this subject. For Scottish Militant, it
simply appears false.
The reason being is that Militant strategy has changed
considerably from their days as an entrist Tendency. It is
certainly true that few anarchists can match the Militant members
from Pollok and elsewhere for their dedication to direct action.
Nor are they disarmed by the ethic of pacifism, with many arrests
associated with 'fighting back' literally, or failing to respect
the property of Sheriff Officers* and their sub-species. Part of
this stems from their recuitment of young people from the housing
schemes and the everyday common sense of direct action if you
have nothing to lose. As mentioned Tommy Sheridan has led by
example, even after elected to the Council, and faced a jail
sentence and countless arrests.
Of course the appeal of direct action to Scottish Militant Labour
has to be understood. There have been examples in history where
Communist Party members took part in such actions, and even the
SWP at times have to show their 'mettle'. The difference is that
Militant now places community struggles at the centre of their
strategy, no longer giving it second billing to workplace
disputes and confrontation is part of the way people can see
through the role of Labourism, as defenders of the status quo.
Even as far as 'controlling' actions, a level of sophistication
appears to have been adopted. The Alliance Against the Criminal
Justice Bill, rechristined the Defiance Alliance is a case in
point. Unlike the front organisation character of the Scottish
SWP's "Coalition", the Alliance involves ravers, animal libbers,
anarchists and - especially Earth First. Such was the
structureless nature of the Alliance, the Scottish Federation of
Anarchists tried to bring up the formal structure of the
organisation at the February Alliance conference. Yes, Militant
are dominant, but such the poor record (outside demonstrations)
of anarchist involvement it could be a case of - by default.
This begs the question. We have a right to be lazy, but have we
revelled in it for too long. Many anarchists drop out because
they've 'done their bit', had their youthful rebellion, got
wasted and waken up to the reality of exploitation from such a
dreamstate, and in the process collective action goes out the
window. We have lacked the sophistication to realise that
politics isn't stuck in a mould, and that we have no right to
patent direct action as our idea. Possibly, of course, Glasgow
Militants are a special case, and the charismatic Tommy has
skills rarely seen in the revolutionary mindset. No doubt, taken
the longer view, old Bakunin will be proved right again. Lenin's
teachings are still followed by Sheridan, down to his assertion
in his recent book that there are working class anarcho-
syndicalists who understand struggles and the majority are an
infantile rabble prone to sectarianism and manipulation by the
State, and he believes all English Anarchists belong to the
latter camp!
Our criticism of Militant will only stand up if we** have a
voluntary commitment to meet the dedication that their Party
demands. Anarchist strategy and organisation will have to develop
- the formation of the Scottish Federation of Anarchists is a
small step, but isn't enough. Questions will have to answered
about who anarchism appeals to, why, and why we let ourselves be
marginalised or out manoeuvred time & time again, by the State
and by statist revolutionaries. Let's put aside the nonsensical
assessment that Sheridan is scarred for life due to Trafalgar
Square, respect his and Glasgow Militant's commitment to direct
action, match it by our own and, after eating some 'humble pie',
rediscover a purpose beyond 'playing hard to get' away from the
theatre of demonstrations.
* Baliffs south of the border
** This criticism may apply to Glasgow Anarchists more than some
of their English counterparts!