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Workers Solidarity Winter 94/95
Issue 44 Electonic addition
Part 1
paper of the Irish anarchist
Workers Solidarity Movement
That's capitalism
Africa's annual debt repayments - mostly to US and
European banks - amount to $10 billion. This money,
according to UNICEF, would be more than enough to
provide primary healthcare, education and sanitation
services for every single person in Africa.
A major report presented to the Eastern Health &
Social Services Board on January 10th confirmed that
the six counties are suffering growing inequality
and social disadvantage. Despite being "an integral
part of the UK" the North consistently has the
highest unemployment rates and the lowest average
household incomes. The richest 20% of the
population have almost eleven times as much wealth
as the poorest 20%.
Union activists in Indonesia have long suffered
repression. Last year repression turned to murder
as worker militancy increased. Marsinah, a 23 year
old textile worker, was murdered after leading a
strike in East Java last May. Police were directly
implicated in the murder of 26 year old organiser,
Rusli, from Medan in Sumatra. Police were also
involved in the death of Titi Sugiarti, a West
Javanese textile worker. This case has been taken
up by Indonesia's Legal Aid Foundation. Titi was on
strike to improve pay and conditions but was later
found drowned in a one metre deep pond. Police
claimed she had "slipped" in, but later
investigation indicated she had been bound and
tortured prior to death.
Pity Ireland's rich. Always moaning about"high
levels of taxation", they can buy a yuppie type
apartment and rent it out. They don't have to pay
income tax on the rent because they can write off
the building costs. This means that an apartment
priced at #55,000 will only cost them #8,000 in real
General Electric is one of the largest corporations
in the world. Last year it sacked eleven workers at
its plant at Ciudad Juarez in Mexico. This followed
an attempt by workers to organise across the
US/Mexico border and join the United Electrical,
Radio and Machine Workers of America. Following
adverse publicity, GE offered financial compensation
to six workers. None, however,has been re-instated.
Britain's "water" industry is one of the best
examples of capitalism there is. Since
privatisation the average household bill has gone up
by 69%. Meanwhile average retail prices have risen
by only 25%. What about share dividends to the new
owners? These have risen by 40% since 1990 alone.
For starters
THE GROWING interest in anarchism has seen the
appearance of a new magazine, Red & Black
Revolution. There are only so many pages in Workers
Solidarity so we decided to publish a journal that
would have room for longer articles. Issue one
looks at why the 'left' collapsed, the anarchist
alternative, the Mexican EZLN rebels, the origins of
the differences between Anarchism and Marxism, the
syndicalist revival, the story of the TUUAP campaign
in the unions, and more.
[available in electronic format from Spunk press,
access methods listed at bottom of this message]
Find out more
The world's wealth is produced by us - the working
class. We ought to enjoy the benefits.
The Workers Solidarity Movement is an anarchist
organisation that fights for a 32 county Workers'
We stand for a socialism that is based on freedom
and real democracy, a society based on workplace and
community councils.
This kind of socialism has nothing to do with the
state capitalism that was practiced in Russia, and
still is in China, Cuba and other police states.
We oppose coercive authority, and hold that the
only limit on freedom of the individual should be
that they don't encroach on the freedom of others.
As part of our fight for anarchism we are involved
in the struggles for higher wages, for trade union
democracy, for womens rights, for jobs.
We oppose all divisions in the working class. We
fight against all attempts to set Protestant against
Catholic, men against women, skilled against
unskilled, old against young, hetrosexual against
We are opposed to the British state's presence and
to partition. We defend peoples' right to fight
back. But we are not nationalists, we do not merely
want to get rid of the border. We want to unite our
class and create a totally new Ireland.
(In following parts to be posted over the next week)
Part 2 Shorts on Ireland
Democratic left's disposable radicalism
Competition or con
Anti-Traveller thuggary on increase
Lies, damned lies and statistics
Trusting the politicians
No room at the refuge
Disconnection threats defeated in Dublin
Wexford strike declared illegal
Part 3 Features
What's happening in the 6 counties
A new loyalist party?
..Time to stop beating the Orange drum
Child molesters & Churchmen
Part 4 World anarchist news
This is not SIPTU
Into the 21st Century
Interview: International organisation
Nigeria: Raids on anarchist meetings
Moldova: Anarchists allowed to leave
UN report
Asian unions check out anarchism
"Anarchism" in Russian and Arabic
The need for an anarchist organisation
Solidarity with young and unemployed
The Workers Solidarity Movement can be contacted at
PO Box 1528, Dublin 8, Ireland
or by anonymous e-mail to an64739@anon.penet.fi
Some of our material is available via the Spunk press electronic archive
by FTP to etext.archive.umich.edu or
or by gopher ("gopher etext.archive.umich.edu")
or WWW at http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Jack.Jansen/spunk/Spunk_Home.html
in the directory /pub/Politics/Spunk/texts/groups/WSM
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