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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
#67 5 16 Jul 86 21:47:04
From: Bo Orloff To: All
Subj: Discordian Zen
I recently received the following from a friend:
Many kinds of Zen exist. Each variety centers around a particular practice/
rite. Soto Zen centers on zazen. Rinzai Zen on koan introspection. Fuke Zen
centers on playing a particular kind of music on the shakuhachi (a bamboo
flute). Elemental Zen centers on tea ceremony. Discordian Zen centers on
the Rite of Not Knowing as its basic manifestation [see below].
Performing the Rite of Not Knowing we enter into the realms of don't know
mind. Letting go of our time and opinions, doing what appears, we become
more flexible, less attached. Discordian Zen represents a new Zen manifes-
tation. While the Rite of Not nowing represents Discordian Zen's primary
practice (open to anyone), there exist additional practices/manifestations.
These include:
1- The Zen Precepts
2- A new manner of speaking
3- A new mainfestation of time
4- Reweaving the web of life
Discordian Zen has no temples, no location, no tax exempt status. It only
seeks to manifest, transmit and expand the life-giving Chaos that consti-
tutes our original nature, our original enlightenment. If you want to know
more about Discordian Zen please write to:
Tundra Wind
PO Box 429
Monte Rio, CA 95462
The Rite of Not Knowing
1- Materials
3x5" file cards (lined or unlined)
2- On each file cars (as many as you choose to use) write simple action(s)/
activity(ies) (I prefer one activity/action to a card, but you can have
more if you like). For eexample:
Walk around the block 3 times.
Eat a hot dog bun.
Do 50 jumping jacks.
Listen to 5 different radio stations simultaneously for 5 minutes.
3- Mail the cards in to me, Tundra Wind, Box 429, Monte Rio,CA 95462.
4- I shuffle all the cards I receive together and then, through random
means, decide how many cards to send back to you.
5- I mail cards to you. You perform the actions/activities on the cards
EXCEPT for those activities you wish to veto. This principle of the veto
ensures that you don't have to do anything that violates your health
and/or welfare.
6- After you finish, mail the cards back to me (add new ones if you wish)
and I then put them back in the stack to re-include them in the next
The original constantly present and relentlessly emerging condition means
nothing other than the life giving Chaos. Through this Rite one enters the
original ungraspable, undefinable condition. The Chaotic vibrations of
freedom and compassion flourish. Miraculously, one discovers that one loses
nothing when one gives everything away.
Feel free to give the Rite of Not Knowing to any you feel will have an
interest in it.
* Origin: ThelemaNet of Berkeley,CA (415)548-0163 (161/93)