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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Ritual for Wiccan groups
- by the White Bard 1991-92 CE
The following are suggested rituals within the four major calendar
celebrations. They are written from a Wiccan standpoint, using
Celtic traditions, and take the form of Mystery Plays that
(sometimes) are -not- fully explained (!). Try not to explain them
to the participants, but rather allow them to act upon the
participants in a subliminal, emotional fashion. That is, after
all, what they are designed to do.
Note: "%" marks "stage directions"
W:water E:air
The BARD should stand to the WEST, unless otherwise specified in
the ritual.
YULE RITUAL: 21 December
-by the White Bard
Materials: a very small, just sprouted potted plant.
a candle for each covener present.
a MOTHER. She should wear a blue garment, if possible.
a MAIDEN, dressed in white.
a Crown of Light, made from three, six, or nine
% The ceremony for the Lesser Sabbats should be written by newer
% members of the coven, as part of their learning. At an appropriate
% place in the ceremony, the following should be inserted:
% Here begins the Yule Mystery. ALL light shall be
% extinguished, all fires put out, save that in the South.
% The Bard/Green Man shall lie on his back in the East, as
% if dead.
% The HPS shall say:
HPS: Darkness covers all. The Old King is dead, and there is no
warmth for the Mother. The days are short, and the nights
are long.
COVEN: Give us Light!
HPS: The Maiden wanders the Earth, Maiden no more, but soon to be
Mother. The Earth is cold, and there is no place for her to
give birth.
COVEN: Give us Light!
HP: Mother, give us the Child of Promise! The Lord Of Life strains
to be born!
COVEN: Give us Light!
MOTHER: I seek a place to rest, and give birth.
% The Mother should wander about the inside of the circle, as if
% looking for something, and not finding it. She should act very
% tired, and project a sense of urgency.
% She then goes to the East, and assumes the Goddess pose, standing,
% arms and legs spread in the form of a five-pointed star.
% There shall be a pause, and the Bard/Green Man shall then quietly
% rise up, and stand behind the Mother. If it seems appropriate, the
% more primitive symbolism of him crawling out from between the legs
% of the Mother may be used. He should be carrying a lit candle, or
% some other source of light.
BARD/GREEN MAN: Cunning and art I do not lack,
But -always- Her Cauldron brings me back!
% The Bard/Green Man shall take his lit candle, and proceed to re-light
% the corner candles, moving deasil, and any other fires within the circle.
% The just-sprouted potted plant is picked up by the Mother and held in
% front of her during this candle-lighting.
% The Bard/Green Man shall then take the plant from the hands of the Mother,
% bring it to the center of the circle, and raise it above his head, saying:
BARD/GREEN MAN: Here is the Promise, that is always fulfilled.
% The plant is then passed around the circle, and given to the Mother, who
% should take it home and water and nurture it thru the year, if possible.
% The Maiden shall then take the place of the Mother, and the Mother shall
% return to her place within the circle.
% Here ends the Yule Mystery.
-by the White Bard
Materials: a candle for each covener present.
a MAIDEN, dressed in white.
a Crown of Light, made from three, six, or nine
a DARK LORD, dressed in dark clothing, and holding a
dark cloak.
% The place of ritual should be set up, away from the
% gathered participants.
% It is more than a good idea to manage bathrooms and such like
% before the circle is closed. This Mystery is not something any
% of the participants should miss out on!
HPS: Go we now to the sacred place
And stand within the sacred space
Turn your minds to sacred things
And dance with me unto the ring!
% HP and HPS lead the coven to the place of ritual by a
% spiral dance, ending in a circle around the altar. The
% cauldron should be at the south. The Bard/Green Man
% dances at the end of the line. A good song to sing here
% is "Lord Of The Dance."
HPS: Come we forth, with the Spiral Dance
Within the Lady's radiance
To celebrate the Sun's rebirth
To renew life, to warm the Earth
Earth and Water, Fire and Air
I invoke the Goddess there!
This night we are Between the Worlds
To celebrate the year unfurled!
HP: Earth and Water, Fire and Sky
I invoke the God on high
This night we are Between the Worlds
To celebrate the year unfurled!
% The corners shall be called thusly, that all may hear, but
% shall not be called until the HPS reaches that corner on her
% circumnabulation.
EAST: O Guardians of the Eastern Tower,
Airy ones of healing power
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
SOUTH: Oh fiery ones of Southern Power
Thus I invite you to this tower
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
WEST: Western ones of water's flow
Help to guard us here below
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
NORTH: Earthen ones of Northern fame
Bless and guard our Power's fane
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
% The HPS shall move to each corner, and say, following each
% corner's crying as she moves to the next:
HPS: So I cast and consecrate
This Circle of the small and great:
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
By Rock and Earth, by Land and Sea,
By Fire and Water, Earth and Air,
By the Lord, and Lady Fair!
By Love and Joy and Work and Play,
All things harmful cast away!
By lightening's flash, and rain's soft fall,
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
(Cast the Circle: Blessed be!)
% On her return to the first corner she shall change the last
% line above, and say:
The Circle's cast; and Blessed Be!
% The callers of the corners shall return their tools to the
% altar, and then shall join the circle at their corners.
% Here begins the Candlemas (Imbolc) Mystery:
% The Maiden shall step forth, and say:
MAIDEN: This is the time of Brigid, the Patron of Poets and Fire,
and of Healing.
HPS: This is the time of new beginnings, when the Mother has become
HP: The days have turned, and grow longer, and the Sun-child is
growing to His strength.
BARD/GREEN MAN: I have been a wave upon the sea,
And a spark in the firelight.
I have been a fish in the ocean.
I have been a Thought within a Word,
And a Word within a Deed.
I was cast away, and found again.
I have been made of flowers
And of cold steel and brass.
Fire and ice are alike unto me.
I have been the narrow blade of a sword
That kills without cutting.
And the Void is my homeland.
I have been in Caer Sidi
In the Spiral Castle of Glass.
And the letters on the Standing Stones
Are no secret from me.
I have been in Annwyn
And Tir na n'Og,
I have danced the Spiral Dance,
And drunk from the Hierlas at daybreak.
I have ridden beneath two ravens
And served in the kitchen,
And all places are alike unto me.
I have been a child
And now I come into my strength!
I invoke the Land, the dear Land,
the Earth our Mother!
MAIDEN: The cycles of the Moon have taken their course, and I am
in my Maidenhood. The stars are kindled, and I dance in
their light.
DARK LORD: Thy home is with me thru the long months of Winter, and
the Earth shall lie fallow and bare.
% The HPS shall then light the candles of the Crown of Light,
% and shall approach the Maiden, who is now standing in the East, and
% place it upon her head.
% She shall now, in company with the Bard/Green Man, circumnabulate the
% circle, and the coveners shall light their candles from her crown.
% The Bard/Green Man shall return to his normal place within the circle
% and the Maiden shall place the Crown of Light on the altar.
% The Maiden shall then approach the Dark Lord, and kneel before him,
% and he shall say:
DARK LORD: As it always is, always was, and always shall be. Come
to my Kingdom.
% Here he shall place the dark cloak around her, and they shall retire
% to the West.
% Here ends the Candlemas Mystery.
% A normal cone-of-power may be raised, for growth and healing:
HPS: In a ring we all shall stand
Pass the Power, hand to hand.
HP: As the Sun is given birth
Build the Power; root to Earth
HPS: Pass the Power, hand to hand
Bless the Lady, bless the Land
HP: Bless the Lord, and bless the Skies
Bless the Power that never dies!
% The above four verses should be repeated three times, (or
% as many times as needed) and then the HPS should say:
HPS: By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree:
Let the Power flow out and free!
% All should release, at this point.
% Such coven business as must be transacted may be done here.
% This is a good time to bless candles for use during the coming year.
% This is also a good time for initiations.
% The Circle is opened.
HPS: Thus I release the East and West
Thanks to them from Host to Guest
Thus I release the South and North
With "Blessed Be' I send them forth!
The Circle's open, dance we so
Out and homeward we shall go.
Earth and Water, Air and Fire
Celebrated our desire.
The Sun's returned to banish dark
The Earth awakes to sunlight's spark.
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
Our circle's done; and Blessed Be!
COVEN: Blessed Be!
% All spiral dance out from the Circle.
EOSTAR RITUAL: (Spring Equinox)
-by the White Bard
Materials: a MAIDEN, who shall be dressed in white, covered by a
black (or other dark material) cloak, preferably with
a hood drawn over her head. No white of her garment
should show.
a BARD/GREEN MAN, who shall either recite or sing his
Song Of Calling, preferably accompanied by an approp-
riate musical instrument (drum, flute, harp, guitar)
% The ceremony for the Lesser Sabbats should be written by newer
% members of the coven, as part of their learning. At an
% place in the ceremony, the following should be inserted:
% Here begins the Eostar Mystery:
% Bard and Maiden shall stand together in the North, with the HP
% between them.
MAIDEN: I have been in the Kingdom of the Dark Lord,
Where no Sun shines.
But now I shall return to the green of Earth,
And all things shall rejoice with me.
BARD/GREEN MAN: Follow me forth from the Dark Lord's Hall
And show that Love will conquer all!
% Bard moves to the East, and shall sing his Song of Calling:
% Song of Calling may be whatever the Bard feels appropriate.
% The below listed song is a suggestion only, and is used with
% the author's permission:
(c) copyright 1990 W. J. Bethancourt III
(Tune: "Dublin City")
BARD: As I walked out one quiet evening
At the hour of twelve at night
Who should I meet but a fair young maiden
Combin' her hair by candle light;
Lassie, I have come a-courtin'
Your kind favours for to win
And if you'd heed my petition
I would be your Paladin...
(CHORUS) Gather roses in the Springtime
Gather roses while ye may,
Time is passing; roses wither;
Winter comes; we're here -today-.
% Bard moves to the South, Maiden moves to the East.
BARD: Have you seen the dew a-formin'
On the grass at early morn?
Have you seen the forest quiet,
Or a stag that's barely born?
Have you seen the dawn a-breakin'
O'er the Western Ocean's tide?
Have you felt my heart a-beatin'
When it's held close to your side?
(CHORUS) Gather roses in the Springtime
Gather roses while ye may,
Time is passing; roses wither;
Winter comes; we're here -today-.
% Bard moves to the West, Maiden moves to the South.
BARD: I can give no gold or silver,
I can give no fields of land,
I can give no servants brisk
To wait on you both foot and hand;
I can give you wide roads callin'
Wind and Rain, and Moon and Sun,
Songs to sing, and love and laughter,
Dresses made of plain home-spun.
(CHORUS) Gather roses in the Springtime
Gather roses while ye may,
Time is passing; roses wither;
Winter comes; we're here -today-.
% Bard moves to the North, Maiden moves to the West.
BARD: Come dance with me upon the greensward
In the moonlight, in the Spring.
Dance with me within the forest
Dance with me within the ring!
Earth below us, stars above us,
Fire and water by our side,
Dance with me within the moonlight,
Dance with me, and be my Bride!
(CHORUS) Gather roses in the Springtime
Gather roses while ye may,
Time is passing; roses wither;
Winter comes; we're here -today-.
% Bard moves to the Center, Maiden moves to the North.
% The HP shall try to hold her back, by holding her dark cloak,
% but she shall unclasp it, and move to the center, leaving the
% HP holding the cloak, revealing herself dressed in white, and
% shall stand beside the Bard.
MAIDEN: I have been in the Kingdom of the Dark Lord,
Where no Sun shines.
But now I return to the green of Earth,
And all things shall rejoice with me.
% The HPS shall crown the Maiden with a wreath of flowers.
% Here ends the Eostar Mystery.
-by the White Bard
% This day is not in the traditional cycle, but should not be
% omitted by those of the Bardic Path. There is no "set" ritual,
% but this is the time for satire and general foolery by all.
% A good thing to do here is to have a simple gathering, perhaps
% a pot-luck, choose a King and/or Queen of Fools, and have a
% good party. See the German Fasching or Mardi Gras for hints.
-by the White Bard
Materials: One cauldron, filled with water
a wreath of flowers for the MAIDEN
the Maiden should wear white, if possible
two wooden swords (optional)
a fire, as close to the ground as possible
A BARD/GREEN MAN (note: if you have no Bard, then a
male to act as Green Man should be chosen either
by lottery, or by the Maiden. The Maiden is, of
course, free to request a specific person to
act as Green Man even if there is a Bard available
to the coven.)
candles for all, if possible
% The place of ritual should be set up, away from the gathered
% participants.
% It is more than a good idea to manage bathrooms and such like
% before the circle is closed. This Mystery is not something any
% of the participants should miss out on!
HPS: Go we now to the sacred place
And stand within the sacred space
Turn your minds to sacred things
And dance with me unto the ring!
% HP and HPS lead the coven to the place of ritual by a
% spiral dance, ending in a circle around the altar. The
% cauldron should be at the south. The Bard/Green Man
% dances at the end of the line.
HPS: Come we forth, with the Spiral Dance
Within the Lady's radiance
To celebrate the Year renewed
And praise the Powers, with gratitude.
Earth and Water, Fire and Air
I invoke the Goddess there!
This night we are Between the Worlds
To celebrate the year unfurled!
HP: Earth and Water, Fire and Sky
I invoke the God on high
This night we are Between the Worlds
To celebrate the year unfurled!
% The corners shall be called thusly, that all may hear, but
% shall not be called until the HPS reaches that corner on her
% circumnabulation.
EAST: O Guardians of the Eastern Tower,
Airy ones of healing power
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
SOUTH: Oh fiery ones of Southern Power
Thus I invite you to this tower
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
WEST: Western ones of water's flow
Help to guard us here below
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
NORTH: Earthen ones of Northern fame
Bless and guard our Power's fane
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
% The HPS shall move to each corner, and say, following each
% corner's crying as she moves to the next:
HPS: So I cast and consecrate
This Circle of the small and great:
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
By Rock and Earth, by Land and Sea,
By Fire and Water, Earth and Air,
By the Lord, and Lady Fair!
By Love and Joy and Work and Play,
All things harmful cast away!
By lightening's flash, and rain's soft fall,
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
(Cast the Circle: Blessed be!)
% On her return to the first corner she shall change the last
% line above, and say:
The Circle's cast; and Blessed Be!
% The callers of the corners shall return their tools to the
altar, and then shall join the circle at their corners.
% Here begins the Beltane Mystery
BARD or GREEN MAN: Thus I invoke the Lady White
To come to us this sacred night.
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
I show you a Mystery!
% The Maiden shall stand beside the HP, who shall hold a
% wooden sword. The Bard/Green Man shall approach them, also
% carrying a wooden sword, and shall, in mime, challenge the
% HP. They shall strike their swords together in three sets
% of three blows, then Bard/Green Man shall strike the HP, with
% the last blow of his sword, who shall fall as if dead.
% (Note: This can be played as a Morris Dance, if so wished.)
% If no Maiden and Bard/Green Man are used, then the above combat
% may be eliminated, and the HP and HPS shall enact the Mystery.
% The HPS' part shall then be spoken by the participants.
% The Maiden moves to the East. The Bard/Green Man moves to the
% North.
HPS: Cunning and art she did not lack
But aye his whistle would fetch her back!
MAIDEN: Oh, I shall go into a hare
with sorrow, sighing and mickle care
And I shall go in the Lady's Name
Aye, until I be fetched hame!
BARD/GREEN MAN: Hare, take heed of a swift greyhound
Will harry thee all these fields around
For here come I in the Lady's Name
All but for to fetch thee hame!
% The Maiden moves to the South. The Bard/Green Man moves to the
% East.
HPS: Cunning and art she did not lack
But aye his whistle would fetch her back!
MAIDEN: Yet I shall go into a bee
With mickle fear and dread of thee
And flit to hive in the Lady's Name
Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!
BARD/GREEN MAN: Bee, take heed of a red, red cock
Will harry thee close thru door and lock
For here come I in the Lady's Name
All but for to fetch thee hame!
% The Maiden moves to the West. The Bard/Green Man moves to the
% South.
HPS: Cunning and art she did not lack
But aye his whistle would fetch her back!
MAIDEN: Yet I shall go into a trout.
With sorrow and sighing and mickle doubt
And show thee many a merry game
Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!
BARD/GREEN MAN: Trout, take heed of an otter lank
Will harry thee close from bank to bank
For here come I in the Lady's Name
All but for to fetch thee hame!
% The Maiden moves to the North. The Bard/Green Man moves to the
% West.
HPS: Cunning and art she did not lack
But aye his whistle would fetch her back!
MAIDEN: Yet I shall go into a mouse
And haste me unto the Miller's House
There in his corn to have good game
Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!
BARD/GREEN MAN: Mouse, take heed of a white tom-cat
That never was baulked of mouse nor rat
For here come I in the Lady's Name
And -thus- it is I fetch thee hame!
% Bard/Green Man walks to Maiden and takes her hand. They
% both move to the Cauldron, and face HPS.
HPS: Cunning and art she did not lack
But aye his Song has fetched her back!
Old Winter's dead, the Lady reigns
And Summer has returned again!
% Bard/Green Man and Maiden both wet their hands with water
% from the Cauldron, and sprinkle it on the HP, who comes to
% life again.
HP: Cunning and art I do not lack
But aye Her Cauldron will bring me back!
% Bard/Green Man and Maiden both move to, and jump, the fire.
% Here ends the Beltane Mystery.
% Note: This Mystery is the more historically correct "Great Rite."
% If there is a May Pole, it should be erected by the men -only- at
% this point, and all dance around it, alternating male and female
% to raise the cone of power as outlined below.
% A normal cone-of-power may be raised, for growth and healing:
HPS: In a ring we all shall stand
Pass the Power, hand to hand.
HP: As the year is given birth
Build the Power; root to Earth
HPS: Pass the Power, hand to hand
Bless the Lady, bless the Land
HP: Bless the Lord, and bless the Skies
Bless the Power that never dies!
% The above four verses should be repeated three times, (or
% as many as needed to fully wrap the pole) and then the HPS
% should say:
HPS: By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree:
Let the Power flow out and free!
% All should release, at this point.
% Such coven business as must be transacted may be done here.
% The Circle is opened.
HPS: Thus I release the East and West
Thanks to them from Host to Guest
Thus I release the South and North
With "Blessed Be' I send them forth!
The Circle's open, dance we so
Out and homeward we shall go.
Earth and Water, Air and Fire
Celebrated our desire.
Winter's cold is gone away
Now it is the Day of May.
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
Our circle's done; and Blessed Be!
COVEN: Blessed Be!
% All spiral dance out from the Circle, jumping the fire as
% they go. HP and HPS lead, with Bard/Green Man and Maiden
% taking care of bringing the Bel Fire into camp. Allow the Bel
% fire to burn out on its own, if possible, otherwise put it
% out with the water from the Caldron. Disposal of the water
% otherwise should be to pour it at the roots of a tree.
% All participants may take fire from the Bel Fire to take home
% with them, cook over, or whatever, before it is extinguished.
MIDSUMMER RITUAL: (Summer Solstice)
-by the White Bard
Materials: a GREEN MAN, dressed in green, bearing a leafy branch.
Small cakes, and a drink of some sort, preferably apple
based. For covens that use alcohol, mead would be ok, too.
% The ceremony for the Lesser Sabbats should be written by newer
% members of the coven, as part of their learning. At an appropriate
% place in the ceremony, the following should be inserted:
HPS: This is the time of the Green Man; the Jack-of-the-Green; the
Spirit of the Wood. Call him what you will, Robin Hood, Herne,
or even Pan, this is His time! Rejoice in Summer!
% The Green Man should rush into the circle, laughing and leaping.
% It would be appropriate for him to carry a leafy branch, with
% which to strike (lightly) the young women of the coven.
% He shall then approach the cakes and drink, and pick one of each
% up, hold them up to the coven, and say:
GREEN MAN: Behold the fruits of the Mother!
HP/HPS: Blessed be the food that nourishes us!
% All should sit, and eat, and have a nice, quiet party of some sort!
-by the White Bard
Materials: one person should be chosen by the HP to play LUGH,
who shall walk with an obvious limp. He may use a
crutch, or a cane if he so chooses.
% The place of ritual should be set up, away from the
% gathered participants.
% It is more than a good idea to manage bathrooms and such like
% before the circle is closed. This Mystery is not something any
% of the participants should miss out on!
HPS: Go we now to the sacred place
And stand within the sacred space
Turn your minds to sacred things
And dance with me unto the ring!
% HP and HPS lead the coven to the place of ritual by a
% spiral dance, ending in a circle around the altar.
HPS: Come we forth, with the Spiral Dance
Within the Lady's radiance
To celebrate the Season's turn
To Autumn, when the leaves will burn
Earth and Water, Fire and Air
I invoke the Goddess there!
This night we are Between the Worlds
To celebrate the year unfurled!
HP: Earth and Water, Fire and Sky
I invoke the God on high
This night we are Between the Worlds
To celebrate the year unfurled!
% The corners shall be called thusly, that all may hear, but
% shall not be called until the HPS reaches that corner on her
% circumnabulation.
EAST: O Guardians of the Eastern Tower,
Airy ones of healing power
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
SOUTH: Oh fiery ones of Southern Power
Thus I invite you to this tower
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
WEST: Western ones of water's flow
Help to guard us here below
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
NORTH: Earthen ones of Northern fame
Bless and guard our Power's fane
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
% The HPS shall move to each corner, and say, following each
% corner's crying as she moves to the next:
HPS: So I cast and consecrate
This Circle of the small and great:
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
By Rock and Earth, by Land and Sea,
By Fire and Water, Earth and Air,
By the Lord, and Lady Fair!
By Love and Joy and Work and Play,
All things harmful cast away!
By lightening's flash, and rain's soft fall,
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
(Cast the Circle: Blessed be!)
% On her return to the first corner she shall change the last
% line above, and say:
The Circle's cast; and Blessed Be!
% The callers of the corners shall return their tools to the
altar, and then shall join the circle at their corners.
% Here begins the Lammas Mystery
HPS: Thus I invoke the Lady White
To come to us this sacred night.
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
I show you a Mystery!
% A small meal of bread and some form of beverage should be
% laid out, and all should partake. As all are eating, Lugh
% shall approach the circle, and say:
LUGH: Merry meet to all! May I enter the circle?
HPS: And what talent do you have, that we do not?
LUGH: I am a Smith, to make tools and weapons.
HPS: We have Govannon, to make our tools and weapons. Go away.
LUGH: I am a Shaman, to offer the Sight Within.
HPS: Any of us can do that. Go away.
LUGH: I am a Farmer, to grow your food.
HPS: We have the Young God and the Maiden, to set our food to
grow. We have no need of you. Go away.
LUGH: I am a Warrior, to defend you.
HPS: We have those of the Warrior Path, and their valor is
unquestioned. Go away.
LUGH: I am a Bard, to sing you songs and make you merry.
HPS: We have a Bard. Go away.
LUGH: I have Wisdom to impart.
HPS: We have the Old God and the Crone. Go away.
LUGH: I am a Fisherman, to harvest the waters.
HPS: Any of us can catch fish. Go away.
LUGH: I am a Satirist and maker of jokes, to give laughter.
HPS: The Fool gives us humor. Go away.
LUGH: But do you have one who is ALL of these? For I am Lugh,
the Ruler, the Singer, the Long-Sighted, the Craftsman,
and all Talents are as ONE with me.
HPS: This we do not have, indeed, and you are Lugh Samildanach.
Enter and be welcome!
% The HPS shall open the circle and Lugh shall enter and be seated
% with the company. Lugh shall -limp- when he walks, and shall
% walk, and sit, in obvious pain.
% He should look around him, as if expecting something.
% If none within the circle asks why he is limping, or otherwise
% expresses concern, the Maiden shall say:
MAIDEN: Sir, why do you limp? Are you injured?
LUGH: You have asked The Question, and I thank you. Seek you the
Cauldron of Healing, the Cauldron of Cerridwen, for my time
grows short, but from it I shall be re-born.
% Here ends the Lammas Mystery
% A normal cone-of-power may be raised, for growth and healing:
HPS: In a ring we all shall stand
Pass the Power, hand to hand.
HP: As the year is given birth
Build the Power; root to Earth
HPS: Pass the Power, hand to hand
Bless the Lady, bless the Land
HP: Bless the Lord, and bless the Skies
Bless the Power that never dies!
% The above four verses should be repeated three times, (or
% as many as needed) and then the HPS should say:
HPS: By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree:
Let the Power flow out and free!
% All should release, at this point.
% Such coven business as must be transacted may be done here.
% The Circle is opened.
HPS: Thus I release the East and West
Thanks to them from Host to Guest
Thus I release the South and North
With "Blessed Be' I send them forth!
The Circle's open, dance we so
Out and homeward we shall go.
Earth and Water, Air and Fire
Celebrated our desire.
As Autumn leaves fall as the rain
The seasons' turning, once again.
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
Our circle's done; and Blessed Be!
COVEN: Blessed Be!
% All spiral dance out from the Circle. Lugh shall follow
% at the end of the line.
RITUAL: (Fall Equinox)
-by the White Bard
Materials: An OLD KING
% The ceremony for the Lesser Sabbats should be written by newer
% members of the coven, as part of their learning. At an appropriate
% place in the ceremony, the following should be inserted:
% The Old King shall move in a feeble manner to the West, and say:
OLD KING: I am aged, and I approach my Time. Help me, lest I die!
CRONE: There is no help for you, for all must travel that road.
% The Old King shall then turn to the assembled coven, and say:
OLD KING: Seek ye the Cauldron! Seek ye the Grail! It shall heal me
And bring me forth again.
% Here a song may be sung, and "John Barleycorn" would be most
% appropriate:
There were three men come out of the West
Their fortunes for to try,
And these three men made a solemn vow:
John Barleycorn should die!
John Barleycorn should die!
(nb: 4th line of each verse is sung twice)
They plowed, they sowed, they harrowed him in,
Threw clods upon his head,
And these three men made a solemn vow:
John Barleycorn was dead!
CHORUS: Fa la la la, it's a lovely day!
Sing fa la la lay oh!
Fa la la la, it's a lovely day!
Sing fa la la lay oh!
They let him lie for a very long time
'Til the rain from Heaven did fall,
Then Little Sir John sprung up his head,
And so amazed them all!
They let him stand 'til Midsummer tide,
'Til he grew both pale and wan,
Then Little Sir John he grew a long beard,
And so became a man!
They hired men with the sythes so sharp
To cut him off at the knee
They rolled him and tied him about the waist,
And used him barbarously!
They hired men with the sharp pitchforks
To pierce him to the heart,
And the loader he served him worse than that,
For he tied him in a cart!
They wheeled him around and around the field,
'Til they came to a barn,
And there they made a solemn mow
Of poor John Barleycorn,
They hired men with the crab-tree sticks
To strip him skin from bone
And the Miller he served him worse than that:
For he ground him between two stones!
They have wheeled him here and wheeled him there
And wheeled him to a barn,
And they have served him worse than that
They have bunged him in a vat!
They have worked their will on John Barleycorn
But he lived to tell the tale;
For they pour him out of an old brown jug,
And they call him home-brewed ale!
Here's Little Sir John in a nut-brown bowl,
And brandy in a glass!
And Little Sir John in the nut-brown bowl
Proved the stronger man at last!
For the huntsman he can't hunt the fox
Nor loudly blow his horn,
And the tinker can't mend kettles nor pots
Without John Barleycorn!
-by the White Bard
Materials: one cauldron, filled with water
CRONE: This should be an older female.
OLD KING: This should be a person chosen by
lottery, or by whoever is acting as
Crone. It can be enacted by the HP
if needed.
BARD/GREEN MAN: If the coven has no Bard available,
then a Green Man should be chosen
by lottery, or by whoever is acting
as Maiden. It can be enacted by the
HP, if needed.
% The place of ritual should be set up, away from the gathered
% participants. This is not something that people should miss,
% so make sure that potty break is taken care of before the
% circle is cast.
HPS: Go we now to the sacred place
And stand within the sacred space
Turn your minds to sacred things
And dance with me unto the ring!
% HP and HPS lead the coven to the place of ritual by a
% spiral dance, ending in a circle around the altar. The
% cauldron should be at the south. The Old King dances at
% the end of the line.
HPS: Come we forth, with the Spiral Dance
Within the Lady's radiance
To mark the turning of the year
The door to Winter now is here.
Earth and Water, Fire and Air
I invoke the Goddess there!
This night we are Between the Worlds
To celebrate the year unfurled!
HP: Earth and Water, Fire and Sky
I invoke the God on high
This night we are Between the Worlds
To celebrate the year unfurled!
% The corners shall be called thusly, that all may hear, but
% shall not be called until the HPS reaches that corner on her
% circumnabulation.
EAST: O Guardians of the Eastern Tower,
Airy ones of healing power
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
SOUTH: Oh fiery ones of Southern Power
Thus I invite you to this tower
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
WEST: Western ones of water's flow
Help to guard us here below
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
NORTH: Earthen ones of Northern fame
Bless and guard our Power's fane
I do summon, stir and call you
See these rites and guard this circle!
Come to us and heed our call!
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
Come to us; and Blessed Be!
% The HPS shall move to each corner, and say, following each
% corner's crying as she moves to the next:
HPS: So I cast and consecrate
This Circle of the small and great:
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
By Rock and Earth, by Land and Sea,
By Fire and Water, Earth and Air,
By the Lord, and Lady Fair!
By Love and Joy and Work and Play,
All things harmful cast away!
By lightening's flash, and rain's soft fall,
By the Power that made us all;
By the Power that blesses Thee:
(Cast the Circle: Blessed be!)
% On her return to the first corner she shall change the last
% line above, and say:
The Circle's cast; and Blessed Be!
% The callers of the corners shall return their tools to the
% altar, and then shall join the circle at their corners.
% Here begins the Samhain Mystery:
OLD KING: Thus I invoke the Lady White
To come to us this sacred night.
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
I shall show you a Mystery!
% Bard/Green Man and Maiden join hands, facing each other.
% The Maiden speaks to the Bard/Green Man:
MAIDEN: Lord of Life, hail Land-Master!
God of grain that grows and dies
Rising reborn, full of richness;
Fallow fields shall yet be fertile --
Spring sap runs as stirs your manhood
Bless barren earth, bear fruit again!
% The Bard/Green Man speaks to Maiden:
BARD/GREEN MAN: Snow-shoes striding, hail swift Huntress!
Wild one, free and willful Goddess
Bow and blade you bear beside you,
Finding food to fend off hunger --
Winter will not leave us wanting;
Give good hunting, grant us skill.
% The Old King moves to the West. The Crone moves to the
% North.
HP: Cunning and art he did not lack
But aye her whistle would fetch him back!
OLD KING: Yet I shall go into a trout.
With sorrow and sighing and mickle doubt
And show thee many a merry game
Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!
CRONE: Trout, take heed of an otter lank
Will harry thee close from bank to bank
For here come I in the Lady's Name
All but for to fetch thee hame!
% The Old King moves to the South. The Crone moves to the West.
HP: Cunning and art he did not lack
But aye her whistle would fetch him back!
OLD KING: Yet I shall go into a bee
With mickle fear and dread of thee
And flit to hive in the Lady's Name
Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!
CRONE: Bee, take heed of a red, red cock
Will harry thee close thru door and lock
For here come I in the Lady's Name
All but for to fetch thee hame!
% The Old King moves to the East. The Crone moves to the South.
HP: Cunning and art he did not lack
But aye her whistle would fetch him back!
OLD KING: Oh, I shall go into a hare
with sorrow, sighing and mickle care
And I shall go in the Lady's Name
Aye, until I be fetch-ed hame!
CRONE: Hare, take heed of a swift greyhound
Will harry thee all these fields around
For here come I in the Lady's Name
All but for to fetch thee hame!
% The Old King moves to the North. The Crone moves to the East.
HP: Cunning and art he did not lack
But aye her whistle would fetch him back!
OLD KING: Yet I shall go into a mouse
And haste me unto the Miller's House
There in his corn to have good game
Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!
CRONE: Mouse, take heed of a white she-cat
That never was baulked of mouse nor rat
For here come I in the Lady's Name
And -thus- it is I fetch thee hame!
% Crone walks to Old King and takes his hand. He falls as if
% dead.
HPS: Cunning and art he did not lack
But aye Her Song has fetched Him back!
Summer's gone, the Lady reigns
And Winter has returned again!
% Maiden wets her hands with water from the Cauldron, and
% sprinkles it on the Old King, who comes to life again.
OK: Cunning and art I do not lack
But aye Her Cauldron will bring me back!
% The Crone and Old King shall join hands, facing each other,
% and say:
CRONE: One-eye, Wanderer, God of wisdom,
Hunt-lord, hail, who leads the hosting!
Nine nights hanging, knowledge gaining,
Cloaked at crossroads, council hidden.
Now the night, your time, is near us --
Right roads send us on, Rune-winner.
OLD KING: Every age your eyes have witnessed;
Cauldron-Keeper, hail wise Crone!
Rede in riddles is your ration --
Wyrd-weaver at the World-tree's root.
Eldest ancient, all-knowing one,
Speak unto us, send us vision!
% Here the HPS should say:
HPS: We remember our dead; our loved ones gone to the Summerland before
us. Give them peace and joy.
ALL: Blessed be!
% If there is time enough, the HPS and/or a selected member(s) of the
% coven should read aloud the "Roll of Martyrs." Note: This listing
% is copyrighted, and used by the author's permission.
% The reader shall say:
READER: Never again the Burning Times! Let us remember our dead,
good and bad, innocent and guilty:
% Follows is the Roll of Martyrs. This may be read aloud, or may be
% placed in written form upon the altar as the above words are said.
Adamson, Francis: executed at Durham, England, in 1652
Albano, Peter of: died in prison circa 1310
Allen, Joan: hanged at the Old Bailey, London, England, in 1650
Allen, Jonet: burned in Scotland in 1661
Amalaric, Madeline: burned in France in mid-1500's
Ancker, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Andrius, Barthelemy: burned at Carcassonne, France in 1330
Andrius, Jean: burned at Carcassonne, France in 1330
Andrius, Phillippe: burned at Carcassonne, France in 1330
Arnold, (first name unknown): hanged at Barking, England, in 1574
d'Arc, Joan: burned at Rouen, France, on 30 May, 1431 (note: the
witchcraft charge in this case was -implied- and not specific)
Ashby, Anne: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
Askew, Anne: burned for witchcraft 1546
Audibert, Etienne: condemned for witchcraft in France, on 20 March 1619
Aupetit, Pierre: burned at Bordeaux, France, in 1598
Babel, Zuickel: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Babel, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Baker, Anne: executed in Leicester, England, in 1619
Balcoin, Marie: burned in the reign of Henry IV of France
Balfour, Alison: burned at Edinburgh, Scotland, on 16 December, 1594
Bannach, (husband) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg,
Germany, 1628-1629
Bannach, (wife) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg,
Germany, 1628-1629
Barber, Mary: executed in Northhampton, England, on 22 July, 1612
Barker, Janet: burned in Scotland in 1643
Baroni, Catterina: beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on 14
April, 1647
Barthe, Angela de la: burned at Toulouse, France, in 1275
Barton, William: executed in Scotland (year unknown)
Basser, Fredrick: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Batsch, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Bayerin, Anna: executed at Salzburg, Austria, in 1751
Beaumont, Sieur de: accused of witchcraft on 21 October, 1596
Bebelin, Gabriel: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Beck, Viertel: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Beck, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Belon, Jean: executed in France, in 1597
Berger, Christopher: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Berrye, Agnes: hanged at Enfield, England, in 1616
Bentz, (mother) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg,
Germany, 1628-1629
Bentz, (daughter) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Beuchel, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1581
Beutler, (first name unknown) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Bill, Arthur: executed in Northhampton, England, on 22 July, 1612
Birenseng, Agata: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 25 June, 1594
Bishop, Briget: hanged at Salem, New England on 10 June, 1692
Bodenham, Anne: hanged at Salisbury, England, in 1653
Bonnet, Jean: burned alive at Boissy-en-Ferez, France, in 1583
Boram, (mother) (first name unknown): hung at Bury St Edmunds,
England, in 1655
Boram, (daughter) (first name unknown): hung at Bury St Edmunds,
England, in 1655
Bolingbroke, Roger: hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn,
England, on 18 November, 1441
Boulay, Anne: burned at Nancy, France, in 1620
Boulle, Thomas: burned alive at Rouen, France, on 21 August, 1647
Bowman, Janet: burned in Scotland in 1572
Bragadini, Mark Antony: beheaded in Italy in the 1500's
Brickmann, (first name unknown) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Brose, Elizabeth: tortured to death in the castle of Gommern,
Germany, on 4 November, 1660
Brown, Janet: burned in Scotland in 1643
Browne, Agnes: executed in Northhampton, England, on 22 July, 1612
Browne, Joan: executed in Northhampton, England, on 22 July, 1612
Browne, Mary: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
Brooks, Jane: hanged in England on 26 March, 1658
Brugh, John: burned in Scotland in 1643
Buckh, Appollonia: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1581
Bugler, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Bulcock, John: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612
Bulcock, Jane: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612
Bull, Edmund: hanged at Taunton, England, in 1631
Bulmer, Matthew: hanged at Newcastle, England, in 1649
Burroughs, George: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692
Bursten-Binderin, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg,
Germany, 1628-1629
Calles, Helen: executed at Braynford, England, on 1 December, 1595
Camelli, Domenica: beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on 14
April, 1647
Canzler, (first name unknown) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Carrier, Martha: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692
Caveden, Lucia: beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on 14
April, 1647
Cemola, Zinevra: beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on 14
April, 1647
Corey, Martha: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
Corey, Giles: prssed to death at Salem, New England, on 19
September, 1692
Corset, Janet: killed by a mob at Pittenweem, Scotland, in 1704
Challiot, (first name unknown): murdered at St. Georges, France,
in February, 1922
Chalmers, Bessie: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland, 1621
Chambers, (first name unknown): died in prison, in England, in 1693
Chamoulliard, (first name unknown): burned in France, in 1597
de Chantraine, Anne: burned as a witch in Waret-la-Chaussee,
France, on October 17, 1622
Chatto, Marioun: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland 1621
Ciceron, Andre: burned alive at Carcassone, France, in 1335
Cockie, Isabel: burnt as a witch, at a cost of 105 s. 4 p., in
England 1596
Cox, Julian: executed at Taunton, England, in 1663
Couper, Marable: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622
Craw, William: burned in Scotland in 1680
Crots, (son) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Cullender, Rose: executed at Bury St Edmunds, England, on 17 March, 1664
Cumlaquoy, Marian: burned at Orkney, Scotland in 1643
Cunningham, John: burned at Edinburgh, in January, 1591
Cunny, Joan: hanged in Chelmsford, England, in 1589
Deiner, Hans: burned at Waldsee, Germany (year unknown)
Delort, Catherine: burned at Toulouse, France, in 1335
Demdike, Elizabeth: convicted, but died in prison, in Lancaster,
England, in 1612
DeMolay, Jacques: Grand Master of the Templars, burned in France
on 22 March 1312
Desbordes, (first name unknown): burned in France, in 1628
Deshayes, Catherine: burned on 22 February, 1680
Device, Elizabeth: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612
Device, James: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612
Device, Alizon: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612
Doree, Catherine: executed at Courveres, France, in 1577
Dorlady, Mansfredo: burned at Vesoul, France as being the Devil's
banker, on 18 January, 1610
Dorlady, Fernando: burned at Vesoul, France as being the Devil's
banker, on 18 January, 1610
Dormar, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 October, 1586
Douglas, Janet: burned at Castle, Hill, Scotland, on 17 July, 1557
Drummond, Alexander: executed in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1670
"Dummy" (name unknown; he was deaf-and-dumb): killed by a mob at
Sible Hedingham, England, on 3 August, 1865
Duncan, Gellie: hanged in Scotland in 1591
Dunhome, Margaret: burned in Scotland (year unknown)
Dunlop, Bessie: burned at Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1576
Duny, Amy: executed at Bury St Edmunds, England, on 17 March, 1664
Dyneis, Jonka: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622
Easty, Mary: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
Echtinger, Barbara: imprisoned for life at Waldsee, Germany, on 24
August, 1545
Edelfrau, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Edwards, Susanna: hanged at Bideford, England in 1682
Einseler, Catharina: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 6 July, 1581
Erb, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 March, 1586
Eyering, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg,
Germany, 1628-1629
Fian, John: hanged at Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1591
Fief, Mary le: of Samur, France, accused of witchcraft, on 13
October 1573
Fleischbaum, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Flieger, Catharina: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 6 July, 1581
Flower, Joan: died before trial, at Lincoln, England, 1619
Flower, Margaret: executed at Lincoln, England, in March, 1619
Flower, Phillippa: executed at Lincoln, England, in March, 1619
Foster, Anne: hanged at Northhampton, England, in 1674
Fray, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 12 June, 1587
Fray, Margaret: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 25 June, 1594
Fynnie, Agnes: burned in Scotland in 1643
Gabley, (first name unknown): executed at King's Lynn, England, in 1582
Galigai, Leonora: beheaded at the Place de Grieve, France, on 8 July, 1617
Garnier, Gilles: burned as a werewolf in Dole, France 1574
Gaufridi, Louis: burned at Marseilles, France, at 5:00 pm on 30 April, 1611
Geissler, Clara: strangled at Gelnhausen, Germany circa 1630
Georgel, Anna Marie de: burned at Toulouse, France, in 1335
Geraud, Hughes: burned in France in 1317
Gering, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Glaser, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Glover, Goody: hanged at Salem, New England, in 1688
Gobel, Barbara: burned at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1639
Goeldi, Anna: hanged at Glaris, Switzerland, on 17 June, 1782
Goldschmidt, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Good, Sarah: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692
Grandier, Urbain, burned at Loudon, France, on 18 August, 1634
Goodridge, Alse: executed at Darbie, England, in 1597
Gratiadei, Domenica: beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on
14 April, 1647
Green, Ellen: executed in Leicester, England, in 1619
Greensmith, (first name unknown): hanged in Hartford, New England,
on 20 January, 1662
Greland, Jean: burned at Chamonix, France, in 1438, with 10 others
Grierson, Isobel: burned in Scotland in March, 1607
Gutbrod, (first name unknown:) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Haan, George: burned at Bamberg, Germany, circa 1626, with his
wife, daughter, and son
Hacket, Margaret: executed at Tyburn, England, on 19 February, 1585
Hamilton, Margaret: burned in Scotland in 1680
Hafner, (son) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Hammellmann, Melchoir: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Hamyltoun, Christiane: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething,
Scotland 1621
Hans, David: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Hans, Kilian: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Harfner, (first name unknown): hanged herself in the prison of
Bamberg, 1628-1629
Harlow, Bessie: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland 1621
Harrisson, Joanna, and her daughter: executed in Hertford,
England, in 1606
Harvilliers, Jeanne: executed in France, in 1578
Haus, (wife) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Hennot, Catherine: burned alive in Germany in 1627
Henry III, King of France: assassinated on 1 August, 1589
Hewitt, Katherine: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612
Hezensohn, Joachim: beheaded at Waldsee, Germany, in 1557
Hibbins, Anne: hanged in Boston, Massachusetts on 19 June, 1656
Hirsch, Nicodemus: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Hoecker, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Hofschmidt, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Holtzmann, Stoffel: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Hofseiler, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Hoppo, (first name unknown): executed in Germany in 1599
How, Elizabeth: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692
Hoyd, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 24 November, 1586
Huebmeyer, Barbara: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 11 September, 1589
Huebmeyer, Appela: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 11 September, 1589
Hunt, Joan: hanged in Middlesex, England in 1615
Hunter, Alexander: burned at Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1629
Huxley, Catherine: hanged at Worcester, England in the summer of 1652
Isel, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 7 November, 1586
Isolin, Madlen: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 6 July, 1581
Jacobs, George: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692
Jenkenson, Helen: executed in Northhampton, England, on 22 July, 1612
Jennin, (first name unknown): burned at Cambrai, France, in 1460
Jollie, Alison: executed in Scotland, in October, 1596
Jones, Katherine: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622
Jones, Margaret: executed in Charlestown, North America, on 15 June, 1648
Jordemaine, Margery: burned at Smithfield, England, on 27 October, 1441
Junius, Johannes: of Bamberg, executed as a witch, on 6 August, 1628
Jung, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Kent, Margaret: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland 1621
Kerke, Anne: executed at Tyburn, England, in 1599
Kleiss, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 30 October, 1586
Kless, Catharina: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 12 June, 1587
Knertz, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Knor, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Knott, Elizabeth: hanged at St. Albans, England, in 1649
Kramerin, Schelmerey: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Kuhnlin, Elsa: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1518
Kuler, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Lachenmeyer, Waldburg: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 5 July, 1585
deLarue, (first name unknown): burned at Rouen, in 1540
Lauder, Margaret: burned in Scotland in 1643
Leclerc, (no first name given): condemned for witchcraft, in
France 1615
Lakeland, (first name unknown): burned at Ipswich, England, in 1645
Lamb, Dr.: stoned to death by a mob at St. Paul's Cross, London,
England, in 1640
Lambrecht, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Leger, (no first name given): condemmned for witchcraft in France,
on 6 May, 1616
Liebler, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Lloyd, Temperance: hanged at Bideford, England in 1682
Louis, (first name unknown): executed at Suffolk, England, in 1646
Lowes, John: hanged at Bury, England, about 1645
Lutz, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Macalzean, Euphemia: burned alive in Scotland for witchcraft, on
25 June, 1591
Marigny, Enguerrand de: hanged in France in 1315
Marguerite, (last name unknown): burned at Paris, France, in 1586
Mark, Bernhard: burned alive at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Martin, Marie: executed in France, in 1586
Martin, Susannah: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692
Martyn, Anne: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
Mayer, Christina: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 October, 1586
Mazelier, Hanchemand de: arrested at Neuchatel, Germany 1439
Meath, Petronilla de: burned as a witch, the first such burning in
Ireland, on 3 November, 1324
Meyer, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Mirot, Dominic: burned at Paris, France, in 1586
Morin, (first name unknown): burned at Rouen, in 1540
Mossau, Renata von: beheaded and burned in Bavaria, Germany, on 21
June, 1749
Mullerin, Elsbet: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1531
Mundie, Beatrice: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland 1621
Napier, Barbara: hanged in Scotland in 1591
Nathan, Abraham: executed at Haeck, Germany, on 24 September, 1772
Newell, John: executed at Barnett, England, on 1 December, 1595
Newell, Joane: executed at Barnett, England, on 1 December, 1595
Newman, Elizabeth: executed at Whitechapel, England in 1653
Nottingham, John of: died in custody, Coventry, England, 1324
Nurse, Rebecca: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692
Nutter, Alice: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612
Oliver, Mary: burned at Norwich, England, in 1658
Orchard, (first name unknown): executed at Salisbury, England, in 1658
Osborne, (husband) (first name unknown): killed by a mob at Tring,
Herefordshire, England, in 1751
Osborne, (wife) Ruth: killed by a mob at Tring, Herefordshire,
England, in 1751
Osburne, Sarah: died in prison at Boston, Massachusetts, 10 May, 1692
Oswald, Catherine: burned in Scotland in 1670
Paeffin, Elsa: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1518
Pajot, Marguerite: executed at Tonnerre, France, in 1576
Paris, (first name unknown): hanged at St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1569
Parker, Alice: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
Parker, Mary: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
Palmer, John: hanged at St. Albans, England, in 1649
Pannel, Mary: executed in Yorkshire, England, in 1603
Pearson, Alison: burned in Scotland on 28 May, 1588
Peebles, Marion: burned in Scotland in 1643
Peterson, Joan: hanged at Tyburn, England, in April, 1652
Pichler, Emerenziana: burned at Defereggen, Germany, on 25 September,
1680 (her two sons, aged 12 and 14, were also burned two days later)
Poiret, (first name unknown): burned at Nancy, France, in 1620
Pomp, Anna: executed at Lindheim, Germany, in 1633
Porte, Vidal de la: condemned at Riom, France, in 1597
Powle, (first name unknown): executed at Durham, England, in 1652
Prentice, Joan: hanged in Chelmsford, England, in 1589
Preston, Jennet: executed in York, England, in 1612
Pringle, Margaret: burned in Scotland in 1680
Procter, John: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692
Pudeator, Anne: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
Quattrino, Dominic: burned at Mesolcina, Italy, in 1583
Rattray, George: executed in Spott, Scotland, in 1705
Rattray, Lachlan: executed in Spott, Scotland, in 1705
Rauffains, Catharina: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 7 November, 1586
Reade, Mary: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
Redfearne, Anne: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612
Reed, Wilmot: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
Reich, Maria: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 5 July, 1585
Reid, John: hanged himself in prison, in Scotland, in 1697
Reoch, Elspeth: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622
Robey, Isobel: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612
Rodier, Catala: burned alive at Carcassone, France, in 1335
Rodier, Paul: burned alive at Carcassone, France, in 1335
Rohrfelder, Margaret: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 24 August, 1585
Rosch, Maria: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 6 July, 1581
Rosseau, (no first name given), and his daughter, (no name given)
of France, accused of witchcraft on 2 October 1593
Rue, Abel de la: of Coulommiers, France, accused of witchcraft on
20 July, 1592
Roulet, Jacques: burned alive for being a were-wolf, at Angiers,
France, in 1597
Rum, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Russel, Alice: killed by a mob at Great Paxton, England, 20 May, 1808
Rutchser, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Rutter, Elizabeth: hanged in Middlesex, England in 1616
Sailler, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 24 August, 1585
Sampsoune, Agnes: tried, strangled, and burnt for a witch in
Scotland 1591
Samuels, (family): three members condemned for witchcraft in
Warboys, England, on 4 April, 1593
Sawyer, Elizabeth, hanged at Tyburn, England, on 19 April, 1621
Scharber, Elsbeth: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1581
Schneider, Felicitas: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 March, 1586
Schnelling, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 11 September, 1589
Schutz, Babel: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Schwaegel, Anna Maria: beheaded at Kempten, Germany, on 11
April, 1775
Schwartz, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Schenck, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Schellhar, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Schickelte, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Schneider, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Schleipner, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Schuler, (first name not known): burned at Lindheim, Germany on 23
February, 1663
Schultheiss, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 March, 1586
Schwarz, Eva: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1581
Schwerdt, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Scott, Margaret: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
Scottie, Agnes: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622
Sechelle, (first name unknown): burned at Paris, France, in 1586
Smith, Mary: hanged at King's Lynn, England, in 1616
Stadlin, (first name unknown): executed in Germany in 1599
Steicher, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Steinacher, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Steward, William: hanged at St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1569
Stewart, Christian: strangled and burned in Scotland, in November, 1596
Stolzberger, (son) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg,
Germany, 1628-1629
Stolzberger, (wife) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg,
Germany, 1628-1629
Stolzberger, (granddaughter) (first name unknown): beheaded at
Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Stubb, Peter: executed as a werewolf near Cologne, Germany, in 1589
Stuber, Laurence: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Sturmer, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Style, Elizabeth: died in prison, at Taunton, England, in 1664
Seiler, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Silberhans, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Steinbach, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Stier, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Stadelmann, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 7 November, 1586
Sutton (mother) (first name unknown): executed in Bedford, England
in 1613
Sutton, Mary: executed in Bedford, England in 1613
Thausser, Simon, and his wife (no name given): burned at Waldsee,
Germany, in 1518
Thompson, Annaple: burned in Scotland in 1680
Tod, Beigis: burned at Lang Nydrie, Scotland, on 27 May, 1608
Treher, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 5 July, 1585
Trembles, Mary: hanged at Bideford, England in 1682
Trois-Echelles (pseud.): executed at Paris, France, in 1571 (or 1574)
Tungerslieber, (first name unknown) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Turner, Ann: murdered in England, in 1875
Uhlmer, Barbara: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 24 August, 1585
Upney, Joan: hanged in Chelsford, England, in 1589
Utley, (first name unknown): hanged at Lancaster, England, in 1630
Valee, Melchoir de la: burned at Nancy, France, in 1631
Vallin, Pierre: executed in France, in 1438
Valkenburger, (daughter) (first name unknown): beheaded at
Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Vaecker, Paul: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Vickar, Bessie: burned in Scotland in 1680
Wachin, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1528
Wagner, Michael: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Wagner, (first name unknown): burnt alive at Wurzburg, Germany,
Wallace, Margaret: executed in Glascow, Scotland, in 1622
Wardwell, Samuel: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
Waterhouse, (first name unknown): hanged in Dorset, England in 1565
Wanderson, (wife 1) (first name unknown): executed in England, in
January, 1644.
Wanderson, (wife 2) (first name unknown): executed in England, in
January, 1644.
Weir, Thomas: burned between Edinburgh and Leith, Scotland, on 11
April, 1670
Weiss, Agatha: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 October, 1586
Weydenbusch, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Whittle, Anne: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612
Wildes, Sarah: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692
Willard, John: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692
Willimot, Joan: executed in Leicester, England, in 1619
Wilson, Anne: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
Wirth, Klingen: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629
Wirth, Trauben: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 5 July, 1585
Wright, Mildred: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
Wuncil, Brigida: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 6 July, 1581
Wunth, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany,
Younge, Alse: hanged in Connecticut, North America, on 26 May, 1647
Yullock, Agnes: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622
8000 "Stedingers" killed on 27 May, 1234
180 burned for witchcraft at Montwimer, France, on 29 May, 1239
36 Knights Templar died under torture in France, in October, 1307
54 Knights Templar burned in France, on 12 May, 1310
39 Knights Templar burned in France, on 18 March 1314
"Some" burned at Kilkenny, Ireland, 1323
200 + burned at Carcassonne, France, between 1320-1350
63 burned at Toulouse, France, in 1335
8 burned at Carcassonne, France, in 1352
31 burned at Carcassonne, France, in 1357
67 burned at Carcassonne, France, between 1387-1400
1 burned at Berlin, Germany, in 1399
"Several" witches burned alive at Simmenthal, Switzerland,
circa 1400
"Several" burned at Carcassonne, France, in 1423
200 + executed in the Valais, France between 1428-1434
167 executed in l'Isere, France, between 1428-1447
16 executed in Toulouse, France, in 1432
8 executed in Toulouse, France, in 1433
150 executed in Briancon, France, in 1437
3 burnt in Savoy between 1446 and 1447
7 killed at Marmande, France, in 1453
1 burned at Locarno, Italy, in 1455
"Many" burned in Arras, France in 1459
2 burned in Burgundy, France, in 1470
3 burned at Forno-Rivara, Italy, in 1472
2 burned at Levone, in Italy, in 1474
5 burned at Forno, Italy, in 1475
12 women and "several" men burned at Edinburgh, in 1479
4 burned at Metz, Germany, in 1482
48 burned at Constance, between 1482-1486
2 burned at Toulouse, France, in 1484
2 burned in Chaucy, France in 1485
1 died in prison, at Metz, Germany 1488
3 executed at Mairange, Germany, on 17 June, 1488
2 executed at Mairange, Germany, on 25 June, 1488
3 executed at Chastel, Germany, on 26 June, 1488
3 executed at Metz, Germany, on 1 July, 1488
1 executed at Salney, Germany, on 3 July, 1488
2 executed at Salney, Germany, on 12 July, 1488
3 executed at Salney, Germany, on 19 July, 1488
1 executed at Brieg, Germany, on 19 July, 1488
2 executed at Juxney, Germany, on 19 August, 1488
5 executed at Thionville, Germany, on 23 August, 1488
1 executed at Metz, Germany, on 2 September, 1488
1 executed at Vigey, Germany, on 15 September, 1488
1 executed at Juxney, Germany, on 22 September, 1488
1 executed in France circa 1500
30 burned in Calahorra, Spain, in 1507
1 burned in Saxony, Germany, in 1510
60 burned in Northern Italy, in 1510
500 + burned in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1515
2 burned in Besancon, France, in 1521
64 burned in Val Camonica, Italy between 1518-1521
100 burned in Como, Italy, in 1523
1000 + in Como, Italy, in 1524
900 executed by Nicholas Remy (years unknown, about 15 years total)
"A large number" executed at Saragossa, Spain, in 1536
7 burned at Nantes, France, in 1549
1 burned at Lyons, France, in 1549
3 burned alive at Derneburg, Germany, on 4 October, 1555
1 burned alive at Bievires, France, in 1556
5 burned at Verneuil, France, in 1561
17,000 + in Scotland from 1563 to 1603
4 burned at Potiers, France, in 1564
1 burned at St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1569
"Many" burned in France in 1571
1 burned at St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1572
70,000 killed in England after 1573
"Several" executed in Paris, France, in 1574
80 executed in one fire at Valery-en-Savoie, France, in 1574
3 executed in Dorset, England, in 1578
36 persons executed at Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1578
18 killed at St. Oses, England, in 1582
"Several" burned in Mesolcina, Italy, in 1583
368 persons killed for witchcraft between 18 January, 1587, and 18
November, 1593, in the diocese of Treves.
1 burned at Riom, France, in 1588
133 persons burned in one day at Quedlinburg, in Germany, in 1589
48 burned in Wurttemberg, Germany, in 1589
2 burned at Cologne, Germany in 1589
54 burned in Franconia in 1590
300 burned in Bern, Switzerland, between 1591-1600
1 burned in Ghent, Holland, in 1591
9 executed in Toulouse, France, in 1595
1 burned in Ghent, Holland, in 1598
24 burned in Aberdeen, Scotland, circa 1598
77 burned in Vaud, Switzerland, in 1599
10 -daily- were burned (average) in the Duchy of Brunswick between
20 executed (other than those listed by name above) in the reign
of King James VI and I of England.
40,000 executed between 1600-1680 in Great Britain
205 burned at the Abbey of Fulda, Germany, between 1603-1605
"Several" witches executed in Derbyshire, England, in 1607
24 burned + 3 suicides in Hagenau, Alsace, in 1607
"A number of women" burned at Breehin, Scotland, in 1608
1 burned alive by a mob at St. Jean de Liuz, France, circa 1608
18 killed at Orleans, France, in 1616
9 hanged at Leicester, England, in 1616
8 hanged at Londinieres, France, in 1618
"Several" witches condemned at Nerac, France, on 26 June, 1619
200 + executed at Labourt, France, in 1619
2 executed at Bedford, England, in 1624
56 executions at Mainz, Germany, between 1626-1629
77 executions at Burgstadt, Germany, between 1626-1629
40 executions at Berndit, Buttan, Ebenheit, Wenchdorf and Heinbach,
Germany, between 1626-1629
8 executions in Prozelten and Amorbach, Germany between 1626-1629
168 executions in the district of Miltenberg, Germany, between
85 burned in Dieburg, Germany, in 1627
79 burned at Offenburg, Austria, from 1627-1629
274 executed in Eichstatt, Germany in 1629
124 executed by the Teutonic Order at Mergentheim, Germany in 1630
900 executions at Bamberg, Germany, between 1627 and 1631
22,000 (approx) executed in Bamberg, Germany between 1610 and 1840
1 hanged at Sandwich, in Kent, England, in 1630
3 executed at Lindheim, Germany in 1631
20 executed in Norfolk, England, on evidence of Matthew Hopkins,
before 26 July, 1645
29 condemned, on the evidence of Matthew Hopkins, at Chelmsford,
England, on 29 July, 1645
150 killed in England in the last six months of 1645
2 executed at Norwich, England, in 1648
14 hanged at Newcastle, England, in 1649
220 + in England and Scotland, on evidence of a Scottish Witch-
finder, circa 1648-1650
2 killed by a mob at Auxonne, France, in 1650
30 burned in Lindheim, Germany, between 1640-1651
900 killed in Lorraine, France (years unknown)
30,000 (approx) burned by the Inquisition (not all may have been
3-4000 killed during Cromwell's tenure in England
102 burned in Zuckmantel, Germany, in 1654
18 burned at Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1658
85 executed at Mohra, Sweden, on 25 August, 1670
71 beheaded or burned in Sweden between 1674-1677
90 burned at Salzburg, Austria, in 1678
11 burned at Prestonpans, Scotland, in 1678
36 executed in Paris, France, in 1680
"Several" burned at Rouen, France, in 1684-1685
3 executed (Suzanna, Isle and Catherine (last names unknown) at
Arendsee, Germany, in 1687
36 burned at Nordlingen, Germany between 1690-1694
5 burned at Paisley, Scotland, on 10 June, 1697
9 persons burned at Burghausen, Germany, all under 16 years of
age, on 26 March, 1698
1 burned at Antrim, Ireland, in 1699
"Many" burned at Spott Loan, Scotland, in 1705
2 persons killed in the Trentino, Austria, between 1716 and 1717
1 executed in France, in 1718
2 persons, a mother and daughter, burned in Scotland, in 1722
13 burned at Szegedin, Hungary, in 1728
1 burned at Szegedin, Hungary, in 1730
13 burned alive at Szegedin, Hungary on 23 July, 1738
3 burned at Karpfen, Germany, in 1744
3 burned at Muhlbach, Germany, in 1746
1 executed at Szegedin, Hungary, in 1746
1 executed at Maros Vasarheli, (nation unknown), 1752
100 + executed at Haeck, Germany between 1772 and 1779
2 burned in Poland in 1793
"Several" burned in South America during the 1800's
1 shot by a policeman at Uttenheim, Germany, on suspicion of being
a were-wolf, in November, 1925
1 murdered in Pennsylvania in 1929
for a total of 236,870 known but to the Goddess.
HPS: Let them have peace.
ALL: Blessed be!
% Here ends the Samhain Mystery.
% A normal cone-of-power may be raised, for growth and healing:
HPS: In a ring we all shall stand
Pass the Power, hand to hand.
HP: As the season turns again
Power flows from friend to friend
HPS: Pass the Power, hand to hand
Bless the Lady, bless the Land
HP: Bless the Lord, and bless the Skies
Bless the Power that never dies!
% The above four verses should be repeated three times, or as
% many times as needed, and the HPS shall then say:
HPS: By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree:
Let the Power flow out and free!
% All should release, at this point.
% Any needed coven business may be transacted here.
% The Circle is opened:
HPS: Thus I release the East and West
Thanks to them from Host to Guest
Thus I release the South and North
With "Blessed Be' I send them forth!
The Circle's open, dance we so
Out and homeward we shall go.
Earth and Water, Air and Fire
Celebrated our desire.
We think of those in Summerland
Who dance together, hand in hand.
By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
Our circle's done; and Blessed Be!
COVEN: Blessed Be!
% All spiral dance out from the Circle, led by HP and HPS.
These ceremonies are free of copyright, and are released for use by
any who so wish to. Thanks go to "Mr. Wiz" for his research, and to the
person who originally wrote the dialog (freely adapted here) used
in the Samhain Mystery.
*end of Bardic Cycle (Wiccan)*