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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
This is a transcription of the original planned ritual for Beltane for
the Shadow Weaver Grove, transcribed with permission by Joseph Teller
of the Wonderland BBS 508-663-6220 WWIVNet Node 5803 for distribution
to the Pagan Community at large. Shadow Weaver Grove can also be
written to via Surface mail at : PO Box 5451, Billerica MA 01821.
Distribution for non-commercial use of this document is granted, so
long as the wording and information contained herein remains unchanged
in the process of distribution.
I. Starting the Ritual
A) Processional : (starting Chant {Ku-Wa-Te})
To enter the circle each person must pass through four "gates"
representing each of the Three Worlds (Land, Sea & Sky) and Fire.
Each person steps to the first Gate Keeper and is asked: "What do
you ask of the Gate of Earth (Sea) (Air)?" AN answer is given or
left unspoken, and the person is marked by the Guardian (with
mud, water and brush of a feather) and proceeds to the next Gate
and is questioned again. The Guardian of the last Gate, Fire,
smudges the person before they enter the circle.
When everyone is in the circle, the chant continues ("Ku-Wa-Te")
as the Gatekeepers come into the circle and prepare themselves.
B) Statement of Purpose :
We are here tonight to honor the Goddess Danu, called the
Earth-mother and to honor the God Belemos, Called the Sun King.
We honor them and ask them to bless us and rekindle the warmth of
the world.
C) Centering Meditation:
Group meditation and collective consciousness:
All present are brought together with a group meditation, to form
a "group-mind"; to help everyone center and bring themselves
together to work in accord.
D) Earth Mother Invocation :
Oh Earth-Mother
We praise thee
That seed springeth
That flower openeth
That grass groweth
We praise thee
For winds that whisper
Through the shining Birch
Through the lively Pines
Through the mighty Oak
We praise thee
For all things
Oh Earth-Mother who gives life
II. The Active Ritual
Invocation of Ogma the Gate Keeper or Mannanon in English:
(Visualization is a triangle shaped iris opening)
Gate Keeper of Fire:
O Ogma, Lord of the Gates, Lord of Knowledge, open the ways
for us
O Mannanon, master of the realm beyond the seas, grant us
passage to your kingdom.
O great God of knowledge, we wish to walk your roads.
Reveal to us your teachings, reveal to us the safe path.
Come wash the nighttime clean;
Come Close the gap of darkness in between.
We praise you for the brightness of your power.
We praise you for the gift of knowledge.
Guide us to the place we seek.
Walk with us Ogma!
Walk with us Mannanon!
We invoke thee Ogma, opener of every Gate
We invoke Mannanon, opener of every Gate.
You shall reach us, You shall teach us and reveal our fate.
You shall reach us, You shall teach us and reveal our fate.
B) Consecration of the Waters:
[After each cup is consecrated it is passed around the members of
the circle so that each may drink from it. When the cup returns
to the start the remaining liquid is spilled unto the Earth or
into the fire. Contents may be spring water, or an alcholic brew
if alcohol it is preferred to have been brewed by a member of the
Druid of the Gate of Land:
Spirits of nature, of the trees and rocks, of the animals and
Earth, give us your favor and your companionship, share with us
the bond of spirit and of life on Earth. Remember us and speak to
us in our hearts. Give us your teachings and laughter, become one
amoung us here tonight, Consecrate these waters.
Behold the Waters of Life!
{All Chant "Fur and Feather"}
Druid of the Gate of Sea:
Ancestors of Long ago, be with us, give us your favor and your
wisdom, share with us the bond of kinship and of life upon Earth.
Remember us and speak to us in our hearts. Give us your knowledge
and your blessing, become one with us here tonight; Consecrate
these waters.
Behold The Waters of Life!
{All Chant "Blood of the Ancients")
Druid of the Gate of Sky:
Gods and Goddesses, be with us, give us your favor and blessings,
share with us the bonding essance and our existence upon your
sphere of life. Remember us and speak to us in our hearts. give
us your strength and your peace, become one amoung us here
tonight. Consecrate these waters.
Behold the Waters of Life!
{All Chant "Mother I feel you"}
C) Individual Offerings and prayers:
At this point, all present that wish to may make an offering or
offer prayers. If anyone has an offering or a prayer they would
like to make they step forward and do so, individual offerings to
particular patrons or spirit helpers are done at this time.
D) Sacrifice with the Willow Branch:
Gate keeper of fire makes a final offering of a willow branch, to
send the energy to the deities of the occasion. It is sacrificed
into the central bonfire.
Gate Keeper of Fire:
Our praise goes up with thee on the wings of eagles; our voices
are carried up to thee on the shoulders of the wonds. hear now O
Belemos, O Danu, we pray thee, as we offer up this sacrifice of
life. Accept it we pray thee, and cleanse our hearts, giving to
us of your peace and life.
E) Divination :
A scrying is done with crystal/flame, to find if the gods have
accepted our prayers and will be with us. If the omen is bad,
offerings are made again. If they are rejected thrice, the circle
is broken immediately and the ritual ended.
F) The Fourth Consecration:
Here the wards are set to protect us during the magic working.
Druid #1 (Fire):
We greet you, Brother Wabun, Golden Eagle of the East.
We ask that you watch over us this night, and share with us your
Let your keen vision guide us over the obstacles before us.
We greet you, Brother Shawnodese, Guardian of the South, great
We ask that you walk with us this night, and guide us as we walk
this path of learning.
We greet you, Waboose, White Buffalo Woman of the North, Grace us
with your company, and walk with us night as we seek the
wisdom that surrounds us.
We greet you, brother Mudjekeewis, Great Bear of the West. Walk
with us this night and aid us in our journey to wisdom.
At this time, would each of you please meditate on your personal
needs and desires.
G) Induction of Receptivity : (Litany of the Waters)
[D1 can be Guardian of Fire, D2 can be the Group response. If the
group doesn't know the responses one of the other guardians
should lead them into them]
D1: Of what does the Earth-Mother give, that we may know of the
continual flow and renewal of life?
D2: The waters of Life.
D1: From whence do these waters flow?
D2: From the bosom of the Earth-Mother, the ever changing
D1: And how do we honor this gift that causes life?
D2: By partaking of the waters of life.
D1: Has the Earth-Mother given forth her bounty?
D2: She has
D1: Then give me the waters!
Final consecration and sharing: A fourth cup is consecrated.
O Belemos, O Danu, hear us and answer us! Hallow these waters! We
your children have praised you, and now we ask from you healing,
blessing, power and inspiration...Behold the waters of life!
{Passing chant: "Ku-Wa-Te"}
III. The Work of The Circle
A) The Magic Working:
Tonight we pray for the prosperity of all those here. May our
fortunes increase, may the Goddess and God smail on our endeavors
and bring us good luck in all that we do.
We ask that you bless these small tokens of our wishes, and grant
us the success that we ask for.
{Here a small basket with a crystal and appropriate symbols of
general prosperity were passed around so that all might add
energy to it}
B) Affirmation of Success:
D1: Belemos and Danu have Blessed us!
D2: Every time we invoke them, they become stronger and more
alert to the needs of their people.
D1: With joy in our hearts let us return to the realm of mortals
to do the will of the Gods and our own.
D2: Yet, before we leave, we must give thanks to those whome we
have invited here today.
IV. Closing:
A) Thanking and closing of the Quaters:
We thank you, Brother Wabun, Golden Eagle of the East.
You have watched over us this night, and shared with us your
Your keen vision has shown us the ostacles before us.
We ask you, go in peace, as you came in peace. So we may walk
together again.
We thank you, Brother Shawnodese, Guardian of the South, great
Once again your lessons have helped us, and shown us the truth in
We ask you, go in peace, as you came in peace, So we may walk
together again.
We thank you, Waboose, White Buffalo of the North.
You have graced us with your company, and walked with us this
You have helped us see the wisdom that surrounds us.
We ask you, go in peace, as you came in peace. So we may walk
together again.
We thank you Brother Mudjekeewis, Great Bear of the West.
You have shown us your power and kept us safe in our journey to
We ask you, go in peace, as you came in peace, so we may walk
together again.
B) Thanking of the Gods and Goddess
Gods and Goddesses of the old times, spirits of the old times and
of this place, people of the old times and of our ancestors, our
kindred we thank you.
C) Closing the Gate:
Gate Keeper of Fire :
O Ogma, Lord of the Gates, Lord of KNowledge, we thank you.
O Mhannon, we thank you. Now let the Gates between the Worlds be
D) Return from the group-mind, grounding and centering.
Reverse the Tree Meditation.
Relaxing of the Grove's Wards.
D1: To thee we retrun this portion of thy bounty, O Danu our
Mother, even as we must someday return unto thee.
D2: We have finished this ceremony
D1: So be it!
ALL: Biodh se!
Ku-Wa-Te Lay-no Lay-no Ma-ho-te
Hi-ano, Hi-ano, Hi-ano
Ku-Wa-Te Lay-no Ma-ho-te
Hi-ano, Hi-ano, Hi-ano
We are one with the infinate sun
Forever, Forever, Forever
We are one with the Infinate Sun
Forever, Forever, Forever.
{Mother Nature Waits}
Mother Earth provides
Motehr Earth Provides
Mother Earth Provides all for us to survive
Mother Earth Provides
Mother Nature Waits
Mother Nature Waits
Because life never ends, she always begins again
Mother Nature waits.
{Hoof and Horn}
Hoof and horn, Hoof and horn
All that dies shall be reborn.
Corn and Grain, corn and grain
All that falls shall rise again.
{Blood of the Ancients}
It's the blood of the Ancients
That runs through our veins
And the forms pass,
But the Circle of life remains.
{Fur and Feather}
Fur and Feather and scale and skin
Different without but the same within
Great of body but one of soul
Through all creatures are the Gods made Whole
{Mother I feel You}
Mother I feel you under my feet
Mother I feel your heart beat
Mother I feel your heart beat
Father I see you where the eagle flies
Spirit gonna carry me higher and higher
Spirit gonna carry me higher and higher